Mounting evidence suggests mink farms in China could be the cradle of Covid-19 | Capitol Riot | Covid-19 - News Review - January 2021 - 9:07 AM 1/28/2021

Capitol Riot - News Review - January 2021 - 9:07 AM 1/28/2021

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Covid-19 on mink farms

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Dec 23, 2020 — Since then, the global mink situation has significantly worsened. To date, COVID-19 has been found on mink farms in a total of nine countries, ...

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Mounting evidence suggests mink farms in China could be the › Mounting-evidence-suggests-mink-far...

Jan 8, 2021 — It seems increasingly plausible that Covid-19 originated in fur farms, especially mink, as our investigation shows. At the end of December 2020, ...

Mounting evidence suggests mink farms in China could be the cradle of Covid-19

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It seems increasingly plausible that Covid-19 originated in fur farms, especially mink, as our investigation shows. At the end of December 2020, Reporterre revealed that the strains responsible for the two epidemic waves that engulfed Europe emerged nearby to a number of large mink farms. Reporterre continued its investigation in China. On 8 January, Science published an article stressing the need to study the link between Covid and mink farms.

For the moment no-one knows for sure if the scientific delegation put together by the World Health Organisation (WHO) will be allowed in to China to investigate the origin of the pandemic. [1] The ten international experts still have not received the authorisations they need. Negotiations are underway, but no details have been released and it is impossible to predict the outcome.

It is staggering that a year after the start of the last century’s worst pandemic, no progress has been made in understanding how Sars-CoV-2 jumped from bats — its natural host — to humans. This uncertainty is not due to the limits of science, but to the attitude of the Chinese authorities, who for a year have adamantly opposed any independent inquiry — even inside the country — to find the answer. The question is what does China have to hide ?

It is a glaring absence that no inquiry has been made to confirm or deny a seldom mentioned but obvious hypothesis : that the pandemic originated in a fur farm. China is indeed the world’s leading market and leading producer of fur worldwide. The industry in China is worth more than $20 billion a year, and involves more than 50 million animals. Traditional livestock farming for beef, pork or poultry do not seem to be infected by the coronavirus. By contrast, animals bred for their fur, particularly the three main species — mink, fox, and the raccoon dog — are highly sensitive to it.

Specialists know that human epidemics originating from livestock farms are not exceptional. Farms are known breeding grounds for microbes : for example the last flu pandemic, in 2009, originated in American pig farms — hence its name swine flu.

« Coronavirologist » Christian Drosten, who co-discovered Sars-CoV-1 in 2003 and advises the German government, said in an interview with the Guardian in April 2020 « If somebody gave me a few hundred thousand bucks and free access to China to find the source of the virus, I would look in places where raccoon dogs are bred... »

Drosten’s hypothesis that raccoon dogs could be the missing link between bats (the original host of this coronavirus, according to scientific consensus) and humans is common sense. Raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) — often confused with the American raccoons that they resemble — are small carnivorous canids. A team led by Conrad Freuling, from the German Federal Institute of research on animal health in Riems, experimentally demonstrated in August 2020 that not only are these animals infected by the human coronavirus, but that they infect each other.

In China, the number of farmed raccoon dogs is estimated to be fourteen million in 2019.

« We have discovered that the virus remains in the nasal cavities of this animal, and does not reach its lungs », Freuling told Reporterre« The animals do not get sick when infected, and remain asymptomatic while they are contagious. Moreover, they probably excrete enough virus to infect a human ». This is similar to mink as we saw in Mink farms in Denmark and the Netherlands. Freuling added that transmission without making the host sick is typical of a well-adapted virus, which may confirm the hypothesis that this species could be the « missing link » between bats and humans.

Drosten’s reason for suspecting raccoon dogs dates back to the first SARS pandemic, which began in China in 2002, and spread all over the world in 2003. [2]. It has often been said that the animal spreading the first SARS was the masked civet (Paguma larvata), a member of the viverrid family… but in fact raccoon dogs were also infected and were equally likely to be responsible for the transmission to humans.

Studies carried out in 2003-2004 (notably focused on the markets of Shenzhen, in Guangdong province), show it is nearly impossible to determine which of the two species contaminated the other, or if a third contaminated both at the same time. An article published in Virus Research in April 2007, said the masked civet was the likely intermediate host. But one of the main findings supporting the argument was the contamination of three customers and a waitress in restaurants where live infected masked civets were kept in the dining room. Slim evidence, especially since civets were bred for decades for their fur before becoming a sought-after source of meat, and have seen their population shrink to about 40,000 for the entire country. This compares to a total of 5 million to 10 million raccoon dogs bred in farms during the same period.

In 2003, China seems to have twisted the facts to incriminate the civet, in an effort to divert attention from its fur industry

In winter 2003-2004, an extensive study financed by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology and the United States National Institutes of Health, sampled 1,107 civets from 23 farms across 12 provinces. It concluded that 91 civets were infected on the market of Xinyuan (Guangdong), while no infection was found in the farms where the civets came from. This suggests that the contamination could have occurred at the market or during the transport. Moreover, all the 15 raccoon dogs at the Xinyuan market at the same time were infected. Although several articles said the civets could have been contaminated by the raccoon dogs, no studies were undertaken to investigate the raccoon dogs any further. Many researchers, including Paul et Martin Chan, were surprised and regretted that the issue did not « raise more interest ». Shi Zhengli, China’s leading « coronavirologist » and research director at the Wuhan Institute of Virology said in the 2007 article of Virus Research, that it is not « always clear if the raccoon dogs infected the civets or if it is the opposite », before concluding : « Contrary to civets, very few studies have been made on raccoon dogs, wild or farmed. »

Freuling was also surprised. He told Reporterre that he ended up testing transmissibility in raccoon dogs in Germany because this had ever never been done in China, where the vast majority are found. The handful of farms in Europe are in Finland and Poland [3]

It should be noted that on the Xinyuan markets, foxes and other mustelidae were also infected. Strangely, the Chinese/American study ignored farms in Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, the four most important provinces for mink farms. To have overlooked Shandong area is particularly surprising, because it is the uncontested capital of Chinese fur production, and the province is geographically closer to Guangdong than to Hebei — which was studied.

Fur farming regions in China

In 2003, it looks very much as though China manoeuvred to incriminate the civet, a species of marginal economic importance, in order to divert attention from and protect the fur industry. The same strategy seems to have been taken even further in 2020, in a different context, and with enormous stakes at play. This time, China has tried to take total control of both the scientific and public debate on the pandemic. After an initial period of confusion in January-February 2020, when journalists and scientists spoke out and published relatively freely, repression soon took over. A number of journalists were arrested or disappeared, and scientists were censored.

Information and news were evidently filtered and adapted to the needs of the Chinese government

A recent Associated Press (APreport documents how the Chinese government tried to regain control of scientific publications after a preprint by two researchers was posted online in February. The post, which has now disappeared from the internet [4], suggested that the virus had escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan. On 24 February, the Chinese Center for Disease Control (CDC) introduced a new approval procedure for publications.

On 3 March, the Ministry of Science issued a confidential note, which AP obtained and published online.

The note calls for « the coordination of scientific research publications on the Covid-19 across the country to be like a “game of chess” », under the control of a « group of scientific researchers from the State Council » and after having informed the Council’s “propaganda team.” The notification prohibits all publication not validated by this group — and states that offenders « would be held responsible ».

Thus when reading recent Chinese scientific publications, it should not be forgotten that despite the excellence of many researchers, the information provided is clearly filtered and modified to suit the Chinese authorities. The same applies to the press : for months there has been no mention of foxes, minks or raccoon dogs being sold on the Wuhan market before it closed on 31 December, 2019.

The Wuhan market sells a myriad of goods, including foxes, minks and raccoon dogs.

However, according to the latest WHO report, foxes were being sold on the « wet market » of Wuhan. And the Public Health Agency of Canada said in March that mink were sold there too. Photographs taken in the market by CNN in early December 2019 and published January 2020, showed that raccoon dogs were also present. Whatever the authorities say, it turns out that all three carnivore species were being sold on the Wuhan market.

Despite the Chinese media blackout on these species, the Chinese Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has not forgotten them. Under pressure from world public opinion to prohibit the sale of wild animals on markets, because of the risk of the emergence and propagation of viruses, the authorities reclassified them as « domestic species » in order to prevent any obstacles to breeding them.

As for the pangolin fable, four Chinese scientific articles were published blaming these scaled animals for transmitting the virus to humans, even though the virus had still not been fully sequenced. The pangolin theory has since been abandoned, after it became clear that the pangolin virus was even further from Sars-CoV-2 than the bat virus. Just before these publications, the Chinese authorities had fed the press with the hypothesis that snakes were probably the intermediate host. There was even an attempt to blame turtles. With so many false leads, it is hard not to think that focusing on these three scaled species was an astute tactic to divert public attention from fur farms.

The most plausible intermediate host would be mink, recent research says

While the Agricultural department of Southern University in Louisiana in the United States said, without providing any proof, that the pangolin was responsible for the pandemic, a report taking the opposite view was virtually ignored. On 24 January, 2020, China’s English-language Global Times said that based on GISAID data and artificial intelligence software the most likely intermediate was... mink. It could even have been the original host. This study pointing to mink was set up by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Wuhan institute of Virology and the Chinese CDC. The team, led by Quian Guo, is highly respected, the study was well run, and the results were not contested. But its findings were ignored, except in Singapore and Australia. The pangolin, by stirring up passions and reinforcing prejudices, monopolized attention.

