The congressional free-for-all over 702 is well underway - WP, And Other Selected Stories - 12:53 PM 12/6/2023

The congressional free-for-all over 702 is well underway - The Washington  Post

The congressional free-for-all over 702 is well underway

Welcome to The Cybersecurity 202! Back in the saddle. Thanks to Ellen and David for keeping the beat going while I was gone.

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Below: A key cyber nominee remains stalled after military holds lift, and AI-generated Russian propaganda isn’t finding an audience. First:

Everything, everywhere, all at once with Hill flurry of activity on Section 702

FBI Director Christopher A. Wray testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

You can tell from the frenzy of activity this week that we’re nearing the endgame for Congress to act on renewing robust but divisive surveillance powers set to expire at year’s end.

Just look at everything happening this week on the eavesdropping program known as Section 702, which allows bulk warrantless snooping on foreign targets — an authority national security officials say is essential to defending against cyberattacks and more, but that critics worry about how it treats Americans communicating with those foreign targets:

  • On Monday, two national security officials wrote a letter to key lawmakers making its case for renewal that includes some changes but not all of those favored by privacy advocates.
  • On Tuesday, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray emphasized the usefulness of the program even as some lawmakers challenged him on how best to overhaul it.
  • Legislation co-sponsored by the top members of the House Judiciary Committee introduced the latest of several proposals for reauthorization, this one more up the alley of civil liberties groups. Today, the panel will take up that legislation in a markup session.
  • The House Intelligence Committee, meanwhile, is slated to consider its leaders’ own version of the renewal legislation.
  • All the while, House and Senate leadership are trying to figure out options for a possible short-term extension.

The administration arguments (and rebuttals)

“There is no way to replicate Section 702’s speed, reliability, specificity, and insight, and every day it helps protect Americans from a host of new and emerging threats to include weapons of mass destruction, malicious cyber activity, illicit international fentanyl trafficking, hostile state behavior from China and Russia, and more,” Carlos Felipe Uriart, assistant attorney general, and Matthew Rhoades, assistant director of national intelligence, wrote Monday to a list of lawmakers in both the House and Senate who hold power over the fate of Section 702.

  • “Though perhaps less evident, the loss of Section 702 would have an equally devastating impact on the ability of U.S. diplomats to advance and promote American interests and values in the world,” wrote Brett Holmgren, the Assistant Secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, in Semafor.

Like Uriart and Rhoades did in their letter, Wray argued before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that the warrant requirement for querying the communications of Americans — a much-desired addition to the program for privacy hawks — would inhibit the program’s effectiveness, including on cybersecurity

“702 allowed the FBI to alert more than 300 victims in every state and countries around the world” about a cyberattack, he testified as one example. “Many of those crucial victim notifications were made possible by our ability to conduct U.S. person queries of our existing 702 collection.”

The FBI declined to provide further information on that cyberattack.

Wray’s message was not well-received by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah), who evoked parallels to other warrant requirements for U.S. communications and took particular umbrage to Wray saying a warrant requirement for U.S. person queries would amount to “unilateral disarmament.”

“You have a lot of gall, sir,” Lee said. “This is disgraceful. The Fourth Amendment requires more than that and you know it.” (On the other side, 702's boosters say warrants aren’t required for 702, and they point to a federal judge’s opinion from earlier this year on the Fourth Amendment implications.)

Senate Judiciary Chairman Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) left things somewhat more ambiguous on where he stood, only saying that he wouldn’t support a reauthorization of Section 702 without undescribed “significant reforms” to protect “innocent Americans from warrantless surveillance.”

Dueling bills

The bipartisan leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee offered legislation last week that stopped short of the warrant requirement for U.S. person queries, leaving national security officials open to the proposal but program skeptics still, well, skeptical.

Now a bill backed by the likewise-bipartisan leaders of the House Judiciary Committee is on the table, too, and that measure notably does include such a warrant requirement. It also includes provisions tied to other Fourth Amendment concerns, such as seeking to prevent feds from being able to purchase Americans’ data from tech companies without a warrant.

  • “America’s intelligence community continues to conduct a warrantless, mass surveillance campaign on innocent citizens,” said lead sponsor Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), pointing to past abuses under the existing law. “My legislation addresses numerous loopholes in federal law to end this unconstitutional practice and to ensure rogue agents are held accountable.”  

Prominent privacy and civil liberties groups praised the legislation, as did Hill sponsors of an earlier, similar measure. Today, the Judiciary panel will consider what to do with the bill.

Following quickly on the House Judiciary panel’s heels, the House Intelligence Committee is slated to take up another version of the bill on Thursday. The legislation is expected to be closer to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s bill, including on how it handles warrants.

Last but not least, a short-term extension of Section 702 might be on deck while everyone undertakes the likely-messy work of trying to reconcile all these different ideas. For weeks, how such legislation might become law — Attached to a bill to prevent a federal government shutdown? Hitching a ride on the annual defense policy bill? — has been the subject of speculation and rumors (and maybe “trial balloons” to see what would be workable). The latest: A potential showdown on the House floor, Politico reports.

The keys

Governments used push notifications to spy on users, Wyden says

The surveillance was detailed in a letter by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) to the Justice Department. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

Foreign governments have been demanding information on users’ smartphone push notifications, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said in a letter to the Justice Department, as reported by Reuters’s Raphael Satter

Most push notifications travel on Apple and Google servers. The companies are “in a unique position to facilitate government surveillance of how users are using particular apps,” Wyden said. He asked the Justice Department to “repeal or modify any policies” that restricted such surveillance from being discussed publicly.

