US vows to 'turn over every rock' to find source of intel leak - Selected Articles

Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times

US vows to 'turn over every rock' to find source of intel leak
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the United States will investigate the recent purported leak of classified documents until the source is found. #LloydAustin #classifieddocuments #News #Reuters #newsfeed Subscribe: Reuters brings you the latest business, finance and breaking news video from around...
Harry's life was expendable, former head of army says
Connect with online: Check out: Facebook: Instagram: Podcast: TikTok: Twitter: Subscribe to Australia's largest news...
US agencies working to find origin of intelligence leak
US agencies are working to mitigate the security fallout of an online leak of dozens of highly classified government documents. The search for answers is intensifying as Pentagon officials suggest the breach could be bigger than the Edward Snowden scandal.
Russian lawmakers back bill on electronic military draft papers
Under the new proposals, the summons will be sent electronically to a potential draftee's personal account on the main government portal. READ MORE : Subscribe to our channel: Watch our LIVE...
Украина получит новый пакет военной помощи от Канады
Продолжаются тяжелый бои в Бахмутском районе. ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ : Подписывайтесь:евроньюс?sub_confirmation=1 Прямой эфир euronews:евроньюс/live Euronews можно смотреть на YouTube на 12 языках:
Russia's most lethal weapons in Ukraine: Hypersonic missiles to tanks | Russia-Ukraine war | WION
Russia-Ukraine war live: Have a look at the new generations of weapons in which Russia says it is investing heavily, including images of hypersonic missiles that Moscow claims to have used in Ukraine, as well as state-of-the-art armored vehicles and aircraft that have not been confirmed for use on the Ukrainian battlefield. #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineWar1Year...
Байден прибыл в Ольстер, чтобы поддержать диалог между католиками и протестантами
В среду глава Белого дома встретится в Белфасте с Риши Сунаком и лидерами североирландских партий. ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ : Подписывайтесь:евроньюс?sub_confirmation=1 Прямой эфир euronews:евроньюс/live Euronews можно смотреть на YouTube на 12...
US President arrives in Northern Ireland | WION Shorts
US President Joe Biden's plane landed near Belfast. It is the start of Biden's three-day visit to Northern Ireland. #us #joebiden #ireland About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world. With our Global...
Ukrainian Army's modern weapons in action against Russian soldiers | Russia-Ukraine war | WION Live
Russia-Ukraine war Live: Have a look at military vehicles and equipment used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces since Russia launched its invasion of the country on February 24. #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineArmy #WIONLive About Channel: WION The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of...
Macron in the Netherlands live: King Willem-Alexander & Macron visit Amsterdam Science Park | WION
Dutch King Willem-Alexander and French President Emmanuel Macron visit the Amsterdam Science Park #Macron #Netherlands #WIONLive About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters...
Australia defence needs to prioritise ‘human’ over ‘hardware’: retired Major General
A major review of Australia’s defence strategies will be released before the upcoming budget next month but Australia needs to think “beyond the hardware” and “address the human”, according to retired Major General Gus McLachlan. Submarines are “all well and good” but there needs to be a priority on investing resources into the training of Australian...
China ‘on its knees’ amid talks to renew trade with Australia
China is suffering a famine crisis and has been brought to “its knees” – this is the only reason China has become more “permissive with its tariffs" when dealing with Australia, according to Sky News contributor Rocco Loiacono. “China at the moment is in the midst of a food crisis - it cannot produce enough food to feed itself, it is importing corn...
‘A whole new generation’ could become addicted to another nicotine product
ANU College of Health and Medicine Raglan Maddox says there is a chance a “whole new generation” becoming addicted to nicotine vapes. “You only have to look at the news cycle over the last couple of weeks to look at the alarming increase in e-cigarette use among our youth and young people,” Mr Maddox told Sky News Australia.
Rusia prueba un misil balístico intercontinental
Rusia ha probado un misil balístico intercontinental desde la zona de pruebas de Kapustin Yar, en la región de Astracán, que se encuentra en el sur del país, cerca del mar Caspio. (Fuente: M defensa ruso/ kremlin/defensa ucrania/ ep) Puedes leer la noticia en:
Blinken urges consular access to WSJ journalist held in Russia
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Russia's detention of Evan Gershkovich and denial of consular access to the Wall Street Journal reporter sends a message that people around the world should 'beware of even setting foot' in Russia. #News #Reuters #newsfeed #Russia #RussiaUkraineWar #UkraineWar #Blinken #EvanGershkovich #Moscow Subscribe:...
Joe Biden Lands in Northern Ireland: 25 Years Since Good Friday Agreement
'Joe Biden Lands in Northern Ireland: 25 Years Since Good Friday Agreement' US President Joe Biden has landed in Ireland for a four-day journey. He was greeted by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as he stepped off Air Force One at Belfast International Airport. It has been 25 years since the Good Friday Agreement and Biden wants to commemorate the...
Электронные повестки. Мобилизация неизбежна | Юрий Фёдоров
Госдума одобрила законопроект о создании единого электронного реестра воинского учета. Среди прочего, поправки предполагают запрет на выезд для граждан, получивших повестки, но не явившихся по ним. О том, как новые поправки облегчают власти набор мобилизованных, рассказывает военный эксперт Юрий Фёдоров. Гость: Юрий Фёдоров Ведущие: Нино Росебашвили...
Россия закрывает границы. Как Кремль готовится к контрнаступлению ВСУ
Украина готовится к контрнаступлению — Киев получает танки, боеприпасы, артиллерию, обучает солдат. Россия тоже готовится к контрнаступлению ВСУ — Госдума решила запретить военнообязанным покидать Россию, а повестки теперь будут приходить на Госуслуги. Екатерина Котрикадзе разбирает слив секретных данных Пентагона о наступлении ВСУ и как Кремль готовится...
