Israel withdraws almost all ground troops from southern Gaza; Iran issues threat to Israeli embassies - Saved Web Pages Review - 8:31 AM 4/7/2024

 Israel-Gaza latest: Israel withdraws almost all ground troops from southern Gaza; Iran issues threat to Israeli embassies


Israel ready to reach hostage deal - but not to give in to Hamas's 'extreme' demands: Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel is ready to reach a deal to secure the release of 130 hostages held by Hamas. 

But he said Israel would not give in to the "extreme" demands of the Palestinian militant group. 

Talks aimed at securing a ceasefire and the release of hostages are due to take place in Cairo today. 

Mr Netanyahu said Hamas hoped international pressure would make Israel give in to its demands, but he stressed that would not happen. 


Israel-Gaza latest: Israel withdraws almost all ground troops from southern Gaza; Iran issues threat to Israeli embassies
Israel ready to reach hostage deal - but not to give in to Hamas's 'extreme' demands: Netanyahu Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel is ready to reach a deal to secure the release of 130 hostages held by Hamas. But he said Israel would not give in to the "extreme" demands of the Palestinian militant group. Talks aimed at securing...
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Взрывы в России: Морозовск, Энгельс, Ейск. Нападение на Чибиса. Путин, единство России, Крокус |УТРО
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Fire at Russian power plant takes two units offline, governor says
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U.S. told Russia that Crocus City Hall was possible target of attack
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Strange Putin ally videos reignite health speculation
Recent footage of Chechnya's leader Ramzan Kadyrov has added to ongoing speculation that the health of the close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin is ailing.Rumors have abounded for months about Kadyrov. He runs the predominantly Muslim Russian republic in the Caucasus with an iron fist and has been accused of human rights abuses by international...
Trump posts $175M bond to stave off seizure of his assets while he appeals civil fraud verdict
NEW YORK — Former President Donald Trump posted a $175 million bond Monday to stop collection of a half-billion dollar judgment in the civil fraud case against him, preventing state authorities from seizing his assets while he appeals the verdict.Trump’s posting of the bond comes after a panel of appellate judges last week ruled that he could post a...
В полиции в Москве умер задержанный после "Крокуса" уроженец Чечни
Уроженец Чечни Асхаб Успанов был задержан в Москве, предположительно, в ночь после теракта в концертном зале "Крокус Сити Холл" и спустя несколько часов умер в отделе полиции. По неподтвержденным данным, его могли подвергать пыткам. Информацию о гибели Успанова изданию "Агентство" подтвердила его мать. По ее сведениям, его задержали, когда он направлялся...
Russian security agency says suspects detained in the Caucasus are linked to Moscow attack | Law-Order
PTI | Moscow | Updated: 02-04-2024 00:36 IST | Created: 02-04-2024 00:36 IST Russia's top security agency said on Monday it has broken up what it called a ''terrorist cell'' in southern Russia whose members had provided weapons and cash to suspected attackers of the Moscow concert hall.The Federal Security Service, or FSB, said that on Sunday it...


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