  • “Wyden’s letter cited a 'tip’ as the source of the information about the surveillance,” Satter writes. “His staff did not elaborate on the tip, but a source familiar with the matter confirmed that both foreign and U.S. government agencies have been asking Apple and Google for metadata related to push notifications to, for example, help tie anonymous users of messaging apps to specific Apple or Google accounts.”
  • Wyden’s source didn’t identify the governments that made the requests, but “described them as democracies allied to the United States,” Satter writes. “The source said they did not know how long such information had been gathered in that way.”
  • In a statement to Reuters, Apple said that “In this case, the federal government prohibited us from sharing any information,” and added that “Now that this method has become public we are updating our transparency reporting to detail these kinds of requests.”
  • The Justice Department didn’t respond to Reuters’ requests for comment on the surveillance or whether it restricted Apple or Google from discussing it. Google didn’t respond to Reuters’ requests for comment. 

Even with Tuberville military lift, a key cyber nominee remains stalled

Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) lift on blanket military holds announced yesterday is giving a temporary sigh of relief for key Pentagon nominations, though at least one key cyber post still faces hurdles. 

The 10-month holds imposed by Tuberville in protest of the Defense Department’s abortion care policies threw a wrench on hundreds of military nominations, with a handful of them falling on cybersecurity positions.

  • Reactions poured in from various lawmakers, as well as President Biden, who called the decision “long overdue” and said the delay was “pointless.”

But the lifts do not cover all nominees. Tuberville said around 10 promotions at the four-star rank would still remain held. That means Lt. Gen. Timothy Haugh, who was tapped to lead the NSA and Cybercom, appears to remain in limbo. Gen. Paul Nakasone, the incumbent, is due to leave as the longest-serving leader of Cyber Command and said he would depart as soon as Haugh gets confirmed.

  • But even if rankings did not factor in, Haugh still would have faced an ongoing hold recently imposed by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) over whether the Pentagon publicly acknowledges whether the NSA buys Americans’ location data from data brokers.

The blocks have created a pileup of lower-ranking cybersecurity nominees in both Cybercom and the NSA, as the Record’s Martin Matishak reported.

AI-generated Russian propaganda not finding audience, report says

An AI-generated Kremlin propaganda campaign aimed at swaying online discourse on Russia’s war in Ukraine and other geopolitics is failing to substantially reach an audience, CyberScoop’s Elias Groll reports, citing research from Recorded Future.

As Groll writes, the Russian propaganda group dubbed “Doppelganger” appears to have “stood up a fake news outlet and used generative AI to write articles with a generally anti-Western, pro-Russian slant.”

  • CyberScoop adds: “Dubbed Election Watch, the website poses as an English-language news outlet and summarizes negative news articles featuring President Joe Biden, such as his struggles to convince Congress to provide additional funding for Ukraine and his dropping levels of support among Arab Americans amid his staunch support of Israel’s military campaign against Hamas.”

Measuring the exact reach of the site is hard to do, but Recorded Future Insikt Group analyst Brian Liston said the reach of that content is “negligible.”

  • Social media accounts shared and posted content from the site, but “at most we were only seeing a handful or so of views per post … and even fewer engagements,” Liston said. 

Groll later adds: “While nation states are indeed embracing AI-generated content, getting that content to break through to mainstream audiences is another challenge all together. Doing so probably requires gaining traction on platforms with large audiences. But those platforms, such as Facebook, have grown more sophisticated at monitoring state-backed propaganda campaigns.”

  • Meta recently said it removed thousands of Facebook accounts in what it deemed to be a Chinese foreign influence campaign that was impersonating Americans on headline-making election issues like health care and abortion.
  • But as our colleagues recently reported, the company and other social platforms have stopped receiving warnings from the U.S. government on foreign influence matters as the Supreme Court is expected to decide whether the Biden administration ran afoul of the First Amendment by communicating with social media about removing posts online.

Government scan

Securing the ballot

Industry report

Global cyberspace

Privacy patch


  • The Intelligence and National Security Alliance convenes a discussion on AI use cases in the intelligence community at 8 a.m.
  • The House Judiciary Committee considers a bill to amend warrant requirements in Section 702 of FISA at 10 a.m.
  • The Atlantic Council holds a discussion on global election misinformation risks in 2024 at 3 p.m.
  • The Institute of World Politics holds a seminar on cyber critical infrastructure at 6 p.m.

