6:06 AM 4/16/2023 - Online Gaming and GRU: What is the FBI doing about it? Do they understand the true risks and dangers? - Selected Articles Review in 200 Brief Posts

Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted:

#FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ #GRU Counterintelligence #Counterintelligence Online Gaming and GRU - Google Search shar.es/afDyoy twitter.com/i/web/status/164…


6:06 AM 4/16/2023 - Post Link 

Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ #GRU Counterintelligence #Counterintelligence Online Gaming and GRU - Google Search shar.es/afDyoy twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Just when you thought Fiddler on the Roof couldn't get any more interesting... legendary actor Topol was a secret agent for Mossad! #FiddlerOnTheRoof #Topol #Mossad #SecretAgent #spy deadline.com/2023/04/topol-f…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "Самый простой и очевидный ответ: нужно искать способ уехать из страны. А перед этим как-то подготовиться... Ни в коем случае не нужно ходить в военкомат. И чем быстрее вы это сделаете, тем лучше". smarturl.click/Wank
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Here's 5 fun facts about the CIA from its founding in 1947 to its innovative tech and specialized training programs. #CIA #nationaldefense #intelligence #spying news.clearancejobs.com/2022/…
Michael Novakhov retweeted: IT’S TIME FOR STRANGE SPY FACTS! HEP CAT JAZZ EDITION! The Nazis hated jazz – blamed African Americans and Jews – and launched active propaganda campaign against what they termed “degenerate music.” America responded by broadcasting jazz as a morale booster. ...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Double agents always amazed me. I've seen all but 1 of these flicks. They operate in a gray area, blurring the lines between loyalty and betrayal, gaining trust of both their own agency and the enemy. I liked 'Salt' the best. #spy #thrillers #movies gamerant.com/best-double-age…...
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Why Russia's killers must be banned from the #Olympics. Many of Russia's Olympic athletes have links to Russia's military. The Central Sports Club of the Army, is training thousands of athletes & its members netted most of Russia's medals in Tokyo 2021. bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-…...
Albert Solé @asolepascual
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Webcam de #LaMolina - April 16, 2023 at 07:31AM
New York Post Metro @nypmetro
Michael Novakhov retweeted: NYC drug dealers hawk narcotics from van, driving up business for nearby injection sites trib.al/wxOiQd7
Michael Novakhov retweeted: OTD April 16, 1947 #Bernard_Baruch coined term "Cold War" during speech before South Carolina House of Representatives. Known to have had affair with Inga Arvad, a Danish beauty queen with a talent for turning up in the company of surprising men.
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Exclusive: Russia-Ukraine war expected to spill into 2024 with no peace talks this year, U.S. leak shows wapo.st/41AtlEx
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "Небеса видят нашу веру и твердость". Президент Украины записал обращение по случаю Пасхи по юлианскому календарю. "Мир видит нашу отвагу и несокрушимость. Враг видит нашу силу и решительность. А значит, Украина увидит свет победы", - подчеркнул Владимир Зеленский...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The CIA Museum may not be open to the public physically, but it's now available online- they're digitizing their collections of spy gadgets and rare artifacts- time to brush up on your #espionage skills! #CIA #CIAmuseum #SpyGadgets #spying cnn.com/2022/09/26/politics/…...
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: There’s a 750-mile bicycle route in New York. We rode every inch of it, from Manhattan to Buffalo to the Canadian border. This is what it was like. nyti.ms/3GJK0gU
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ‼️This night, despite Easter, the Russian army shelled Ukraine. Photo shows church destroyed by Russian missile in the suburbs of Zaporizhzhia. The Russians also shelled the Mykolayiv Region. 2 teenagers aged 17 were killed. 20 people were wounded. 📷: State...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Disturbing reports of Brazilian soil being used to train Russian spies. Is Brazil being unwittingly complicit in espionage activities? A heads up for U.S. counterintelligence. #NationalSecurity #EspionageThreat #spying #counterintelligence folha.uol.com.br/internacion…...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: I'm concerned about the massive cloud contracts for managing U.S. top secrets made by the Pentagon and intel agencies. In the age of leakers, could this become a counterintelligence nightmare? #CIA #PentagonLeak #CloudComputing #counterintelligence c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tec…...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Classified data stored in a cloud- a #counterintelligence nightmare? I'm still reeling from the #cyberattacks into the vast Office of Personnel Management files in 2015-millions of federal employee records were stolen, including names of CIA operatives. c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tec…...
#FBI has a long standing, blown out of all proportions, sick obsession with sexual issues, (which are their projections of their own problems), and they are not able to deal with the real and much more important issues: online gaming chats as the recruitment and training grounds for the terrorism, mass killings, and espionage. Everything should have its own proper and balanced place in the hierarchy of priorities. Reform, defund or abolish the FBI, which is the Rightist, Fascist, criminal Mafiosi organization of the incompetent nincompoops, interested first of all and most of all in their own wellbeing. The blind and disoriented FBI is the major security threat to America! FBI and online gaming - Google Search
#FBI has a long standing, blown out of all proportions, sick obsession with sexual issues, (which are their projections of their own problems), and they are not able to deal with the real and much more important issues: online gaming chats as the recruitment and training grounds… pic.twitter.com/GIRPplIzC8— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 16, 2023  Michael...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Video games don’t cause mass shootings. But gamer culture encourages hate. washingtonpost.com/outlook/v…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI has a long standing, blown out of all proportions, sick obsession with sexual issues, (which are their projections of their own problems), and they are not able to deal with the real and much more important issues: online gaming chats as the recruitment and training grounds… twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI has a long standing, blown out of all proportions, sick obsession with sexual issues, (which are their projections of their own problems), and they are not able to deal with the real and much more important issues: online gaming chats as the recruitment and training grounds… twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Microsoft: Russian Agents Are Trying To 'Penetrate' Gaming Communities | Online Gaming and GRU - GS
Online Gaming and GRU - GSMichael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderMicrosoft: Russian Agents Are Trying To 'Penetrate' Gaming Communitiesposted at 06:55:44 UTC via kotaku.comIn a chat on stage at at Semafor’s World Economy Summit, Microsoft President Brad Smith has said the company is currently dealing with attempts by various types of Russian...
