Video News Review at 11 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

Video News Review at 11 a.m.
created by Michael Novakhov  •  Apr 10 2022
Video News Review at 11 a.m. Daily
Current Video News:
Selected Articles Review From The News And Times -
Current Selected Articles:
All Current Articles:
India: Forces beef up security in the Kashmir valley after terrorists killed in encounter...
Indian security forces have beefed up security in the Kashmir valley after terrorists were killed in...
 WION 4m
Canada: 21-year-old Indian student shot dead outside subway station in Toronto |...
A 21-year-old Indian student has been shot dead in Toronto, Canada. The family is demanding an investigation...
 WION 4m
The Assassination Plot that Avenged the Armenian Genocide: Operation Nemesis (2015)
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 8m
Bislang mehr als 1200 Tote in Region Kiew entdeckt - UKRAINE-KRIEG | EILMELDUNG
In der Region um Kiew sind nach ukrainischen Angaben bislang mehr als 1200 Tote gefunden worden. Staatsanwältin...
 N24 9m
PRORUSSISCHE AUTOKORSOS: „Wir müssen es aushalten" - Verfassungsrechtler Boehme-Neßler...
Verfassungsrechtler Volker Boehme-Neßler spricht bei WELT über russische Autokorsos in deutschen Städten....
 N24 9m
The first round of the French elections | AFP
French citizens head to the polls for the first round of voting for the next president. Marine Le Pen...
 AFP 13m
War in Ukraine: With new general, Russia aims to concentrate command • FRANCE 24...
Sunday's attack on Ukraine's Dnipro airport is part of Russia's new war tactics, FRANCE 24's Foreign...
 FRANCE 24 English 18m
Sri Lanka: Thousands rallied calling for president to resign • FRANCE 24 English
Sri Lanka's 22 million people have seen weeks of power blackouts and severe shortages of food, fuel and...
 FRANCE 24 English 18m
Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park opening for season at Coney Island
The iconic Coney Island park is celebrating its 102nd season.
 CBS New York 19m
Cardinal Dolan to celebrate Palm Sunday Mass
Christians around the world are observing Palm Sunday today.
 CBS New York 19m
Looking back on Mayor Adams' first 100 days
The city is still battling COVID, there's rising gun violence and increasing homelessness. But while...
 CBS New York 19m
Joe Biden Promotes Electric Vehicles #shorts
Should we subsidize electric vehicles? --- Become a Member:
 David Pakman Show 20m
Почему Россия не в состоянии уже создать военную силу и побеждать?
Почему Россия не в состоянии уже создать военную силу и побеждать? Ключевые слова Константин Боровой,...
 borovonovodvo 25m
Берлускони отвернулся от Путина, есть ли раскол в Кремле, под Киевом расследуют военные...
#Украина #Путин #нетвойне Ситуация в Украине Бойня в Буче как поворотной момент восприятия российской...
 DW (Russian) 26m
New Mexico Lawmaker Calls Bill To Prevent Covid Spread From Southern Border 'Most...
Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM) speaks on the House floor on Thursday about a bill to prevent Covid coming...
 Forbes Under 30 28m
Imran Khan ousted as Pakistan's PM after losing no-confidence vote - BBC News
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has been ousted from power after losing a no-confidence vote in...
 BBC News 33m
Pakistan political turmoil: New Prime Minister to be elected on Monday | WION
After yesterday's midnight chaos, Imran Khan becomes 1st PM to lose the trust vote & the national...
 WION 37m
The History of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing (1999)
Daniel Chirot (born 1942) is the Herbert J. Ellison Professor of Russian and Eurasian Studies at the...
 The Film Archives 37m
Bizarre Things That Happened On Sets Marathon 1
We all love a good blooper reel, but sometimes the happenings on TV and movie sets go beyond the amusing...
 Grunge 38m
Unseasonably cool day with strong winds in NY, NJ
A weak trough will wander through the area Sunday afternoon, and as it does a few sprinkles or light...
 PIX11 News 39m
La croqueta de gambas, el secreto de los belgas
Bruselas (Bélgica), 10 abr (EFE).- (Imagen: Leo Rodríguez).Hay muchos motivos extraños por los que alguien...
Mark Levin: These are impeachable offenses
'Life, Liberty & Levin' host Mark Levin joined 'Fox & Friends Weekend' to discuss the fallout...
 Fox News 44m
Spain seizes one of Europe's biggest taxidermy hauls
Lions, tigers and bears: Spain seizes one of Europe's biggest taxidermy hauls. #News #Reuters #Spain...
 Reuters 44m
Hydrox vs. Oreos taste test!
The WGN Weekend Morning News crew compares Hydrox and Oreos in a taste test!
 WGN News 46m
«Нью-Йорк New York». 10 апреля 2022
В новом выпуске #NewYorkНьюЙорк: ➡ Что происходило на этой неделе в штаб-квартире ООН; 🇺🇦 Каким...
 Голос Америки 46m
Cascading risks of Russian invasion: Rising food and oil prices hit hard worldwide...
Why Ukraine and Russia are so important, and what areas around the world might be vulnerable because...
 FRANCE 24 English 47m
En México inicia proceso revocatorio presidencial
En México inicia el proceso de revocación de mandato, el cual fue posible tras las reformas aprobadas...
 teleSUR tv 53m
En México inicia proceso revocatorio presidencial
En México inicia el proceso de revocación de mandato, el cual fue posible tras las reformas aprobadas...
 teleSUR tv 53m
Expectativas en medio de las elecciones presidenciales en Francia
En Francia inicia la primera vuelta de elecciones presidenciales las cuales transcurren con normalidad,...
 teleSUR tv 53m
El solar del antiguo Teatro Paco Martínez Soria volverá acoger cultura
Barcelona 10 abr (EFE).- (Imágenes Sergio Andreu) En el solar del Teatro Paco Martínez Soria, en el Paralelo...
Bruselas viaja al pasado en una exposición sobre la historia de la navegación
Bruselas (Bélgica), 10 abr (EFE).- (Imagen: F.H. Ginel) Maquetas de barcos, cartas náuticas y globos...
Pete Aguilar Champions Terrorism Reporting Act To 'Prevent & Respond To Future Incidents'
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA) spoke about The Report Act. Stay...
 Forbes Under 30 59m
Josh Gottheimer Promotes Cannabis Bill Amendment To Protect Law Enforcement
During House Floor remarks on Monday, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) spoke about The MORE Act, a bill to...
 Forbes Under 30 59m
Is there a war between East and West? | Decoded
Is there a secret war on Islam? Hollywood actor @amrwaked explores how colonisation and Eurocentricity...
 Al Jazeera English 1h
Alex Biston's weather forecast (April 10)
Cooler temperatures are expected this week. Alex Biston reports.
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
Making summer travel plans? Here are some tips from an expert
Travel season is here and going strong. Travel expert Johnny Jet offered these tips.
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
2 killed, 2 minors critically injured in wrong-way crash in Perris
Two people died in a wrong-way crash in Riverside County. Nichelle Medina reports.
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
Suspect killed in officer-involved shooting in front of liquor store in Covina
Kara Finnstrom reports from the scene of an officer-involved shooting in Covina that claimed the life...
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
Los comunes piden rebajar el precio del transporte público
Los Comunes se volverán a reunir este martes el Govern para solicitar la rebaja del precio del transporte...
 Europa Press 1h
Extinction Rebellion protestors 'occupy' London for the second day of action
Extinction Rebellion protesters gathered for the second day of action in Hyde Park before marching through...
 The Independent 1h
Benedict Arnold: How His Insecurities and Longings for Material Wealth Led to His...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 1h
Pak Political Chaos: New Prime Minster to deal with bruised foreign policy | WION
After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence motion concluded in Pakistan. Imran Khan being...
 WION 1h
„Le Pen ist kein Bürgerschreck mehr – Die Rolle wurde ihr abgenommen" | FRANKREICH...
Die rechte Kandidatin Marine Le Pen gilt als Hauptkonkurrentin des amtierenden Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron....
 N24 1h
DASHCAM VIDEOS #1 - Spektakuläre Dummheiten - Haarsträubende Unfälle | DOKU-SERIE
Der Siegeszug der Dashcams hält an. In Deutschland haben Aufzeichnungen solcher Windschutzscheiben-Kameras...
 N24 1h
Ралли против русофобии в Германии
В немецком Штутгарте прошло ралли против русофобии #ралли #германия #автопробег #дискриминация...
 Комсомольская Правда 1h
Bronx community angered over murder of 16-year-old
Bronx residents rallied Saturday night while memorializing Angellyh Yambo. The 16-year-old was shot to...
 PIX11 News 1h
Sunday Brunch: Shrimp and grits
Chef Art Smith joins WGN Weekend Morning News to share his recipe for shrimp and grits.
 WGN News 1h
Pakistan's PM ousted in no-confidence vote
The ouster of Prime Minister Imran Khan in a parliamentary no-confidence vote early Sunday set Pakistan...
 Associated Press 1h
Australia: PM Scott Morrison has called for May 21 election • FRANCE 24 English
PM Scott Morrison has called for an election in Australia on May 21. #Morrison #Australia #vote ..
 FRANCE 24 English 1h
'It's my duty to vote': French citizens living abroad cast ballots • FRANCE 24 English
French voters living abroad cast ballots in the first round of the presidential election on April 9,...
 FRANCE 24 English 1h
Irán y el mundo hispano, una vieja pero lejana amistad
Teherán (Irán), 10 abr (EFE).- (Imagen: Artemis Ramipour) Irán ha mantenido con España y Latinoamérica...
Joey Jones: This is my problem with Biden's decision-making
Fox News contributor Joey Jones discusses the Afghanistan withdrawal's impact on the Putin invasion and...
 Fox News 1h
Franceses ejercen derecho al voto para elegir un nuevo presidente
La primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales en Francia, en las cuales se renueva el más alto cargo...
 teleSUR tv 1h
Franceses ejercen derecho al voto para elegir un nuevo presidente
La primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales en Francia, en las cuales se renueva el más alto cargo...
 teleSUR tv 1h
What Putin's new commander reveals about his strategy
Ret. Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling discusses Putin's appointment of Aleksandr Dvornikov to be the new commander...
 CNN 1h
'Embarrassing & Heartbreaking': Jay Obernolte Decries Biden Over High Gas Prices
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Jay Obernolte (R-CA) spoke about The America Energy Independence...
 Forbes Under 30 1h
John Katko: 'We Must Take Action To Address Critical Crisis Levels Of Fentanyl'
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. John Katko (R-NY) spoke about The DHS Illicit Cross-Border...
 Forbes Under 30 1h
Suspect killed in officer-involved shooting in Covina
The shooting happened near the intersection of East Arrow Highway and North San Dimas Avenue around 10:10...
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
French Election 2022: Emmanuel Macron & Marine Le Pen emerge as top candidates |...
The voter turnout in the first phase of French Presidential Elections was 25.5 per cent by Midday which...
 WION 1h
France votes in cliffhanger presidential election
Polls opened for France's presidential election, which could result in a re-run of the 2017 duel between...
 Reuters 1h
World food commodity prices highest levels ever - Food Price Index Press Conference...
World food commodity prices made a significant leap in March to reach their highest levels ever, as war...
 United Nations 1h
Ukraine: UN Humanitarian Chief Decries 'Crime Scene,' Urges Ceasefire
On 7 April 2022, United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian...
 United Nations 1h
Пес Патрон помогает разминировать Черниговскую область
Пес Патрон служит в сапером в службе по чрезвычайным ситуациям Украины. Он помогает разминировать территории,...
 BBC Russian 1h
Snoop and Kelly: Feel the Love | NBC's American Song Contest
Fact: Snoop and Kelly are adorable. Check out some great moments from the first few weeks of American...
 NBC 1h
Mayor Adams' first 100 days
Mayor Adams has faced many challenges, from crime to COVID, is his first 100 days in office. CBS2's Christina...
 CBS New York 1h
First all-private astronaut mission safely docks at ISS
The first all-private team of astronauts has docked at the International Space Station on Saturday to...
 Al Jazeera English 1h
Jerusalem's Khalidi Library guarding region's history
Palestine has been inhabited for thousands of years, and has a lot of history to preserve. Mustafa Fatih...
 TRT World 1h
Австралия: парламентские выборы назначены на 21 мая
Одна из основных тем предвыборных дебатов — изменение климата. Либерал Скотт Морисон выступает за наращивание...
 euronews (на русском) 1h
La ausencia de campaña no desalienta a los franceses en las presidenciales
París (Francia), 10 abr (EFE/EPA).-(Imagen: José Manzaneque/Yoan Valat/Christophe Petit Tesson/Ian Langsdon)Frente...
GOP Senator To Biden: 'Take Off The Handcuffs' On Energy
At Wednesday's Senate GOP press briefing, Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND) slammed President Biden's energy policy....
 Forbes Under 30 2h
DeSantis Warns Of 'Really Explicit Inappropriate Stuff' In School Libraries
At an event on this past Friday, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) touted his "Parents' Bill of Rights" and slammed...
 Forbes Under 30 2h
New satellite images reveal Russian military's latest move
New satellite images show what appears to be an eight-mile Russian military convoy east of Kharkiv, Ukraine....
 CNN 2h
Jonathan Karl on COVID spike in Washington
ABC's Jonathan Karl previews 'This Week Sunday' with a look at the spike in COVID cases in Washington...
 Eyewitness News ABC7NY 2h
Spektakulärer Zug-Crash – Alle Autoinsassen überleben | Die gute Nachricht
Nahe der argentinischen Hauptstadt Buenos Aires ist ein Unfall auf einem Bahnübergang glimpflich ausgegangen....
 N24 2h
First Alert Weather: CBS2's 4/10 Sunday morning update
Vanessa Murdock has the Tri-State Area's updated First Alert forecast on CBS2 News This Morning.
 CBS New York 2h
6 wounded in shooting at Elgin apartment
Six people were wounded in a shooting at a party in an Elgin apartment overnight.
 WGN News 2h
Midday turnout at 25% in first round of French presidential election • FRANCE 24...
Midday turnout stood at 25% in the first round of the French presidential election, according to the...
 FRANCE 24 English 2h
Ronaldo Caught On Camera SMASHING Fan's Phone
'Ronaldo SMASHES Fan's Phone After United Lose' Merseyside Police are investigating an incident...
 ODN 2h
'Big Win For Anybody Facing Disaster': Doug LaMalfa Applauds SPEED Recovery Act
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) spoke about the SPEED Recovery Act. ...
 Forbes Under 30 2h
Macron, wife Brigitte return home after voting in first round of presidential election...
President and re-election candidate Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron return to their home...
