Who was behind October 7? My Opinion: Putin and the GRU. As some seasoned observers said, "Putin’s fingerprints are all over the Hamas attack".

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Who was behind October 7?

OSINT Review suggests that Putin and GRU were. I suggested that it might be the retaliation for the downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane, among other things. The role of Mossad, and specifically of Yossi Cohen have to be addressed. The POGROM-like style, and the anti-gay feature, in line with the Putin's -ROC "defense of the (mythical) traditional values" of this highly professionally prepared military operation are obvious and telling. The security lapses (non-visa status, very likely infiltration of the Israeli security structures) played their roles also. I think, the overall responsibility falls on Netanyahu and his well wishing but deeply naive political relationship with Putin, which unravelled with this Big Bang. Now he tries to hide and to minimize this circumstance. He has to go. The future historians will study and analyze October 7 in details, based on all the available data. - IDF to publish Israeli probe into October 7 massacre this summer - The Jerusalem Post jpost.com/israel-hamas-w



Putin’s fingerprints are all over the Hamas attack

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There was only one real winner last Saturday when war broke out in Israel — Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Putin’s enabling of his “Arsenals of Evil” ally, Iran, resulted in the opening of a new front in Gaza in his war against the West.  

Mitt Romney got it right in 2012 when he told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that “Russia [is] without question, our number one geopolitical foe. … They fight every cause for the world’s worst actors.”

Later, during a presidential debate, Barack Obama responded to Romney, “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”

But this is not your 1980’s Russia — it is worse. Under Putin’s leadership, it has militantly sought to restore its prominence and establish a new global order in its likeness.

There was never going to be a Russia reset. And the ramifications of failed Russia policy has been on full display for the last 11 years — under both Republican and Democratic presidential leadership.

Russia has fomented discord, violence and division throughout the Sahel, the Black Sea, the Middle East, the Balkans and the Baltic States. It has done so by sowing disinformation through social media platforms, by direct interventions and by funding and training insurgents to overthrow governments through the use of mercenaries such as PMC Wagner.

Moscow has brutally suppressed uprisings in Chechnya and Syria, supported insurrections in Niger and Sudan, illegally annexed “Russian-speaking” territories in Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Crimea, and, in February 2022, launched its “special military operation” in Ukraine — so far a failure that threatens Putin’s aspirations. 

He needed a distraction, and last weekend he got it.

The Kremlin’s surreptitious activities resurfaced in a surprise attack on Israel by the terrorist group Hamas, code-named Operation Al-Aqsa. Israel’s ambassador to Germany, Ron Prosor, described the attack as “the single deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.”

It was a multi-domain assault — air, land, sea, and cyber. Well beyond the recognized capabilities of Hamas, fueling speculation that the terrorist organization received direct support from Iran, and likely from Russia as well.

The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal confirmed the speculation with respect to Iran. Both reported that Hamas “began planning the assault at least a year ago, with key support from Iranian allies who provided military training and logistical help as well as tens of millions of dollars for weapons” — and greenlighted the operation last week in Beirut. They also reported officers from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had trained Hamas.

Putin also likely saw an opening after Congress passed its 45-day continuing resolution last week that provided no additional funding for Ukraine.

Now Israel, a historic and strategic ally in the Middle East, is under attack, facing its own 9/11, just as Russian forces in Ukraine are teetering on the edge of defeat in the Donbas and Crimea. Coincidence? Had the White House, while publicly supporting Ukraine, unwittingly painted itself into Putin’s corner?

The evidence for Russian involvement in this atrocity is circumstantial but present. Putin benefited from leveraging Hamas to incite terror and generate an Israeli response to distract the U.S. government from supporting Ukraine, and he used Iran to achieve his end.

Russia’s relationship with Iran — a principal supporter of Hamas — suggests a more nefarious relationship.

Hamas leaders traveled to Moscow in March 2023, where according to the Russian Foreign Ministry, their meeting “touched on Russia’s unchanged position in support of a just solution to the Palestinian problem.” More recently, Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh was in Moscow on Sept. 10. At the time, Hillel Frisch, a senior fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, thought the purpose of the meeting was “to signal [Moscow’s] displeasure with Israel, perhaps in relation to Ukraine.” 

Given the events of Oct. 7, a more likely explanation would be that he back-briefed the Kremlin on Hamas’s final preparations for the attack timed to take place on Putin’s 71st birthday — a quid pro quo.

Other activities suggest Russian support and organization.

According to the Ukrainian Center of National Resistance, members of PMC Wagner, who left Belarus for Africa, allegedly participated in the training of Hamas militants on “assault tactics and the use of small unmanned aerial vehicles to drop explosive devices onto vehicles and other targets.”

Israeli government and media websites were repeatedly targeted with distributed denial-of-service attacks — “a type of cyberattack that floods websites with traffic and forces them offline” — by hacking groups associated with Russia and allied with Hamas. Killnet and Anonymous Sudan claimed they had brought down multiple Israeli websites, including those of Israel’s security agency, Shin Bet and the Jerusalem Post.

A Russian disinformation campaign was launched immediately trying to associate weapons found in Gaza, used by Hamas to slaughter innocent civilians in Israel, with “Western-donated weapons” to Ukraine, implying that they had been sold on the black market to Hamas, in an attempt to “erode support for Ukraine.”

