100 Tweets: Israel has agreed in hostage negotiations in Egypt to concessions...


Tweets - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com
@elonmusk: RT @elonmusk: Brave man
Brave man https://t.co/eB4es8ZgJ1— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 10, 2024
@mikenov: New York City rats can catch the coronavirus that causes Covid-19
New York City rats can catch the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 - Google Search https://t.co/MWk4xr3Ppw— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 10, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: Israel has agreed in hostage negotiations in Egypt to concessions about the return of Palestinians to the north of Gaza, but believes Hamas does not want to strike a deal, Israeli officials said on Wednesday. jpost.com/israel-hamas-w…
Israel has agreed in hostage negotiations in Egypt to concessions about the return of Palestinians to the north of Gaza, but believes Hamas does not want to strike a deal, Israeli officials said on Wednesday.https://t.co/J3vwyyOf25— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 10, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: Israel will attack territory of anyone who attacks it, Gallant says in message to Iran dlvr.it/T5KC6V
Live update: Israel will attack territory of anyone who attacks it, Gallant says in message to Iran https://t.co/H8nvDkQ06B— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 10, 2024
@john_sipher: RT by @mikenov: If You Want to Understand Russian Power, Listen to the People Who Leave It time.com/6281663/russia…
If You Want to Understand Russian Power, Listen to the People Who Leave It https://t.co/CTktYNBdG0— John Sipher (@john_sipher) April 10, 2024
@CGeniuss: RT @CGeniuss: Stop wasting your money on fake scam presales! 🛑 Dive into the bullish world of $CIA on Solana/Ethereum instead. Join the age…
Stop wasting your money on fake scam presales! 🛑 Dive into the bullish world of $CIA on Solana/Ethereum instead. Join the agency's mission and invest in a genuine low cap gem. Let's build something real together! 💎🚀 #Crypto #CIA #memecoin $SOL $BTC $ETH #Bitcoin… pic.twitter.com/Z5WVn84CeF— CryptoGuruGenius (@CGeniuss) April 4, 2024
@NonHumanNexus: RT @NonHumanNexus: GPT's depiction of the classic #CIA nested #UFO/#paranormal research dynamic: rats in a laboratory conducting experiment…
GPT's depiction of the classic #CIA nested #UFO/#paranormal research dynamic: rats in a laboratory conducting experiments on UFOs/paranormal phenomena, unaware that they are the ones being experimented upon/punked.#SRI #ProjectStargage #SkinwalkerRanch #UFOs #ufology pic.twitter.com/VcKYId20Ud— Anarcho-UFO (@NonHumanNexus) April 6, 2024
@igorsushko: RT by @mikenov: 💥 Russian military Mi-24 helicopter crashed on the west coast of occupied Crimea. Crew dead.
💥 Russian military Mi-24 helicopter crashed on the west coast of occupied Crimea. Crew dead. pic.twitter.com/nPLHG9Yk38— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) April 10, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Замгенсека НАТО заявил, что России нельзя доверять в мирных переговорах. "Даже если они (власти РФ) со временем начнут говорить о мире, то речь будет не о мире как таковом, а о перемирии для перевооружения и последующего возвращения", - сказал Мирча Джоанэ. Джоанэ отметил, что… x.com/i/web/status/1…
Замгенсека НАТО заявил, что России нельзя доверять в мирных переговорах. "Даже если они (власти РФ) со временем начнут говорить о мире, то речь будет не о мире как таковом, а о перемирии для перевооружения и последующего возвращения", - сказал Мирча Джоанэ. Джоанэ отметил, что… pic.twitter.com/DyzTVkC4KK— DW на русском (@dw_russian) April 10, 2024
@dwnews: RT by @mikenov: Thousands of people protested in Georgia's capital, Tbilisi, against a plan to reintroduce a law that would allow the government to monitor NGOs and the media more easily. dw.com/en/georgia-tho…
Thousands of people protested in Georgia's capital, Tbilisi, against a plan to reintroduce a law that would allow the government to monitor NGOs and the media more easily.https://t.co/Mxz4ZemTaV— DW News (@dwnews) April 10, 2024
@Resonant_News: RT by @mikenov: Nearly 2 days after the #CIA🇺🇸 proposed to advance a deal between #Israel 🇮🇱 and #Hamas to secure release of 40 hostages held in Gaza, the Hamas has reportedly said it 'does not have the 40 hostages in the humanitarian category that are still alive. • Says number of hostages… x.com/i/web/status/1…
Nearly 2 days after the #CIA🇺🇸 proposed to advance a deal between #Israel 🇮🇱 and #Hamas to secure release of 40 hostages held in Gaza, the Hamas has reportedly said it 'does not have the 40 hostages in the humanitarian category that are still alive.• Says number of hostages… pic.twitter.com/Oh5qi0tpkF— Resonant News🌍 (@Resonant_News) April 10, 2024...
