1:38 PM 10/6/2020 - Major hurricane brews in Gulf of Mexico, threatens Louisiana, Florida | Hopes of a ceasefire fading in Nagorno-Karabakh amid flare-up of violence

1:38 PM 10/6/2020Major hurricane brews in Gulf of Mexico, threatens Louisiana, Florida

Hopes of a ceasefire fading in Nagorno-Karabakh amid flare-up of violence

A Harvard professor has claimed, without providing a single shred of evidence, that Russian intelligence agents were able to gain access to Walter Reed hospital where President Trump recovered from coronavirus over the weekend.

New Mexico Democrat Starred in Pornos

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Нагорный Карабах: новое наступление
Snorkeling in Puerto Rico
Trumps covid-19 diagnosis gives him one last chance to reset his campaign
Суд оправдал нового премьера Киргизии, сидевшего за захват заложника
Россия Армения: экономическая игра в одни ворота
ОЗХО подтвердила отравление Навального "Новичком"
Major hurricane brews in Gulf of Mexico, threatens Louisiana, Florida
Powell Urges More Stimulus From Congress, Citing Strong But Incomplete Recovery
Trump says feeling great, looking forward to next presidential debate
Спасительные дожди могут прийти в Крым уже к выходным
Trump FEELING GREAT after leaving hospital & 'looking forward' to second debate
Harvard CNN Analyst Claims "Russian Agents" Were Inside Walter Reed Hospital With Trump
Россия раскрыла планы относительно «Северного потока-2»
Эксперт по химоружию: Посмотрел на Алексея Навального - точно не «Новичок»
Hopes of a ceasefire fading in Nagorno-Karabakh amid flare-up of violence
Hopes of a ceasefire fading in Nagorno-Karabakh amid flare-up of violence
Haredim in Beit Shemesh caught pelting soldier's car, bus with stones
"The People Captured Power Themselves: Kyrgyzstan Cleans Up After Night of Chaos
Man in pants confronts police in street with two-foot-long machete
New Mexico Democrat Starred in Pornos
11:05 AM 10/6/2020 - Audio and Video Review: Brennan: Health Crisis Could Lead To National Security Issues
NewsOnABC's YouTube Videos: How the LGBTQI+ community hijacked #ProudBoys | The World
AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos: AP Top Stories October 6 A
france24english's YouTube Videos: Residents flee Azerbaijani town of Tartar as Nagorno-Karabakh conflict escalates
msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Trump Returns To WH, Says To Not Be Afraid Of Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

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Нагорный Карабах: новое наступление

From: euronewsru
Duration: 01:10

Азербайджан начал новое наступление в Нагорном Карабахе. Стороны обвиняют друг друга в обстреле гражданских объектов, от которых гибнут мирные жители.

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Snorkeling in Puerto Rico

Due to its location in the Caribbean, Puerto Rico combines the rain forests of Central America with the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean, making it a wonderful vacation destination. Its also home to a number of islands off the coast that are world-renowned. Many of these are known as fantastic snorkeling spots. Snorkel over reefs with beautiful fans, brain coral, and gorgonian coral forests.  Swim along schools of angel fish, parrot fish, the beautiful hawksbill turtles, and much more.

Here are just some of the beautiful places you can snorkel & enjoy the wonderful experience they have to offer.

puerto rico snorkelilng

La Chiva Beach Blue Beach Vieques, Puerto Rico

Well list it at the top of the list, here you can snorkel right off the beach along the length of the beach.  The beach is shallow and its a great place for families to snorkel together.  Even at some spots around the edge of the shore, small children can sit on the water and watch schools of fish swimming around.   The best snorkeling spot is at the end of the road where you can get easy access to La Chiva, a small island with surrounding waters full of life and a long reef that extends across the beach.  The waters are shallow, you can easily float and swim with the current depending on the wind conditions.