Online Gaming and GRU | Mass killings, Espionage, and the Online Gaming Chats
Online Gaming and GRU | Mass killings, Espionage, and the Online Gaming ChatsMichael Novakhov @mikenovposted on Apr 15 2023 23:38:41 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenov#FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ #GRU Counterintelligence #Counterintelligence Online Gaming and GRU - Google Search shar.es/afDyoy twitter.com/i/web/status/164…Michael Novakhov @mikenovposted...
Online gaming chats have long been spy risk for US military
Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderOnline gaming chats have long been spy risk for US militaryposted at 21:36:13 UTC via clickorlando.comWASHINGTON – Step into a U.S. military recreation hall at a base almost anywhere in the world and you’re bound to see it: young troops immersed in the world of online games, using government-funded gaming...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: CIA declassifies 13M pages of files online, including records of UFO sightings and psychic experiments from Stargate program. A victory for freedom of information advocates and conspiracy theorists alike! #CIA #UFOs #Stargate #Declassified bbc.com/news/world-us-canada…...
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in the year 73, the Jewish mountaintop fortress of Masada falls to the Roman army after a lengthy siege. More than 900 of the defenders take their own lives rather than surrender to the emperor's legion.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI The News And Times: Microsoft: Russian Agents Are Trying To 'Penetrate... thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ #GRU Online Gaming and gru - Google Search shar.es/afDz72 kotaku.com/russia-minecraft-…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ The News And Times: Online Gaming and GRU | Mass killings, Espionage, ... thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Hard to believe that Trump will defund the DOJ and FBI if he gains power- the GOP always thought that #lawenforcement is vital to maintaining law and order and defunding them will have serious consequences- how times change. #Trump #defund #DOJ #FBI thedailybeast.com/trump-call…...
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Yesterday, during a visit to Texas A&M University, #FBI Director Christopher Wray discussed risks posed by nation-state adversaries, cyber threats, terrorism, the Bureau's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Section 702 authority, and more: fbi.gov/news/speeches/direct…...
Michael Novakhov retweeted: This week, during #FBI Director Wray's visit to the @FBISanAntonio field office and the Del Rio RA, he met with partners and emphasized the Bureau's role of keeping Americans safe by fighting crime, including drug trafficking, violent crime, and gangs. fbi.gov/contact-us/field-off…...
Michael Novakhov retweeted: In a visit to the @FBIHouston field office, #FBI Director Christopher Wray emphasized that curbing violent crime in American communities remains one of the Bureau's top priorities. Read more at: fbi.gov/contact-us/field-off…
Microsoft: Russian Agents Are Trying To 'Penetrate' Gaming Communities
In a chat on stage at at Semafor’s World Economy Summit, Microsoft President Brad Smith has said the company is currently dealing with attempts by various types of Russian agents to “penetrate” online gaming communities, with particular emphasis on those associated with Minecraft.While acknowledging these attempts are fairly low down the list of priorities...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ #GRU Counterintelligence #Counterintelligence Online Gaming and GRU - Google Search shar.es/afDyoy twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Online Gaming and gru - Google Search shar.es/afDyoo kotaku.com/russia-minecraft-…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Mass killings, Espionage, and the Online Gaming Chats - Google Search shar.es/afDyb0
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
How terrorist groups use online games to plot coups, attacks shar.es/afDyHz
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI #DOJ DOJ The News And Times - thenewsandtimes.com News Review: Mass Killings, Espionage, And The Online Gaming Chats: Recruitment, Training, Influence, And Manipulations twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Mass killings, Espionage, and the Online Gaming Chats - Google Search shar.es/afDkL1 newyorker.com/culture/infini…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Online gaming chats have long been spy risk for US military thehill.com/homenews/ap/ap-t…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: CIA Director Burns got a warm welcome from students at Texas A&M's Bush School- he discussed world threats and the importance of vigilance against growing aggression from world powers like China and Russia. #CIA #TexasAM #WorldThreats #University thebatt.com/news/cia-directo…...
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Defense officials told service members not to “post anything in Discord that you wouldn’t want seen by the general public.” But by then, hundreds of secret documents had already spilled out. wapo.st/3MGnb1n
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Ukraine's Defense Minister Reznikov rightly speaks up: "The transformation of Russia must be on the agenda... Russia must become a democratic federation, go through denazification, extradite criminals, and compensate losses. pravda.com.ua/rus/news/2023/… ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Mass killings, Espionage, and the Online Gaming Chats - Google Search shar.es/afDkLh nytimes.com/2013/12/10/world…
Michael Novakhov retweeted: IT’S TIME FOR STRANGE SPY FACTS! HEP CAT JAZZ EDITION! Soviet leader Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov was incorrectly viewed as a moderate in Western media because of his proclaimed fondness for jazz, and collection of American classic jazz of the 1930's and 1940's ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Mass killings, Espionage, and the Online Gaming Chats - Google Search shar.es/afDkL1 newyorker.com/culture/infini…
How terrorist groups use online games to plot coups, attacks
"Clash of Kings" and other mobile games might not be the first to come to mind when you think of a communication channel between terrorists. But this is why they are the preferred way to organize and coordinate plans. According to a recent report, the Gülenist Terror Organization (FETÖ), the prime suspect behind the failed coup attempt, used chat rooms...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Online gaming chats have long been spy risk for US military
WASHINGTON – Step into a U.S. military recreation hall at a base almost anywhere in the world and you’re bound to see it: young troops immersed in the world of online games, using government-funded gaming machines or their own consoles.The enthusiasm military personnel have for gaming — and the risk that carries — is in the spotlight after Jack Teixeira,...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
My #Opinion - Opinion: GRU's message delivered via the Pentagon Leaks is: "You spy on us, we spy on you. We have our problem, you have yours (like with the classified info). 'TISHE. (Teixeira is a portuguese surname coming from "teixo" - GS) BE CALM. LET US DEESCALATE."… twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
On Gorilla Glue And Other Sticky Matters shar.es/afDAlR
On Gorilla Glue And Other Sticky Matters
 Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderSPIES&VESPERS @SpiesVespersposted at 12:48:32 UTC by SPIES&VESPERS via Tweets by ‎@mikenovMichael Novakhov retweeted:TOO OBSCURE TO MATTER Who says the Soviets lacked a sense of humor? The long-running Soviet active measures operation to subvert the Western peace movement bore the cryptonym MARS,...
