
Showing posts with the label October Surprise 2024

October Surprise 2024 - News Review - Updated on 8.31.24

Search inside image Unprecedented' 2024 presidential race could get hit with an 'October Surprise,' CT historian says | Connecticut Public Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More October Surprise 2024 - 8.31.24 FBI Reform - Posts Review In Brief - Feed Informer: Widget Properties October Surprise 2024 – Posts Review In Brief - FBI Reform - The News And Times FBI deployed unconstitutional ‘zero-click’ Pegasus surveillance software - FBI Reform - The News And Times 'Unprecedented' 2024 presidential race could get hit with an 'October Surprise,' CT historian says | Connecticut Public France's Macron says giving Telegram CEO Durov French citizenship was a good thing | AP News Are Russia and North Korea planning an 'October surprise' that aids Trump? telegram - Google Search October Surprise 2024 - Search Telegram - Search decryption of the Telegram - Search pavel durov - Search TelegramGate - Search Telegram and CIA - Search Telegram an

October Surprise 2024 may be pro-Trump and negative for the US Democrats. It might relate to Durov's arrest, subsequent selective decryption, and the release of the damaging information on Trump's opponents, a la the TelegramGate in Puerto Rico in 2019.

October Surprise 2024 may be pro-Trump and negative for the US Democrats.  It might relate to Durov's arrest, subsequent selective decryption of the Telegram , and the release of the damaging information on Trump's opponents, a la the TelegramGate in Puerto Rico in 2019.  Overall, it might be the next GRU plot coming , with a little help from their FBI Trumpistas friends.  Search inside image October Surprise – OpenStage Theatre & Company Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More -