
Showing posts with the label Trump shooting scene

Audio and video of Trump shooting scene: Note that Trump started to reach out to touch his ear after the first shot, and he did not look in pain, more in puzzlement. After touching his ear, his right hand on this video does not show blood at initial moments.

  Audio and video of Trump shooting scene GS - YT - Post Link   Note that Trump started to reach out to touch his ear after the first shot, and he did not look in pain, more in puzzlement. After touching his ear, his right hand on this video does not show blood at initial moments. It is possible that the first gunshot was a signal on which the paintball marker fired, merging its sound with the sound of the second gunshot. Trump ducked down into safety.  The third gunshot sound, then a brief pause, after which a volley of five shots are heard, in rapid succession, probably  the  indiscriminate firing into the crowd.  The Ninth Shot remains, in my opinion, a mystery,  despite the explanations. It might be this shot that killed the gunman, since the "one in million chance" of SS weapon doing it is extremely unlikely, just like the practically nonexistent chances of the AR-15 hit of the Trump's ear without producing any visible signs of the gunshot wound, except supposedly