California Attorney General Announces Takedown of the Aryan Brotherhood and Fresnecks Street Gang in Fresno County - Sierra Sun Times 22/11/20 09:28

 California Attorney General Announces Takedown of the Aryan Brotherhood and Fresnecks Street Gang in Fresno County - Sierra Sun Times

22/11/20 09:28

Current News Review –

The News And Times – Blogs By Michael Novakhov

» California Attorney General Announces Takedown of the Aryan Brotherhood and Fresnecks Street Gang in Fresno County - Sierra Sun Times
22/11/20 09:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
California Attorney General Announces Takedown of the Aryan Brotherhood and Fresnecks Street Gang in Fresno County   Sierra Sun Times

» Drones controlan la reapertura del Rastro en Madrid
22/11/20 09:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Imágenes de la puesta en marcha este domingo por parte de la Policía Municipal de Madrid del dispositivo especial de reapertura del Rastro, en el que han participado un total de 150 agentes con el apoyo de los drones de la Unidad de Apoy...

» Miles de vehículos llenan las calles de más de 50 ciudades contra la 'ley Celaá'
22/11/20 09:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Cientos de coches han llenado en la mañana de este domingo el Paseo de la Castellana de Madrid en protesta por la reforma de la ley educativa aprobada por el Congreso, la LOMLOE, conocida también como 'ley Celaá'. La concentración ha sid...

» Meet the Fellows: An Interview with Jorge L. Vasquez, Jr. - Harvard Political Review
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Meet the Fellows: An Interview with Jorge L. Vasquez, Jr.   Harvard Political Review

» Media and Hollywood should stop their marching-to-Georgia talk | TheHill - The Hill
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Media and Hollywood should stop their marching-to-Georgia talk | TheHill   The Hill

» The USDA issues health alerts for some beef stock, samosas and tamales
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Health experts warn foods at home could bring more risk to a Thanksgiving season already disrupted by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

» Trump's legal team cried vote fraud, but courts found none - Arkansas Online
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Trump's legal team cried vote fraud, but courts found none   Arkansas Online

» "Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016" - Google News: What The U.S. Election Meltdown Looks Like to Other Countries - POLITICO Magazine
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
What The U.S. Election Meltdown Looks Like to Other Countries   POLITICO Magazine "Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016" - Google News

» Voice of America - English: Encounter
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America - English

» Europe: Shallow self-interest shapes the EU rule of law showdown
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Other leaders should stand firm in resisting Orban and Kaczynski Europe

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America - English

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts (2 Minute)
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America - English

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America - English

» Настоящее Время: В Беларуси более двух месяцев искали пропавшую семью. Она пряталась в лесу "от коронавируса и чипирования"
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Родители и двое детей из деревни Забродье Минской области 2,5 месяца жили в Налибокской пуще в землянке. Они ушли туда, чтобы "спастись от коронавируса и чипирования", рассказывает TUT.BY со ссылкой на МВД Беларуси. В ночь на 6 сентября ...

» RSS: Десантники из Волгоградской области готовят технику к зимним полигонным будням
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Подготовка включала в себя инструкторско-методические сборы с младшими командирами, обслуживание вооружения, военной и специальной техники (ВВСТ) и совершенствование элементов учебно-материальной базы. RSS

» "Ukraine" - Google News: Reuters: Dozens detained in Belarus protests | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice - Kyiv Post
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Reuters: Dozens detained in Belarus protests | KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice   Kyiv Post "Ukraine" - Google News

» "Russia international behavior" - Google News: Autocratic regimes weaponize energy - Troy Media
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Autocratic regimes weaponize energy   Troy Media "Russia international behavior" - Google News

» RSS: На полигоне Хмелёвка, в калининградской области, с разведывательным подразделением соединения морской пехоты БФ проведена тренировка по уничтожению ДРГ условного противника
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
По замыслу мероприятия, ДРГ условного противника высадилась на побережье Балтийского моря и продвигалась вглубь территории Калининградской области. RSS

» Дни.ру: "Папа умер, его больше нет": вдова скончавшегося от коронавируса блогера рассказала детям правду
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
За жизнью блогера Софии Стужук следят более пяти миллионов подписчиков. Когда ее муж заразился коронавирусом, все надеялись на благополучный исход. Но отец троих детей имел давние проблемы с сердцем. Неожиданно у него начались осложнения...

» 1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites): РИА Новости: Мосгорздрав может проверить данные о заражении пациента внутри больницы
22/11/20 09:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Департамент здравоохранения готов провести проверку информации о внутрибольничном заражении пациента в городской клинической больнице имени Демихова, если в департамент сообщат ФИО и дату поступления пациента, сообщается на сайте Мосгорз...

» Villacís, sobre 'Ley Celaá': "El PSOE no puede suplantar a los padres"
22/11/20 08:59 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
La vicealcaldesa de Madrid y miembro de la Ejecutiva Nacional de Ciudadanos, Begoña Villacís, ha criticado el "intrusismo" del PSOE con la reforma de la ley educativa, conocida como 'Ley Celaá'. "Esto es un debate sobre la libertad. Los ...

» Palestinian rocket attack draws Israeli strike
22/11/20 08:58 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Palestinian militants fired a rocket into Israel, drawing Israeli air strikes in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military said. Subscribe: Reuters brings you the latest business, finance and breaking news ...

» Yemeni woman who creates art with one hand
22/11/20 08:58 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Asia al-Dhabhani, a 26-year-old Yemeni artist, uses art to show people the world through her eyes. Subscribe: Reuters brings you the latest business, finance and breaking news video from around the glo...

» UPDATE 2-LPGA Tour Pelican Women's Championship Scores
22/11/20 08:58 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
... 70 Lexi Thompson (USA) 70 70 Maria Torres ( Puerto Rico ) 69 71 1 Perrine Delacour (USA) 70 71 Lindy Duncan (USA) 71 70 Kristen Gillman (USA) ...

» 'Familia is always first': Through youth sports, service, Emilio Lopez brought generations of the ...
22/11/20 08:58 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Lopez was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico , in 1950, one of 10 children, and came to Milwaukee when he was 3 years old. He graduated from Lincoln High ...

» Saluting Seymour
22/11/20 08:58 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
He comes to Goldsboro from Puerto Rico . Diaz-Roman works in bio-environmental engineering. His duties include dealing with OSHA laws and ...

» Charleston weighs wall as seas rise and storms strengthen - Huron Daily Tribune
22/11/20 08:56 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Charleston weighs wall as seas rise and storms strengthen   Huron Daily Tribune

» Virus Updates: US Passes 12M Cases; FDA Approves Regeneron Antibody Cocktail - NBC Chicago
22/11/20 08:56 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Virus Updates: US Passes 12M Cases; FDA Approves Regeneron Antibody Cocktail   NBC Chicago

» Taiwan Says Unnamed U.S. Official Is Visiting, Cannot Give Details - U.S. News & World Report
22/11/20 08:55 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Taiwan Says Unnamed U.S. Official Is Visiting, Cannot Give Details   U.S. News & World Report

» Trump shows transition will be as turbulent as his presidency - CNN
22/11/20 08:55 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Trump shows transition will be as turbulent as his presidency   CNN

» Apple не торопится защищать пользователей от слежки. Вести.net
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
"Смотрим" - . Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Apple отложила внедрение функции, позволяющей пользователям iPhone быть в курсе, какие приложения за ними следят, и з...

» В Севастополе возводят новый модуль для больных COVD-19 - Россия 24
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
"Смотрим" - . Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: Новый модуль возводят на территории инфекционной больницы Севастополя. Он рассчитан минимум на 68 пациентов с COVID-1...

» В Челябинской области затопило новую больницу с ковидными пациентами - Россия 24
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
"Смотрим" - . Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: В Челябинской области устраняют подтопление в новом инфекционном госпитале для зараженных коронавирусом. Больницу пос...

» What's That Smell? Researchers Hope To Recreate Historic Scents From Europe's Past
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Using machine learning and artificial intelligence, researchers hope to document — and later recreate — historical scents and smell-scapes from as far back as the 16th century. (Image credit: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

» Stress-Free Stews
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Thanksgiving is coming up, but you still have to eat dinner. Here are some thoughts.

» Making Financial Decisions When You Don’t Have All the Facts
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The president-elect is considering tax changes that could affect stock sales, selling a family business and leaving money to heirs. But we still don’t know how much he’ll be able to do.

» Ukrainian-born congresswoman: You don't want socialism here
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Prager U. says immigrants from socialist countries are the ones who seem to understand what that way of life really entails.