@Babbit13: RT by @mikenov: #Murder #DomesticTerrorists #FBI #CIA #DOJ #Pentagon #FallCabal
#Murder #DomesticTerrorists #FBI #CIA #DOJ #Pentagon #FallCabal pic.twitter.com/MWsQ4a0il8— Babbit13 ⚔️⚖️🕯️🙏🕯️⚖️⚔️ (@Babbit13) April 10, 2024
@lola19803789: RT by @mikenov: #MKULTRA #CIA #NAZIS More than just #LSD. The CIA shows its Nazi roots. alilybit.com/p/unearthed-se…
#MKULTRA #CIA #NAZISMore than just #LSD. The CIA shows its Nazi roots. https://t.co/rX1kMqg5u7— lola (@lola19803789) April 9, 2024
@MichaelAshura: RT by @mikenov: #Catholic Church comes out against sex change and #gender madness For the first time in 5 years, the Vatican issued a declaration, approved by #PopeFrancis stating that "the church believes that gender fluidity and transition surgery, as well as surrogacy, amount to affronts to… x.com/i/web/status/1…
#Catholic Church comes out against sex change and #gender madnessFor the first time in 5 years, the Vatican issued a declaration, approved by #PopeFrancis stating that "the church believes that gender fluidity and transition surgery, as well as surrogacy, amount to affronts to… pic.twitter.com/OUTYaH1szs— Michael Ashura (@MichaelAshura) April 10, 2024...
@anneapplebaum: RT @anneapplebaum: This interview, with outgoing Bulgarian PM, makes an essential point: Russian political interference enters political sy…
This interview, with outgoing Bulgarian PM, makes an essential point: Russian political interference enters political systems through corruption https://t.co/mUVCExHdUK— Anne Applebaum (@anneapplebaum) April 9, 2024
@Billbrowder: RT @Billbrowder: Finally someone saying “the King’s not wearing any clothes”
Finally someone saying “the King’s not wearing any clothes” https://t.co/iQ3k3r249s— Bill Browder (@Billbrowder) April 9, 2024
@mikenov: Встреча с главой Башкирии Радием Хабировым
Встреча с главой Башкирии Радием Хабировым • Президент России https://t.co/ZSgCKBWa7d pic.twitter.com/rXIC9rsTIN— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 9, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/elonmusk/statu… - Mass Media Affairs #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org… x.com/i/web/status/1…
https://t.co/tQTNdgwU4p - Mass Media Affairs#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM… pic.twitter.com/blF6hCaXDm— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 9, 2024
@christogrozev: RT by @mikenov: Nearly 4 years ago I warned about Jan Marsalek's links to Russian intel services. Little did I know that by then, he was already investigating me, using corrupted Austrian security offices, at the request of Russian intelligence services. What a meta story derstandard.at/story/30000002…
Nearly 4 years ago I warned about Jan Marsalek's links to Russian intel services. Little did I know that by then, he was already investigating me, using corrupted Austrian security offices, at the request of Russian intelligence services. What a meta story https://t.co/V0qkquwMq2 https://t.co/tkkBLy67OM— Christo Grozev (@christogrozev) April 9, 2024...
@elonmusk: RT by @mikenov: And fast
And fast https://t.co/JwCLUrcTlz— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 9, 2024
@khodorkovsky_en: RT by @mikenov: This is the picturesque Norwegian village of Moen. Nearby are fjords, waterfalls, a ski resort, and a NATO military base. So it’s a little concerning that Kremlin officials own much of it, as @dossier_center has revealed 🧵
This is the picturesque Norwegian village of Moen. Nearby are fjords, waterfalls, a ski resort, and a NATO military base. So it’s a little concerning that Kremlin officials own much of it, as @dossier_center has revealed 🧵 pic.twitter.com/yas3yfNj5q— Mikhail Khodorkovsky (@khodorkovsky_en) April 9, 2024
@OccupyDemocrats: RT by @mikenov: BREAKING: Donald Trump’s son-in-law is embroiled in scandal as it’s revealed that his shady investment firm is financed almost entirely by foreign investors. And it gets so much worse… The investors in question are largely individuals that Kushner dealt with while in Trump’s… x.com/i/web/status/1…
BREAKING: Donald Trump’s son-in-law is embroiled in scandal as it’s revealed that his shady investment firm is financed almost entirely by foreign investors. And it gets so much worse…The investors in question are largely individuals that Kushner dealt with while in Trump’s… pic.twitter.com/O9cVySlqxA— Occupy Democrats (@OccupyDemocrats) April 9, 2024...