We have seen people make the mistake of walking on the shallow waters in order to get into the water without paying attention to where theyre stepping.  What appears to just be seagrass, may actually be young coral growing underneath and around, which is easily destroyed when stepped on.  You also risk stepping on sea urchins, please swim out, its an easy 7-10 minute swim to the reef and youll be protecting this delicate natural treasure.

Cayo Aurora (Gilligans Island)

The popular snorkel spots in Puerto Rico are not always so kind to the young enthusiasts among us. With changing ocean conditions, sometimes they can be not quite so kind to even veteran snorkelers. However, for those snorkeling with kids, Cayo Aurora, otherwise known as Gilligans Island, provides a safe and beautiful place to learn the finer points of this sport.

What makes Cayo Aurora so spectacular is that the ocean waters are as clear as your hotels pool and surrounded by lush mangroves to keep the ocean swells to a minimum. With depths of only around two feet, everyone can get up close and personal with tropical fish that are born and live here before setting off into the open ocean with adulthood.

puerto rico coral

La Parguera

Located on the southwest coast of the main island, La Parguera is a nature reserve made up of a series of mangrove islands, coral reefs, and salt marshes. Due to such a varied ecosystem, La Parguera supports an array of marine life, the likes of which snorkelers will see nowhere else in the world. The landscape attracts everything from dolphins, turtles, barracudas, and manatees as well as an abundance of tropical fish. However, due to the presence of such exciting marine life, this area gets crowded during the summer and is popular for snorkeling tours rather than just solo groups.

However, La Parguera has another secret. It is also home to one of Puerto Ricos three bioluminescent bays. During the summer, La Parguera fills up with marine plankton known as dinoflagellate that glow at night, giving the water a speckled, nights sky appearance. Whats more is that this bay is the only one of the three bioluminescent bays that allows for night-time snorkeling and swimming.

Mona Island

Mona Island is one of the more remote Puerto Rican islands on the west coast with pristine conditions for snorkeling. Often referred to as the The Galapagos of the Caribbean,” Mona Island is an ecological reserve managed by the country’s Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, located about 30 miles from Desecheo Island. The concentration of reef life includes multicolored fish, sea turtles, puffers, eels and more. Coral varieties include brain, sea fan, finger and fleshy and stony corals. Charter boats are available from a few select companies, including Tour Marine PR (tourmarinepr.com) departing from Cabo Rojo. Trips are customized, with snorkel gear and life vest provided.

Caja de Muertos

This small island is located just off the coast of Ponce is also known by its English name- Coffin Island. Dont let the name of this island scare you. The name was derived from an 18th century writer who was convinced the shape of the island looked like a body in a coffin. There is a lot of lore that surrounds the island due to the name. This means that you can have a day full of outings such as a hiking trail and a lighthouse while also enjoying snorkeling here. The island is remote so there is no equipment to rent here, though you will find healthy reefs full of fish and turtles. You can even follow the signs for the underwater trail to find the best views in this area.

undersea world

Steps Beach

This is located in Rincon, on the west coast of Puerto Rico. While this is a gorgeous beach, it is really only good for swimming in the summer months as this is when the surf is down, making the water calmer. This beach is also known as The Tres Palmas Marine Reserve. Here you will find the largest Elk Horn coral garden in the Carribbean. They also have beautiful live rocks  and live reefs you can enjoy here. There are many fish you can spot here such as Angelfish, Blue Tang, barracudas, sea turtles, and much more. According to people who come here often the best month of the year to snorkel in this location is July.


When snorkeling in Vieques keep an eye out for interesting finds, such as the Navy remnants from the time when the island was a US Navy base, as well as fan coral, brain coral and a gorgonian coral forest. Swim with the angelfish and parrot fish and maybe you will even see one of the inspiring endangered hawksbill turtles. Vieques is a snorkelers paradise, so make sure you book plenty of time on this gem of an island.

