
Showing posts from April 3, 2023

Saved Web Pages - Daily Report at 9 p.m. - What is Russia's Theory of Victory in Ukraine? - Modern War Institute

  Saved Web Pages - Daily Report at 9 p.m. created by Michael Novakhov  •   Apr 03 2023 ...

Tweets Review at 5 p.m. My Opinion: The strange (or not so strange) "symmetric dichotomy": WSJ...

  Tweets Review at 5 p.m. created by Michael Novakhov  •   Apr 03 2023 ...

My Opinion: The strange (or not so strange) "symmetric dichotomy": WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich, anti-Wagner, arrested. "Voencor" ("Military") blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, pro-Wagner, killed elegantly, the Oscar award ceremony style. My #Opinion: The duality and the elegant mortal artistism point to the GRU, the Russian Military Intelligence, in their attempt to end this Wagnerian bacchanalia and to bring the controversial discussion under their ideological control. They want to limit the press coverage of the war, to manage the coming defeat without the excess of drama, it looks like.

The strange (or not so strange) "symmetric dichotomy": WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich, anti-Wagner, arrested GS: VS "Voencor" ("Military") blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, pro-Wagner, killed elegantly, the Oscar award ceremony style. My #Opinion : The… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 3, 2023 - The strange (or not so strange) "symmetric dichotomy": WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich, anti-Wagner, arrested GS: https:// gershkovich&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&sxsrf=APwXEdcSDdNxs8qaqHi5cyRqdbs0csp-NA%3A1680550914551&ei=AiwrZImxIdukptQP0IKuuAs&oq=WSJ+journalist+Evan&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQARgAMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADMgoIABBHENYEELADSgQIQRgAUABYAGD-M2gBcAF4AIABAIgBAJIBAJgBAMgBCMABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp … VS "Voencor" ("Military...

My Opinion - My #Opinion: #NSO #Pegasus #FBI | Was this SPYWARE used in 2016 US Presidential campaign by the pro-Trump forces? The Counterintelligence risks of using Israeli NSO Pegasus and similar software: "they might contain back doors ..." NYTimes, TELL THE TRUTH! FBI spied on all politicians in general, and on Puerto Rico politicians in particular with this Israeli software, until it was ordered to stop. | A Front Company and a Fake Identity: How the U.S. Came to Use Spyware It Was Trying to Kill. – NYTimes

#NSO #Pegasus #FBI The Counterintelligence risks of using Israeli NSO Pegasus and similar software: "they might contain back doors that would allow Mossad or other Israeli intelligence services to gain access to American secrets if the tools were used on U.S. government… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 3, 2023 NYTimes, TELL THE TRUTH! FBI spies on all politicians in general, and on Puerto Rico politicians in particular with this Israeli software! #FBI #spies on #PuertoRico #politicians Wanda Vazquez #WandaVazquez Ricardo Rosselló #RicardoRosselló Telegramgate #Telegramgate Spyware… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 3, 2023 A Front Company and a Fake Identity: How the U.S. Came to Use Spyware It Was Trying to Kill. – NYTimes - The World Web Times - The News And Times — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 3, 2023 Was this SPYWARE used in 2016 US Presidential...