Another telling example of the Chinese scientific community’s tactics is the study carried out by the Shandong Medical University and published on 1 April, 2020 in the Medical Journal of Virology. The researchers analysed the structure of the receptor protein ACE2, to which the virus binds when it infects a host, in 85 species of mammals : humans, cats, dogs, pigs, horses, civets, pangolins, macaque monkeys, foxes, raccoon dogs, African elephants, meerkats, bulls, polecats, kangaroos, opossums, tortoises, lynx etc. But the team « forgot » mink, even though at least 15 million of them are bred in the Shandong region where the research originated.

The research concluded — apparently seriously — that a cetacean, « the Finless Porpoise of Yang Tsé, should be monitored because it can be found in the lakes close to Wuhan and could be infected by the Sars-CoV-2 or other closely related coronaviruses ». The study also concluded that small carnivores, including cats, have much less affinity with Sars-CoV-2 than cattle or sheep, whereas we know that the opposite is true.

Over 3,000 mink farms in China, some with over 100,000 animals

In fact, the focus should be on Chinese mink, especially those in Shandong. In recent months, we have learnt from scientists that mink can catch the virus from humans and infect them back, often adding some mutations in the process. But beyond that, a long history of disease in mink shows that in overcrowded intensive farming, this solitary species — like all farmed carnivores, unlike social herbivores —, is sensitive to many diseases and becomes a health nightmare. It is clear that the 3,000 mink farms in China, some of which have over 100,000 animals, could be the source of the current pandemic. It is therefore hard to understand why no viral research has been conducted on them.

Mink - here, a chinese one- can both contract the virus from humans and infect them in return, very often generating mutations in the process.

On example of the problem was in 2011, when a new virus was discovered in the feces of farmed minks in a farm in Hebei. It seemed to be a virulent combination of usually harmless strains from humans and pigs. All the mink were affected, and 5% died. A necrotizing encephalopathy in two children seemed to be closely related to this recombinant virus, and the study published by Emerging infectious diseases stressed the need to prepare for the emergence of even more virulent variants.

In 2014, Shandong mink farms suffered an outbreak of pseudo-rabies originating from pigs, which led to the death of 87% of the animals and to the spread of the disease to the rest of the province. The scientists trying to evaluate the extent of the outbreak in 14 locations confirmed in their publication that the virus was highly contagious in the region and that « it would be a challenge the fur producing industry ».

In 2015, a team including the Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli isolated and identified viruses from bats that were closely linked to human, pig and mink viruses. This suggests that interspecific transmission exists between bats and humans or other animals.

In October 2016, a team of veterinarians from the Qingdao Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine College discovered that the Shandong minks were contaminated by a very contagious avian flu H5N1.

In 2019, veterinarians from the same college detected in some mink farms in Shandong the emergence of a deadly co-infection virus of canine distemper and H1N1 swine flu, which became a new strain of H1N1 in the infected lungs of these mustelids.

Farmed minks are also possible intermediary hosts for type A Influenza which can lead directly or indirectly to the development of human pandemic strains. They sometimes host an epidemic form of type E Hepatitis virus but it is unclear whether it can affect humans. Minks are also monitored for BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis) because of the inclusion of animal protein in their diets.

In order to minimize damage, mink are vaccinated against the viruses which affect them most, such as the highly contagious parvovirus of the Aleutian disease, and canine distemper. Minks have fragile lungs. They spontaneously catch lung infections, which they spread easily by sneezing (as do ferrets, also of the mustelid family). Mink, like ferrets, carry specific coronaviruses. The ferret coronavirus is called « systemic », because it attacks all organs, while the mink’s virus is called mink CoV (MCoV).

Bats, attracted to fur farm buildings, frequently defecate on the caged animals

The fertile breeding ground for viruses that these farms represent is measured by the fact that Chinese mink are concentrated mainly in Shandong. This historic fur production region is home to thousands of farms, where different species are often raised together. The animal population totals, 15 million mink, 3 million raccoon dogs and 6 million foxes. Most of them are clustered in a relatively small area, which extends towards the south from the coastal town of Weifang. The animals live crowded together in sometimes appallingly unhygienic situations, are fed partially from fresh fish coming from the Yellow Sea, pig offal, poultry giblets, animal bone meal and carrion of their own species. Large amounts of animal protein are important for the quality of their pelts. Their captive existence is short : mink, for example, reproduce in March, give birth in April and the litters are killed between mid-November and mid-December. The only ones that survive are the males and females necessary to produce the next generation. These reproductive animals account for about 12% of the population of each farm, which is enough for pathogens to persist.

Sale of furs at the Sunning market in Hebei province.

Also important is the fact that Shandong is a mid-mountainous forested region, known partly for its caves that shelter many species of bats, some of which such as Rhinolophus ferrumequinumare coronavirus carriers. The bats are attracted to the farm warehouses, which provide them with easily accessible shelters. They urinate and defecate often over all that is beneath them, including the cages housing the animals.

So in Shandong, and in other areas of China, all the ingredients exist for powerful viral encounters, recombinations of all kinds, and the rapid emergence and spread of disease.

A little known fact is that in 2019 Shandong produced 6.5 million mink pelts, down from nearly 15 million in 2018. This means nearly 9 million mink disappeared from one year to the next, a 55% drop in production for just one province. Such a sharp decline suggests some form of disaster. Could it have been a health problem ? The production of hides from foxes (5,7 million) and racooon dogs (3 million) remained perfectly stable. The China Leather Industry Association, after several requests for information from Reporterre, explained in an email that « a stagnant market and overproduction » had led to « many companies leaving the industry ». This is hardly enough to explain such a dramatic drop in output.

All major mink fur production centres have been contaminated by Covid-19… except in China ?

It is surprising that officially not a single Chinese mink farm has been contaminated by Covid-19, whereas farms all over Europe—north, south, east and west —and in the United States and Canada have been affected. It would be abnormal for all the large producers in the world to be struck with the disease, except for the largest, despite many commercial links between industry professionals all over the world with the Chinese, especially North America, Northern Europe and Italy.

In short, mustelids, canids et viverrids — the mammals suspected to have an active intermediate role — are the same today as during the first Sars-CoV epidemic in 2003-2004. Except that masked civet are now a thousand times fewer in China than the foxes, raccoon dogs and mink bred for their fur. To establish the truth and avoid another pandemic, it is essential for the WHO to order a very close study of these fur farms in Shandong and elsewhere in China.

Sale of foxes and raccoon dogs at the Shangcun fur market (Hebei province).

From the WHO mission preparatory report, it seems this is the intention, despite careful diplomacy to avoid upsetting the Chinese authorities. It is for example stated that the commission plans to « chart the supply chains of all the animals sold on the market », wild and domestic, in order to identify « the interesting geographic zones in order to control the animal and human serology ». That is precisely what should have been done a year ago : studies to determine the presence of virus in the breeding farms.

Unfortunately, WHO, after many concessions to the Chinese government, abandoned the idea of carrying out the field work and instead signed a protocol delegating that part of the work to local researchers. The mission should not leave the territory of Wuhan, one team member recently told the magazine Science et Avenir, adding that one should not expect, « that the team would come back with a conclusive result ». But even after all these precautions, Beijing still seems to perceive the experts mission as a threat.

The wall erected by the Chinese government seems to be cracking, however. On 8 January, [an article signed by eminent Chinese researchers, Zhengli Shi et Peng Zou, acknowledged for the first time in Science that mink could be the host « of the virus which has become SARS-CoV-2 ». The researchers suggest carrying out « retrospective investigations of samples dating back to before the pandemic on the mink farms and other animals vulnerable to the virus ». Suspicious minds might ask why this suggestion comes so late in the day, when the vulnerability of mink to Covid has been known for six months ; they might also ask if such samples still exist. But others will no doubt say it is better late than never.

C’est maintenant que tout se joue…

Le désastre environnemental s’accélère et s’aggrave, les citoyens sont de plus en plus concernés, et pourtant, le sujet reste secondaire dans le paysage médiatique. Ce bouleversement étant le problème fondamental de ce siècle, nous estimons qu’il doit occuper une place centrale dans le traitement de l’actualité.
Contrairement à de nombreux autres médias, nous avons fait des choix drastiques :

  • celui de l’indépendance éditoriale, ne laissant aucune prise aux influences de pouvoirs. Le journal n’appartient à aucun milliardaire ou entreprise Reporterre est géré par une association à but non lucratif. Nous pensons que l’information ne doit pas être un levier d’influence de l’opinion au profit d’intérêts particuliers.
  • celui de l’ouverture : tous nos articles sont en libre consultation, sans aucune restriction. Nous considérons que l’accès à information est essentiel à la compréhension du monde et de ses enjeux, et ne doit pas être dépendant des ressources financières de chacun.
  • celui de la cohérence : Reporterre traite des bouleversements environnementaux, causés entre autres par la surconsommation. C’est pourquoi le journal n’affiche strictement aucune publicité. De même, sans publicité, nous ne nous soucions pas de l’opinion que pourrait avoir un annonceur de la teneur des informations publiées.

Pour ces raisons, Reporterre est un modèle rare dans le paysage médiatique. Le journal est composé d’une équipe de journalistes professionnels, qui produisent quotidiennement des articles, enquêtes et reportages sur les enjeux environnementaux et sociaux. Tout cela, nous le faisons car nous pensons qu’une information fiable, indépendante et transparente sur ces enjeux est une partie de la solution.

Vous comprenez donc pourquoi nous sollicitons votre soutien. Des dizaines de milliers de personnes viennent chaque jour s’informer sur Reporterre, et de plus en plus de lecteurs comme vous soutiennent le journal, mais nos revenus ne sont toutefois pas assurés. Si toutes les personnes qui lisent et apprécient nos articles contribuent financièrement, le journal sera renforcé. Même pour 1 €, vous pouvez soutenir Reporterre — et cela ne prend qu’une minute. Merci.