» Climate Change Threatens Lebanon's Storied Ancient Cedars - NPR
22/11/20 08:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Climate Change Threatens Lebanon's Storied Ancient Cedars   NPR

» NPR News: 11-22-2020 8AM ET
22/11/20 08:39 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 11-22-2020 8AM ET

» Pope Francis congratulates Biden for winning presidential election - PBS NewsHour
22/11/20 08:39 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Pope Francis congratulates Biden for winning presidential election   PBS NewsHour

» "crime in puerto rico 2011" - Google News: Today in history | Columns - Logan Daily News
22/11/20 08:39 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Today in history | Columns   Logan Daily News "crime in puerto rico 2011" - Google News

» Voice of America - English: International Edition
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
International Edition Anonymous (no roles) (not verified) Sun, 12/06/2020 - 22:30 Program International Edition Teaser Image VOA IE Thumbnail Scheduled Start Sun, 12/06/2020 - 22:30 Scheduled End Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Facebook Share Of...

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
VOA Newscasts Anonymous (no roles) (not verified) Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Program VOA Newscasts Teaser Image VOA Newscasts Scheduled Start Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Scheduled End Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:05 Facebook Share Off Twitter Share Off...

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
VOA Newscasts Anonymous (no roles) (not verified) Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Program VOA Newscasts Teaser Image VOA Newscasts Scheduled Start Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Scheduled End Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:05 Facebook Share Off Twitter Share Off...

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts (2 Minute)
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
VOA Newscasts (2 Minute) Anonymous (no roles) (not verified) Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Program VOA Newscasts (2 Minute) Scheduled Start Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Scheduled End Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:02 Facebook Share Off Twitter Share Off Do n...

» Voice of America - English: Daybreak Africa
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Daybreak Africa Anonymous (no roles) (not verified) Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:05 Program Daybreak Africa Teaser Image Day Break Africa Scheduled Start Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:05 Scheduled End Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:30 Facebook Share Off Twitter Sh...

» Voice of America - English: International Edition
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
International Edition Anonymous (no roles) (not verified) Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:30 Program International Edition Teaser Image VOA IE Thumbnail Scheduled Start Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:30 Scheduled End Mon, 12/07/2020 - 00:00 Facebook Share Of...

» Voice of America - English: Daybreak Africa
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Daybreak Africa Anonymous (no roles) (not verified) Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Program Daybreak Africa Teaser Image Day Break Africa Scheduled Start Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:00 Scheduled End Sun, 12/06/2020 - 23:30 Facebook Share Off Twitter Sh...

» NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-22-2020 8AM ET
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 11-22-2020 8AM ET Download audio:

» 1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Аудионовости: Новости - 22 ноября, 2020
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность Download audio: Аудионовости 1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)

» US sees a virus resurgence as Americans prepare for Thanksgiving
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader

» Netanyahu to visit UAE in December - Anadolu Agency
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Netanyahu to visit UAE in December   Anadolu Agency

» Thailand: pro-democracy protesters hold rally in Bangkok | AFP
22/11/20 08:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Thousands of pro-democracy protesters gather for a nighttime rally demanding a new constitution, a reform of the monarchy, and for Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha to resign. Subscribe to AFP and activate your notifications to get the la...

» Following extended loan, South Korea returns art masterpieces to Israel
22/11/20 08:36 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Coronavirus had prolonged visit of Israel Museum's Impressionist and post-Impressionist art to Seoul's Hangaram Art Museum

» Azrieli keeps malls shut after one-day rebellion, second operator stays open
22/11/20 08:36 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Group says Friday opening was always planned to be single-day 'pilot,' will wait until government gives okay to get back to business

» Germany's 'eternal chancellor' Angela Merkel marks 15 years in office
22/11/20 08:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
In power so long she has been dubbed Germany's "eternal chancellor", Angela Merkel marked 15 years at the helm of Europe's top economic power on Sunday with her popularity intact and public trust in her leadership reaching new heights. S...

» AlJazeeraEnglish's YouTube Videos: What’s behind the South China Sea dispute? | Start Here
22/11/20 08:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 10:04 China and its neighbours all want a piece of the South China Sea. Rights to fish, territory, oil and gas. This fight has it all, including the potential for war. So why is ASEAN struggling to manage...

» france24english's YouTube Videos: Ethiopia rebuffs mediation attempts as Tigray offensive continues
22/11/20 08:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: france24english Duration: 01:40 The Ethiopian government rebuffed an African effort to mediate on Saturday, saying its troops had seized another town in their march towards the rebel-held capital of northern Tigray region. Subscrib...

» These 3 Dividend Stocks Are Practically Money Machines - Motley Fool
22/11/20 07:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
These 3 Dividend Stocks Are Practically Money Machines   Motley Fool

» How Trump Hopes to Use Party Machinery to Retain Control of the G.O.P. - The New York Times
22/11/20 07:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
How Trump Hopes to Use Party Machinery to Retain Control of the G.O.P.   The New York Times View Full Coverage on Google News

» Valentina Shevchenko eyes quick turnaround after UFC 255, mentions Jessica Andrade and Lauren Murphy - MMA Junkie
22/11/20 07:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Valentina Shevchenko eyes quick turnaround after UFC 255, mentions Jessica Andrade and Lauren Murphy   MMA Junkie UFC 255 live results - Brandon Moreno eyes title shot; Joaquin Buckley gets another KO   ESPN VALENTINA SHEVCHENKO VS JENNI...

» How Consumers Are Reacting To Apple's iPhone 12 Lineup - Yahoo Finance
22/11/20 07:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
How Consumers Are Reacting To Apple's iPhone 12 Lineup   Yahoo Finance View Full Coverage on Google News

» 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): “путин” – Google Новости: Путин объяснил отсутствие поздравлений Байдену – РБК
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Путин объяснил отсутствие поздравлений Байдену   РБК “путин” – Google Новости 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) The post 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): "путин" - Google Новости: Путин объяснил отсутствие поздравле...

» Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites): 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): “путин” – Google Новости: Путин объяснил отсутствие поздравлений Байдену – РБК
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Путин объяснил отсутствие поздравлений Байдену   РБК “путин” – Google Новости 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites) The post Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites...

» The News And Times: Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks: Did this factory in fact house the secret, clandestine human subjects bio research lab and possibly, hypothetically, years later became the source of the virus in the buildings plumbing systems? M.N.
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
  6:59 AM 11/22/2020 Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠  |  In Brief  |  – Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks   Did this factory in fact house the secret, clandestine human subjects bio research lab a...

» 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Putin and Putinism – News Review: Путин назвал роль России при подготовке соглашения по Карабаху – Ведомости
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Путин назвал роль России при подготовке соглашения по Карабаху   Ведомости Putin and Putinism – News Review 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) The post 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Putin and Putinism - News Revie...

» Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites): 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Putin and Putinism – News Review: Путин назвал роль России при подготовке соглашения по Карабаху – Ведомости
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Путин назвал роль России при подготовке соглашения по Карабаху   Ведомости Putin and Putinism – News Review 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites) The post Global Security News f...

» 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): “Nato Russia” – Google News: US officially ends involvement in Open Skies trust-building treaty | Daily Sabah – Daily Sabah
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
US officially ends involvement in Open Skies trust-building treaty | Daily Sabah   Daily Sabah “Nato Russia” – Google News 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) The post 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): "Nato Russia" - ...

» Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites): Investigations of Donald Trump and his circles – Mike Nova’s favorite articles on Inoreader: G-20 summit opens with calls for unity – Arkansas Online
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
G-20 summit opens with calls for unity   Arkansas Online Mike Nova’s favorite articles on Inoreader The post Mike Nova’s favorite articles on Inoreader: G-20 summit opens with calls for unity – Arkansas Online first appeared on Investiga...

» Russia sends engineering equipment to Artsakh – Public Radio of Armenia - Public Radio of Armenia
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Russia sends engineering equipment to Artsakh – Public Radio of Armenia   Public Radio of Armenia

» Russia reports 24581 new coronavirus cases in past 24 hours - National Post
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Russia reports 24581 new coronavirus cases in past 24 hours   National Post

» Tata Steel tests coking coal samples from Russia for producing steel: CEO - Business Standard
22/11/20 07:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Tata Steel tests coking coal samples from Russia for producing steel: CEO   Business Standard

» FBI probe focuses on Buffalo trash disposal contracts, contributions to mayor
22/11/20 07:20 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The FBI has questioned the former CEO of a waste disposal company, Modern Corp., about the contracts it received from Buffalo Mayor Byron W.