Protecting nature’s beauty

Please help us protect our reefs by never stepping on, taking away, touching or leaving trash at the beach.  We invite you to enjoy them, but we beg that you help us preserve it.  Before you step into the water, please put on your mask, and look underwater to make sure you dont step into any of the coral or sea life.

Some important Tips

  • When you are out snorkeling it is important to keep safety in mind for both you and the local environment. Here are a few things you can do to help keep safe while snorkeling:
  • Do not feed fish. They only need to eat the food they get from their natural habitat
  • To not kneel or stand on any part of the reef. Not only will this injure you, it will also damage the reef which takes years to regrow.
  • Never take a fish or reef out of its habitat. The purpose of snorkeling is to explore and see, not take. If you want a keepsake remember to bring an underwater camera so you can take pictures.
  • If you are not confident with your swimming skills, then make sure you wear a floatation device.
  • Before you start get your face into the water to determine where the sand path is so you do not accidentally step on a reef
  • If you are near a reef be careful when kicking your feet that you do not hit a reef
  • Make sure you are with someone or that someone knows where you are


These are just a few of the things to consider when looking for the best places to snorkel on your trip to Puerto Rico. If you want to make sure you find the best sites, then you should hire a guide to help you. There are several charter tours for snorkeling that you can find. These are sure to help you get the experience you are looking for.

Here at activescuba.com  we love everything about snorkeling & scuba diving as it presents a great sense of freedom while experiencing some of the amazing sites nature has to offer. We at activescuba.com want everyone to get the most out of their experience so we review equipment that you will need & help you to choose the best. While also providing useful information about this wonderful pastime.

Come and visit www.activescuba.com

The post Snorkeling in Puerto Rico first appeared on Boricua.com.

Trumps covid-19 diagnosis gives him one last chance to reset his campaign

If he handles this well, he could win over millions of reluctant voters.

Суд оправдал нового премьера Киргизии, сидевшего за захват заложника

Верховный суд Киргизии отменил приговор новому премьер-министру Садыру Жапарову, сидевшему за захват заложника, сообщает 24.kg со ссылкой на его адвоката Шарабедина Токтосунова.


Россия Армения: экономическая игра в одни ворота

Неравноценное партнерство грозит превратиться в бремя для Москвы

ОЗХО подтвердила отравление Навального "Новичком"

Организация по запрещению химического оружия (ОЗХО) подтвердила, что российский оппозиционер Алексей Навальный был отравлен химический нервно-паралитическим ядом группы "Новичок".

Major hurricane brews in Gulf of Mexico, threatens Louisiana, Florida

It was the 25th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to Nov. 30.
Powell Urges More Stimulus From Congress, Citing Strong But Incomplete Recovery

The Federal Reserve Chairman said the risks of overdoing it on economic support are low, but too little support from fiscal policy makers would cause unnecessary hardship.

Trump says feeling great, looking forward to next presidential debate

Despite bout of coronavirus, US president insists he wants to face off with Joe Biden in second round next week as planned
Спасительные дожди могут прийти в Крым уже к выходным

Ближе к концу недели крымские синоптики ожидают сильные дожди, сообщили в региональном гидрометцентре.

Trump FEELING GREAT after leaving hospital & 'looking forward' to second debate

US President Donald Trump is FEELING GREAT after leaving the hospital where he was treated for Covid-19, he announced on Twitter, adding he was looking forward to the next debate. Cue a torrent of social-media vitriol.

Predicting a great debate in Miami later this month, Trump reassured Americans he was also feeling GREAT on Tuesday morning. He was discharged from Walter Reed hospital the previous evening after spending several days inpatient being treated for Covid-19 with an experimental drug cocktail.

While many were relieved to see the president in good spirits and seemingly good health, his upbeat tweets were too much for some. Thats what Herman Cain said too, anti-Trump reply guy Mrs. Krassenstein snarked, referring to the former Republican presidential candidate who died after becoming infected with the novel coronavirus in July. Like Trump, Cain was hospitalized and received oxygen while inpatient.