@KyivIndependent: RT by @mikenov: ⚡️ Macron, Sunak agree to increase aid for Ukraine. U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak held a call with French President Emmanuel Macron on April 8 and discussed further support for Ukraine, among other issues. kyivindependent.com/macron-sunak-a…
⚡️ Macron, Sunak agree to increase aid for Ukraine.U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak held a call with French President Emmanuel Macron on April 8 and discussed further support for Ukraine, among other issues.https://t.co/iuKZPlIGSg— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) April 9, 2024
@IlyaYashin: RT by @mikenov: Привет, друзья! Давайте расскажу вам про своё житьё-бытьё. Шестые сутки я нахожусь в одиночной камере ШИЗО (выражаясь тюремным жаргоном, «на киче»). Отправился сюда сразу после короткого свидания с мамой. Вдруг выяснилось, что накануне я совершил страшное нарушение режима. А… x.com/i/web/status/1…
Привет, друзья! Давайте расскажу вам про своё житьё-бытьё.Шестые сутки я нахожусь в одиночной камере ШИЗО (выражаясь тюремным жаргоном, «на киче»). Отправился сюда сразу после короткого свидания с мамой. Вдруг выяснилось, что накануне я совершил страшное нарушение режима. А… pic.twitter.com/bZbyeV6nAG— Илья Яшин (@IlyaYashin) April 9, 2024
@mikenov: Trump, Putin and Netanyahu: the terrible trio of gaslighting narcissists inews.co.uk/news/world/tru…
Trump, Putin and Netanyahu: the terrible trio of gaslighting narcissists https://t.co/oCzZCGS2P5— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 9, 2024
@SlavaNAFO69: RT @SlavaNAFO69: @nexta_tv He doesn't always sees things right, thats for sure https://t.co/wtO1PpQzPA
He doesn't always sees things right, thats for sure pic.twitter.com/wtO1PpQzPA— Borg Fella (@SlavaNAFO69) April 8, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT @nexta_tv: Medvedev accused Biden and Macron of involvement in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall "So, the terrorist attack w…
Medvedev accused Biden and Macron of involvement in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall "So, the terrorist attack was ordered by ISIS, right? The real employers are the Ukrainian Banderovites, your hatchet men. And the accomplices in this murder are all of you, Biden,… pic.twitter.com/uj96ginsHv— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 8, 2024
@RpsAgainstTrump: RT @RpsAgainstTrump: Republican Senator Mitt Romney on Trump: “He is unquestionably mentally unstable, and he is racist, bigoted, misogyni…
Republican Senator Mitt Romney on Trump:“He is unquestionably mentally unstable, and he is racist, bigoted, misogynistic, xenophobic, vulgar, and prone to violence. There is simply no rational argument that could lead me to vote for someone with those characteristics.” pic.twitter.com/hV2mNegGj9— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) April 8,...
@Newsweek: RT @Newsweek: Republican warns Putin's propaganda "being uttered" in Congress https://t.co/xQPZ5qDSI8 https://t.co/sspxLl3tOw
Republican warns Putin's propaganda "being uttered" in Congress https://t.co/xQPZ5qDSI8 pic.twitter.com/sspxLl3tOw— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 7, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Israel is lost and Netanyahu has no idea where he's taking us | Haaretz Today
Israel is lost and Netanyahu has no idea where he's taking us | Haaretz Today | @AllisonKSommer https://t.co/Ke6VQ0C3SP— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) April 8, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: На телеканале ARD вышел документальный фильм "В отставке? История Герхарда Шрёдера", снятый к 80-летию бывшего канцлера Германии. Его авторы несколько месяцев наблюдали за жизнью политика и составляли его портрет. Первой темой фильма становится война России против Украины.… x.com/i/web/status/1…
На телеканале ARD вышел документальный фильм "В отставке? История Герхарда Шрёдера", снятый к 80-летию бывшего канцлера Германии. Его авторы несколько месяцев наблюдали за жизнью политика и составляли его портрет.Первой темой фильма становится война России против Украины.… pic.twitter.com/5KCf3SRVKp— DW на русском (@dw_russian) April 8, 2024
@Newsweek: RT by @mikenov: US troops face "big threat" as Iran vows revenge against Israel for attack newsweek.com/us-troops-face…
US troops face "big threat" as Iran vows revenge against Israel for attack https://t.co/vme3OdUvwX pic.twitter.com/T3Us7qMD5g— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 8, 2024
@officejjsmart: RT by @mikenov: How the Smolensk Bridge in Russia collapsed today. The bridge *was strategically important for transport and has affected a major railroad artery.
How the Smolensk Bridge in Russia collapsed today.The bridge *was strategically important for transport and has affected a major railroad artery. pic.twitter.com/QKUhOEJgQe— Jason Jay Smart (@officejjsmart) April 8, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: US State Dept. opens several investigations into alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza dlvr.it/T5F4LY
Live update: US State Dept. opens several investigations into alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza https://t.co/OM5AgUfHLt— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 8, 2024
@Osint613: RT by @mikenov: While Nasrallah was giving over his speech today, IDF struck Hezbollah at three different locations. Sending a message.
