Another Bad Night for Russia’s Aerospace Forces as Another A-50 Goes Down - News Review In 200 Brief Posts

Another Bad Night for Russia’s Aerospace Forces as Another A-50 Goes Down


Ukraine’s military intelligence and Air Force brought down another high value Beriev A-50 command aircraft over the Azov Sea on Friday in a “combined operation.”

Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times
Netanyahu is ‘doubling down on stupid’ by abandoning two-state solution in Gaza, Newsom says
During an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “doubling down on stupid” by walking away from a two-state solution in Gaza. “Let's work to eliminate Hamas and rebuild Gaza and advance a two-state solution,” Newsom told Kristen Welker.  » Subscribe to NBC News:
How Trump’s foreign policy could alter America’s global approach
Isolationism in American politics is gaining traction as former President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers continue to question foreign aid funding and the NATO alliance. NBC News’ Dan De Luce explains the global consequences if Trump is re-elected and further isolates the U.S. from the world in foreign policy. » Subscribe to MSNBC:
Volodymyr Zelenskyy jokes about Vladimir Putin at a conference in Kyiv
The Ukrainian president was asked if he would pick up the phone if Putin called him. #shorts #skynews #putin #russia #ukraine #zelenskyy SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram:...
Failed Trump lawyer Alina Habba's INSANE interview to Hannity
-- Alina Habba, Donald Trump's failed lawyer, gives an outrageous and borderline comical interview to Fox News propagandist Sean Hannity --- Become a Member: Become a Patron: Book David Pakman: --- David on Instagram:
Ukraine on the Defensive as Russia War Enters Third Year
As the war in Ukraine reached its three-year mark, Ukrainians stand defiant as the country is now on the defensive with looming concerns waiting to be addressed by its government and Western partners.
Another Bad Night for Russia’s Aerospace Forces as Another A-50 Goes Down
Ukraine’s military intelligence and Air Force brought down another high value Beriev A-50 command aircraft over the Azov Sea on Friday in a “combined operation.”
From Bad to Worse – Russia Loses Another Fighter Bomber
The loss of yet another Su-34 on Friday evening was almost overlooked because of media focus on the loss of a Beriev A-50 command aircraft just hours earlier.
Senile Donald Trump appears to call Melania “Mercedes”
Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch. Donate to Palmer Report. Never miss an article: sign up for the free Palmer Report mailing list here —– Personal note from Bill Palmer: if each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it’ll help keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation’s history: Contribute...
Russia-Ukraine war at a glance: what we know on day 731
G7 leaders urge additional support after defiant Zelenskiy hosts western leaders; Navalny’s body handed over to his mother See all our Ukraine war coverage Continue reading…
‘Blinded’: Every A-50 Radar Plane The Ukrainians Shoot Down Opens A Gap In Russian Radar Coverage—A Gap The Ukrainians Can Exploit
A Beriev A-50. Wikimedia Commons We don’t know exactly how Ukrainian forces shot down one of the Russian air force’s eight remaining Beriev A-50M/U radar-early-warning planes on Friday. But we do know why. Canadian open-source intelligence researcher Steffan Watkins may have stated it most succinctly. The Russians are “being blinded and prevented...
Three Brooklyn shooting suspects sought for wounding teen
Police in Brooklyn are still looking for three suspects who shot a teenage boy while he was walking along a street on Saturday afternoon. According to authorities, a 17-year-old boy was apparently on his way to a store and was passing 220 Livonia Ave. in Brownsville at around 2:59 p.m. on Feb. 24 when a dark colored vehicle pulled up alongside him....
The real threat from Vladimir Putin
Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch. Donate to Palmer Report. Never miss an article: sign up for the free Palmer Report mailing list here —– Personal note from Bill Palmer: if each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it’ll help keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation’s history:...
Марлен Дитрих, прибыв в СССР, потребовала встречи с русским писателем.
Кто был этим писателем? В 1964 году он встретился с актрисой Марлен Дитрих, которую к тому времени знал весь мир. Ее внешность сводила с ума миллионы мужчин, а миллионы женщин стремились внешне быть похожей на нее, с ее магическим шармом женщины-вамп. Дитрих слыла иконой стиля, недосягаемой по своей магии воздействия для многих других, казалось бы,...
