3:58 PM 2/6/2021 - The News And Times Blog on Blogger from Michael Novakhov

The News And Times

3:58 PM 2/6/2021 - The News And Times Blog on Blogger from Michael Novakhov

Podcasts Review - 8 - 9 AM 2/6/2021: Cuomo Prime Time with Chris Cuomo - 9 hours ago - Trump Propaganda Video May Have Helped Incite Capitol Rioters
Mike Nova 2 · Podcasts Review - 8 - 9 AM 2/6/2021: Trump Propaganda Video May Have Helped Incite Capitol Rioters- The News And TimesPodcasts Review - 8:08 AM 2/6/2021: Cuomo Prime Time with Chris Cuomo - 9 hours ago - Trump Propaganda Video May Have Helped Incite Capitol RiotersLatest episodesThe News And Times - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - https://newsandtimes.org/The...
5:04 AM 2/6/2021 - The mysterious puzzle of the Covid-19 falling rates of the new cases: too fast, too soon - Michael Novakhov
The mysterious puzzle of the Covid-19 falling rates of the new cases: too fast, too soon; these are the mirror images of the patterns of the Covid-19 emergence in the early 2020, which also looked "too fast, too soon".Is this a "natural phenomenon"?It looks like there are a lot of "man made" factors here. The so called "INFODEMIC", the Informational...
1:43 PM 2/3/2021 - Эхо Москвы - Особое мнение : Глеб Павловский | Scientists explain why the new Covid-19 variants could be more infectious
1:43 PM 2/3/2021Эхо Москвы - Особое мнение : Глеб Павловский podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL…posted at 18:22:04 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenovЭхо Москвы - Особое мнение : Глеб Павловский podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL… Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderMichael Novakhov retweeted: Scientists explain why the new...
1:32 PM 2/3/2021 - Vaccination Update: 92% of first doses allocated to NYS health care distribution sites have been administered as of 11am today. -1,554,450 first doses received -1,432,195 first doses administered
1:32 PM 2/3/2021Michael Novakhov retweeted: Vaccination Update: 92% of first doses allocated to NYS health care distribution sites have been administered as of 11am today. -1,554,450 first doses received -1,432,195 first doses administered Details: ny.gov/vaccinetrackerposted at 18:22:04 UTC by Andrew Cuomo via Tweets by ‎@mikenovMichael Novakhov retweeted:Vaccination...
11:14 AM 2/3/2021 - Several Capitol rioters are blaming Trump’s rhetoric. What’s in it for them?
11:14 AM 2/3/2021Several Capitol rioters are blaming Trump’s rhetoric. What’s in it for them?posted at 15:37:33 UTC by Aaron Blake via Post PoliticsThose accused of crimes have cited Trump before — apparently hoping to reduce their own legal liability. But experts say it's unlikely to matter much. image/jpeg U2C6KYTDHMI6XILXO5S7FGUVEQ.jpg Michael Novakhov's...
9:10 AM 2/3/2021 - Covid-19 and vaccinations in Israel: I "The jury's still out on whether the vaccine completely stops people from carrying, and passing on, the virus." | Israel opens coronavirus vaccines to all over-16s | DEBKAfile: Israel closes airport and points of entry for extended period
9:10 AM 2/3/2021Covid-19 and vaccinations in IsraelWith its small population, highly digitized universal health system, and rapid, military-assisted vaccine rollout, Israel’s real-world data provides a useful supplement to clinical trials for researchers, pharmaceutical companies and policymakers.IMAGE COPYRIGHTGETTY IMAGESIsrael's vaccination programme...
6:40 AM 2/3/2021 - “The study by researchers at the University of Oxford is the first to document evidence that any coronavirus vaccine can reduce transmission of the virus.” Study Finds AstraZeneca Shots Drastically Cut Transmission – The New York Times (???)
 PBSNewsHour's YouTube VideosThe News And TimesThe News And Times - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - https://newsandtimes.org/ 6:40 AM 2/3/2021https://www.inoreader.com/stream/user/1006407045/tag/user-favorites/view/html?c=bn4eMSJM56qC Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderThe Jibaro News – jibaronews.com: mikenov on Twitter: Oxford coronavirus...
The Pandemic Bulletin - 9:56 AM 2/2/2021: COVID-19: Surprising number of US healthcare workers refuse vaccines | Vaccine rollout hits snag as health workers balk at shots
COVID-19 Vaccine: Will It Protect Against New Variants And Do You Need A 2nd Dose? - NPRposted at 11:48:25 UTC via Top Stories - Google NewsCOVID-19 Vaccine: Will It Protect Against New Variants And Do You Need A 2nd Dose?  NPRModerna president details plans to ramp up COVID-19 vaccine production l GMA  Good Morning AmericaThe top COVID news stories...
5:19 PM 2/1/2021 - New study finds reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 in healthy young adults is common
5:19 PM 2/1/2021New study finds reinfection by SARS-CoV-2 in healthy young adults is commonMonday February 1st, 2021 at 5:18 PMNewswise: SciNews1 ShareMEDIA ADVISORYPaper title: SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity and subsequent infection risk in healthy young adults: a prospective cohort studyCorresponding Author:  Stuart C. Sealfon, MD, Professor of Neurology,...
Walensky on variants: “The presumption at this point is that there has been community spread of this strain,” she said. It is likely the United States is experiencing community spread of the COVID-19 virus variant that was first discovered in South Africa. The first two cases of the variant were diagnosed in South Carolina on Thursday.
3:19 PM 2/1/2021Watch: CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky says it is likely there is ‘community spread’ of the South Africa virus variant in the U.S."It is likely the United States is experiencing community spread of the COVID-19 virus variant that was first discovered in South Africa.The first two cases of the variant were diagnosed in South Carolina on...