Soutenir Reporterre

[1Updated at 12.00 CET : The WHO mission has arrived in China.

[4The link we have here is an archive

Lire aussi : Les élevages de visons en Chine à l’origine du Covid-19 ? Les indices s’accumulent

Source : Yann Faure and Yves Sciama for Reporterre / Translated by Barbara Casassus and Vivienne Crawford Breuil.

Map : © Gaëlle Sutton/Reporterre

Graph : © Nicolas Boeuf/Reporterre

Pictures :
. standfirst and white mink : Mink bred for their fur, in 2015, in Zhangjiakou, Hebei province. © Greg Baker/AFP
. Raccoon dog. Animal Equality International
. Wuhan. c f de Pixabay
. Hebei Suning Market. Peoples Republic of Fur Animals and Products Report
. Wuhan Market. Arend Kuester/Flickr
. Shangcun Fur Market. Animal Equality International/Flickr

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» Police say second officer has died by suicide in aftermath of Capitol riots
28/01/21 08:06 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Contee also identified Howard Liebengood, 51, a Capitol Police officer, as the first officer who died by suicide since responding to the Capitol siege .

» EU Spat With AstraZeneca Continues As Russia Offers Help With COVID Vaccines: Live Updates
28/01/21 08:05 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
EU Spat With AstraZeneca Continues As Russia Offers Help With COVID Vaccines: Live Updates Summary: AstraZeneca battle with EU intensifies Germany recommends AZ shot only for people 18-64 US cases near 26MM Global cases near 101MM WHO te...

» Европарламент принял резолюцию об ужесточении санкций против России - Парламентская газета
28/01/21 08:05 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Европарламент принял резолюцию об ужесточении санкций против России   Парламентская газета

» “russia ukraine” – Google News: Authorities of Russian delegation at PACE extended – PACE confirms authorities of Russia’s delegation – 112 International
28/01/21 08:05 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Authorities of Russian delegation at PACE extended – PACE confirms authorities of Russia’s delegation   112 International “russia ukraine” – Google News The post “russia ukraine” – Google News: Authorities of Russian delegation at PACE e...

» “Ukraine” – Google News: Ukrainian Police Probe Toxic Waste Shipped from World Bank-Backed Project in Montenegro – OCCRP
28/01/21 08:05 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Ukrainian Police Probe Toxic Waste Shipped from World Bank-Backed Project in Montenegro   OCCRP “Ukraine” – Google News The post “Ukraine” – Google News: Ukrainian Police Probe Toxic Waste Shipped from World Bank-Backed Project in Monten...

» “putin’s health” – Google News: Putin says pandemic in Russia receding, but too early to let down guard – National Post
28/01/21 08:05 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Putin says pandemic in Russia receding, but too early to let down guard   National Post “putin’s health” – Google News The post “putin’s health” – Google News: Putin says pandemic in Russia receding, but too early to let down guard – Nat...

» Europe: German court jails neo-Nazi for life for politician’s murder
28/01/21 08:04 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Assassination of a regional official from the ruling CDU highlighted danger posed by far-right Europe The post Europe: German court jails neo-Nazi for life for politician’s murder first appeared on Russia News - .

» “russia and the west” – Google News: Russian court orders Kremlin critic Navalny be kept in jail, rejects his appeal – The Guardian
28/01/21 08:04 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russian court orders Kremlin critic Navalny be kept in jail, rejects his appeal   The Guardian “russia and the west” – Google News The post “russia and the west” – Google News: Russian court orders Kremlin critic Navalny be kept in jail,...

» Russia detains Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, faces clash with Western nations - Reuters
28/01/21 08:04 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russia detains Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, faces clash with Western nations   Reuters

28/01/21 08:04 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader

» Current News Review In 25 Mini Posts » 6:18 AM 1/28/2021 – “Proud Boys Reel at Report Leader Was a Rat”. M.N.: Was he also a “plant”? Nice Job, FBI! Keep it up! They turned the whole country into the rats and plants. That what the FBI is , and that’s how
28/01/21 08:03 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs By Michael Novakhov  – Listen to this article Current News Review In 25 Mini Posts   »  6:18 AM 1/28/2021 – “Proud Boys Reel at Report Leader Was a Rat”. M.N.: Was ...

» Deutsche Welle from Michael_Novakhov (6 sites): Deutsche Welle: - Top Stories: Russia detains Alexei Navalny allies after raids
28/01/21 08:03 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russian authorities have detained associates of the jailed opposition leader after protests in more than 100 Russian cities last weekend. Navalny is in court Thursday to appeal his imprisonment. Deutsche Welle: - Top Stories Deuts...

» BBC News - World: Daniel Pearl: Pakistan court acquits men accused of murder
28/01/21 08:03 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The Wall Street Journal journalist was kidnapped and beheaded while working on a story in Pakistan. BBC News - World

» The National Interest: Can You Guess the World’s 5 Top Air Forces?
28/01/21 08:02 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Kyle Mizokami Security, Qualifying the five most powerful air forces in the world is certainly a difficult and challenging proposition. Here's What You Need To Remember: Japan is now set to procure forty-two F-35A Joint Strike Fighters, ...

» "global security" - Google News: Remote Workers Could Offer Brexit Britain Cybersecurity Lifeline - Infosecurity Magazine
28/01/21 08:02 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Remote Workers Could Offer Brexit Britain Cybersecurity Lifeline   Infosecurity Magazine "global security" - Google News

» "us national security" - Google News: Biden's energy moves strengthen Russia, US rivals, undermine national security - Fox Business
28/01/21 08:02 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Biden's energy moves strengthen Russia, US rivals, undermine national security   Fox Business "us national security" - Google News

» «Вы можете заковать меня в наручники. Но это не будет продолжаться вечно»: речь Навального в суде
28/01/21 08:02 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Алексей Навальный выступил по видеосвязи в суде, где рассматривалась апелляционная жалоба на его задержание. Политик содержится в СИЗО «Матросская тишина», где отбывает срок в 30 суток по решению суда в Химках, который прошел в отделе по...

» Турецкие отели строго проверяют своих гостей. Специальный репортаж - Россия 24
28/01/21 08:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
"Смотрим" - . Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Турецкие отели следят за здоровьем своих гостей и просят соблюдать социальную дистанцию. Последние новости России и м...

» Жизнь после плена. Специальный репортаж - Россия 24
28/01/21 08:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
"Смотрим" - . Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Для обывателя те, кого обменял Киев на своих солдат из Донбасса – военнопленные, но это не так. Среди них много гражд...

» Мусульманская Европа. G блог Регины Севостьяновой. Специальный репортаж - Россия 24
28/01/21 08:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
"Смотрим" - . Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Сборный центр для задержанных демонстрантов, две зоны безопасности и 20 тысяч человек охраны. Гамбург готовится к сам...

» FBI arrests Puerto Rico producer in government chat scandal - Washington Post
27/01/21 12:29 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
FBI arrests Puerto Rico producer in government chat scandal   Washington Post

» Путин считает общим долгом противостояние попыткам оправдать преступления нацистов - ТАСС
27/01/21 12:29 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Путин считает общим долгом противостояние попыткам оправдать преступления нацистов   ТАСС

» Ambassador Vasiliev lists Russia's new Arctic priorities with focus on fossil fuels and positive effects of climate changes - The Independent Barents Observer
27/01/21 12:28 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Ambassador Vasiliev lists Russia's new Arctic priorities with focus on fossil fuels and positive effects of climate changes   The Independent Barents Observer

» LIVE STREAM: Dr. Fauci, White House COVID-19 Response Team hold briefing - WDIV ClickOnDetroit
27/01/21 12:28 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
LIVE STREAM: Dr. Fauci, White House COVID-19 Response Team hold briefing   WDIV ClickOnDetroit

» Vaccine tit-for-tat kicks off DeSantis’ new relationship with the Biden White House - Miami Herald
27/01/21 12:28 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Vaccine tit-for-tat kicks off DeSantis’ new relationship with the Biden White House   Miami Herald

» Аргументы и Факты: Шнуров подал в полицию заявление на Пригожина
27/01/21 12:27 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
По словам адвоката, музыкант пожаловался на угрозы со стороны продюсера. Аргументы и Факты

» Яндекс.Новости: Главное: Bellingcat и The Insider опубликовали новое расследование о предполагаемых отравителях Навального
27/01/21 12:27 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Bellingcat и The Insider опубликовали новое расследование, проведенное совместно с Der Spiegel, о предполагаемых отравителях Алексея Навального. Яндекс.Новости: Главное

» euronewsru's YouTube Videos: Россия ратифицировала продление ДСНВ
27/01/21 12:27 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: euronewsru Duration: 01:16 Федеральное собрание России единогласно одобрило продление Договора с США о сокращении и ограничении стратегических наступательных вооружений. ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ :

» Новая Газета: Силовики пришли к сторонникам Навального. Обыски проходят по делу о нарушении санитарных норм во время митинга 23 января
27/01/21 12:27 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Обыски проходят по делу о нарушении санитарных норм во время митинга 23 января Новая Газета

» Violent Anti-Lockdown Clashes Over Curfew Rules Erupt Across The Netherlands
27/01/21 12:26 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Violent Anti-Lockdown Clashes Over Curfew Rules Erupt Across The Netherlands Clashes have been erupting across The Netherlands for the past three evenings over nighttime pandemic curfew rules. The curfew, which is in place between 9pm an...

» Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s Phone Call With Indian Minister of Defense Rajnath Singh
27/01/21 12:26 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III emphasized the Department's commitment to the U.S.-India Major Defense Partnership on a phone call with Indian Minister of Defence Rajnath Singh.