 AFP 2h
Pakistan PM Imran Khan has been removed after losing no-confidence vote
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has been ousted after losing a vote of no confidence, ending a constitutional...
 Sky News 2h
Patricio, la guitarra que ni el párkinson pudo acallar
Madrid, 10 abr (EFE).- La del último disco de Patricio es una historia de éxito antes incluso de su publicación....
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy talks NJ COVID cases, gas prices, and more
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy joined PIX11 Morning News to talk about the slight uptick in his state's...
 PIX11 News 2h
17-year-old charged in school shooting that killed Bronx teen
Toni Yates has new details on the arrest of 17-year-old Jeremiah Ryan who is accused of killing a teen...
 Eyewitness News ABC7NY 2h
Software engineer explains how he helped defeat Russian tanks
Oleksandr Radzikhovskiy was a software engineer and amateur drone enthusiast before Russia's invasion....
 CNN 2h
Most Powerful Military soundtracks ♫ Best Of War Epic Music ♫ INSPIRING AGGRESSIVE...
Most Powerful Military soundtracks ♫ Best Of War Epic Music ♫ INSPIRING AGGRESSIVE WAR EPIC 2022 ...
 War Epic Music 2h
Pope Francis calls for "Easter truce" in Ukraine in Palm Sunday address
Celebrating Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis said that the "folly of war" leads people...
 euronews (in English) 2h
War crimes: Alleged militia leader at ICC's first Darfur trial | DW News
The first ICC trial addressing the murder and torture of hundreds of thousands of people in Sudan's Darfur...
 DW (English) 3h
Pakistan PM Imran Khan ousted after losing no-confidence vote
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has been ousted from power after losing a no-confidence vote. The...
 Al Jazeera English 3h
First private astronaut mission reaches International Space Station
Axiom 1, the world's first all-private astronaut mission to the International Space Station, docked at...
 Al Jazeera English 3h
Ukrainian volunteers make body armour to protect troops
As the war has upended normal life for Ukrainians, volunteers are doing everything to help. Many are...
 Al Jazeera English 3h
Macron, wife Brigitte vote in first round of presidential election | AFP
President and re-election candidate Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron vote in Le Touquet...
 AFP 3h
Macron, wife Brigitte arrive to vote in first round of presidential election | AFP
President and re-election candidate Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron shake hands with people...
 AFP 3h
Voters voting in French presidential election in Lyon | AFP
Voters crowd into a polling station in Lyon's 2nd arrondissement at midday during the first round of...
 AFP 3h
Almeida anima a los madrileños a disfrutar de una Semana Santa "extraordinaria"
El alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, anima a todos los madrileños a disfrutar de una Semana...
 Europa Press 3h
Madrid recupera el "histórico" tótem de la estación de Metro de Cuatro...
El consejero de Transportes e Infraestructuras de la Comunidad de Madrid, David Pérez, ha explicado que...
 Europa Press 3h
Latest news bulletin | April 10th – Midday
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news,...
 euronews (in English) 3h
UKRAINE-KRIEG: RÜCKKEHR in die zerstörte Stadt Makariw | WELT REPORTER
Die russische Armee hat sich aus den Vororten von Kiew zurück gezogen und Zerstörung und Tod hinterlassen....
 N24 3h
Transgender girl, eight, has sleepless nights about growing up as a boy
Sky's Charlotte Lomas has caught up with a family who have been coming to terms with their own identity....
 Sky News 3h
Border experts predict what will happen after Title 42 is lifted
Border experts weigh in as border states brace for surge after Title 42 is lifted. #FoxNews Subscribe...
 Fox News 3h
Новости дня | 10 апрель — дневной выпуск
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир,...
 euronews (на русском) 3h
Протесты в Шри-Ланке
Жители Шри-Ланки требуют отставки президента: страна находится на грани банкротства. ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ...
 euronews (на русском) 3h
Россияне и украинцы: противостояние на Кипре
Акция в поддержку РФ на Кипре встретила сопротивление украинцев ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ :
 euronews (на русском) 3h
Lake Cildir - The Story of the Frozen Lake
Lake Cildir is a winter destination in the Eastern Kars Province of Türkiye. It is known as the biggest...
 TRT World 3h
'Will Promote US Global Leadership': Pelosi Promotes America COMPETES Act
In House floor remarks on Wednesday, Speaker Pelosi promoted the America COMPETES Act. Stay Connected...
 Forbes Under 30 3h
A New Iran Nuclear Deal Is Critical but Not a Sure Thing, Says Iran Expert Ali Vaez...
The odds of renewing the Iran nuclear deal in the short term are about 50/50, says Ali Vaez. Subscribe...
 GZERO Media 3h
Chopin: Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1 (Violin and Piano)
🎵 Get this track on the Official Halidon Music Store: 🎧 Stream it on Spotify:...
Vuelve la carrera solidaria 'Madrid se mueve por el Trasplante Infantil'
Tras dos años sin poder celebrarse debido a la pandemia, este sábado ha vuelto a las calles de Madrid...
 Europa Press 3h
Calls for Gotabaya's exit grows louder in Sri Lanka, biggest protest in Colombo against...
Amid the ongoing economic crisis in the Island nation, Sri Lankan President is facing the biggest street...
 WION 3h
Former French President Francois Hollande votes in French presidential election |...
Former French President Francois Hollande votes in Tulle, Corrèze, with his partner Julie Gayet, during...
 AFP 3h
Supporters greet Le Pen before vote in French presidential election | AFP
National Rally presidential candidate Marine Le Pen takes selfies with activists as she arrives outside...
 AFP 3h
Macron, wife Brigitte leave to vote in first round of presidential election | AFP
Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron leave their house in Le Touquet and shake hands with the people gathered...
 AFP 3h
French presidency hopeful Le Pen votes in first round of election | AFP
French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen, of the National Rally party (Rassemblement National, Eds.),...
 AFP 3h
Putin appoints new military commander for Ukraine war
Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed a new general, Alexander Dvornikov, to direct the war...
 CNN 3h
Despite Russian attacks, Zelenskyy expresses commitment to peace
Days after two rocket attacks killed more than 50 people at a train station, Ukrainian President Volodymyr...
 TRT World 3h
The Gambia votes for a new National Assembly
Gambians have gone to the polls to vote for a new National Assembly in an election set to consolidate...
 Al Jazeera English 4h
Voting starts in French election's first round
Voting started in France in the first round of the presidential election, with far-right candidate Marine...
 Reuters 4h
Abren los colegios electorales para las elecciones presidenciales francesas
París / Marsella (Francia), 10 abr (EFE/EPA).-(Imagen: Mohammed Badra / Sebastien Nogier) Los colegios...
El MARQ ultima el montaje de la muestra "Gladiadores. Héroes del Coliseo"
Alicante, 10 abr (EFE).- La gran exposición formada por 140 piezas originales del Coliseo de Roma y ocho...
Canada: 21-year-old Indian student shot dead in Toronto, Indian govt pledges support...
A 21-year-old Indian student has been shot dead in Toronto, Canada. The family is demanding an investigation...
 WION 4h
Pakistan political crisis: Shehbaz Sharif nominated as PM candidate by the opposition...
After the high-intense drama in Pakistan's parliament, Imran Khan has finally been ousted as PM. Now,...
 WION 4h
France elections: Will Emmanuel Macron get a second term? | International News |...
Voting in France has begun and if the opinion polls are to be believed, Macron is set to become the first...
 WION 4h
Garzón pide "audacia" ante la oportunidad de un frente amplio liderado...
El coordinador federal de IU, Alberto Garzón, ha subrayado la apuesta "inquebrantable" de su formación...
 Europa Press 4h
UK points to mounting Russian losses, as Boris Johnson promises more military aid...
Boris Johnson became the latest European leader to visit Kyiv, and he praised Ukrainians as "people of...
 euronews (in English) 4h
France goes to the polls in presidential election
There are 12 candidates vying for votes to be the president of France. READ MORE :
 euronews (in English) 4h
Pope Francis laments the "folly of war" in Palm Sunday address
Celebrating Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis said that the "folly of war" leads people...
 euronews (in English) 4h
Greens candidate Yannick Jadot votes in French presidential election | AFP
Greens candidate Yannick Jadot slips his ballot into the box at his polling station in Paris, during...
 AFP 4h
Communist candidate Fabien Roussel casts vote in French presidential election | AFP
Communist presidential candidate Fabien Roussel votes in Saint-Amand-les-Eaux for the first round of...
 AFP 4h
Republican candidate Pécresse votes in French presidential election | AFP
Les Républicains (LR/The Republicans, Eds.) candidate Valérie Pécresse slips her ballot into the box...
 AFP 4h
Ex-president Sarkozy casts vote in French presidential election | AFP
Former president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy votes in the 16th district of Paris, shortly after the opening...
 AFP 4h
French socialist candidate Hidalgo votes in presidential election | AFP
Socialist presidential candidate Anne Hidalgo votes in Paris, shortly after the opening of polling stations,...
 AFP 4h
French far-right candidate Zemmour votes in presidential elections | AFP
Far-right former TV pundit and French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour casts his ballot in Paris in...
 AFP 4h
BLITZKRIEG gescheitert: „es geht in Richtung Abnutzungskrieg" - Russland-Experte...
Putins Blitzkrieg in der Ukraine ist gescheitert, „es geht in Richtung Abnutzungskrieg". Dabei stehe...
 N24 4h
In Full: Sophy Ridge On Sunday
Trevor Phillips hosts this week's Sophy Ridge On Sunday and is joined by Crime Minister Kit Malthouse,...
 Sky News 4h
Pakistani Opposition Celebrates After No-Confidence Vote Against Khan
Supporters of Pakistani opposition parties celebrated early on April 10 outside the parliament in Islamabad...
 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 4h
Macron faces Le Pen challenge as polls open in French election first round - BBC...
Voters in France have started casting their ballots in the opening round of a presidential race that...
 BBC News 4h
Премьер-министр Пакистана отстранён от власти
Премьер-министр Пакистана Имран Хан проиграл вотум недоверия в парламенте. Он стал первым главой государства,...
 euronews (на русском) 4h
Top stories, breaking news | LiveNOW from FOX
Subscribe to LiveNOW from FOX! Where to watch...
 FOX 10 Phoenix 4h
Немецкий политик о шантаже Путина, отказе от газа из России, высылке дипломатов и...
Михаэль Рот, глава комитета бундестага по внешней политике и экс-госминистр в МИД ФРГ, требует четкого...
 DW (Russian) 4h
Brazilian Indigenous people march against Bolsonaro
Indigenous people gathered in Brazil's capital to march against President Jair Bolsonaro. #News...
 Reuters 4h
Peruvians call for President Castillo's resignation
Thousands of Peruvians took to the streets of Lima to demand that President Pedro Castillo resign. ..
 Reuters 4h
Australian PM sets general election date
Australia will hold a general election on May 21, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said, triggering a campaign...
 Reuters 4h
Pakistan's PM ousted in no-confidence vote
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted when he lost a vote of confidence in parliament, after...
 Reuters 4h
Emmanuel Macron Vs Marine Le Pen: Two leaders with Two ideologies | World News |...
Polling stations have opened across France for the first round of voting of French presidential election...
 WION 4h
Exclusive: 'Dasvi' cast speaks to WION on their experience inside a central jail...
What comes to your mind when we say 'jail' or 'prison'? Dark and gritty places with iron bars? Just before...
 WION 4h
Russia focuses on Donbas 'liberation', troops move towards eastern region | WION
According to the Donetsk Governor, 5 people were killed and 5 others were injured in Russian shelling...
 WION 4h
Australian PM Scott Morrison calls federal election for May 21 | World News | English...
Australian prime minister Scott Morrison has announced the dates for the country's next general election...
 WION 4h
700 personas participan en la carrera 'Madrid se mueve por el Trasplante Infantil'
Cerca de 700 personas han participado este sábado en la IV carrera solidaria 'Madrid se mueve por el...
 Europa Press 4h
Hard-left candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon votes in French elections | AFP
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate for the hard-left La France Insoumise party, casts his ballot in the port...
 AFP 4h
Thousands in Sri Lanka insist Rajapaksa family quit politics
Sri Lankans are continuing to demand President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's resignation, with thousands rallying...
 Al Jazeera English 4h
The aftermath of occupation: Yahidne, north of Kyiv, freed after one month occupation...
The Russian army controlled Yahidne for almost a month. The village now lies in ruins. #Yahidne #Kyiv...
 FRANCE 24 English 4h
More voters arrive to cast ballots at polling stations in northwest Paris • FRANCE...
After a quieter early morning, more voters began arriving to cast ballots in the first round of France's...
 FRANCE 24 English 4h
Lobato asegura que la españolidad de Ceuta y Melilla está "fuera de toda duda"
El secretario general del PSOE-M, Juan Lobato, ha destacado como un paso a favor de la generación de...
 Europa Press 4h
Lobato, a Ayuso tras renombrarle como "el del tebeo": "¡Viva el cómic...
El portavoz del PSOE en la Asamblea de Madrid y secretario general del PSOE-M, Juan Lobato, ha contestado...
 Europa Press 4h
Борис Джонсон посетил Киев
Британский премьер Борис Джонсон посетил Киев с неожиданным визитом. Великобритания отправит на Украину...
 euronews (на русском) 4h
Первый тур президентских выборов во Франции
Первый тур президентских выборов проходит во Франции. В нём принимают участие 12 кандидатов, в том числе...
 euronews (на русском) 4h
Johnson and Zelenskyy Tour Kyiv Streets with Snipers
'Johnson and Zelenskyy Tour Kyiv Streets with Snipers' Boris Johnson has met President Vladimir...
 ODN 4h
US Muslims back together for Ramadan after pandemic hiatus
After a two-year break due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Muslims worldwide are once again gathering in large...
 TRT World 4h
Госдума в очередной раз пригрозила заблокировать ютуб. После блокировок Роскомнадзором инстаграма, фейсбука...
 Штаб Навального 5h
Cost of living crisis: 'Poorest being hardest hit'
Helen Barnard, director of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, discusses the cost of living crisis with Trevor...
 Sky News 5h
דברי ראש הממשלה, נפתלי בנט, בפתח ישיבת הממשלה השבועית - 10/04/2022
ראש הממשלה, נפתלי בנט, בפתח ישיבת הממשלה: "זהו יום קשה, יום שבו יובאו למנוחות שלושת נרצחי הפיגוע בתל...
 IsraeliPM 5h
Präsidentschaftswahlen in FRANKREICH: Enges Rennen zwischen Macron und Le Pen
Regiert in Frankreich fünf weitere Jahre Emmanuel Macron oder gibt es einen Umbruch - nach einem Wahlkampf...
