What is in the BOX? Russian Byzantinism. - News Review In 100 Tweets

What is in the BOX? Russian Byzantinism


Tweets - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com
@mikenov: What is in the BOX? x.com/mikenov/status… #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org…
What is in the BOX? https://t.co/zkVdYl0W2t#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org thenewsandtimes.com…
https://t.co/LNyUqt6JLa #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzMhttps://t.co/DO5LG3PY4T…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России
Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/AaV4uPpuI5 pic.twitter.com/1To9AwgqWi— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России
Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/AaV4uPpuI5 pic.twitter.com/tM9CLGVekz— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России
Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/vplksUpdGe pic.twitter.com/xKSnNwxzCn— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России
Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/MpA6DX7fe4 pic.twitter.com/ZqB90swdFq— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России
Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/QWLQ2zgnRg pic.twitter.com/9DBGNRKJLf— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Russian Byzantium
Russian Byzantium - Google Search https://t.co/EsG6wpjW3r pic.twitter.com/XOQyMlrQOI— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Russian Bysantiism
Russian Bysantiism - Google Search https://t.co/3GlUqxRlsI— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@KyivPost: RT @KyivPost: In the battle for Ukraine, the youngest defender of Mariupol, 21-year-old Nazariy Hryntsevych, with the call sign 'Hrinka,' h…
In the battle for Ukraine, the youngest defender of Mariupol, 21-year-old Nazariy Hryntsevych, with the call sign 'Hrinka,' has died🕯️Following four months in Russian captivity, Hryntsevych returned to the forefront as a member of the Azov brigade. pic.twitter.com/bchA10s5nc— KyivPost (@KyivPost) May 7, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT @haaretzcom: Netanyahu wants to return the hostages, but not at the cost of losing power | Opinion
Netanyahu wants to return the hostages, but not at the cost of losing power | Opinion | @RavivDrucker https://t.co/EKYccNxsYY— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 7, 2024
@dw_russian: RT @dw_russian: Огромную фигуру Путина привезли в Гаагу к Международному суду ООН. Акцию "Путина в тюрьму" проводят в день очередной инаугу…
Огромную фигуру Путина привезли в Гаагу к Международному суду ООН. Акцию "Путина в тюрьму" проводят в день очередной инаугурации в Кремле. Кадры из Гааги pic.twitter.com/loOrRDfaz8— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 7, 2024
@FT: RT @FT: Ukraine says it foiled Russian plot to kill Volodymyr Zelenskyy https://t.co/eDfcWUahvY
Ukraine says it foiled Russian plot to kill Volodymyr Zelenskyy https://t.co/eDfcWUahvY— Financial Times (@FT) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Russian Bysantiism - https://t.co/3GlUqxRlsI Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/RUUOrTsCQF https://t.co/YSYlX4IQPZ
Russian Bysantiism - https://t.co/3GlUqxRlsIВладимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/RUUOrTsCQF pic.twitter.com/YSYlX4IQPZ— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT @haaretzcom: 🧵1/2 Since October 7, the flagrantly anti-democratic, morally bankrupt political theology of Israel's right-wing Jewish rad…
🧵1/2Since October 7, the flagrantly anti-democratic, morally bankrupt political theology of Israel's right-wing Jewish radicals, a worldview that justifies the death, starvation, and hunger of Palestinians, is becoming more dominanthttps://t.co/IyjrJDCYz9— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 7, 2024
@Osinttechnical: RT @Osinttechnical: Spain has successfully delivered a new batch of PATRIOT SAM interceptors to Ukraine Spanish Defence Minister Margarita…
Spain has successfully delivered a new batch of PATRIOT SAM interceptors to UkraineSpanish Defence Minister Margarita Robles confirmed the delivery, per El Mundo. pic.twitter.com/B1vuBzLMGj— OSINTtechnical (@Osinttechnical) May 6, 2024
@POLITICOEurope: RT by @mikenov: Xi Jinping: China will “never forget” the NATO bombing of its embassy in Serbia. trib.al/SDprYRZ
Xi Jinping: China will “never forget” the NATO bombing of its embassy in Serbia.https://t.co/wQF7FwjK8x— POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) May 7, 2024
@dwnews: RT by @mikenov: German investigators have searched the offices of far-right EU lawmaker Maximilian Krah and his former employee Jian G. in the European Parliament in Brussels. The latter is suspected of spying for China. p.dw.com/p/4fZhH
