Tweets - 1.2.22
Tweets by @mikenov Michael Novakhov Retweeted The Hill ✔ @thehill Jan. 6 panel chair says "significant testimony" shows White House "had been told to do something" http:// 12 m Michael Novakhov @mikenov COVID-19 cases spike in Puerto Rico despite widespread vaccination https:// tional/587935-covid-cases-spike-in-puerto-rico-despite-widespread-vaccination … COVID cases spike in Puerto Rico despite widespread vaccination After a super-spreader concert and gatherings throughout the holiday season, a surge of COVID-19 infections overwhelmed Puerto Rico despite a successful vaccination campaign in the U.S. territory. 11 m Michael Novakhov Retweeted HistoryForce @ForceHistory Japanese nurse dressed in black during the Russo-Japanese War, hand-colored postcard, c. 1905 # history # interesting # historymatters # historical 2 h Michael Novakhov @mikenov Selected Articles Review: Omicron is spre