 N24 5h
Ukraine: More flee after Kramatorsk rail station attack • FRANCE 24 English
Ukraine is ready for a tough battle with Russian forces amassing in the east of the country, President...
 FRANCE 24 English 5h
Ukraine's Zelensky calls for more Western military aid as Boris Johnson visits Kyiv...
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at a meeting in Kyiv...
 FRANCE 24 English 5h
Ocho obras maestras del XX se exponen en una muestra permanente en el Centro Botín...
El Centro Botín de Santander expone de forma permanente una selección de ocho obras maestras del siglo...
 Europa Press 5h
El Frente Polisario suspende sus contactos con el actual Gobierno de España
El Frente Polisario ha anunciado este sábado su decisión de suspender los contactos con el actual Gobierno...
 Europa Press 5h
Lobato insiste a Cs en que tome las riendas de una moción de censura a Almeida
El portavoz del PSOE en la Asamblea de Madrid y secretario general de los socialistas madrileños, Juan...
 Europa Press 5h
Lobato cree que "hay margen" para bajar impuestos a rentas medias y bajas
El secretario general del PSOE-M, Juan Lobato, ha afirmado que existe "margen" para bajar tramos del...
 Europa Press 5h
Declaraciones de la portavoz del Grupo Parlamentario Socialista en el Senado, Eva...
La portavoz del Grupo Parlamentario Socialista en el Senado, Eva Granados, ofrece declaraciones a los...
 Europa Press 5h
Francia: Abren centros de votación para primera vuelta de Elecciones Presidenciales
Más de 48 millones de franceses acuden a centros electorales para elegir al próximo presidente del país...
 teleSUR tv 5h
Ukraine War: Red Cross unable to get into Mariupol
Pascal Hundt, of the International Committee of the Red Cross, has told Trevor Phillips the ICRC failed...
 Sky News 5h
Ukraine War: 500 Russia war crime suspects identified
Iryna Venediktova, Prosecutor General of Ukraine, has described Vladimir Putin as the "main war criminal...
 Sky News 5h
Генерал-полковник ФСБ Сергей Беседа уже не под домашним арестом, а переведен в СИЗО Лефортово. Его делом...
 MackNack 5h
GOP Lawmaker Remembers Jackie Robinson's 'Everlasting' Impact
In House floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) praised the life and legacy of Jackie...
 Forbes Under 30 5h
The Ukraine War From Russia's Perspective
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter...
 CaspianReport 5h
Su apoyo a la guerra de Ucrania amenaza con aislar a la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa
Bucarest (Rumanía), 10 abr (EFE).- (Imagen: Marcel Gascón) El Patriarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa (IOR)...
Pak political power play : Imran Khan ousted, what it means for the world? | WION
After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence motion concluded in Pakistan. Imran Khan being...
 WION 5h
Врач-психиатр и карикатурист Андрей Бильжо в гостях эфира программы «Честное слово». Дмитрий Низовцев...
 Штаб Навального 5h
⚡️Новый брифинг Минобороны России о ходе спецоперации по защите Донбасса от 10 апреля...
Подробности на Мы в социальных сетях:
 tvZvezda 5h
British PM makes surprise visit to Kyiv, meets Zelenskyy
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv, a surprise...
 Al Jazeera English 5h
Francia: Abren centros de votación para primera vuelta de Elecciones Presidenciales
Más de 48 millones de franceses acuden a centros electorales para elegir al próximo presidente del país...
 teleSUR tv 5h
Xavi, Puyol e Iniesta derrotan a Hacienda por usar un método equivocado
La Audiencia Nacional ha anulado tres inspecciones de Hacienda a los exfutbolistas del Fútbol Club Barcelona...
 Europa Press 5h
Establecimiento cofrade dice que mayoría de clientes han dejado "para última...
La propietaria del establecimiento cofrade sevillano 'La casa del nazareno', María de la O Domínguez,...
 Europa Press 5h
A jog and a ballot: French voters combine Sunday activities with presidential vote...
Some voters in Paris are combining their trips to polling stations with regular Sunday morning activities...
 FRANCE 24 English 5h
Ukraine War: Labour slams 'shameful and shocking' refugee policy
Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper says Ukrainian refugees attempting to enter the UK should only have...
 Sky News 5h
Russian troops take shelter in Ukrainian homes
In the bitter-cold early days of Russia's assault on Ukraine, Russian troops struggled to find shelter...
 TRT World 6h
Johnson and Zelensky walk around Kyiv during UK PM's surprise Ukraine visit - BBC...
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a surprise visit to Kyiv, Ukraine and met with the country's president,...
 BBC News 6h
Pak political crisis: Opposition nominates Shehbaz Sharif for Pakistan's new PM |...
After yesterday's midnight chaos, Imran Khan becomes 1st prime minister to lose the trust vote and the...
 WION 6h
French Election 2022: Phase 1 voting begins in France, Le Pen closes in on incumbent...
Polling stations have opened across France for the phase 1 voting of a French presidential election....
 WION 6h
Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan ousted in no-confidence vote
Khan was voted out in the Sunday morning vote after several political allies and a key party in his ruling...
 euronews (in English) 6h
Aktuelle CORONA-ZAHLEN: 55.471 COVID-19-Neuinfektionen - Inzidenz sinkt auf 1097,9
Das Robert Koch Institut meldet 55.471 Neuinfektionen binnen 24 Stunden. s sind 18.582 Fälle weniger...
 N24 6h
Los cerezos vuelven a florecer en el Valle del Jerte
El Valle del Jerte, en Cáceres, luce en estos días su característico color blanco debido a los cerezos...
 Europa Press 6h
Pakistan PM ousted: Imran Khan loses no-confidence vote in parliament • FRANCE 24...
It was not immediately clear when a new premier will be chosen, but Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N)...
 FRANCE 24 English 6h
46-ой день войны на Украине
В Бородянке ищут под завалами погибших и выживших. После обстрела вокзала люди покидают Краматорск на...
 euronews (на русском) 6h
Sunak tax row: Is the Chancellor's career over?
The political ambitions of Rishi Sunak are in doubt following a bruising week for the Chancellor. ..
 Sky News 6h
А как в Америке? Буча и Сонгми
Алекс Григорьев о том, как в США и России относятся к военным преступлениям. Новости, аналитика,...
 Голос Америки 6h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Jóvenes venezolanos se debaten entre regresar...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 6h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: "Nadie hace nada y todos los días la violencia...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 6h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Con una protesta denuncian desaparición de 15...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 6h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Voluntarios de EEUU reciben y brindan ayuda a...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 6h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Violencia en Chicago: en lo que va del fin de...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 6h
UKRAINE fordert mehr HÄRTE gegen RUSSLAND | Aktuelle Lage - KRIEG in der UKRAINE
Der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hat seine Forderung nach einem Importstopp von Öl aus Russland...
 N24 6h
La OTAN estudia desplegar una presencia militar permanente en el este de Europa
El secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, ha confesado este sábado que la Alianza Atlántica...
 Europa Press 6h
What led to leader Imran Khan's downfall in Pakistan?
Imran Khan's tumultuous term as prime minister of Pakistan has ended, following weeks of high political...
 Al Jazeera English 6h
Johnson visits Kyiv: UK PM offers aid, vows further sanctions • FRANCE 24 English
Johnson became the latest European leader to visit Kyiv this weekend after the bodies were discovered...
 FRANCE 24 English 6h
Shelling in Mariupol: Humanitarian corridors collapsed by Russian bombing • FRANCE...
Marioupol is a strategic port city that would let Russia access the sea of Azov. 80 to 90 percent of...
 FRANCE 24 English 6h
War in Ukraine - Kharkiv: Life under the bombs • FRANCE 24 English
People in this neighbourhood in the north of Kharkiv tell us that 80 percent of local inhabitants have...
 FRANCE 24 English 6h
Imran Khan ousted after three-and-a-half years as prime minister
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has lost the vote of no confidence in parliament after days of tense...
 TRT World 7h
174 members in Pak Parliament vote in favour of motion to oust Imran Khan-led govt...
After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence motion concluded in Pakistan. 174 members voted...
 WION 7h
Что в Казахстане на самом деле думают о войне в Украине?
В Алматы месяц назад прошел митинг в поддержку украинского народа. Правда, власти дали понять, что не...
 DW (Russian) 7h
Jacksonville mayor talks downtown development
Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry discusses city development and partnering with the Jacksonville Jaguars...
 Fox News 7h
'We're very lucky': French citizens appreciate the right to vote • FRANCE 24 English
Voters at a polling station in Paris's 17th arrondissement (district) expressed appreciation for the...
 FRANCE 24 English 7h
Early bird voters cast presidential ballots in Paris's 17th arrondissement • FRANCE...
Early bird voters have cast presidential ballots at one of about 65 polling stations in Paris's 17th...
 FRANCE 24 English 7h
«Московские ярмарки»: самые вкусные завтраки
У многих наших знакомых «Московские ярмарки» расположены возле дома или около офиса, поэтому они часто...
 Daily Storm 7h
Emmanuel Macron vs Marine Le Pen: Why is she a controversial figure? | French Elections...
In opinion polls for the French election 2022, Marine Le Pen is closing the gap on Emmanuel Macron, but...
 WION 7h
Voting starts in the French capital as Macron seeks new term | AFP
Parisians began voting in the first round of a presidential election projected to produce a run-off rematch...
 AFP 7h
Bisher 1200 Tote in Region Kiew entdeckt - Solidaritätsbesuch von Premier Johnson...
In der Region um Kiew sind nach ukrainischen Angaben bislang mehr als 1200 Tote gefunden worden. Staatsanwältin...
 N24 7h
The Bold and the Beautiful - Guilty Sheila (Preview)
The walls close in on Sheila! Watch Full Episdoes of "The Bold and the Beautiful" HERE:
 CBS 7h
Ukraine preparing for 'big battles' against Russian forces in the east as civilians...
Ukraine is preparing for "big battles" against Moscow's forces in the east of the country, officials...
 FRANCE 24 English 7h
Дмитрий Потапенко: Рост цен с 10 апреля
Экономическую ситуацию в России обсудили с Дмитрием Потапенко. Экономист рассказал, как придется спасать...
 Штаб Навального 8h
Новости дня | 10 апрель — утренний выпуск
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир,...
 euronews (на русском) 8h
Без языка. Русская культура на военном положении | Подкаст «Обратный адрес»
Нецензурное теперь в России слово «война» прежде означало Великую Отечественную: когда говорили «на войне»,...
 Радио Свобода 8h
Latest news bulletin | April 10th – Morning
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news,...
 euronews (in English) 8h
Исследователь из США создал робота-фотографа
Идея создания новой компьютерной программы пришла изобретателю Хади Аль-Зайеру во время прогулки на природе...
 Голос Америки 8h
French Elections 2022: Climate activists voice concerns ahead of elections | World...
The French Presidential election is underway and hundreds of people took to the streets of Paris on the...
 WION 8h
Jóvenes venezolanos se debaten entre regresar o no a su país: ¿qué los hace dudar?
Algunos jóvenes venezolanos que han visitado recientemente su país natal se enfrentan a una difícil decisión:...
 Univision Noticias 8h
"Nadie hace nada y todos los días la violencia es mayor": aumenta la criminalidad...
De acuerdo con las autoridades, durante los primeros meses de este 2022 se registraron 283 tiroteos en...
 Univision Noticias 8h
French citizens in Jerusalem vote in presidential elections | AFP
French citizens in Jerusalem vote in the first round of presidential elections projected to produce a...
 AFP 8h
KRIEG AM KIPPPUNKT: Widerstand der Ukrainer - Diese Optionen hat Putin noch | WELT...
Der krieg in der Ukraine tritt in eine neue Phase. Die russischen Truppen ziehen sich nach schweren Verlusten...
 N24 8h
«Вьетнамская Леди Гага» против Коммунистической партии | Документальный фильм Би-би-си
Певицу Май Кхой называли «вьетнамской Леди Гагой» за ее эпатажные образы и откровенные песни. Она была...
 BBC Russian 8h
Con una protesta denuncian desaparición de 15 mujeres en Monterrey, México: una de...
Los manifestantes exigen acciones en contra de la violencia contra las mujeres y que sus denuncias sean...
 Univision Noticias 9h
Voluntarios de EEUU reciben y brindan ayuda a refugiados ucranianos en el aeropuerto...
Cientos de ucranianos están arribando diariamente al aeropuerto de Tijuana, México, donde algunas aerolíneas...
 Univision Noticias 9h
French Presidential election 2022: French voters in Canada cast ballots | World News...
Voting is underway in the first round of French polls as French voters in the US, and Canada cast their...
 WION 9h
Three armed robbery suspects arrested in Culver City following pursuit
The suspects were originally connected to an armed robbery that occurred in South Los Angeles, before...
 CBS Los Angeles 9h
Западный взгляд на планы Путина в Украине: какие сценарии наиболее вероятны?
Россия вывела войска с севера Украины, однако, судя по всему, готовит масштабное наступление Донбассе....
 DW (Russian) 9h
Major Crash With One Trapped | IRWINDALE, CA 4.8.22
@LLN RANDY IRWINDALE, CALIFORNIA - CHP and LACFD responded to a two vehicle traffic collision with one...
Violencia en Chicago: en lo que va del fin de semana se reportan 10 tiroteos, 3 muertos...
A pesar de las cifras de violencia que se reportan en la ciudad en los últimos meses, la policía señala...
 Univision Noticias 9h
Pak political crisis: 'Democracy, of course, is the best revenge,' says Bilawal Bhutto...
PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto said we welcome you back to the purana Pakistan. Democracy is the best revenge,...
 WION 9h
Major League Milestone: Rachel Balkovec becomes first woman to manage professional...
Opening Day already comes with its own excitement and special feeling for many baseball fans, but 2022...
 CBS Los Angeles 9h
Travel season advice from Johnny Jet
As travelers finally return to the roads and the skies, following the lengthy hiatus due to the COVID...
 CBS Los Angeles 9h
Владимир Зеленский и Борис Джонсон гуляют по Киеву
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский и премьер-министр Великобритании Борис Джонсон 9 апреля прошлись...
 DW (Russian) 9h
Deputy Involved Shooting | HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA 4.1.22
@LLN RANDY HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CALIFORNIA - Los Angeles County Sheriff Department Industry Station was...
Early Morning Fatal Shooting | VICTORVILLE, CA 3.31.22
VICTORVILLE, CALIFORNIA - A fatal shooting occurred early Thursday morning in Victorville. The shooting...
