
Showing posts from January 23, 2024

Regarding McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What happened between September 21, 2016, when the article about the A. Weiner's sexting affair was published, and October 28, 2016, when Comey sent his famous (or infamous) Letter to Congress? The copy of the Clinton's emails, previously leaked, was inserted into the Weiner - Abedin laptop. By whom? Possibly by Charles McGonigal

Search inside image The FBI's McGonigal Labyrinth Visit Regarding McGonigal and the October Surprise 2016 - Hypothesis: What happened between September 21, 2016, when the article about the A. Weiner's sexting affair was published, and October 28, 2016, when Comey sent his famous (or infamous) Letter to Congress? The copy of the Clinton's emails, previously leaked, was inserted into the Weiner - Abedin laptop. By whom? Possibly by Charles McGonigal, who was appointed as the head of the NY Counterintelligence on October 4, 2016, and was supposed to start his duties by the late October, 2016. In his new capacity and during this transition period (September - October 2016) he had the unique access to the laptop (in addition to his cozy relationship with the NYPD), and he could hypothetically transfer these emails, available to him, from a flash drive in a very short period of time.  And all this happened after the Trump - Netanyahu bargaining session of September 25, 2016, app...