My Opinion: Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, NY is plagued with mental health and drug addiction problems due to the social isolation, oppression, and indoctrination. Orthodox Judaism as the creation of Abwehr; Orthodox Jews and money laundering for the New Abwehr and Russian mob: "Orthodox Judaism" as a sect was created by the German Military Intelligence for the money laundering and espionage purposes after WW1 ...

Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, NY is plagued with mental health and drug addiction problems due to the social isolation, oppression, and indoctrination - Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) July 27, 2023 - "Orthodox Judaism" as a sect was created by the German Military Intelligence for the money laundering and espionage purposes after WW1 - Google Search https:// thodox+Judaism%22+as+a+sect+was+created+by+the+German+Military+Intelligence+for+the+money+laundering+and+espionage+purposes+after+WW1&newwindow=1&bih=707&biw=1536&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&hl=en&sxsrf=AB5stBiDaN7WoO-l6z-ESth3iBVjhqdQww%3A1690468612055&ei=BIHCZMrxAraeptQPh4e54Ao&ved=0ahUKEwjKg4Cpjq-AAxU2j4kEHYdDDqwQ4dUDCBA&oq=%22Orthodox+Judaism%22+as+a+sect+was+created+by+the+German+Military+Intelligence+for+the+money+laundering+and+espionage+purposes+after+WW1&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXN...