On Twitter - Михайло Подоляк: Bucha, Kyiv region. The bodies of people with tied hands, who were shot dead by 🇷🇺 soldiers lie in the streets. These people were not in the military. They had no weapons. They posed no threat. How many more such cases are happening right now in the occupied territories?


Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 retweeted: To everyone who appeased Putin, appeased Russia. Those who lectured & chastised #Ukraine. Those who said we must understand Putin's point of view & listen to Russia's concerns. Can they go to Ukraine & the town of Bucha. Then bury these #Ukrainain's murdered by Russia's forces....


Reuters @Reuters
Social media platforms blocked in Sri Lanka amid curfew, opposition protest reut.rs/3x1UHHG
Reuters @Reuters
Costa Ricans to choose between outsider and former leader in presidential vote reut.rs/3NHqEL3
Reuters @Reuters
WATCH: Tesla's shares rose after it announced its plan to seek investor approval to increase its number of shares to enable a stock split in the form of a dividend reut.rs/3uzWhxr
Reuters @Reuters
Winning streak keeps Miami Open champion Swiatek high on confidence reut.rs/37d56VK
Reuters @Reuters
ICYMI: As many as 70 fashion brands and designers took part in the Metaverse Fashion Week, an event that was hosted by virtual world Decentraland
Reuters @Reuters
Russian lawmakers seek punishment for implementation of sanctions on Russia's territory reut.rs/379XvHQ
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 retweeted: To everyone who appeased Putin, appeased Russia. Those who lectured & chastised #Ukraine. Those who said we must understand Putin's point of view & listen to Russia's concerns. Can they go to Ukraine & the town of Bucha. Then bury these #Ukrainain's murdered by Russia's forces....
Alexandra @Alexandra1UApro
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 retweeted: @MavkaSlavka The mumbling, lack of decisive actions, with how they encouraged #PutinWarCriminal so far....for 1st time in my life I am embarrassed to be called a citizen of #EU #NATO country. I thought both stand for some values, not just words, but their actions or inactions are just a shame ...
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@orsonpresence @RussianEmbassy Sorry, I am a little new at this... 🤣🤣🤣
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@RiskiRoska @mfa_russia @rusembassyARM @MFAofArmenia @armgov @armembrus @armenia_csto @armenia @CSTO_ODKB @CIS_Russia @rsgovgyumri @GyumriRussia Yes, those little blue pills might give you back some bounce.
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Russia doesn't have that many working ships left to surround the US like that. 🤣🤣🤣 Morons. https://t.co/2fUBF41axN Quoted tweet from @redfishstream: How would the U.S. react in this scenario? https://t.co/6i2NxWRFw3
EndGameWW3 🇺🇸 @EndGameWW3
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 retweeted: Update: Head of Russia's negotiating delegation: We do not share the Ukrainian side's optimism that a summit between Putin and Zelensky will be held soon.
Vigilant Info @VigilantinfoN
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 retweeted: Army of marauders #StandWithUkriane #SupportUkraine #StopRussia #UkraineWillWin #Putin_In_Hague #Nazi_in_Kremlin #RussiansGoHome
Paul Massaro @apmassaro3
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 retweeted: German purchases of Russian energy are funding genocide in Ukraine
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@RiskiRoska Does it worry you that the "new Russian flag" looks like ½ a Finnish flag. People might get you two mixed up. 🤣
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@mfa_russia @rusembassyARM @MFAofArmenia @armgov @armembrus @armenia_csto @armenia @CSTO_ODKB @CIS_Russia @rsgovgyumri @GyumriRussia I hear Putler's feeling a little limp today. What's the expression you used? Oh yes, ROOTED! 🤣🤣🤣
Lev Havryliv @LevHavryliv
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 retweeted: Ukraine needs long range anti-ship missiles. twitter.com/espresotv/stat…
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Boris Johnson congratulated Volodymyr Zelensky after Ukrainian forces allegedly retook the entire Kyiv region from Russian troops. standard.co.uk/news/world/ukr…
Михайло Подоляк @Podolyak_M
Kyiv region. 21st century Hell. Bodies of men and women, who were killed with their hands tied. The worst crimes of Nazism have returned to 🇪🇺. This was purposely done by 🇷🇺. Impose an embargo on energy resources, close seaports. Stop the murders!
Михайло Подоляк @Podolyak_M
Київська область. Пекло 21 сторіччя. Тіла розстріляних чоловіків та жінок зі зв‘язаними руками. Найжахливіші злочини нацизму знову у 🇪🇺. Це навмисно зробила 🇷🇺. Введіть ембарго на енергоресурси, закрийте порти. Зупиніть вбивства зараз!
