Comrade Putin, his Politburo, and the Big Ukraine Crisis: Uncle Joe Jr., our little Comrade Stalin wantz hiz NONAGGRESSION PACT! First time as tragedy, second as farce. | "Amid Ukraine invasion fears, Putin says West must give NATO guarantees".

Vladimir Putin was born on October 7, 1952. And less than a year later, the leader of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin died at a dacha near Moscow.

Comrade Putin, his Politburo, and the Big Ukraine Crisis | Post Link | Google Search 

Uncle Joe Jr., our little Comrade Stalin wantz hiz NONAGGRESSION PACT! First time as tragedy, second as farce. "Amid Ukraine invasion fears, Putin says West must give NATO guarantees". 

"Repetition compulsion, acting out" - you put these and other appropriate labels on ziz adolescent psychopath who wants so badly to look and act like a Czar or a Gensec. 

Volodya-boy, get the broader perspectives, find the new paradigm, establish the new, more viable and more natural alliances, e.g. NATO. 

Stop your half-blackmail cum half-paranoia which you practice for the entirely political purposes of the self-promotion and for your own political and personal survival. 

He gave his people the valuable warning about their National Security: Watch NATO! 

Volodya, ziz iz 2021, not 1951! 

You and your advisers in these matters think and act out those Stalinist stereotypes because you do not know and did not practice any other, and it feels safer to beat the same path. But most of all because these stereotypes suit you at the moment. 

You all, Putin and his Politburo are the MASTER OPPORTUNISTS, after all. 

The “perspectives of the Russia’s National Security”  are rooted in Russia's European Christian Identity, although “confused” and problematic at times, her History and Culture, extending naturally and logically into the MILITARY ALLIANCE with the West, which is NATO. 

The alliance of Russia with NATO is also the pragmatic one: “you cannot beat them, join them”, even if in the undefined future. Begin this inevitable process; for the start, leave Ukraine and others unmolested, as hard as it might feel to you, Mr. Putin.

Michael Novakhov | 12.23.21

Putin says Western diplomatic boycott of Olympics is a mistake  Reuters
Putin Accuses NATO Of "Cheating" By Moving Eastwards And Wants Security Guarantees From The West
Real Anti-Corruption Reform Requires a Role for Civil Society  Just Security
President Putin demands answers from Nato over Ukraine  The Times
Russian troops near Ukraine's borders: NATO raising readiness of Response Force - Welt  Ukrinform. Ukraine and world news
Amid Ukraine invasion fears, Putin says West must give NATO guarantees  ABC News
'It's not us who threaten anyone': Putin urges NATO pledges  Las Vegas Sun
Putin says today it’s nearly impossible to build good-neighborly relations with Ukraine  TASS
Putin says US needs to realize it won’t contain China’s development  TASS
Putin thanks Kazakh leadership for supporting Russian language  TASS
Путин объяснил присвоение звания главе иркутского УФСИН  РИА НОВОСТИ
Путин ответил Би-би-си о Навальном, иноагентах и власти в одних руках. Видео  Би-би-си Русская служба
Путин рассказал о дефиците в здравоохранении во время пандемии  РИА НОВОСТИ
Путин сравнил уровень интеграции России с Белоруссией и Евросоюза  РИА НОВОСТИ
Путин раскрыл главные направления развития Союзного государства
Россия хочет добрососедских отношений с Украиной, заявил Путин  РИА НОВОСТИ
Путин заявил, что хайп не должен быть злым  РИА НОВОСТИ
Путин призвал искать противоядие от нетрадиционных ценностей  РИА НОВОСТИ
Путин рассказал, как надо бороться с 'мракобесием' Запада  РИА НОВОСТИ
Putin urges West to act quickly to offer security guarantees – Nation & World News  WUFT


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