Michael Novakhov retweeted: TOO OBSCURE TO MATTER Who says the Soviets lacked a sense of humor? The long-running Soviet active measures operation to subvert the Western peace movement bore the cryptonym MARS, the god of war.
The BellingCat und the Related Phenomena | From Discord to 4chan: The Improbable Journey of a US Intelligence Leak - bellingcat | News Review
#RacistMeme: #GorillaGlue #PentagonLeaks Pentagon Leaksracist meme: gorilla glue - Google Search https://t.co/ONqL367zFS pic.twitter.com/lgJzo0iEIV— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 15, 2023 -Links: My Opinion - #Opinion: The FRAME ("extraneous" objects) around the "jewel", the Pentagon Leak Pages, can be interpreted as the MESSAGE: "This story will...
On That DoD Intelligence Leak Shocker
ShareI’VE BEEN CATCHING UP recently on Berlin Station, the remarkably prescient spy drama that ran for three seasons from 2016 to 2019 on the Epix (now MGM+) channel. It features the station's hunt for a colleague who’s been leaking embarrassing CIA documents to a German newspaper, among them that the agency was eavesdropping on the cellphone of Chancellor...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Bellingcat identified the probable source as a March 4 post of 10 documents to a Discord server dedicated to the Minecraft game, which included all seven of the documents from the 4chan and Telegram posts. dailymail.co.uk/news/article… Minecraft game - Google Search… twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Any associations? yew tree - Google Search shar.es/afDxYc
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Selected Articles - 9:20 AM 4/15/2023 shar.es/afDxx1 Quoted feed from @SpiesVespers TOO OBSCURE TO MATTER Who says the Soviets lacked a sense of humor? The long-running Soviet active measures operation to subvert the Western peace movement bore the cryptonym MARS, the god of war.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Bellingcat - Wikipedia shar.es/afDxS7
Selected Articles - 9:20 AM 4/15/2023
Selected Articles - 9:20 AM 4/15/2023Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And TimesThe BellingCat und the Related Phenomena | From Discord to 4chan: The Improbable Journey of a US Intelligence Leak - bellingcat | News Review#RacistMeme: #GorillaGlue #PentagonLeaks Pentagon Leaksracist meme: gorilla glue - Google Search https://t.co/ONqL367zFS...
Shashank Joshi @shashj
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Plot twist. "The Israeli star of Fiddler on the Roof was an operative for the Mossad spy agency, his family have revealed. Chaim Topol, who died last month aged 87, worked for the Mossad branch in London" thetimes.co.uk/article/fiddl…
Pjotr Sauer @PjotrSauer
Michael Novakhov retweeted: “I want to say that I am not losing hope,” Evan wrote in a brief, two-page note that his family in Philadelphia received on Friday. “I read. I exercise. And I am trying to write. Maybe, finally, I am going to write something good.” wsj.com/articles/jailed-wsj-… ...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Канада, передавшая Украине восемь танков Leopard 2, разворачивает три симулятора для подготовки украинских танкистов. Об этом сообщила в Twitter министр обороны страны Анита Ананд. "Наша поддержка Украины - всесторонняя, и она будет продолжаться", - добавила она ...
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in 1861, President Abraham Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the Southern rebellion and restore the Union. Expecting the coming war to be a short one, the recruits are obligated to serve for just 90 days. The fighting lasts nearly 1,500. ...