Bank Robbery, Suspect Fatal Shot | FONTANA, CA 4.7.22
@LLN Mike FONTANA, CALIFORNIA - On Thursday afternoon, April 07, 2022, a suspect reportedly robbed a...
Downtown Murder | LOS ANGELES, CA 4.31.22
@PMTV LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - One person was shot and killed near a busy club located on 5th St and...
Car Hits Tree & Rolls | GLENDALE, AZ 4.2.22
@LLN Arizona GLENDALE, ARIZONA - A man was hospitalized after he crashed into trees and a concrete wall...
Pakistan PM Imran Khan gone after losing no-confidence vote
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has been deposed by a no-confidence vote in parliament, days after...
 Al Jazeera English 9h
1.5 million homes go dark in Caribbean due to massive power outage | World News |...
As many as 1.5 million homes this week were left without power after a short circuit blew out the Caribbean...
 WION 10h
RV towing moratorium lifted, sparking debate over homeless crisis
A moratorium on towing RVs, currently lined along several roads within Los Angeles County, was lifted...
 CBS Los Angeles 10h
Tree trimmer killed on the job; Found hanging upside down nearly 50 feet above ground
When rescue crews arrived to rescue a tree trimmer, who was found hanging upside down, nearly 50 feet...
 CBS Los Angeles 10h
French citizens in Hong Kong vote in presidential election | AFP
Members of the French community in Hong Kong cast their ballots in the first round of presidential elections...
 AFP 10h
Planeta tierra: Lo construyeron y ahora lo destruyen: se seca este lago | Noticias...
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. El segundo embalse del país está en un nivel crítico. Creado para...
Francia: Jornada de reflexión electoral marcada por reclamos históricos al Gobierno...
En Francia rige el "silencio electoral" en vísperas de la primera ronda de las elecciones presidenciales,...
 teleSUR tv 10h
O трансформации политических планов Кремля в отношении военных действий и прогнозах...
Политолог: Прямой конфликт США с России может быть трагичным, в первую очередь, для Украины Подпишитесь...
 Голос Америки 10h
Boris Johnson appreciates courage shown by Ukrainians, pledges more military aid...
British prime minister Boris Johnson held talks with Zelensky in Kyiv after the top leaders from the...
 WION 10h
WIPR: LUMA pide "conservación y uso comedido de la electricidad"
Las brigadas de LUMA y la AEE continúan trabajando juntos para restaurar la energía de la manera más...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 10h
Pro Tips with former college golfer, now analyst Hally Leadbetter
Do you struggle with chipping around the green? Former college golfer and amateur Hally Leadbetter has...
 CBS Los Angeles 10h
Signature Hole: Spotlighting the treacherous par 4 6th hole at Temecula Creek Inn...
Every golf course has a signature hole that players appreciate - or dread - and at Temecula Creek Inn...
 CBS Los Angeles 10h
Tech ethicist hopes Twitter's core model changes
Tristan Harris reveals Twitter's divisive business model on 'One Nation.' #FoxNews #OneNation Subscribe...
 Fox News 10h
Organizaciones sociales marcharon en Brasil en rechazo a políticas de Jair Bolsonaro
Sectores sociales marcharon en varias ciudades de Brasil contra las políticas del Gobierno de Jair Bolsonaro....
 teleSUR tv 10h
Cientos de personas exigen la renuncia de presidente peruano | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. El alza del combustible sacó a miles de personas a las calles a...
Así experimentan los niños migrantes su camino a la frontera | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Ellos también huyen de la precariedad y la violencia en sus países,...
Bringing Obama to White House won't fix Biden's disapproval ratings: Banderas
'The Big Saturday Show' co-hosts sound off on the Biden administration's shortcomings. #FoxNews #TheBigSaturdayShow...
 Fox News 11h
Russian President Vladimir Putin's daughters hit with EU sanctions | World News |...
The European Union has imposed sanctions on those who are believed to be Vladimir Putin's daughters....
 WION 11h
Lockdown in Shanghai to be lifted, strict measures irk residents | World News | WION
The government has decided to lift the lockdown in Shanghai after the number of positive cases were found...
 WION 11h
Bronx community mourns death of 16-year-old girl
The community came together Saturday to mourn the death of 16-year-old Angellyh Yambo in the Bronx.
 PIX11 News 11h
First Alert weather: CBS2 11 p.m. forecast
CBS2's Vanessa Murdock has a look at the rest of the weekend.
 CBS New York 11h
Dancers take to the stage in NYC to raise awareness and money for Ukraine
CBS2's Jenna DeAngelis has the story.
 CBS New York 11h
Police search for man who touched and then pulled knife on jogger in Brooklyn
CBS2's Jessica Moore has the story.
 CBS New York 11h
17-year-old arrested in fatal shooting of 16-year-old in the Bronx
CBS2's Thalia Perez has the latest.
 CBS New York 11h
Police sergeant, girl among 4 injured when driver flees traffic stop on Near North...
Police sergeant, girl among 4 injured when driver flees traffic stop on Near North Side
 WGN News 11h
Mazie Hirono Celebrates KBJ: 'I Look Forward To Calling Her Justice Jackson'
In Senate floor remarks on Wednesday, Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HA) celebrated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson....
 Forbes Under 30 11h
'Tell Us What's Going On': Jim Jordan Demands Answers About School Board Memo
At Tuesday's House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, Rep....
 Forbes Under 30 11h
Dance fundraiser raises money for Ukraine
A sold-out performance at the Florence Gould Theater fundraised for Ukraine.
 PIX11 News 11h
Change of guard in Islamabad: New dawn beckons for Pakistan, says Shehbaz Sharif
After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence motion has concluded. Imran Khan's final gamble...
 WION 11h
Sunland residents gather to remember Jeff Knopp, biker killed in 2016
Los Angeles City Council woman Monica Rodriguez was one of many locals who gathered in Sunland Saturday...
 CBS Los Angeles 11h
Family, friends gather to honor Brianna Kupfer, raise money for several causes
The loved ones of Brianna Kupfer, the Brentwood woman tragically murdered while working at a retail store,...
 CBS Los Angeles 11h
Меланшон: попытка номер три
Жан-Люк Меланшон, кандидат движения "Непокорная Франция", уже дважды участвовал в борьбе за пост президента...
 euronews (на русском) 11h
Леонид Гозман: Путин давно далек от реальности, верит в иллюзорный мир и хочет уничтожить...
Политолог Леонид Гозман в интервью DW оценил ситуацию в России после вторжения в Украине. По его мнению,...
 DW (Russian) 11h
Pak Political Crisis: Prime Ministerial term comes to an unceremonious end | World...
After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence motion has concluded. The new prime minister of...
 WION 12h
What If Pence Had Done What Trump Asked?
--Voicemail caller wonders what would have happened if former Vice President Mike Pence had actually...
 David Pakman Show 12h
Activists gather nationwide, locally to speak up for abortion rights
Activists and pro abortion groups rallied in Hollywood on Saturday to speak up and raise awareness for...
 CBS Los Angeles 12h
Alberta's Jason Kenney urges UCP to back him or risk election loss to NDP
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is fighting for his political career, urging United Conservative Party (UCP)...
 Global News 12h
Nightly News Full Broadcast - April 9
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's surprise visit to Kyiv, One city's potential return to indoor...
 NBC News 12h
ICNA hosts 100 Afghan families
A Muslim charity group hosted an event Saturday for Afghans resettling in the Chicago area.
 WGN News 12h
Former suburban high school choir teacher charged with sexually assaulting student
Bond was set Saturday for a former suburban choir teacher charged with sexually assaulting a student.
 WGN News 12h
Community activist urges gunowners to get locks after 2 children accidentally shot...
An 11-year-old girl was wounded in an accidental shooting in Morgan Park late Friday night, according...
 WGN News 12h
Bongino: The 'evil'-ution of the radical Left
'Unfiltered' host says the radical Left is allowing evil things to happen on purpose, not because of...
 Fox News 12h
Melt | In Conversation With Roopak Saluja
This week on Melt: Shormistha Mukherjee / Flying Cursor anchors the show + GroupM ESP's 'Sporting...
 WION 12h
Deputy injured in Valencia crash with vehicle containing stolen catalytic converters;...
Three suspects, including a parolee, suffered significant injuries when their vehicle, containing a stolen...
 CBS Los Angeles 12h
The Epic Mission to Sabotage Hitler's Atomic Bomb: Top-Secret and Memoirs of the...
The Winter Fortress: The Epic Mission to Sabotage Hitler's Atomic Bomb is a 2016 military history book...
 The Film Archives 12h
COVID-19: US officials warn of another surge in infections
America's top infection disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is warning about an uptick in COVID-19 infections...
 Global News 12h
Israel's prime minister vows to pursue terrorists 'everywhere'
The country has seen the deadliest wave of violence since 2016. WATCH FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS...
 ABC News 13h
3 paying customers dock at ISS
The customers and a former NASA astronaut spent 10 days in space. WATCH FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS...
 ABC News 13h
Tree trimmer found dead, hanging upside-down, 50 feet above ground
Nearly 40 firefighters were dispatched to the scene of a tree trimmer that was hanging upside down in...
 CBS Los Angeles 13h
$30K watch stolen at gunpoint in Bronx robbery
A $30,000 watch was stolen off the wrist of a woman at gunpoint in the Bronx, the NYPD said.
 PIX11 News 13h
'Please Protect These Children': Jahana Hayes Implores HHS Secretary To Help LGBTQ+...
At Wednesday's House Labor Committee hearing, Rep. Jahana Hayes (D-CT) spoke about the alarming number...
 Forbes Under 30 13h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Cápsula de Space X con tripulantes civiles llega...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 13h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Demócratas y republicanos buscan extender el...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 13h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Autoridades de Estados Unidos advierten de riesgos...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 13h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Organizaciones cuestionan el presupuesto de Nueva...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 13h
TelemundoprOficial's YouTube Videos: Noches de BSN Jeep | Piratas de Quebradillas...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 13h
Man arrested in connection with March 31 attempted kidnapping
Anaheim Police have charged Andrew Pio in connection with the attempted kidnapping of a 13-year-old girl...
 CBS Los Angeles 13h
The Rise of America's Secret Government: Allen Dulles and the CIA - The Devil's Chessboard...
Talbot's book The Devil's Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government...
 The Film Archives 13h
Who Are the Top Midterm Candidates?
--Caller asks about the top midterm election candidates that progressives could support --- Become...
 David Pakman Show 13h
Немецкий профессор: газ из России Германия заменить может, вопрос только в цене
"Германия может отказаться от российского газа хоть сейчас", - уверена эксперт по энергетике, профессор...
 DW (Russian) 13h
Cápsula de Space X con tripulantes civiles llega a la Estación Espacial Internacional
Esté sábado la cápsula Dragón de Space X, con cuatro tripulantes civiles abordo, se acopló exitosamente...
 Univision Noticias 13h
Kilmeade: Can Elon Musk be the 'reality check' the media needs?
'One Nation' host discusses big tech's suppression of news stories and the American people's distrust...
 Fox News 13h
'It's A Yes Or No Question—Is That The Position Of Pres. Joe Biden?': Stefanik Grills...
At Wednesday's House Labor Committee hearing, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) grilled HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra....
 Forbes Under 30 14h
'Brings Forward Accountability': Hank Johnson Calls For Supreme Court Code Of Ethics
At a press briefing on Wednesday, Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) called for a code of ethics for the Supreme...
 Forbes Under 30 14h
WIPR: LUMA pide paciencia a los abonados: "Entendemos lo frustrante que es esta situación…"
A pesar de que los esfuerzos de restauración de energía continúan en respuesta al gran apagón que comenzó...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 14h
WIPR: LUMA y AEE advierten de interrupciones en el servicio durante proceso de restauración
LUMA y la AEE continúan la restauración de energía a los clientes, mientras que los desafíos con la restauración...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 14h
WIPR: Recogen cerca de 30,000 cartas dirigidas al Vaticano en apoyo a Monseñor Daniel...
En una manifestación ecuménica realizada esta tarde en la Plaza Pública del municipio norteño de Arecibo,...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 14h
WIPR: Más civiles huyen de Ucrania tras letal ataque a estación
KIEV, Ucrania (AP) — Los desalojos de civiles avanzaron el sábado en zonas del este de Ucrania asoladas...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 14h
WIPR: "Índigo nació": Camilo y Evaluna tienen una niña
NUEVA YORK (AP) — Camilo y Evaluna Montaner son padres de una niña. El cantante colombiano anunció el...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 14h
Ukraine's Zelenskyy seeks peace despite atrocities
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Saturday that he is committed to pressing for peace despite...
 Associated Press 14h
Jennifer López y Ben Affleck se comprometen por segunda vez | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Visiblemente conmovida, la propia cantante, actriz y productora...
Latinos beneficiados por extensión de moratoria de préstamos | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. La decisión de alargar la exención de pagos ha sido bien recibida...
Demócratas y republicanos buscan extender el Título 42 para evitar una crisis en...
Varios legisladores demócratas se han unido a las críticas de los republicanos al gobierno de Joe Biden,...
 Univision Noticias 14h
Autoridades de Estados Unidos advierten de riesgos de viajar a México, principalmente...
Los índices de violencia en México son la principal causa de la advertencia a residentes en Estados Unidos,...
 Univision Noticias 14h
The Epic Story of America's Intelligence & Military Efforts to Defeat Al Qaeda &...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 14h
Global National: April 9, 2022 | Ukraine prepares for "hard battle" in...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says the country is preparing for a "hard battle" against Russian...
 Global News 14h
Caller: Why Is Socialism So Popular Now?
--Caller asks why socialism has become more popular in the United States over the last few years ---...
 David Pakman Show 14h
Border surge expected as most voters oppose lifting Title 42
'The Big Saturday Show' panel weighs in on Title 42 and drug smuggling at the U.S. southern border. ...
 Fox News 14h
'I Cannot Imagine The Pain': Donald Payne Denounces Gun Violence & School Shootings
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Donald Payne (D-NJ) spoke about The School and Daycare Protection...
 Forbes Under 30 14h
NFL player struck and killed by truck
Pittsburgh Steelers player Dwayne Haskins was hit and killed by a vehicle while walking alongside a South...
 ABC News 14h
Ukrainians rush to evacuate the east
Ukrainians are rushing to flee ahead of an expected Russian onslaught. WATCH FULL EPISODES OF WORLD...
 ABC News 14h
La misión Axiom permanecerá en el espacio por más de una semana | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Este primer proyecto espacial privado arribó a la Estación Espacial...
Advierten a turistas sobre peligros de adquirir drogas | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. En espera de una avalancha de visitantes, las autoridades del estado...