» 'It's one team and one fight': Springfield police rejoin federal anti-gang task force
22/11/20 07:20 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Police Commissioner Cheryl C. Clapprood acknowledges the perception that appointing a Springfield officer to serve on the FBI's Western ...

» 3145 Brighton 4th St #504, Brooklyn, NY 11235
22/11/20 07:20 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
For Sale - 3145 Brighton 4th St #504, Brooklyn , NY . This Condo House is 1-bed, 1-bath, -Sqft (—), listed at $275000. MLS# 4108877.

» Nuremberg, Soviet war crimes, & the hypocrisy of Vladimir Putin - EU Today
22/11/20 07:20 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Nuremberg, Soviet war crimes, & the hypocrisy of Vladimir Putin   EU Today

» Esther Mahlangu urges Africans to hold on to their traditions
22/11/20 07:19 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Pioneering African artist fears young people are losing a sense of their roots One of Africa’s best-known artists has made an impassioned appeal for governments and communities across the continent to preserve their traditions and cultur...

» Guatemala protesters set congress on fire during budget protests
22/11/20 07:19 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Public anger targets President Alejandro Giammattei over cuts to education and health Hundreds of protesters broke into Guatemala’s congress and burned part of the building amid growing demonstrations against President Alejandro Giammatt...

» Investigation of Donald Trump and Trumpism – mikenov on Twitter: STUDY: Masks make no significant difference | Is the so called “Covid-19” a bio-info weapon developed by the New Abwehr on the basis of their WW2 and post-WW2 Nazi hu
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
STUDY: Masks make no significant difference | Is the so called “Covid-19” a bio-info weapon developed by the New Abwehr on the basis of their WW2 and post-WW2 Nazi human research?! – M.N. – 7:44 AM 11/20/2020

» Trump News – 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): “trump money laundering” – Google News: Erdogan’s attack on Kurds triggered indictment of major Turkish bank – Kurdistan24
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Erdogan’s attack on Kurds triggered indictment of major Turkish bank   Kurdistan24 “trump money laundering” – Google News 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites) The post 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump money launde...

» Investigation of Donald Trump and Trumpism – 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): “trump money laundering” – Google News: Erdogan’s attack on Kurds triggered indictment of major Turkish bank – Kurdistan24
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Erdogan’s attack on Kurds triggered indictment of major Turkish bank   Kurdistan24 “trump money laundering” – Google News 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites) The post 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "trump money launde...

» Internet Guide USA – News Reviews – 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Voice of America – English: Encounter
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) The post 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Voice of America - English: Encounter first appeared on Internet Guide USA - News Reviews - . Inte...

» Global Security Review – 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Voice of America – English: Encounter
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) The post 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Voice of America - English: Encounter first appeared on Global Security Review - . Glob...

» News-Lynx – Global Security Review – 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Voice of America – English: Encounter
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites) The post 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (114 sites): Voice of America – English: Encounter first appeared on Global Security Review – . Glob...

» Global Security Review – 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites): “global security” – Google News: Global Security Incident Managements Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : IBM, Cisco Systems, Intel, Symantec,
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Global Security Incident Managements Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : IBM, Cisco Systems, Intel, Symantec, Dell, etc.   Cheshire Media “global security” – Google News 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites) The pos...

» Internet Guide USA – News Reviews – 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites): “global security” – Google News: Global Security Incident Managements Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : IBM, Cisco Systems, Intel, Symantec,
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Global Security Incident Managements Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : IBM, Cisco Systems, Intel, Symantec, Dell, etc.   Cheshire Media “global security” – Google News 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites) The pos...

» News-Lynx – Global Security Review – 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites): “global security” – Google News: Global Security Incident Managements Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : IBM, Cisco
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Global Security Incident Managements Market Expected To Reach Highest CAGR by 2026 : IBM, Cisco Systems, Intel, Symantec, Dell, etc.   Cheshire Media “global security” – Google News 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites) The pos...

» All News And Times – Top stories – Google News: Nintendo’s Switch with better battery life includes Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Black Friday – The Verge
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Nintendo’s Switch with better battery life includes Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Black Friday   The Verge Feature: Best Super Nintendo (SNES) Games   Nintendo Life Nintendo Switch Black Friday bundle gets you this hard-to-find console   Tom’s...

» Trump News – 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: America is being subjected to a stress test – and Republicans are failing | Robert Reich
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Most elected Republicans are refusing to stand up to Trump. Their cowardice is one of the worst betrayals of public trust in the history of our republic Financial regulators subject banks to stress tests to see if they have enough capita...

» Investigation of Donald Trump and Trumpism – 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): Donald Trump | The Guardian: America is being subjected to a stress test – and Republicans are failing | Robert Reich
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Most elected Republicans are refusing to stand up to Trump. Their cowardice is one of the worst betrayals of public trust in the history of our republic Financial regulators subject banks to stress tests to see if they have enough capita...

» News-Lynx – 1. Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (17 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-22-2020 1AM ET
22/11/20 02:01 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 11-22-2020 1AM ET Download audio:

» South Dakota and New Mexico offer a snapshot of the alternate realities in the U.S. pandemic.
22/11/20 02:00 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader

» Trump's Pentagon reshuffling sparks national security concerns - Yahoo News
22/11/20 01:59 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Trump's Pentagon reshuffling sparks national security concerns   Yahoo News

» GOP backs Trump as he fights election results, transition - WAFF
22/11/20 01:59 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
GOP backs Trump as he fights election results, transition   WAFF

» Israel strikes Hamas sites in Gaza Strip after rocket attack - KTIV
22/11/20 01:59 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Israel strikes Hamas sites in Gaza Strip after rocket attack   KTIV

» Anti-Israel bias at UN has become institutionalized, Erdan tells Guterres - The Jerusalem Post
22/11/20 01:59 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Anti-Israel bias at UN has become institutionalized, Erdan tells Guterres   The Jerusalem Post

» Top stories - Google News: Nintendo’s Switch with better battery life includes Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Black Friday - The Verge
22/11/20 01:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Nintendo’s Switch with better battery life includes Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Black Friday   The Verge Feature: Best Super Nintendo (SNES) Games   Nintendo Life Nintendo Switch Black Friday bundle gets you this hard-to-find console   Tom's...

» NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-22-2020 1AM ET
22/11/20 01:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 11-22-2020 1AM ET Download audio:

» "fbi criticism" - Google News: NW Fresno house takes Christmas decorations to the next level - Yahoo News
22/11/20 01:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NW Fresno house takes Christmas decorations to the next level   Yahoo News "fbi criticism" - Google News

» "fbi criticism" - Google News: Top Asian News 5:34 am GMT - Yahoo News
22/11/20 01:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Top Asian News 5:34 am GMT   Yahoo News "fbi criticism" - Google News

» Top stories - Google News: President Trump's team requests recount of Georgia presidential vote - WCVB Boston
22/11/20 01:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
President Trump's team requests recount of Georgia presidential vote   WCVB Boston View Full Coverage on Google News Top stories - Google News

» Princess Diana's brother responds to her portrayal on 'The Crown'
22/11/20 01:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
"I feel it is my duty to stand up for Diana when I can," he said.

» All-virtual G20 summit opens with Saudi Arabia as host
22/11/20 01:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
In a sign of the times, the traditional "family photo" of leaders in the summit was digitally designed and superimposed on a historical...

» "Puerto Rico Water" - Google News: Obituary: Marguerite Marie Burrill - - Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel
22/11/20 01:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Obituary: Marguerite Marie Burrill -   Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel "Puerto Rico Water" - Google News

» ReutersVideo's YouTube Videos: Robot asks people to follow anti-COVID measures
22/11/20 01:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: ReutersVideo Duration: 00:58 Japanese robot ‘Robovie’ has been developed to ask shop customers to wear face masks and socially distance, as well as guiding them around the shop. Subscribe: Reuter...

» RussiaToday's YouTube Videos: Venezuela | Daredevils keep the show on the road despite fuel shortages
22/11/20 01:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: RussiaToday Duration: 00:43 Residents from the Carpintero neighbourhood in #Venezuela's #Caracas continue to practice their favourite extreme sport of freestyle #motorbiking despite the country's oil shortages. They were seen demon...