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Евгений Пригожин предложил остановить войну в Украине, объявив её цели достигнутыми svoboda.org/a/glava-chvk-vag…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: In-depth interview and podcast here about what U.S. intelligence can do to prevent future data leaks-we must act now. #dataprotection #nationalsecurity #intelligenceagencies #prevent #dataleaks npr.org/2023/04/14/116971935…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Bellingcat, an open-source investigation website that relies on public information to research a variety of subjects, was the first to publicly identify the Discord chatroom 'Thug Shaker Central,' where Teixeira allegedly posted classified documents under the username 'The OG.'… twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "China will be neither on Ukraine's side (since Beijing views Kyiv as Washington's ally) nor an equidistant mediator in Ukraine peace talks." kyivpost.com/opinion/15852
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan was safely evacuated after an explosion was heard just before he was scheduled to give a speech on Saturday. nyti.ms/3KCszjj
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: In a 101-page filing, Donald Trump revealed lower-than-expected values on his social media company and sizable bank loans. Here are six takeaways from the filing. nyti.ms/40cbqTB
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Mediazona: No fewer than 66 Russians arrested on railway sabotage charges, one third of them minors. Some explanation of the many sabotages in Russia. meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/14…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI: Und why iz ziz zo? "Journalists appeared to be ahead of the curve in investigating the recent leak of highly classified Pentagon documents, publicly disclosing the leak and tracing its source before the DOJ announced charges in the case." Michael Novakhov's favorite… twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Here's the latest on foreign counterspace weapons and the growing threats to U.S. national security posed by anti- satellite weapons. #spacethreats #Military #satellite #spacecraft csis.org/analysis/space-thre…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
How open-source investigation site Bellingcat unmasked 'Pentagon leaker' Jack Teixeira BEFORE the FBI arrested him by tracing stolen documents to Discord server 'Thug Shaker Central' Jack Douglas Teixeira, 21, was arrested by FBI in Massachusetts on Thursday It came hours after… twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
igor kostyukov - Google Search shar.es/afDx2S english.almayadeen.net/news/…:
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#GorillaGlue racist meme: gorilla glue - Google Search shar.es/afDxHp bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: An Argentinian couple was uncovered as Russian sleeper agents, living under deep cover in Slovenia to #spy for Moscow- a reminder of the danger posed by sleeper cells and the lengths Russia goes to gather intelligence. #Espionage #Russia #NationalSecurity theguardian.com/news/audio/2…...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Mr. Teixeira knew "top secret" classification meant that disclosure could cause "exceptionally grave damage" to #NationalSecurity, but when concerned about being caught making the transcriptions in the workplace, he took them home to photograph them. bbc.com/news/world-us-canada…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Bellingcat Bellingcat - Google Search shar.es/afDxXD dailymail.co.uk/news/article…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The 21-year-old accused of leaking classified documents on Discord does not appear to have been acting as a foreign agent or as a whistle-blower, making his case different from more common cases in the 21st Century. nyti.ms/3mFBp7V
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The man who crushed a policeman with a police shield on #Jan6th was sentenced to 7 1/2 years in prison by a Trump appointed judge who imposes more lenient sentences than other judges in the Capitol riot cases- prosecutors sought a 15 year sentence. nbcnews.com/politics/justice…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
racist meme: gorilla glue - Google Search shar.es/afDx0n wsj.com/articles/new-details…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#RacistMeme: #GorillaGlue #PentagonLeaks Pentagon Leaks racist meme: gorilla glue - Google Search shar.es/afDx17 twitter.com/i/web/status/164…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
From Discord to 4chan: The Improbable Journey of a US Intelligence Leak bellingcat.com/news/2023/04/…
Pentagon leaks: how Jack Teixeira was identified as the alleged source
Until Jack Teixeira appeared in federal court on Friday morning, the unmasking of the alleged Pentagon leaker had taken on the air of a fascinating mystery novel.Among those vying for starring roles were the online sleuthing group Bellingcat, which on 9 April publicly identified the private Discord server where Teixeira is said to have posted classified...
The Airman Who Gave Gamers a Real Taste of War
Continue reading the main storyA group liked online war games. But then Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old National Guard airman, began showing members classified documents, they say.Send any friend a storyAs a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read what you share.VideoFederal authorities arrested Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old...
How investigation site Bellingcat traced Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeira
Published: 16:47 BST, 14 April 2023 | Updated: 20:54 BST, 14 April 2023 Journalists appeared to be ahead of the curve in investigating the recent leak of highly classified Pentagon documents, publicly disclosing the leak and tracing its source before the DOJ announced charges in the case.Air Force National Guardsman Jack Douglas Teixeira, 21,...
Teixeira’s case is unusual even in the small world of leak cases.
Continue reading the main storyBased on the charging documents, Airman Jack Teixeira does not appear to have been acting as a foreign agent, differentiating him from classic spying cases. He also does not appear to have been acting as a whistle-blower.Send any friend a storyAs a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Anyone can read...
New Details on Intelligence Leak Show It Circulated for Weeks Before Raising Alarm
Photo: Roman Pilipey/Getty Images One of the most significant leaks of highly classified U.S. documents in recent history began among a small group of posters on a messaging channel that trafficked in memes, jokes and racist talk. Sometime in January, seemingly unnoticed by the outside world, an anonymous member of a group numbering...
Theresa Fallon @TheresaAFallon
Michael Novakhov retweeted: CCP doesn’t even care about the optics anymore. Human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng & his wife Xu Yan were arrested en route to EU embassy in Beijing.politico.eu/article/china-ar…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Here's the 2023 Threat Intelligence Summary highlighting the biggest threats we face today- #CyberAttack to physical threats, we must keep ourselves and our communities safe. #Security #ThreatIntelligence #safety #intelligence securityboulevard.com/2023/0… ...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The leaked classified #PENTAGON document revealed that #China tested a long-range hypersonic missile dubbed the ‘DF-27’ that can penetrate the US mainland defenses. #intelligence #defense #threats eurasiantimes.com/china-test…
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Looks like a complete (& well-deserved) mess: "Simferopol military court sentences Russian soldier to ten years in prison for killing Russian National Guard officer in Ukraine." meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/14…
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 💬 (1/2) Ukraine will not be satisfied with any other decision of the #NATO summit in Vilnius in July, except for real steps towards its membership in the Alliance, Foreign Minister #Kuleba said.
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Alexei Navalny, a leading Russian opposition figure, is suffering from a mysterious stomach ailment and may have been poisoned, his press secretary said. wapo.st/3og6MXn
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: For weeks after Russian troops removed Natalya Zhornyk’s son from school last fall, she had no idea what happened to him. Then came a phone call: “Mom, come and get me.” She began a 3,000-mile journey with a group helping mothers bring their children home. nyti.ms/43y9uHP...