German investigators have searched the offices of far-right EU lawmaker Maximilian Krah and his former employee Jian G. in the European Parliament in Brussels. The latter is suspected of spying for China. https://t.co/e6A7Mwa66Q— DW News (@dwnews) May 7, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Служба безопасности Украины заявила о срыве планов ФСБ РФ "по ликвидации президента Украины и других представителей высшего военно-политического руководства государства", среди которых, в частности, глава СБУ Василий Малюк и глава ГУР Кирилл Буданов. Задержаны два полковника…
Служба безопасности Украины заявила о срыве планов ФСБ РФ "по ликвидации президента Украины и других представителей высшего военно-политического руководства государства", среди которых, в частности, глава СБУ Василий Малюк и глава ГУР Кирилл Буданов. Задержаны два полковника… pic.twitter.com/XIjzKDiHyl— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 7, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Netanyahu, trapped by Hamas' "Yes," is driving a wedge between Israel and the U.S. / Amos Harel haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
Netanyahu, trapped by Hamas' "Yes," is driving a wedge between Israel and the U.S. / Amos Harelhttps://t.co/nbSDApPVFd— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 7, 2024
@CurrentTimeTv: RT @CurrentTimeTv: Силовики сломали ребра жителю Сургута за возложение цветов в память о Навальном: СК и суд бездействуют в ответ на его жа…
Силовики сломали ребра жителю Сургута за возложение цветов в память о Навальном: СК и суд бездействуют в ответ на его жалобыhttps://t.co/WKBKaDdv8M— Настоящее Время (@CurrentTimeTv) May 6, 2024
@bbcrussian: RT by @mikenov: СБУ заявила, что предотвратила убийство Зеленского. Задержаны два полковника управления госохраны bbc.in/4bslNbA
СБУ заявила, что предотвратила убийство Зеленского. Задержаны два полковника управления госохраны https://t.co/QFvzHCvr5z— bbcrussian (@bbcrussian) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России
Владимир Путин вступил в должность Президента России • Президент России https://t.co/DJZ6d1jqOV pic.twitter.com/SK8gzi1OER— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: LIVE UPDATES: Senior Israeli official says Hamas cease-fire, hostage deal proposal is 'unacceptable' haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
LIVE UPDATES: Senior Israeli official says Hamas cease-fire, hostage deal proposal is 'unacceptable'https://t.co/0TfVLixMVS— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 7, 2024
@Osint613: RT by @mikenov: Massive IDF advance in Rafah Via @2023gazawar
Massive IDF advance in Rafah Via @2023gazawar https://t.co/GSpNdQTobz pic.twitter.com/oa3ckgY3dn— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 7, 2024
@IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: Сегодня Путин снова официально вступает в должность президента России. Понимаю, друзья, какое уныние у вас вызывает эта картина спустя четверть века. Пожилой диктатор с самодовольной ухмылкой упивается своим всевластием. Перед ним подобострастно склоняются те, кого принято…
Сегодня Путин снова официально вступает в должность президента России. Понимаю, друзья, какое уныние у вас вызывает эта картина спустя четверть века. Пожилой диктатор с самодовольной ухмылкой упивается своим всевластием. Перед ним подобострастно склоняются те, кого принято… pic.twitter.com/nPrlgzwxDo— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) May 7, 2024
@IDF: RT by @mikenov: A precise counterterrorism operation to eliminate Hamas terrorists and infrastructure within specific areas of eastern Rafah began overnight, based on intelligence.
A precise counterterrorism operation to eliminate Hamas terrorists and infrastructure within specific areas of eastern Rafah began overnight, based on intelligence. pic.twitter.com/L2uVEdCVv9— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) May 7, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: According to IDF estimates, during the overnight operation, 20 terrorists were killed and many others were wounded. jpost.com/breaking-news/…
According to IDF estimates, during the overnight operation, 20 terrorists were killed and many others were wounded.https://t.co/2KoN013m1W— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 7, 2024
@mikenov: Israeli Tanks Enter Rafah and Take Control of Border Crossing: Live Updates - The New York Times nytimes.com/live/2024/05/0…
Israeli Tanks Enter Rafah and Take Control of Border Crossing: Live Updates - The New York Times https://t.co/o2YKy9xOE6— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 7, 2024
@KyivPost: RT by @mikenov: ⚡️Ukraine’s Security Service uncovered a network of Russian #FSB agents preparing an assassination of Volodymyr #Zelensky. Two colonels from the Ukrainian State Security Service have been arrested.