South Korea, US claim leaked Pentagon documents ‘altered’
The United States is investigating how dozens of top-secret military documents ended up on the internet. Some documents claim to show South Korea reached a deal with Washington for weapons that could be used by Ukraine. The leaks include private conversations between senior South Korean officials and have caused outrage in Seoul. Al Jazeera's...
Multiple reasons to expect ‘major’ global economic slowdown
Economist Chris Richardson says there are many reasons to expect a “major” slowdown in economies across the world. “A big part of that is simply a massive increase in interest rates that we’ve seen,” he told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood. “That hurts.”
bbcnews's YouTube Videos: Elon Musk describes Twitter takeover as 'painful' - BBC News
From: bbcnews Duration: 8:42 Elon Musk has said running Twitter has been "quite painful" and "a rollercoaster", in a last-minute interview with the BBC....
Biden lands in Northern Ireland to 'keep the peace'
US President Joe Biden flew in to Northern Ireland for a visit to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement, a peace deal that largely ended 30 years of bloodshed. #News #Reuters #newsfeed #World #NorthernIreland #GoodFridayAgreement #Biden #Sunak Subscribe: Reuters brings you the latest business,...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Mossad pissed off at Netanyahu's attempts to weaken #Israel's judicial system, similar to the #GOP's attack on America's judicial system. When will politicians stop putting their own interests above the integrity of our democratic institutions? #Mossad…...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: I dig the cold war spy gadgets, hidden cameras,nsecret recorders, this is a neat article about them, these covert gadgets changed the game of #espionage forever. 🔍🕵️‍♂️ #spies #historybuffs #coverttech…
New York Post Metro @nypmetro
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Harlem smoke-shop suspect shot at cops in 2021 — but judge lowered his bail
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The recent news about the US losing track of its spies highlights the crucial importance of counterintelligence- without robust tracking and monitoring, our own intelligence agencies could be infiltrated. #Counterintelligence #NationalSecurity #espionage…...
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Meanwhile in occupied #Crimea - Putin's occupation goons aren't feeling safe. Russia's outdated propaganda event - Victory Day (over Nazi Germany) marches on May 9 and May Day (May 1), have been cancelled. citing security reasons.… ...
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ❗️CNN has found another video of the beheading of the Ukrainian military. The weather conditions in the video indicate that the execution took place recently and was carried out by mercenaries of the #Wagner Group.
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Austria will arrest President Vladimir Putin if he visits the country, pursuant to the arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karolina Edtstadler, Austria’s Minister for the European Union and Constitutional Affairs said this week.…...
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in 1782, the British crush the French off the island of Dominica at the Battle of Saintes. In the course of the four-day clash, the Royal Navy captures four enemy warships and one admiral: Comte de Grasse, the hero of Yorktown.
Ben Hodges @general_ben
Michael Novakhov retweeted: If this leak is legit, then it's a self-fulfilling prophecy by the US Admin which won't say Ukraine must win, resulting in incremental delivery of capability to actually win. U.S. doubts Ukraine counteroffensive will yield big gains, leaked document says…...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: На восстановление Украины понадобится 411 млрд долларов, заявил глава Всемирного банка Дэвид Мэлпас. Банк готов участвовать в процессе, но эта сумма в 2,6 раза больше предполагаемого объема ВВП Украины в 2022 году, и без помощи ЕС ее не собрать, отметил он…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Ukraine confident in spring counteroffensive despite leaks, Pentagon chief says… via @WSJ
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: President Emmanuel Macron of France last week landed in China to a red-carpet reception and all the pomp of a state visit. But criticism was scathing among some allies, who saw him as cozying up to Beijing. The fallout has left him more isolated than ever.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
james bamford…
U.S. Officials Speak to Ukrainians After Document Leaks
Continue reading the main storyDefense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken talked to their counterparts in Kyiv, but offered little detail on the investigation into the breach.Send any friend a storyAs a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share.Pentagon officials say...
Leaked Pentagon documents appeared on a 'Minecraft' Discord ... - msnNOW
Leaked Pentagon documents appeared on a 'Minecraft' Discord ...  msnNOW
‘Absurdity to a new level’ as Russia takes charge of UN security council - The Guardian
‘Absurdity to a new level’ as Russia takes charge of UN security council  The Guardian
Germany Cautiously Rebuilds Its Military Might - Bloomberg
Germany Cautiously Rebuilds Its Military Might  Bloomberg
Reuters @Reuters
Gold advances as traders gear up for US inflation data
Reuters @Reuters
CIA Director William Burns, speaking at an event in Houston, said Russia risks becoming an 'economic colony' of China
US Seeks to Reassure Allies After Secret Documents Leak
Leaked US secret documents raise many questions as well as concern.
China's leader says he will talk to President Zelensky when the time is right
Serhiy Kolyada on what we hope was the real message from Beijing after hosting the diplomatic mission of European leaders
Are Polish Farmers Protesting Against Ukraine?
Actually, the grain is more of a pretext. Farmers are pressuring the government before upcoming elections to prolong their war windfall as grain prices have stabilized.
Trudeau Shrugs Off Pro-Russian Hack on Canada as Ukraine PM Visits
Russian hackers target Canada during Ukrainian PM's visit.
Biden: World ‘turning the tide’ after backslide on democracy - WAFF
Biden: World ‘turning the tide’ after backslide on democracy  WAFF
Премьер-министр Украины: контрнаступление ВСУ может начаться летом
Контрнаступление украинской армии может начаться летом 2023 года.
На два дня парализовали работу всей российской таможни проукраинские хакеры
Утром 10 апреля канал ФТС в Telegram сообщил о сбое в информационной системе. Это продолжалось два дня.
