Putin the "He - HELIUM": the one blamed for everything related to "Hell issues" - The Interpretation of the day | Tweets: Hundreds of officers across Germany have come under investigation on the suspicion of far-right extremism. - NYT. | A new hope for health care - Time. | JBS paid $11 million in ransom after hackers shut down meat plants - WP. | GOP pol tells Fauci to 'cut the crap' after doc lashes out at critics.


The Interpretation and the putinism (neologism invented by Putin in response to the imperialist sharks) of the day: 


- the one blamed for everything related to the "Hell issues", as above ... 

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Церемония запуска ... https://shar.es/aWailQ 


Tweets: Hundreds of officers across Germany have come under investigation on the suspicion of far-right extremism. - NYT. | A new hope for health care - Time. | JBS paid $11 million in ransom after hackers shut down meat plants - WP. | GOP pol tells Fauci to 'cut the crap' after doc lashes out at critics.

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  1.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    A new hope for health care https://ti.me/357vUmg 

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  2.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Задержанный в Польше по обвинению в шпионаже в пользу России не признал вину:http://go.tass.ru/jIZVg 

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  3.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Coronavirus Vaccine Updates: US to donate 500 million Pfizer doses to lowest-income nations http://7ny.tv/358m6s0 

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  4.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Hunderte Polizisten in ganz Deutschland sind wegen des Verdachts auf Rechtsextremismus ins Visier der Ermittler geraten. Warum? Das erfahren Sie in der neuesten Folge von Tag X, unserer neuen Podcast. http://nyti.ms/3pCUODN 

  5.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Hundreds of officers across Germany have come under investigation on the suspicion of far-right extremism. We explore why in the latest episode of Day X, our new audio series. https://nyti.ms/3pCUODN 

  6.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Pope rejects top German bishop's offer to resign over mishandling of sexual abuse and cover-up scandals: letter

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  7.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    РФ 10 июня объявила персоной нон грата сотрудника посольства Северной Македонии. Рассказываем обо всех случаях высылки иностранных дипломатов из России в 2021 году:http://go.tass.ru/jIZVD 

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  8.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The world’s wealthiest 500 individuals are now worth $8.4 trillion, up more than 40% in the year and a half since the global pandemic began https://trib.al/r8KsGSS 

  9.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    It's an exclusive club, perhaps the most selective in the world. Its current board members are Angela, Boris, Emmanuel, Justin, Mario, Yoshihide, and relative newcomer Joe. They will meet after 4 years of U.S. disruption and a 2-year virus interruption. http://apne.ws/MK1dHWj 

  10. Рабочая встреча с главой Минпромторга Денисом Мантуровым • Президент России https://shar.es/aWaBdX 

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  11.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Встреча с главой @minpromtorg_rus Денисом Мантуровым https://bit.ly/3cOWmFF 

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  12.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Man, 25, fatally shot outside Chelsea's Dream Hotel: cops https://trib.al/y6E3JYI 

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  13.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Only seven migrant kids separated from family have been reunited under Biden https://trib.al/l3qRzR5 

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  14.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Hello, United Kingdom!

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  15.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    GOP pol tells Fauci to 'cut the crap' after doc lashes out at critics https://trib.al/68yLpg4 

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  16.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Ashli Babbitt's husband sues for name of Capitol cop who shot her during riot https://trib.al/fx7WEva 

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  17.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Man carjacks elderly woman in Brooklyn and drives off with her dog https://trib.al/nMhTURr 

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  18.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Rep. Ilhan Omar claims America has committed 'unspeakable atrocities' https://trib.al/U3T4dPd 

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  19.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    On this day in 1942, the Nazis burn the Czech village of Lidice as a reprisal for the killing of SS official Reinhard Heydrich. More than 180 residents are murdered; 250 more are sent to concentration camps.

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  20.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    On this day in 323 BCE, Alexander the Great dies. Although just 32, he leaves behind one of the ancient world's largest (albeit shortest-lived) empires.

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  21. 9:09 AM 6/9/2021 - Capitol Riot of 1.6.21 -

    Capitol Riot News Review: Scathing Bipartisan Report On January 6th Capitol Attack https://shar.es/aWaz9Z 

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  22.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    THE INVESTIGATORS! THE OF THE IN THE ! They are not "" or "" FBI (or KGB) ! They are in these FOR ! Google https://shar.es/aW1oTg 

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  23.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Federal prosecutors have offered defendant Kyle Fitzsimons a new plea deal on his 10 count indictment. Most serious charges--felonies for assaulting officers. Fitzsimons could be among first defendants to settle charges or schedule a trial. @WMTWTV @gwupoe

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  24.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    I don't even know where Harwinton is without looking it up (which, yes, I did; not that far).
    Anyway: GOOD. His name is Richard T. Crosby, Jr., and he's a damn anti-American fascist. He's the man in the middle in this photo. https://patch.com/connecticut/across-ct/harwinton-man-arrested-connection-jan-6-capitol-riot 

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  25.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    150 days after attack,
    More than 465 have been arrested across nearly all 50 states in connection with the Jan. 6 attack on the the Department announced in a statement marking Saturday as 150 days since the insurrection.

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  26.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Senate report details broad failures around Jan. 6 attack https://808ne.ws/3crhdys 

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