
Showing posts from January 3, 2024

11:55 AM 1/3/2024 - Tweets Review: PUTIN, INVESTIGATE THE #ROC FOR #SABOTAGE!!! Now I understand why these planes fall off the sky one after another, like dead birds. Pop Gundyay, a.k.a. Patri-Archi-Prokhindey Kirill Gundyayev, puts the wrong stuff on them, Zi ANTI-Voodoo Hex Special, from NATO Bargain Basement Sale. His little cheap MATERIALISTIC soul could not resist saving a couple of kopeks. Talking about the effects of sanctions ...

  Search inside image Russian Patriarch Kirill complains about migrants who don't speak Russian | Ukrainska Pravda  Visit Michael Novakhov @mikenov PUTIN, INVESTIGATE THE #ROC FOR #SABOTAGE !!! Now I understand why these planes fall off the sky one after another, like dead birds. Pop Gundyay, a.k.a. Patri-Archi-Prokhindey Kirill Gundyayev, puts the wrong stuff on them, Zi ANTI-Voodoo Hex Special, from NATO Bargain Basement Sale. His little cheap MATERIALISTIC soul could not resist saving a couple of kopeks. Talking about the effects of sanctions ... - ROC Moscow Patriarchate priests are seen putting the anti-Patriot voodoo hex on some Russian SU-30's - GI https:// ow=1&sca_esv=595377149&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&sxsrf=AM9HkKnch1Itu7yIr0FsWn15aUZ4I7lq_g:1704297113682&q=ROC+Moscow+Patriarchate+priests+are+seen+putting+the+anti-Patriot+voodoo+hex+on+some+Russian+SU-30%27s&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwirv7XAycGD