Gruesome Video Appears to Show Ukrainian Soldier’s Beheading - The Moscow Times
Gruesome Video Appears to Show Ukrainian Soldier’s Beheading  The Moscow Times
The Associated Press @AP
President Joe Biden has spoken to the parents of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, the Moscow-based journalist detained in Russia and charged with espionage.…
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): skynews's YouTube Videos: Ukraine War: British soldiers salute Ukrainian troops
From: skynews Duration: 0:38 British soldiers have been filmed saluting Ukrainian troops as they return home and to the front line. British personnel and...
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): CNN's YouTube Videos: Video appears to show Israeli police throwing tear gas at journalists
From: CNN Duration: 0:39 When asked about the video, the Israel Police said it "appears that the security forces failed to adhere to the established rules...
CBSNewYork's YouTube Videos: 2 killed in wrong-way crash on Belt Parkway
From: CBSNewYork Duration: 1:54 Police say a man drove the wrong way on the parkway and sideswiped multiple cars before colliding with another, killing himself...
CBSNewYork's YouTube Videos: Suspect arrested in Harlem smoke shop shooting
From: CBSNewYork Duration: 0:17 Police say the 21-year-old suspect was also wanted in another shooting that weekend. CBSNewYork's...
Ukraine Confident in Spring Counteroffensive Despite Leaks, Pentagon Chief Says
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Ukraine remains confident in its ability to launch its counteroffensive against Russia amid the fallout from apparently leaked U.S. intelligence documents.Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov “feels that they’re in a pretty good position,” Mr. Austin told reporters Tuesday after speaking with his Ukrainian counterpart....
Mozart's Piano Sonatas No. 1 to 5
Piano Sonata No. 1 in C major, K. 279: This sonata was composed when Mozart was just 18 years old. It is a cheerful and light-hearted work, with three movements. The first movement is in sonata-allegro form, the second is a slow and lyrical adagio, and the third is a lively and playful allegro. {LIKE & SUBSCRIBE} TIME STAMPS: 0:00 Piano Sonata...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
'The focus now is on this being a US leak, as many of the documents were only in US hands,' Michael Mulroy, an ex-senior Pentagon official, told the Reuters news agency. Was the Pentagon leak an inside job? Republican blasts Biden for 'slow' US support for Ukraine | Daily Mail……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Pentagon #Ukraine #FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ Pentagon Ukraine leak is an inside job - Google Search…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Австрия готова арестовать Путина по ордеру МУС, если российский президент окажется на территории страны, заявила австрийский министр по делам ЕС Каролине Эдтштадлер: "Австрия будет соблюдать свои обязательства в рамках международного и уголовного права" ...
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Tina Peters, a Trump loyalist who was barred from overseeing elections in a Colorado county after her indictment on charges related to tampering with voting equipment, was sentenced to home detention after she was convicted in a separate obstruction case.
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The man who shot and killed five colleagues on Monday at a bank in Louisville, Kentucky, told at least one person that he was suicidal before the rampage and legally purchased the AR-15-style rifle at a local dealership last week, officials said. ...
What we know so far on the leaked Pentagon documents - KCAU 9
What we know so far on the leaked Pentagon documents  KCAU 9
Biden faces awkward talks abroad after classified files leak - Brunswick News
Biden faces awkward talks abroad after classified files leak  Brunswick News
"Get FBI out of Counterintelligence" - Google News: Ukraine Confident in Spring Counteroffensive Despite Leaks ... - The Wall Street Journal
Ukraine Confident in Spring Counteroffensive Despite Leaks ...  The Wall Street Journal "Get FBI out of Counterintelligence" - Google News
‘Obliterated’: Ukraine Video Shows Russian ‘Big Gun’ Hit with Brimstone Missile
A Russian 2S3 Akatsiya 152mm self-propelled howitzer was seen destroyed on social media – not exactly by fire and brimstone on the Easter holiday weekend, but perhaps by a UK-donated Brimstone missile. The post ‘Obliterated’: Ukraine Video Shows Russian ‘Big Gun’ Hit with Brimstone Missile appeared first on 19FortyFive.
Macron's visit to China seen to boost ties - World - - China Daily
Macron's visit to China seen to boost ties - World -  China Daily
Watch: Bodycam footage shows police's quick response to bank gunman
Police body camera footage shows tense moments at the bank shooting in Louisville between officers and the gunman, which ended with the attacker being fatally shot.
Do Democrats ‘Need’ Donald Trump?
Even more than two years after his defeat, Donald Trump continues to loom large over everyone in politics. But many would say that the failure of Republicans to let go of him is more of a source of shame than anti-Trump folks with a similar attachment.  The post Do Democrats ‘Need’ Donald Trump? appeared first on 19FortyFive.
Bad News: Is Ukraine Rethinking A New Counteroffensive?
While Russian forces have yet to take control of Bakhmut officially, Moscow could be on the verge of achieving a symbolic victory that forces Western leaders to consider a new approach to making peace in Ukraine. If President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is right, that could include encouraging Kyiv to cede some territory to Moscow in exchange for a ceasefire. ...
Manhattan DA Sues Jim Jordan To Stop Republican Probe Into Trump Arrest
Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg is suing Republican representative Jim Jordan (Ohio) for an alleged "unprecedently brazen and unconstitutional attack" on his office’s investigation into former president Donald Trump’s business dealings.  Jordan, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, is probing Bragg’s office after it brought 34 felony charges...
Biden Spokeswoman Turned MSNBC Host Admits the Jobs Are Basically the Same
Jen Psaki, the former White House press secretary who became an MSNBC host last May, said she considers herself a journalist and that journalism occurs "on a spectrum." Psaki on Monday said during a media summit hosted by Semafor that she considers herself a journalist, the Hill reported. Psaki caught criticism toward the end of her tenure as press...