Zelenskiy puts figure on Ukrainian soldiers killed for first time at 31,000 - The Guardian
Zelenskiy puts figure on Ukrainian soldiers killed for first time at 31,000  The Guardian
Sullivan calls Putin’s order for Navalny’s private funeral ‘sign of weakness’ - Washington Examiner
Sullivan calls Putin’s order for Navalny’s private funeral ‘sign of weakness’  Washington Examiner
Jake Sullivan Demands House GOP Give Money To Ukraine, Makes No Demands For Democrats To Compromise - The Daily Wire
Jake Sullivan Demands House GOP Give Money To Ukraine, Makes No Demands For Democrats To Compromise  The Daily Wire
President: Coming months will be difficult, but Ukraine has plan
President Volodymyr Zelensky predicts that in the coming months, Ukraine will have "a hard time".
British intelligence explains implications of Ukraine’s strikes on Russian Navy assets
The Russian Navy has repeatedly been forced to reconsider its risk appetite following the successes of Ukraine’s Defense Forces in asymmetric strikes.
New chief elected to Ukraine’s anti-graft agency
Viktor Pavlushchyk was elected as the new head of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention (NACP).
Zelensky warns 'millions will be killed' without US aid to Kyiv, as Ukrainian troop deaths reach at least 31000 - The Albany Herald
Zelensky warns 'millions will be killed' without US aid to Kyiv, as Ukrainian troop deaths reach at least 31000  The Albany Herald
Biden not yet briefed on Israel’s Rafah operation, White house’s Sullivan says - Malay Mail
Biden not yet briefed on Israel’s Rafah operation, White house’s Sullivan says  Malay Mail
Sullivan says Ukraine package critical for US munitions production amid concern of shortage - Fox News
Sullivan says Ukraine package critical for US munitions production amid concern of shortage  Fox News
Ukraine floats possibility of inviting Russia to peace summit - Yahoo! Voices
Ukraine floats possibility of inviting Russia to peace summit  Yahoo! Voices
Russian Drone Forces Germany's Baerbock To Cut Short Waterworks Plant Visit In Ukraine - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Russian Drone Forces Germany's Baerbock To Cut Short Waterworks Plant Visit In Ukraine  Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Ukraine's Victory 'Depends On You', Zelensky Tells The West - Barron's
Ukraine's Victory 'Depends On You', Zelensky Tells The West  Barron's
Zelensky warns Ukraine faces tough few months as it awaits Western military aid - The Independent
Zelensky warns Ukraine faces tough few months as it awaits Western military aid  The Independent
Обследования мужчин для повышения рождаемости запустили на Среднем Урале
Впервые с нынешнего года в рамках диспансеризации по всей стране будут бесплатно проверять репродуктивное здоровье мужчин. Посыл понятен: вклад сильного пола в решение демографического вопроса явно не меньше женщин. Как утверждают специалисты, 50 на 50. При этом система здравоохранения акцентирована в основном на здоровье будущих мам, а мужчины предпочитают...
Что известно о военной операции Израиля в в Рафахе и соглашении с ХАМАС
Израильская военная операция в Рафахе, самом южном городе Газы, может быть "немного отложена", если будет достигнута договоренность о недельном перемирии между Израилем и ХАМАС, заявил в воскресенье премьер-министр Биньямин Нетаньяху.
Балицкий: российская армия вошла в Работино
Бойцы СВО продолжают наступать и переламывать силы ВСУ.
VOAэкспресс 25 февраля 2024
Ежедневная рассылка новостей «Голоса Америки»
Павел Басинский - о том, как 100 лет назад Булгаков завершил работу над романом "Белая гвардия"
В этом году мы отмечаем выдающийся литературный юбилей. Ровно 100 лет назад, в 1924 году, Михаил Афанасьевич Булгаков завершил работу над своим первым романом под названием "Белая гвардия".
Путин поздравил россиян с 23 февраля
Президент РФ Владимир Путин по традиции в День защитника Отечества приехал в Александровский сад и возложил цветы к Могиле Неизвестного Солдата у Кремлевской стены.
Балицкий: Российские войска вошли в Работино и продолжают наступать дальше
Российские бойцы вошли в Работино и продолжают наступать дальше, перемалывая силы ВСУ. Об этом заявил РИА Новости губернатор Запорожской области Евгений Балицкий.
Зеленский заявил, что Россия заранее получила план контрнаступления ВСУ
Россия заранее получила план провального летнего контрнаступления ВСУ. Об этом на пресс-конференции заявил президент Украины Владимир Зеленский.
США осудили «фиктивные парламентские и местные выборы» в Беларуси
Госдепартамент подчеркнул, что они «прошли в атмосфере страха, в которой никакие избирательные процессы не могут быть названы демократическими»
Чем запомнилась встреча глав МИД "двадцатки"
В Бразилии завершилась встреча глав МИД G20. Большая часть мероприятия состоялась за закрытыми для журналистов дверями. Даже прибытие министров демонстрировали лишь на экране в зале для прессы, поэтому задать им вопросы никто из представителей СМИ не мог.