⚡️Ukraine’s Security Service uncovered a network of Russian #FSB agents preparing an assassination of Volodymyr #Zelensky. Two colonels from the Ukrainian State Security Service have been arrested. pic.twitter.com/aIOaPpxyPT— KyivPost (@KyivPost) May 7, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Жозеп Боррель призвал страны ЕС бойкотировать инаугурацию Путина. "Я направил послание всем странам-членам ЕС, где указал, что считаю правильным не участвовать в этой церемонии", - заявил верховный представитель Евросоюза по внешней политике и безопасности. В то же время Боррель…
Жозеп Боррель призвал страны ЕС бойкотировать инаугурацию Путина. "Я направил послание всем странам-членам ЕС, где указал, что считаю правильным не участвовать в этой церемонии", - заявил верховный представитель Евросоюза по внешней политике и безопасности. В то же время Боррель… pic.twitter.com/emuTdslozl— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 7, 2024
@igorsushko: RT by @mikenov: Russia: Today is Putin's ceremony to extend his reign over Russian people by 6 more years. Powerful jamming systems have shut down all internet, GSM, GPS, and other electronic signals. Nothing works right now around downtown Moscow.
Russia: Today is Putin's ceremony to extend his reign over Russian people by 6 more years. Powerful jamming systems have shut down all internet, GSM, GPS, and other electronic signals. Nothing works right now around downtown Moscow. pic.twitter.com/pXIHw3XZoE— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) May 7, 2024
@SaakashviliM: RT by @mikenov: Free Mikheil Saakashvili Newsletter May 2024 European Parliament calls on the Georgian authorities to release Saakashvili amidst unprecedented mass protests against “foreign agents” bill re-introduced by the Georgian Dream usagp.org/newslettermay2…
Free Mikheil SaakashviliNewsletter May 2024European Parliament calls on the Georgian authorities to release Saakashvili amidst unprecedented mass protests against “foreign agents” bill re-introduced by the Georgian Dreamhttps://t.co/iigACMRv5l— Mikheil Saakashvili (@SaakashviliM) May 7, 2024
@FT: RT by @mikenov: Xi Jinping lashes out at Nato over 1999 Belgrade bombing ahead of Serbia visit on.ft.com/4b7qRCL
Xi Jinping lashes out at Nato over 1999 Belgrade bombing ahead of Serbia visit https://t.co/wFQEVq6Wlg— Financial Times (@FT) May 7, 2024
@Newsweek: RT by @mikenov: Netanyahu told to resign at Holocaust Remembrance Day event newsweek.com/netanyahu-told…
Netanyahu told to resign at Holocaust Remembrance Day event https://t.co/hPrLrxz0ba pic.twitter.com/gURAanh0mD— Newsweek (@Newsweek) May 7, 2024
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: IDF tanks take control of Gazan side of Rafah Crossing to Egypt, key road captured timesofisrael.com/idf-tanks-take…
IDF tanks take control of Gazan side of Rafah Crossing to Egypt, key road captured https://t.co/xwG9odFJPn— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) May 7, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: Russia is no longer using the Crimean bridge to supply weapons to the front. It is no longer an important military target for the AFU, - The Independent Analysis of satellite imagery shows that the volume of military cargo trains passing over the bridge's rail line has dropped…
Russia is no longer using the Crimean bridge to supply weapons to the front. It is no longer an important military target for the AFU, - The IndependentAnalysis of satellite imagery shows that the volume of military cargo trains passing over the bridge's rail line has dropped… pic.twitter.com/Lj7sIGgPiz— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 7, 2024
@Newsweek: RT by @mikenov: Russia warns Ukraine's F-16s will be treated as nuclear threats newsweek.com/russia-warns-u…
Russia warns Ukraine's F-16s will be treated as nuclear threats https://t.co/BatzGtDcrl pic.twitter.com/0nRzkhoB20— Newsweek (@Newsweek) May 7, 2024
@dwnews: RT by @mikenov: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has pledged unwavering military backing to the Baltic states from Germany.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has pledged unwavering military backing to the Baltic states from Germany. pic.twitter.com/gHA4JTEy0i— DW News (@dwnews) May 6, 2024
@GolosAmeriki: RT by @mikenov: США и большинство стран Евросоюза бойкотируют инаугурацию Путина dlvr.it/T6WJpn
США и большинство стран Евросоюза бойкотируют инаугурацию Путина https://t.co/KVjb7Ymmuv— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 6, 2024
@NewsHour: RT by @mikenov: NEW: The Hamas militant group says it has accepted an Egyptian-Qatari cease-fire proposal to halt seven-month war with Israel. to.pbs.org/4bsNfGy
NEW: The Hamas militant group says it has accepted an Egyptian-Qatari cease-fire proposal to halt seven-month war with Israel. https://t.co/JPiaUkzoGm— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) May 6, 2024
@Sandbagger_01: RT by @mikenov: "The government will not name the country involved, but Sky News understands this to be China". news.sky.com/story/china-ha…
"The government will not name the country involved, but Sky News understands this to be China".https://t.co/QNh6oMWTib— Dr. Dan Lomas (@Sandbagger_01) May 6, 2024
@IsraeliPM: RT by @mikenov: Statement from the Prime Minister's Office: The War Cabinet unanimously decided this evening Israel will continue its operation in Rafah, in order to apply military pressure on Hamas so as to advance the release of our hostages and achieve the other objectives of the war.