While Nasrallah was giving over his speech today, IDF struck Hezbollah at three different locations. Sending a message. pic.twitter.com/EAN4F3G9yU— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) April 8, 2024
@IsraeliPM: RT by @mikenov: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Today I received a detailed report on the talks in Cairo. We are working constantly to attain our objectives, first and foremost the release of all of our hostages and the achieving of total victory over Hamas.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:"Today I received a detailed report on the talks in Cairo. We are working constantly to attain our objectives, first and foremost the release of all of our hostages and the achieving of total victory over Hamas. pic.twitter.com/xw7LD2ujAo— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) April 8, 2024
@haaretzcom: RT by @mikenov: Officer behind controversial influence campaign tapped as Netanyahu's military secretary / @HauserTov haaretz.com/israel-news/20…
Officer behind controversial influence campaign tapped as Netanyahu's military secretary / @HauserTov https://t.co/RMLkkVjAt5— Haaretz.com (@haaretzcom) April 8, 2024
@netanyahu: RT by @mikenov: קיבלתי היום דיווח מפורט על השיחות בקהיר, אנחנו פועלים כל הזמן להשגת מטרותינו ובראשן שחרור כל חטופינו והשגת ניצחון מוחלט על חמאס. הניצחון הזה מחייב כניסה לרפיח וחיסול גדודי הטרור שם. זה יקרה
קיבלתי היום דיווח מפורט על השיחות בקהיר, אנחנו פועלים כל הזמן להשגת מטרותינו ובראשן שחרור כל חטופינו והשגת ניצחון מוחלט על חמאס.הניצחון הזה מחייב כניסה לרפיח וחיסול גדודי הטרור שם. זה יקרה - יש תאריך. pic.twitter.com/KOhStmGSGp— Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) April 8, 2024
@KyivIndependent: RT by @mikenov: ⚡️The Russian missile ship Serpukhov, which was docked off the exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea, was set on fire on April 8, Ukraine's military intelligence claimed. kyivindependent.com/russian-missil…
⚡️The Russian missile ship Serpukhov, which was docked off the exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea, was set on fire on April 8, Ukraine's military intelligence claimed.https://t.co/kZJ3v0hl8K— The Kyiv Independent (@KyivIndependent) April 8, 2024
@john_sipher: RT by @mikenov: Trump”couldn’t get the people he appointed to carry out his policies because he couldn’t be bothered to learn how to implement them. As soon as he realized an Afghanistan withdrawal would require more work than…scribble up a note, he dropped it entirely.” vanityfair.com/news/2023/11/t…
Trump”couldn’t get the people he appointed to carry out his policies because he couldn’t be bothered to learn how to implement them. As soon as he realized an Afghanistan withdrawal would require more work than…scribble up a note, he dropped it entirely.” https://t.co/JqK68YiGUE— John Sipher (@john_sipher) April 8, 2024
@ru_rbc: RT @ru_rbc: В Вязьме обрушился путепровод, на котором в этот момент находились несколько автомобилей, сообщили РБК в экстренных службах ht…
В Вязьме обрушился путепровод, на котором в этот момент находились несколько автомобилей, сообщили РБК в экстренных службахhttps://t.co/HfP9IDNMUA— РБК (@ru_rbc) April 8, 2024
@Newsweek: RT @Newsweek: Video of Donald Trump supporters saying they'd vote for Putin go viral https://t.co/T0cuPbaBOm https://t.co/nsqvP4CqXh
Video of Donald Trump supporters saying they'd vote for Putin go viral https://t.co/T0cuPbaBOm pic.twitter.com/nsqvP4CqXh— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 7, 2024
@mikenov: Встреча с главой Росрыболовства Ильёй Шестаковым
Встреча с главой Росрыболовства Ильёй Шестаковым • Президент России https://t.co/UK6nry6BdO pic.twitter.com/WwXHT87Xq5— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Более ста жителей Орска вышли на акцию в центре города после того, как в нем были затоплены несколько районов из-за прорыва местной дамбы. Они требуют увеличить выплаты пострадавшим от затопления. Как пишет Telegram-канал "Осторожно, новости", протестующие записывают обращение к… x.com/i/web/status/1…
Более ста жителей Орска вышли на акцию в центре города после того, как в нем были затоплены несколько районов из-за прорыва местной дамбы. Они требуют увеличить выплаты пострадавшим от затопления. Как пишет Telegram-канал "Осторожно, новости", протестующие записывают обращение к… pic.twitter.com/HDpw9BE4bK— DW на русском (@dw_russian) April 8, 2024...