» Armenian, Azerbaijani Leaders in Russia for Talks - U.S. News & World Report
27/01/21 12:26 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Armenian, Azerbaijani Leaders in Russia for Talks   U.S. News & World Report

» Russia Fines US-Funded Broadcaster Under Foreign Agent Law - U.S. News & World Report
27/01/21 12:26 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russia Fines US-Funded Broadcaster Under Foreign Agent Law   U.S. News & World Report

» "puerto rico politics" - Google News: Lawmakers Introduce DC Statehood Bill - Spectrum News
27/01/21 12:25 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Lawmakers Introduce DC Statehood Bill   Spectrum News "puerto rico politics" - Google News

» Caribbean Business: Pierluisi welcomes Biden executive order to encourage domestic manufacturing
27/01/21 12:25 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Governor calls on U.S. president to rely on P.R. as ‘Made-in-America’ supplier of medicines amid Covid-19 crisis Caribbean Business

» Latest On Vaccine Shortage In New York City
27/01/21 12:25 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Mayor Bill de Blasio holds latest briefing on coronavirus response, vaccine rollout and more in New York City.

» Russian missile system spirited out of Libya by US - The Times
27/01/21 12:25 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russian missile system spirited out of Libya by US   The Times

» Reports of seniors falling ill or dying after getting dose of COVID-19 vaccine don't tell the whole story -
27/01/21 11:33 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Reports of seniors falling ill or dying after getting dose of COVID-19 vaccine don't tell the whole story

» Physicians say COVID-19 vaccines both safe, protective for elderly Canadians. Here's what seniors need to know -
27/01/21 11:33 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Physicians say COVID-19 vaccines both safe, protective for elderly Canadians. Here's what seniors need to know

» US and Russia agree to extend 'New START' nuclear arms treaty…
27/01/21 11:33 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
US and Russia agree to extend 'New START' nuclear arms treaty…

» «Есть вероятность столкнуться с настоящим срывом в мировом развитии». Зачем Путину Давос (фото) - Фонтанка.Ру
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
«Есть вероятность столкнуться с настоящим срывом в мировом развитии». Зачем Путину Давос (фото)   Фонтанка.Ру

» Выступление Владимира Путина на Давосе-2021. Главное - Новости – Мир – Коммерсантъ - Коммерсантъ
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Выступление Владимира Путина на Давосе-2021. Главное - Новости – Мир – Коммерсантъ   Коммерсантъ

» Пандемия, протесты, IT-гиганты: ключевые высказывания Путина на Давосском форуме - BFM.RU
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Пандемия, протесты, IT-гиганты: ключевые высказывания Путина на Давосском форуме   BFM.RU

» Путин в 77-ю годовщину снятия блокады Ленинграда возложил цветы в Александровском саду - ТАСС
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Путин в 77-ю годовщину снятия блокады Ленинграда возложил цветы в Александровском саду   ТАСС

» WATCH LIVE: White House holds briefing on COVID-19 pandemic
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Facebook: ...

» Biden's new COVID-19 vaccine plan aims to accelerate progress
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
President Biden's COVID-19 response team is set to give its first briefing today, after the administration announced plans to secure 200 million more doses of the vaccine. Also on Wednesday, the president will be signing new executive or...

» Republican Senators rally to reject Trump impeachment trial
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Democrats face an uphill battle in their efforts to convict former President Donald Trump of "incitement of insurrection" as 45 out of 50 Senate Republicans voted to halt the trial as unconstitutional after being sworn in as jurors. CBS ...

» Biden wants two-state solution for Israel, Palestinians: White House - Reuters
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Biden wants two-state solution for Israel, Palestinians: White House   Reuters

» Israel's top general says its military is refreshing operational plans against Iran - Reuters
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Israel's top general says its military is refreshing operational plans against Iran   Reuters

» Israel worried by US plans to lift ICC sanctions - Anadolu Agency
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Israel worried by US plans to lift ICC sanctions   Anadolu Agency

» Arguments over $15 minimum wage persist as Biden pushes COVID economic rescue plan
27/01/21 11:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Most GOP lawmakers are balking at including the increase to $15 per hour in the president's COVID relief package.

» UK vaccine plant evacuated after 'suspicious package' found
27/01/21 11:31 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
A vaccine factory in northern Wales has been partially evacuated after receiving a 'suspicious package.'

» 1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites): ПРАЙМ: "Аэрофлот" снова отменяет ряд международных рейсов
27/01/21 11:31 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Перевозчик в марте-апреле снова отменяет ряд регулярных рейсов из РФ ПРАЙМ 1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)

» deutschewellerussian's YouTube Videos: Обыск у Навального и жесткая реакция немецкого депутата на атаку на критика Кремля. DW Новости
27/01/21 11:31 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: deutschewellerussian Duration: 00:00 Сегодня прошли обыски в квартирах Алексея Навального, который с 18 января содержится в СИЗО «Матроская тишина». В одной квартире находилась супруга Навального Юлия. Депутат германского бундестаг...

» Новая Газета: Bellingcat и The Insider опубликовали расследование о вероятной причастности сотрудников ФСБ к трем убийствам
27/01/21 11:31 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Новая Газета

» all news | Deutsche Welle: Шаман Габышев помещен в психоневрологический диспансер
27/01/21 11:31 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Якутский шаман Александр Габышев, объявивший 12 января о новом "походе на Москву", был задержан в доме, где проживал. all news | Deutsche Welle

» Mexico Close to Approving Russian Vaccine, With Little Data - U.S. News & World Report
27/01/21 11:30 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Mexico Close to Approving Russian Vaccine, With Little Data   U.S. News & World Report

» Iran in talks with Russia to buy Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine - ANI News
27/01/21 11:30 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Iran in talks with Russia to buy Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine   ANI News

» NewsOnABC's YouTube Videos: Biden confronts Putin over several issues in first official phonecall | The World
27/01/21 10:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: NewsOnABC Duration: 07:12 US President Joe Biden has raised a number of contentious issues with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in their first phone conversation. Speaking to The World, Doctor Leonid Petrov from the Internat...

» Biden speaks to Putin for first time since taking power
27/01/21 10:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
#US President Joe #Biden spoke to Russian President Vladimir #Putin on Tuesday for the first time since taking office and raised concerns about Russian activities including the treatment of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei #Navalny, the Whit...

» Coronavirus pandemic: Confusion over AstraZeneca-EU talks on vaccine delay
27/01/21 10:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The European Union is asking #AstraZeneca to publish the contract it signed with the bloc on #Covid-19 vaccine supplies, an #EU official said on Wednesday, in an escalation of the row over delivery delays. The company pulled out of a mee...

» President Biden Speaks With NATO
27/01/21 09:58 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader

» Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Joe Scarborough: This Is What Republicans In The Senate Want You To Forget | Morning Joe | MSNBC
27/01/21 09:58 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 07:07 Senate Republicans voted Tuesday for a measure that would have declared the impeachment proceedings against former President Trump unconstitutional because he is no longer in office. Joe Scarborough...

» RussiaToday's YouTube Videos: Russian President Putin speaks at virtual WEF Davos Agenda week [PART 2]
27/01/21 09:58 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: RussiaToday Duration: 02:13 Credit: World Economic Forum Subscribe to RT! RT LIVE Check out Like ...

» FBI identifies 400 suspects, 135 arrested from Capitol riot - KXXV News Channel 25
27/01/21 09:56 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
FBI identifies 400 suspects, 135 arrested from Capitol riot   KXXV News Channel 25

» Exclusive: FBI probes Russian-linked postcard sent to FireEye CEO after cybersecurity firm uncovered hack - sources - Reuters
27/01/21 09:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Exclusive: FBI probes Russian-linked postcard sent to FireEye CEO after cybersecurity firm uncovered hack - sources   Reuters

» 8:07 AM 1/27/2021 - News Review
27/01/21 09:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
8:07 AM 1/27/2021 - News Review

» 9:03 AM 1/27/2021 – Selected Articles – Headlines Audio Review
27/01/21 09:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
9:03 AM 1/27/2021 – Selected Articles – Headlines Audio Review | See Links at: - - » Biden, Putin Discuss Cyber Breach, Arms Control, In Phone Call » “t...

» NPR News Now: NPR News: 01-27-2021 9AM ET
27/01/21 09:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 01-27-2021 9AM ET Download audio:

» U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives for first day of work at the State Department
27/01/21 09:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrives for first day of work at the State Department Subscribe: Reuters brings you the latest business, finance and breaking news video from around the globe. Ou...

» Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, John Kerry, and Gina McCarthy
27/01/21 09:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry, and National Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy The White House

» President Biden Delivers Remarks and Signs Executive Actions
27/01/21 09:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
President Biden Delivers Remarks and Signs Executive Actions on Tackling Climate Change, Creating Jobs, and Restoring Scientific Integrity The White House

» New coronavirus cases rise in France, third national lockdown feared
27/01/21 09:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The daily number of new #coronavirus infections in #France stayed above 20,000 on average for the fourth straight day on Tuesday while hospitalisations reached an eight-week high of 27,041, increasing fears of a third national #lockdown....

» WATCH LIVE: Senate holds confirmation hearing for Energy secretary nominee Jennifer Granholm
27/01/21 09:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Facebook: ...

» WATCH LIVE: Senate holds confirmation hearing for Treasury secretary nominee Pete Buttigieg
27/01/21 09:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Facebook: ...

» WATCH LIVE: Senate holds confirmation hearing for UN ambassador nominee Linda Thomas-Greenfield
27/01/21 09:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour at Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us: Facebook: ...

» Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 21, 2021
27/01/21 09:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
#DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Please consider supporting independent media b...

» Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 22, 2021
27/01/21 09:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
#DemocracyNow Democracy Now! is an independent global news hour that airs on nearly 1,400 TV and radio stations Monday through Friday. Watch our livestream 8-9AM ET: Please consider supporting independent media b...

