Shoigu and Dyumin - GS | M.N.: Coldness, tension, hostility - these are the impressions of the interactions between these two men: Сергей Шойгу проверил выполнение гособоронзаказа на предприятиях Тульской области. Глава Минобороны осмотрел цеха по производству реактивных снарядов - Видео: Минобороны России


Shoigu and Dyumin - GS

M.N.: Coldness, tension, hostility - these are the impressions of the interactions between these two men. 

I think, if Dyumin assumes the Russian MOD leadership, he will turn the Ukraine war back to its original concept: as the "special operation" conducted by the Special Operation Forces, his specialty

I think, the Russians will lose anyway, but with more blood, atrocities, and unpredictability. 

This is in short. The long answer is the subject to the proper professional analysis. 

It is clear now though, that Dyumin is unquestionably, absolutely loyal to Putin (which gave rise to jokes about their "love affair" among the MOD jokers), will protect Putin as much or more than himself, is very smart, of good character (they all are "humane"), and intensely merciless and cruel, when he feels he has to be. His hypothetical appointment might bring about the substantial and significant changes into the Ukraine - Russia situation. If he manages to get out of this quagmire (not necessarily by the military means but also by diplomatic and political ones), Dyumin might become the Putin's successor, and relatively soon. 

 "Сергей Шойгу проверил выполнение гособоронзаказа на предприятиях Тульской области. Глава Минобороны осмотрел цеха по производству реактивных снарядов - Видео: Минобороны России". 

Michael Novakhov, blogger 

10:38 AM 4/11/2023 - Post LInk


Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

Shoigu and Dyumin - Google Search…

Сергей Шойгу проверил выполнение гособоронзаказа на предприятиях Тульской области. Глава Минобороны осмотрел цеха по производству реактивных снарядов: Видео: Минобороны России

ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

Сергей Шойгу проверил выполнение гособоронзаказа на предприятиях Тульской области. Глава Минобороны осмотрел цеха по производству реактивных снарядов: Видео: Минобороны России

Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

American Turncoat – Meet the Only U.S. Army Officer to Defect to the Nazis in WW2…

ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

Госдума приняла в третьем чтении законопроект об электронных повестках в военкомат для военнообязанных и об ограничениях за уклонение от призыва:

ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

В Госдуме 11 апреля рассмотрят итоговый доклад парламентской комиссии по расследованию деятельности американских биолабораторий на Украине. Согласно данным РФ, США разместили в соседних с Россией государствах сеть биологических лабораторий:

The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

@nytimes Over nearly two decades, the county’s insurance paid to settle lawsuits against the sheriff, yet state prosecutors brought no charges. Even now, no one has reviewed how he ran his jail or whether he was endangering women. Read the full investigation.

The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

@nytimes Now, 16 years after a woman claimed the sheriff pressured her to lie about being raped, he faces federal bribery charges. At least eight men — including the sheriff himself — have been accused of sex abuse by women who were in jail while he was in charge.

The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

A former sheriff in rural Mississippi has been accused of abusing those under his watch, turning a blind eye to raped women and trying to cover it up. As allegations mounted, @MSTODAYnews and @nytimes found, no one scrutinized how he ran his jail.

Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

President Zelensky met with founder of Virgin Group - British entrepreneur Richard Branson, who has joined the team of ambassadors of the @U24_gov_ua fundraising platform. Thanked Richard for the powerful message of support for…

Michael Novakhov retweeted:

Hey, I did a podcast with the Spyhards guys! The film subject: The Russia House WHY LANGLEY, BOB?…

Shoigu and Dyumin - Google Search

Shoigu and Dyumin - Google Search

— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 11, 2023
The News And Times Information Network - Blogs By Michael Novakhov -
Michael Novakhov @mikenov

Audio Review from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader……

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

The six biggest revelations from leaked US intel documents…

The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

A man shot and killed five colleagues on Monday at a bank in Louisville, Kentucky, where he worked, the police said. Eight others were wounded, two of them critically. The gunman was killed by the police after exchanging fire with them. Here's what we

Michael Novakhov @mikenov…

Michael Novakhov @mikenov

How U.S. friends and foes have responded to leaked Pentagon documents - The Washington Post…


Classified US government documents posted on online message boards made their way into the world’s media late last week in what may be the largest national security breach in at least a decade.

