Did Putin, Zolotov, Russian Mob, Oligarchs start the Pandemic?
Did Putin, Zolotov, Russian Mob, Oligarchs start the Pandemic? Post Link Did Putin, via his henchman Zolotov and his agents which are spread worldwide and well integrated with TOC - Russian Mob, and the Oligarchs start the "Covid-19" Pandemic, to conquer the World for the New Abwehr, and by their long term operational designs? The events of the past several years are marked by the stylistic, patterns forming continuity: Crimea, Ukraine wars, Elections 2016, Trump, Pandemic, Capitol Riot, etc. INVESTIGATE!!! Link: How Putin's Oligarchs Got Inside the Trump Team | TIME Tweets by @mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov Did Putin, Zolotov, Russian Mob, Oligarchs start the Pandemic? - Google Search https:// shar.es/aWnSOr https://www. wsj.com/articles/u-s-t argets-russian-oligarchs-in-new-sanctions-1523018826 … U.S. Targets Allies of Putin in Latest Round of Sanctions The Trump administration levied sanctions against more than three-dozen Russi...