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Подозреваемого в утечке документов Пентагона Джека Тейшейру обвинили в незаконном копировании и передаче сверхсекретных материалов. Пока обвинения предъявлены только по одному документу, всего их может быть более сотни svoboda.org/a/podozrevaemomu…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Новые санкции США против РФ ударили по Венгрии - члену НАТО и ЕС. В венгерском правительстве уже заявили, что избавятся от спорных активов. Но отношения Будапешта и Вашингтона натянуты, а в стране идет яростная антиамериканская кампания. Подробнее - у DW p.dw.com/p/4Q4DF?maca=rus-tc…...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 'A Spy Among Friends' is a fascinating portrayal of the Kim Philby scandal- valuable insights into the world of espionage and betrayal. A must-watch for history and spy buffs! #ASpyAmongFriends #KimPhilby #Espionage theguardian.com/tv-and-radio…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
From Discord to 4chan: The Improbable Journey of a US Intelligence Leak
In recent days, the US Justice Department and Pentagon have begun investigating an apparent online leak of sensitive documents, including some that were marked “Top Secret”.  A portion of the documents, which have since been widely covered by the news media, focused on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while others detailed analysis of potential UK policies...
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Alexei Navalny, a leading Russian opposition figure, is suffering from a mysterious stomach ailment and may have been poisoned, his press secretary said. wapo.st/40fCrVT
ISW @TheStudyofWar
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #Bakhmut Update: #Russian forces continued to advance in Bakhmut on April 14. Geolocated footage showed that #Wagner Group forces made marginal gains in northwestern Bakhmut and advanced in southwestern Bakhmut. isw.pub/UkrWar041423
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Good BBC insight into #Ukraine's hacker armies on the cyber front line "We feel ourselves like military," says Oleksandr. "When my country calls me to pick up a rifle I am ready, but hacking Russia now, I feel that I am helpful." bbc.co.uk/news/technology-65… ...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Украина способна выиграть в оборонительной борьбе против РФ, заявил министр финансов Германии Кристиан Линднер. Поэтому Западу следует продолжать поддерживать Киев, указал он. Линднер также считает, что ЕС не сможет противостоять РФ без помощи США, и роль НАТО в этом...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Talk about bad tradecraft! A Russian #spy posing as a Brazilian national was caught with a laptop containing details of his cover en route to a job at The Hague, his laptop had a script about himself- note to all spies: keep your tradecraft tight! nypost.com/2023/04/11/shocki…...
Albert Solé @asolepascual
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Webcam de #LaMolina - April 15, 2023 at 07:31AM
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Vladimir Kara-Murza's final address to the court at the conclusion of his trial in Moscow. Fine words. God bless him! meduza.io/en/feature/2023/04…
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Штурмовые отряды "Вагнер" ведут интенсивные бои за кварталы в западных районах Артемовска (украинское название — Бахмут), сообщил Игорь Конашенков. Собрали основное о событиях вокруг Украины: bit.ly/3L2L8yP
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Минюст РФ добавил в реестр иноагентов музыканта и продюсера Семена Слепакова. Кроме того, в реестр включены журналисты Игорь Яковенко и Павел Каныгин, продюсер Павел Мунтян, а также Фонд Карнеги, издания "Агентство" и "Полигон": bit.ly/40by1j4
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Фармацевтическим компаниям Pfizer и Moderna не удалось полностью устранить недостатки своих мРНК-вакцин против коронавирусной инфекции, несмотря на то, что они сделали многое в этом направлении, заявил Александр Гинцбург: bit.ly/43ApEjR
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: DOJ busts an Estonian national in Brooklyn for procuring sensitive electronics from US manufacturers for the Russian government through front companies over the past decade. #DOJ #indictment #USmanufacturers #RussianGovernment #Estonia #technology justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/est…...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Americans' perceptions of global threats in 2022, the top 3 threats are cyber attacks, climate change, and terrorism. It's time to prioritize proactive measures against them. #GlobalThreats #Cybersecurity #ClimateChange #Terrorism pewrsr.ch/3tkE8nv
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The modern battlefield will resemble a #StarWars scene- the #USArmy is developing a 50-kilowatt #laser #weapon and will arm the first Platoon with it. #defense #airdefense #drones #Military defensenews.com/land/2023/04…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: В США окружной судья Тревор МакФадден приговорил к семи с половиной годам тюрьмы участника нападения на Капитолий 6 января 2021 года. Патрик Маккойи выхватил щит у полицейского во время прорыва в здание Конгресса США. smarturl.click/VzgQ
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: In 1953, #IanFleming, a British WWII planner and supervisor for commandos, published a brief espionage novel, Casino Royale, and #JamesBond Bond was born. #WWII #spythriller #British #Espionage lawliberty.org/james-bond-at…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: I laugh at the article below- so tired of being inundated with reports of the CIA and NSA spying on America’s allies even though these friends spy on us. We all spy on each other!(osintdaily.blogspot.com/2016…) the1a.org/segments/a-pentago…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Poland's intelligence nabbed Russian #hackers for extracting info from ministers and diplomats of the #EuropeanUnion and #NATO countries- they used emails impersonating embassies of European countries to target personnel at diplomatic posts. #cyberspy politico.eu/article/russian-…...
New York Post Metro @nypmetro
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Trump calls for AG Tish James to drop suit against him and ‘fight violent crime’ in NY trib.al/8sU1oiy
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Congratulations, Carnegie Endowment! You have finally been declared a foreign agent by the Russian Ministry of Justice. Why did it take so long? What did you do to please Putin? Was it really worth it? (A former employee who left in 2005.) meduza.io/en/news/2023/04/15…...
Lula Says US Should Stop ‘Encouraging’ War in Ukraine
Brazilian president in Beijing parrots Russian, Chinese line condemning Western military support for Ukraine.The post Lula Says US Should Stop ‘Encouraging’ War in Ukraine first appeared on The Global Security News - The News And Times.
Zelenskyy Urges to Provide Saakashvili With Proper Treatment
Ukrainian president urges Georgian authorities to make the right moral decision to save the life of ailing imprisoned Saakashvili.The post Zelenskyy Urges to Provide Saakashvili With Proper Treatment first appeared on The Global Security News - The News And Times.