Statement from the Prime Minister's Office:The War Cabinet unanimously decided this evening Israel will continue its operation in Rafah, in order to apply military pressure on Hamas so as to advance the release of our hostages and achieve the other objectives of the war.— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) May 6, 2024
@Newsweek: RT by @mikenov: Israel begins Rafah strikes after Hamas agrees to ceasefire newsweek.com/hamas-agrees-c…
Israel begins Rafah strikes after Hamas agrees to ceasefire https://t.co/iHzkjVaJPN— Newsweek (@Newsweek) May 6, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Олаф Шольц призвал использовать замороженные активы РФ для покупки оружия Украине. 90% доходов, получаемых от таких активов, могли бы пойти на закупку вооружения и боеприпасов для ВСУ не только в Евросоюзе, но и в других странах мира, заявил канцлер ФРГ в ходе визита в Латвию…
Олаф Шольц призвал использовать замороженные активы РФ для покупки оружия Украине. 90% доходов, получаемых от таких активов, могли бы пойти на закупку вооружения и боеприпасов для ВСУ не только в Евросоюзе, но и в других странах мира, заявил канцлер ФРГ в ходе визита в Латвию… pic.twitter.com/7OVWEptWTl— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org thenewsandtimes.com…
https://t.co/Um8T1qiYVN#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzMhttps://t.co/DO5LG3PY4T…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: Gantz: Hamas offer inconsistent with our dialogue with mediators - News Review In 100 Tweets thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2024/05/gantz-… - @mikenov: x.com/kyivpost/statu… Medvedev Threatens Nuclear Strike on European Capitals: what happens if its missiles are intercepted on Russian territory? -…
Gantz: Hamas offer inconsistent with our dialogue with mediators - News Review In 100 Tweets https://t.co/1cJrZ7yXhp - @mikenov: https://t.co/8Okjzb6ccg… Medvedev Threatens Nuclear Strike on European Capitals: what happens if its missiles are intercepted on Russian territory? -… pic.twitter.com/7nuz7FGnun— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@POLITICOEurope: RT by @mikenov: The EU Commission is ending the rule-of-law case against Poland. trib.al/5bEHMQR
The EU Commission is ending the rule-of-law case against Poland.https://t.co/fqe4ifoQla— POLITICOEurope (@POLITICOEurope) May 6, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: ‼️ The Russian Defense Ministry has announced an exercise during which the use of tactical nuclear weapons will be practiced "in response to provocative statements and threats" from the West According to the ministry's statement, the exercises will be held on Putin's personal…
‼️ The Russian Defense Ministry has announced an exercise during which the use of tactical nuclear weapons will be practiced "in response to provocative statements and threats" from the WestAccording to the ministry's statement, the exercises will be held on Putin's personal… pic.twitter.com/S3xno2RVyE— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 6, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Gantz: Hamas offer inconsistent with our dialogue with mediators https://t.co/NoTDqUg8WZ
Live update: Gantz: Hamas offer inconsistent with our dialogue with mediators https://t.co/NoTDqUg8WZ— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) May 6, 2024
@Osint613: RT @Osint613: IDF spokesman Hagari just now in a statement: “During the day, the Air Force attacked more than 50 terrorist targets in the…
IDF spokesman Hagari just now in a statement: “During the day, the Air Force attacked more than 50 terrorist targets in the Rafah area; Preparing for a ground operation in the area” pic.twitter.com/cQfd9KZK6H— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… Medvedev and the Nuclear Self-Defeat #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…
https://t.co/kTT2QDdBa8Medvedev and the Nuclear Self-Defeat #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: Medvedev Threatens Nuclear Strike on European Capitals: what happens if its missiles are intercepted on Russian territory?
