9:02 AM 2/18/2021 - McConnell's plan to deal with Donald Trump: Ignore him
9:02 AM 2/18/2021 - McConnell's plan to deal with Donald Trump: Ignore him
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's plan to deal with Donald Trump: Ignore him cnn.it/37sIWMO pic.twitter.com/mHWV6CcHHr

mikenov on Twitter: PBS NewsHour full episode, Feb. 17, 2021 youtu.be/sTfHKAle5I0 via @YouTube
Grand jury upgrades charges for man seen chasing officer Eugene Goodman hill.cm/zpWYulv pic.twitter.com/Ug4W1BZPDN

234 likes, 43 retweets
CNN says it reinstated a ban on Chris Cuomo covering his brother, Gov. Cuomo trib.al/QI2qo3e pic.twitter.com/6mu18yzNLP

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Military not "yet" requiring mandatory COVID vaccine, even among those headed for deployment newsweek.com/military-not-y…

22 likes, 13 retweets
Oh no, someone cancelled University ‘cancel culture’
It’s ironic that the ‘free speech’ culture warrior academics who claim that it’s ‘all about the data’ have a track record of overlooking data that shows up their conservative authoritarianism for what it is twitter.com/nicolawoolcock…
A review of 10,000 speaker events found that six had been cancelled: four lacked the required paperwork, one was a fraudster recruiting for a pyramid scheme and the other was Jeremy Corbyn, whose rally was simply moved to a larger venue off-campus.
1674 likes, 1001 retweets

Hollywood celebrities openly celebrate death of Rush Limbaugh on Twitter trib.al/T7YOIlv

21 likes, 12 retweets
"This is a huge decline," said a CDC official. "You have to go back to World War II, the 1940s, to find a decline like this." stripes.com/news/us/us-lif…

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Texas hospitals are running out of water. Some are evacuating patients for safety. wapo.st/3qvRk5G

558 likes, 340 retweets
.@JoyAnnReid: Rush Limbaugh hardened ‘rural white listeners and weaponized white male grievance.’

638 likes, 168 retweets
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's plan to deal with Donald Trump: Ignore him cnn.it/37sIWMO pic.twitter.com/mHWV6CcHHr

276 likes, 59 retweets

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