
Showing posts from January 22, 2024

The Middle East needs the historical, comprehensive, stable Abrahamic Peace Treaty, not some Potemkin accords

Search inside image Why Has Biden Stopped Pushing for Arab-Israeli Peace? Visit  The Middle East needs the historical, comprehensive, stable Abrahamic Peace Treaty, not some Potemkin accords The so called and much ballyhooed " abrahamic accords "  did not bring peace to the Middle East, as it was advertised by Trump, the new Fuhrer, and his New Abwehr's Chief Money Manager, Jared Kushner. It became just an empty sound, and maybe a promise.  Saudis are quite consistent and logical, pledging to resume the process after the Gaza war.   US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in a tent in the Saudi oasis town of Al Ula, on January 8, 2024. (Saudi Press Agency) " Saudi Arabia is still interested in pursuing a normalization deal with Israel after its war against Hamas in Gaza ends, an envoy from the Gulf nation said Tuesday."  The Middle East needs the historical Abrahamic Peace Treaty, the foundation of which will be, as

Establish bi-ethnic or multi-ethnic Israel with equal rights for all! Establish bi-ethnic or multi-ethnic Israel with equal rights for all! #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Mossad #Netanyahu #Putin #Russia #GRU #Ukraine #SouthCaucasus #NewAbwehr #Bloggers … — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) January 22, 2024 - Strong state for all and protecting all, the star and beacon of the Middle East, the model for the World. All religions can coexist peacefully and in harmony. This will be the true security. Arabs will make good citizens and good soldiers. Bedouins defended Israel in October 7 Attack! https:// ins+defended+israel+in+October+7+Attack&newwindow=1&sca_esv=600400644&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&sxsrf=ACQVn08UiDJZ3W5G4f7H6aPiYKXS7OT47Q%3A1705928491879&ei=K2euZdT6NJefptQPyoSQ6AQ&ved=0ahUKEwiUvJTuhvGDAxWXj4kEHUoCBE0Q4dUDCBA&oq=Bedouins+defended+israel+in+October+7+Attack&gs_

Operation Trump: The New Abwehr - Mossad Hypothesis - Selected Articles Review

  Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times Operation Trump: The New Abwehr - Mossad Hypothesis Search inside imageTrump and Netanyahu -- a match made in heaven? | The Times of IsraelVisitOperation Trump: The New Abwehr - Mossad Hypothesis Related Links: The FBI “ruins people’s lives” routinely … Charles McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016The Psychoanalysis of Intelligence Operations and the Psychohistory of Abwehr: The case of Anthony Weiner,... posted 3d ago by  Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova)   via   The News And Times   TNT - The News And Times Blog By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) - - Latest 20 Posts In Brief  TNT - The News And Times Blog By Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) - I say: Netanyahu, you are a brazen, psychopathic LIAR! You installed Trump in 2016, and now you want your encore. It will not happen. You brought the October 7 Attack upon Israel. RESIGN! NOW! Selected