
Showing posts from July 16, 2024

Butler Show incident: map with the locations of the injured persons: Were the gunshots fired from behind Trump, from the location where the Secret Service Snipers were placed?

Comments to this map: the two locations of the injured people are more accessible from the locations of the Secret Service Snipers behind them on the roof than from the farther away location of the presumed gunman. It looks from the NYT photo  that object that hit Trump's right ear was coming from behind him, and not from the right side.  Trump was surrounded by people on the stage, and the bullet coming from the right side would more likely hit them first, rather than the two injured persons on the right part of the map.  The input from the ballistic specialists would be valuable.  Main thought which has to be explored: Were the gunshots fired from behind Trump, from the location where the  Secret Service Snipers were placed? Were the injured people affected by these shots?  This is the whole new turn. The inevitable companion question, unpleasant but mandatory is: Were there any malevolent actors who made their way into the  Secret Service detail guarding Trump?  All together, 8

Trump covered up his intact Rightist Ear with massive bandage, to look like a war hero!

Search inside image Trump Back Out in Public and Wearing a Massive Bandage Over Ear - Business Insider Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More Trump covered up his intact Rightist Ear with Bandage, to look like a war hero! - GS - Trump covered up his intact Rightist Ear with Bandage, to look like a war hero! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин , #Россия … — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 16, 2024 -