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that files began to be shared with a small group on the Discord messaging platform in January and were shared again with a larger group in early March.

The leak escaped widespread notice for almost another month, after files were posted on the imageboard 4Chan and reposted again (some of them in an altered form) by pro-Russian accounts on the messaging service Telegram.

Other documents have popped up on other social media platforms and been verified by US intelligence officials over the past few days, complicating apparent plans for a spring military offensive by Ukraine and revealing details about Kyiv’s dwindling air defenses against Russia.

Beyond the revelations about the state of the 13-month-old war between Russia and Ukraine, the scandal has also revealed spying by the US on its allies and has almost certainly exposed American intelligence sources.

Pentagon buildingFiles began to be shared with a small group on the Discord messaging platform in January, reported the Wall Street Journal. REUTERS/Tom Brenner

Here are the biggest revelations from the leaked documents:

  • Five photos of printed presentation slides and maps dated March 1 detailed timelines for the training and preparation of nine Ukrainian brigades ahead of an expected counterattack, as well as information about tanks, vehicles, and artillery, along with equipment supply trains. US officials told The Post the photos showed real slides, but some information appeared to have been edited — most notably claims that Russia had lost between “16k-17.5k” forces in the conflict so far while between “61k-71.5k” Ukrainian troops had been killed in action.
  • Other documents leaked from the Pentagon predicted that, without reinforcement, Ukraine’s air defense forces would be exhausted by May 23 — allowing Russia’s fighter and bomber aircraft to return to the skies in large numbers, according to The New York Times.
  • South Korean officials were wary of sending ammunition to the US out of concern that the arms would be sent on to Ukraine — information American intelligence officials obtained by spying on one of Washington’s strongest East Asian allies, the Times reported.
  • US officials have explored how to persuade Israel to provide “lethal aid” to Ukraine while remaining officially neutral in the conflict between Kyiv and Moscow, according to NBC News. Options that have been discussed include having Israel route materiel to Ukraine through third parties or highlighting Moscow’s support for Iran as well as its role in Syria’s ongoing civil war.
  • Hackers working with Russia’s FSB spy agency claimed to have halted operations at a Canadian natural gas pipeline company earlier this year, The Globe and Mail newspaper reported. However, the company’s president has denied the claims and Canadian officials have been unable to confirm the cyberattack took place. .
  • Leaked CIA intelligence claimed Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency had made “explicit calls to action” against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial judicial reform plan — though his office has since called the report “mendacious and without any foundation whatsoever.”

On Monday, the Pentagon said Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was informed of the leaks April 6 and has spent the ensuing days reaching out to allies and holding daily meetings to assess the damage caused by the leaks.

According to a leaked Pentagon document, Ukraineâs stocks of missiles that make up 89 percent of its protection against most fighter aircraft and some bombers could be depleted by earlyAccording to a leaked Pentagon document, Ukraine stocks of missiles make up 89% of its protection against most fighter aircraft. Screengrab from 4ChanFiles were posted on the imageboard 4Chan and reposted again. Screengrab from Telegram ChannelThe documents reveal apparent plans for a spring military offensive by Ukraine.Telegram

Spokesman Chris Meagher said the department was looking closely at “how this type of information is distributed and to whom,” but would not say if steps had already been taken to tighten control over who can access it.

At the White House, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was asked if the US was bracing for more online releases.

“The truth and the honest answer to your question is: We don’t know,” he said. “And is that a matter of concern to us? You’re darn right it is.”

Kirby said at this point, “we don’t know who’s behind this, we don’t know what the motive is.”

The FBI and Justice Department have opened an investigation into the leaks at the behest of the Pentagon.

With Post wires


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