Daily Mail U.K. @DailyMailUK
Daily Mail Online retweeted: PETER HITCHENS: The USA wants this war... so it can drive Russia back to the Stone Age trib.al/eGrY2LP
Daily Mail U.K. @DailyMailUK
Daily Mail Online retweeted: 'Fraud ready' criminals may have stolen £37BILLION in Covid money from the public purse, Oxford university analysis reveals trib.al/NO3UR9w
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Republicans claim Australians DON'T want Prince Charles as king as they unveil new plan trib.al/GPZ5Rs8
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Southwest Airlines apologizes for delays and cancellations of 2,000 flights as thousands of people are affected across US trib.al/MlCs036
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Duke of York uses his axed royal title which is then hurriedly DELETED from Instagram post as he uses first public words since Virginia Roberts settlement trib.al/bNZEXnp
Defence of Ukraine @DefenceU
🔥Формула перемоги українських захисників над російськими загарбниками: (Броня + професіоналізм військових) х патріотизм українців = ЗСУ У кожній залізяці б’ється гаряче серце! 🇺🇦 Скажемо їм дякую!
The Guardian @guardian
‘What would this Ukrainian like for her 100th birthday? That Putin will die’ theguardian.com/world/2022/apr…
The Guardian @guardian
Will western leaders cut and run as the costs of the Ukraine war mount? theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
The Guardian @guardian
The best hyaluronic acid products | Funmi Fetto theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2…
The Guardian @guardian
Red is dead: Russian anti-war protesters fly a new flag for peace theguardian.com/world/2022/apr…
The Guardian @guardian
Easing nurseries’ staffing ratio in the UK would be childcare ‘disaster’ theguardian.com/money/2022/apr…
The Hill @thehill
Ivermectin ineffective at preventing COVID-19 in new, large study hill.cm/I3u3XGs
The Hill @thehill
"Putin the Poisoner strikes again" (@TheHillOpinion) hill.cm/Awj78Zy
The Hill @thehill
Black DoorDash driver tased in traffic stop hill.cm/lyasNs3
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
@R78Ra78 Have to ask @Reuters
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
Even if she was a local, she isn't exactly going to criticize with Kremlin media and a masked Russian soldier behind the camera menacing with a large weapon
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
When the Kremlin script doesn't match the scene she's in. https://t.co/MDLAijrJfB Quoted tweet from @KremlinTrolls: Kherson: Moscow actors are everywhere providing cover for Russian war crimes in Ukraine She is nuts “I'm tired of this crap. Zalensky brought the country to an incomprehensible degree. I...
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
Good Saturday morning 🇺🇦 SBU special forces are sending the Russian occupiers to their native Zaporizhzhya 24/7, without breaks and weekends. Good day to all and Glory to Ukraine!
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
It's crazy.. at the end .. you can see the Russian soldier with a large weapon watching over them. They are so bad at this
Сибирь.Реалии @sibrealii
Радио Свобода retweeted: "Первый год один Airbnb давал 95% всей брони. В середине 2021 года я завела инстаграм.." После ухода с российского рынка сервисов Airbnb и Booking, а также блокировки Инстаграма, россияне, чьим заработком была сдача жилья, фактически остались без доходов. sibreal.org/a/kak-v-rossii…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
У отечественного музыкального пацифистского творчества богатая историческая традиция, но, увы, не столь богатая, как традиция завоеваний. Антивоенные песни от Вертинского и Высоцкого до Макаревича и Дельфина - в подкасте Музыка на Свободе. svoboda.org/a/russkaya-ant…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
В Мариуполе погиб литовский режиссер-документалист Мантас Кведаравичюс. В его автомобиль попала ракета. Он уже снимал в городе в мирное время. Кведаравичюс также является автором фильма "Барзах" о кадыровской Чечне, который режиссер снимал тайно. svoboda.org/a/v-mariupole-…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
После ухода из Бучи российских военных в сетях начали появляться фото и видео улиц, буквально усеянных телами убитых. На фото есть тела людей со связанными руками. Российское Минобороны не отвечает на запрос Reuters по поводу этих фотографий. svoboda.org/a/v-gorode-buc…
Carl Bildt @carlbildt
It might be a free election - but hardly a fair one - in 🇭🇺 today with PM Orban using all means available to dominate the political landscape. Polls give him an edge - but not much more.
