9:36 AM 1/3/2021 - CURRRENT NEWS: UK Prime Minister 'reconciled' to tougher Covid-19 restrictions as cases soar - CNN
Экстрадируют ли основателя Wikileaks Джулиана Ассанжа в США, где ему придется предстать перед судом по делу о шпионаже? Ответ на этот вопрос станет известен в понедельник.
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Australia’s most-populous state of New South Wales made wearing masks mandatory at indoor venues as authorities try to limit the clusters of COVID-19 cases popping up in Sydney's west and south.
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В сеульском аквариуме аквалангисты нарядились в традиционные костюмы и поздравляли посетителей с Новым годом.
ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ : https://ru.euronews.com/2021/01/03/seoul-divers-new-years-cheer

John Elliott has the Tri-State Area's latest forecast on CBS2 News This Morning.

- UK Prime Minister 'reconciled' to tougher Covid-19 restrictions as cases soar CNN
- Johnson Says U.K. Restrictions Will Probably Get Tougher Bloomberg
- Boris Johnson 'reconciled' to prospect of UK coronavirus restrictions tightening Guardian News
- Covid live news: Johnson says he is 'reconciled' to prospect of tighter restrictions soon; South Korea says it is containing third wave The Guardian
- Coronavirus restrictions 'probably about to get tougher', says Boris Johnson The Guardian
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