Analysis | The congressional free-for-all over 702 is well underway - The Washington Post
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Suspected Brooklyn Stabber Caught, Arrested: NYPD - Patch
Suspected Brooklyn Stabber Caught, Arrested: NYPD - Brooklyn, NY - Police said an unhoused 29-year-old was responsible for Sunday's fatal stabbing ...
США назначили вознаграждение за информацию о бежавшем Артёме Уссе
Сына экс-губернатора Красноярского края обвиняют в финансовых преступлениях
Ukraine Aid Falters in Senate as Republicans Insist on Border Restrictions
Legislation to send military aid to Ukraine and Israel was on the brink of collapse, after a briefing devolved into a screaming match one day before a critical test vote in the Senate.
@USApoRusski: .@USAmbKyiv: На сегодняшний день через Черноморский гуманитарный коридор Украины прошло 200 судов и более 7 млн тонн зерна, металлов и других товаров. Благодаря этому коридору Украина продолжает поставлять важнейшие товары на мировые рынки.
.@USAmbKyiv: На сегодняшний день через Черноморский гуманитарный коридор Украины прошло 200 судов и более 7 млн тонн зерна, металлов и других товаров. Благодаря этому коридору Украина продолжает поставлять важнейшие товары на мировые рынки.— США по-русски (@USApoRusski) December 5, 2023
Гиена Европы: поляки дали НАТО три года для подготовки к войне с Россией
У Североатлантического альянса есть три года на подготовку к нападению со стороны России. Об этом в интервью Nasz Dziennik заявил глава Службы национальной безопасности Польши Яцек Севера.
Zelensky is losing popularity because of his mistakes, says mayor of Kyiv
Mr Klitschko was a senior leader in the 2014 Maidan Revolution that overthrew a Kremlin-backed leadership and has been a strong supporter of Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s president between 2014-19.  Mr Zelensky, a stand-up comedian before he entered politics, defeated Mr Poroshenko in the 2019 presidential election.Mr Klitschko’s interview with 20 Minutes...
Zelensky will brief senators Tuesday ahead of key vote on military aid
Skip to content Mattie Neretin Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrives to the Capitol in Washington, D.C., for meetings to discuss funding on Thursday, September 21, 2023. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will address senators at a classified briefing Tuesday via a secure video conference feed, Senate Majority Leader...
Hamas terrorists had ‘a thing with sexual organs’ and targeted genitalia of Israeli victims: UN testimony
Barbaric Hamas terrorists had “a thing with sexual organs’’ and targeted the genitalia of male and female victims during their Oct. 7 attack on Israel, according to harrowing United Nations testimony Monday. Some of the fiends’ unspeakable acts involved a murdered woman found with “nails and different objects...
Did Hamas Make Millions Betting Against Israeli Shares Before October 7 Massacre? - Israel News -
Giant gambles against Israel on the markets in Tel Aviv and Wall Street days before Hamas’ attack made billions. Somebody seems to have known about the plan in advanceIdo BaumDec 4, 2023 2:34 pm ISTGet email notification for articles from Ido Baum FollowDec 4, 2023 2:34 pm ISTIdo BaumDec 4, 2023 2:34 pm ISTGet email notification for articles from Ido...
'Detailed map, infiltration routes': Documents reveal Hamas's scale of planning for attack
The surprise attack launched by Hamas on Israel has thrown the region into an unprecedented level of military escalation. Hamas's army wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, infiltrated into Israel, breaching the southern border, and a bloodbath followed. According to the latest reports, Hamas terrorists had detailed maps of locations in Israel, including...
Russian Ground Troops, Including Chechens, Reportedly Fighting in Syria
The head of the southern Russian region of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has denied media reports that he deployed troops to Syria to fight on the side of President Bashar al-Assad. Meanwhile, the Kremlin and the Federation Council, the upper chamber of Russia's parliament, have been forced to explain footage of Russian forces fighting in Syria recently...
WSJ News Exclusive | Hamas Militants Had Detailed Maps of Israeli Towns, Military Bases and Infiltration Routes
Documents found on Hamas militants show scale of planning behind deadly attackOutside the Kfar Aza kibbutz, one of the Israeli communities that suffered casualties and hostages in the multifront attack on Saturday. Hassan Eslaiah/Associated Press
Someone bet against the Israeli stock market in the days before Hamas' Oct. 7 attack
By Madeleine Richards December 4, 2023 / 3:09 PM EST / CBS News Five days before the deadliest attack in Israel's history, a warning may have appeared on stock exchanges.A study by researchers from Columbia University and NYU called "Trading on Terror?" suggests that a trader may have been aware of the coming attack, bet against the Israeli...
White House warns Ukraine funds up soon — as new analysis finds 90% of billions spent stay in US
The Biden administration alerted Congress Monday that funding to assist Ukraine in its war with Russia will run out by the end of this year as negotiators reach an impasse over future military and humanitarian aid — despite recently published research showing around 90% of the money spent never leaves US shores. ...
Gold bars found in Sen. Bob Menendez’s home linked to 2013 robbery
Four of the gold bars Sen. Bob Menendez stashed at his home were previously stolen from the businessman accused of bribing the New Jersey Democrat, according to a report.  The serial numbers on some of the gold found by the FBI during a June 2022 raid of Menendez’s Englewood Cliffs, NJ, home match identifiers...
Did Hamas Make Millions Betting Against Israeli Shares Before October 7 Massacre? - Israel News -
Giant gambles against Israel on the markets in Tel Aviv and Wall Street days before Hamas’ attack made billions. Somebody seems to have known about the plan in advanceIdo BaumDec 4, 2023 2:34 pm ISTGet email notification for articles from Ido Baum FollowDec 4, 2023 2:34 pm ISTIdo BaumDec 4, 2023 2:34 pm ISTGet email notification for articles from Ido...
Former US ambassador arrested in Florida, accused of serving as Cuban agent, source
