Durov's arrest is the Russian move ... - My Opinion In Tweets
Russia Warns France Against Political Moves in Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Case The Russian government has warned France that pursuing criminal charges against Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, could be considered “political persecution.” Durov, a Russian-born French citizen, was detained in Paris for allegedly failing to control illegal content on the messaging platform. He was released on bail but must stay in France and report regularly to the police. Russia Issues Warning to France Over Telegram Founder’s Arrest The Russian government has issued a stark warning to France, urging it to avoid turning the legal case against Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, into a matter of “political persecution.” Amid its ongoing crackdown on political dissent, Russia has characterized Durov’s unexpected detention in Paris as potentially politically driven. Durov, who holds both Russian and French citizenship, faces charges from French authorities for not properly managing extremist content on ...