DW на русском @dw_russian
В Венгрии сегодня выбирают парламент. Националистам во главе с премьером Орбаном, правящим уже 12 лет, противостоит оппозиционный блок. Он обвиняет Орбана в "госизмене" за связи с Путиным. Орбан утверждает, что оппозиция хочет втянуть Венгрию в войну p.dw.com/p/49ONA
Reuters @Reuters
Indonesia greets Ramadan with mass prayer as COVID curbs ease reut.rs/3K4o2F3
Reuters @Reuters
WATCH: A grand fishing festival was organized in India's Tamil Nadu state to mark the end of the paddy season
Reuters @Reuters
Mudslides kill 14 in heavy rains in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro state reut.rs/35zL0Vv
Reuters @Reuters
ICYMI: Various famous monuments around the globe went dark to observe Earth Hour
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@saar_simmo @AnneNigul They still deny every atrocity they have committed. Holodomor, purges, Katyn, gulags and deportations, poisonings and assassinations, MH17..... list is quite long.
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@Nike19842 Welcome to the exclusive club. 🤣 Soon they'll be twittering to themselves.
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@wMSbuGnxGwiCqqT Apparently the less red in your flag, the less blood you have spilled. Some sort of historical revisionism to cover up previous Soviet/Russian atrocities.
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@ReciteSocial 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for letting me know.
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@progrock6string I fear it may be already too late to get them there. Putler's done with Mariupol, he'll start on Odesa soon. His aim is to landlock Ukraine.
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
@corbitt_billy Well, that's what orders by Putler for a full Ukrainian genocide will do - rape, torture, and death of every Ukrainian man, woman and child by the invading Russian forces and their allies.
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Thank you to all who have congratulated me on being blocked by @RussianEmbassy - not sure what did it, but it was almost 2 years in the making. Many more to harass - please screenshoot anything dubious you see over there you want fact checked. Glory to Ukraine and F*ck Putler!
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
What's after plan Z for Putler? #PutinWarCriminal
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
New Russian flag - new Russian beginning? Or same shit as always? Discuss...
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Glory to Ukraine! #UkraineWillResist
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Several terrifying clues suggest Putler was suffering with thyroid cancer and Parkinson's Disease when he ordered the Ukrainian invasion. mirror.co.uk/news/world-new…
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
"Era defining", "new reality", "historic moment" - that's where we are right now in Europe. At least, that's what countless European politicians and commentators say, since Putler began his invasion of Ukraine. bbc.com/news/world-eur…
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Putin's inner circle revealed - and how they could oust him from power in TWO YEARS - how many dead Ukrainians and others will there be over that period? #StopPutinNOW mirror.co.uk/news/world-new…
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
How Putler found God - he's hardly the pious type, but does the KGB affiliated Russian Orthodox Church have a hand in his determination to take Ukraine? telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/04/0…
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
SNL mocks THAT Oscar slap scandal with manic Will Smith and flurry of Weekend Update jokes trib.al/1bzZZGQ
Daily Mail U.K. @DailyMailUK
Daily Mail Online retweeted: Oxford scientists hail major breakthrough which could provide relief to 900,000 Britons with dementia trib.al/4Ka58Ys
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Socialite wife of Russian oligarch makes astonishing claim that billionaire is hiding their daughter in Moscow trib.al/JhlojgW
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Rumer Willis continues to honor dad Bruce Willis by sharing sweet father-daughter snap trib.al/dT4CfSt
Aaron Maté @aaronjmate
NYT: By cutting off Russia, "Europeans may be poorer and colder at least for a few years because of spiraling prices and dampened economic activity caused by energy shortages." Do Europeans get a say on becoming "poorer and colder" for the sake of a NATO proxy war in Ukraine?
The Hill @thehill
Arizona governor responds to criticism after refusing to say whether transgender people exist hill.cm/PzSk1dH
The Hill @thehill
Pakistan’s prime minister may not accept vote of no confidence, calling it a plot by US hill.cm/BkzfqAD
The Hill @thehill
California corporate diversity law ruled unconstitutional hill.cm/5Ee630E
The Guardian @guardian
The Presidency of Donald Trump review: the first draft of history theguardian.com/books/2022/apr…
The Guardian @guardian
The best of Aldi’s wine | David Williams theguardian.com/food/2022/apr/…
The Guardian @guardian
The week in TV: Hacks; Gordon Ramsay’s Future Food Stars; Falklands War: The Untold Story theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2…
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
Doesn't she know the Russians are right behind her.? LOL
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
Kherson: Moscow actors are everywhere providing cover for Russian war crimes in Ukraine She is nuts “I'm tired of this crap. Zalensky brought the country to an incomprehensible degree. I will pray that the Russians come soon!” Her clothes are freshly washed, she's not a local
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
KT CounterIntelligence retweeted: Russians killed possibly the most talented Ukrainian documentary photojournalist, Max Levin. Stunning photograph from #Ukraine, 2022 Max risked and paid with his life to show you the truth about Putin's genocidal war in Ukraine This one is an award winner IMHO. Please share it...