1:23 PM 2/1/2021 - South African Coronavirus variant with no travel history in England - one more indication that this variant is "local", of the "community origin", and of the "sustained community transmission", just like so many other variants and in so many other and various locations. These facts prompt us to review the basic postulates of the Covid-19 as the travel driven phenomenon and they might indicate the universally present internal, "local", innate origins of this putative infection rather than acquired from the extraneous sources. This dichotomy is of course extremely important and has to be researched very thoroughly. It has the enormous implications for the understanding of the "Covid-19 Pandemic" and its correct, efficient, and the evidence based management. Michael Novakhov
The News And Times Blogs Network - newsandtimes.netThe News And Times Information Network - newsandtimes.net1:23 PM 2/1/2021South African Coronavirus variant with no travel history in England - one more indication that this variant is "local", of the "community origin", and of the "sustained community  transmission", just like so many other variants...
4:19 PM 1/31/2021 - Did Trump know what was about to happen Jan. 6? | TheHill
The News And TimesThe News And Times - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - https://newsandtimes.org/4:19 PM 1/31/2021 Tweets by ‎@mikenovMichael Novakhov@mikenovtrump - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=trump&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&sxsrf=ALeKk0229Kwxbm8DaPIpMvZ2jukb39nl1g%3A1612126175498&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwix05eAhsfuAhVfFlkFHR26DZ8Q_AUoAXoECCIQAw&biw=1474&bih=762&dpr=1.25 …...
1:49 PM 1/31/2021 - Trump and the Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021: Trump bears responsibility
Mike Nova 2 · World News and Music from The Brooklyn Radio - bklynradio.com - January 2021-Trump and the Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021Trump bears responsibilityThe News And TimesThe News And Times - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - https://newsandtimes.org/Trump and the Capitol Riot of January 6, 2021: Trump bears responsibilityAudio Link1:49 PM 1/31/2021Selected...
5:41 PM 1/30/2021 - Yuri Shvets and Craig Unger discuss Trump as Russian asset
5:41 PM 1/30/2021 - Yuri Shvets and Craig Unger discuss Trump as Russian assetTweets by ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov RetweetedInterceptor@BjornJensen4Yuri Shvets and Craig Unger discuss trump as Russian asset on @ZevShalev @NarativLivePodcast: The Cultivation of Donald Trump 1&2: Eye popping episodes.https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book …...
NPR News: 01-30-2021 9AM ET
There is a long history of flying saucers later discovered to be cutting edge military technology.NPR News: 01-30-2021 9AM ETThe News And TimesThe News And Times - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - https://newsandtimes.org/NPR News: 01-30-2021 9AM ETposted at 14:23:26 UTC by NPR via NPR: Hourly News Summary PodcastNPR News: 01-30-2021 9AM ET audio/mpeg newscast090739.mp3?awCollectionId=500005&awEpisodeId=962391527&orgId=1&d=300&p=500005&story=962391527&t=podcast&e=962391527&size=4500000&ft=...
6:59 AM 1/30/2021 - Latest episodes - Audio News Review
Mike Nova 2 · World News and Music from The Brooklyn Radio - bklynradio.com - January 2021 The News And TimesThe News And Times - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - https://newsandtimes.org/6:59 AM 1/30/2021 - Latest episodesKBS WORLD Radio News-3 mins agoNews - 2021.01.30 PM5Last updated : 2021.01.30 The latest news from home and abroad, with a close eye...
10:54 AM 1/29/2021 - Researchers Discover Coronavirus Variants Likely Originating in America. The same mutation may be occurring independently in many parts of the world.
Mike Nova 2 · World News and Music from The Brooklyn Radio - bklynradio.com - January 2021-10:54 AM 1/29/2021Listen to this article“The same mutation may be occurring independently in many parts of the world.” – Can it be the same or similar situation with the original, pre-mutations virus or viruses, whatever they are, presumably Sars-Cov-2? Yes, most...
6:01 AM 1/29/2021 - "Shvets [Trump's KGB handler - M.N.], who has carried out his own investigation, said: “For me, the Mueller report was a big disappointment because people expected that it will be a thorough investigation of all ties between Trump and Moscow, when in fact what we got was an investigation of just crime-related issues. There were no counterintelligence aspects of the relationship between Trump and Moscow.”
6:01 AM 1/29/2021"Shvets, who has carried out his own investigation, said: “For me, the Mueller report was a big disappointment because people expected that it will be a thorough investigation of all ties between Trump and Moscow, when in fact what we got was an investigation of just crime-related issues. There were no counterintelligence aspects of...
Mounting evidence suggests mink farms in China could be the cradle of Covid-19 | Capitol Riot | Covid-19 - News Review - January 2021 - 9:07 AM 1/28/2021
Capitol Riot - News Review - January 2021 - 9:07 AM 1/28/2021The News And TimesThe News And Times - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - https://newsandtimes.org/ Capitol RiotTwo Capitol Police Officers died of suicideProud Boys and their Rat LeaderCapitol Riot revealed again that FBI is incompetent and ineptCovid-19Covid-19 new cases and deaths: What do the...
Proud Boys Leader Turned FBI Informant Following 2013 Arrest | NBC News NOW 28/01/21 08:12 - Current News In Brief
Proud Boys Leader Turned FBI Informant Following 2013 Arrest | NBC News NOW 28/01/21 08:12U.S. deaths reported per dayTrack the spread: Across the U.S.WorldwideCurrent News In Brief» Proud Boys Leader Turned FBI Informant Following 2013 Arrest | NBC News NOW28/01/21 08:12 from Mike Nova's articles on InoreaderNBC News’ Tom Winter reports on the growing...


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