Wagner Group Accused of Beheading Ukrainian Servicemen - Newsweek
Wagner Group Accused of Beheading Ukrainian Servicemen  Newsweek
Latest & Breaking News on Fox News: Armenia, Azerbaijan military forces clash along border; at least 7 killed
Military forces from Armenia and Azerbaijan clashed Tuesday along their border and at least seven soldiers were killed, according to the countries' defense ministries. The confrontation follows months of tensions over the blockage of the only road connecting Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh, an ethnic Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan. Armenia's Defense Ministry...
Sorry, Putin: NATO Is Becoming the F-35 Alliance (Romania Now ... - 19FortyFive
Sorry, Putin: NATO Is Becoming the F-35 Alliance (Romania Now ...  19FortyFive
With NATO entry blocked, Sweden turns hopeful eye toward Turkey's presidential elections - Yahoo News
With NATO entry blocked, Sweden turns hopeful eye toward Turkey's presidential elections  Yahoo News
Ukraine's civilian death toll reaches 8,500; UN says number likely 'considerably higher' - Yahoo News
Ukraine's civilian death toll reaches 8,500; UN says number likely 'considerably higher'  Yahoo News
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Совещание по экономическим вопросам • Президент России…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Statistics: Frequency and lethality of the mass killing attacks and the degree of the international tensions - Google Search…
Adaptive Risk Strategies @AdaptiveRisks
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #counterintelligence #insiderrisk #insiderthreat #riskmanagement #threat…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Навального вновь отправили в ШИЗО на 15 суток. Поводом, по его словам, стала публикация данных о том, что ФСИН закупает капусту по цене, завышенной более чем в четыре раза. Навальный иронизирует, что такие махинации и есть смысл существования путинской системы ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Frequency and mortality of the US mass shootings go hand in hand with the degree of tensions in the international relations, primarily between the US and Russia. #FBI, do the good statistical studies to elaborate further on this impression. If true, this association will indicate……
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "I would gladly have broken your legs," a French police officer told a student who was arrested during a protest in Paris last month. Audio recording of officers' threats and humiliations has reignited the debate over police brutality in France. ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Frequency and mortality of the US mass shootings go hand in hand with the degree of tensions in the international relations, primarily between the US and Russia. #FBI, do the good statistical studies to elaborate further on this impression. If true, this association will……
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The U.S. has gotten no reprieve from its epidemic of mass shootings. There have been at least 145 mass shootings so far this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Pentagon #Ukraine #leak Was the Pentagon Ukraine leak an inside job? - Daily Mail
What the Ukraine conflict tells us about the future of drone warfare
Watch: The evolution of drone warfare. The conflict in Ukraine is offering lessons in how quickly drone technology can be developed – showing how innovative and resourceful people can be when they are facing the life or death of their country.Dr Sophy Antrobus, a Research Fellow with the Freeman Air and Space Institute who served in the Royal Air...
What the Ukraine conflict tells us about the future of drone warfare - Forces Network
What the Ukraine conflict tells us about the future of drone warfare  Forces Network
2 drivers killed in wrong-way collision on Belt Parkway
Two drivers were killed in a wrong-way crash on the Belt Parkway. Investigators say that one driver was going the wrong way for a distance of two exits. He ultimately hit another driver head-on -- resulting in both of their deaths. Anthony Carlo reports. Check out more Eyewitness News - Find us on social media: FACEBOOK:...
BizToc: How Russia's large-scale war efforts have warped the country's economy, according to top scholars
Russian President Vladimir Putin. Contributor/Getty Images Russia's economy is adjusting to the sanctions imposed on it after Moscow began its war on Ukraine. As a result, the country has lost the largest markets for its exports. The shrinking market for Russia's resources will force the Kremlin…#russian #vladimirputin #moscow #ukraine #kremlin #worldbank...
BizToc: Elon Musk's mom says she has slept on 'mattresses or blankets on the floor' when she visits her billionaire son
Maye Musk said on Twitter that she has "many memories of sleeping on mattresses or blankets on the floor, on couches, or a bed in the garage" when visiting her son, Elon. Evan Agostini/Invision/AP Maye Musk said she has slept on blankets on the floor when visiting her son, Elon Musk. In the past,…#mayemusk #elonmusk #spacex #toscamusk #kalaharidesert...
BizToc: Melania Trump hits back at Page Six and People over anonymous sourcing and 'assumptions' about her marriage to Donald Trump
Former President Donald Trump and former first lady Melania Trump arrive for a New Years event at his Mar-a-Lago home on December 31, 2022 in Palm Beach, Florida. Joe Raedle/Getty Images Melania Trump is pushing back on reports about how she's processing her husband's indictment. Her office issued…#donaldtrump #melaniatrump #newyears #palmbeach #florida...
Google Alert - Trump and Deutsche Bank: China Paid Trump Millions In Rent. Then He Left The White House - Head Topics
The state-owned Industrial and Commercial Bank of China extended its Trump Tower lease while Trump was president, even though it had recently ... Google Alert - Trump and Deutsche Bank
Google Alert - Trump and Deutsche Bank: Congress Gets Access to Trump, Biden Classified Documents - BNN Bloomberg
Joe Biden and Donald Trump Source: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg , Source: Bloomberg. (Bloomberg) -- A bipartisan group of senior lawmakers has begun ... Google Alert - Trump and Deutsche Bank
Responding to Ukraine's “ocean of suffering” - Mirage News
Responding to Ukraine's “ocean of suffering”  Mirage News
Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Deep State? - Inkstick Media
... National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Henry Kissinger-led National Security Council — became drunk with ...
US Pentagon must create a level playing field for subcontractors - Army Technology
In fact, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), William J. Burns, has stated in a US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that ...