Will Pentagon leak sour US relationship with its allies? - Yahoo News
Will Pentagon leak sour US relationship with its allies?  Yahoo News
That Monster Leak
SpyTalk is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
That Monster Leak
SpyTalk is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. The post That Monster Leak first appeared on The Puerto Rico Times - The News And Times.
Report: Biden Admin Accepting 99 Percent of Illegal Immigrants’ Title 42 Appeals
More than 99 percent of illegal migrants who used a Biden administration app to seek an exception to a Trump-era immigration policy received it, according to a report, news that contradicts leftwing criticism that President Joe Biden is being too tough in his border policy.  Nearly all migrants who used the Biden administration’s CPB One app to ask...
US charges 28 members of Sinaloa cartel, sons of El Chapo
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Friday charged 28 members of Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa cartel, including sons of notorious drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, in a sprawling fentanyl-trafficking investigation. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the charges Friday alongside Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram...
How did FBI track down Jack Teixeira in Pentagon document leak case?
Pentagon spokesman U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder speaks during a media briefing at the Pentagon, Thursday, April 13, 2023, in Washington. The FBI used social media to track down Jack Teixeira, who is now charged with leaking classified documents about the war in Ukraine. | Alex Brandon, Associated Press Air Force National Guard […] The post...
US charges 28 members of Sinaloa cartel, sons of El Chapo
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department on Friday charged 28 members of Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa cartel, including sons of notorious drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, in a sprawling fentanyl-trafficking investigation. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced the charges Friday alongside Drug Enforcement Administration chief Anne Milgram and other...
The Puerto Rico Times Topics from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites): Puerto Rico News – Francisco Caparros Case from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites): “Carlos Cases” – Google News: Justice Department announces charges for leaders of Sinaloa cartel – Courthouse News Service
Justice Department announces charges for leaders of Sinaloa cartel  Courthouse News Service “Carlos Cases” – Google News Puerto Rico News – Francisco Caparros Case from Michael_Novakhov (21 sites) The Puerto Rico Times Topics from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites) The post The Puerto Rico Times Topics from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites): Puerto Rico News –...
Puerto Rico News – from PR Tribune: Walter and Eduardo Pierluisi plead guilty and face more than three years in federal prison
The content originally appeared on: El Nuevo Día Brothers Walter and Eduardo Pierluisi Isern pleaded guilty yesterday for embezzling more than $3.7 million in federal funds through the American Management & Administration Corporation (AMAC), a company that has managed 34 public housing complexes since the mid-1990s. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia’s cousins...
How did FBI track down Jack Teixeira in Pentagon document leak case?
Pentagon spokesman U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder speaks during a media briefing at the Pentagon, Thursday, April 13, 2023, in Washington. The FBI used social media to track down Jack Teixeira, who is now charged with leaking classified documents about the war in Ukraine. | Alex Brandon, Associated PressAir Force National Guard airman Jack...
Major part of Mass. Air National Guard's job is analyzing intelligence
At the Air National Guard base on Cape Cod where Jack Teixeira worked until his arrest by federal officials Thursday, flying fighter jets used to be a key mission. But for the past 16 years, the focus has shifted to gathering military intelligence.That put 21-year-old Teixeira, an airman first class, in the arena of closely guarded information from...
Major part of Mass. Air National Guard's job is analyzing intelligence - WBUR News
Major part of Mass. Air National Guard's job is analyzing intelligence  WBUR News
Intelligence experts not surprised by recent cyberattacks - Global News
Intelligence experts not surprised by recent cyberattacks  Global News
Biden wraps up emotional Irish tour with shrine visit, rally
2023-04-14T19:52:24Z Thousands took to the streets of U.S. President Joe Biden’s ancestral home town in the west of Ireland on Friday for a farewell rally to end a nostalgic three-day state visit ahead of what is expected to be a grueling 2024 re-election bid. The speech and concert in front of a cathedral that Biden’s […] The post Biden wraps up emotional...
Pence is booed at NRA gathering even as he seeks to move right of Trump on guns
2023-04-14T19:49:16Z Former Vice President Mike Pence, a possible White House contender, looked to move to the right of his former boss and 2024 Republican front-runner Donald Trump at the annual NRA conference on Friday, calling for armed officers at all schools and speedier executions of shooters. But in a sign of the tough battle Pence […] The post...
Justice Department Announces Charges Against Sinaloa Cartel
The Justice Department announced charges Friday against more than two dozen defendants in a wide-ranging investigation into fentanyl trafficking by the Mexico-based Sinaloa cartel. "Today, the Justice Department is announcing significant enforcement actions against the largest, most violent and most prolific fentanyl trafficking operation in the...
'Death to Israel': The Iranian plan to attack Israel - JNS.org
'Death to Israel': The Iranian plan to attack Israel  JNS.org
Dianne Feinstein's long decline - Yahoo News
Dianne Feinstein's long decline  Yahoo News
DOJ Unveils Charges Against Sinaloa Cartel, Including El Chapo’s Sons, Over Fentanyl Trafficking
The Department of Justice announced charges against more than two dozen individuals of the Mexico-based Sinaloa Cartel for alleged illegal trafficking of fentanyl and other drugs. The charges, announced in an April 14 press conference, target 33 people, including “the Chapitos,” the sons of former Sinaloa Cartel leader Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman: Joaquin...
Удар по Славянску и другие события 415-го дня войны
Российская армия нанесла удар по жилому району Славянска - погибли 8 человек, в том числе двухлетний ребенок. Путин подписал спорный закон, который максимально затруднит жизнь тем, кто не хочет идти на войну.