» Putin calls unemployment, poverty biggest global risks - Yeni Şafak English
22/11/20 01:33 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Putin calls unemployment, poverty biggest global risks   Yeni Şafak English

» Trump campaign asks for another Georgia recount - NBC News
22/11/20 01:33 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Trump campaign asks for another Georgia recount   NBC News View Full Coverage on Google News

» Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza - The Guardian
22/11/20 01:33 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza   The Guardian View Full Coverage on Google News

» Kelly Loeffler quarantining after positive, inconclusive coronavirus tests: campaign - Fox News
22/11/20 01:33 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Kelly Loeffler quarantining after positive, inconclusive coronavirus tests: campaign   Fox News

» Superspreader Events Played a Key Role in Igniting The Current Pandemic Globally - ScienceAlert
22/11/20 01:33 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Superspreader Events Played a Key Role in Igniting The Current Pandemic Globally   ScienceAlert

» Morrison pushes G20 for global access to vaccine; Trump says he's here to stay - Sydney Morning Herald
22/11/20 01:32 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Morrison pushes G20 for global access to vaccine; Trump says he's here to stay   Sydney Morning Herald

» "crime rates puerto rico" - Google News: These money and investing tips can help you ride the stock market's year-end momentum - MSN Money
22/11/20 01:31 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
These money and investing tips can help you ride the stock market's year-end momentum   MSN Money "crime rates puerto rico" - Google News

» "crime rates puerto rico" - Google News: How much to expect from Social Security next year in every state - MSN Money
22/11/20 01:31 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
How much to expect from Social Security next year in every state   MSN Money "crime rates puerto rico" - Google News

» 1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites): Российская Газета: Оперштаб: Еще 5245 пациентов вылечились от коронавируса в Москве
22/11/20 01:31 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Оперштаб: Еще 5245 пациентов вылечились от коронавируса в Москве Российская Газета 1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)

» 1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites): Новости: Порывистый ветер со снегом предсказывают синоптики в Москве в воскресенье
22/11/20 01:31 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Облачная погода, порывистый ветер со снегом, местами метелью ожидаются в Москве в воскресенье. Об этом сообщается на сайте Гидрометцентра РФ. Днем в городе от двух градусов мороза до нуля, ночью сохранится такая же погода. Ветер южный, 5...

» "polls" - Google News: Burkina Faso goes to the polls in shadow of jihadist threat - RFI
21/11/20 22:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Burkina Faso goes to the polls in shadow of jihadist threat   RFI "polls" - Google News

» "war on police" - Google News: Inside the Fight to Abolish Police in Philadelphia - Philadelphia magazine
21/11/20 22:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Inside the Fight to Abolish Police in Philadelphia   Philadelphia magazine "war on police" - Google News

» "war on police" - Google News: Batman Admits 'Joker Was Right' Post-Joker War | CBR - CBR - Comic Book Resources
21/11/20 22:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Batman Admits 'Joker Was Right' Post-Joker War | CBR   CBR - Comic Book Resources "war on police" - Google News

» "war on police" - Google News: Supporters of Trump election, Black Lives Matter engage in war of words in Greensburg - TribLIVE
21/11/20 22:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Supporters of Trump election, Black Lives Matter engage in war of words in Greensburg   TribLIVE "war on police" - Google News

» 135 Oceana Drive East 1E Brooklyn, NY 11235 MLS #444781
21/11/20 22:27 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
MLS #444781 located at 135 Oceana Drive East 1E Brooklyn , NY 11235 is a Residential Lease listing in Brooklyn, NY for $3000.

» ‘Brewtown Queen’ faces federal drug charges - Albuquerque Journal
21/11/20 22:27 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
‘Brewtown Queen’ faces federal drug charges   Albuquerque Journal

» ‘Long Live Christ the King’ — The 51 Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro - National Catholic Register
21/11/20 22:27 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
‘Long Live Christ the King’ — The 51 Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro   National Catholic Register

» Spate of murders - Newspaper - DAWN.COM -
21/11/20 22:27 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Spate of murders - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

» FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-21-2020 9PM ET
21/11/20 22:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 11-21-2020 9PM ET Download audio:

» FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): "fbi" - Google News: AP Explains FBI Investigation Into Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton - CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
21/11/20 22:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
AP Explains FBI Investigation Into Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton   CBS Dallas / Fort Worth "fbi" - Google News FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites)

» The National Interest: Why the Royal Navy’s Dreadnought Was a Game-Changer
21/11/20 22:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Peter Suciu History, Europe Every other country had to scamble to keep up. Key point:  The Royal Navy surprised the world with its new warship. Shortly thereafter, the new naval arms race was on. Prior to the First World War, Great Brita...

» Eurasia Review: Azerbaijan’s Ethnic Minorities Overwhelmingly Back Baku’s Opposition To Any Special Status For Armenians In Karabakh – OpEd
21/11/20 22:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev has made very clear that any special status for Nagorno-Karabakh is unacceptable, a position overwhelmingly supported not only by the more than 90 percent of the population of Azerbaijan who are ethnic ...

» Eurasia Review: UN Chief Guterres Welcomes AU’s Appointment Of Envoys To Resolve Tigray Conflict In Ethiopia
21/11/20 22:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed the African Union’s (AU) appointment of three high-level envoys to help resolve the conflict in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, calling it an "initiative for peace.” The envoys are Joaqui...

» Eurasia Review: Trump’s Decision To Cut Troops In Afghanistan Gives Pakistan Upper Hand – Analysis
21/11/20 22:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
By Arul Louis* Acting Defence Secretary Christopher Miller's announcement that the US troop strengths in those two countries would be reduced to 2,500 each by January 15 – just five days before Biden takes over – creates a policy vacuum ...

» The National Interest: Why Did Iran Buy the F-14 Tomcat from America? This Video Has the Answer.
21/11/20 22:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
David Axe Security, A 46-year-old video reveals the impressive aerial display that apparently helped to convince the shah Iran to buy Grumman-made F-14 Tomcat fighters from the United States back in July 1973. Here's What You Need to Rem...

» News: Six people in hospital after 'violent incident' in Cardiff
21/11/20 22:25 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts
21/11/20 22:25 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America - English

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts (2 Minute)
21/11/20 22:25 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America - English

» Russia News – “Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016” – Google News: US Presidential Election & covid-19 updates: Trump, Biden, results, cases and restrictions today – AS English
21/11/20 22:25 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
US Presidential Election & covid-19 updates: Trump, Biden, results, cases and restrictions today   AS English “Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016” – Google News The post "Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016" - Goog...

» Tory Steve Dechan's £275m in PPE contracts lands him a place in the country - The Times
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Tory Steve Dechan's £275m in PPE contracts lands him a place in the country   The Times

» Top stories – Google News: Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit – CNN
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit   CNN Pennsylvania judge throws out Trump lawsuit, clearing way for Biden win   Fox News Judge dismisses Trump campaign’s latest attempt to stop certification of Pennsylvania el...

» FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Top stories – Google News: Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit – CNN
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit   CNN Pennsylvania judge throws out Trump lawsuit, clearing way for Biden win   Fox News Judge dismisses Trump campaign’s latest attempt to stop certification of Pennsylvania el...

» 1. Podcasts from Michael_Novakhov (17 sites): 1. NPR from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites): News : NPR: G-20 Summit Opens With Calls For United Response To Pandemic
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Saudi Arabia, which is hosting this year’s virtual summit, opened up the two-day meeting urging leaders to mount a global response to the coronavirus pandemic. (Image credit: Yves Herman/Pool via AP) News : NPR 1. NPR from Michael_Novakh...

» Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): “Trump and Trumpism” – Google News: Trumpism is unlikely to become a movement – Independent Australia
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Trumpism is unlikely to become a movement   Independent Australia “Trump and Trumpism” – Google News Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites) The post Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): "Trump and Trump...

» Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites): Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): “Trump and Trumpism” – Google News: Trumpism is unlikely to become a movement – Independent Australia
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Trumpism is unlikely to become a movement   Independent Australia “Trump and Trumpism” – Google News Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites) Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites) The post Global Security Ne...

» Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites): Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): “Trump and Trumpism” – Google News: Trumpism is unlikely to become a movement – Independent Australia
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Trumpism is unlikely to become a movement   Independent Australia “Trump and Trumpism” – Google News Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites) Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites) The post Counterintelligence...

» Global Security News from Michael_Novakhov (30 sites): 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites): The National Interest: Russia’s MiG-35: Just How Good Is This 4th Gen Fighter?
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Caleb Larson Security, While the MiG-35 is certainly one of the more capable fourth-generation plus platforms that exists, it has struggled to enter markets outside of Russia. Here’s What You Need to Know : Despite its acrobatic capabili...

» 1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites): The National Interest: Russia’s MiG-35: Just How Good Is This 4th Gen Fighter?
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Caleb Larson Security, While the MiG-35 is certainly one of the more capable fourth-generation plus platforms that exists, it has struggled to enter markets outside of Russia. Here’s What You Need to Know : Despite its acrobatic capabili...