MIAMI -- A former American diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to Bolivia has been arrested in a long-running FBI counterintelligence investigation, accused of secretly serving as an agent of Cuba’s government, The Associated Press has learned.Manuel Rocha, 73, was arrested in Miami on Friday on a criminal complaint and more details about the case...
Hamas and the New Lessons of Irregular Warfare
On Oct. 7, the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its most audacious attack on Israel, catching the country by surprise. Militants poured into Israeli towns, leaving horrific carnage in their wake as a barrage of thousands of missiles complemented the land assault. While the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) initially mounted a sluggish response,...
Israel: We will bring 7 October 'monsters' to justice | Israel-Hamas war - The Global Herald
Sky News published this video item, entitled “Israel: We will bring 7 October ‘monsters’ to justice | Israel-Hamas war” – below is their description.Israeli government spokesperson Eylon Levy has told a news conference that Israel vows to hunt down the killers of the 7 October massacre.Around 1,200 people were murdered which led to the outbreak...
Thanksgiving ransomware attack impacted 30 hospitals
The Nov. 23 ransomware attack on Nashville, Tenn.-based Ardent Health Services has impacted 30 hospitals across six states, WKRN reported Nov. 29.  The effects of the attack were so severe that certain emergency rooms had to redirect patients days afterward. For instance, UT Health East Texas in Tyler told CNN that during the incident, its hospitals...
"Страх выйти в булочную". Блогеры о новой волне полицейских рейдов
В ночь на субботу полиция провела рейды в ЛГБТ-френдли клубах и саунах. Рейды проходили под предлогом поиска наркотиков. Александр Горбунов Сегодня ночью московская полиция каталась по столичным гей-клубам. Как сообщает осторожно.новости, представители профессии, чьим неофициальным символом стала бутылка шампанского, которой насиловали задержанных,...
NPR News: 12-04-2023 7AM EST
NPR News: 12-04-2023 7AM EST
Up First briefing: Israel pushes into southern Gaza; Liz Cheney's new book
Israel's military says it has expanded its ground offensive in Gaza and is now targeting Hamas strongholds in the south. Liz Cheney says democracy is at stake if Trump is elected again.(Image credit: Hatem Ali/AP)
Scholz nennt Erdogans Israel-Kritik "absurd" - ZDFheute -
Scholz nennt Erdogans Israel-Kritik "absurd" - ZDFheute
White House says it is nearly out of money to help Ukraine fight war with Russia
White House budget director Shalanda Young warned in a letter to Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson and other congressional leaders on Monday that the United States was running out of time and money to help Ukraine fight its war with Russia, Report inf
Yerevan expects Baku’s response to sixth package of proposals for peace treaty
The Armenian government is awaiting a response to the latest proposals from official Yerevan regarding a peace treaty with Azerbaijan, Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister Mnatsakan Safaryan told a briefing with journalists, Report informs via Armenian media.
South Korea launches first military spy satellite
<div><img class="invisible" style="display: none" src="[images%7COpenAccessDataProvider]319ca3a5-a524-444f-b89e-95e6b0eae24b?sfvrsn=1b8e7a1_2"></div><div class="w-100 position-relative"> <img src="/ResourcePackages/Janes/assets/dist/images/placeholder-16-9.jpg" class="invisible w-100"> <div style="background-image: url("")"...
Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs areas where it sends them
Israel ordered Palestinians to leave parts of the main southern city in the Gaza Strip on Monday even as its bombs rained down on areas where it had told them to go. Israeli troops and tanks also pressed the ground campaign against Hamas militants in the south of the enclave after having largely gained control of the now-devastated north. Israel’s...
UK military faces £17 billion equipment shortfall
Britain’s armed forces face an equipment funding shortfall of 17 billion pounds ($21.6 billion) over the next 10 years, a public spending watchdog said on Monday, a concern for defence chiefs at a time of heightened geopolitical risks. The National Audit Office (NAO) put the estimate for the budget for new weapons and equipment at 305.5 billion pounds...
@Reuters: 🔉The US Defense Secretary has warned Israel that protecting civilians is both a moral responsibility and a 'strategic imperative.' On Reuters World News podcast with @kimvinnell, @jeffmason1 explains why US officials are getting increasingly vocal
🔉The US Defense Secretary has warned Israel that protecting civilians is both a moral responsibility and a 'strategic imperative.'On Reuters World News podcast with @kimvinnell, @jeffmason1 explains why US officials are getting increasingly vocal— Reuters (@Reuters) December 4, 2023
Russian Navy General Killed in Ukraine, Governor Says - The Moscow Times
Russian Navy General Killed in Ukraine, Governor Says  The Moscow Times
Israel-Hamas war: From North to South nowhere safe in Gaza, as 700 killed in 24 hours | WION
It is the third day since the truce collapsed bombing continues in Gaza both Israel and Hamas have ruled out negotiations as bodies line up in the Palestinian Enclave. Israel says it has pulled back mediators from Qatar while Hamas says that another exchange of prisoners and hostages will take place only after a permanent ceasefire. #israelpalestineconflict...
Israel-Hamas war: Over 700 killed in last 24 hours as Israel expands ground offensive in Gaza | WION
It is the third day since the truce collapsed bombing continues in Gaza both Israel and Hamas have ruled out negotiations as bodies line up in the Palestinian Enclave. Israel says it has pulled back mediators from Qatar while Hamas says that another exchange of prisoners and hostages will take place only after a permanent ceasefire. #israelpalestineconflict...
@thehill: Progressives heap pressure on Democrats as border talks screech to halt
Progressives heap pressure on Democrats as border talks screech to halt— The Hill (@thehill) December 4, 2023
@thehill: Senate anti-Trump GOP see Haley as best hope to avoid disaster