» Boeing's 2020 net loss hits record $11.9 billion, pushes out 777X debut to late 2023 - CNBC
27/01/21 08:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Boeing's 2020 net loss hits record $11.9 billion, pushes out 777X debut to late 2023   CNBC Boeing’s 737 Max Can Fly Again in Europe. What It   Barron's Alaska Airlines’ Boeing 737 MAX Options Could Be Transformative   Simple Flying Faci...

» Boeing's 2020 net loss hits record $11.9 billion, pushes out 777X deliveries to late 2023 - CNBC
27/01/21 08:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Boeing's 2020 net loss hits record $11.9 billion, pushes out 777X deliveries to late 2023   CNBC Boeing to delay 777X again as it posts record annual loss   Reuters Boeing 737 Max cleared to fly in Europe after crashes   Yahoo Finance Bo...

» Exclusive: FBI probes Russian-linked postcard sent to FireEye CEO after cybersecurity firm uncovered hack - sources - Reuters
27/01/21 08:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Exclusive: FBI probes Russian-linked postcard sent to FireEye CEO after cybersecurity firm uncovered hack - sources   Reuters

» FBI identifies 400 suspects, 135 arrested from Capitol riot - KXXV News Channel 25
27/01/21 08:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
FBI identifies 400 suspects, 135 arrested from Capitol riot   KXXV News Channel 25

» The Latest: Prosecutors: Arkansas man beat cop with flagpole - KVOA Tucson News
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The Latest: Prosecutors: Arkansas man beat cop with flagpole   KVOA Tucson News

» FBI increases reward for information on Capitol riots pipe bomb suspect - The Independent
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
FBI increases reward for information on Capitol riots pipe bomb suspect   The Independent

» 8:07 AM 1/27/2021 - News Review by Mike Nova 2 via #soundcloud…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
8:07 AM 1/27/2021 - News Review by Mike Nova 2 via #soundcloud…

» Google Podcasts - Subscriptions… -…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Google Podcasts - Subscriptions… -…

»… Google Podcasts - Subscriptions…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader… Google Podcasts - Subscriptions…

» What to Know About the California Variant…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
What to Know About the California Variant…

» FBI Reform – mikenov on Twitter: RT @Newsweek: Snow storm leaves hundreds stranded overnight on interstate near Phoenix…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Snow storm leaves hundreds stranded overnight on interstate near Phoenix… Posted by Newsweek on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 12:26pm Retweeted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 12...

» FBI Reform – mikenov on Twitter: ‘7:30 AM 1.27.21 – News Review: Why Are U.S. Covid Cases Falling? And Will the Trend Last?’ on #SoundCloud #np…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
‘7:30 AM 1.27.21 – News Review: Why Are U.S. Covid Cases Falling? And Will the Trend Last?’ on #SoundCloud #np… Posted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 12:39pm mikenov on Twitte...

» Trumpism And Trump – mikenov on Twitter: ‘7:30 AM 1.27.21 – News Review: Why Are U.S. Covid Cases Falling? And Will the Trend Last?’ on #SoundCloud #np…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
‘7:30 AM 1.27.21 – News Review: Why Are U.S. Covid Cases Falling? And Will the Trend Last?’ on #SoundCloud #np… Posted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 12:39pm mikenov on Twitte...

» Trumpism And Trump – mikenov on Twitter: ‘World News and Music from The Brooklyn Radio – – January 2021’ on #SoundCloud #np…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
‘World News and Music from The Brooklyn Radio – – January 2021’ on #SoundCloud #np… Posted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 12:41pm mikenov on Twitter The post mi...

» FBI Reform – mikenov on Twitter: ‘World News and Music from The Brooklyn Radio – – January 2021’ on #SoundCloud #np…
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
‘World News and Music from The Brooklyn Radio – – January 2021’ on #SoundCloud #np… Posted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 12:41pm mikenov on Twitter The post mi...

» RussiaToday's YouTube Videos: Russian President Putin speaks at virtual WEF Davos Agenda week [PART 2]
27/01/21 08:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: RussiaToday Duration: 02:13 Credit: World Economic Forum Subscribe to RT! RT LIVE Check out Like ...

» NewsOnABC's YouTube Videos: Biden confronts Putin over several issues in first official phonecall | The World
27/01/21 08:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: NewsOnABC Duration: 07:12 US President Joe Biden has raised a number of contentious issues with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in their first phone conversation. Speaking to The World, Doctor Leonid Petrov from the Internat...

» Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): msnbcleanforward's YouTube Videos: Joe Scarborough: This Is What Republicans In The Senate Want You To Forget | Morning Joe | MSNBC
27/01/21 08:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: msnbcleanforward Duration: 07:07 Senate Republicans voted Tuesday for a measure that would have declared the impeachment proceedings against former President Trump unconstitutional because he is no longer in office. Joe Scarborough...

» German woman charged with plotting attack on Muslims, others -
27/01/21 08:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
German woman charged with plotting attack on Muslims, others

» German expressions to get you ′running′ | All media content - Deutsche Welle
27/01/21 08:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
German expressions to get you ′running′ | All media content   Deutsche Welle

» Germany compensates heirs for Nazi-looted Liszt scores - The Associated Press
27/01/21 08:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Germany compensates heirs for Nazi-looted Liszt scores   The Associated Press

» Biden, Putin Discuss Cyber Breach, Arms Control, In Phone Call
27/01/21 06:02 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader

» "trump authoritarianism" - Google News: Trump impeachment trial vote sees too many GOP senators dooming the party - NBC News
27/01/21 06:02 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Trump impeachment trial vote sees too many GOP senators dooming the party   NBC News "trump authoritarianism" - Google News

» "organized crime and intelligence" - Google News: Iraq's prime minister should be dismissed and prosecuted for his failures - Middle East Monitor
27/01/21 06:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Iraq's prime minister should be dismissed and prosecuted for his failures   Middle East Monitor "organized crime and intelligence" - Google News

» Commentary: Biden is right to keep Christopher Wray as FBI director
27/01/21 06:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Comments on: Commentary: Biden is right to keep Christopher Wray as FBI director. President Joe Biden has let it be known that he will retain Christopher A. Wray, one of President Donald Trump’s ap...

» Is it wrong to compare Trump to Hitler? No.
27/01/21 06:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Skip to content David Lee Preston, For The Inquirer Get the news you need to start your day Signed in as Michael_Novakhov Send this story to NewsBlur Shared stories are on their way… The post Is it wr...

» Donald Trump May Struggle to Pay Back His Empire’s Spiraling Debt
27/01/21 06:01 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Experts say that former U.S. President Donald Trump may find it difficult to pay back the mountain of debt his empire owes over the next four years, with revenues of some of his key businesses plungin...

» FBI releases details about new arrests made for involvement in US Capitol attack
27/01/21 06:00 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
FBI update on arrests from attack on US Capitol . The enormous investigation into the deadly attack at the US Capitol continues to grow. WASHINGTON ( ...

» Republican senators rally against Donald Trump's impeachment, making conviction unlikely
27/01/21 06:00 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
... begin as scheduled the week of February 8. The House impeached him on January 13, just a week after the Capitol attack in which five people died.

» What is Telegram? What you need to know about WhatsApp alternative. - Mashable
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
What is Telegram? What you need to know about WhatsApp alternative.   Mashable Iran blocks Signal messaging app after WhatsApp exodus   Al Jazeera English Warning Signal: the messaging app’s new features are causing internal turmoil   Th...

» January has been the deadliest month for Covid-19 with nearly 80,000 lives lost so far in the US - CNN
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
January has been the deadliest month for Covid-19 with nearly 80,000 lives lost so far in the US   CNN Global Covid cases top 100 million as new strains emerge   Yahoo News Vaccine Tracker: New COVID-19 continue to slow   KCTV5 News Worl...

» Israel-Sudan signing ceremony in Washington within months, minister says
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
There was no immediate comment from Sudanese officials or from the US embassy in Israel.

» Deutsche Welle from Michael_Novakhov (6 sites): Deutsche Welle: - Germany: German Bundestag holds Holocaust Remembrance Day service
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
German officials and representatives of the Jewish community in Germany are gathering to remember and pay respects to the millions of victims of National Socialism. Deutsche Welle: - Germany Deutsche Welle from Michael_Novakhov (6...

» Deutsche Welle from Michael_Novakhov (6 sites): Deutsche Welle: - Europe: Neo-Nazi murder trial reveals threat to German democracy
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The trial of two neo-Nazis accused of murdering a German regional governor is about to come to an end in Frankfurt. The murder of Walter Lübcke was the country's first political assassination in decades. Deutsche Welle: - Europe D...

» Saved Stories – None: Celebration of erased heroes, by Evelyne Pieiller (Le Monde diplomatique, January 2021)
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
P Aul Robeson was a world glory, and American revolutionary unionism experienced successes and tragedies worthy of being told with epic fervor. Unless you take a close interest in the struggles of African Americans and the labor movement...

» Saved Stories – None: 4:44 AM 1/27/2021 — How the KGB Hooked Trump. | Tweets by ‎@mikenov
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
4:44 AM 1/27/2021 — How the KGB Hooked Trump. Tweets   by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov 1 day ago — How the KGB Hooked Trump. ‘American Kompromat,’ a new book by Craig Unger, gets the lowdown from former Russian and U.S. spies … I...