Команда Beyond стала победителем "Игр Будущего" в дисциплине "Мир танков"
Российская команда Beyond одержала победу в финале "Игр Будущего" в дисциплине "Мир танков".
NYT: Директор ЦРУ Бернс тайно посетил Украину 22 февраля
Директор Центрального разведывательного управления США Уильям Бернс совершил секретный визит на Украину 22 февраля. Об этом сообщает газета The New York Times.
Зеленский заявил о наличии у ВСУ четкого плана нового контрнаступления
Президент Украины отказался комментировать кадровые перестановки в военном руководстве страны.
Глава ГУР Кирилл Буданов заявил, что Навальный умер из-за тромба
Украинские власти пообещали "много сюрпризов" для России в этом году и намекнули на удары по Крымскому мосту. В Киеве также заявили, что ВСУ смогут получить больше миллиона БПЛА, а на поле боя впервые активно проявят себя наземные дроны. Кроме того, украинская разведка уверена, что Москва якобы готовит против Владимира Зеленского операцию "Майдан-3".
Новости США за минуту: США о ХАМАС
Переговоры в Париже // Республиканские праймериз // Похищенные на яхте // «Оппенгеймер». Главные новости США за 25 февраля 2024
На Крымском мосту восстановлено движение транспорта
Проезд автомобилей по Крымскому мосту возобновлен. Задержка составила порядка 3,5 часа, сообщает Telegram-канал, освещающий оперативную информацию на мосту.
Премьер-министр Йемена бен Мубарак направился с визитом в Москву
Премьер-министр Йемена Ахмед Авад бен Мубарак направился с официальным визитом в Россию по приглашению российской стороны. Об этом сообщает агентство Saba.
Четверо альпинистов погибли под лавиной во Франции
Четверо альпинистов погибли в воскресенье в результате схода лавины, произошедшей на высоте 1600 метров в массиве Санси на горнолыжном курорте Мон-Дор. Об этом сообщили в префектуре департамента Пюи-де-Дом. Национальность погибших не уточняется.
Пленные бойцы ВСУ попросили о гражданстве РФ у губернатора Балицкого
ТАСС публикует видео, на котором двое пленных военнослужащих ВСУ попросили у губернатора Запорожской области Евгения Балицкого о российском гражданстве.
NYT: Названное Зеленским число погибших бойцов ВСУ ниже официальных данных США
Цифры погибших солдат ВСУ, которые обнародовал президент Украины Владимир Зеленский, резко отличается от данных официальных лиц США, которые еще в прошлом году заявили, что это число приближается к 70 тысячам. Об этом пишет газета The New York Times (NYT).
Зеленский заподозрил западных партнеров и членов ставки в передаче данных РФ
Владимир Зеленский заподозрил западных партнеров и членов своей ставки в передаче данных России. Об этом он рассказал во время пресс-конференции "Украина. 2024 год".
Зеленский заявил об аудите армии после сдачи Сырским Авдеевки
В украинской армии проводится аудит на фоне сдачи главнокомандующим ВСУ Александром Сырским Авдеевки. Об этом на пресс-конференции заявил президент Украины Владимир Зеленский.
Каспаров: необходимо объединение граждан России, выступающих против Путина
Организаторы Форума свободной России полагают, что борьба с режимом Путина развернется теперь по преимуществу за рубежом
Jake Sullivan says U.S., Israel have agreed to 'basic contours' of a cease-fire deal - NPR
Jake Sullivan says U.S., Israel have agreed to 'basic contours' of a cease-fire deal  NPR
Russia shoots down six Ukrainian drones over Belgorod and Black Sea - Prensa Latina
Russia shoots down six Ukrainian drones over Belgorod and Black Sea  Prensa Latina
Ukraine is relying on the U.S. to address its weapons shortage - WRKF
Ukraine is relying on the U.S. to address its weapons shortage  WRKF
Latest positive update on Gaza ceasefire talks from the White House
ALBAWABA - The US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, stated that talks are still in progress for a possible cease-fire in the Gaza Strip...
Former British Prime Minister Truss alleges obstruction by 'British Deep State'
ALBAWABA - A former prime minister of the United Kingdom named Liz Truss has made some shocking claims, claiming that the "British deep state" prevented her from implementing her agenda to "take back control...
Ukraine's Defence Intelligence does not confirm transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia - Yahoo News
Ukraine's Defence Intelligence does not confirm transfer of Iranian ballistic missiles to Russia  Yahoo News
Is Russia preparing for war with NATO? – DW – 02/21/2024 - DW (English)
Is Russia preparing for war with NATO? – DW – 02/21/2024  DW (English)
Qatar emir due in Paris for talks on Gaza
Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, whose country has played the key mediation role in the Gaza war, visits Paris this week for talks with President Emmanuel Macron, the French presidency said Sunday.The ruler's trip on Tuesday and Wednesday will be his first state visit to France since he became emir of the small but gas-rich and hugely influential...