Medvedev Threatens Nuclear Strike on European Capitals: what happens if its missiles are intercepted on Russian territory? - Google Search https://t.co/ut3aUutcxE— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/kyivpost/statu… Medvedev Threatens Nuclear Strike on European Capitals: what happens if its missiles are intercepted on Russian territory? - GS google.com/search?q=Medve… The nuclear missiles will be intercepted and will fall on the Russian soil - the self inflicted defeat…
https://t.co/OKlYQujafe Medvedev Threatens Nuclear Strike on European Capitals: what happens if its missiles are intercepted on Russian territory? - GS https://t.co/ut3aUutcxEThe nuclear missiles will be intercepted and will fall on the Russian soil - the self inflicted defeat… pic.twitter.com/tcbeLKgNVh— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@khodorkovsky_en: RT by @mikenov: Congrats to @vkaramurza Speaking truth in today's Russia means risking prison or death—as shown by Nemtsov's assassination, Navalny's poisoning and killing Timely reminder of Putin's regime's true nature before the 'inauguration', and the urgent need to free Vladimir & others
Congrats to @vkaramurza Speaking truth in today's Russia means risking prison or death—as shown by Nemtsov's assassination, Navalny's poisoning and killingTimely reminder of Putin's regime's true nature before the 'inauguration', and the urgent need to free Vladimir & others https://t.co/XIPIXY0EPG— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) May 6,...
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Hamas claims to accept ceasefire, hostage deal; Israel: This isn’t what we agreed to timesofisrael.com/hamas-claims-t…
Hamas claims to accept ceasefire, hostage deal; Israel: This isn’t what we agreed to https://t.co/pSRxjEsZfH— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) May 6, 2024
@politico: RT by @mikenov: Russia announced it has started preparing for nuclear weapons exercises, accusing Western officials of making “provocative statements and threats" by deepening their support for Ukraine. politico.eu/article/russia…
Russia announced it has started preparing for nuclear weapons exercises, accusing Western officials of making “provocative statements and threats" by deepening their support for Ukraine.https://t.co/OKM8FmtT7d— POLITICO (@politico) May 6, 2024
@sentdefender: RT by @mikenov: If Israel decides to launch a Ground Invasion of Rafah in the Southern Gaza Strip, Hamas is reportedly planning to use Explosives to Blow Holes in several Sections of the Border Fence between Egypt and the Gaza Strip causing a Mass Exodus of Palestinian Migrants into the Sinai…
If Israel decides to launch a Ground Invasion of Rafah in the Southern Gaza Strip, Hamas is reportedly planning to use Explosives to Blow Holes in several Sections of the Border Fence between Egypt and the Gaza Strip causing a Mass Exodus of Palestinian Migrants into the Sinai… pic.twitter.com/AdLIyzoJg7— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) May 6, 2024
@NewsHour: RT by @mikenov: WATCH LIVE: White House holds news briefing as Hamas says it accepts cease-fire proposal x.com/i/broadcasts/1…
WATCH LIVE: White House holds news briefing as Hamas says it accepts cease-fire proposal https://t.co/ycDNZGLWGG— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) May 6, 2024
@Osint613: RT by @mikenov: JUST IN Hxmas is reportedly contemplating using powerful explosives to destroy sections of the Egypt-Gaza border fence, aiming to provoke a large-scale exodus of Palestinians into Egyptian territory. This move is speculated to be a strategy to incite chaos and a high civilian…
JUST IN Hxmas is reportedly contemplating using powerful explosives to destroy sections of the Egypt-Gaza border fence, aiming to provoke a large-scale exodus of Palestinians into Egyptian territory. This move is speculated to be a strategy to incite chaos and a high civilian…— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 6, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: LIVE UPDATES: Diplomatic sources say deal approved by Hamas "similar" to one approved by Israel, "ball is in Netanyahu's court"; U.S. "reviewing" Hamas response haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
LIVE UPDATES: Diplomatic sources say deal approved by Hamas "similar" to one approved by Israel, "ball is in Netanyahu's court"; U.S. "reviewing" Hamas responsehttps://t.co/jG4bFdpewZ— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 6, 2024
@KyivPost: RT by @mikenov: ❗️Ukraine does not recognize Vladimir #Putin as democratically elected and legitimate President of the Russian Federation, according to the official statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of #Ukraine.