¿Por qué se hace difícil la compra y el alquiler de casas? | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Quienes sueñan con tener su propio hogar se están viendo obligados...
El apagón masivo Puerto Rico deja repercusiones en miles de familias | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Siguen las labores en la isla a tres días del incendio en la planta...
Se cumplen 45 días del inicio de la invasión a Ucrania | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Aunque Rusia niega la autoría de ataques y masacres, la desolación...
Esta latina abortó y pudiera ser juzgada por asesinato | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Los propios médicos del hospital al que acudió la denunciaron con...
El secretario de Agricultura también enfermo con COVID-19 | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Cuando 27 estados siguen al alza en las cifras de contagios, Tom...
Organizaciones cuestionan el presupuesto de Nueva York por excluir a niños inmigrantes...
El nuevo presupuesto del estado expande el acceso a cuidado infantil a más familias, pero también excluye...
 Univision Noticias 14h
The FBI's Abuses: The Award-Winning Investigation That Brought Down an FBI Director...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 14h
West Side microchip and rabies vaccine clinics bring animal care to communities in...
West Side microchip and rabies vaccine clinics bring animal care to communities in need
 WGN News 14h
Entrevista Especial 09-04: Dra. Celia Alpuche
Entrevista a la Dra. Celia Alpuche Aranda, Directora del Centro de Investigación sobre Enfermedades Infecciosas...
 teleSUR tv 14h
First Alert weather: CBS2 7 p.m. forecast
CBS2's Vanessa Murdock has a look at what's instore for the Tri-State Area over the coming days.
 CBS New York 14h
Noches de BSN Jeep | Piratas de Quebradillas vs Gigantes de Carolina
Se inaugura la temporada del 2022.
 Telemundo Puerto Rico 14h
Gas prices fall in New Jersey and across the country
CBS2's Jessica Moore explains why.
 CBS New York 14h
More events held in NYC as COVID cases continue to rise
CBS2's Leah Mishkin speaks with an epidemiologist, who says the BA.2 subvariant is the cause.
 CBS New York 14h
Ocean County, N.J. man charged with attempted murder
CBS2's Jessica Moore reports.
 CBS New York 14h
NYPD searching for suspects in violent Bronx robbery
CBS2's Jessica Moore reports.
 CBS New York 14h
Ukraine's president against accusing Russian President Putin of war crimes
CBS2's Jessica Moore has the story.
 CBS New York 14h
New York State finally has a new budget
CBS2's Jessica Moore has the details, which include a gas tax break for residents.
 CBS New York 14h
15-year-old charged in stabbing death of teen girl in Mount Vernon
CBS2's Jessica Moore has the story.
 CBS New York 14h
Arrest made in Friday's shooting death of 16-year-old in the Bronx
CBS2's Thalia Perez has the latest.
 CBS New York 14h
'Maybe He Is Like Stalin': GOP Lawmaker Pledges To Hold Putin Accountable For War...
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) speaks on the House floor on Thursday about the Wagner Group and the Russian...
 Forbes Under 30 15h
RT Interview on Biden Incompetence - EDITED VS UNEDITED
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 AdamKokesh 15h
Откажутся ли немцы от российского газа еще до предстоящей зимы и что происходит с...
Западные страны ввели жесткие санкции против России из-за агрессии против Украины, но курс рубля вернулся...
 DW (Russian) 15h
Family Speaks After Slaying of 16-Year-Old Bronx Honor Student
Angellyh Yambo, 16, was an honor student at a high school in the Bronx. NBC New York's Adam Harding reports...
 NBC New York 15h
PBS News Weekend full episode, April 9, 2022
Saturday on PBS News Weekend, as Ukrainians continue to flee the Russian invasion, President Zelenskyy...
 PBS NewsHour 15h
В долгосрочной перспективее на Западе выиграли леваки
В долгосрочной перспективее на Западе выиграли леваки Ключевые слова Константин Боровой, Валерия...
 borovonovodvo 15h
The Woman Trying To Change The Face Of Crypto Investors
Sarah Monson is a 44-year-old mom and unlikely player in the fast-moving cryptocurrency world. Her goal...
 NBC News 15h
One City's Potential Return To Indoor Mask Mandate
Concerns of a new rise in Covid cases are raising alarm bells in the U.S. Numbers are rising in Philadelphia,...
 NBC News 15h
What Is A War Crime And Will Putin Be Held Accountable?
World leaders have repeatedly labeled Russia's attacks on civilians in Ukraine as war crimes. Ukrainian...
 NBC News 15h
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Surprise Visit To Kyiv
New video shows the moments after a missile struck a packed train station in Kramatorsk Friday as civilians...
 NBC News 15h
'Let Me Be Very Clear...': Bernie Sanders Takes Aim At Jeff Bezos On Senate Floor
In Senate floor remarks on Wednesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) took aim at Jeff Bezos. Stay Connected...
 Forbes Under 30 15h
'Support Small Businesses & Save Jobs': Brian Higgins Champions Restaurant Funding...
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) spoke about the Restaurant Revitalization...
 Forbes Under 30 15h
Press Preview: What's in Sunday's newspapers?
We take a look at Sunday's newspapers with journalist and author Rachel Shabi and Daily Telegraph writer...
 Sky News 15h
Russia Intensifies Violent Campaign in Eastern Ukraine
Ukrainian officials say at least 50 people were killed in the railway station strike in Kramatorsk. NBC...
 msnbc 15h
Girl, 11, wounded in accidental shooting on South Side
An 11-year-old girl was wounded in an accidental shooting in Morgan Park late Friday night, according...
 WGN News 15h
Great Easter Egg Hunt held in Maggie Daley Park
Great Easter Egg Hunt held in Maggie Daley Park
 WGN News 15h
Shuffleboard club offers plenty of fun, drinks in Bucktown
The Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Bucktown sets visitors up like they're on a cruise ship, taking...
 WGN News 15h
Christopher Hitchens: For the Sake of Argument (1993)
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 15h
David Pakman Hates the God Bless the USA (sic)
💰 Get $5 just for signing up for FREE at --This week's email bag ---...
 David Pakman Show 15h
Война России с Украиной, день 46-й | ПРЯМОЙ ЭФИР
46-й день войны в Украине: новые обстрелы аэропорта Днепра, новая массовая могила в Киевской области,...
 Настоящее Время 15h
'My Democratic Colleagues Are Like Whatever!': Chip Roy Rips Democrats In Fiery House...
In House floor remarks on Thursday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) called out Democrats over the issue of border...
 Forbes Under 30 16h
We need someone like Elon Musk: Lahren
'The Big Saturday Show' co-hosts react to a Washington Post op-ed about Elon Musk's influence on Twitter....
 Fox News 16h
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - Zelenskiy meets leaders, braces for 'hard battle'
Ukraine is ready for a tough battle with Russian forces amassing in the east of the country, President...
 Reuters 16h
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan ousted in no-confidence vote
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted on Sunday when he lost a vote of confidence in parliament,...
 Reuters 16h
Ukraine War: 'God forbid the Russians come'
Towns all over Ukraine are suffering heavy shelling while people live in terror close to the Russian...
 Sky News 16h
Un pueblo sevillano llamado Ucrania
Fuentes de Andalucía (Sevilla), 9 abr (EFE).- (Imagen: David Arjona) La entrada principal de la localidad...
First all-private crew docks with the International Space Station
For the first time ever, a commercial craft, with an all-commercial crew of space tourists has docked...
 TRT World 16h
Illinois lawmakers approve $46.5B budget with tax relief
Illinois lawmakers approved a $46.5 billion budget early Saturday that includes $1.8 billion in election-year...
 WGN News 16h
How air pollution is disproportionately impacting minority communities in San Diego
There is new evidence about the disproportionate impact of air pollution in this country. A study out...
 PBS NewsHour 16h
teleSUR Noticias 17:30 09-04: Sectores sociales rechazan las políticas del gobierno...
La movilización nacional denuncia en las principales calles del país la gravedad de la crisis económica,...
 teleSUR tv 16h
Manifestantes piden "Bolsonaro Nunca Más"
Movimientos populares, sociales y sindicales realizan desde la mañana de este sábado una amplia manifestación...
 teleSUR tv 16h
JUST IN: Boris Johnson Makes Surprise Visit To Kyiv, Walks Around Capital With Zelensky
UK PM Boris Johnson made visited Kyiv, Ukraine without prior announcement, meeting with President Zelensky...
 Forbes Under 30 16h
'A Bipartisan Bill That Cuts Red Tape': Sam Graves Praises SPEED Recovery Act
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Sam Graves (R-MO) spoke about the SPEED Recovery Act. ..
 Forbes Under 30 16h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Una anciana latina de 82 años muere atropellada...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 16h
6 months since fatal shooting of veteran, family still seeks answers
6 months since fatal shooting of veteran, family still seeks answers
 WGN News 16h
Shanghai lockdowns to be lifted if no positive cases in 14 days
China's largest city Shanghai, will soon lift its COVID-19 lockdown after an abrupt change in policy,...
 TRT World 16h
Константин Косачев. «Десять фотографий»
Потомственный дипломат, он мастерски владеет искусством переговоров. Западные оппоненты признают его...
 tvZvezda 16h
As Russia shifts east, Ukraine's former prime minister calls on West to 'please do...
As Russian forces ramp up their attacks in eastern Ukraine, civilians in impacted cities and villages...
 PBS NewsHour 16h
Astronaut Mark Vande Hei on his record-breaking spaceflight and adjusting to life...
NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei set a new record for the single longest spaceflight by an American after...
 PBS NewsHour 16h
News Wrap: Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan ousted from office in no-confidence...
In our news wrap Saturday, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan will no longer hold office after the...
 PBS NewsHour 16h
Boris Johnson, Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Walkabout in Kyiv
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy went for a walk in the...
 VOA News 16h
France's Presidential Election Tightening As First Round Begins | Europe In :60 |...
Macron is still likely to win the first round, but expect more drama ahead. Subscribe to GZERO on...
 GZERO Media 16h
Autoridades francesas ultiman detalles de cara a comicios presidenciales
A pocas horas de las elecciones presidenciales en Francia los movimientos sociales se manifiestan contra...
 teleSUR tv 16h
Sectores sociales rechazan las políticas del gobierno de Bolsonaro
En una jornada de movilización los sectores vulnerables brasileños salen a las calles en rechazo al Gobierno...
 teleSUR tv 16h
В 30-летнюю годовщину осады Сараева боснийцы поддерживают Украину
Мероприятия в честь 30-летней годовщины начала осады Сараева совпали с митингом Stand Up for Ukraine....
 euronews (на русском) 16h
2391 Grunge YT Will the Milky Way Galaxy Last Forever
It's hard to imagine that someday, the Milky Way galaxy will cease to exist. Looking up at the stars,...
 Grunge 16h
Shanghai Plans to Ease Lockdown Restrictions
China's largest city of Shanghai will begin lifting lockdown restrictions after another round of mass...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 17h
Johnson Meets Ukrainian President in Kyiv to Talk Financial Aid
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a previously...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 17h
'She Doesn't Care': GOP Lawmaker Decries Kamala Harris Over Border
At a House GOP press briefing on Monday, Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM) slammed the Biden Administration's...
 Forbes Under 30 17h
'You're Not Answering The Question': Foxx Presses Becerra On Gender Confirmation...
Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC) questioned Secretary Xavier Becerra during a House Education & Labor Committee...
 Forbes Under 30 17h
Donors pledge 9.1 billion euros for Ukrainian refugees
Donors including the Canadian government and the European Commission pledged a combined 9.1 billion euros...
 Reuters 17h
Ex-boyfriend arrested in shooting death of Northwell Health employee
Police have made an arrest in the fatal shooting of a Northwell Health employee inside a parking garage...
 PIX11 News 17h
Family speaks out after 16-year-old girl killed in Bronx shooting
Police have arrested a suspect in connection to the shooting that killed 16-year-old Angellyh Yambo in...
 PIX11 News 17h
'Capitol fox' runs wild on Capitol Hill
Fox News congressional correspondent Chad Pergram looks back at the animal's moment in the spotlight...
 Fox News 17h
Pakistan PM Imran Khan ousted after losing no-confidence vote
Pakistan's prime minister Imran Khan has been ousted after losing a vote of no-confidence, ending a constitutional...
 Sky News 17h
Macron faces uncertain future in Sunday's presidential election
France is heading to the polls on Sunday in the first round of the Presidential election. The incumbent...
 TRT World 17h
Sports NFTs expected to generate $2 billion in 2022
Global non-fungible token trading surpassed $40 billion in 2021. This year, NFTs for sports media alone...
 CBS News 17h
More Oil? MBS & the Moral Dilemma | PUPPET REGIME | GZERO Media
With energy prices soaring, what's "unacceptable" is in the eye of the beholder. Subscribe to GZERO...
 GZERO Media 17h
Imran Jan es destituido como primer ministro de Pakistán tras una moción de censura
La oposición ha logrado 174 votos a favor de la moción de censura contra el primer ministro de Pakistán,...
 Europa Press 17h
Trumpist Candidate REFUSES to Say Who's President, Totally Bonkers
--Darlene Swaffar, small business owners and Republican House candidate for Florida's 22nd District,...
 David Pakman Show 17h
Boris Johnson tours Kyiv with Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelenskyy
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson walked Kyiv's streets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy...
 Global News 17h
Zelenskiy Condemns Kramatorsk Train Station Attack
Zelenskiy condemned the Russian attack on a railway terminal in the city of Kramatorsk that Ukraine officials...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 17h
Pakistan PM Imran Khan Loses Confidence Vote, Is Ousted From Power
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was ousted from office after losing a no-confidence vote following...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 17h
WIPR: 1.3 millones de abonados ya cuentan con energía eléctrica
Para las 11:00 de la mañana del sábado, 1.3 millones de abonados tenían servicio de energía eléctrica,...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 17h
WIPR: Agricultura resalta el café puertorriqueño en Boston
El Departamento de Agricultura junto a seis empresas puertorriqueñas presentan el café local este fin...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 17h
WIPR: Senadora señala cómo reclamar ajuste en la factura de LUMA-AEE
La senadora Gretchen Marie Hau, presidenta de la Comisión de Desarrollo Económico, Servicios Esenciales...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 17h
Lawmakers Discuss Need To Revitalize FCC And Commercial Airwaves
On Monday, the House of Representatives debated a bill to improve coordination along wireless networks...
 Forbes Under 30 17h
August Pfluger: The Federal Government Must Support Schools 'In The Face Of Terrorism'
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. August Pfluger (R-TX) spoke about The School and Daycare...
 Forbes Under 30 17h
Donalds Asks Becerra: How Many Buses Is HHS Contracted To Move Undocumented Children...