Ukraine forces pull back as Russia mounts 're-energised' Bakhmut assault, UK says - Yahoo News UK
Ukraine forces pull back as Russia mounts 're-energised' Bakhmut assault, UK says  Yahoo News UK
Ukraine pulls back as Russia mounts ‘re-energized’ Bakhmut assault - New York Post
Ukraine pulls back as Russia mounts ‘re-energized’ Bakhmut assault  New York Post
The Guardian @guardian
What happened in the Russia-Ukraine war this week? Catch up with the must-read news and analysis theguardian.com/world/2023/a…
Suspected leaker of secret Pentagon documents arraigned in Massachusetts
Tagged as: Investigations ... More than 1,000 people have now been charged for the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. NPR has tracked every case ...
Bill Barr: Trump's 'reckless' behavior led to special counsel's probes - New York Post
Of the two investigations overseen by special counsel Jack Smith, ... 6, 2021, Capitol riot, former Attorney General Bill Barr said in an ...
DHS inspector general's lawsuit takes aim at oversight of the IGs | Federal News Network
6, 2021 Capitol riot. ... “The incessant complaints to the IC and IC's never-ending investigations of these obviously meritless grievances caused ...
Trump to speak at NRA meeting as he attacks 'pudding fingers' DeSantis in campaign ad
Special counsel on Mar-a-Lago papers investigating whether Trump showed off secret ... Capitol riot navy veteran sentenced to three years in jail.
Police officer's son sentenced to 3 years for assaulting police in Jan. 6 Capitol riot
Robert Wayne Dennis, 63, a graphic and comic book artist, was found guilty of six counts by a Washington, D.C., judge at his January bench trial.
$242K in #Hermes bags stolen in smash-and-grab
Eight Hermes #handbags, worth approximately $242,000, were stolen in a smash-and-grab robbery at an auction house in #NewYorkCity. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC » Watch more NBC video: http://bit.ly/MoreNBCNews NBC News Digital is a collection of innovative and powerful news brands that deliver compelling, diverse...
70% Of Americans Are Financially Stressed, 58% Live Paycheck-To-Paycheck
70% Of Americans Are Financially Stressed, 58% Live Paycheck-To-Paycheck Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com, A pair of CNBC surveys show increasing financial stress in the US. The Fed predicts more of it and I am sure the Fed is correct. CNBC Surveys  70% of Americans are feeling financially stressed, new CNBC...
U.S. elections official takes part in secretive GOP conference ... - Iowa Capital Dispatch
U.S. elections official takes part in secretive GOP conference ...  Iowa Capital Dispatch
Putin signs Russian law establishing electronic draft call-up - Reuters
Putin signs Russian law establishing electronic draft call-up  ReutersPutin signs bill allowing electronic conscription notices  ABC News'Leave As Soon As Possible': New Conscription Law Raises Fresh Fears Of Mobilization At Home And Abroad  Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Putin Signs Russian Law Establishing Electronic Draft Call-Up - U.S. News & World Report
Putin Signs Russian Law Establishing Electronic Draft Call-Up  U.S. News & World Report
Anonymous Sudan brings down Israel postal, banking systems - Middle East Monitor
Anonymous Sudan brings down Israel postal, banking systems  Middle East Monitor
Putin critic Alexei Navalny sick after suspected poisoning in jail, says ... - q107.com
Putin critic Alexei Navalny sick after suspected poisoning in jail, says ...  q107.com
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI: Ukraine’s spy chief responds to leaked Pentagon documents ino.to/6-9P5Ql
1:22 PM 4/14/2023 - Selected Articles: E-Recruits: How Gaming is Helping Terrorist Groups Radicalize and Recruit a Generation of Online Gamers
1:22 PM 4/14/2023 - Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And TimesE-Recruits: How Gaming is Helping Terrorist Groups Radicalize and Recruit a Generation of Online GamersTechnology and social media provide extremist groups with a unique global platform to spread their ideology and indoctrinate young recruits....
Are the perpetrators influenced via the targeted and tailored (by hostile intelligence) online videogames? Online gaming as the common factor in mass killings and the document leak by Jack Teixeira - Selected Articles - 12:07 PM 4/14/2023
12:07 PM 4/14/2023 - Post LinkMichael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderThe News And Timesposted at 15:04:40 UTC via thenewsandtimes.blogspot.comThe News And Times - thenewsandtimes.com | News Reviews in English and Russian | RSS Feeds and Pages | Audio and Video | Opinions and Analysis#FBI FBI#OnlineGaming #MassKillings #JackTeixeira Are the...
FBI: Are the online video gaming websites the perfect recruitment ground for the hostile foreign intelligence services, including the GRU?
The News And Times - thenewsandtimes.comThe News And Times - thenewsandtimes.com | News Reviews in English and Russian | RSS Feeds and Pages | Audio and Video | Opinions and Analysis #FBI FBI#OnlineGaming #MassKillings #JackTeixeira Are the perpetrators influenced via the targeted and tailored (by hostile intelligence) online videogames? Online...
Pentagon leaks 2023 - 7:04 AM 4/14/2023: Cyber trail quickly leads to document-leak suspect
Pentagon leaks 2023 - 7:04 AM 4/14/2023from Michael Novakhov on InoreaderCyber trail quickly leads to document-leak suspect - Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazetteposted at 10:57:59 UTC via "Document Leak" - Google NewsCyber trail quickly leads to document-leak suspect  Northwest Arkansas Democrat-GazetteThe latest on the U.S. intelligence document leaks...
Pentagon Leaks - Jack Teixeira News Review
Jack Teixeira, an Air National Guardsman, in a photo posted on social media.Pentagon Leaks - Jack TeixeiraReview - Expanded View - RSS PageApril 13, 2023 3:34 pm | Selected Articles Review – The News And Times | Expanded View | RSS Page | Blog Tweets Review – The News And Times – RSS Page | Tweets – @mikenov | All Articles | Links World News 2023 | Video...