» FBI from Michael_Novakhov (35 sites): Top stories – Google News: Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit – CNN
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit   CNN Pennsylvania judge throws out Trump lawsuit, clearing way for Biden win   Fox News Judge dismisses Trump campaign’s latest attempt to stop certification of Pennsylvania el...

» Top stories – Google News: Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit – CNN
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit   CNN Pennsylvania judge throws out Trump lawsuit, clearing way for Biden win   Fox News Judge dismisses Trump campaign’s latest attempt to stop certification of Pennsylvania el...

» Two Victims of Vesuvius Eruption Found in Pompeii
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The skeletal remains of what are believed to have been a rich man and his male slave fleeing the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius nearly 2,000 years ago have been discovered in Pompeii, officials at the archaeological park said Saturday. Th...

» Buscan a menor desaparecida en Ponce - Telemundo Puerto Rico
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Buscan a menor desaparecida en Ponce   Telemundo Puerto Rico

» Telescopio de Arecibo: la amenaza de colapso por la que van a desmantelar el icónico observatorio de Puerto Rico - BBC News Mundo
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Telescopio de Arecibo: la amenaza de colapso por la que van a desmantelar el icónico observatorio de Puerto Rico   BBC News Mundo

» Marihuana legal: los países de América que han legalizado el uso del cannabis y los que no - CNN
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Marihuana legal: los países de América que han legalizado el uso del cannabis y los que no   CNN

» Bedford Police Department Investigating Traffic Accident On John Williams Blvd. -
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Bedford Police Department Investigating Traffic Accident On John Williams Blvd.

» Texas go-kart accident kills child, injures five others - New York Post
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Texas go-kart accident kills child, injures five others   New York Post

» Coroner responding to fatal accident in Greenville - WSPA 7News
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Coroner responding to fatal accident in Greenville   WSPA 7News

» Sedalia Woman Injured in Pettis County Rollover Accident -
21/11/20 20:22 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Sedalia Woman Injured in Pettis County Rollover Accident

» Wentworth Miller Responds To Suggestions His ‘Prison Break’ Character Should Be Gay -
21/11/20 20:21 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Wentworth Miller Responds To Suggestions His ‘Prison Break’ Character Should Be Gay

» US judge throws out Trump’s bid to stop Pennsylvania vote certification
21/11/20 18:55 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Officials can now certify election results that show Joe Biden winning the state by more than 80,000 votes

» Biden builds an administration as Trump holes up in mostly empty White House
21/11/20 18:55 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
US president-elect presses forward with hiring staffers, as incumbent refuses to accept election result and hand over power, amplifying differences between two leaders

» Expected busy travel weekend for Thanksgiving, some say they wouldn't feel safe getting on a plane during the pandemic - 47abc - WMDT
21/11/20 18:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Expected busy travel weekend for Thanksgiving, some say they wouldn't feel safe getting on a plane during the pandemic - 47abc   WMDT

» Police investigating spate of weekend shooting incidents across Auckland - Newstalk ZB
21/11/20 18:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Police investigating spate of weekend shooting incidents across Auckland   Newstalk ZB

» Taylor Addresses Student Safety Incidents in the 2019-2020 School Year -
21/11/20 18:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Taylor Addresses Student Safety Incidents in the 2019-2020 School Year

» 3 shot dead in separate incidents in a day in dist - Times of India
21/11/20 18:54 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
3 shot dead in separate incidents in a day in dist   Times of India

» In ruins, Syria marks 50 years of Assad family rule - The Associated Press
21/11/20 18:53 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
In ruins, Syria marks 50 years of Assad family rule   The Associated Press

» Voice of America – English: Survivor of Ethiopian Fighting Warns ‘People Will Slowly Start to Die’
21/11/20 18:51 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Shaken by the gunfire erupting around her town in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region, the woman decided to get out. She joined a long line at the local government office for the paperwork needed to travel. But when she reached the officia...

» “Russia international behavior” – Google News: HALIFAX FORUM NEWS Space Force Chief Pushes Back on Calls for Elimination of Service – National Defense Magazine
21/11/20 18:51 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
HALIFAX FORUM NEWS Space Force Chief Pushes Back on Calls for Elimination of Service   National Defense Magazine “Russia international behavior” – Google News The post "Russia international behavior" - Google News: HALIFAX FORUM NEWS Spa...

» NFL star's wife apologizes for 'dictatorship' rant
21/11/20 18:50 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Kelly Stafford, wife of longtime Detroit Lions quarterback Matthew Stafford, apologized on Instagram after calling Michigan a "dictatorship" in response to the state's new Covid-19 restrictions.

» Poll: How Netanyahu Fares if Election Held Today - COLlive
21/11/20 18:48 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Poll: How Netanyahu Fares if Election Held Today   COLlive

» Bernie Sanders renews call for stimulus payments, slams ‘do-nothing Senate’ - Fox News
21/11/20 18:48 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Bernie Sanders renews call for stimulus payments, slams ‘do-nothing Senate’   Fox News

» Liz Cheney: Trump should respect ‘the sanctity of our electoral process’ - POLITICO
21/11/20 18:48 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Liz Cheney: Trump should respect ‘the sanctity of our electoral process’   POLITICO Biden's margin of victory widens as Trump's subversion efforts grow more frantic   CNN Michigan lawmakers pledge to 'follow the law' on picking electors ...

» Judge rules against Trump global media chief after firings - NBC News
21/11/20 18:48 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Judge rules against Trump global media chief after firings   NBC News View Full Coverage on Google News

» Detroiters Affronted By Trump's Voter Fraud Claims - NPR
21/11/20 18:47 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Detroiters Affronted By Trump's Voter Fraud Claims   NPR

» Fact check: Dolly Parton helped fund Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine research
21/11/20 18:47 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
A large donation made in April by Dolly Parton caught the attention of social media users after Moderna announced a promising new...

» Postponing FSU-Clemson game is right decision for all involved -
21/11/20 18:47 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The Seminoles aren't looking to get out of playing Clemson; they've offered an alternate date. They want to be safe.

» "Russia international behavior" - Google News: HALIFAX FORUM NEWS Space Force Chief Pushes Back on Calls for Elimination of Service - National Defense Magazine
21/11/20 18:45 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
HALIFAX FORUM NEWS Space Force Chief Pushes Back on Calls for Elimination of Service   National Defense Magazine "Russia international behavior" - Google News

» Voice of America - English: Court Injunction Bars USAGM From Editorial Interference
21/11/20 18:45 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
A federal district court in Washington on Friday granted a preliminary injunction prohibiting officials from the U.S. Agency for Global Media, including its head, Michael Pack, from interfering with the editorial independence and First A...

» "turkish coup 2016 and russia" - Google News: Political round table with Mary Anna Mancuso and Brian Crowley - Yahoo News
21/11/20 18:45 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Political round table with Mary Anna Mancuso and Brian Crowley   Yahoo News "turkish coup 2016 and russia" - Google News

» Frenchman sentenced to 25 years in prison for killing his wife
21/11/20 15:39 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Jonathann Daval confessed to beating and strangling his wife after first reporting her missing A French court sentenced Jonathann Daval to 25 years in prison on Saturday for killing his wife and then burning her body, in a case that shoc...

» German Greens Aim for Merkel's Job With a 500 Billion-Euro Plan - Regina Leader-Post
21/11/20 15:39 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
German Greens Aim for Merkel's Job With a 500 Billion-Euro Plan   Regina Leader-Post

» NYC pledges $5 million to upgrade Staten Island Yankees stadium
21/11/20 15:38 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Borough President James Oddo said it's about time the city steps up to the plate ... Both the Baby Bombers and Brooklyn Cyclones began playing New  ...

» Did you read it all takes place in Red Hook Brooklyn. Stop by Defonte ...
21/11/20 15:38 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own. Carroll Gardens-Cobble Hill, NY |Neighbor Post| ...

» Covid-19 Live Updates: US Breaks Single-Day Record for New Cases as Number Nears 200000
21/11/20 15:38 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Despite near-daily records for both new cases and hospitalizations, there remains ... The records are falling at a time of great political tension. ... But the photos show Frank Seddio, the former chairman of the Brooklyn Democratic ...

» 2020 NBA free agency tracker: Hornets to sign Gordon Hayward; Raptors re-up Fred VanVleet
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
See where every player signed in free agency this offseason

» In-N-Out opens first burger joints in Colorado
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The grand opening of two In-N-Out Burger joints in Colorado sparked massive traffic jams, parking lot brawls, and a wait for food...