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: Iranian Quds Force general killed in Damascus strike was also member of Hezbollah’s Shura Council
Live update: Iranian Quds Force general killed in Damascus strike was also member of Hezbollah’s Shura Council – report https://t.co/LfjAr8woxs— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 8, 2024
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Invisible traumatic brain injuries in wounded IDF soldiers may have devastating effects timesofisrael.com/invisible-trau…
Invisible traumatic brain injuries in wounded IDF soldiers may have devastating effects https://t.co/j8yLBqzoGV— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) April 8, 2024
@KyivPost: RT by @mikenov: Ukraine Sets Fire to Missile Ship in Russia’s Kaliningrad, Intel Source Says A source in Ukrainian intelligence said that the Russian ship Serpukhov was set ablaze in a Ukrainian intelligence special operation and that the ship's repairs will be lengthy. kyivpost.com/post/30778 x.com/i/web/status/1…
Ukraine Sets Fire to Missile Ship in Russia’s Kaliningrad, Intel Source SaysA source in Ukrainian intelligence said that the Russian ship Serpukhov was set ablaze in a Ukrainian intelligence special operation and that the ship's repairs will be lengthy.https://t.co/xzTOaVuZek— KyivPost (@KyivPost) April 8, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: ‼️ IAEA: Russian drone explosions have damaged the reactor shell at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant The organization's director-general, Rafael Grossi, said that there had been at least three hits on the reactor. The occupiers blamed Ukraine for this. x.com/i/web/status/1…
‼️ IAEA: Russian drone explosions have damaged the reactor shell at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plantThe organization's director-general, Rafael Grossi, said that there had been at least three hits on the reactor. The occupiers blamed Ukraine for this. pic.twitter.com/APtQo2bkai— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 8, 2024
@sentdefender: RT by @mikenov: The Israel Defense Force has announced the beginning of a Major Exercise today in the Western Galilee Region and on the Northwestern Coast of Israel to prepare for Fighting on multiple Fronts including Southern Lebanon; the Exercise will consist of Personnel and Equipment from… x.com/i/web/status/1…
The Israel Defense Force has announced the beginning of a Major Exercise today in the Western Galilee Region and on the Northwestern Coast of Israel to prepare for Fighting on multiple Fronts including Southern Lebanon; the Exercise will consist of Personnel and Equipment from… pic.twitter.com/31Y5ZHkNhE— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) April 8, 2024...
@igorsushko: RT by @mikenov: 🔥 Russia: Multiple warehouses on fire in an industrial sector near Krasnodar.
🔥 Russia: Multiple warehouses on fire in an industrial sector near Krasnodar. pic.twitter.com/Wy0QBStiEF— Igor Sushko (@igorsushko) April 7, 2024
@mikenov: "Иерусалим будет русским городом" ... Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, ... in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2024/04/russia…
"Иерусалим будет русским городом" ... Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, ... in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces https://t.co/dfSACKPRbn— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@mikenov: "Иерусалим будет русским городом" ... Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, ... in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2024/04/russia… x.com/i/web/status/1…
"Иерусалим будет русским городом" ... Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, ... in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces https://t.co/dfSACKPRbn pic.twitter.com/tQe6KJR2FA— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@mikenov: «Мозг Кремля : Иерусалим будет русским городом или его не будет вообще».... youtu.be/UnEsLzlmPmw?si… via @YouTube
«Мозг Кремля : Иерусалим будет русским городом или его не будет вообще».... https://t.co/DL6j3K215J via @YouTube— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/mikenov/status… Putin and Israel #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org… x.com/i/web/status/1…
https://t.co/BMla2Lso4g Putin and Israel #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@mikenov: Иерусалим будет русским городом - GS google.com/search?newwind…… - Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, Russian troops were deployed in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces - GS google.com/search?q=Russi……
Иерусалим будет русским городом - GS https://t.co/13tLiEyfKB… - Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, Russian troops were deployed in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces - GS https://t.co/3D5l0o2Tvd… - pic.twitter.com/1SHNyjblNT— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@mikenov: Иерусалим будет русским городом - Google Search google.com/search?newwind… -
Иерусалим будет русским городом - Google Search https://t.co/TBVBqDcHMo - pic.twitter.com/5FkKNvXkM0— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@mikenov: Идеолог Путина: "Иерусалим будет русским городом, или его не будет вообще"
Идеолог Путина: "Иерусалим будет русским городом, или его не будет вообще" - | Диалог.UA https://t.co/ue3yCnKFtD— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@mikenov: Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, Russian troops were deployed in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces - GS google.com/search?q=Russi…
Russian Military deployed troops along the Israel-Syria Border at Golan Heights, Russian troops were deployed in the Quneitra and Daraa provinces - GS https://t.co/6UoNaUKy5w - https://t.co/9cXTR2HYD3— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 8, 2024
