
Showing posts from November 29, 2023

The Dagestan Riot was instigated by the Azerbaijan KGB: "Look at how we treat our (Mountain) Jews ("Tats"), and how they, "the Russian-Dagestani Azerbaijanis" do!

  People in Moscow attending a solidarity service on 15 October for the Israeli victims of the Hamas attacks.  Photograph: Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP -  https:// 04/russian-jews-fear-israel-hamas-war-awakening-sleeping-antisemitism … Michael Novakhov @mikenov The Dagestan Riot was instigated by the Azerbaijan KGB: "Look at how we treat our (Mountain) Jews ("Tats"), and how they, "the Russian-Dagestani Azerbaijanis" do! https:// agestan+Riot+was+instigated+by+the+Azerbaijan+KGB%3A+%22Look+at+how+we+treat+our+Jews+(%22Tats%22)%2C+and+how+they%2C+%22the+Russian+Azerbaijanis%22+do!&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&oq=The+Dagestan+Riot+was+instigated+by+the+Azerbaijan+KGB%3A+%22Look+at+how+we+treat+our+Jews+(%22Tats%22)%2C+and+how+they%2C+%22the+Russian+Azerbaijanis%22+do!&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRhAMgYIAhBFGEDSAQoyMzgzNzNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 … After Kolokoltsev...

#FBI: Nothing fills me with more disgust and revulsion than the FBI=KGB. Norman Mailer called them "a church for the real mediocre". It is more than that. Most of them are envious, vicious, and low. They wallow in their lowness. This is their philosophy of human nature. They turned America into the Secret Police State, while being utterly unable to deal with the security issues. They have to be studied, investigated and eventually dismantled and destroyed. They are the big problem, not a solution. They are the real threat to America!

Search inside image envy......danger! Visit - Michael Novakhov @mikenov #FBI Nothing fills me with more disgust and revulsion than the FBI=KGB. Norman Mailer called them "a church for the real mediocre". It is more than that. Most of them are envious, vicious, and low. They wallow in their lowness. This is their philosophy of human nature. They turned America into the Secret Police State, while being utterly unable to deal with the security issues. They have to be studied, investigated and eventually dismantled and destroyed. They are the big problem, not a solution. They are the real threat to America! Last edited 6:12 AM · Nov 29, 2023 · 2 Views Search inside image Top 82 Most Meaningful Quotes on Jealousy (ENVY) Visit