
Showing posts with the label Lesin's murder

"Ах огурчики да помидорчики, Гусинский Лесина убил в коридорчике." #FBI: INVESTIGATE!!!

"Ах огурчики да помидорчики, Гусинский Лесина убил в коридорчике." #FBI : INVESTIGATE!!! Attention, Mr. Wray & #FBI : INVESTIGATE!!! In the unsolved mafia-style murder of Lesin, Gusinsky is the prime suspect. Motive: REVENGE: #Lesin took his media empire. — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) August 19, 2021 "Ах огурчики да помидорчики,  Гусинский Лесина убил в коридорчике ..."  Attention, Mr. Wray &  #FBI:  INVESTIGATE!!!  In the unsolved mafia-style murder of Lesin,  Gusinsky is the prime suspect.  Motive: REVENGE: #Lesin took his media empire.  It is possible that Gusinsky was able to suppress this line of the investigation: m afiosi #Gusinsky has "very special ties" with the FBI.  INVESTIGATE!!! INVESTIGATE!!!  Why now? Any time is good to dig into the (high profile) suspicious and unsolved murders.  And the time to destroy the stinking monster of the Russian Mafia is NOW!...