Senate anti-Trump GOP see Haley as best hope to avoid disaster— The Hill (@thehill) December 4, 2023
@thehill: White House warns it will run out of money for Ukraine unless Congress acts by end of year
White House warns it will run out of money for Ukraine unless Congress acts by end of year— The Hill (@thehill) December 4, 2023
@thehill: DeSantis, Haley neck-and-neck for 2nd in GOP primary; Trump holds wide lead: poll
DeSantis, Haley neck-and-neck for 2nd in GOP primary; Trump holds wide lead: poll— The Hill (@thehill) December 4, 2023
Israel expands offensive, ordering mass evacuations in southern Gaza
The Israeli military announced it was expanding its ground assault against Hamas to all of the Gaza Strip, following the collapse of the truce deal that saw more than 100 hostages and 240 Palestinian prisoners freed. » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog:
‘The next Trump presidency will be worse’: The Atlantic lays out second term dangers
The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg joins Morning Joe to discuss the magazine's latest issue, which features 24 essays about the dangers of a second Trump term. » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC...
Russian Federation officially confirms Major General Zavadsky’s liquidation in war in Ukraine
Russia has officially confirmed the liquidation of Major General Vladimir Zavadsky, who was the deputy commander of the 14th Army Corps of the Northern Fleet. The Russian general allegedly died "on a combat post".
The ‘Evil Russian Disinformation Machine’ in Latin America
Through the use of disinformation, economic coercion, and overt and covert political actions, Russia has weakened democratic institutions in Latin America. Such were the findings of a late October report of nongovernmental organization U.S. Institute of Peace. “This Russian machine is extremely pernicious and dangerous,” Jorge Serrano, a security...
The 'Evil Russian Disinformation Machine' in Latin America -
The 'Evil Russian Disinformation Machine' in Latin America
Israel extends ground offensive into southern Gaza, with mission in north ‘almost complete’
Israel orders people to evacuate areas marked on maps online, but move criticised as many in Gaza don’t have internet accessIsrael-Hamas war – live updatesIsraeli tanks, armoured personnel carriers and bulldozers have entered the southern part of the Gaza Strip near Khan Younis, as an Israeli commander claimed the army had almost completed its mission...
Scholz fordert Putin bei G20 zu Rückzug aus Ukraine auf
STORY: Hinweis: Dieser Beitrag wird ohne Sprechertext gesendet. O-Ton Olaf Scholz (SPD), Bundeskanzler: "Wie bekannt, hat der russische Präsident heute zum ersten Mal seit Beginn des Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine an einer Videokonferenz der Staats- und Regierungschefs der G20 teilgenommen. Ich habe dazu aufgerufen, dass Präsident Putin...
Russian cops target gays after court declares LGBTQ movement ‘extremist’: Repercussions to be ‘nothing short of catastrophic’
Russian police have launched a series of raids against gay bars and clubs in Moscow after the country’s supreme court banned the LGBTQ movement in Russia, calling it “extremist.” Cops in the Russian capital targeted gay clubs, a nightclub, a male sauna and other venues Friday after the court’s decision, which...
Terrorism: Foreign and Domestic | 60 Minutes Full Episodes
From 2017, two Scott Pelley interviews, one with an FBI agent who infiltrated Al Qaeda and another with a former white supremacist who knows help to get people out of extremism. From 2019, Pelley's report on a former American member of Al-Qaeda who provided valuable intelligence in order to avoid jail. And also from 2017, Lesley Stahl's conversation...
How Putin's troops rape and torture Ukrainian MEN as well as women
Published: 13:55 GMT, 3 December 2023 | Updated: 15:09 GMT, 3 December 2023 Russian soldiers have raped and tortured men as well as women in Ukraine as a weapon of war to 'destroy' the population for generations to come, international activists and lawyers have revealed.Some Ukrainian men who were detained by Russian soldiers in the Kherson...
Enemy At The Gates! Russian Sniper Waits for 4 Days For Targets To Show Up, Shot Dead In Minutes - EurAsian Times
Enemy At The Gates! Russian Sniper Waits for 4 Days For Targets To Show Up, Shot Dead In Minutes  EurAsian Times
FBI Arrests Conservative Actor for Taking Part in Jan. 6 Protests | NTD
Conservative actor Siaka Massaquoi was arrested by the FBI on Thursday and charged with misdemeanors in relation to his presence during the Jan.
Felicity Huffman: FBI raids are 'nothing new to the Black and brown community' - Celebitchy
So I did it.” Once the FBI investigated the operation, they brought federal charges against 33 parents who participated in the plot, including Huffman ...
Former FBI official blows a hole in Trump's latest stolen document defense - Raw Story
According to a former FBI counterintelligence official, Donald Trump's repeated assertion that President Joe Biden's retention of government ...
Kirby doesn’t know when discussions to resume Israel-Hamas truce will restart - The Hill
Kirby doesn’t know when discussions to resume Israel-Hamas truce will restart  The Hill
'Bad News From Ukraine': NATO Chief To Western Allies As Russia Steps Up Attacks
Amid ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, NATO Chief has issued a big warning, telling the Western allies that they should be ready for 'bad news' from Ukraine. This comes as Ukraine's counteroffensive failed to dislodge Russian troops from occupied regions. Jens Stoltenberg highlighted the need to boost ammunition production in the light of Ukraine's failed...
В Татарстане требуют запретить сериал «Слово пацана» #shorts
Поддержите нас донатами, если вы не в России: • Следите за главными новостями и новыми выпусками в Telegram: • Подписывайтесь на нас в Instagram: • Читайте нас в Twitter (X): Дождь собирает информацию о детях из Украины в учреждениях, санаториях,...
@visegrad24: Israeli Muslim Bedouin soldier records a video in Arabic with 2 captured Hamas terrorists in Gaza. He says: “The day of revenge has come. We’ll continue to hunt you for the sins you committed, in the name of the murdered Bedouins and our Jewish friends”
