
Who really is Vladislav Klyushin? Who is Artyom (or Artem) Klyushin, who reportedly “gave Trump instructions via Tweets”? Is this the same person? - Russia News Review

Who really is Vladislav Klyushin? Who is Artyom (or Artem) Klyushin, who reportedly “gave Trump instructions via Tweets”? Is this the same person? - Russia News Review Tuesday January 4 th , 2022  at  12:37 PM Russia News Review 1 Share The more I read, on the Web of course, about Vladislav Klyushin, the more confusing and murky it becomes, possibly by the deliberate design (of the GRU?).  The following is the list of the Google Search terms, the only source of the publicly available information.  Who really is  Vladislav Klyushin ?  Who is  Artyom Klyushin  (also spelled  Artem Klyushin ), who reportedly “ gave Trump instructions via Tweets “? See  Debunking the Artem Klyushin Mystique .  They look similar.  Is this the same person?  Are they related, e.g. brothers, etc.?  Who is  Yulia Alferova-Klyushina , in whom Trump reportedly  was romantically interested during his visit to Moscow? Yulia and Artem wer...

Отпустили почирикать ... Значит это было кому-то нужно? Кому и зачем? | The draft for the Group Portrait with the focus on Vladislav Klyushin: They sent him to Amertica to chirp (but not to tweet any more) and sing. Does this mean, that someone in the Kremlin needed to do that? Why, and what for? What is their plan and strategy?

Отпустили почирикать ... Значит это было кому-то нужно?  Кому и зачем? The draft for the Group Portrait with the focus on Vladislav Klyushin: They sent him to Amertica to chirp (but not to tweet any more) and sing. Does this mean, that someone in the Kremlin needed to do that? Why, and what for? What is their plan and strategy?  Tweets   by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov Артём Клюшин и Эмин Агаларов - Google Search https://   37 m   Michael Novakhov @mikenov This boy likes to pose; non-Russian eyes, actor, performer, liar, psychopath, very likely in GRU (see his tweets) ... артём клюшин - Google Search https://   41 m    Michael Novakhov Retweeted The Hill ✔ @thehill "I was there Jan. 6: We need to counter foreign influence as well as address domestic division" ( @ TheHillOpinion ) http://   50 m   Michael Novakhov @mikenov Ещё недавно Юля была замужем и носила фамилию муж...