@Newsweek: RT @Newsweek: Donald Trump panics as poll numbers slide https://t.co/IsC1hewlty https://t.co/AK1zRvPzIH
Donald Trump panics as poll numbers slide https://t.co/IsC1hewlty pic.twitter.com/AK1zRvPzIH— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 8, 2024
@TimesofIsrael: RT @TimesofIsrael: Intel report: Qatar’s funding, policies led directly to Oct. 7; it shouldn’t be key mediator https://t.co/2ASJRzmov4
Intel report: Qatar’s funding, policies led directly to Oct. 7; it shouldn’t be key mediator https://t.co/2ASJRzmov4— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) April 8, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: In the event of an all-out war, the damage Israel will cause to those countries that attack it is tens of times greater…
In the event of an all-out war, the damage Israel will cause to those countries that attack it is tens of times greater than their ability to harm Israel - analysis https://t.co/I78p70nuPQ— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 7, 2024
@generalsvr_en: RT @generalsvr_en: No Possibility of Consensus in Kremlin. Existence of the regime Is in Doubt Dear subscribers and guests of the channel!…
No Possibility of Consensus in Kremlin. Existence of the regime Is in DoubtDear subscribers and guests of the channel! A serious crisis is brewing in the so-called "Politburo 2.0". Last weekend, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai #Patrushev held consultations with… pic.twitter.com/5HPfOrOJqR— generalsvr_en (@generalsvr_en) April 8, 2024
@JayinKyiv: RT @JayinKyiv: Putin wheels out Dugin to let us know that Jerusalem is also on Putin's acquisition list. "Jeresalem will be a Russian city…
Putin wheels out Dugin to let us know that Jerusalem is also on Putin's acquisition list."Jeresalem will be a Russian city or it will not exist at all".Meanwhile, the west wants to "negotiate" with this creature.https://t.co/ITCGfGUHZJ— Jay in Kyiv (@JayinKyiv) April 7, 2024
@Osint613: RT by @mikenov: Gallant: IDF forces have been relocated from Khan Younis to prepare for the upcoming Rafah operation. Via @TimesofIsrael
Gallant: IDF forces have been relocated from Khan Younis to prepare for the upcoming Rafah operation.Via @TimesofIsrael pic.twitter.com/jQOxfz1nxU— Open Source Intel (@Osint613) April 7, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT by @mikenov: Russians still unable to restart Syzran oil refinery attacked on March 16 — The Insider Employees no longer get paid their salaries. x.com/i/web/status/1…
Russians still unable to restart Syzran oil refinery attacked on March 16 — The InsiderEmployees no longer get paid their salaries. pic.twitter.com/L8taEVi3ov— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 7, 2024
@axios: RT @axios: House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said it's "absolutely true" that Russian propaganda has made its way int…
House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said it's "absolutely true" that Russian propaganda has made its way into Congress. https://t.co/U7NWGphWQY— Axios (@axios) April 7, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: More than 7,000 people gathered Sunday afternoon near the United Nations Headquarters in New York calling for the retur…
More than 7,000 people gathered Sunday afternoon near the United Nations Headquarters in New York calling for the return of the remaining 133 hostages in the largest rally outside of Israel to date.https://t.co/CAY9ul8Xox— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 7, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: IDF chief of staff: War against Hamas is far from over, despite troop withdrawal https://t.co/8ALv99kkzN
Live update: IDF chief of staff: War against Hamas is far from over, despite troop withdrawal https://t.co/8ALv99kkzN— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 7, 2024
@Grewendorp: RT @Grewendorp: Without any delays: Immediate TR 3B action immediately required against the gigantic #GRU Network. #Wintergrün #Cellarius h…
Without any delays: Immediate TR 3B action immediately required against the gigantic #GRU Network. #Wintergrün #Cellarius https://t.co/q7oEe7dlen pic.twitter.com/WKTdcn0UKD— Klaus von Grewendorp 🇧🇷 (@Grewendorp) April 5, 2024
@insightnewsme: RT @insightnewsme: New data on Havana syndrome and links to Russian intelligence. #HavanaSyndrome is a mysterious disease affecting Western…
New data on Havana syndrome and links to Russian intelligence. #HavanaSyndrome is a mysterious disease affecting Western diplomats and intelligence officers, and investigators believe #Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate #GRU is responsible. https://t.co/oY0qo3bUS9— Insight News Media (@insightnewsme) April 3, 2024
@timfattig: RT @timfattig: Col. #OlegPenkovsky of the #GRU (Soviet military intelligence) was one of the most important sources of info for the West be…
Col. #OlegPenkovsky of the #GRU (Soviet military intelligence) was one of the most important sources of info for the West before and during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was ideologically dissatisfied with the Soviet system, it was claimed, and began furnishing sensitive… pic.twitter.com/UmCuT7zRoE— Tim Fattig (@timfattig) April 5, 2024
@timesofindia: RT @timesofindia: Putin's cryptic threat to Netanyahu: 'Massive' Russian troop deployment along Israel-Syria border https://t.co/yRL04pfXc7
Putin's cryptic threat to Netanyahu: 'Massive' Russian troop deployment along Israel-Syria border pic.twitter.com/yRL04pfXc7— The Times Of India (@timesofindia) April 4, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT @nexta_tv: Another oil refinery in Russia has halted operations The management of Orsknefteorgsintez has declared the suspension of act…