Israeli Muslim Bedouin soldier records a video in Arabic with 2 captured Hamas terrorists in Gaza.He says:“The day of revenge has come. We’ll continue to hunt you for the sins you committed, in the name of the murdered Bedouins and our Jewish friends”— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) December 3, 2023
Kyiv Police Cannot Confirm Whether Ukrainian Lawmaker Detained For Alleged Treason Injured In Custody
Kyiv police said on December 3 that following an investigation they were unable to confirm allegations that detained Ukrainian lawmaker Oleksandr Dubinskiy was physically injured while in custody.
Israel planea asesinar a los dirigentes de Hamás en todo el mundo después de la guerra
Agencia AJN.- (Dion Nissenbaum – Wall Street Journal) Los servicios de inteligencia israelíes se están preparando para asesinar a los dirigentes de Hamás en todo el mundo cuando finalice la guerra en la Franja de Gaza, preparando el escenario para una campaña de un año de duración para eliminar a los militantes responsables de las masacres del 7 de...
I Was a Psychologist at Israel's Military Intelligence. Here's Why the Unit Keeps Getting It Wrong - Israel News -
When I was hired by Military Intelligence, I was told they were interested in my work in cross-cultural psychology. What I found was a body so in the thrall of its own internal culture that it couldn't listen to a contrary voiceGet email notification for articles from Ofer Grosbard FollowDec 1, 2023Get email notification for articles from Ofer Grosbard...
In bribery case, Sen. Menendez switches to a defense lawyer quite familiar with gold bars
Sen. Bob Menendez on indictment: VideoSen. Bob Menendez offered comments to the public for the first time since he and his wife Nadine Arslanian Menendez were indicted on bribery charges.Sen. Bob Menendez has switched up his legal team as he prepares to defend himself against an indictment charging him and his wife Nadine Menendez in an alleged bribery...
Bombs are falling on Gaza again. Who are the hostages still remaining in the besieged strip?
JERUSALEM (AP) — A weeklong cease-fire that brought the exchanges of dozens of hostages held by Hamas for scores of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel gave way Friday morning to resumed fighting between Israel and Hamas. As mediators scuttle between the warring sides in a last-ditch effort to broker another swap, questions emerge on who remains in...
Israel-Gaza war: Residents of Khan Younis say Israeli strikes heaviest since start of war
US Vice President Kamala Harris, in a meeting with the president of Egypt, said "under no circumstances [would] the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, the besiegement of Gaza, or the redrawing of the borders of Gaza".
Is Hersh story on secret Ukraine peace talks true?
There is a story, published by Seymour Hersh and picked up by Russian media, that Ukrainian General Valerii Zaluzhny and Russian General Valery Gerasimov are secretly negotiating a deal that could potentially end the Ukraine war. The story is supported by “anonymous” sources, allegedly in the US intelligence establishment. The question is: Is the report...
За последние два века (!) ЛГБТК-людей в России всего два десятка лет не преследовали по закону. Теперь история сделала полный круг Но нынешние законы — еще более жестокие, чем в Российской империи и СССР
Ущемление прав квир-людей, неизбежное после чудовищного решения Верховного суда о признании «экстремистским» «Международного общественного движения ЛГБТ», вовсе не новация путинского режима. Преследованием неугодных по признаку сексуальной идентичности веками занималось не только российское государство, но и многие западные страны. И если в последних...
Israel's 'Hamas Massacre' website features graphic photos and videos
Published: 16:24 GMT, 2 November 2023 | Updated: 04:13 GMT, 12 November 2023 Israel has set up a 'Hamas Massacre' website featuring graphic photos and videos of the October 7 attack as it vows to 'document the horrors of that day'. The terror began when Hamas gunmen descended upon the Nova music festival near Kibbutz Re'im on motorised paragliders...
Israel sets up 'Hamas Massacre' website featuring graphic photos and videos of the October 7 terror attack as - Daily Mail
Israel sets up 'Hamas Massacre' website featuring graphic photos and videos of the October 7 terror attack as  Daily Mail
Israel 'knew about Hamas attack plans' over a year before it happened, New York Times reports - Yahoo News UK
Israel 'knew about Hamas attack plans' over a year before it happened, New York Times reports  Yahoo News UK
Israel knew about plan for Hamas attack more than year ago: NYT - NewsNation Now
Israel knew about plan for Hamas attack more than year ago: NYT  NewsNation Now
'Israel had Hamas attack blueprint a year ago, dismissed it as aspirational' - Times of India - IndiaTimes
'Israel had Hamas attack blueprint a year ago, dismissed it as aspirational' - Times of India  IndiaTimes
New strikes hit Gaza as Israel-Hamas fighting resumes: live updates - CNN
New strikes hit Gaza as Israel-Hamas fighting resumes: live updates  CNN
At Israeli rave site attacked by Hamas, DJs play music to honor the ... - WGLT
At Israeli rave site attacked by Hamas, DJs play music to honor the ...  WGLT
New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance - Newsday
New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance  Newsday
Israel officials knew about Hamas’ attack plan, says report - The Siasat Daily
Israel officials knew about Hamas’ attack plan, says report  The Siasat Daily
Thousands Rally Across Israel to Call for Release of Hostages From ... - Haaretz
Thousands Rally Across Israel to Call for Release of Hostages From ...  Haaretz
Russia's jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny faces more charges - Yahoo Sport Australia
Russia's jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny faces more charges  Yahoo Sport Australia
Armenian FM discusses issues of regional security with NATO envoy ... - Public Radio of Armenia
Armenian FM discusses issues of regional security with NATO envoy ...  Public Radio of Armenia
@mikenov: Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего…
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2, 2023...
@mikenov: Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего…