» Mexico may approve Russian COVID-19 vaccine within days, health official says -
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Mexico may approve Russian COVID-19 vaccine within days, health official says

» Iran approves Russia's Sputnik V vaccine for Covid-19 -
27/01/21 05:59 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Iran approves Russia's Sputnik V vaccine for Covid-19

» EU weighs response to Navalny arrest, protest crackdown - paNOW
27/01/21 05:58 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
EU weighs response to Navalny arrest, protest crackdown   paNOW

» Covid Cases Pass 100 Million: Latest News, Updates for January 27, 2021 - Bloomberg
27/01/21 05:58 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Covid Cases Pass 100 Million: Latest News, Updates for January 27, 2021   Bloomberg Sanofi, after R&D setback, lends a hand to vaccine rival Pfizer for coronavirus shot production   FiercePharma French firm Sanofi to help produce 100...

» MAGA influencer Brandon Straka arrested in connection with Capitol assault
27/01/21 05:58 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
5 "Stop the Steal" rally at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C. The FBI received multiple tips about his presence at the deadly siege the next day, ...

» New Capitol Police Chief Offers 'Sincerest Apologies' To Congress
26/01/21 17:42 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Acting U.S. Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman, in her first congressional testimony following the Jan. 6 assault on the Capitol , acknowledged her ...

» New York man charged in Capitol riot was identified by the varsity jacket he wore
26/01/21 17:42 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The FBI on Monday charged a man accused of participating in the Capitol riots after they received multiple tips from people who recognized his varsity ...

» Blinken Takes Over at State Dept. With a Review of Trump’s Policies - The New York Times
26/01/21 17:42 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Blinken Takes Over at State Dept. With a Review of Trump’s Policies   The New York Times Senate confirms Antony Blinken as Biden's secretary of state   CNN Senate Confirms Antony Blinken As Secretary Of State   NPR Senate confirms Antony...

» FBI Reform – “fbi criticism” – Google News: The Pilot Who Can Connect Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein’s Plane Is Reportedly Cooperating With the FBI – Vanity Fair
26/01/21 17:41 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The Pilot Who Can Connect Prince Andrew to Jeffrey Epstein’s Plane Is Reportedly Cooperating With the FBI   Vanity Fair “fbi criticism” – Google News The post “fbi criticism” – Google News: The Pilot Who Can Connect Prince Andrew to Jeff...

» FBI Reform – “fbi scandal” – Google News: Former Baltimore Police detective sentenced to 14 months in prison for lying about ‘09 drug theft – Baltimore Sun
26/01/21 17:41 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Former Baltimore Police detective sentenced to 14 months in prison for lying about ‘09 drug theft   Baltimore Sun “fbi scandal” – Google News The post “fbi scandal” – Google News: Former Baltimore Police detective sentenced to 14 months ...

» "polls" - Google News: Mexican economy likely contracted 8.8% during 2020: Reuters poll - Reuters
26/01/21 16:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Mexican economy likely contracted 8.8% during 2020: Reuters poll   Reuters "polls" - Google News

» "elections" - Google News: Feds: East Bay man threatened family of New York congressman, journalist over election outcome - Pacifica Tribune
26/01/21 16:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Feds: East Bay man threatened family of New York congressman, journalist over election outcome   Pacifica Tribune "elections" - Google News

» The RealReal Has Arrived In Brooklyn - The Cut
26/01/21 16:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The RealReal Has Arrived In Brooklyn   The Cut

» Russia hits out at America - The News International
26/01/21 16:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russia hits out at America   The News International

» Woman sentenced in scheme to offer information to Russia - WDTV
26/01/21 16:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Woman sentenced in scheme to offer information to Russia   WDTV

» Germany Targets Youth To Quell Extremism. What Can the US Do? - Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
26/01/21 16:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Germany Targets Youth To Quell Extremism. What Can the US Do?   Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting

» Japan joins calls for Russia to release Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, protesters
26/01/21 16:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Navalny, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was detained on January 17 soon after he arrived in Moscow from Germany.

» European Union Warns AstraZeneca Over Reduction In Vaccine Shipments
26/01/21 16:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader

» Covid vaccine supply issues could see Dutch violence repeated in rest of EU
26/01/21 16:52 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Analysis: Frustration around restrictions and vaccinations could be voiced in other countries Coronavirus – latest updates See all our coronavirus coverage In recent nights, rioters have poured on to the streets of 10 Dutch cities in wha...

» Kindle review: Is Amazon’s newest eReader worth it?
26/01/21 16:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
We tried out the latest-generation Kindle to find out if its page-like screen and additional features set it apart from other eReaders.

» ‘They’re Wasting Our Time’: Rand Paul Shreds ‘Unconstitutional’ Trump Impeachment, Lists Examples Of ‘Democrat Incitement’
26/01/21 16:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
‘They’re Wasting Our Time’: Rand Paul Shreds ‘Unconstitutional’ Trump Impeachment, Lists Examples Of ‘Democrat Incitement’ Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul shredded Congressional Democrats over the second impeachment of former President Tr...

» California man accused of stealing documents from Mitch McConnell's desk during Capitol riot - NBC News
26/01/21 16:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
California man accused of stealing documents from Mitch McConnell's desk during Capitol riot   NBC News Stop the Steal organizer charged in Capitol riot   POLITICO At least 150 people have been charged by Justice Department in Capitol ri...

» Dax Shepard Revealed The Reason He Spoke Publicly About His Relapse Despite Being "Fearful" Of Losing Sponsorship Deals - BuzzFeed News
26/01/21 16:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Dax Shepard Revealed The Reason He Spoke Publicly About His Relapse Despite Being "Fearful" Of Losing Sponsorship Deals   BuzzFeed News Dax Shepard admits he was 'afraid' to go public with relapse   Yahoo Entertainment Dax Shepard Didn't...

» People Who've Gotten Both Shots Simply Aren't Getting COVID - Futurism
26/01/21 16:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
People Who've Gotten Both Shots Simply Aren't Getting COVID   Futurism Merck discontinues development of possible COVID-19 vaccines following results   News 12 Bronx Dormant Live-Music Industry Offers Biden Help With Vaccine Rollout   Th...

» Nearly all GOP senators vote against impeachment trial for Trump, signaling likely acquittal - The Washington Post
26/01/21 16:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Nearly all GOP senators vote against impeachment trial for Trump, signaling likely acquittal   The Washington Post Rand Paul calls impeachment 'dead on arrival' after most Republicans signal that trial is unconstitutional   CNN Biden Adm...

» Lawmakers Set To Tackle Policing Reform This Session In Maryland General Assembly - CBS Baltimore
26/01/21 16:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Lawmakers Set To Tackle Policing Reform This Session In Maryland General Assembly   CBS Baltimore

» 'They're Wasting Our Time': Rand Paul Shreds 'Unconstitutional' Trump Impeachment, Lists Examples Of 'Democrat Incitement'
26/01/21 16:48 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
'They're Wasting Our Time': Rand Paul Shreds 'Unconstitutional' Trump Impeachment, Lists Examples Of 'Democrat Incitement' Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul shredded Congressional Democrats over the second impeachment of former President Tr...

» The News And Times: Michael Novakhov retweeted: On the EU-China investment deal, @GMFAsia’s @MareikeOhlberg says: “They are trying to sell the agreement as a success. It has thus become apparent that there is a lack of understanding abo
26/01/21 16:45 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On the EU-China investment deal, @GMFAsia ‘s @MareikeOhlberg says: “They are trying to sell the agreement as a success. It has thus become apparent that there is a lack of understanding about China’s reliabili...

» County will now offer second dose appointments for COVID vaccine at mega-site, officials say -
26/01/21 16:45 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
County will now offer second dose appointments for COVID vaccine at mega-site, officials say

» Biden dealt blow on 100-day deportation moratorium
26/01/21 16:45 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
A federal judge in Texas on Tuesday blocked the Biden administration from enforcing a 100-day moratorium on most deportations, delivering an initial blow for President Joe Biden on one of his core campaign promises. U.S. District Judge D...

» President Joe Biden Says Country At War With Coronavirus As He Signs Executive Orders To Tackle Pandemic - CBS Philly
26/01/21 16:45 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
President Joe Biden Says Country At War With Coronavirus As He Signs Executive Orders To Tackle Pandemic   CBS Philly

» Germany orders antibody therapies from USA - European Biotechnology News
25/01/21 14:08 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Germany orders antibody therapies from USA   European Biotechnology News

» The Latest: Virus rules make for long lines at German border - Fort Wayne's NBC
25/01/21 14:08 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The Latest: Virus rules make for long lines at German border   Fort Wayne's NBC

» Nearly half of Germans feel unsafe on public transport due to COVID-19 - Xinhua | - Xinhua
25/01/21 14:08 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Nearly half of Germans feel unsafe on public transport due to COVID-19 - Xinhua |   Xinhua

» Vladimir Putin: Palace in Navalny report 'doesn't belong to me' - DW (English)
25/01/21 13:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Vladimir Putin: Palace in Navalny report 'doesn't belong to me'   DW (English) Alexei Navalny is a real threat to Vladimir Putin   Financial Times Why Russian protests against Putin could be different this time around   CNBC Putin says p...

» Navalny's team calls new protests in Russia for his release - The Associated Press
25/01/21 13:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Navalny's team calls new protests in Russia for his release   The Associated Press Social Media Fueled Russian Protests Despite Government Attempts To Censor   NPR Why Russian protests against Putin could be different this time around   ...

» Ukraine supports Russian opposition leader Navalny - Anadolu Agency
25/01/21 13:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Ukraine supports Russian opposition leader Navalny   Anadolu Agency

» EU holds back on Navalny Russia sanctions - The Canberra Times
25/01/21 13:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
EU holds back on Navalny Russia sanctions   The Canberra Times

» Russian Pleads Guilty to Running Cybercrime Forum -
25/01/21 13:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russian Pleads Guilty to Running Cybercrime Forum

» Putin's billion-dollar palace would make a perfect Hitman 3 level - PC Gamer
25/01/21 13:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Putin's billion-dollar palace would make a perfect Hitman 3 level   PC Gamer

» 11:59 AM 1/25/2021 - French Pasteur Institute abandon Covid-19 vaccine development after phase 1 trials fail
25/01/21 13:37 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
11:59 AM 1/25/2021 - French Pasteur Institute abandon Covid-19 vaccine development after phase 1 trials fail French Pasteur Institute abandon Covid-19 vaccine development after phase 1 trials fail posted at 16:40:08 UTC by FRANCE 24 Engl...

