I believe more and more that one of the central secret agreements of the Non-Aggression Pact was the joint work on assassination of Trotsky. - 6:30 AM 12/26/2021

I believe more and more that one of the central secret agreements of the Non-aggression Pact was the joint work on assassination of Trotsky. NKVD alone did not dare or was blocked from this. Abwehr bashed him over the head, literally on Stalin's wishes and instructions. The need to kill Trotsky was equally and extremely important for both. FDR abstained, because Trotsky refused to back him up in Elections. Churchill also played his role, very likely. Stalin, rather than Trotsky was the lesser of these two evils for all these three parties: Germany, UK, and the US. - #Stalin #WW2 #Trotsky assassination and non-aggression pact - GS https://t.co/gmdXnJENZO I believe more & more that one of the central secret agreements of the Non-aggression Pact was the joint work on assassination of Trotsky. NKVD alone did not dare or was blocked from this. pic.twitter.com/MzcT5y9zsD — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 26, 2021 - Post Link | Google...