» US election: Michigan Republicans seek to delay vote certification
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The Republican Party requests a two-week adjournment in Michigan, citing unsubstantiated fraud claims.

» Here's where you can see the best NYC holiday windows this year
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
754 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10019. mannequins at ... 151 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001. holiday ... 422 Fulton St, Brooklyn , NY 11201.

» What you know, and might not, about the 2020-21 UConn men's roster
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
6-5, G, So., Brooklyn , N.Y. . Obvious: Averaged 13 points per game, led Huskies' late-season surge, preseason All-Big East second team. You might ...

» Report: Ramsey Orta, who filmed Eric Garner's death, slashed in jail
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Ramsey Orta, 29, the man who recorded Eric ... Police allegedly stopped Orta as he was driving his BMW in Brooklyn on ...

» New York City's lone Republican in Congress takes aim at AOC
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NEW YORK — Nicole Malliotakis took down a moderate Democrat to become the ... “And the people of Staten Island and Brooklyn , I believe, voted for me in part ... During the congressional campaign, both candidates devoted time to ...

» Nets to re-sign Joe Harris, meeting top offseason priority
21/11/20 15:37 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NEW YORK (AP) - Joe Harris has agreed to re-sign with the Nets, keeping one of ... The Nets checked off what general manager Sean Marks called their ... playing time to begin his career in Cleveland before blossoming in Brooklyn .

» NPR News Now: NPR News: 11-21-2020 3PM ET
21/11/20 15:36 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
NPR News: 11-21-2020 3PM ET Download audio:

» Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts
21/11/20 15:36 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America - English

» skynews's YouTube Videos: PM 'tried to water down' Priti Patel bullying report
21/11/20 15:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: skynews Duration: 03:06 Prime Minister Boris Johnson attempted to water down the official inquiry that found Priti Patel bullied staff, Whitehall sources have confirmed. It follows claims the PM tried and failed to convince his min...

» euronewsru's YouTube Videos: "Чёрная пятница" и карантин по-венесуэльски
21/11/20 15:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: euronewsru Duration: 00:50 Скидки 20, 50, 80% - не поддаться соблазну трудно. Многие венесуэльцы перебороли страх заразиться коронавирусом и отправились за покупками в "чёрную пятницу". ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ :

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Софья Самодурова. Произвольная программа. Женщины. Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2020/21
21/11/20 15:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 07:53 Софья Самодурова представила произвольную программу на московском этапе Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2020/21. За два проката чемпионка Европы 2019 года получила от судей суммарную оценку в 184,81 балла и заняла...

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Алена Косторная. Произвольная программа. Женщины. Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2020/21
21/11/20 15:35 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 08:19 Алена Косторная представила произвольную программу на московском этапе Гран-при. За два соревновательных дня действующая чемпионка Европы получила от судей суммарную оценку в 220,78 балла и заняла второе итогово...

» Telesur Noticias 15:30 21-11 Movilización nacional durante crisis política
21/11/20 15:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Revisarán ascensos militares irregulares en Bolivia// Covid-19 tema central de la cumbre del G-20

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: 1:52 PM 11/21/2020 – News Reviews – The News And Times
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
  1:52 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs By Michael Novakhov News – YT Playlist  |  News Reviews – The News And Times  |  1. VIDEO NEWS ________________________________ 1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (72 si...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (28 sites): The News And Times: Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020
21/11/20 15:28 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
   Selected Articles – – 12:56 PM 11/21/2020 The News And Times Blogs Network – The News And Times Blogs Network – | Audio Posts in English The News And Times The News And Times – Blogs ...

» Could Trump Really Implement "Patriotic Education?"
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
--Caller asks about what Trump means by "patriotic education"

» Christmas candles with a twist: Santa with masks
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
This Greek candlemaker is highlighting the importance of masks by putting them on his Father Christmas candles. Subscribe: Reuters brings you the latest business, finance and breaking news video from a...

» Donald Trump: National Review Slams Trump's Refusal To Concede As 'A Bid For Infamy'
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The conservative magazine condemned the baseless lawsuits and conspiracies of the Trump legal team as a "profoundly undemocratic gambit." Donald Trump

» Trumpism And Trump – Donald Trump: National Review Slams Trump’s Refusal To Concede As ‘A Bid For Infamy’
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
The conservative magazine condemned the baseless lawsuits and conspiracies of the Trump legal team as a “profoundly undemocratic gambit.” Donald Trump The post Donald Trump: National Review Slams Trump's Refusal To Concede As 'A Bid For ...

» "Mueller Report" - Google News: France reports 17,881 new confirmed Covid-19 cases in 24 hours - Yahoo News
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
France reports 17,881 new confirmed Covid-19 cases in 24 hours   Yahoo News "Mueller Report" - Google News

» Trumpism And Trump – “Mueller Report” – Google News: France reports 17,881 new confirmed Covid-19 cases in 24 hours – Yahoo News
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
France reports 17,881 new confirmed Covid-19 cases in 24 hours   Yahoo News “Mueller Report” – Google News The post "Mueller Report" - Google News: France reports 17,881 new confirmed Covid-19 cases in 24 hours - Yahoo News first appeare...

» Trumpism And Trump – Trump and FBI – News Review from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites): Russia News – Voice of America – English: VOA Learning English
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America – English: VOA Learning English first appeared on Russia News – . Russia News – Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites) Trump and FBI – New...

» Trumpism And Trump – Trump and FBI – News Review from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites): Russia News – Voice of America – English: VOA Learning English
21/11/20 15:26 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America – English: VOA Learning English first appeared on Russia News – . Russia News – Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites) Trump and FBI – New...

» Pompeo meets with Taliban negotiation team
21/11/20 14:47 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday met with a Taliban negotiating team led by Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar on the sidelines of continuing talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government in Qatar. (Nov. 21) Subscribe for mo...

» Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 sites): Google Alert - coronavirus epidemiology: Coronavirus update: 491 new COVID-19 cases identified Saturday, total rises to 19771
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Nov 21, Colombo: According to Epidemiology Unit of the Health Ministry, 491 new COVID-19 cases were reported so far on Saturday. Among the ... Google Alert - coronavirus epidemiology Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 si...

» Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 sites): Google Alert - covid -19 origins: Australia's trade clash with China is a lesson in what Beijing's power really means
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
When Australia calls for an inquiry into the origins of coronavirus without first ... some of his growth projections on China's rapid post- COVID recovery. Google Alert - covid -19 origins Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov ...

» Disease X-19 Origins from Michael_Novakhov (3 sites): Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins: Nova Scotia reports eight new cases of COVID-19, six cases under investigation
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
HALIFAX — Nova Scotia is reporting eight new cases of COVID-19 , six of which are under investigation for their origin . Public health officials say all of ... Google Alert - Sars-Cov-2 origins Disease X-19 Origins from Michael_Novakhov ...

» Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 sites): Google Alert - Coronavirus super-spreading events: Help is coming, just stay patient | Editorial
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
With the novel coronavirus spreading rapidly throughout Ohio and Lorain ... believes this effort will slow down the community spread of COVID -19. ... dire consequences because of the potential of being super spreader events , which ... ...

» Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 sites): Google Alert - coronavirus immunity: Child vaccines may protect against COVID-19, new Spanish study shows
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
In his study, published in Frontiers in Immunology , he accepts that older people are more likely to get infections because their immune systems have ... Google Alert - coronavirus immunity Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov...

» Disease X-19 and Security from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Google Alert - Coronavirus and US Navy: How COVID-19 has impacted American nursing homes
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Gavin Newsom ordered the transfer of some healthy nursing home residents to the U.S. Navy hospital ship Mercy at the Port of Los Angeles to avoid ... Google Alert - Coronavirus and US Navy Disease X-19 and Security from Michael_Novakhov ...

» Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 sites): Google Alert - Coronavirus super-spreading events: US reports nearly 200000 new coronavirus cases as more than 1500 people die daily
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Earlier this week, Dr. Henry Walke, the CDC's Covid -19 incident manager, said ... to be, this Thanksgiving will be the Super Bowl of superspreading events .” ... They'll be spread within the family further and to neighbors and friends.”...