Many seemed determined to argue with even a simple two-word tweet from their nemesis.

Some suggested Trump should feel worse, pointing to the more than 200,000 Americans who have died with the virus. The president has been blamed for not doing enough to control the epidemic and has been accused of playing down its impact.

Though others pointed to Trumps fortunate and speedy recovery despite multiple risk-multiplying conditions old age and obesity as proof the pandemic was not as dire a threat to world health as officials have warned.

White House physician Sean Conley confirmed Trump met or exceeded all standard hospital discharge criteria when he left the hospital Monday evening. He continues to receive treatment at the White House, including the steroid medication dexamethasone, the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir, and experimental antibody treatment as well as zinc, vitamin D, melatonin and aspirin.

While Trump has strived to reassure Americans he is in good health, his medical team revealed he received supplemental oxygen while hospitalized and suffered multiple episodes episodes over the weekend before improving under the dexmethasone treatment. However, his physician confirmed on Tuesday that he was reportingno symptoms and maintained normal oxygen levels. dexamethasone treatment.

With multiple White House staffers also testing positive, Communications Director Alyssa Farah revealed on Tuesday that extra precautions would be taken to safeguard staff who had contact with the president.

Also on rt.com
MSNBC calls Trumps White House comeback MUSSOLINI MOMENT, setting Twitter aghast

After the first presidential debate was widely viewed as a trainwreck, the Trump campaign has nonetheless rejected proposed changes to the format, including a mute button being offered to the moderator. While many wondered if the presidents Covid-19 diagnosis would preclude future debates, his tweet appeared to put that rumor to rest.

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Harvard CNN Analyst Claims "Russian Agents" Were Inside Walter Reed Hospital With Trump

Harvard CNN Analyst Claims "Russian Agents" Were Inside Walter Reed Hospital With Trump Tyler Durden Tue, 10/06/2020 - 12:47

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

A Harvard professor has claimed, without providing a single shred of evidence, that Russian intelligence agents were able to gain access to Walter Reed hospital where President Trump recovered from coronavirus over the weekend.

Juliette Kayyem, who is also a regular CNN analyst, declared that it is very likely that Russian spies were there to gather information about Trumps condition.

Kayyem, a senior lecturer in international security at Harvards Kennedy School of Government, tweeted out the bizarre proclamation along with #doctorslietoo.

Kayyem followed up with a double down tweet, asking What part of this dont you believe? as if it was a perfectly rational claim to make.

Other Twitter users responded to the batshit insanity:

Kayyems assertions on Twitter are one thing, but her sometime employer CNN has been running programming claiming that Trumps doctors and staff are all lying and hiding the severity of his condition:

This despite frequent video updates from Trump, reports about him working as normal from Walter Reed, and his discharge and return to the White House, where he stood and saluted last night before stepping back inside:

Trump urged Americans not to let this situation dominate their lives, and proclaimed that as a leader, he had to return quickly:

Россия раскрыла планы относительно «Северного потока-2»

«Газпром» раскрыл планы по поводу газопровода «Северный поток-2», российская компания изучает альтернативные варианты адаптации проекта под обновленные требования Газовой директивы ЕС. «Газпром» также заявил о желании завершить строительство «Северного потока-2» в скорейшие разумно возможные сроки.

Эксперт по химоружию: Посмотрел на Алексея Навального - точно не «Новичок»

Специалист считает, что этот яд воздействует иначе

Hopes of a ceasefire fading in Nagorno-Karabakh amid flare-up of violence

Fighting between Azerbaijani and Armenian forces continued in recent days with a ceasefire seeming unlikely on Tuesday, despite calls from the international community.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu openly questioned the usefulness of a ceasefire as he visited Baku, hitting out at foreign actors: "The international community once again calls for a ceasefire. What will happen afterwards, will Armenia be led to withdraw immediately from Azerbaijani territories?"