At Wednesday's House Budget Committee hearing, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) questioned HHS Sec. Xavier Becerra....
 Forbes Under 30 17h
Una anciana latina de 82 años muere atropellada por una patrulla de la policía en...
Josefa Blandón murió la noche del jueves en Merced, California. Las autoridades creen que se trató de...
 Univision Noticias 17h
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits Kyiv
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson walked through the streets of Kyiv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr...
 ABC News 17h
Zelenskyy Urges Importances Of Leaders Visiting Ukraine During Meeting With Austrian...
At a meeting in Kyiv with Federal Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy...
 NBC News 17h
Watch: All-civilian Crew Arrives at International Space Station
The first all-civilian crew arrived at the International Space Station after a historic launch with SpaceX...
 NBC News 17h
Russian mercenaries join fighting in Ukraine
Russian mercenaries from the Wagner Group are on the ground in Ukraine's Donbas region. A German media...
 CBS News 17h
Zelenskyy calls for global response after train station attack
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is calling for a global response to Friday's Russian missile...
 CBS News 17h
ZIVILISTEN IM VISIER: Rücksichtslose Raketenangriffe soll Ukrainer zermürben | WELT...
Nach dem Angriff auf den Bahnhof der ostukrainischen Stadt Kramatorsk mit Dutzenden Toten haben am Samstag...
 N24 17h
The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture and Biased Mainstream...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 17h
Asian Americans' Influence On Pop Culture
Tiffany sits down with Jeff Yang, one of the authors of a new book called "Rise: A Pop History of Asian...
 msnbc 17h
Ketanji Brown Jackson's Historic Supreme Court Confirmation
It's been 230 years, and we can now finally say that a black woman will be sitting on the Supreme Court....
 msnbc 17h
Pakistan PM Imran Khan ousted after losing no-confidence vote in parliament • FRANCE...
Imran Khan was dismissed Sunday as Pakistan prime minister after losing a no-confidence vote in parliament...
 FRANCE 24 English 18h
'8,000 A Day Are Coming Across The Border': GOP Lawmaker Slams Biden Over Immigration
At a House GOP roundtable with Border Patrol on Monday, Rep. John Katko (R-NY) called out the situation...
 Forbes Under 30 18h
'So The Gloves Are Off?': GOP Lawmakers Get Angry After Hank Johnson Statement In...
At Tuesday's House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021, Rep....
 Forbes Under 30 18h
First all-private crew makes it safely to ISS
The first all-private team of astronauts ever launched to the International Space Station were welcomed...
 Reuters 18h
Runner breaks world record as part of Ukraine fundraiser
Long-distance runner Oz Pearlman broke the world record for the most miles ever run around Central Park...
 Reuters 18h
Pakistan Political Crisis: Endgame for Imran Khan after high drama in Pak parliament...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence...
 WION 18h
Pakistan Political Crisis Live Updates: Voting on no-confidence motion concludes...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence...
 WION 18h
HOCHSPANNUNG IN FRANKREICH: Präsidentschaftswahl - Hat Macron Rechtspopulistin Le...
In Frankreich beginnt am Sonntag die erste Runde der Präsidentschaftswahl. Ab 8.00 Uhr können die etwa...
 N24 18h
The CIA's Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan: A Sprawling American Tragedy (2018)
Listen to the book for free:
 The Film Archives 18h
The Vanishing Messiah: The Life and Resurrections of Francis Schlatter (2016)
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 18h
Biden administration has declared 'all-out government war' on American oil: Sen....
Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., weighs in on parental rights, the inflation crisis and rising energy prices....
 Fox News 18h
FREE SPEECH? Book Ban Efforts Hit Highest Level in 20+ Years
--Despite the right wing claiming they are for free speech and against cancel culture, book ban efforts...
 David Pakman Show 18h
'Still--Still--Too Weak': Tuberville Blasts Biden's Response To Ukraine, Warns About...
In Senate floor remarks on Wednesday, Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) slammed the Biden Administration response...
 Forbes Under 30 18h
Jaime Herrera Beutler: 'Securing Our Border Is Important For Americans— And The Rest...
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA) spoke about The DHS Illicit...
 Forbes Under 30 18h
'Political Show Trial': Kevin McCarthy Gets Heated While Defending Trump Aides Over...
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) speaks on the House floor about January 6th on Wednesday. Stay Connected...
 Forbes Under 30 18h
teleSUR Noticias 15:30 09-04: Movilizados exigen salida de Bolsonaro del poder
Con el lema "Bolsonaro Nunca Más", las movilizaciones en Brasil se desarrollan con fuertes críticas al...
 teleSUR tv 18h
Pdte. Nicolás Maduro: Quieren ir a una guerra para desmembrar a Rusia
El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro alerta sobre campaña contra Rusia desde Occidente que busca...
 teleSUR tv 18h
ראש הממשלה, נפתלי בנט, ביקר הערב בבית החולים "איכילוב" פצועים מהפיגוע ברחוב...
ראש הממשלה, נפתלי בנט, ביקר הערב בבית החולים "איכילוב" פצועים שנפגעו בפיגוע ברחוב דיזינגוף ביום ה׳ האחרון....
 IsraeliPM 18h
Pakistan Political Crisis Live Updates: Imran Khan moves into his personal residence...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence...
 WION 18h
All eyes are on Imran Khan's next move as voting on the no-confidence motion is underway...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. After several delays, the voting on the no-confidence...
 WION 18h
PBS News Weekend live episode, April 9, 2022
Stream your PBS favorites with the PBS app: Find more from PBS NewsHour...
 PBS NewsHour 18h
"Со страхом жду Дня Победы" | Сергей Медведев #shorts
Видеореплика Сергея Медведева – историка, ведущего программы Радио Свобода "Археология". Передачу можно...
 Радио Свобода 18h
Volodymyr Zelenskyy Meets UK's Boris Johnson in Kyiv
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Presidential...
 VOA News 18h
Nuremberg (1948)
The Nuremberg trials were held by the Allies after World War II against representatives of the defeated...
 The Film Archives 18h
Un pueblo sevillano llamado Ucrania
Fuentes de Andalucía (Sevilla), 9 abr (EFE).- (Imagen: David Arjona) La entrada principal de la localidad...
Today in History for April 10th
Highlights of this day in history: Peace talks conclude in Northern Ireland with Good Friday agreement;...
 Associated Press 18h
Thousands in Sri Lanka call president to resign
Thousands of people gathered at Galle Face in Colombo on Saturday as protests against the Sri Lankan...
 Associated Press 18h
AP Top Stories April 9 P
Here are the top stories for Saturday, April 9th: Zelenskyy addresses EU's 'Stand up for Ukraine' event;...
 Associated Press 18h
Kharkiv continues to be attacked by Russian forces
Kharkiv continued to be attacked by Russian forces on Saturday, with extensive damage to some residential...
 Associated Press 18h
1st all-private astronaut team arrives at International Space Station
The first all-private team of astronauts arrived safely at the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday...
 Global News 18h
Санкции ударили по искусству
Финляндия выпустила задержанные на таможне предметы искусства из Эрмитажа, а вот две картины из коллекции...
 euronews (на русском) 18h
Donald Trump Promotes GOP Senate Candidate Ted Budd In New Ad
Former President Donald Trump promoted Ted Budd, a GOP candidate for North Carolina's Senate seat. Trump...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
'Restaurants Are The Backbone Of Our Local Economies': Joe Morelle Touts Restaurant...
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Joe Morelle (D-NY) spoke about the Relief for Restaurants...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
Mike Levin Shares Update On Work To Help Veterans In Congress
Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA) released a video providing an update on work he has done to aid veterans over...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
'I Now Know Why The Left Likes Her So Much': Lindsey Graham Criticizes Ketanji Brown...
At Monday's Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) criticized the selection of Judge...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
Brasileños protestan contra medidas gubernamentales
"¡Queremos más oportunidades!"; "¡Queremos más justicia social!"; "! Queremos una mejor distribución...
 teleSUR tv 19h
Brasileños protestan contra medidas gubernamentales
"¡Queremos más oportunidades!"; "¡Queremos más justicia social!"; "! Queremos una mejor distribución...
 teleSUR tv 19h
Sanciones de occidente no han logrado debilitar al rublo
Autoridades rusas afirman que el rublo ha recuperado fuerzas pese a las sanciones impuestas por occidente.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 19h
Ogiwara lands world's first backside 2160
Japanese freestyle snowboarder Hiroto Ogiwara landed the world's first backside 2160 in Crans-Montana....
 Reuters 19h
Dozens of top D.C. officials test positive for COVID
Dozens of top officials in Washington, D.C., have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last week. Many...
 CBS News 19h
See ex-Trump official's reaction to Trump Jr.'s 'revealing' texts
Two days after the 2020 presidential election, as votes were still being tallied, Donald Trump's eldest...
 CNN 19h
US Senate confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court
US President Joe Biden has held a ceremony to celebrate the confirmation of the first Black woman to...
 TRT World 19h
Sri Lanka fuel crisis: 'Only God can help us now' - BBC News
Sri Lankans are facing fuel and food shortages, combined with steep price rises, with the country in...
 BBC News 19h
Epic CIA Evil and an International Serial Killer: Operation Condor and Chile (1999)
The CIA's Covert Activities in Chile:
 The Film Archives 19h
The Mafia, the CIA and George Bush: Business Ties, the Crimes of Bush's Sons, BCCI...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 19h
UK PM salutes Ukrainian courage in visit to Kyiv
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson joined the stream of European leaders showing their support for Ukraine...
 Associated Press 19h
Thousands of Ukrainians Refugees Arrive at U.S.-Mexico Border
The Biden administration is being accused of having a 'double standard' in the United States' immigration...
 msnbc 19h
New Analysis Shows Black Women Targeted Disproportionately For Eviction
Rasheedah Phillips, Director of Housing at Policylink and Diane Yentel, president and CEO of the National...
 msnbc 19h
Alabama Once Again Becomes The Battleground Of The Civil Rights Movement
The Supreme Court is set to hear a challenge to Alabama's new congressional maps. The ruling could decide...
 msnbc 19h
British Prime Minister Johnson Meets With Zelenskyy in Ukraine
Britain's Prime Minister Johnson met with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in Kyiv. During the visit, which...
 msnbc 19h
Откажется ли Запад от российской нефти, или Какие еще санкции ЕС ждут Путина и его...
Западные страны ввели жесткие санкции против России из-за агрессии против Украины. Они касаются и энергетической...
 DW (Russian) 19h
AJ Exclusive: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on liberation | Al Jazeera...
In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warns that Russia...
 Al Jazeera English 19h
'Do You Know How Many Children Have Died From COVID-19?': Miller-Meeks Grills Becerra...
At Wednesday's House Labor Committee hearing, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) questioned HHS Sec....
 Forbes Under 30 19h
House Republicans & Democrats Debate Holding Ex-Trump Officials In Contempt Of Congress
During a House Floor debate on Wednesday, Republicans and Democrats debated holding ex-Trump officials...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
'There Is No Better Investment': Peter DeFazio Touts Disaster Mitigation Bill
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) spoke about The Resilient AMERICA Act....
 Forbes Under 30 19h
Sanciones de occidente no han logrado debilitar al rublo
Autoridades rusas afirman que el rublo ha recuperado fuerzas pese a las sanciones impuestas por occidente.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 19h
Gobierno de Nicaragua otorga facilidades para construcción de viviendas
El gobierno del presidente Daniel Ortega otorga facilidades para construcción de viviendas, como parte...
 teleSUR tv 19h
Gobierno de Nicaragua otorga facilidades para construcción de viviendas
El gobierno del presidente Daniel Ortega otorga facilidades para construcción de viviendas, como parte...
 teleSUR tv 19h
Parisians worried about abstention ahead of election
As France heads to the first-round presidential vote, some Parisians express concern about people not...
 Reuters 19h
Steelers quarterback Dwayne Haskins dead at 24
Dwayne Haskins, a quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, died Saturday at the age of 24. He was struck...
 CBS News 19h
TOD UND ZERSTÖRUNG: Tatort Butscha - Putins Verbrechen in der Ukraine | WELT Reportage
Nach dem Abzug russischer Truppen aus dem Kiewer Vorort Butscha bietet sich ein schreckliches Bild: Dutzende...
 N24 19h
Royal family release elegy for Duke of Edinburgh on anniversary of death
The first anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh's death has been marked by the royal family with the release...
 The Independent 19h
Watch again: EU's Von der Leyen holds fundraising event for Ukraine in Warsaw
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Warsaw, after a visit to Volodymyr Zelensky...
 The Independent 19h
Boris Johnson meets Zelensky in Kyiv and pledges 120 armoured vehicles to support...
Boris Johnson met with Ukrainian president Zelensky in Kyiv on Saturday to discuss further support for...
 The Independent 19h
Huge smoke rises from scrapyard fire in Florida
A column of thick smoke rose from a major fire at a scrap metal facility near Port Manatee, where crews...
 ABC News 19h
Volunteers help Ukrainian emergency officials clean Borodyanka
Dozens of volunteers joined Ukrainian emergency officials in the restoration efforts in Borodyanka, Ukraine.
 ABC News 19h
NFL player Dwayne Haskins killed after being hit by dump truck
Haskins, 24, was attempting to cross Interstate 595 in Florida when he "collided with an oncoming dump...
 ABC News 19h
Miles de brasileños salen a las calles en rechazo al Gobierno de Bolsonaro
Con el lema "Bolsonaro Nunca Más", los brasileños acusan al mandatario por el empeoramiento de las condiciones...
 teleSUR tv 19h
Miles de brasileños salen a las calles en rechazo al Gobierno de Bolsonaro
Con el lema "Bolsonaro Nunca Más", los brasileños acusan al mandatario por el empeoramiento de las condiciones...
 teleSUR tv 19h
Avanza tercera conferencia agrícola entre productores de Cuba y EE.UU.
Productores cubanos y estadounidenses comparten experiencias como parte de la tercera conferencia agrícola...
 teleSUR tv 19h
Avanza tercera conferencia agrícola entre productores de Cuba y EE.UU.
Productores cubanos y estadounidenses comparten experiencias como parte de la tercera conferencia agrícola...
 teleSUR tv 19h
'Universo Funko', una muestra de cerca de 500 muñecos, llega a Fuenlabrada
El Universo Funko ha llegado este sábado a Fuenlabrada de la mano del Mercado del Juguete y de Bettoy...
 Europa Press 19h
American Decline: Neither Political Party, Captured by Corporate Power, Addresses...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 19h
Lt. Gen. Kellogg: This doesn't look very good
Fox News contributor Ret. Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg warns Vladimir Putin won't give up an 'inch' of Ukraine....