Another oil refinery in Russia has halted operationsThe management of Orsknefteorgsintez has declared the suspension of activities at the local oil refinery due to flooding. pic.twitter.com/swfSnOx8cF— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 7, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Pope Francis set to meet hostage families and FM in Vatican tomorrow https://t.co/GD2G9HdBky
Live update: Pope Francis set to meet hostage families and FM in Vatican tomorrow https://t.co/GD2G9HdBky— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 7, 2024
@mikenov: x.com/timesofindia/s… Putin, Netanyahu, Syria (GS) #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers newsandtimes.org… x.com/i/web/status/1…
https://t.co/SZgD7Mgmk1 Putin, Netanyahu, Syria (GS)#NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times#World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI#Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu#Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT#Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggershttps://t.co/O0SIgLVWzM… pic.twitter.com/ft5esyT1WX— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 7, 2024
@mikenov: Putin, Netanyahu, Syria
Putin, Netanyahu, Syria - Google Search https://t.co/ZuCoZ0UI6A— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 7, 2024
@mikenov: Putin's Cryptic Threat To Netanyahu: 'Massive' Russian Troop Deployment Along Israel-Syria Border
Putin's Cryptic Threat To Netanyahu: 'Massive' Russian Troop Deployment Along Israel-Syria Border - MSN https://t.co/b236Hm4DQI— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 7, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: Gallant: IDF troops withdrawn from Khan Younis to prepare for Rafah operation dlvr.it/T5BfsK
Live update: Gallant: IDF troops withdrawn from Khan Younis to prepare for Rafah operation https://t.co/ybWN6aES54— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 7, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: 🪖 As tensions along Israel's northern border threaten to spill over into open war, the IDF's Northern Command completed another phase in its preparation for war. jpost.com/israel-hamas-w…
🪖 As tensions along Israel's northern border threaten to spill over into open war, the IDF's Northern Command completed another phase in its preparation for war. https://t.co/mjanL9kIZd— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 7, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT by @mikenov: IDF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military compound containing military structures belonging to the terrorist group's Rawdan Forces in southern Lebanon, the IDF reported. jpost.com/breaking-news/…
IDF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military compound containing military structures belonging to the terrorist group's Rawdan Forces in southern Lebanon, the IDF reported.https://t.co/fgdZAbOS2X— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 7, 2024
@GolosAmeriki: RT by @mikenov: Цена агрессии: анализируя данные о российских потерях в войне против Украины dlvr.it/T5BYqr
Цена агрессии: анализируя данные о российских потерях в войне против Украины https://t.co/oSkeMTvb9Y— Голос Америки (@GolosAmeriki) April 7, 2024
@ahramonline: RT by @mikenov: #Sisi discusses #Gaza ceasefire with #CIA chief in Cairo meeting english.ahram.org.eg/News/520612.as…
#Sisi discusses #Gaza ceasefire with #CIA chief in Cairo meeting https://t.co/tvbGdF894y— Ahram Online (@ahramonline) April 7, 2024
@Newsweek: RT by @mikenov: Donald Trump's $175M bond may be about to "implode," legal analyst suggests newsweek.com/donald-trumps-…
Donald Trump's $175M bond may be about to "implode," legal analyst suggests https://t.co/KsQlRlP1hs pic.twitter.com/47lwaHNcbh— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 7, 2024
@Gerashchenko_en: RT by @mikenov: Donald Trump has repeatedly said he can end Russia's war in Ukraine very quickly. According to Washington Post, here's how he plans to do it: He proposes to force Ukraine to give up Crimea and Donbas, the media writes, listing people who discussed it with Trump or his advisers… x.com/i/web/status/1…
Donald Trump has repeatedly said he can end Russia's war in Ukraine very quickly. According to Washington Post, here's how he plans to do it:He proposes to force Ukraine to give up Crimea and Donbas, the media writes, listing people who discussed it with Trump or his advisers… pic.twitter.com/iIYTJJr6DS— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) April 7,...
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: Урсула фон дер Ляйен пообещала дать отпор "друзьям Путина" в преддверии выборов в Европейский парламент в июне этого года. Выступая в Афинах, она заявила, что ультраправые европейские партии - АдГ в Германии, "Национальное объединение" Марин ле Пен во Франции, "Конфедерация… x.com/i/web/status/1…
Урсула фон дер Ляйен пообещала дать отпор "друзьям Путина" в преддверии выборов в Европейский парламент в июне этого года. Выступая в Афинах, она заявила, что ультраправые европейские партии - АдГ в Германии, "Национальное объединение" Марин ле Пен во Франции, "Конфедерация… pic.twitter.com/jQ7upthJEp— DW на русском (@dw_russian) April 7, 2024
@FBI: RT by @mikenov: How does the #FBI pick our MOST wanted fugitives? Learn the history of this legendary list and how it helps capture some of America's worst offenders on our #InsideTheFBI #podcast: fbi.gov/news/podcasts/…
How does the #FBI pick our MOST wanted fugitives? Learn the history of this legendary list and how it helps capture some of America's worst offenders on our #InsideTheFBI #podcast: https://t.co/7Hr5uonhOE pic.twitter.com/oxPvN5nzwF— FBI (@FBI) April 7, 2024