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2, 2023...
Al-Qassam Brigades Releases Video Of Drone Strike On Israeli Military Vehicles In Gaza | Watch
Hamas' Al-Qassam Brigades released a video showing its fighters launching three drones towards IDF vehicles in Gaza strip. The drone footage also shows Israeli military vehicles, but does not show the aftermath of the launches. Hamas did not reveal whether it was able to inflict any damage on the Israeli forces. The fighting in Gaza resumed yesterday...
NATO backs Ukraine as Western leaders argue war going better than realized - Colorado Springs Gazette
NATO backs Ukraine as Western leaders argue war going better than realized  Colorado Springs Gazette
Russia boosts size of armed forces by 170000 troops - Al Jazeera English
Russia boosts size of armed forces by 170000 troops  Al Jazeera English
Watch All In With Chris Hayes Highlights: Dec. 1
Get the latest news and commentary from Chris Hayes weekdays at 8 p.m. ET on MSNBC. » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well...
Russia appears to be putting jamming tech on its tanks as exploding ... - Yahoo News
Russia appears to be putting jamming tech on its tanks as exploding ...  Yahoo News
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего Уродства.
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2, 2023...
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего Уродства.
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2, 2023...
Israel planning for ‘very long war’ to defeat Hamas: Report
The post Israel planning for ‘very long war’ to defeat Hamas: Report first appeared on The Ocean Avenue News – The News And Times. The post Israel planning for ‘very long war’ to defeat Hamas: Report first appeared on The News And Times Information Network.
@mikenov: Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего…
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2,...
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего Уродства.
Россия – это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия – особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2, 2023...
No-shows and walkouts as Israel-Hamas war looms over crucial ... - CNN
No-shows and walkouts as Israel-Hamas war looms over crucial ...  CNN
Trump's RICO D.A. on offense with 4 convictions, but defense ... - MSNBC
Trump's RICO D.A. on offense with 4 convictions, but defense ...  MSNBC
@hahussain: RT by @GeorgeDeek: UNRWA’s very existence is political and unjustified. All of the world’s refugees get one UN agency, UNHCR, and Palestinians…
UNRWA’s very existence is political and unjustified. All of the world’s refugees get one UN agency, UNHCR, and Palestinians get their own agency UNRWA.Also, UN refugee mission is to resettle refugees, like UNHCR does, not maintain Palestinian refugee status and make it…— Hussain Abdul-Hussain (@hahussain) December 2, 2023
@thehill: Immigration advocates are nearing their wits’ end as Senate negotiators barrel toward a deal that would permanently change immigration law in exchange for another round of Ukraine funding.
Immigration advocates are nearing their wits’ end as Senate negotiators barrel toward a deal that would permanently change immigration law in exchange for another round of Ukraine funding.— The Hill (@thehill) December 2, 2023
NPR News: 12-02-2023 8AM EST
NPR News: 12-02-2023 8AM EST
G7 Agrees on AI-related Guidelines at Ministerial Meeting - The Japan News
G7 Agrees on AI-related Guidelines at Ministerial Meeting  The Japan News
"Страна.ua": Зеленский хочет провести на Украине выборы без Залужного
Владимир Зеленский хочет провести выборы на Украине, но без участия главнокомандующего ВСУ Валерия Залужного. Об этом сообщает "Страна.ua".
Министр Свириденко: экспорт с Украины сократился из-за блокады границы с Польшей
В результате блокады границы польскими перевозчиками экспорт Украины уменьшился на 40 процентов, сообщила министр экономики страны Юлия Свириденко.
Lawsuits against Trump over Jan. 6 riot can move forward, appeals court rules
A federal appeals court says suits against Donald Trump brought by Capitol Police officers and Democratic lawmakers over the U.S. Capitol riot can ...
US judge rejects Donald Trump's claim of immunity in election interference case - ABC
A US appeals court ruled that Mr Trump must face civil lawsuits over his role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol by his supporters, ...
Germany is in a bizarre fiscal mess of its own making - The Economist
Germany is in a bizarre fiscal mess of its own making  The EconomistFear and anger rise in Germany over handling of budget crisis  The GuardianOpinion | Germany Gets Honest About What Net Zero Will Cost  The Wall Street Journal
‘Alone you are weak’: top German politician calls for closer links between UK and EU - The Guardian
‘Alone you are weak’: top German politician calls for closer links between UK and EU  The Guardian
Israel-Hamas ceasefire ends - FOX 11 Los Angeles
Israel-Hamas ceasefire ends  FOX 11 Los AngelesIsrael resumes bombardment of Gaza after cease-fire with Hamas ends  Fox NewsIsrael-Hamas war resumes: Israel vows to end Hamas and get hostages back | LiveNOW from FOX  LiveNOW from FOXView Full Coverage on Google News
Гражданин Луков. Портрет семейного клана Николая Патрушева — самого влиятельного друга Владимира Путина, спрятанного в госбазах под псевдонимом — Новая газета Европа
НовостиИсторииМненияВидеоСтать другомСтаньте нашим другомАндрей Серафимов, Илья ДавлятчинУже четверть века на вершине российского государства находится Николай Платонович Патрушев. Его семья — единственная, чьи представители есть и в Совбезе, и в правительстве. Государство как может защищает Патрушева и его сына — министра сельского хозяйства Дмитрия...
Патрушев: тень Путина, главный чекист, дворянин из КГБ | ГЛАВНЫЕ ФИГУРЫ
Кто такой Николай Патрушев? Этот не самый публичный человек прошел весь свой жизненный путь тенью Владимира Путина. Когда Патрушев был директором ФСБ Россию потрясла серия терактов с большим количеством человеческих жертв, но к нему не возникло никаких вопросов. Почему? Быть может, ФСБ занималась в те годы гораздо более важными делами, чем борьба с...
Страна Путина, режим Патрушева