 Fox News 19h
Russia-Ukraine conflict: Global donors pledge 9.1B euros to support Ukrainian refugees
Donors, including the Canadian government and the European Commission, pledged on Saturday a combined...
 Global News 19h
Кремль против рэпера: Face теперь тоже в черном списке "иноагентов"
Как рэпер Face, юрист Фейгин, историк Дубровский и журналистка Тумаков отреагировали на то, что минюст...
 DW (Russian) 19h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Chernobyl: la basura y el desorden que dejaron...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 19h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Este hombre arriesgó su vida para salvar a un...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 19h
'How Do You Reconcile That?': Steve Cohen Presses Witnesses About Qualified Immunity
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) questions witnesses during a House Judiciary Hearing last week about qualified...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
'I Beg The American Public To Wake Up': Grothman Rails Against Ending Title 42
Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) speaks on the House floor about Title 42 on Monday. Stay Connected Forbes...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
'Disingenuous Attempts To Fix Real Problems': Michelle Fischbach Decries Dem Restaurant...
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Michelle Fischbach (R-MN) spoke about the Relief for Restaurants...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
Returning to Bucha to search for loved ones in a mass grave
Families returned to Bucha, Ukraine in the hopes of finding missing loved ones, as investigators exhumed...
 Washington Post 20h
Руслан Левиев: В Краматорск прилетела российская ракета
С исследователем из Conflict Intelligence Team обсуждаем, кто виноват в трагедии в Краматорске и какие...
 Штаб Навального 20h
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez announce engagement
'Bennifer' is back! The couple is engaged again after a separation that lasted two decades.
 CBS Los Angeles 20h
LA Philharmonic 'Noon to Midnight' Returns Saturday
The event is at the Walt Disney Concert Hall.
 CBS Los Angeles 20h
Chernobyl: la basura y el desorden que dejaron los soldados rusos tras desocupar...
La planta nuclear de Chernobyl había sido tomada por los soldados rusos en febrero. A su retiro, la central...
 Univision Noticias 20h
Pakistan Political Crisis update: High-level meeting of the national assembly secretariat...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. The debate for a no-confidence vote against Imran's...
 WION 20h
Live: Протест украинцев США против агрессии России в Украине
«Убийства мирных жителей, мародерство и изнасилования» - в Вашингтоне протестуют против жестокости армии...
 Голос Америки 20h
«Детали» c Андреем Деркачем - 9 апреля
Весь превратился в слух! Ученые разработали одежду, которая может улавливать окружающие звуки. Рассеять...
 Голос Америки 20h
CORONA-PANDEMIE: Viele Deutsche bleiben freiwillig beim Mund-Nasen-Schutz
Vor rund einer Woche ist in Deutschland die weitreichende Maskenpflicht gefallen. Die Mehrheit der Deutschen...
 N24 20h
Evacuation rail corridors open after attack on train station in Ukraine's Kramatorsk
The president of the EU's European Commission says Russian forces have committed war crimes by specifically...
 TRT World 20h
The Irish Troubles: A Generation of Violence, 1967-1992 (1993)
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 20h
Получит ли Украина российскую собственность и активы в качестве компенсации за ущерб...
В Украине обсуждают возможность национализации собственности и активов, принадлежащих России. Таким образом...
 DW (Russian) 20h
This Biden border move looks to control 'political optics'
Radio talk show host Buck Sexton says President Biden wants his border policy to be seamless and invisible...
 Fox News 20h
'He's Not Right': Janet Yellen Pushes Back On Claims American Rescue Plan Was Bad...
Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN) questions Janet Yellen during a House Financial Services Committee hearing...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
'We Can't Afford To Keep Doing This': Garret Graves Touts Disaster Mitigation Funding...
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA) spoke about The Resilient AMERICA Act....
 Forbes Under 30 20h
Sri Lanka Continues Demands for President Rajapaksa's Resignation
Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa is under pressure to step down as citizens hit the streets to...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 20h
The Disturbing Reason Marijuana Was Made Illegal
The re-legalization of recreational marijuana is something that's been evolving very quickly over the...
 Grunge 20h
Pakistan Political Crisis update: Biden administration caught in Pakistan's power...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. The debate for a no-confidence vote against Imran's...
 WION 20h
Новости США за минуту: Закон о прекращении импорта нефти из РФ VOA60
Байден пообещал расследовать ракетный удар в Краматорске // США прекращают импорт нефти из России //...
 Голос Америки 20h
Le dieron asilo y lo deportaron. ¿Puede reabrir su caso? | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Con el fin del Título 42 no será posible reabrir casos cerrados...
¿Cuánto debe ganar una ciudadana para patrocinar a una hija de 30 años? | Noticias...
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Una experta en leyes migratorias explicó los montos establecidos...
¿Puedo traer a un hermano de visita? Soy ciudadana americana. | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Alma Rosa Nieto, abogada de inmigración, especifica que el trámite...
Трагедия Бучи
Видео содержит шокирующие кадры This video contains graphic content "Пусть весь мир знает, и...
 Настоящее Время 20h
Former CIA Officer Exposes the Secret Wars of the CIA: Assassination, Corruption,...
John R. Stockwell (born 1937) is a former CIA officer who became a critic of United States government...
 The Film Archives 20h
Руины, кровь и страдания - очередной день войны в Украине, что дальше?
Владимир Зеленский заявил, что ожидает решительной реакции на нападение России на Краматорск и другие...
 DW (Russian) 20h
'Our Republican Colleagues Can't Have It Both Ways': Veronica Escobar Slams GOP On...
At Wednesday's House Homeland Security Committee hearing, Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) slammed GOP claims...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
'We Owe It To These Local Businesses': Mark DeSaulnier Touts Restaurant Funding Bill
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Mark DeSaulnier (D-CA) spoke about the Relief for Restaurants...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
Chip Roy Asks Democrats To Allow Debate On Border Protection Bill Instead Of January...
Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) speaks on the House floor on Wednesday about the January 6th committee and the border....
 Forbes Under 30 21h
What will be the fallout from Pakistan's political crisis? | Inside Story
It's one of the biggest tests in the career of former cricket star-turned-Pakistan's Prime Minister,...
 Al Jazeera English 21h
Михаил Подоляк: России придется каяться десятилетиями
«Основной способ закончить войну – это окончательно на полях сражения доказать России, что они воевать...
 Штаб Навального 21h
First all-private astronaut crew arrives at ISS
After blasting off from Cape Canaveral on Friday, the first all-private astronaut crew has arrived at...
 euronews (in English) 21h
Latest news bulletin | April 9th – Evening
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news,...
 euronews (in English) 21h
Ukraine War: Volunteers gear up for combat
Volunteer Ukrainian battalions are prepping themselves for the front line in Barvinkove while the Russian...
 Sky News 21h
Ukraine War: Boris Johnson welcomed to Kyiv by Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Prime Minister Boris Johnson has travelled to Kyiv to meet Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy, praising...
 Sky News 21h
UK PM Boris Johnson is open to new lockdowns in case of harmful new COVID variants...
The world is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and amid this, UK PM Boris Johnson says that the UK...
 WION 21h
French Presidential Election 2022: Parisians worried about abstention | World English...
The French Presidential election is underway and the first round of polling is stated to be held on April...
 WION 21h
Pakistan Political Crisis update: Pakistan's ruling party delays no-trust debate...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. The debate for a no-confidence vote against Imran's...
 WION 21h
In Ukraine, world has found 'new heroes': UK's Johnson | AFP
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson praises the "bravery" of the Ukrainian people at a press conference...
 AFP 21h
Global pledging event raises 10.1 bn euros for Ukraine | AFP
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces in Warsaw that an international fundraising...
 AFP 21h
GEWALTIGE GELDSUMME: Geberkonferenz sammelt Milliardenhilfen für Ukraine-Flüchtlinge
Eine internationale Geberkonferenz für die Ukraine-Flüchtlingshilfe in Warschau hat Zusagen in Höhe von...
 N24 21h
NYPD announces arrest of 17-year-old Jeremiah Ryan in deadly shooting near Bronx...
Ryan was charged with the murder of 16-year-old Angellyh Yambo and the attempted murders of two other...
 CBS New York 21h
⚡️Брифинг МО РФ о попытках украинских националистов уйти из Мариуполя по морю
Подробности на Мы в социальных сетях:
 tvZvezda 21h
Космос вооруженным взглядом. Военная приемка
«Военная приемка» отправится на экскурсию по самым дальнозорким объектам страны, цель которых - контроль...
 tvZvezda 21h
Космос вооруженным взглядом. Военная приемка. Смотрите 9 и 10 апреля
Смотрите на «Звезде Плюс» 9 апреля в 21:25, на телеканале «Звезда» 10 апреля в 10:30. «Военная приемка»...
 tvZvezda 21h
'Universo Funko' trae a Fuenlabrada una exposición de cerca de medio millar de muñecos
Cerca de medio millar de muñecos Funko Pop se exponen desde este sábado en el 'Universo Funko' del Centro...
 Europa Press 21h
Новости дня | 9 апрель — вечерний выпуск
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир,...
 euronews (на русском) 21h
Во Франции прошли предвыборные "Марши за будущее"
Накануне президентских выборов организации левого толка провели "мобилизацию" своих сторонников. ...
 euronews (на русском) 21h
Rehearsal Leak: Week 4 | NBC's American Song Contest
Go behind the scenes at final dress rehearsals for Week 4 artists. Watch American Song Contest LIVE...
 NBC 21h
John Brown's Trial: How He Became a Symbol of the Struggle to Abolish Slavery and...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 21h
Блестящие новые. Артемий Троицкий открывает таланты | Подкаст «Музыка на Свободе»
В каждом эпизоде «Музыки на Свободе» Артемий Троицкий ведёт хронику украинского музыкального сопротивления....
 Радио Свобода 21h
'The World Is Watching Horrifying War Crimes Taking Place': Gregory Meeks Denounces...
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) spoke about the Ukraine Invasion War...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
'American Dream Is Synonymous With Home Ownership': Tim Scott Raises Concern Over...
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) questioned witnesses during a Senate Aging Committee hearing entitled, "Preventing...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
John Lee Ka Chiu Announces Candidacy For Chief Executive of Hong Kong
Hong Kong's former chief secretary John Lee Ka Chiu on Saturday announced his candidacy for next month's...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 21h
Businessmen Arrive on $55 Million SpaceX Flight to The International Space Station
Three rich businessmen and their astronaut escort arrived at the International Space Station on Saturday...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 21h
What's behind UK flight delay Easter chaos? – BBC News
International travel from the UK for the Easter holidays has got off to a bumpy start, with thousands...
 BBC News 21h
Former Ukrainian president: 'Putin pushes death upon us'
WARNING—Graphic footage: Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko joins 'Cavuto Live' to discuss...
 Fox News 21h
Israeli army kills one Palestinian in Jenin refugee camp raid
A funeral has been held for a Palestinian man shot dead during an Israeli raid in Jenin. The raid...
 Al Jazeera English 21h
Sri Lankan President faces biggest street protest in Colombo amid economic crisis...
Amid the ongoing economic crisis in the Island nation, Sri Lankan President is facing the biggest street...
 WION 21h
Урсула фон дер Ляйен: «После такого снятся кошмары»
Председатель Еврокомиссии Урсула фон дер Ляйен рассказала Euronews о своем визите в Бучу и перспективах...
 euronews (на русском) 21h
MASSAKER VON KRAMATORSK: Wie brutal Russland die Ostukraine jetzt sturmreif schießt...
Einen Tag nach dem tödlichen Angriff auf Flüchtlinge im Bahnhof von Kramatorsk sind die Evakuierungen...
 N24 21h
Alegría y esperanza en el homenaje del Cautivo al personal sanitario
El presidente de la Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno, ha asistido un año más al traslado de Nuestro...
 Europa Press 21h
Lasquetty acusa a la izquierda de llevar más de 30 años "desprestigiando la...
El consejero de Economía, Hacienda y Empleo de la Comunidad de Madrid, Javier Fernández-Lasquetty, ha...
 Europa Press 21h
CHILLING CCTV Footage Shows Baby Killer Fleeing Scene
'CHILLING CCTV Footage Shows Baby Killer Fleeing Scene' James Davis, 35, was found guilty of causing...
 ODN 21h
South China sea: Filipino fishermen say their livelihood threatened
The presidents of China and the Philippines have held a virtual summit. But their joint statement...
 Al Jazeera English 21h
La situación en Kiev se estabiliza mientras diversos mandatarios visitan el país
Kiev (Ucrania), 9 abr (EFE) .- (Imagen: Clàudia Sacrest) Hace una semana que las tropas rusas se retiraron...
WIPR: Jenniffer González pide vista congresional sobre energía
Ante la falta de urgencia en la tarea de reestructuración de la red de energía de Puerto Rico, la comisionada...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 21h
noticeloficial's YouTube Videos: El actor Joffre Pérez llega a El Push de la Mañana
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 21h
WIPR: Rachel Balkovec debuta como manager y gana
LAKELAND, Florida, EE.UU. (AP) — Ovacionada por muchos fanáticos que acudieron a atestiguar el momento...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 21h
Lisa Murkowski And Joe Manchin Discuss Importance Of US Diplomacy And Strength In...
Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) spoke at a press conference about the Arctic during...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
Sheila Jackson Lee: 'America Is Right To Insist On Mr. Putin Being Tried For War...
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) spoke about Ukraine. Stay...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
The Myth of the American Elite: The Best and the Brightest - David Halberstam Interview...
David Halberstam (1934–2007) was an American writer, journalist, and historian, known for his work on...
 The Film Archives 21h
Pentagon: 'Unconvincing' Claims Russia Didn't Carry Out Train Station Attack
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby called the deadly attack on a Ukrainian railway station "Russian...
 NBC News 22h
Odesa prepares for possible Russian attack, fears prompt curfew | DW News
Russia launched two attacks near Odesa in the last few days, prompting fear among inhabitants that the...
 DW (English) 22h
Imran Khan calls emergency cabinet meeting tonight amid the ongoing political crisis...
Imran Khan has called an emergency cabinet meeting tonight amid the ongoing political crisis. This comes...
 WION 22h
The White House Celebrates Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Confirmation to the Supreme...
Read President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Judge Jackson's full remarks here:
 The White House 22h
teleSUR Noticias 11:30 09-04: Brasileños marchan contra Pdte. Jair Bolsonaro
Brasileños protestan contra el presidente Jair Bolsonaro y ante el aumento del costo de vida, el desempleo...
 teleSUR tv 22h
teleSUR Noticias 11:30 09-04: Brasileños marchan contra Pdte. Jair Bolsonaro
Brasileños protestan contra el presidente Jair Bolsonaro y ante el aumento del costo de vida, el desempleo...
 teleSUR tv 22h
First private mission as Dragon capsule docks at ISS | AFP
Ax-1 crew members Michael López-Alegría, Larry Connor, Mark Pathy, and Eytan Stibbe arrive at the international...