Ukrainian prime minister expected to appeal for more aid during visit ... - CP24
Ukrainian prime minister expected to appeal for more aid during visit ...  CP24
Is the UK economy really worse than Russia's? The IMF forecast ... - inews
Is the UK economy really worse than Russia's? The IMF forecast ...  inews
1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): "russia ukraine" - Google News: Ukraine resumes electricity exports despite Russian attacks - WTOP
Ukraine resumes electricity exports despite Russian attacks  WTOP "russia ukraine" - Google News 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites)
1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: British General Says Ukraine War Could Last For 'Decades'
A former commander of the British Joint Forces Command who advises and lectures on defense and security issues, General Sir Richard Barrons, talks about tactics, industrial mobilization, and how, depending on Ukrainian and Western choices, the war could last for many, many years. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114...
canalNTN24's YouTube Videos: Joven de 25 años y exempleado del banco responsable del tiroteo en Louisville, Estados Unidos
From: canalNTN24 Duration: 0:55 En las últimas horas se conoció la identidad del hombre que protagonizó tiroteo en Louisville, Kentucky y que dejó cinco...
CIA's Burns reaffirmed intelligence cooperation on Saudi Arabia visit - US official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -CIA Director William Burns held talks in Saudi Arabia with his counterparts and national leaders to reaffirm intelligence cooperation, a U.S. official said on Thursday, as the kingdom and its arch-rival Iran renew ties in a China-brokered deal.China's role in arranging the deal was seen by some experts as signaling a decrease in...
CIA's Burns reaffirmed intelligence cooperation on Saudi Arabia visit - US official - Yahoo! Voices
CIA's Burns reaffirmed intelligence cooperation on Saudi Arabia visit - US official  Yahoo! Voices
Massive NATO arms depots to be built in Poland - Morawiecki - Ukrinform
Massive NATO arms depots to be built in Poland - Morawiecki  Ukrinform
Melania Trump makes first statement since husband's indictment
Former first lady Melania Trump, who did not appear beside her husband during his New York court appearance, has issued a statement warning against assumptions.
Вашингтон, Киев, Москва. По кому больнее ударили утечки секретных документов?
Нынешняя утечка секретных документов Пентагона стала пятой за последние 15 лет. Ей предшедствовали другие крупные скандалы - Викиликс, Сноуден, секретные документы ЦРУ и АНБ, оказавшиеся в общем доступе. Главный урон от утечки - подрыв доверия к США. #Пентагон #США #утечка -------------------------------- Как обойти блокировку DW? 🔵 По зеркальной...
Секретные документы Пентагона: какие версии утечки есть у США
В Белом доме не знают, удалось ли ликвидировать утечку секретных данных Пентагона или новые материалы будут продолжать публиковать. Американские чиновники подозревают, что источником утечки может быть американец, но не исключают и российский след, пишет агентство Reuters. #Пентагон #США #Украина -------------------------------- Как обойти блокировку...
FBI warns against using free charging stations l GMA - YouTube
The FBI's Denver bureau issued a tweet cautioning people against using charging stations in airports, hotels or shopping centers, warning they ...
Don't use free USB chargers at airports, FBI warns - KTLA
No matter how drained your cell phone, tablet or laptop battery might be, the FBI says you should avoid using free USB charging stations when you ...
FBI says public phone chargers may put your data at risk: What to know
But rushing to plug your phone into a public charging station in a hotel, airport or cafe could be risky, according to a recent warning from the FBI.
Louisville shooter legally bought gun a week ago, police say - PBS NewsHour
Louisville shooter legally bought gun a week ago, police say  PBS NewsHour
Key lawmakers win access to mishandled classified docs - Kansas City Star
Key lawmakers win access to mishandled classified docs  Kansas City Star
Prominent New York urologist charged with serial sex assaults against patients, including minors - Fox News
Prominent New York urologist charged with serial sex assaults against patients, including minors  Fox News
Frequency and mortality of the US mass shootings go hand in hand with the degree of tensions in the international relations, primarily between the US and Russia. #FBI, do the good statistical studies to elaborate further on this impression. If true, this association will indicate (the still hypothetical and in need of further confirmations) involvement of the Russian intelligence services ("Spetsnaz"?) and the MOB-TOC in these incidents. It is not the availability of guns that matters much. It is the availability of the skills and subjects of these services (mass killings as the Special Psychological, intimidating Operations) that matters; well paid and otherwise rewarded by the ultimate customers (mostly Putin?). In other words, this is the Counterintelligence issue, more than any other. And it is one of the #Counterintelligence failures, which now become more and more visible.
Michael Novakhov@mikenovFrequency and mortality of the US mass shootings go hand in hand with the degree of tensions in the international relations, primarily between the US and Russia. #FBI, do the good statistical studies to elaborate further on this impression. If true, this association will indicate (the still hypothetical and in need of further...
Was the Pentagon Ukraine leak an inside job?
Published: 20:26 BST, 10 April 2023 | Updated: 14:04 BST, 11 April 2023 Top secret documents leaked online containing classified information on Ukraine's counter-offensive plans could have been an inside job, senior officials have claimed.They set out concerns on how Kyiv's armed forces are running short on some weapons, the location of Ukrainian...
Was the Pentagon Ukraine leak an inside job? - Daily Mail
Was the Pentagon Ukraine leak an inside job?  Daily Mail
Almost Human: The Threat Of AI-Powered Phishing Attacks
Artificial Intelligence is undoubtedly a hot topic, and has been hailed as a game-changer in many fields including cybersecurity.
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The latest breach is one of many that have plagued U.S. intelligence- maybe it's time to revisit James Angleton and the stovepipe system. When will we learn that secrets are meant to be kept? Our enemies are watching. #NationalSecurity #IntelligenceLeaks…...
