Comrade Putin, his Politburo, and the Big Ukraine Crisis: Uncle Joe Jr., our little Comrade Stalin wantz hiz NONAGGRESSION PACT! First time as tragedy, second as farce. | "Amid Ukraine invasion fears, Putin says West must give NATO guarantees".
Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952. And less than a year later, the leader of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin died at a dacha near Moscow. Comrade Putin, his Politburo, and the Big Ukraine Crisis | Post Link | Google Search Uncle Joe Jr., our little Comrade Stalin wantz hiz NONAGGRESSION PACT! First time as tragedy, second as farce. " Amid Ukraine invasion fears, Putin says West must give NATO guarantees ". "Repetition compulsion, acting out" - you put these and other appropriate labels on ziz adolescent psychopath who wants so badly to look and act like a Czar or a Gensec. Volodya-boy, get the broader perspectives, find the new paradigm, establish the new, more viable and more natural alliances, e.g. NATO. Stop your half-blackmail cum half-paranoia which you practice for the entirely political purposes of the self-promotion and for your own political and personal survival. He gave his people the valuable warning about their National Se...