1:29 PM 4/13/2023 - Selected Articles: Ukraine's spy chief says 'Russia is the only beneficiary' of US intelligence leak | Ukraine changes counter-offensive plans following Pentagon leaks | Pentagon leaks linked to young gun enthusiast who worked at military base – report
1:29 PM 4/13/2023 - Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And TimesUkraine changes counter-offensive plans following Pentagon leaksMichael Novakhov's favorite articles on InoreaderMichael Novakhov @mikenovposted at 10:15:44 UTC by Michael Novakhov via Tweets by ‎@mikenovPentagon Leaks #PentagonLeaks #GRU The...
The Global Security News – The News And Times: CT Man Sentenced to 90 Months In Prison for His Actions during Jan 6, 2021 Capitol Breach
A Connecticut man was sentenced Friday in the District of Columbia on felony and misdemeanor offenses for his actions during the Jan. 6, 2021 …The post CT Man Sentenced to 90 Months In Prison for His Actions during Jan 6, 2021 Capitol Breach first appeared on The Global Security News - The News And Times. The Global Security News – The News And Times
Governor Kathy Hochul @GovKathyHochul
Reproductive rights are under attack nationwide. I’m in Albany with @GillibrandNY, @NewYorkStateAG, @AndreaSCousins & leaders from across the state to make clear: abortion access will always be protected in New York. Watch live: fb.watch/jVnODw-nXc/
Buttigieg: Importance of handling classified docs responsibly made clear ‘day one’ in the military
Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg joins Andrea Mitchell to comment on the arrest of the alleged leaker of classified Pentagon documents, who was an enlisted member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard. “From day one when you're in the military or any position where you were entrusted with these kinds of documents, it is made very clear to...
На бумаге мощная сила, – военный эксперт объяснил, способна ли на что-то армия России
Россия фактически угробила свою кадровую армию за более чем год полномасштабного вторжения. Сейчас эта группировка мощна только на бумаге. Полный текст новости
Biden admin announces criminal charges against Mexican cartel leaders over fentanyl smuggling - Fox News
Biden admin announces criminal charges against Mexican cartel leaders over fentanyl smuggling  Fox News
Statement from President Joe Biden on Arrest in National Security ... - The White House
Statement from President Joe Biden on Arrest in National Security ...  The White House
NYT > Opinion: The 100-Year-Old Reason U.S. Housing Is So Expensive
Exclusionary zoning has created a national housing crisis, but states can help solve it. NYT > Opinion
Washington Post: Russia still has questions on U.S. involvement in bio labs
Russia is concerned because a big number of laboratories are situated along the Russian border. Washington Post
Why alleged Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeira had top secret access aged 21
Increased intelligence sharing after the 9/11 attacks may have made leaks more likely.
The Global Security News – The News And Times: Capitol rioter who crushed officer with shield gets 7 years – Yahoo News
A man who used a stolen riot shield to crush a police officer in a doorframe during the U.S. Capitol insurrection was sentenced on Friday to more …The post Capitol rioter who crushed officer with shield gets 7 years – Yahoo News first appeared on The Global Security News - The News And Times. The Global Security News – The News And Times
The Global Security News – The News And Times: Kamala Harris rails against gun violence, attacks on democracy in … – Oil City Derrick
Kamala Harris rails against gun violence, attacks on democracy in …  Oil City DerrickThe post Kamala Harris rails against gun violence, attacks on democracy in … – Oil City Derrick first appeared on The Global Security News - The News And Times. The Global Security News – The News And Times
Opinion | Russia still has questions on U.S. involvement in bio labs - The Washington Post
Opinion | Russia still has questions on U.S. involvement in bio labs  The Washington Post
Google Alert - covid -19 origins: The US Government Has No Clue How Much Taxpayer Money Is Flowing Into China
... which played a central role in misleading the world about the origins of the coronavirus. But "the full extent of this funding remains unclear ... Google Alert - covid -19 origins
Google Alert - covid -19 origins: Genome sequencing must for rapid detection and protection of Covid-influenza co-Infection: Study
Initially, most of the cases of co-infections were children. In 2021-22, SARS-CoV-2 and influenza co-infections in India were low, ... Google Alert - covid -19 origins
Volcano erupts in Russia, eggs roll at White House and more in this week’s best photos - The Washington Post
Volcano erupts in Russia, eggs roll at White House and more in this week’s best photos  The Washington Post
Putin signs bill allowing electronic conscription notices - The Washington Post
Putin signs bill allowing electronic conscription notices  The Washington Post
Trump criticises Biden visit: ‘You could have a third World War and ... - Offaly Independent
Trump criticises Biden visit: ‘You could have a third World War and ...  Offaly Independent
Health care costs top inflation for many Americans, new data shows
Majority of respondents remain pessimistic about the economy as a whole, according to Primerica survey.
April 14, 2023 - Russia-Ukraine news - CNN
April 14, 2023 - Russia-Ukraine news  CNN
Поддубный: Велика вероятность контрнаступления ВСУ на Артемовском направлении
Военкор Евгений Поддубный в своем Telegram-канале сообщил о возможном контрнаступлении ВСУ на Артемовском направлении.
Ukraine live briefing: China says it won't send weapons to Russia; suspected U.S. leaker charged - The Washington Post
Ukraine live briefing: China says it won't send weapons to Russia; suspected U.S. leaker charged  The Washington Post
NATO Special Forces enter Ukraine battlefield; Direct clash with Russia on the cards? | Details - Hindustan Times
NATO Special Forces enter Ukraine battlefield; Direct clash with Russia on the cards? | Details  Hindustan Times
US forces in Ukraine spark questions over what happens if Russia accidentally kills an American soldier - Fox News
US forces in Ukraine spark questions over what happens if Russia accidentally kills an American soldier  Fox News
How Ukraine Can Force Putin's Hand With a Crimea Blockade - Newsweek
How Ukraine Can Force Putin's Hand With a Crimea Blockade  Newsweek


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