Leonid Afremov @afremovartcom
Michael Novakhov retweeted: FAREWELL TO ANGER - oil painting by L.Afremov - $168 free fast shipping worldwide…
Hayden Center @mvhaydencenter
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ‘I’m sick to my stomach’: Pentagon officials shocked by intel leaks - POLITICO…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Spring cleaning began in an earlier, dirtier era, when people heated their homes with wood and coal, and the end of winter meant scrubbing surfaces caked with soot and dirt. Today, the tradition lives on as an annual ritual of purification and renewal.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
The West will not lose interest in the Ukraine war, it is the localized World War. Author says he noticed something 'bizarre' about Russian people during r... via @YouTube
OSINTdefender @sentdefender
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Heavy Fighting between Azerbaijani and Armenian Forces is being reported North of the Village of Tegh near the Lachin Corridor in Eastern Armenia; what started as a Small Skirmish earlier now reportedly involves Artillery and possible Heavy Armor, Fighting took place...
NYPD 19th Precinct @NYPD19Pct
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Coyotes are common in NYC, but one swimming in the East River is not! Our officers responded to a call of a distressed “dog” battling river currents, but realized it was actually a coyote! Thanks to NYPD Harbor for coming to the rescue — he’s now in the care of...
Ben Hodges @general_ben
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Well done @MoD_Estonia ! This is how you do it...practicing/confirming the Reserve call-up system, exercising the Reservists, building societal resilience...especially important for Allies with small populations...everyone is needed. @estNATO @MFAestonia ...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Госдеп США присвоил репортеру WSJ статус "незаконно удерживаемого в РФ". Эван Гершкович арестован по обвинению в "шпионаже". Статус "незаконно удерживаемого" позволяет США использовать дополнительные механизмы для освобождения своего гражданина и вести переговоры об...
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: На Камчатке произошло извержение вулкана Шивелуч. Пеплопад в поселке Ключи стал сильнейшим за последние 60 лет. Фото: Информационный центр Усть-Камчатского муниципального района/Дмитрий Мельников/Институт вулканологии и сейсмологии ДВО РАН/ТАСС ...
Business Ukraine mag @Biz_Ukraine_Mag
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Moscow’s passive response to Finnish NATO membership proves that Putin never really saw the alliance as a security threat to Russia. In reality, he has merely exploited NATO expansion as a smokescreen for Russian imperial aggression against Ukraine…...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: From Spy Satellites to Cyber Threats- here's a quiz to test your knowledge of the U.S. Intelligence Community.… #Quiz #CIA #spying #intelligencecommunity
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Shoigu #Dyumin Shoigu and Dyumin - Google Search…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: U.S. intelligence, State Dept., and Pentagon trying to calm anxious allies in Europe, Middle East & Kyiv- the leak of sensitive intel about Ukraine war and other global issues have many confused and frustrated. #NationalSecurity #GlobalAllies #threats
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
YouTube subscriptions from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader……
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Today we can announce the next Director GCHQ. Anne Keast-Butler will be the 17th leader of GCHQ, the UK's intelligence, security and cyber agency. Read more ⬇️…
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Новые правила получения повесток для явки в военкомат коснутся не только срочников, но и всех военнообязанных, сообщил нам председатель комитета Госдумы по обороне Андрей Картаполов:
ISW @TheStudyofWar
Michael Novakhov retweeted: NEW: #Wagner Group financier Yevgeny #Prigozhin is reportedly advancing his political aspirations by seeking to gain control of a #Russian political party. Our latest:
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Утечка секретных материалов Пентагона, касающихся планов Вашингтона и НАТО по подготовке ВСУ к контрнаступлению, не повлияла на поддержку США Украины, заявил Джон Кирби:
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Now once a military summons is electronically received, those liable for military service will be banned from traveling abroad. So Putin's invasion of #Ukraine has relied on using convicted murderers & rapists to fight & now 🇷🇺 trying to stop Russians fleeing...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Египет пытался тайно поставить в РФ десятки тысяч ракет. Их производство и транспортировка должны были держаться в секрете от Запада, пишет The Washington Post. Речь могла идти о 40 000 ракет…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The classified military document leak has exposed a troubling secret-keeping problem within our ranks- this #securitybreach is chilling. Are we really as secure as we think we are? #NationalSecurity #MilitaryLeaks #SecretsExposed #MILITARY #intelligence…...
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in 1814, a defeated Napoleon Bonaparte reluctantly signs the Treaty of Fontainebleau and agrees to go into exile. "The Empire of France, no more it is mine," he laments. Spoiler alert: He'll be back.
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: South Korea downplayed a trove of highly classified Pentagon documents leaked through social media. As opposition lawmakers in South Korea accused the U.S. of spying, President Yoon Suk Yeol tried to minimize the significance of the breach. ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Shoigu and Dyumin - Google Search… Quoted feed from @tass_agency Сергей Шойгу проверил выполнение гособоронзаказа на предприятиях Тульской области. Глава Минобороны осмотрел цеха по производству реактивных снарядов: Видео: Минобороны России ...
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Сергей Шойгу проверил выполнение гособоронзаказа на предприятиях Тульской области. Глава Минобороны осмотрел цеха по производству реактивных снарядов: Видео: Минобороны России
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: American Turncoat – Meet the Only U.S. Army Officer to Defect to the Nazis in WW2…
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Госдума приняла в третьем чтении законопроект об электронных повестках в военкомат для военнообязанных и об ограничениях за уклонение от призыва:
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: В Госдуме 11 апреля рассмотрят итоговый доклад парламентской комиссии по расследованию деятельности американских биолабораторий на Украине. Согласно данным РФ, США разместили в соседних с Россией государствах сеть биологических лабораторий: ...
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @nytimes Over nearly two decades, the county’s insurance paid to settle lawsuits against the sheriff, yet state prosecutors brought no charges. Even now, no one has reviewed how he ran his jail or whether he was endangering women. Read the full investigation.
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @nytimes Now, 16 years after a woman claimed the sheriff pressured her to lie about being raped, he faces federal bribery charges. At least eight men — including the sheriff himself — have been accused of sex abuse by women who were in jail while he was in charge....