» 11:37 AM 1/25/2021 - Queens Arson Suspect Arrested | Beware COVID vaccine scams: What to look for | NYC Mayor De Blasio Holds Daily Briefing | NY Gov. Cuomo Holds News Conference
25/01/21 13:37 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
11:37 AM 1/25/2021 - Queens Arson Suspect Arrested | Beware COVID vaccine scams: What to look for | NYC Mayor De Blasio Holds Daily Briefing | NY Gov. Cuomo Holds News Conference   Queens Arson Suspect Arrested posted at 12:07:29 UTC by ...

» 10:58 AM 1/25/2021 - Three southern BK nabes lead city in COVID positivity rates
25/01/21 13:37 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
January 25, 2021 - 10:58 AM 1/25/2021 - Three southern BK nabes lead city in COVID positivity rates Tweets   by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov Capitol riot: Updated list of arrests in New York State (photos) - http:// ...

» The News And Times: Mexico’s president thanks Putin for vaccine shipments – Reuters
25/01/21 13:37 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Mexico’s president thanks Putin for vaccine shipments   Reuters The post Mexico’s president thanks Putin for vaccine shipments – Reuters first appeared on The News And Times . The News And Times

» The News And Times: Putin Thrusts Global Food Markets Into Russian Politics – Bloomberg
25/01/21 13:37 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Putin Thrusts Global Food Markets Into Russian Politics   Bloomberg The post Putin Thrusts Global Food Markets Into Russian Politics – Bloomberg first appeared on The News And Times . The News And Times

» The News And Times: Aleksei Navalny and the Future of Russia
25/01/21 13:36 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Over the weekend, a standoff between President Vladimir Putin and his loudest critic became a showdown in the streets. Could this be a turning point? The post Aleksei Navalny and the Future of Russia first appeared on The News And Times ...

» The News And Times: Vladimir Putin: Palace in Navalny report ‘doesn’t belong to me’ – DW (English)
25/01/21 13:36 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Vladimir Putin: Palace in Navalny report ‘doesn’t belong to me’   DW (English) Why Russian protests against Putin could be different this time around   CNBC Alexei Navalny is a real threat to Vladimir Putin   Financial Times ‘Counterprod...

» The News And Times: Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family’s – TimesLIVE
25/01/21 13:36 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family’s   TimesLIVE The post Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family’s – TimesLIVE first appeared on The News And Times . The News And Times

» The News And Times: 1:01 PM 1/25/2021 – Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family’s | Moderna Finds COVID-19 Vaccine Less Effective Against Variant Found In South Africa | Merck ends COVID vaccine program
25/01/21 13:36 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
1:01 PM 1/25/2021 – Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family’s | Moderna Finds COVID-19 Vaccine Less Effective Against Variant Found In South Africa | Merck ends COVID vaccine program Giuliani Says He Cannot Pay...

» Saved Stories - None: 1:01 PM 1/25/2021 - Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family's | Moderna Finds COVID-19 Vaccine Less Effective Against Variant Found In South Africa | Merck ends COVID vaccine program
25/01/21 13:36 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
1:01 PM 1/25/2021 - Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family's | Moderna Finds COVID-19 Vaccine Less Effective Against Variant Found In South Africa | Merck ends COVID vaccine program Giuliani Says He Cannot Pay...

» Saved Stories - None: Capitol riot: Updated list of arrests in New York State (photos) - posted at 15:09:44 UTC
25/01/21 13:36 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Capitol riot: Updated list of arrests in New York State (photos) - posted at 15:09:44 UTC The man feds believe to be sanitation worker Dominick Madden at the Jan. 6 insurrection. Federal Bureau of Investigation Capitol riot:...

» Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family's - TimesLIVE
25/01/21 12:57 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Putin says palace Navalny alleges he owns is not his or his family's   TimesLIVE

» Vladimir Putin: Palace in Navalny report 'doesn't belong to me' - DW (English)
25/01/21 12:57 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Vladimir Putin: Palace in Navalny report 'doesn't belong to me'   DW (English) Why Russian protests against Putin could be different this time around   CNBC Alexei Navalny is a real threat to Vladimir Putin   Financial Times ‘Counterprod...

» Aleksei Navalny and the Future of Russia
25/01/21 12:57 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Over the weekend, a standoff between President Vladimir Putin and his loudest critic became a showdown in the streets. Could this be a turning point?

» Putin Thrusts Global Food Markets Into Russian Politics - Bloomberg
25/01/21 12:57 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Putin Thrusts Global Food Markets Into Russian Politics   Bloomberg

» Mexico's president thanks Putin for vaccine shipments - Reuters
25/01/21 12:57 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Mexico's president thanks Putin for vaccine shipments   Reuters

» Why Russian protests against Putin could be different this time around - CNBC
25/01/21 12:57 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Why Russian protests against Putin could be different this time around   CNBC Alexei Navalny is a real threat to Vladimir Putin   Financial Times ‘Counterproductive, dangerous’: Putin slams pro-Navalny protests   Al Jazeera English Vladi...

» NPR News Now: NPR News: 01-25-2021 12PM ET
25/01/21 12:56 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 01-25-2021 12PM ET Download audio:

» "michael flynn" - Google News: US wants to hear out allies on Iran. Netanyahu girds for fight unless it listens - The Times of Israel
25/01/21 12:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
US wants to hear out allies on Iran. Netanyahu girds for fight unless it listens   The Times of Israel "michael flynn" - Google News

» NYT > Top Stories: After the Capitol Was Stormed, Teachers Try Explaining History in Real Time
25/01/21 12:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Tracy Merlin teaches second grade in Broward County, Fla. “If I can let them know that it’s important to know about what is happening around you, and be informed, and have the facts, then I feel like I’ve done my job,” she said. NYT >...

» ReutersVideo's YouTube Videos: Davos: China's Xi calls for multilateral coordination in face of pandemic
25/01/21 12:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: ReutersVideo Duration: 00:58 China’s President Xi Jinping on Monday called on the world to strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination and bolster the role of the G20 in global economic governance as he pointed to a “rather shaky”...

» 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (88 sites): "International Security" - Google News: Nancy Pelosi has plowed up to $1 million into bullish bets on Tesla stock - Business Insider
25/01/21 12:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Nancy Pelosi has plowed up to $1 million into bullish bets on Tesla stock   Business Insider "International Security" - Google News 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (88 sites)

» ReutersVideo's YouTube Videos: LIVE: United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres addresses Davos' virtual World Economic Foru
25/01/21 12:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: ReutersVideo Duration: 00:00 #DavosAgenda #WEF #WorldEconomicForum #Davos #UN #UnitedNations #News #Live #economy #Coronavirus #COVID19 #CovidVaccines #Pandemic #CoronavirusPandemic #vaccine LIVE: United Nations Secretary General A...

» Politics: Birx both exemplifies and blames the cherry-picking which shaped the Trump presidency
25/01/21 12:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
She laments bad data Trump received about the pandemic, though her own record is a bit spotty. Politics

» "trump narcissist" - Google News: A message to retiring Republicans: You can rescue your party - The Washington Post
25/01/21 12:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
A message to retiring Republicans: You can rescue your party   The Washington Post "trump narcissist" - Google News

» ReutersVideo's YouTube Videos: LIVE: The WHO holds a COVID-19 briefing following first week of Executive Board meeting
25/01/21 12:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: ReutersVideo Duration: 00:00 #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Live ReutersVideo's YouTube Videos

» mikenov on Twitter: 11:59 AM 1/25/2021 - French Pasteur Institute abandon Covid-19 vaccine development after phase 1 trials fail… - US wants to hear out allies on Iran. Netanyahu girds for fight unless it
25/01/21 12:53 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
11:59 AM 1/25/2021 - French Pasteur Institute abandon Covid-19 vaccine development after phase 1 trials fail… - US wants to hear out allies on Iran. Netanyahu girds for fight unless it lis...

» Giuliani Says He Cannot Pay $1.3 Billion in Damages Because He Does Not Know Any Real Billionaires
25/01/21 12:31 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Not only does he not know any actual billionaires, but the people he does know are “just the opposite,” Giuliani said.

» French Pasteur Institute abandon Covid-19 vaccine development after phase 1 trials fail
25/01/21 11:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
France’s Pasteur Institute announced on Monday that it is ending the development of its Covid-19 vaccine after trial results proved disappointing. It appears that the vaccine failed to prove its efficacy in phase 1 trials. “The phase 1 o...

» Russia’s Putin denial of owning Black Sea palace after Navalny exposé ‘a rare move by the Kremlin’
25/01/21 11:55 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin denied that he owns a palace in the Black Sea coast, which has been referred to as the “most secret and guarded facility in Russia”. This comes after a video exposé seen by 70 million people across the g...

» Trump supporters' campaign of intimidation - BBC
25/01/21 11:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Subscribe and

» Putin says palace in Navalny report 'doesn't belong to me' | AFP
25/01/21 11:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russian President Vladimir Putin dismisses claims by opposition leader Alexei Navalny that he owns a lavish property on the Black Sea, as the opposition urges fresh nationwide demonstrations. Subscribe to AFP and activate your notificati...

