#IlhamAliyev Ilham Aliyev: political portrait - Google Search https://t.co/QvSUtqxIJP pic.twitter.com/dV3pqvxckx — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) September 1, 2023 Ilham Aliyev: Political portrait Dr. Benyamin Poghosyan, Chairman, Center for Political and Economic Strategic Studies Background: President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has been the leader of Azerbaijan for the last 17 years. He inherited his power from his father late President Heydar Aliyev. Heydar Aliyev was a prominent statesman in Soviet Azerbaijan. He was the head of the Soviet Azerbaijan KGB in 1967-1969, and the first secretary of the Azerbaijani Communist party in 1969-1982. During the last decade of the Soviet Union Heydar Aliyev was the member of the influential Political Bureau of the Soviet Union’s Communist Party Central Committee and the Vice Prime Minister of the Soviet Union in 1982-1987. Heydar Aliyev returned to the leadership role in Azerbaijan in summer 1993, when the military coup ousted fr...