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: A former sheriff in rural Mississippi has been accused of abusing those under his watch, turning a blind eye to raped women and trying to cover it up. As allegations mounted, @MSTODAYnews and @nytimes found, no one scrutinized how he ran his jail. ...
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: President Zelensky met with founder of Virgin Group - British entrepreneur Richard Branson, who has joined the team of ambassadors of the @U24_gov_ua fundraising platform. Thanked Richard for the powerful message of support for #Ukraine.…...
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Hey, I did a podcast with the Spyhards guys! The film subject: The Russia House WHY LANGLEY, BOB?…
Shoigu and Dyumin - GS | M.N.: Coldness, tension, hostility - these are the impressions of the interactions between these two men: Сергей Шойгу проверил выполнение гособоронзаказа на предприятиях Тульской области. Глава Минобороны осмотрел цеха по производству реактивных снарядов - Видео: Минобороны России
Shoigu and Dyumin - Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 11, 2023-Shoigu and Dyumin - GSM.N.: Coldness, tension, hostility - these are the impressions of the interactions between these two men. I think, if Dyumin assumes the Russian MOD leadership, he will turn the Ukraine war back to its original...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Audio Review from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
The six biggest revelations from leaked US intel documents…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: A man shot and killed five colleagues on Monday at a bank in Louisville, Kentucky, where he worked, the police said. Eight others were wounded, two of them critically. The gunman was killed by the police after exchanging fire with them. Here's what we
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
How U.S. friends and foes have responded to leaked Pentagon documents - The Washington Post…
The six biggest revelations from the Pentagon’s leaked intel documents
Classified US government documents posted on online message boards made their way into the world’s media late last week in what may be the largest national security breach in at least a decade. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that files began to be shared with a small group on the Discord messaging platform...
Ограниченный успех контрнаступления Украины прогнозируют в США. Проблемы Украины с концентрацией войск и нехватка боеприпасов, вероятно, приведут к тому, что Киев сможет добиться лишь "скромных территориальных приобретений"
 Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And TimesDW на русском @dw_russianОграниченный успех контрнаступления Украины прогнозируют в США. Проблемы Украины с концентрацией войск и нехватка боеприпасов, вероятно, приведут к тому, что Киев сможет добиться лишь "скромных территориальных приобретений", пишет The...
Lettera da Mosca: "Questa non è solo un'operazione militare speciale, è una lotta contro il male per il futuro del nostro Paese, il futuro dei nostri figli. Abbiamo un compito: la vittoria. Non abbiamo altra via". Aleksey Dyumin, governatore... #russia #dyumin #guerra
 Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderUkraine-Journal🇺🇦🇪🇺 @UkraineAktivposted at 16:57:49 UTC by Ukraine-Journal🇺🇦🇪🇺 via Tweets by ‎@mikenovMichael Novakhov retweeted:Einst soll er Wladimir #Putin vor einem wütenden Braunbären gerettet haben – nun bereitet Alexei #Dyumin offenbar eine Drohnenarmee vor.…Lettera...
Joe #Biden has decided to run for a second term, NBC News reported.
 Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderMichael Novakhov @mikenovposted at 15:30:25 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenovJoe #Biden has decided to run for a second term, NBC News reported.…Michael Novakhov @mikenovposted at 15:30:25 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenovLeaks of US military documents...
Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times - 11:22 AM 4/10/2023
 Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times - 11:22 AM 4/10/2023KyivPost @KyivPostMichael Novakhov retweeted: ⚡️Joe #Biden has decided to run for a second term, NBC News reported. 📷: APposted 19m ago by KyivPost via Tweets by ‎@mikenov New York Post Metro @nypmetroMichael Novakhov retweeted: 66-year-old...
Joe #Biden has decided to run for a second term, NBC News reported.
 KyivPost @KyivPostposted at 15:01:21 UTC by KyivPost via Tweets by ‎@mikenovMichael Novakhov retweeted:⚡️Joe #Biden has decided to run for a second term, NBC News reported. 📷: APNew York Post Metro @nypmetroposted at 15:01:21 UTC by New York Post Metro via Tweets by ‎@mikenovMichael Novakhov retweeted:66-year-old woman robbed, dragged by female attacker...
FBI undercover informants instigated Jan. 6 - GS
 Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderMichael Novakhov @mikenovposted at 05:40:08 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenovFBI undercover informants instigated Jan. 6 - Google Search…Michael Novakhov @mikenovposted at 05:40:08 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov#FBI Former Maryland governor’s...
Minsk wants to receive guarantees of protection from Russia, Lukashenko said – RIA Novosti, 04/10/2023 | Belarusian President Lukashenko meets Russias defence minister -BelTA | #Lukashenko, #Shoigu, #Putin, #Dyumin Lukashenko, Shoigu, Putin, Dyumin – GS
#Lukashenko, #Shoigu, #Putin, #Dyumin Lukashenko, Shoigu, Putin, Dyumin - Google Search— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 10, 2023  Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderMinsk wants to receive guarantees of protection from Russia, Lukashenko said – RIA Novosti, 04/10/2023 | Belarusian...
Intel leak has U.S. officials bracing for impact at home and abroad | Leaked documents detail dire assessments of Ukrainian army: reports | Leaked Documents Reveal Depth of U.S. Spy Efforts
Intel leak has U.S. officials bracing for impact at home and abroadposted at 09:38:12 UTC by Reuters News ServiceLeaked documents detail dire assessments of Ukrainian army: reportsposted at 08:38:54 UTC via thehill.comLeaked Documents Reveal Depth of U.S. Spy Effortsposted at 08:08:22 UTC via Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderIsrael...