Finally, shortly after the initial attack, there was a call by Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova for Palestine and Israel to “implement an immediate ceasefire, renounce violence, exercise the necessary restraint and establish, with the assistance of the international community, a negotiation process aimed at establishing a comprehensive, lasting and long-awaited peace in the Middle East.”

After 20 months of the Biden administration providing Ukraine just enough military aid to survive, the Kremlin likely created conditions in Israel to divide the U.S., allowing disinformation to seep within the American political fabric, designed to create dissension and paralysis while placing doubt in the minds of America’s allies. 

The administration must now support two crises, Ukraine and Israel, while managing a Chinese threat to Taiwan and a North Korean threat to South Korea and Japan. It will not be able to pivot its way out of this.

The National Security team that got the U.S. into this predicament is not the team Washington needs to get us out of it. Bold and resolute solutions are required. The administration can continue to battle the hydra, or it can cut off its immortal head.

That requires a Russia-first strategy — a decision that helps Ukraine actually win, while setting conditions for Israel’s security.

Defending Israel is a top priority. The White House must strike a balance that meets Israel’s and Ukraine’s needs. The White House is trying to tie military aid to both together, and that is a step in the right direction. 

But it must provide Ukraine with what it needs to win — namely, precision deep strike weapons and munitions, fighter jets, HIMARS-delivered cluster munitions, and engineering equipment to breach minefields and obstacles.

As Hamas continues its relentless rocket assault on Israel, the U.S. must sustain the Iron Dome missile defense system, while leveraging American military assets, including the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford carrier task force, to keep Hezbollah and other potential regional adversaries in check.

In March, Biden got it right in Warsaw when he exclaimed, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” A Russian defeat in Ukraine would likely bring an end to the Putin regime, and the cancer it propagates throughout the world — including Hamas.

Jonathan Sweet, a retired Army colonel and 30-year military intelligence officer, led the U.S. European Command Intelligence Engagement Division from 2012 to 2014. Mark Toth is an economist, entrepreneur, and former board member of the World Trade Center, St. Louis. 

Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Putin and GRU were behind October 7 



Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter

Tweets - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com
@IntelCube: RT by @mikenov: 🇮🇷 The Iranian regime is forming a united front against Israel and the United States that includes armed Shiite and Sunni proxy from Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria and has even encouraged Jordanian Palestinians to join.
🇮🇷 The Iranian regime is forming a united front against Israel and the United States that includes armed Shiite and Sunni proxy from Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria and has even encouraged Jordanian Palestinians to join. pic.twitter.com/63bjE0g7K8— IntelCube (@IntelCube) June 26, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Hezbollah fired five anti-tank missiles at Metulla in the last hour, three of which landed inside the town. jpost.com/breaking-news/…
Hezbollah fired five anti-tank missiles at Metulla in the last hour, three of which landed inside the town.https://t.co/xWo9c2YID1— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Study and analyze October 7 in details, based on all the available data - Google Search google.com/search?q=Study… csis.org/analysis/hamas…
Study and analyze October 7 in details, based on all the available data - Google Search https://t.co/9fu2LnmudY https://t.co/VR8gtoqCG9— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Netanyahu and Putin - Google Search google.com/search?q=netan… haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
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@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Under far-right minister Ben-Gvir, Israel Prison Service conceals the fact it reduces rations for Palestinian prisoners, sources say haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
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@mikenov: Non-visa status, very likely infiltration of the Israeli security structures, and October 7 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Non-v…
Non-visa status, very likely infiltration of the Israeli security structures, and October 7 - Google Search https://t.co/os3Cu7pNOO— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Non-visa status, very likely infiltration of the Israeli security structures, and October 7 - GS google.com/search?q=Non-v… reuters.com/world/middle-e…
Non-visa status, very likely infiltration of the Israeli security structures, and October 7 - GS https://t.co/os3Cu7pNOO https://t.co/tl4mHoxoOL— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
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@FrankFigliuzzi1: RT by @mikenov: This is a win for national security and a loss for adversaries posting disinformation and propaganda: Supreme Court allows White House to press social media companies to remove disinformation
This is a win for national security and a loss for adversaries posting disinformation and propaganda: Supreme Court allows White House to press social media companies to remove disinformation | CNN Politics https://t.co/4DlXJx7gh8— Frank Figliuzzi (@FrankFigliuzzi1) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: The security lapses in October 7
The security lapses in October 7 - GS https://t.co/lYhFPct1uV https://t.co/wVVpPY5cZG— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: The security lapses in October 7
The security lapses in October 7 - Google Search https://t.co/lYhFPct1uV— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: October 7 was a highly professionally prepared military operation - GS google.com/search?q=Octob… mwi.westpoint.edu/what-went-wron…
October 7 was a highly professionally prepared military operation - GS https://t.co/tVUULnXoh4 https://t.co/Wks7ifOOuv— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Putin's - ROC "defense of the (mythical) traditional values" - GS google.com/search?q=Putin… reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/pulpit-propaga…
Putin's - ROC "defense of the (mythical) traditional values" - GS https://t.co/1nyb7LAuKv https://t.co/euspeadTHs— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: The POGROM-like style, and the anti-gay feature of October 7
The POGROM-like style, and the anti-gay feature of October 7 - GS https://t.co/nk3uRLdUsd pic.twitter.com/CtOkWbIpF5— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Mossad, Yossi Cohen, and downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane
Mossad, Yossi Cohen, and downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane - GS https://t.co/bWOWEBRxNo pic.twitter.com/iLfjpxBaUQ— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Mossad, Yossi Cohen, and downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane
Mossad, Yossi Cohen, and downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane - GS https://t.co/aMLx15JfpC— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane - Google Search google.com/search?q=downi… timesofisrael.com/russia-all-cau…
downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane - Google Search https://t.co/5bZAUw37eD https://t.co/BEjPDgI0Eg— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: GRU and October 7
GRU and October 7 - GS https://t.co/ZSTeEweVcF pic.twitter.com/fFZkD8Cavz— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
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Prominent Israeli figures including former PM and ex-Mossad chief pen op-ed in New York Times urging Congress to nix Netanyahu's planned address / @RachelSFink https://t.co/DnzlTVWTMI— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: GRU and October 7 - GS google.com/search?q=GRU+a… x.com/mikenov/status… x.com/mikenov/status…
GRU and October 7 - GS https://t.co/S2Nb5k78nE https://t.co/60EcV17kSrhttps://t.co/60EcV17kSr— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Putin and October 7
Putin and October 7 - GS https://t.co/sdZ1M0stWP https://t.co/6dJzebgz1w— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: The Netanyahu doctrine has failed and is now endangering Israel's security / Amos Harel haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
The Netanyahu doctrine has failed and is now endangering Israel's security / Amos Harel https://t.co/vQRcpFgP8f— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… October 7 #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org thenewsandtimes.com…
https://t.co/CFtA63pJ5KOctober 7 #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzMhttps://t.co/DO5LG3PY4T…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Who was behind October 7? OSINT Review suggests that Putin and GRU were. I suggested that it might be the retaliation for the downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane, among other things. The role of Mossad, and specifically of Yossi Cohen have to be addressed. The POGROM-like…
