"The Crimean Bridge is doomed. There will be many surprises further on," – the head of Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Maliuk stated."This is quite a legitimate target for us. According to the norms of the Geneva Convention, other international law, the current legislation…
Tweets from Michael Novakhov - TNT - The News And Times - TheNewsAndTimes.com @Gerashchenko_en: RT by @mikenov: "The Crimean Bridge is doomed. There will be many surprises further on," – the head of Security Service of Ukraine Vas… "The Crimean Bridge is doomed. There will be many surprises further on," – the head of Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Maliuk stated."This is quite a legitimate target for us. According to the norms of the Geneva Convention, other international law, the current legislation… pic.twitter.com/K7t6ndCaY8— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) November... posted 1h ago by @Gerashchenko_en via (@mikenov) / Twitter @Robert4787: RT by @mikenov: Germany's pivotal role in Europe's power landscape and its cutting-edge tech prowess have made it a prime target for shadow… Germany's pivotal role in Europe's power landscape and its cutting-edge tech prowess have made it a prime target for shadowy forces seeking to infilt...