His visit came after Paris, Moscow and Washington, mediators in the region since the 1990s, the day before described the flare-up of violence as "an unacceptable threat to the stability of the region".

The three countries chair the Minsk Group of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) which, since 1992, has aimed to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.

But Cavusoglu hit back saying: "Can you come up with a solution? No, so it's just the same calls for the last 30 years."

In a statement to Euronews, spokeswoman for Armenia's foreign affairs ministry, Anna Naghdalyan, labelled Turkey "the instigator of this large-scale violence in our region" and said it was "directly involved in planning and implementing military plans of Azerbaijan".

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The following list of co-stars who couldn't stay civil with the other bajillionaires on the set of some of the world's biggest movies proves that nice guys definitely finish last.

"Turkey is encouraging Azerbaijan not to comply with the calls of the OSCE Minsk Group co-Chairs and cease hostilities. The current visit of the Turkish Foreign Minister serves this purpose," she said.

While Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defence said in a statement that during a meeting of security services "the current situation in the counter-offensive operation was analysed and instructions were given to continue the planned, purposeful, and consistent destruction of the enemy forces.

"The Minister of Defence instructed the troops to take vital important and necessary activities in the liberated territories."

The latest flare-up of violence is one of the worst observed in recent years, with dozens on both sides killed in the fighting.

Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev said Armenia's withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh is the sole condition for a cessation of hostilities.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said that "a cease-fire can be established only if Turkey is removed from the South Caucasus."

NATO member Turkey has denied sending weapons or foreign fighters but President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said Ankara will stand by Azerbaijan until it reaches "victory".

The former Soviet states of Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a bloody war over the mountainous region of Nagorno-Karabakh in the early 1990s.

Thousands were killed on both sides. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced.

The war ended with a truce in 1994, although there has been sporadic violence since as the dispute remains unresolved.

Hopes of a ceasefire fading in Nagorno-Karabakh amid flare-up of violence

The latest flare-up of violence is one of the worst observed in recent years, with dozens on both sides killed in the fighting.
Haredim in Beit Shemesh caught pelting soldier's car, bus with stones

Police forces attempting to enforce coronavirus lockdown directives came under verbal and physical attack from residents of the ultra-Orthodox city, who called them 'Nazis' and hurled rocks, objects at law enforcement
"The People Captured Power Themselves: Kyrgyzstan Cleans Up After Night of Chaos

Authorities canceled the results of a disputed vote after protesters stormed government headquarters and clashed with riot police.
Man in pants confronts police in street with two-foot-long machete

Footage thought to have been taken this morning shows a man dressed in black underwear walking along the pavement in Palmers Green, North London, while holding the bladed weapon.

New Mexico Democrat Starred in Pornos

A Democratic state house candidate in New Mexico admitted to starring in two pornographic films in the 1980s, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported on Monday. 

While making his way as a young dancer and actor in Los Angeles and New York City, Roger Montoyaor "Joe Savage," as he was known in the porn industrystarred in Hot Male Mechanics and Spring Training. Less than one month before November's general election, Montoya admitted on his Facebook campaign page that he is "not proud" of his roles in the adult films. 

"I am not proud of that choice, as I was young and naive," Montoya said in a statement. "But those experiences helped me to understand the exploitation young people face." 

Montoya's statement comes after the Piñon Post, a small online outlet, posted an unconfirmed report on Sept. 30 that the porn star turned politician had "unprotected sex in multiple gay films." Montoya, who was a gymnast in his youth, also appeared in Nudes in Limbo, a 1983 film featuring athletes performing stunts in the nude, and performed as a back-up dancer in Breakin' 2: The Electric Boogaloo.

After leaving the acting business, Montoya became an HIV/AIDS activist and artist and has founded multiple nonprofits to help the homeless, drug addicts, and others. In 2008, he cofounded a nonprofit arts program for children called Moving Arts Española, for which he was named a CNN Hero in 2019.