 AFP 22h
See troubling discoveries inside Chernobyl after Russians fled
CNN's Fred Pleitgen visits the abandoned Russian military positions in Chernobyl where Russian soldiers...
 CNN 22h
Акция Stand Up for Ukraine собрала 10 млрд евро для помощи украинцам
Международную благотворительную кампанию поддержали Еврокомиссия и лидеры ряда государств. ЧИТАТЬ...
 euronews (на русском) 22h
'Just a mess': CNN goes inside abandoned Russian foxholes
CNN's Clarissa Ward reports from Chernihiv, Ukraine after Russian forces left the city decimated. ..
 CNN 22h
CCTV Shows Driver Fleeing Scene After Killing Baby
'CCTV Shows Driver Fleeing Scene After Killing Baby' This CCTV shows the moment a driver ran from...
 ODN 22h
Asked About Military Achievements In Ukraine, Russians Mostly Echo State Media
A Current Time correspondent asked people on the streets of Moscow and Arkhangelsk what Russia had achieved...
 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 22h
AGGRESSIVE WAR EPIC 2022 ♫ Most Powerful Military soundtracks 2022 ♫ Best Of War...
AGGRESSIVE WAR EPIC 2022 ♫ Most Powerful Military soundtracks 2022 ♫ Best Of War Epic Music Mix 👉million...
 War Epic Music 22h
Una Semana Santa casi normal tras dos años de pandemia
Madrid, 9 abr (EFE).- Galicia ha dado un paso clave este sábado para la restitución de la normalidad...
Martin Luther King Jr. Funeral Services (1968)
The first memorial service following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, took...
 The Film Archives 22h
'Only Been To It One Time': McCarthy Blasts Biden-Harris Over Border
At a House GOP press briefing on Monday, House GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) slammed Democrats...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
'A Lifeline For Restaurants': Mary Gay Scanlon Applauds American Rescue Plan
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon (D-PA) spoke about the Relief for Restaurants...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
'Lives Would've Been Saved': Peter DeFazio Champions Disaster Resilience Bill
During House floor remarks on Tuesday, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) spoke about The Resilient AMERICA Act....
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Este hombre arriesgó su vida para salvar a un perro que luchaba contra la corriente...
Dustin Leming no dudó en actuar cuando se dio cuenta de que un perro se encontraba en peligro. El pastor...
 Univision Noticias 22h
Multiple injured after car crash into food truck in Austin
Two vehicles were involved in a T-bone type collision with one pushing into a group of pedestrians at...
 ABC News 22h
The Greatest Timespan For Films (1967 - 1982)
People consider 1939 as the greatest year for films and pre 1960 as The Golden Age of Hollywood, but...
 MADWORLD1427 22h
Inglewood Hosts STEM Festival
The event is put on by the City of Inglewood for kids.
 CBS Los Angeles 22h
Pakistan FM Qureshi: US warned Pakistan NSA ahead of Imran Khan's Moscow visit |...
Pakistan's political crisis is reaching its climax. The debate for a no-confidence vote against Imran's...
 WION 22h
Laura Ingraham Goes Full Communist #shorts
Laura Ingraham calls for the nationalization of Disney. --- Become a Member:
 David Pakman Show 22h
'Funny Girl' back on Broadway
Almost 60 years after the original production opened, "Funny Girl" is back on Broadway, starring Beanie...
 PIX11 News 22h
Encuestas dan cerrada ventaja a Macron en elecciones francesas
En Francia ciudadanos se preparan para primera vuelta de elecciones presidenciales.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 22h
Encuestas dan cerrada ventaja a Macron en elecciones francesas
En Francia ciudadanos se preparan para primera vuelta de elecciones presidenciales.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 22h
Población rusa del Donbas sufre persecución desde hace ocho años
Ambiente de pánico en el Donbas continúa hoy en medio de la destrucción de los combates, sus pobladores...
 teleSUR tv 22h
Población rusa del Donbas sufre persecución desde hace ocho años
Ambiente de pánico en el Donbas continúa hoy en medio de la destrucción de los combates, sus pobladores...
 teleSUR tv 22h
WIRRWARR UM WAFFEN: Scharfe Kritik an Bundesregierung um Waffenlieferungen an Ukraine
Zur militärischen Stärkung der Ukraine gegen die russischen Angriffe haben Politiker von FDP, Grünen...
 N24 22h
French expats in LA vote in first round of presidential election | AFP
French expatriates in Los Angeles cast their ballots in the first round of their country's presidential...
 AFP 22h
Thousands 'march for the future' in Paris | AFP
Thousands of demonstrators hold a "March for the Future" in Paris, following a call by environmental,...
 AFP 22h
SpaceX впервые отправила космических туристов на МКС
Впервые в истории туристов доставил на МКС не российский «Союз», а американский Crew Dragon — корабль,...
 euronews (на русском) 22h
El FCB impulsa de nuevo el torneo Barça Academy World Cup
Un total de 1550 niños y niñas competirán durante 4 días en las instalaciones del club azulgrana. Los...
 Europa Press 22h
El PSOE carga contra la "corrupción" del PP y le pide que sea "implacable"
El PSOE ha aprovechado un acto político en Madrid para cargar contra el Partido Popular, condenado por...
 Europa Press 22h
Xavi ya vislumbre el regreso de Ansu Fati
Barcelona, 9 abr (EFE).- El entrenador del Barcelona, Xavi Hernández, dijo que espera "que más pronto...
Covid-19 Imágenes de una crisis en el mundo del 9 de abril
Bogotá (Colombia), 9 abr (EFE).- Este es el resumen diario de la crisis sanitaria producida por el coronavirus...
How do French youth feel about the upcoming elections?
France's presidential elections are scheduled to be held on April 10, 2022. Here is a glimpse of the...
 TRT World 22h
New Jersey to teach 2nd graders gender identity
New Jersey mother and attorney Kristen Sinclair reacts to the state plan to teach gender identity and...
 Fox News 22h
Bernie Sanders: 'We Have An Oligarchy In This Country'
At the top of Tuesday's Senate Budget Committee hearing, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) decried "corporate...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Greg Abbott: Texas To Transport Border Crossers To Washington, D.C.
At a press briefing on Wednesday, Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) pledged to use the Texas Division of Emergency...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Chrissy Houlahan Says Confronting Putin Will Help Address Inflation Issues In US
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) spoke about inflation. Stay...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup - Theranos (2018)
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 23h
1968: The Year That Rocked the World - Why 1968 Has Lasting Relevance in the United...
Read the book:
 The Film Archives 23h
Court hearing in alleged fake federal agent case l GMA
Two men are accused of impersonating Homeland Security agents and giving gifts to actual Secret Service...
 ABC News 23h
COVID-19 cases rise in Los Angeles County due to BA.2 variant
Health experts said the surge of cases is due, in part, to BA.2, a subvariant of the omicron variant.
 ABC News 23h
SpaceX tourist mission completes docking at ISS
Three rich businessmen and their astronaut escort arrived at the International Space Station on Saturday...
 Associated Press 23h
The West Block: April 9, 2022 | Settling Ukrainian refugees in Canada
This week on "The West Block," host Mercedes Stephenson questions Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland...
 Global News 23h
НОВЫЙ ЭТАП ВОЙНЫ И ДЕМИЛИТАРИЗАЦИЯ АРМИИ РОССИИ. Арестович о Путине, офицерах и конце...
Российская армия в этой войне демонстрирует два качества: непрофессионализм и жестокость. Несмотря на...
 MackNack 23h
Rape, torture, murder in Ukraine – Does Putin feel no remorse over his invasion?...
More allegations of rape, torture and indiscriminate murder come to light as Russia repositions forces...
 DW (English) 23h
Se realiza jornada de reflexión previa a elecciones presidenciales en Francia
Francia se prepara para elecciones presidenciales, realizando jornada de reflexión.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 23h
Se realiza jornada de reflexión previa a elecciones presidenciales en Francia
Francia se prepara para elecciones presidenciales, realizando jornada de reflexión.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 23h
Kramatorsk attack 'must be' charge at war crimes tribunal: Zelensky | AFP
"Like the massacres in Bucha, like many other Russian war crimes, the missile strike on Kramatorsk must...
 AFP 23h
French voters in Montreal cast their ballots in first round of election | AFP
French voters begin casting their ballots in Montreal for the first round of the presidential election,...
 AFP 23h
Biden tests negative for COVID-19 l GMA
Nineteen lawmakers tested positive and most of them had some form of contact with either President Biden...
 ABC News 23h
Indonesian Thrill-Seekers Dine in the Sky
▶️ Indonesians are heading out to eat again as the COVID-19 pandemic's grip on the country loosens, and...
 VOA News 23h
Капитан медслужбы Константин Вшивков вытащил раненых из тонущей машины
Военврач Вшивков вытащил из тонущей в ледяной воде машины раненых бойцов. Автомобиль полевого госпиталя...
 Комсомольская Правда 23h
Старший Лейтенант Даниель Егоров отбил четыре атаки бойцов ВСУ
Мотострелковая рота под командованием старшего лейтенанта Даниеля Егорова успешно отбила четыре атаки...
 Комсомольская Правда 23h
BREAKING NEWS: Boris Johnson meets Zelenskyy in Kyiv
Boris Johnson has made an unannounced visit to Kyiv to hold talks with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr...
 Sky News 23h
'Maybe This Is A Joke': GOP Lawmaker Hammers Dems Over Marijuana Legalization Bill
In remarks on the House floor last week, Rep. Cliff Bentz (R-OR) spoke about marijuana legislation. ...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
Young Kim: Biden Admin's Repeal Of Title 42 Will 'Only Worsen' Southern Border Crisis
During House Floor remarks on Wednesday, Rep. Young Kim (R-CA) spoke about the southern border. Stay...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
'I Love This Country And Our Constitution': Ketanji Brown Jackson Speaks At Confirmation...
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson speaks at a ceremonial event on the White House Lawn yesterday celebrating...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
'She Is An Extreme Outlier': Ted Cruz Attacks Ketanji Brown Jackson Before She Is...
On Thursday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson before her confirmation to...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
Grassley, Johnson Take Aim At Hunter Biden, Showcase His Alleged Bank Records On...
On Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) continued their Senate speeches on...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
Sri Lanka seeks $3 billion to stave off crisis
Sri Lanka will need about $3 billion in external assistance within the next six months to help restore...
 Reuters 23h
Palestinian militant killed by Israeli forces in operation at Tel Aviv gunman's home
The Israeli military kill a Palestinian militant in an operation at the home of the gunman who killed...
 euronews (in English) 23h
Inside Ukraine's Chernobyl site after Russian occupation - BBC News
The site of the former nuclear power plant at Chernobyl is back under Ukrainian control after being occupied...
 BBC News 23h
Weekend Break: Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club
Marcella checks out all of the fun at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Bucktown.
 WGN News 23h
Weekend Break: Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club
Marcella hangs out with league players at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Bucktown.
 WGN News 23h
Weekend Break: Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club
Captain Scott introduces Marcella to all of the fun at the Royal Palms Shuffleboard Club in Bucktown.
 WGN News 23h
'Downright hypocritical': Smerconish on how pandemic politics shaping midterms
CNN's Michael Smerconish says the Covid-19 pandemic is being inconsistently used to justify policy that...
 CNN 23h
Funerals of two Ukrainian soldiers in Lviv
Hundreds of people gathered inside and outside Saint Peter and Paul Garrison church in Lviv in Western...
 Associated Press 23h
Síntesis 9-04: Reportan nuevos incidentes en cárceles de Ecuador
Recorrido por los hechos que fueron noticia durante toda la semana en América Latina y el resto del mundo....
 teleSUR tv 23h
Síntesis 9-04: Reportan nuevos incidentes en cárceles de Ecuador
Recorrido por los hechos que fueron noticia durante toda la semana en América Latina y el resto del mundo....
 teleSUR tv 23h
Gravitas Plus | France Elections: Why you should care
Europe's most formidable country is heading to the polls. France is voting to elect its next President....
 WION 23h
Lisboa, destino y protagonista de un Sónar más allá de la música
Lisboa (Portugal), 9 abr (EFE).- (Imagen: Brian Bujalance) Lisboa se ha convertido este fin de semana...
Kamala Harris laughing at all the wrong moments: Hannity #shorts
Sean Hannity blasts Vice President Kamala Harris for laughing during 'inappropriate' moments. #FoxNews...
 Fox News 23h
Ukraine still working to end war diplomatically says Zelenksy | AFP
In a meeting with Austrian Chancellor Nehammer, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says that Ukraine...
 AFP 23h
Runner breaks record for most miles run around Central Park
Long-distance runner Oz Pearlman broke the record as part of a fundraiser for Ukraine.
 CBS New York 23h
Broadway, NYC Ballet to host benefit performance for Ukraine
Special guest speakers include a former aide to Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
 CBS New York 23h
EXEKUTIONEN IN MAKARIW: Schwarzkopf - Unglaubliches "Ausmaß des Schreckens"...
WELT Chefreporter Steffen Schwarzkopf besucht die Stadt Makariw bei Kiew. Auch hier findet er nur Zerstörung...
 N24 23h
Sri Lanka to seek $3 billion to stave off crisis • FRANCE 24 English
Sri Lanka will need about $3 billion in external assistance in the next six months to help restore supplies...
 FRANCE 24 English 23h
Israeli police kill Tel Aviv suspect in exchange of gunfire
Israel's Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, has given his country's security forces full freedom to act...
 TRT World 23h
One on One - Ukraine's UN Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya
Since Russia began its attack on Ukraine more than a month ago, the world has been trying to bring about...
 TRT World 23h
Канадское чудо: кленовый сироп теперь производят в России
Несколько предпринимателей додумались варить кленовый сироп в Пензенской области. Журналист «КП» Алексей...
 Комсомольская Правда 23h
Gonzales: 'Can We Afford For This Border Crisis To Continue?'
At a House Republican press conference on Tuesday, Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) spoke about the southern...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
Mother Nature turns up the heat, but relief is on the way
Weather forecasters say it will begin to cool down Saturday following days of temperatures soaring into...
 CBS Los Angeles 1d
Deputy injured in Valencia crash with vehicle containing stolen catalytic converters
Three suspects, including a parolee, suffered significant injuries when their vehicle, allegedly containing...
 CBS Los Angeles 1d


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