» Disease X-19 Publications from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites): Google Alert - covid-19 in daily mail: Anti-lockdown protesters chanting 'freedom' clash with police as hundreds march through streets of ...
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Anti-lockdown protesters have clashed with police at marches today as hundreds took to the streets in a fight against coronavirus restrictions. Google Alert - covid-19 in daily mail Disease X-19 Publications from Michael_Novakhov (5 sites)

» Disease X-19 and Security from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Google Alert - coronavirus and mafia: Human trafficking: A scourge to humanity
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
They are a hub for spreading the coronavirus and human trafficking. ... where they are safe from the sex mafia and the families of the human traffickers. Google Alert - coronavirus and mafia Disease X-19 and Security from Michael_Novakho...

» Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 sites): Google Alert - covid-19 pandemic: Student Test Scores Drop in Math Since Covid-19 Pandemic
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
... behind in some grades in reading, according to one of the first reports on widely used tests since the coronavirus pandemic shut schools in March. Google Alert - covid-19 pandemic Disease X-19 Epidemiology from Michael_Novakhov (39 s...

» Disease X-19 and Security from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Google Alert - coronavirus and mafia: New Delhi, Nov 21 (PTI) These are the top stories from the northern region at 9 pm.
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
DES39 RJ-VIRUS-CASES COVID -19: 3,007 people in Rajasthan test positive Jaipur: Rajasthan reported 3,007 fresh cases of the coronavirus on ... Google Alert - coronavirus and mafia Disease X-19 and Security from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites)

» Voice of America – English: VOA Learning English
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: VOA Learning English first appeared on Russia News - .

» Voice of America – English: VOA Learning English
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: VOA Learning English first appeared on Russia News - .

» Voice of America – English: Issues in the News
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: Issues in the News first appeared on Russia News - .

» Voice of America – English: Issues in the News
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: Issues in the News first appeared on Russia News - .

» Voice of America – English: VOA Newscasts
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts first appeared on Russia News - .

» Voice of America – English: VOA Newscasts (2 Minute)
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts (2 Minute) first appeared on Russia News - .

» Voice of America – English: VOA Newscasts
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts first appeared on Russia News - .

» Voice of America – English: VOA Newscasts
21/11/20 14:46 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
Voice of America – English The post Voice of America - English: VOA Newscasts first appeared on Russia News - .

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Женщины. Произвольная программа. Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2020/21 - Rostelecom Cup
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 1:55:36 Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2020/21 Фигурное катание, Гран-при: самые интересные трансляции, выступления звезд мирового фигурного катания, лучшие прокаты сезона — смотрите в эфире и на сайте Первого канала. ...

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Елизавета Нугуманова. Произвольная программа. Женщины. Rostelecom Cup. Гран-при по фигурному катанию
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 07:17 Елизавета Нугуманова выступила с произвольной программой на московском этапе Гран-при 2020/21 и с суммарной оценкой в 191,52 балла заняла пятое итоговое место турнира.  Золото соревнований завоевала Елизавета Ту...

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Анастасия Гулякова. Произвольная программа. Женщины. Rostelecom Cup. Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 09:12 Анастасия Гулякова представила произвольную программу на московском этапе Гран-при 2020/21. По итогам двух соревновательных дней с суммарной оценкой 199,03 балла фигуристка отвоевала место в тройке сильнейших и ...

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Елизавета Туктамышева. Произвольная программа. Женщины. Rostelecom Cup. Гран-при по фигурному катани
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 07:59 Елизавета Туктамышева выступила с произвольной программой на московском этапе Гран-при 2020/21. Чисто исполнив прокат и все элементы ультра-си, чемпионка Европы 2015 года с суммарной оценкой в 223,39 балла завое...

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Александра Трусова. Произвольная программа. Женщины. Rostelecom Cup. Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 08:48 На московском этапе Гран-при 2020/21 Александра Трусова представила произвольную программу с самым сложным контентом. После допущенных ошибок на прыжках, фигуристка занимает четвертое итоговое место. Суммарная о...

» AlJazeeraEnglish's YouTube Videos: Burkina Faso voters fear election-day violence
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 02:17 Six million voters in Burkina Faso are preparing to elect their next president on Sunday. But there is concern that armed groups may target the polls. In the past year, violence and attacks on civil...

» AlJazeeraEnglish's YouTube Videos: Peru police accused of rights violations during protests
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 02:33 Human rights groups in Peru say there have been cases of police brutality during recent protests. Demonstrations have been taking place since former President Martin Vizcarra was impeached earlier t...

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Кто хочет стать миллионером? Выпуск от 21.11.2020
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 1:15:04 Телевикторина Первого канала «Кто хочет стать миллионером?» – аналог телеигры британского канала ITV1 «Who wants to be a millionaire?». Участники программы могут заработать три миллиона рублей, ответив на 15 в...

» AlJazeeraEnglish's YouTube Videos: Sentinel-6: SpaceX to launch satellite to track rising sea levels
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 02:31 How fast are sea levels rising? Scientists hope a new Earth observation satellite will help answer that question. The Sentinel-6 will launch later on Saturday - as part of a joint project between NA...

» AlJazeeraEnglish's YouTube Videos: Belarus opposition leader calls for foreign help to end unrest
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 03:11 Belarus's main opposition leader is now urging European neighbours to do more to end the political unrest in her country. Svetlana Tikhanovskaya is pushing for tougher measures against President Ale...

» AlJazeeraEnglish's YouTube Videos: Iran imposes nationwide COVID-19 restrictions but no lockdown
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 02:34 A slew of new restrictions, including partial lockdowns and curfews, came into effect across Iran on Saturday as an alarming surge in COVID-19 infections continues unabated. Authorities are closing ...

» deutschewellerussian's YouTube Videos: В Ереване критикуют Пашиняна и Путина
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: deutschewellerussian Duration: 01:27 В Армению приехала делегация из России: министры обороны, иностранных дел, здравоохранения, глава МЧС. В Ереване прошел новый митинг оппозиции. На акции открыто критиковали Россию и Владимира Пу...

» skynews's YouTube Videos: Trump rails against 'big pharma', fraud...and again claims he won the election
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: skynews Duration: 03:21 In one of his few public appearances since his election defeat, Donald Trump said, without evidence, that 'big pharma' had used negative advertising against him. Speaking in a White House news briefing, he s...

» 1tv's YouTube Videos: Произвольная программа. Пары. Rostelecom Cup. Гран-при по фигурному катанию 2020/21
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: 1tv Duration: 56:34 Спортивные пары представили произвольные программы на московском этапе Гран-при 2020/21. По итогам турнира с суммарной судейской оценкой в 232,56 балла Александра Бойкова и Дмитрий Козловский стали победителями ...

» AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos: Lebanon protests continue on Independence Day
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AssociatedPress Duration: 01:39 Protesters in Lebanon took to the streets in their cars on Saturday to mark the country's Independence Day, despite the ongoing coronavirus lockdown. (Nov. 21) Subscribe for more Breaking News: http:...

» AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos: Pompeo meets Afghan, Taliban reps for talks in Doha
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AssociatedPress Duration: 00:55 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Saturday met with Taliban and Afghan government representatives in Qatar for peace talks. (Nov. 21) Subscribe for more Breaking News:

» AssociatedPress's YouTube Videos: Lines for virus tests grow amid rising cases in NY
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
From: AssociatedPress Duration: 01:00 Long lines formed outside a testing site in New York late on Friday as US coronavirus cases soar and people seek tests ahead of Thanksgiving travel. (Nov. 21) Subscribe for more Breaking News: http:/...

» Нет "красных" и "синих": Байден воспользовался угрозой Трампа – Россия 24
21/11/20 13:34 from Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
"Смотрим" - . Подпишитесь на канал Россия24: На каком этапе разбирательства оказались США перед решающим понедельником? Последние новости России и мира, политика,...



Audio and Video from Mike Nova via Mike Nova on Inoreader
Did this factory in fact house the secret, clandestine human subjects bio research lab?
STUDY: Masks make no significant difference | Is the so called Covid-19 a bio-info weapon? - video
9:16 AM 11/21/2020 Headlines Video: Robert de Niro says Rudy Giuliani is representing a mob family
Sat, 21 Nov 2020 - Current Headlines Review from TNT: World Leaders Congratulate Biden
"The coronaviruss origins are still a mystery. We need a full investigation. WP Editorial
John Bolton on Trump leaving office: 'I do not expect him to go graciously' | ABC News - Video
NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says Afghanistan could become terrorist haven if troops withdraw
Trump, premature troop withdrawal, and Russian agenda - Audio
Trump, premature troop withdrawal, and Russian agenda - Video
Military analysis: In Nagorno-Karabakh, drones gave Azerbaijan huge advantage & showed future of war
Trump acknowledges for the first time that Biden won the election | Trumps debts and anger ...
The Shame of COINTELPRO: How the FBI Tried to Drive Martin Luther King to Suicide 7:11 AM 11/15/2020
Lack of transition coordination and Pentagon chaos could leave US vulnerable... 8:25 PM 11/14/2020
Selected News Articles 4:00 PM 11/14/2020 Man fatally shot in the head outside Brooklyn car shop
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Laya muestra su "compromiso firme" para "impulsar la economía de Senegal"
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:57:50 +0000

La ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, UE y Cooperación, Arancha González Laya, quien ha indicado que se ha firmado un acuerdo con Senegal por el que los ciudadanos senegaleses que residen en España podrán portar sus derechos de pensión a su país cuando lo deseen. "España tiene las puertas abiertas a la inmigración legal", ha añadido.

