Manafort used and perfected his Third World Election Algorithms in Africa, where Prigozhin used and trained his murderous troops, the "musicians", called the Wagner Group, an allusion to Hitler's favorite composer. The view of the United States as the Third World country, destined to fall was very common sentiment and almost official doctrine in the KGB - GRU circles; more of the rage than analysis, however. Did they try to prove this theory of America as the Third World country with the staged mass killings, as one of their intimidation tools?
Michael Novakhov @mikenov #FBI FBI #Manafort , #Deripaska , #Prigozhin , #WagnerGroup , #Election2016 , #MassKillings #KGB #GRU Manafort used and perfected his Third World Election Algorithms in Africa, http:// ort+used+and+perfected+his+Third+World+Election+Algorithms+in+Africa&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&oq=Manafort+used+and+perfected+his+Third+World+Election+Algorithms+in+Africa&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDE4OTNqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 … where Prigozhin used and trained his murderous troops, the "musicians", called the Wagner Group, an allusion to Hitler's favorite composer. The view of the United States as the Third World country, destined to fall was very common sentiment and almost official doctrine in the KGB - GRU circles; more of the rage than analysis, however. Did they try to prove this theory of America as the Third World country with the staged mass killings, as one of their intimidation too