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
Locals from the village of Chervone, occupied by Russian troops, evacuate to an area controlled by Ukrainian forces, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, near Vyshgorod March 10, 2022. @Reuters /Maksim Levin
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
A charred military vehicle is seen on a road, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues, near the town of Bucha in the Kyiv region, Ukraine February 28, 2022. @Reuters /Maksim Levin
Nolan Peterson @nolanwpeterson
KT CounterIntelligence retweeted: Anyone who equivocates for Russia’s actions in Ukraine, or who argues that this war was always about NATO membership, or who questions the utility of arming Ukraine should take a long look at the photos from Bucha, followed by a long look in the mirror.
KT CounterIntelligence @KremlinTrolls
@nolanwpeterson Put together this thread with some of Max Levin's best photographs: https://t.co/J8pcs7vXIt Quoted tweet from @KremlinTrolls: One of Max Levin's best pictures from Ukraine. He was shot dead by the Russians on March 13. https://t.co/U6OYRywedi
The New York Times @nytimes
Photos and video that showed young children isolated from their families and crying at a Shanghai hospital led to an outburst of anger online, as China’s largest city struggled to contain an outbreak of the highly contagious Omicron variant of Covid-19. nyti.ms/3NCxW2R
Michael McFaul @McFaul
"The goal for the West in general, and the United States in particular, must be to hasten the defeat of Putin’s army." washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/…
Michael McFaul @McFaul
Yep. "Why the West must boost military assistance to Ukraine" https://t.co/qvA2U2MCy8 https://t.co/EkOi2giKAO Quoted tweet from @marcthiessen: Russia is losing. We need to give them the weapons to prevail not push them into negotiations to partition their country twitter.com/mcfaul/status/…
Reuters @Reuters
Tesla plans to resume production at its Shanghai plant from April 4 - sources reut.rs/3u3mIfU
Reuters @Reuters
Japan may expand fuel subsidy to curb energy costs-minister reut.rs/38dBuYW
Reuters @Reuters
WATCH: Cherry blossom trees, locally known as ‘sakura’, are in full bloom in Tokyo
Reuters @Reuters
Afghanistan name ex-Pakistan players Younis, Gul as consultants reut.rs/3J4j0qs
Reuters @Reuters
ICYMI: A music festival in Mosul, Iraq, saw local musicians performing alongside groups from France, Spain and Italy
Reuters @Reuters
Amazon's new union demands company start bargaining in May reut.rs/3J51mTM
Reuters @Reuters
Ukrainians curse Russian invaders as dead civilians found in liberated towns reut.rs/379SJdo
Reuters @Reuters
WATCH: Superheroes at Ukraine's metro stations draw crowds
США по-русски @USApoRusski
Госсекретарь Блинкен: Фермеры в Украине вместо того, чтобы заниматься урожаем, были вынуждены либо бороться за будущее и независимость своей страны, либо бежать. Суда с зерном не выходят из черноморских портов, потому что они заблокированы агрессией России.
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Married Tory MP has whip suspended after being caught in secret tape 'sting' sitting next to 'lines of cocaine' trib.al/x6Qc5FP
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Terror suspect imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay for nearly 20 years is released and sent back to his Algerian homeland trib.al/GWx9Dsa
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
The experts have Ukraine's "end of war scenario" worked out - Putler goes, peace-deal or ongoing war.... No option #4 where we all die in thermonuclear incineration? politico.eu/article/peace-…
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Two loud explosions were heard in Odesa on the Black Sea early Sunday and black smoke was seen rising above the city. There was no official information about what caused the explosions in Ukraine's largest port where its navy is headquartered. cbc.ca/news/world/ukr…
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Britain is pushing to arm Ukraine with anti-ship missiles to sink Russian warships and relieve coastal cities being bombarded from the sea as part of a “gear change” in the West’s approach. thetimes.co.uk/article/boris-…
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
A cry for help, a message of gratitude and reflections of a world shattered: These are some of the images of war that are emerging from the minds — and hands — of Ukrainian children. cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-c…


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