(Fuente: Min. Asuntos Ext.)

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Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
"Conspiracy Against US" - Google News: Federal judge issues withering decision against Trump campaign's Pennsylvania lawsuit -
Donald Trump: Trump's Legal Team Cried Voter Fraud, But Courts Found None
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: Trump and FBI News Review from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites): Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): Google Alert putin and trump investigations: How Trump Is Sabotaging His Legacy
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): donald trump russia Google News: US officially withdraws from Open Skies transparency pact Deutsche Welle
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: Google Alert facebook censorship: Trumps leaving office. Dont expect him to leave your news feed
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: Mueller Report Google News: Biden faces politically thorny decision on Trump prosecutions | TheHill The Hill
Медведева рассказала, что довольно тяжело перенесла заболевание
В Минске возобновили работу станции метро, закрытые перед акцией протеста
Teen couple arrested for spate of Brooklyn yellow school bus arson fires
The return of Sammy the Bull ... on social media! Ex-Gambino family underboss back on Instagram ...
Man killed in high-speed crash on Belt Parkway in Brooklyn
Rabbi Chaim Shaikevitz, 61, Pillar of Jewish Community in Milan, Italy
Man slashed in the face on Brooklyn subway platform: police
Driver speeding on Brooklyn parkway fatally crashes into tree
WEEK IN NEWS: Storied suspect, transit cuts, firebug, screening suit
Motorcyclist dies in crash on Queens expressway
NYC Dead Stay in Freezer Trucks Set Up During Spring Covid-19 Surge
Biggest Losers of NBA Free Agency: New York Knicks
New York City Hit a 3% Positive Test Rate. Or Did It?
Laya muestra su "compromiso firme" para "impulsar la economía de Senegal"
Mike Nova's articles on Inoreader
"Conspiracy Against US" - Google News: Federal judge issues withering decision against Trump campaign's Pennsylvania lawsuit -
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:59:19 +0000
Federal judge issues withering decision against Trump campaign's Pennsylvania lawsuit

6835735"Conspiracy Against US" - Google News
Donald Trump: Trump's Legal Team Cried Voter Fraud, But Courts Found None
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:59:19 +0000
Judges have uniformly rejected the Trump team's claims of voter fraud and found the campaign's legal work amateurish.


6458218Donald Trump
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: Trump and FBI News Review from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites): Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): Google Alert putin and trump investigations: How Trump Is Sabotaging His Legacy
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:59:19 +0000
Even a few days ago, friends of Donald Trump could have told him consumed by Justice Department investigations of Trumpa gesture which also 

7372752Google Alert putin and trump investigations

6781180Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites)

6919734Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites)

7771874Trump and FBI News Review from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites)

8003431Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader

The post Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader: Trump and FBI - News Review from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): Counterintelligence from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites): Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): Google Alert - putin and trump investigations: How Trump Is Sabotaging His Legacy first appeared on Trump Investigations -

7441751Trump Investigations

7771882Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): donald trump russia Google News: US officially withdraws from Open Skies transparency pact Deutsche Welle
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:59:19 +0000
US officially withdraws from Open Skies transparency pact  Deutsche Welle

6469805donald trump russia Google News

65975551. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites)

8003431Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader

The post Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader: 1. Trump from Michael_Novakhov (197 sites): "donald trump russia" - Google News: US officially withdraws from Open Skies transparency pact - Deutsche Welle first appeared on Trump Investigations -

7441751Trump Investigations

7771882Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: Google Alert facebook censorship: Trumps leaving office. Dont expect him to leave your news feed
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:59:19 +0000
on Twitter and Facebook to manage his most explosive and rule-breaking claims. Under fire from Republicans for allegedly censoring conservative 

7456533Google Alert facebook censorship

8003431Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader

The post Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader: Google Alert - facebook censorship: Trump's leaving office. Don't expect him to leave your news feed first appeared on Trump Investigations -

7441751Trump Investigations

7771882Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites): Trump Investigations Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: Mueller Report Google News: Biden faces politically thorny decision on Trump prosecutions | TheHill The Hill
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:59:19 +0000
Biden faces politically thorny decision on Trump prosecutions | TheHill  The Hill

7427409Mueller Report Google News

8003431Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader

The post Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader: "Mueller Report" - Google News: Biden faces politically thorny decision on Trump prosecutions | TheHill - The Hill first appeared on Trump Investigations -

7441751Trump Investigations

7771882Trump from Michael_Novakhov (8 sites)
Медведева рассказала, что довольно тяжело перенесла заболевание
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:47 +0000
Подробности болезни фигуристка опустила, отметив, что у нее были осложнения из-за проблем со спиной и сильная простуда.
В Минске возобновили работу станции метро, закрытые перед акцией протеста
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:47 +0000
По данным белорусских правозащитников, к настоящему времени известно о задержании более 100 человек, участвующих в акции протеста в Минске.
Teen couple arrested for spate of Brooklyn yellow school bus arson fires
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
Teen couple arrested for spate of Brooklyn yellow school bus arson fires. By Wes Parnell. New York Daily News |. Nov 22, 2020 at 9:26 AM.
The return of Sammy the Bull ... on social media! Ex-Gambino family underboss back on Instagram ...
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
It's a new world for the Brooklyn-born Mafioso who admitted to 19 gangland rub-outs before ... I still know a lot of people in the Mafia out of New York.
Man killed in high-speed crash on Belt Parkway in Brooklyn
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
Man killed in high-speed crash on Belt Parkway in Brooklyn ... to stay up-to-date on the latest coronavirus news throughout New York City. Speed killed again on the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn early Sunday when a 31-year-man lost ...
Rabbi Chaim Shaikevitz, 61, Pillar of Jewish Community in Milan, Italy
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
... Shaikevitz (Rome); Rabbi Yechezkel Shaikevitz (BrooklynN.Y.); Chana Heller (BrooklynN.Y.); Freida Wilchanksy (Milan); Hena Gurevitch (Lyon, ...
Man slashed in the face on Brooklyn subway platform: police
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
BROOKLYNN.Y. A man waiting for the subway was slashed in the face in an apparent random attack on Saturday, police said. The incident at a ...
Driver speeding on Brooklyn parkway fatally crashes into tree
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
A driver speeding on a Brooklyn parkway died after he lost control and crashed into a tree early Sunday, cops said. (Luiz C Ribeiro/for New York Daily ...
WEEK IN NEWS: Storied suspect, transit cuts, firebug, screening suit
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
High-profile history: An accused Brooklyn gun runner was once acquitted of a high profile Manhattan murder ... (Wes Parnell/for New York Daily News).
Motorcyclist dies in crash on Queens expressway
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
... lost control near the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway ramp in Maspeth about 12:05 a.m., police said. ... (Gardiner Anderson/for New York Daily News).
NYC Dead Stay in Freezer Trucks Set Up During Spring Covid-19 Surge
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
... hundreds of people who died in New York City during the Covid-19 surge in the spring are still in storage in freezer trucks on the Brooklyn waterfront ...
Biggest Losers of NBA Free Agency: New York Knicks
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
The New York Knicks have done what they do best. ... those windows, the free agents end up going to competent organizations like the Brooklyn Nets.
New York City Hit a 3% Positive Test Rate. Or Did It?
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:58:43 +0000
The mayor of New York shut down public schools at 3 percent. ... These zones were used for severe outbreaks in Brooklyn in October, leading to ...
Laya muestra su "compromiso firme" para "impulsar la economía de Senegal"
Sun, 22 Nov 2020 14:57:50 +0000

La ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, UE y Cooperación, Arancha González Laya, quien ha indicado que se ha firmado un acuerdo con Senegal por el que los ciudadanos senegaleses que residen en España podrán portar sus derechos de pensión a su país cuando lo deseen. "España tiene las puertas abiertas a la inmigración legal", ha añadido.

(Fuente: Min. Asuntos Ext.)

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