Who was behind October 7? OSINT Review suggests that Putin and GRU were. I suggested that it might be the retaliation for the downing of the Alexandrov Ensemble plane, among other things. The role of Mossad, and specifically of Yossi Cohen have to be addressed. The POGROM-like… pic.twitter.com/Vq2jjomEXv— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Israel's diaspora minister takes pride in "excellent contact" with France's far-right National Rally party haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
Israel's diaspora minister takes pride in "excellent contact" with France's far-right National Rally partyhttps://t.co/ebpy823o3c— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 26, 2024
@carlosgordoiza: RT by @mikenov: También hay que tener en cuenta que la fundadora de #Metabiota, propiedad de #Biden, es #GhislaineMaxwell y el afiliado de #Clinton, el virólogo #NathanWolfe... #Mossad
También hay que tener en cuenta que la fundadora de #Metabiota, propiedad de #Biden, es #GhislaineMaxwell y el afiliado de #Clinton, el virólogo #NathanWolfe...#Mossad https://t.co/ty7r755fXK— Carlos Gordo Iza #FreePalestine PalestinaLibre (@carlosgordoiza) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: putin icc arrest warrant
putin icc arrest warrant - Google Search https://t.co/8LtReNHyz8 pic.twitter.com/5bDhTEllFM— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Does Olaf Scholz model himself on Lenin?
Does Olaf Scholz model himself on Lenin? - GS https://t.co/PxG0Y5DRBv pic.twitter.com/aLSVd0zwnP— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский посетил район боевых действий в Донбассе. Его сопровождали главнокомандующий ВСУ Александр Сырский и назначенный на днях на должность командующего Объединенными силами ВСУ бригадный генерал Андрей Гнатов. Зеленский встретился с солдатами и…
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский посетил район боевых действий в Донбассе. Его сопровождали главнокомандующий ВСУ Александр Сырский и назначенный на днях на должность командующего Объединенными силами ВСУ бригадный генерал Андрей Гнатов.Зеленский встретился с солдатами и… pic.twitter.com/wS8zC3Pvs8— DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 26, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: ICC issues arrest warrants for Putin's allies; Zelenskyy: "We want to see them behind bars" haaretz.com/world-news/eur…
ICC issues arrest warrants for Putin's allies; Zelenskyy: "We want to see them behind bars"https://t.co/rzXZOw8vNZ— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: Chet Baker's Strange Death youtube.com/shorts/aee5Sy8… via @YouTube
Chet Baker's Strange Death https://t.co/REOH5FDm2i via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: youtube.com/watch?v=mWjtZ3…
https://t.co/l8UiBgAwde— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Послы стран Европейского Союза в среду в Брюсселе приняли новые ограничительные меры в отношении режима Лукашенко. "За последние месяцы стало очевидно, что основной обход санкций в отношении РФ происходит через Беларусь, - указал дипломатический источник DW в Брюсселе.
Послы стран Европейского Союза в среду в Брюсселе приняли новые ограничительные меры в отношении режима Лукашенко. "За последние месяцы стало очевидно, что основной обход санкций в отношении РФ происходит через Беларусь, - указал дипломатический источник DW в Брюсселе. - Когда мы… pic.twitter.com/sbc6qqDCJB— DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 26, 2024...
@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: Bild: Missile debris on Sevastopol beach speaks of Russian air defense work Rockets rained down on Sevastopol's Uchkuyevka beach in occupied Crimea on Sunday. Four people were killed and more than 150 were injured. Initially, the Russian side said that the AFU attacked…
Bild: Missile debris on Sevastopol beach speaks of Russian air defense work Rockets rained down on Sevastopol's Uchkuyevka beach in occupied Crimea on Sunday. Four people were killed and more than 150 were injured. Initially, the Russian side said that the AFU attacked… pic.twitter.com/4gBVavRZ7p— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) June 26, 2024
@KyivPost: RT by @mikenov: ⚡️The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr #Zelensky, enacted the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of #Ukraine "On the creation of the Unmanned Systems Forces as a separate branch within the structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." 📷: AFP
⚡️The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr #Zelensky, enacted the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of #Ukraine "On the creation of the Unmanned Systems Forces as a separate branch within the structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."📷: AFP pic.twitter.com/q6ZW1fPDuY— KyivPost (@KyivPost) June 26, 2024
@Enezator: RT @Enezator: Omg https://t.co/H3Xyl9HqsE
Omg pic.twitter.com/H3Xyl9HqsE— Enez Özen (@Enezator) June 25, 2024
@CurrentTimeTv: RT by @mikenov: Кости Хейсканен играет роль финского журналиста в прокремлевских СМИ. Он рассказывает о демократии в России, жуткой русофобии в Европе и "идиотах и маразматиках" на Западе. Однако журналисты Insider выяснили, что Хейсканен – на самом деле уроженец Ленинграда Константин Лебедев
Кости Хейсканен играет роль финского журналиста в прокремлевских СМИ. Он рассказывает о демократии в России, жуткой русофобии в Европе и "идиотах и маразматиках" на Западе.Однако журналисты Insider выяснили, что Хейсканен – на самом деле уроженец Ленинграда Константин Лебедев pic.twitter.com/yJ4vxmvuZI— Настоящее Время (@CurrentTimeTv) June 25, 2024...
@politvidchannel: RT by @mikenov: BREAKING: Ghislaine Maxwell is planning to reveal everything she knows about Trump
BREAKING: Ghislaine Maxwell is planning to reveal everything she knows about Trump pic.twitter.com/t861xkfDq9— PoliticsVideoChannel (@politvidchannel) June 25, 2024
@fakeofforg: RT by @mikenov: Путин заявил: “Все считают, что Россия начала войну в Украине. Но никто, я хочу это подчеркнуть. Никто на Западе в Европе, не хочет вспоминать, с чего началась эта трагедия. Она началась с государственного переворота в Украине. Антиконституционного государственного переворота.…
Путин заявил: “Все считают, что Россия начала войну в Украине. Но никто, я хочу это подчеркнуть. Никто на Западе в Европе, не хочет вспоминать, с чего началась эта трагедия. Она началась с государственного переворота в Украине. Антиконституционного государственного переворота.… pic.twitter.com/hgWM1lBmHs— FAKE OFF (@fakeofforg) June 25, 2024