Do Leaked documents expose US-NATO Ukraine war plans? | New Details on Intelligence Leak Show It Circulated for Weeks Before Raising Alarm | In Proud Boys Jan. 6 Sedition Trial, F.B.I. Informants Abound
New Details on Intelligence Leak Show It Circulated for Weeks Before Raising Alarmposted at 00:35:19 UTC via's 'ability for unforced errors' is 'breathtaking'posted on Apr 09 2023 23:47:26 UTC by Sky News Australia -In Proud Boys Jan. 6 Sedition Trial, F.B.I. Informants Aboundposted on Apr 09 2023 23:11:41 UTC via Leaked...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: In MISSION OF VENGEANCE, CIA spymaster Corey Pearson relies on his spy tradecraft and gut instincts to stop a Russian attack and protect American lives.… #thriller #suspense
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "У отца были сломаны ребра и челюсть, больше всего били по ногам. Ноги сильно распухали, папа с трудом ходил. Ничего не спрашивали, били за то, что украинец". В российском плену удерживаются более двух тысяч гражданских украинцев, заявляет Генштаб ВСУ.
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The last year has shown the shortcomings of German & French foreign policies. Germany seems to have learned a lot, while Macron has learned little, showing the shortcoming of a presidential system: too much power with one man. Macron shows France needs a parliamentary...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ВСУ могут освободить Крым к концу лета, считает экс-командующий силами США в Европе, генерал-лейтенант в отставке Бен Ходжес. Однако для этого Украине нужно получить от Запада высокоточное оружие большой дальности, подчеркнул он в интервью DW…...
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: A large number of people potentially had access to the Pentagon intelligence documents leaked on social media in March, but clues left online may help investigators narrow down the pool of possible suspects relatively quickly, officials said on Monday.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Leaked documents may have origin in chatroom for gamers…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Ограниченный успех контрнаступления Украины прогнозируют в США. Проблемы Украины с концентрацией войск и нехватка боеприпасов, вероятно, приведут к тому, что Киев сможет добиться лишь "скромных территориальных приобретений", пишет The Washington Post
The price cap on Russian oil seems to be working - Axios
The price cap on Russian oil seems to be working  Axios
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): france24english's YouTube Videos: Macron visits Netherlands amid row over China comments • FRANCE 24 English
From: france24english Duration: 1:44 French President Emmanuel Macron began a state visit to the Netherlands on Tuesday seeking to calm a furore over his...
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): france24english's YouTube Videos: US leaked documents may have origin in chatroom for gamers • FRANCE 24 English
From: france24english Duration: 4:24 A major leak of classified US documents that’s shaken Washington and exposed new details of its intelligence gathering...
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): france24english's YouTube Videos: 5th victim dies of wounds after Louisville bank shooting • FRANCE 24 English
From: france24english Duration: 1:26 A Louisville bank employee armed with a rifle opened fire at his workplace Monday morning, killing five people — including...
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): france24english's YouTube Videos: Intelligence leak: US reaching out to allies to stem fallout from breach • FRANCE 24 English
From: france24english Duration: 0:48 The apparent leak of highly sensitive US documents -- many of them related to the Ukraine conflict -- presents a "very...
Israel Generals Give a Stark Warning: Its Enemies Smell Blood - Bloomberg
Israel Generals Give a Stark Warning: Its Enemies Smell Blood  Bloomberg
Debate: Mentally ill homeless people must be locked up for public safety
Choosing the Streets Over Shelters Is Dangerous for Everyone Affirmative: Jared Meyer Joanna Andreasson Walking through downtowns across the United States, one could be excused for becoming numb to outbursts from visibly disturbed and impaired individuals. Two decades ago, the idea that major…#streetsovershelters #jaredmeyer #ucla #skidrow #iraq #afghanistan...
Russia wants to use Belarusian prisoners as builders in occupied Mariupol, mayor advisor says - Yahoo News
Russia wants to use Belarusian prisoners as builders in occupied Mariupol, mayor advisor says  Yahoo News
Russians Create List Of "Extremist Literature" And Take Ukrainian ... - Ukrainian News Agency
Russians Create List Of "Extremist Literature" And Take Ukrainian ...  Ukrainian News Agency
FBI warns against using airport phone charging stations
PHOENIX — With summer travel on the horizon, air travelers have a lot to think about. There's packing, making flights on time, and now scammers attacking your phone. Between flight delays and long layovers, we drain the batteries on our devices. Most airports now have free charging areas and USB…#usb #denver #datadoctors #kencolburn
FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): "Christopher Wray" - Google News: Early Edition: April 11, 2023 - Just Security
Early Edition: April 11, 2023  Just Security "Christopher Wray" - Google News FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)
FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): "fbi" - Google News: FBI warns people to stay away from free charging stations - CBS Miami
FBI warns people to stay away from free charging stations  CBS Miami "fbi" - Google News FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)
Ukraine battles rage, Kyiv reported to rethink counter-offensive after leak - Idaho Murders - The News And Times
2023-04-10T21:47:40Z President Volodymyr Zelenskiy denounced Russian air strikes coinciding with the observance of Orthodox Palm Sunday, including an attack that killed a father and daughter at home in the city of Zaporizhzhia. Russian forces pressed attacks on frontline cities in eastern Ukraine on Monday, while Ukrainian officials played down a...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Ukraine battles rage, Kyiv reported to rethink counter-offensive after leak…
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites): Washington Post: Biden’s polling numbers should not be this low
He should be praying no talented progressive decides to test the presidential waters. Washington Post 1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites)
Brooklyn Food from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): "Brooklyn Restaurants" - Google News: Why An Italian Restaurant In Texas Celebrates Passover - Forbes
Why An Italian Restaurant In Texas Celebrates Passover  Forbes "Brooklyn Restaurants" - Google News Brooklyn Food from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites)
"Sunset Park Brooklyn" - Google News: New York City's Smart Composting Bin Requires an App - Curbed
New York City's Smart Composting Bin Requires an App  Curbed "Sunset Park Brooklyn" - Google News


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