» COVID-19 vaccine rollout is about more than just buying jabs, says expert
25/01/21 11:54 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
"Many countries have failed to recognise the need to get an entire systems approach to this," said Professor Martin McKee. "It's not just a matter of buying the vaccine, getting it into the country." READ MORE :

» Expanded List of Vaccine-Eligible Groups
25/01/21 11:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
After weeks of pressuring the Cuomo Administration, they finally agreed to expand the pool of eligible vaccine recipients. Please view the list below to determine if you are eligible. Details on how to make an appointment to receive a va...

» NY Dept of Transportation Failed To Receive $29 Million in Federal Funds
25/01/21 11:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
On January 19, 2021, the Federal Transit Administration published Federal Notice of Available Funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2021. The accompanying tables by funding programs make for very interesting reading.  Former NYC DOT Commission...

» NY Senate Democrats Help Small Business Build Back From COVID-19
25/01/21 11:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Senator Andrew Gounardes, together with the Senate Majority, advanced legislation to support small businesses that have taken the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. This action builds on legislation passed in July 2020 to help hardworking N...

» New Homeless Shelter In Bath Beach
25/01/21 11:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Following news that New York City plans to build a homeless shelter in the Sheepshead Bay/Brighton Beach area, there’s now news that the Bill de Blasio administration intends to create a homeless facility in Bath Beach. The new shelter l...

» Op-Ed: MTA Postponing Fare Increases is Penny Wise and Pound Foolish
25/01/21 11:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Fare increases for the MTA NYC transit bus, subway and Staten Island Railway, along with Long Island Rail Road and Metro North Rail Road were already assumed in 2019 as part of the approval process for the $51 billion 2020 – 2024 Five Ye...

» MTA Workers Receive COVID Vaccine
25/01/21 11:51 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations for its heroic workforce began at the state-operated Jacob K. Javits Center today. More than 126 employees received vaccinations on the first ...

» Biden's Russia challenge - Axios
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Biden's Russia challenge   Axios

» Why The New York Times Was Wrong To Fire Lauren Wolfe - The Federalist
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Why The New York Times Was Wrong To Fire Lauren Wolfe   The Federalist

» Think Americans Would Never Wager on Russian Ping-Pong? Care to Bet? - The New York Times
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Think Americans Would Never Wager on Russian Ping-Pong? Care to Bet?   The New York Times

» Mexico expects arrival of Russia's Sputnik vaccine shortly: official - Yahoo News
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Mexico expects arrival of Russia's Sputnik vaccine shortly: official   Yahoo News

» Russian Pleads Guilty to Running Cybercrime Forum -
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russian Pleads Guilty to Running Cybercrime Forum

» Лавров встретится с главой дипломатии ЕС 5 февраля в Москве
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Ожидается, что они обговорят весь комплекс проблем и перспектив отношений между Россией и Евросоюзом.

» Covid-19: Mexican President López Obrador tests positive - BBC News
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Covid-19: Mexican President López Obrador tests positive   BBC News

» Bolstering democracies in a changing international order: The case for democratic multilateralism - Brookings Institution
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Bolstering democracies in a changing international order: The case for democratic multilateralism   Brookings Institution

» What to do – and what not to do – in the Middle East - Brookings Institution
25/01/21 11:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
What to do – and what not to do – in the Middle East   Brookings Institution

» New York Weather: Cold Stretch Continues
25/01/21 07:04 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
CBS2's Elise Finch has the latest weather forecast.

» Police Open Fire On Carjacking Suspects In Queens
25/01/21 07:03 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
A report of a carjacking led to a police-involved shooting overnight in Queens. It happened after officers tracked down the vehicle and confronted the men inside. CBS2's John Dias reports from Jamaica.

» In ambulances, an unseen, unwelcome passenger: COVID-19 - Associated Press
25/01/21 07:03 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
In ambulances, an unseen, unwelcome passenger: COVID-19   Associated Press View Full Coverage on Google News

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites): Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ – California may have highly contagious homegrown COVID-19 strain
25/01/21 07:03 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Joe Tacopino – New York Post. Dr. Eric Vail, a pathologist at Cedars Sinai, said the strain could be responsible for doubling the state’s total death toll in the space of less than three months. “I...

» Covid-19: Why the US hasn't hit vaccine targets so far
25/01/21 05:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
President Joe Biden has pledged to boost the rollout of Covid vaccines in the US, ... had been leading the government's vaccine rollout plan, said at the time : ... There have also been other issues, such as in New York where officials ...

» NYC building construction took a big hit in 2020, down nearly 30%
25/01/21 05:50 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The amount of new construction proposed in New York City plummeted in 2020 ... Brooklyn saw the second-highest total with 146, and Manhattan had the ... in infrastructure, and now is the time for a comprehensive, national building ...

» Investigation underway after 2 injured when Tacoma police car drove through crowd at street race
25/01/21 05:49 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader

» NATO welcomes US intention to extend New START with Russia - Global Times
25/01/21 05:49 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
NATO welcomes US intention to extend New START with Russia   Global Times

» Biden proposes extension of nuke treaty with Russia -
25/01/21 05:49 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Biden proposes extension of nuke treaty with Russia

» AP Top Stories January 25 A
25/01/21 04:42 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Here's the latest for Monday January 25th: House to send impeachment charge to Senate; White House talking to Congress members about COVID relief; Five found shot to death in Indianapolis; Mexico's President says he has COVID-19. Subscri...

» Investigations of Donald Trump and his circles – “Jared Kushner” – Google News: Donald Trump’s final gift to New Jersey? Crony justice for well-connected pals | Stile –
25/01/21 04:39 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Donald Trump’s final gift to New Jersey? Crony justice for well-connected pals | Stile “Jared Kushner” – Google News The post “Jared Kushner” – Google News: Donald Trump’s final gift to New Jersey? Crony justice for wel...

» California may have its own highly contagious homegrown COVID-19 strain - New York Post
25/01/21 04:39 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
California may have its own highly contagious homegrown COVID-19 strain   New York Post Did a homegrown coronavirus strain cause California's recent COVID surge?   Daily Mail View Full Coverage on Google News

» 'Healthy, young' Americans will likely get Covid-19 vaccine in mid- to late summer, expert says - CNN
25/01/21 04:39 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
'Healthy, young' Americans will likely get Covid-19 vaccine in mid- to late summer, expert says   CNN CDC director says federal government does not know how much Covid vaccine the U.S. has   CNBC 20 million doses of the coronavirus vacci...

» Disease X-19 Regions from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Google Alert - coronavirus in iran: Global Covid cases surpass 99 million: Johns Hopkins
25/01/21 04:38 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The countries with a death toll above 20,000 are Mexico (149,614), the UK (98,129), Italy (85,461), France (73,190), Russia (68,397), Iran (57,383), ... Google Alert - coronavirus in iran Disease X-19 Regions from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)

» Disease X-19 Regions from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Google Alert - coronavirus in iran: FACTBOX-Worldwide coronavirus cases cross 98.77 million, death toll at 2123871
25/01/21 04:37 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Interactive graphic tracking global spread of coronavirus : open ... 7.07 Iran 57,383 1,372,977 7.02 Ukraine 21,861 1,191,812 4.9 Peru 39,608 ... Google Alert - coronavirus in iran Disease X-19 Regions from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)

» Russia turning Crimea into nuclear military base: Intelligence "White Paper" - UNIAN
25/01/21 04:34 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russia turning Crimea into nuclear military base: Intelligence "White Paper"   UNIAN

» Trump's extreme-right backers angry and not going anywhere
25/01/21 04:33 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Many are even angry that Trump hasn't clearly defended the more than 120 people who were arrested under investigation after the Capitol attack .

» Trump walks free and other sure things
25/01/21 04:33 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Herrell voted against certifying Biden's victories in Arizona and Pennsylvania after the attack on the Capitol by Trump's supporters. In the process, she ...

» To the editor: Trump allies echo big lie
25/01/21 04:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
That lie resulted in an attack on the Capitol , threatening the lives of Vice ... After the Capitol assault , Mr. Trump's accomplices in the Republican Party ...

» Курс доллара на открытии торгов упал до 74,93 рубля
25/01/21 04:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Евро снижался до 90,94 рубля.

» ReutersVideo's YouTube Videos: Mexico's President tests positive for COVID-19
25/01/21 04:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
From: ReutersVideo Duration: 01:37 Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said he tested positive for COVID-19, adding that his symptoms were light and he was receiving medical treatment. Subscribe:

» Russia's annual oil production tumbles for first time in 12 years - Business Today
25/01/21 04:32 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russia's annual oil production tumbles for first time in 12 years   Business Today

» Inside the epicentre of the UK's COVID-19 crisis
25/01/21 04:20 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Inside the epicentre of the UK's COVID-19 crisis

» Michael Novakhov retweeted: The best defense the West can offer Navalny is full transparency of Putin's & his cronies assets, which are located primarily in the US & the UK. It is likely to be a quarter of a trillion of dollars. The top
25/01/21 04:19 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The best defense the West can offer Navalny is full transparency of Putin's & his cronies assets, which are located primarily in the US & the UK. It is likely to be a quarter of a trillion of dollars. ...

» NPR News Now: NPR News: 01-25-2021 3AM ET
25/01/21 04:14 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 01-25-2021 3AM ET Download audio:

» Russia must immediately set free peaceful demonstrators, Germany says -
25/01/21 04:14 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
Russia must immediately set free peaceful demonstrators, Germany says

» The Latest: Virus rules make for long lines at German border - KLBK | KAMC |
25/01/21 04:14 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
The Latest: Virus rules make for long lines at German border   KLBK | KAMC |

» BOJ's Kuroda says economy stable thanks to mix of fiscal, monetary support - Yahoo Finance
25/01/21 04:13 from Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader
BOJ's Kuroda says economy stable thanks to mix of fiscal, monetary support   Yahoo Finance


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