@Gerashchenko_en: RT by @mikenov: The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has banned more than 80 European newspapers and websites in Russia: ▪️ French - Agence France-Presse (AFP), Le Monde, Liberation, LCI, La Croix, Lexpress, Radio France, CNews, Arte; ▪️ Italian - LA7 and RAI TV, La Stampa, La Repubblica;…
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has banned more than 80 European newspapers and websites in Russia:▪️ French - Agence France-Presse (AFP), Le Monde, Liberation, LCI, La Croix, Lexpress, Radio France, CNews, Arte;▪️ Italian - LA7 and RAI TV, La Stampa, La Repubblica;… pic.twitter.com/E5yhjY7bYg— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) June 25,...
@BBCWorld: RT by @mikenov: Abe Lincoln wax replica melts in brutal DC heat bbc.in/45BcULr
Abe Lincoln wax replica melts in brutal DC heat https://t.co/OFBO3R6iuw— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 25, 2024
@BBCWorld: RT by @mikenov: Russia blocks 81 EU media outlets in retaliatory move bbc.in/3KYuM9n
Russia blocks 81 EU media outlets in retaliatory move https://t.co/3GnTvxgIIi— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… The Red Square Floggings Are Coming! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…
https://t.co/Hh9BezrCE8The Red Square Floggings Are Coming! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/JuliaDavisNews… Flog Putin! Publicly, in Red Square! Flog the entire Duma! Flog all the Russian elites! Regularly, once a month! This is the way to consolidate the Putin's Mongol-Tatar Russian Slaves even further! And make a good movie out of it!
https://t.co/i142cdyuNRFlog Putin! Publicly, in Red Square! Flog the entire Duma! Flog all the Russian elites! Regularly, once a month!This is the way to consolidate the Putin's Mongol-Tatar Russian Slaves even further! And make a good movie out of it! pic.twitter.com/StTuYgBYiV— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/Gerashchenko_e… The Information War is lost by Russia. The conventional war will be lost by them soon. #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин,…
https://t.co/6u9OT6cc0FThe Information War is lost by Russia. The conventional war will be lost by them soon. #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин,…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@VaticanNews: RT by @mikenov: Gospel of the Day (Matthew 7,15-20) "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them." vaticannews.va/en/word-of-the…
Gospel of the Day (Matthew 7,15-20)"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. By their fruits you will know them."https://t.co/9rCqdddRP7 pic.twitter.com/8EtoC6448K— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) June 26, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: A Channel 12 News poll predicted that if Knesset elections were held today, Netanyahu's coalition parties would secure only 47 seats, while opposition parties would win 73 haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
A Channel 12 News poll predicted that if Knesset elections were held today, Netanyahu's coalition parties would secure only 47 seats, while opposition parties would win 73 https://t.co/vckrvr6rL8— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 26, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Основатель WikiLeaks Джулиан Ассанж в среду был освобожден Федеральным окружным судом США на острове Сайпан после того, как в рамках сделки с американскими властями признал себя виновным в нарушении закона о шпионаже. Ассанж вскоре вылетит домой в Австралию. В ходе заседания…
Основатель WikiLeaks Джулиан Ассанж в среду был освобожден Федеральным окружным судом США на острове Сайпан после того, как в рамках сделки с американскими властями признал себя виновным в нарушении закона о шпионаже. Ассанж вскоре вылетит домой в Австралию.В ходе заседания… pic.twitter.com/Vz0IXhzzk7— DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 26, 2024
@CBSNews: RT by @mikenov: Sixteen of the world's most notable economists — all Nobel Prize winners — are warning that former President Donald Trump could stoke inflation if he wins the presidency in November and moves forward with his economic plans. cbsn.ws/3xz6jo4
Sixteen of the world's most notable economists — all Nobel Prize winners — are warning that former President Donald Trump could stoke inflation if he wins the presidency in November and moves forward with his economic plans. https://t.co/JRbXTuje2F— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 26, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: В Киеве прокомментировали план урегулирования военного конфликта в Украине, представленный двумя советниками экс-президента США Дональда Трампа - генерал-лейтенантом в отставке Китом Келлогом и Фредом Флейтцем. "Украина имеет абсолютно четкое понимание, и оно прописано в формуле…
В Киеве прокомментировали план урегулирования военного конфликта в Украине, представленный двумя советниками экс-президента США Дональда Трампа - генерал-лейтенантом в отставке Китом Келлогом и Фредом Флейтцем."Украина имеет абсолютно четкое понимание, и оно прописано в формуле… pic.twitter.com/HGyGvxPXvb— DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 26, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Over the last 76 years, there hasn't been a single Israeli, before or after Golda Meir, who has caused such damage to Israel's security as Netanyahu, the self-proclaimed "Mr. Security," has / Yossi Verter haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
Over the last 76 years, there hasn't been a single Israeli, before or after Golda Meir, who has caused such damage to Israel's security as Netanyahu, the self-proclaimed "Mr. Security," has / Yossi Verterhttps://t.co/JNW0BngWHO— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Top Court Ruling on Haredi Draft Law Sends ultra-Orthodox Parties Scrambling, and Puts Netanyahu's Coalition at Risk - Israel News - Haaretz.com haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
Top Court Ruling on Haredi Draft Law Sends ultra-Orthodox Parties Scrambling, and Puts Netanyahu's Coalition at Risk - Israel News - https://t.co/XxpCVpymul https://t.co/7My4DdaQCB— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 26, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Россия и Украина обменялись военнопленными по формуле "90 на 90". Об этом 25 июня сообщили власти двух стран. Посредником в переговорном процессе выступили Объединенные Арабские Эмираты. Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский указал, что из плена вернулись бойцы Национальной…