❗️Ukraine does not recognize Vladimir #Putin as democratically elected and legitimate President of the Russian Federation, according to the official statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of #Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/OU5fhaDjgq— KyivPost (@KyivPost) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/kyivpost/statu… The nuclear missiles will be intercepted and will fall on the Russian soil - the self inflicted defeat in the first minutes of the war. Just like it happened with the Iranian missiles.
https://t.co/OKlYQujafe The nuclear missiles will be intercepted and will fall on the Russian soil - the self inflicted defeat in the first minutes of the war. Just like it happened with the Iranian missiles.— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: To keep his far-right partners on board and prevent an election, in which Likud will be decimated and he will be turfed out of office, Netanyahu needs to keep the "total victory" myth alive. That's only possible by avoiding a deal / @AnshelPfeffer haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
To keep his far-right partners on board and prevent an election, in which Likud will be decimated and he will be turfed out of office, Netanyahu needs to keep the "total victory" myth alive. That's only possible by avoiding a deal / @AnshelPfeffer https://t.co/O1H7HowOeL— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 6, 2024
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Hamas claims to accept ceasefire; Israeli officials: It's not the deal we agreed to timesofisrael.com/liveblog-may-6…
Hamas claims to accept ceasefire; Israeli officials: It's not the deal we agreed tohttps://t.co/Bqm4VortlB— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) May 6, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: Officials: Hamas appears to have okayed ceasefire terms that Israel did not approve dlvr.it/T6VfHn
Live update: Officials: Hamas appears to have okayed ceasefire terms that Israel did not approve https://t.co/mVN5YXk8qq— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) May 6, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: The Estonian parliament has declared the Moscow Patriarchate an institution that supports Russian aggression Seventy-five MPs voted in favor of the statement, while eight more voted against it.
The Estonian parliament has declared the Moscow Patriarchate an institution that supports Russian aggressionSeventy-five MPs voted in favor of the statement, while eight more voted against it. pic.twitter.com/CID7zekWeW— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 6, 2024
@dwnews: RT by @mikenov: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says Berlin is firm in its resolve to defend the Baltic states against Russian aggression. His comments came on a visit to Lithuania, where German troops are to deploy permanently. p.dw.com/p/4fXeF
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says Berlin is firm in its resolve to defend the Baltic states against Russian aggression. His comments came on a visit to Lithuania, where German troops are to deploy permanently.https://t.co/3laob9SN5M— DW News (@dwnews) May 6, 2024
@VaticanNews: RT by @mikenov: Pope Francis greets the officers and new recruits of the Pontifical Swiss Guards on the day of the swearing-in ceremony, and encourages them to cultivate human relationships and community life in their service. Read more: loom.ly/yRM26TA
Pope Francis greets the officers and new recruits of the Pontifical Swiss Guards on the day of the swearing-in ceremony, and encourages them to cultivate human relationships and community life in their service.Read more: https://t.co/FHUQ5JTM0N— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) May 6, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Россия проведет учения по использованию тактического ядерного оружия. Приказ о их проведении отдал Владимир Путин - "в ответ на провокационные заявления и угрозы отдельных западных официальных лиц", говорится в заявлении минобороны РФ. Какие именно "угрозы" имеются в виду, в…
Россия проведет учения по использованию тактического ядерного оружия. Приказ о их проведении отдал Владимир Путин - "в ответ на провокационные заявления и угрозы отдельных западных официальных лиц", говорится в заявлении минобороны РФ. Какие именно "угрозы" имеются в виду, в… pic.twitter.com/mxXvTBzJ8X— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 6, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Breaking Hamas leaders have accepted an Egyptian-Qatari proposal for a ceasefire, according to an Al-Jazeera report. @tovahlazaroff jpost.com/breaking-news/…
Breaking Hamas leaders have accepted an Egyptian-Qatari proposal for a ceasefire, according to an Al-Jazeera report.@tovahlazaroff https://t.co/HAUbdJjrpA— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 6, 2024