Общественные настроения в России обсуждают политолог Валерий Соловей и социолог Денис Волков. Ведет передачу "Лицом к событию" Михаил Соколов. Подпишитесь на канал Радио Свобода Включите уведомления о новых видео, нажав на значок колокольчика. #РадиоСвобода #Путин #Патрушев
Страна Путина, режим Патрушева
Главные мировые события прошедшего уик-энда: финал чемпионата Европы по футболу, антиправительственные выступления на Кубе, победа проевропейской партии Майи Санду на выборах в Молдове. А в России правящая чекистская элита отметила юбилей одного из столпов режима Путина: секретарю Совета Безопасности Николаю Патрушеву исполнилось 70 лет. Обозначились...
💥ГАЛЛЯМОВ: Путин уже ПОДПИСАЛ УКАЗ / Кремль планирует НАПАДЕНИЕ на…
Российский оппозиционер и политолог Аббас Галлямов прокомментировал подготовку Путина к долгой войне. В частности, он предположил, сможет ли Кремль напасть на страны Балтии. 24 Канал запускає подкасти! Шукайте нас на різних, зручних для вас платформах: Не пропусти найоперативніші новини України та світу на Telegram:...
Сдадут в любой момент: при каких условиях Путина могут устранить в России
Политолог Аббас Галямов в разговоре с 24 Каналом объяснил, при каких условиях кремлевский диктатор может лишиться своего поста. Этот процесс будет отличаться от классического "дворцового" переворота.Смотрите также Элиты сами разберутся с Путиным: в Кремле много желающих изменить системуЕсть два ключевых условия, когда Путин может потерять свой президентский...
Сдадут в любой момент: при каких условиях Путина могут устранить в России
Российские так называемые "элиты" самостоятельно не будут устранять Путина. Но "ложиться костьми" за диктатора тоже не станут. Полный текст новости
Россия - это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия - особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего Уродства.
Россия - это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия - особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2, 2023 ...
Россия - это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия - особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего Уродства.
Россия - это вечное Тёмное Царство: тупое, вонючее, вшивое, паршивое. Это не страна и не общество, а одно сплошное УРОДСТВО. И Путинская Россия - особенно. На неё можно только плеваться, и из неё нужно только бежать. Рано или поздно Россия рухнет сама, под тяжестью своего…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) December 2, 2023  Selected...
BACK TO THE USSR: “300 people stood in their underpants”: police raided LGBT clubs in Moscow - Gazeta.Ru
' class="item-image" >Телеграм-канал «Осторожно, Москва»BACK TO THE USSR: “300 people stood in their underpants”: police raided LGBT clubs in Moscow - Gazeta.Ruposted at 08:52:38 UTC via gazeta.ruPolice raids took place in LGBT establishments in Moscow. According to eyewitnesses, the events took place in clubs and saunas under the pretext of searching...
Russia bans international LGBTQ+ movement as ‘extremist’ - Saved Web Pages Review - The News And Times
Mike Nova 2 · Saved Web Pages Review 2023 - 7:50 AM 12/1/2023 -  Saved Web Pages Review - The News And Times - TheNewsAndTimes.comRussia bans international LGBTQ+ movement as ‘extremist’SaveRIGA, Latvia — Russia’s Supreme Court on Thursday banned the “international LGBT public movement” as an extremist organization — even though the alleged movement...
Search inside imageWhat's in the label of 'terrorist state'? Everything.Visit Tweets - The News And Times Review - The News And Times #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel Israel #World World #USA USA #POTUS POTUS #DOJ DOJ #FBI FBI #CIA CIA #DIA DIA #ODNI ODNI Putin Russia #Putin #Russia...
@mikenov: "Да вы чо? Неужели он всё это пишет? Не тат, а татарин. Прям как я... Нашёлся тоже на мою лысину, of the Tribe of Nova... Держать и не пущать! Никуда не пущать! Ракеты ещё остались? Позвоните в Хамас, пусть пошуруют! И микроскоп такой себе соорудил, по новейшим технологиям ЦРУ:…
 Tweets - The News And Times Review - The News And Times #News #Times #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #Israel Israel #World World #USA USA #POTUS POTUS #DOJ DOJ #FBI FBI #CIA CIA #DIA DIA #ODNI ODNI Putin Russia #Putin #Russia #GRU GRU 12:19 PM 11/30/2023 News And Times #News...
My Opinion: Personally, and I am an active Twitter user, I did not notice any tweets which condone antisemitism. Overall, I think, Twitter became better as the BLOGGING TOOL after Musk came in: smoother and more efficient. The attempts to censor and regulate the expressions on Twitter were more pronounced in the pre-Musk period, and especially so during the Trump Presidency. M.N. ... 'Go f**k yourself!' Musk lashes out after advertisers threaten to BOYCOTT Twitter in antisemitism row AND OTHER SELECTED ARTICLES
My Opinion: Personally, and I am an active Twitter user, I did not notice any tweets which condone antisemitism. Overall, I think, Twitter became better as the BLOGGING TOOL after Musk came in: smoother and more efficient. The attempts to censor and regulate the expressions on Twitter were more pronounced in the pre-Musk period, and especially so during...
Putin Claims Russia Building a New World Order - Newsweek ... Putin accuses the West of trying to 'dismember and plunder' Russia ... - TribLIVE - Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times
Два татарина: Гундяев и Путин рассуждают о "Русском Мире", который, как всегда, озадаченно безмолвствует... -Пленарное заседание Всемирного русского народного собора • Президент России— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) November 29, 2023 #FBI: Nothing fills me with more disgust and revulsion than the...
Recent Tweets: @mikenov: Tell people about your brazen MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS; you, "PUTIN"S JEWS"! It will be much more interesting than this pseudo-religious nonsense. ‘New Year of Chassidism’ Has Special Meaning Amid War and Antisemitism - Worldwide celebrations of Jewish life and redemption on…
Tell people about your brazen MONEY LAUNDERING OPERATIONS; you, "PUTIN"S JEWS"! It will be much more interesting than this pseudo-religious nonsense. ‘New Year of Chassidism’ Has Special Meaning Amid War and Antisemitism - Worldwide celebrations of Jewish life and redemption on…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) November 29, 2023...


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