Россия и Украина обменялись военнопленными по формуле "90 на 90". Об этом 25 июня сообщили власти двух стран. Посредником в переговорном процессе выступили Объединенные Арабские Эмираты. Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский указал, что из плена вернулись бойцы Национальной… pic.twitter.com/KoAubK0VYu— DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 26, 2024
@mikenov: https://t.co/bw43cYjhWC From Ultra to Normal! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers https://t.co/O0SIgLWupk
https://t.co/bw43cYjhWCFrom Ultra to Normal! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLWupk…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@OccupyDemocrats: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Donald Trump gets slammed with nightmare news as a watchdog groups files a massive criminal bribery complain…
BREAKING: Donald Trump gets slammed with nightmare news as a watchdog groups files a massive criminal bribery complaint against him with the Justice Department.This is a five alarm emergency for MAGA...Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed the… pic.twitter.com/Tzdny8CLpa— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) June 24, 2024...
@pravda_eng: RT @pravda_eng: 🧠 If Russia's concerned about casualties, they should stop this war – Pentagon on strikes on Crimea https://t.co/L7Zhrnzr3o
🧠 If Russia's concerned about casualties, they should stop this war – Pentagon on strikes on Crimea https://t.co/L7Zhrnzr3o— Ukrainska Pravda in English (@pravda_eng) June 25, 2024
@OccupyDemocrats: RT @OccupyDemocrats: BREAKING: Bombshell new report reveals that Donald Trump personally traveled to Mar-a-Lago to check "on the boxes" jus…
BREAKING: Bombshell new report reveals that Donald Trump personally traveled to Mar-a-Lago to check "on the boxes" just weeks before the FBI raided the estate to seize illegally smuggled classified documents.And it gets so much worse...According to ABC News, the previously… pic.twitter.com/mn8Zruwvax— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) June 24, 2024...
@Forsvarsmakten: RT @Forsvarsmakten: Important meeting today between Lieutenant General Michael Claesson and MGA Admiral Pierre Vandier. Fruitful discussion…
Important meeting today between Lieutenant General Michael Claesson and MGA Admiral Pierre Vandier. Fruitful discussions about security in the Baltics, deterrence and Sweden’s role in NATO. Swedish-French military cooperation is strong, and is getting stronger. #NATO #WeAreNATO pic.twitter.com/ZmlMc5XgER— Försvarsmakten (@Forsvarsmakten) June 24, 2024...
@nypmetro: RT @nypmetro: Tal Alexander, third real-estate-dynasty brother to face rape allegations, steps away from his firm https://t.co/CAEqeCbvZL h…
Tal Alexander, third real-estate-dynasty brother to face rape allegations, steps away from his firm https://t.co/CAEqeCbvZL pic.twitter.com/edSpnBTLFp— New York Post Metro (@nypmetro) June 25, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT @haaretzcom: Gantz isn't daring to publicly oppose a ground op in Lebanon because he fears losing votes from the center-right. But along…
Gantz isn't daring to publicly oppose a ground op in Lebanon because he fears losing votes from the center-right. But along the way, he is losing a much more important asset – leadership | Opinion | @RavivDrucker https://t.co/ocRBsg9cCV— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) June 25, 2024
@OCCRP: RT @OCCRP: 🇬🇷 NEW: Greek authorities are investigating whether fireworks launched from a yacht caused a brush fire. Kazakh elites were on b…
🇬🇷 NEW: Greek authorities are investigating whether fireworks launched from a yacht caused a brush fire. Kazakh elites were on board, and left the following day by private jet.https://t.co/Ny4Vi0oTIk pic.twitter.com/iw3NEczPSe— Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (@OCCRP) June 25, 2024
@HillaryClinton: RT @HillaryClinton: I'm thrilled to say that my new book, "Something Lost, Something Gained," will be out in September. It's about friends…
I'm thrilled to say that my new book, "Something Lost, Something Gained," will be out in September.It's about friendship, aging, and marriage; our politics and our democracy; the threats we face as a country, and how we can all work together to shape a future to be proud of.… pic.twitter.com/CvEs3LNnp1— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 25, 2024...
@dwnews: RT @dwnews: Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 was always going to be expensive. Recent events suggest the oil-rich nation can't afford it all. ht…
Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 was always going to be expensive. Recent events suggest the oil-rich nation can't afford it all.https://t.co/G32l4cShyv— DW News (@dwnews) June 24, 2024
@mikenov: The problem with the draft dodgers who call themselves the ultra-orthodox or Haredi Jews (GS) is not that they do not know their God's name ("Hashem = No Name"), but that they DO NOT WANT TO KNOW IT. Ignorance is bliss! They just want to move their heads rhythmically, in unison;…
The problem with the draft dodgers who call themselves the ultra-orthodox or Haredi Jews (GS) is not that they do not know their God's name ("Hashem = No Name"), but that they DO NOT WANT TO KNOW IT. Ignorance is bliss! They just want to move their heads rhythmically, in unison;… pic.twitter.com/oOC6GcCtRK— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024...
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… News Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org…
https://t.co/sKYoJ7CIHONews Review #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM… https://t.co/NhLohXzUds— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Israel’s top court rules ultra-Orthodox Jews must be drafted into military, in blow to Netanyahu ... International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Russia's Shoigu and Gerasimov thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2024/06/israel…
Israel’s top court rules ultra-Orthodox Jews must be drafted into military, in blow to Netanyahu ... International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for Russia's Shoigu and Gerasimov https://t.co/3zpchep7EC pic.twitter.com/XOTHhDuzQY— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@nypmetro: RT by @mikenov: Fatal shooting on NYC block lined with luxury stores could have been botched robbery: sources trib.al/W4IBo0e
Fatal shooting on NYC block lined with luxury stores could have been botched robbery: sources https://t.co/AXFy1F22XK pic.twitter.com/ifgoq4L2UV— New York Post Metro (@nypmetro) June 25, 2024
