Michael Novakhov: Cold War 2: The newly adaptive STRATEGY on the part of the Russian Security Services. Comments to the article | How to cooperate With Russia's Security Agencies when you can't tell the cops from the robbers? - By Andrei Soldatov - The Moscow Times
Cold War 2: The newly adaptive STRATEGY on the part of the Russian Security Services. Comments to the article By Michael Novakhov | 9:33 AM 5/14/2021 - Post Link The issue might be a bit deeper. The events of about past ten years , coinciding and probably resulting from the Putin's third Presidential term , are marked by the STRATEGIC change of the attitudes and interactions with the "West", returning pretty much to the previous confrontational model of relations in the Soviet times. The causal factors of this change are not entirely clear yet, and they might have a lot to do with Putin's own personal perceptions, emotions, and decisions. At the root of this change in Putin's personal outlook may be the circumstances of the hypothetical (unproven and unpublicized, but appearing evident to me) poisoning with Dioxin in 2010 (with the KUSHCHEVSKAYA massacre as the hypothetical retaliation for it by Putin's special forces, in my opinion ), which led to