Montoya is running to represent New Mexico's 40th state house district against Republican Justin Salazar-Torrez. He's won the endorsement of many of New Mexico's top Democrats, including U.S. senator Martin Heinrich and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, and Democratic groups like Planned Parenthood. 

At the end of his statement, Montoya said he would continue to fight for the "dignity" of his community and quoted a verse from the Gospel of John: "The truth will set you free."

The post New Mexico Democrat Starred in Pornos appeared first on Washington Free Beacon.

11:05 AM 10/6/2020 - Audio and Video Review: Brennan: Health Crisis Could Lead To National Security Issues


11:05 AM 10/6/2020 - Audio and Video Review

Audio and Video from Michael_Novakhov (13 sites) 
Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites): FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Pam Bondi touts Pence's accomplishments ahead of VP debate
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1. Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (23 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 10-06-2020 9AM ET
Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 10-06-2020 9AM ET
1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости: Новости - 06 октября, 2020
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NewsOnABC's YouTube Videos: How the LGBTQI+ community hijacked #ProudBoys | The World

From: NewsOnABC
Duration: 02:40

Donald Trump provoked outrage when he refused to condemn the far right group Proud Boys during the first presidential debate. But LGBTQI+ Twitter users are hitting back at the group's hateful messages by including #ProudBoys in posts containing photos and messages of love and pride. Ellijahna Victoria reports.

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 NewsOnABC's YouTube Videos
AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos: AP Top Stories October 6 A

From: AssociatedPress
Duration: 01:24

Here's the latest for Tuesday, October 6th: Trump, still infectious, back at White House; Biden aims to expand map as Trump recovers; Paris on maximum virus alert; amd 3 scientists share Nobel physics prize.

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 AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos
france24english's YouTube Videos: Residents flee Azerbaijani town of Tartar as Nagorno-Karabakh conflict escalates

From: france24english
Duration: 02:04

Residents in the Azerbaijani town of Tartar have been forced to flee their homes as fighting in the neighbouring Nagorno-Karabakh region has escalated in recent weeks. FRANCE 24 reports.

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 france24english's YouTube Videos
msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Trump Returns To WH, Says To Not Be Afraid Of Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

From: msnbcleanforward
Duration: 08:10

The president returned to the White House Monday after being treated at Walter Reed Hospital. The Morning Joe panel reacts to the choreographed return and news the WH won't contact trace from the Rose Garden event. Aired on 10/06/2020.
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Trump Returns To WH, Says To Not Be Afraid Of Coronavirus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

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CIA Director Gina Haspel: Trump's Behavior After Election Loss Was 'Insanity' | #TNT #News #Times #US #ODNI #CIA #DOJ #FBI #Psychology of #Politics, #Intelligence, & #SecurityServices The News And Times | The FBI News Review https://shar.es/aW6eFD

Intelligence Operations | Abwehr and Psychoanalysis - Tweets Review | US "Psychoanalysts", many of them German Jewish charlatans, SPIED ON THEIR PATIENTS to find out the roots of TOTALITARIANISM!

@SecondGentleman Are you behind the attempts to unseat Chris Wray of the FBI? Do you plot to rule America behind the scenes? What are your relations with the Intelligence Services, including the Mossad, KGB, BND, and the New Abwehr?#FBI #NEWS #KamalaHarris THE FBI NEWS REVIEW

Among Those Who Marched Into the Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant - The New York Times

9:12 AM 9/21/2021 - #CI (Attention, #CounterIntelligence!!!) Clearly, this is the vicious, targeted political attack on #ChrisWray, & it is orchestrated by Kamala Harris #VPHarris to control FBI #FBI. She is the agent of "#ProgressiveLeft", & also of the #NewAbwehr-#KGB, I think.

US-American psychoanalytic community began to collaborate with the US-Intelligence Community (IC) ... psychohistorical studies on Adolf Hitler... history & consequences of this rather unexpected liaison. Psychoanalytic & the U.S. Intelligence Communities: 1940–1945