@BeschlossDC: RT by @mikenov: Newly released by Justice Department, photos of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago among rumpled clothes, Diet Coke, gift box, MAGA artifacts:
Newly released by Justice Department, photos of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago among rumpled clothes, Diet Coke, gift box, MAGA artifacts: pic.twitter.com/guYqs3CHi0— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) June 25, 2024
@JasonMBrodsky: RT by @mikenov: #BREAKING: Today ⁦@USTreasury⁩ is sanctioning nearly 50 entities and individuals that constitute multiple branches of a sprawling “shadow banking” network used by #Iran’s Defense Ministry and #IRGCterrorists. home.treasury.gov/news/press-rel…
#BREAKING: Today ⁦@USTreasury⁩ is sanctioning nearly 50 entities and individuals that constitute multiple branches of a sprawling “shadow banking” network used by #Iran’s Defense Ministry and #IRGCterrorists. https://t.co/RFnopgh5Sg— Jason Brodsky (@JasonMBrodsky) June 25, 2024
@CBSNews: RT by @mikenov: The U.S. surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis, driven by the fast-growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country. cbsn.ws/3zcH6Aa
The U.S. surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis, driven by the fast-growing number of injuries and deaths involving firearms in the country. https://t.co/Tb0Te0WNug— CBS News (@CBSNews) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: THE DEADENING TRAUMA THAT WILL NEVER HEAL: The effects of world war 2 on The Soviet Russia's collective mentality and psychology - What effects did WWII have on Russia? Tens of millions of deaths during the war, followed by millions of dislocated…
THE DEADENING TRAUMA THAT WILL NEVER HEAL: The effects of world war 2 on The Soviet Russia's collective mentality and psychology - What effects did WWII have on Russia? Tens of millions of deaths during the war, followed by millions of dislocated… - 100 Tweets… pic.twitter.com/95Mfa7BM7B— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… Hashem wants you! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org…
https://t.co/g81DQ0CvwVHashem wants you! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM… https://t.co/Sn9yFlXkGk— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Hashem wants you, the draft dodgers! Israel's Supreme Court Rules the Military Must Draft Ultra-Orthodox Jews. The court ruled there was no basis to exempt the ultra-Orthodox from service The New York Times Israel’s Supreme Court Rules Ultra-Orthodox Jews Must Be Drafted Into…
Hashem wants you, the draft dodgers! Israel's Supreme Court Rules the Military Must Draft Ultra-Orthodox Jews. The court ruled there was no basis to exempt the ultra-Orthodox from service The New York Times Israel’s Supreme Court Rules Ultra-Orthodox Jews Must Be Drafted Into… pic.twitter.com/fq86R7o2Eh— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Israel’s Supreme Court Rules Ultra-Orthodox Jews Must Be Drafted Into Military - The New York Times nytimes.com/2024/06/25/wor…
Israel’s Supreme Court Rules Ultra-Orthodox Jews Must Be Drafted Into Military - The New York Times https://t.co/yFC3cz6AV9— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… Russia and WWII #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org…
https://t.co/XVHHgm5WtXRussia and WWII#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: THE DEADENING TRAUMA THAT WILL NEVER HEAL: The effects of world war 2 on The Soviet Russia's collective mentality and psychology - What effects did WWII have on Russia? Tens of millions of deaths during the war, followed by millions of dislocated…
THE DEADENING TRAUMA THAT WILL NEVER HEAL: The effects of world war 2 on The Soviet Russia's collective mentality and psychology - GS https://t.co/bQp6ykLbNH -What effects did WWII have on Russia?Tens of millions of deaths during the war, followed by millions of dislocated… pic.twitter.com/J36qjBdFTd— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Putin The Wurdalak
Putin The Wurdalak - GS https://t.co/Q82MF13kub pic.twitter.com/muO4tpoGb2— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Putin The Wurdalak
Putin The Wurdalak - Google Search https://t.co/QuA4pde2z3— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… Putin The Wurdalak google.com/search?q=Putin… #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…
https://t.co/Rp7r2am4YKPutin The Wurdalak https://t.co/RNOfXhOGFH #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers… https://t.co/kCwGqjdIis— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: MORE AND MORE BLOOD IS SACRIFICED TO THE "ALTAR OF THE FATHERLAND" by Putin The Wurdalak (google.com/search?q=Putin…), which is the "noble" Russian tradition throughout the ages. - Возложение венка к Могиле Неизвестного Солдата
MORE AND MORE BLOOD IS SACRIFICED TO THE "ALTAR OF THE FATHERLAND" by Putin The Wurdalak (https://t.co/QuA4pde2z3), which is the "noble" Russian tradition throughout the ages. -Возложение венка к Могиле Неизвестного Солдата • Президент России https://t.co/tkUHgGe57t pic.twitter.com/jptavatddV— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: October 7 investigation
October 7 investigation - Google Search https://t.co/aLx4wJj0Kc pic.twitter.com/PqbHmNb2OW— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: October 7 investigation - GS google.com/search?q=Octob… Now is the time for an examination of the October 7 failures - The Jerusalem Post jpost.com › Opinion May 21, 2024 — The time has come for a thorough investigation into the Hamas massacre of October 7. Enough…
October 7 investigation - GS https://t.co/nf3N65cfot Now is the time for an examination of the October 7 failures - The Jerusalem Posthttps://t.co/A3oaEpfzpP › OpinionMay 21, 2024 — The time has come for a thorough investigation into the Hamas massacre of October 7. Enough…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@FT: RT by @mikenov: Just in: The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants on war crimes charges against Russian security council secretary Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov, the top commander of Russia’s invasion force in Ukraine on.ft.com/3KZkTs7
Just in: The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants on war crimes charges against Russian security council secretary Sergei Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov, the top commander of Russia’s invasion force in Ukraine https://t.co/hMJNcmcnNh pic.twitter.com/r1SbSawqMD— Financial Times (@FT) June 25, 2024