@GolosAmeriki: RT by @mikenov: Германия отозвала посла в РФ, обвинив Москву в кибершпионаже dlvr.it/T6V6LV
Германия отозвала посла в РФ, обвинив Москву в кибершпионаже https://t.co/3OqcvdyKnO— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: Hamas says it has accepted a ceasefire deal proposed by Egypt and Qatar which seeks to halt the seven-month war with Israel in Gaza. - Hamas says it accepts Egyptian-Qatari proposal for a hostage-ceasefire deal in Gaza - GS: google.com/search?q=Hamas… -
Hamas says it has accepted a ceasefire deal proposed by Egypt and Qatar which seeks to halt the seven-month war with Israel in Gaza. - Hamas says it accepts Egyptian-Qatari proposal for a hostage-ceasefire deal in Gaza - GS: https://t.co/QJ0cJevJUn - pic.twitter.com/M3qMSTaCXl— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… Hostages Agreement Reached! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org…
https://t.co/1n1zXkZZECHostages Agreement Reached! #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: Netanyahu & Hamas Chief In War Of Words - News Review In 100 Tweets thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2024/05/netany…
Netanyahu & Hamas Chief In War Of Words - News Review In 100 Tweets https://t.co/ENdUlqaXRG - https://t.co/wlqoiNmXDv— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: News Review In 100 Tweets https://t.co/1jTpSdOrUH #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers https://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM… https://t.co/YahOtIZAcs
News Review In 100 Tweets https://t.co/1jTpSdOrUH#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM… pic.twitter.com/YahOtIZAcs— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: https://t.co/5YZYjIv0Og #Trotsky #History #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers https://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…
https://t.co/5YZYjIv0Og #Trotsky #History #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: My impressions and hypothesis: Leon Trotsky was the agent of the Russian Military Intelligence before WWI https://t.co/R3PRxgh8RY
My impressions and hypothesis: Leon Trotsky was the agent of the Russian Military Intelligence before WWI https://t.co/R3PRxgh8RY - pic.twitter.com/QB1bvKpxFu— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: КОЗЫРНАЯ жизнь замминистра Шойгу. К чему приведет арест Иванова? | Винов... youtu.be/e6STSEf9Oss?si… via @YouTube
КОЗЫРНАЯ жизнь замминистра Шойгу. К чему приведет арест Иванова? | Винов... https://t.co/eKrhHEvQWv via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: Netanyahu & Hamas Chief In War Of Words As Ceasefire Talks On Brink Of C... youtu.be/i-wiLZB-A0U?si… via @YouTube
Netanyahu & Hamas Chief In War Of Words As Ceasefire Talks On Brink Of C... https://t.co/bXt9Wdm9Fh via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 6, 2024
@mikenov: Saved Web Pages Review - The News And Times - TheNewsAndTimes.com inoreader.com/stream/user/10… dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1…
Saved Web Pages Review - The News And Times - https://t.co/PH3LtsdUTH https://t.co/4H8au9zxrg https://t.co/dSHgRULThJ— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@mikenov: E TU, DEUS! Поздравление с праздником Пасхи
E TU, DEUS! Поздравление с праздником Пасхи • Президент России https://t.co/by5prj1eyY pic.twitter.com/xjY4LifFqR— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@mikenov: Ператия: трапезундские владения в Крыму https://t.co/z2gkeSZ4FV
Ператия: трапезундские владения в Крыму https://t.co/z2gkeSZ4FV— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… Putin and Dyumin #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org…
https://t.co/ZjBr74yhB5 Putin and Dyumin #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@mikenov: Angry Trump Calls Biden Admin the 'Gestapo,' Predicts 'World War Three and Everything Else!' ... Кадровая сенсация: “любимый генерал Владимира Путина” может занять высокий пост в МО thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2024/05/angry-…
Angry Trump Calls Biden Admin the 'Gestapo,' Predicts 'World War Three and Everything Else!' ... Кадровая сенсация: “любимый генерал Владимира Путина” может занять высокий пост в МО https://t.co/ZU1lzBb2df pic.twitter.com/r94yR91YqT— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@mikenov: дюмин - Google Search google.com/search?q=%D0%B… - fakeoff.org/backstage/ares… - pronedra.ru/lyubimyj-gener…
дюмин - Google Search https://t.co/ztoXAmPDPX - https://t.co/yKjuWvPo8A - https://t.co/dpNZkkhbD5 pic.twitter.com/xxrJoMQnfI— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@mikenov: Арест Тимура Иванова удар по карьере Алексея Дюмина
Арест Тимура Иванова удар по карьере Алексея Дюмина | FAKEOFF https://t.co/yKjuWvPo8A— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@VaticanNews: RT @VaticanNews: Pope Francis welcomes pilgrims visiting from Amsterdam as the Netherlands' capital is set to mark its 750th anniversary ye…