@TimesofIsrael: RT by @mikenov: Marking 6 months of war, PM calls on Israelis to ‘unite to repel attacks against us’ timesofisrael.com/marking-6-mont…
Marking 6 months of war, PM calls on Israelis to ‘unite to repel attacks against us’ https://t.co/Ws6MLspvS0— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) April 7, 2024
@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: In a statement made on Sunday, Netanyahu said that "Israel is not the stumbling block to a hostage deal, Hamas is," pus…
In a statement made on Sunday, Netanyahu said that "Israel is not the stumbling block to a hostage deal, Hamas is," pushing back at Biden's charge that he needed to do more to bring the remaining hostages home. https://t.co/qzZNDbxNxq— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 7, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Poll: 46% of UK Muslims support Hamas, only 1 in 4 believe terrorists committed atrocities on October 7 https:/…
Live update: Poll: 46% of UK Muslims support Hamas, only 1 in 4 believe terrorists committed atrocities on October 7 https://t.co/RBlGY8p41w— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 7, 2024
@mikenov: Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war
Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia https://t.co/fklbpvoNvX.— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 7, 2024
@mikenov: Yossi Cohen as the chief of the Mossad
Yossi Cohen as the chief of the Mossad - Google Search https://t.co/QNa1bqduR9— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) April 7, 2024
@IsraeliPM: RT by @mikenov: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the Government meeting: "Today we are marking six months of the war. The achievements of the war are considerable: We have eliminated 19 of Hamas's 24 battalions, including senior commanders. gov.il/en/Departments…
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the Government meeting:"Today we are marking six months of the war. The achievements of the war are considerable: We have eliminated 19 of Hamas's 24 battalions, including senior commanders. https://t.co/iC8JDyHxVT pic.twitter.com/XWDqUaIUfX— Prime Minister of Israel (@IsraeliPM) April 7, 2024...
@TOIAlerts: RT by @mikenov: Live update: Five rockets fired from Khan Younis at Gaza border communities, hours after IDF withdraws ground troops dlvr.it/T5B6SW
Live update: Five rockets fired from Khan Younis at Gaza border communities, hours after IDF withdraws ground troops https://t.co/ut1mjqJQnZ— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 7, 2024
@dw_russian: RT by @mikenov: РФ предположительно применяет в Украине запрещенный на войне газ CS, также известный как "Сирень". Об этом сообщает газета The Telegraph на основании рассказов солдат ВСУ на линии фронта. В статье указывается, что, хотя газ CS и не имеет летального действия, он вызывает панику,… x.com/i/web/status/1…
РФ предположительно применяет в Украине запрещенный на войне газ CS, также известный как "Сирень". Об этом сообщает газета The Telegraph на основании рассказов солдат ВСУ на линии фронта. В статье указывается, что, хотя газ CS и не имеет летального действия, он вызывает панику,… pic.twitter.com/wP64h4bS23— DW на русском (@dw_russian) April 7, 2024
@axios: RT @axios: Trump said Saturday that going to jail for violating his gag order would be his "great honor." "If this Partisan Hack wants to…
Trump said Saturday that going to jail for violating his gag order would be his "great honor.""If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the 'clink' for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela." https://t.co/NuenXjgz6F— Axios (@axios) April 7, 2024
@Gerashchenko_en: RT @Gerashchenko_en: Russia carrying out illegal chemical attacks on Ukrainian soldiers – The Telegraph Russian troops are carrying out a…
Russia carrying out illegal chemical attacks on Ukrainian soldiers – The TelegraphRussian troops are carrying out a systematic campaign of illegal chemical attacks against Ukrainian soldiers, according to a Telegraph investigation.The Telegraph spoke to a number of Ukrainian… pic.twitter.com/hvmC9EP8Z3— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) April 7,...
@Jerusalem_Post: RT @Jerusalem_Post: Watch- Before the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, IDF troops dismantle a 900-meter-long terror tunnel in the Al-Amal ar…
Watch- Before the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, IDF troops dismantle a 900-meter-long terror tunnel in the Al-Amal area of Khan Yunis.Full story > >https://t.co/KFbl0bNvke— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) April 7, 2024
@TOIAlerts: RT @TOIAlerts: Live update: Israeli team gets green light to join Gaza truce talks in Cairo this week
Live update: Israeli team gets green light to join Gaza truce talks in Cairo this week — official https://t.co/8kcDhhEMCh— ToI ALERTS (@TOIAlerts) April 7, 2024
@nexta_tv: RT @nexta_tv: China has provided Russia with satellite images for military purposes, as well as microelectronics and machines for tank prod…
China has provided Russia with satellite images for military purposes, as well as microelectronics and machines for tank production - BloombergChina's support also includes optical instruments, rocket fuel, and increased space cooperation. pic.twitter.com/J9EEUSspao— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 7, 2024
@TimesofIsrael: RT @TimesofIsrael: Shin Bet says Iran was behind funeral bouquet sent to taunt hostage’s family https://t.co/gGp1it34Z4
Shin Bet says Iran was behind funeral bouquet sent to taunt hostage’s family https://t.co/gGp1it34Z4— The Times of Israel (@TimesofIsrael) April 7, 2024


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