@KarissonGerry: RT by @mikenov: #Лавров уже является третьим высокопоставленным российским чиновником после #Путина и #Медведева, который заявляет о готовности #России к переговорам. Лавров здесь создает впечатление, что кто-то в #Украине или на #Западе планирует умолять Россию прийти и сесть за стол…
#Лавров уже является третьим высокопоставленным российским чиновником после #Путина и #Медведева, который заявляет о готовности #России к переговорам. Лавров здесь создает впечатление, что кто-то в #Украине или на #Западе планирует умолять Россию прийти и сесть за стол… pic.twitter.com/aAsbvw91Xf— gerry Karisson (@KarissonGerry) June 25, 2024
@osint_random: RT by @mikenov: 🇷🇺🚨 La Cour pénale internationale vient d'émettre des mandats d'arrêt contre : ➡️ Sergueï Choïgou : secrétaire du Conseil de sécurité de la Russie ➡️ Valeri Guerassimov : chef d'état-major général des forces armées de la Russie icc-cpi.int/news/situation…
🇷🇺🚨 La Cour pénale internationale vient d'émettre des mandats d'arrêt contre :➡️ Sergueï Choïgou : secrétaire du Conseil de sécurité de la Russie ➡️ Valeri Guerassimov : chef d'état-major général des forces armées de la Russiehttps://t.co/EjKX1750sl pic.twitter.com/gmkwSxqBqV— Random OSINT (@osint_random) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Video News #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers https://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM https://t.co/DO5LG3PY4T https://t.co/ze5LKIfHQ4 https://t.co/kjeGpytzDP
Video News#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzMhttps://t.co/DO5LG3PY4Thttps://t.co/ze5LKIfHQ4… pic.twitter.com/kjeGpytzDP— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Video News #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers https://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM https://t.co/DO5LG3PY4T https://t.co/ze5LKIfHQ4 https://t.co/BXyNBcZA3c
Video News #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers https://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM https://t.co/DO5LG3PY4T https://t.co/ze5LKIfHQ4 https://t.co/BXyNBcZA3c
@KyivPost: RT @KyivPost: Foreigners fighting for #Ukraine as part of the #InternationalLegion can opt out after six months while Ukrainians serving in…
Foreigners fighting for #Ukraine as part of the #InternationalLegion can opt out after six months while Ukrainians serving in the military can’t, but not all positions are open to foreigners.https://t.co/Nh6BgoSYKv— KyivPost (@KyivPost) June 25, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Fmr. IDF Maj. Gen. Itzhak Brik warns: "Launching an attack on Hezbollah is collective suicide." He also reveals Ukraine…
Fmr. IDF Maj. Gen. Itzhak Brik warns: "Launching an attack on Hezbollah is collective suicide." He also reveals Ukraine's offer to help the IDF prepare for Hezbollah attacks, which Israel ignored. https://t.co/VsQiSXnNBi— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) June 25, 2024
@khodorkovsky_en: RT @khodorkovsky_en: Putin and Kim Jong Un just signed a mutual defense pact that echoes Cold War-era alliances. 🧵Here's why this "anti-W…
Putin and Kim Jong Un just signed a mutual defense pact that echoes Cold War-era alliances. 🧵Here's why this "anti-West alliance" should worry you: pic.twitter.com/8mZyPz7Cwt— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) June 24, 2024
@RpsAgainstTrump: RT @RpsAgainstTrump: Chris Christie on Donald Trump: “He lies to those people. He tells them, 'I'm getting indicted for you.' What the hell…
Chris Christie on Donald Trump: “He lies to those people. He tells them, 'I'm getting indicted for you.' What the hell is that? He did this stuff. He got himself in trouble, and now he wants to have the American people pay for it."(July 2023) pic.twitter.com/3Lbnjx8n6s— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) June 24, 2024
@dw_russian: RT @dw_russian: Глава МИД Германии Бербок прибыла в Рамаллах на Западном берегу реки Иордан. Там она встретится с премьер-министром Палести…
Глава МИД Германии Бербок прибыла в Рамаллах на Западном берегу реки Иордан. Там она встретится с премьер-министром Палестинской национальной администрации Мухаммедом Мустафой. Речь пойдет в том числе и о реформах Палестинской автономии.По мнению Бербок, ПНА может сыграть… pic.twitter.com/ctuUnARWyH— DW на русском (@dw_russian) June 25, 2024
@GolosAmeriki: RT @GolosAmeriki: Госдепартамент выразил сомнения по поводу идеи признать Россию государством-спонсором терроризма https://t.co/0CWxoZf08z
Госдепартамент выразил сомнения по поводу идеи признать Россию государством-спонсором терроризмаhttps://t.co/0CWxoZf08z— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Встреча с главой ВТБ Андреем Костиным • Президент России https://t.co/Xxj95Nuck6 https://t.co/z1IHg4JZU1
Встреча с главой ВТБ Андреем Костиным • Президент России https://t.co/Xxj95Nuck6 pic.twitter.com/z1IHg4JZU1— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Встреча с выпускниками военных вузов • Президент России https://t.co/UEXtrP4fMU https://t.co/yc64v45Sud
Встреча с выпускниками военных вузов • Президент России https://t.co/UEXtrP4fMU pic.twitter.com/yc64v45Sud— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: https://t.co/HdbpRakjBd ICC: Russia vs Israel #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers https://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM
https://t.co/HdbpRakjBdICC: Russia vs Israel #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Gallant in Washington, Arrests warrants issued for Shoigu and Gerasimov
Gallant in Washington, Arrests warrants issued for Shoigu and Gerasimov - GS https://t.co/XBb2vH2J1B pic.twitter.com/gEazSKn7bd— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@mikenov: Gallant in Washington, Arrests warrants issued for Shoigu and Gerasimov
Gallant in Washington, Arrests warrants issued for Shoigu and Gerasimov - GS https://t.co/XBb2vH2J1B— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) June 25, 2024
@Gerashchenko_en: RT @Gerashchenko_en: The EU has adopted the 14th package of sanctions against Russia, including restrictions on the transit of Russian LNG…
The EU has adopted the 14th package of sanctions against Russia, including restrictions on the transit of Russian LNG through European ports.According to the press service of the European Council, the sanctions will affect 116 individuals and legal entities from Russia. The EU… pic.twitter.com/tkFYQG5GtM— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) June 24,...
@Newsweek: RT @Newsweek: Alzheimer's symptoms reversed with new treatment https://t.co/SWZaHq0FoA
Alzheimer's symptoms reversed with new treatment https://t.co/SWZaHq0FoA— Newsweek (@Newsweek) June 25, 2024


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