Pope Francis welcomes pilgrims visiting from Amsterdam as the Netherlands' capital is set to mark its 750th anniversary year starting at the end of October 2024.Read more: https://t.co/rtC32m2uAk— Vatican News (@VaticanNews) May 4, 2024
@Osint613: RT @Osint613: BIDEN LOSING SUPPORT Bill Ackman, a Democratic supporter and hedge fund manager, has announced that he will not be voting f…
BIDEN LOSING SUPPORT Bill Ackman, a Democratic supporter and hedge fund manager, has announced that he will not be voting for Biden. He stated that he is considering @realDonaldTrump and other alternatives. pic.twitter.com/zXvmFF4A4f— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) May 5, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT @haaretzcom: Netanyahu says Israel cannot accept Hamas demand to end Gaza war; Israeli defense chief: Rafah offensive imminent / @jonath…
Netanyahu says Israel cannot accept Hamas demand to end Gaza war; Israeli defense chief: Rafah offensive imminent / @jonathanlis1 & @yanivkub https://t.co/0UV0s7xO0O— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) May 5, 2024
@dwnews: RT @dwnews: Xi Jinping is visiting the European Union for the first time in five years. In France, the Chinese leader will face mounting pr…
Xi Jinping is visiting the European Union for the first time in five years. In France, the Chinese leader will face mounting pressure to influence Moscow. But a friendlier welcome awaits in Serbia and Hungary. https://t.co/h6MGdYsOsl— DW News (@dwnews) May 5, 2024
@Newsweek: RT @Newsweek: Donald Trump actions during trial convey "consciousness of guilt"—Attorney https://t.co/ZANDnJzCKQ https://t.co/7FpPMfQAys
Donald Trump actions during trial convey "consciousness of guilt"—Attorney https://t.co/ZANDnJzCKQ pic.twitter.com/7FpPMfQAys— Newsweek (@Newsweek) May 5, 2024
@GolosAmeriki: RT @GolosAmeriki: FT: спецслужбы ожидают в Европе российских диверсий https://t.co/EjcgqEY6i3
FT: спецслужбы ожидают в Европе российских диверсий https://t.co/EjcgqEY6i3— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) May 5, 2024
@TimesofIsrael: RT @TimesofIsrael: At least 10 Israelis hurt in Hamas rocket attack from south Gaza’s Rafah https://t.co/WeuU8nP3it
At least 10 Israelis hurt in Hamas rocket attack from south Gaza’s Rafah https://t.co/WeuU8nP3it— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) May 5, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: The State of Israel must make a critical decision - whether to move forward with a prisoner swap deal with Hamas or ent…
The State of Israel must make a critical decision - whether to move forward with a prisoner swap deal with Hamas or enter a military operation in Rafah. Avi Issacharoff, the military commentator of Yediot Aharonot, said in an interview.https://t.co/Xau4NNf1dX— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) May 5, 2024
@dw_russian: RT @dw_russian: В Австрии хотят заставить родственников беженцев сдавать ДНК-тест для воссоединения семьи. В пользу этого высказался канцле…
В Австрии хотят заставить родственников беженцев сдавать ДНК-тест для воссоединения семьи. В пользу этого высказался канцлер страны Карл Нехаммер, представитель консервативной Австрийской народной партии. Он добавил, что следует тщательнее проверять документы приезжающих в страну… pic.twitter.com/gvw4li59Tg— DW на русском (@dw_russian) May 5, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT @nexta_tv: NATO has warned Germany of an intensified Russian spy network In particular, Russian agents are expected to prepare for sab…
NATO has warned Germany of an intensified Russian spy network In particular, Russian agents are expected to prepare for sabotage, violent attacks, and cyberattacks. The letter notes that the allies are "extremely concerned" about Russia's activity on NATO territory. pic.twitter.com/djLMUskNFq— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 5, 2024
@anneapplebaum: RT @anneapplebaum: "I never thought I would see North Korean ballistic missiles being used to kill people on European soil" Autocracy, Inc,…
"I never thought I would see North Korean ballistic missiles being used to kill people on European soil"Autocracy, Inc, in practice https://t.co/17IUOOTkXp— Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) May 5, 2024
@mikenov: дюмин
дюмин - Google Search https://t.co/GlWPhuX059— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) May 5, 2024
@Sandbagger_01: RT by @mikenov: Foreign intelligence services are contracting out killings to gangs
Foreign intelligence services are contracting out killings to gangs | https://t.co/R06r2pyeKM https://t.co/5gyRmgLU2g— Dr. Dan Lomas (@Sandbagger_01) May 5, 2024


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