
Showing posts from August 4, 2024

The Red Paintballs with Love; from Russia, Israel, or both - at the Butler Trump Farm Show, PA!

Search inside image July 13, 2024, coverage of the Trump assassination attempt | CNN Politics Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More The Red Paintballs , with Love; from Russia, Israel, or both - at the Butler Trump Farm Show, PA !  If Trump's ear was hit with the paintball imitating blood, it was very high quality one, the professional military grade, probably specially produced; it is noticeable. This means the likely involvement of the Intelligence Services, and the similarly high level of preparations for the whole show. - Butler Farm Show – It began with a plow and grew into a family tradition. Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More - Selected Articles - The News And Times Red Paintballs Red's a primary colour, and is seen everywhere, so why don't you see more red paintball fill? The obvious answer is that it resembles (to varying degrees) that other red liquid, blood. In the end, commercial paintball largely frowns upon this comparison, a

Differentiation of blood spatter from paintball substance by appearance on crime scene photographs

Differentiation of blood spatter from paintball substance by appearance on crime scene photographs Search inside image The physics of blood spatter – Physics World Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More - Descriptive qualitative analysis, in the absence of tools for the quantitative analysis at this time The stain on Trump's ear appears to be brighter, thicker, and with wider, glossier streaks than the random comparison photo. Trump's spatter looks like the blood is not absorbed easily by the underlying skin, possibly due to their different physical characteristics. - https:// /1819059166347977069 … - Quote Michael Novakhov @mikenov · Aug 1 blood on the face - Google Search https:// ow=1&sca_esv=e4dd71f640266e19&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ70fQjT8b3it8OuQtm_920cl376g:1722540304405&q=blood+on+the+face&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0CgxwOFjiKYHNCRHSK3fdWj5Bfhn0qfSojWNk3sUgIBYunT