Austrian extremist released after months held in Afghanistan
An Austrian far-right extremist who visited Afghanistan reportedly to prove it was a safe country was released on Sunday after nine months in detention there.Herbert Fritz, 84, who according to Austrian media has close links to the far-right extremist scene, arrived in the Qatari capital Doha after being freed by Taliban authorities.Fritz was arrested...
Зеленский готовит донос в США и Евросоюз на СМИ, сотрудничающие с Россией
Украинский лидер заявил, что есть документ с перечнем представителей компаний, имеющих тесные связи с РФ.
Дела Зеленского плохи: вопрос, как победить, больше не стоит — «ZеРада»
Дела плохи — на Украине больше нет речи о том, как победить, остался только дискурс, кто будет объявлен виноватым в провале. Об этом пишет телеграм-канал «ZеРада».
NATO enlargement: Sweden and Finland - House of Commons Library - Commons Library
NATO enlargement: Sweden and Finland - House of Commons Library  Commons Library
Germany's Max Dehning becomes youngest to throw javelin past 90m mark - Olympics
Germany's Max Dehning becomes youngest to throw javelin past 90m mark  Olympics
Russia-Ukraine live: World leaders in Kyiv for anniversary of war as Zelensky vows 'we will win' against Putin - AOL
Russia-Ukraine live: World leaders in Kyiv for anniversary of war as Zelensky vows 'we will win' against Putin  AOL
Grim death toll revealed as Zelensky says 31000 Ukrainian soldiers dead in two bitter years since Putin's invasion - LBC
Grim death toll revealed as Zelensky says 31000 Ukrainian soldiers dead in two bitter years since Putin's invasion  LBC
Scholz to seek to shore up support for Ukraine, NATO on US trip - SWI - SWI in English
Scholz to seek to shore up support for Ukraine, NATO on US trip - SWI  SWI in English
Pope Francis says Russia’s war in Ukraine unleashed "global wave of fear and hatred"
On Sunday, Pope Francis called for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine that would lead to a just and lasting peace, as the second anniversary of Russia's invasion was marked a day earlier. Francis, who on Saturday cancelled his meetings due to a mild case of the flu, also expressed his concern for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as...
Deputy Prime Minister Says 160 Tons Of Ukrainian Grain Destroyed In Poland
Around 160 tons of Ukrainian grain was destroyed at a Polish railway station amid large-scale protests in what Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov on February 25 called an act of "impunity and irresponsibility."
Securing border is an 'American challenge,' not a GOP or Democrat one: Colorado gov
Governors Kevin Stitt, R-Okla., and Jared Polis, D-Co., discuss the need to secure the border, the President meeting with governors at the White House, and advice to Congress about the budget. #foxnews Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live:
'Our people are dying and we do need help': Filmmaker in Kyiv reflects on 2 years of war in Ukraine - Spectrum News 1
'Our people are dying and we do need help': Filmmaker in Kyiv reflects on 2 years of war in Ukraine  Spectrum News 1
Volodymyr Zelenskyy jokes about Vladimir Putin at a conference in Kyiv - Sky News
Volodymyr Zelenskyy jokes about Vladimir Putin at a conference in Kyiv  Sky News
NYPD releases pic of suspect wanted in stabbing near Times Square migrant shelter - Yahoo News
NYPD releases pic of suspect wanted in stabbing near Times Square migrant shelter  Yahoo News
Times Square migrant shelter stabbing attack: Police release new photo of suspect; 8 remain at large - Fox News
Times Square migrant shelter stabbing attack: Police release new photo of suspect; 8 remain at large  Fox News
Мега-утечка метана в Казахстане продолжалась больше полугода: исследование Би-би-си -
Мега-утечка метана в Казахстане продолжалась больше полугода: исследование Би-би-си
Zelensky reveals 31,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed since Putin invaded two years ago - as he warns the West that victory against Russia 'depends on you'
In a rare admission of military losses, Zelensky said Ukraine had lost 31,000 troops: 'Not 300,000 or 150,000, or whatever Putin and his lying circle are saying'
Thuggish ex-boxer who punched and kicked 46-year-old man to death at house in seaside town before fleeing is facing life in jail after pleading guilty to murder
Adam Bowers, 35, murdered Nick Bryan in the popular seaside resort of Weston-Super-Mare after a number of people had spent an evening drinking. He pleaded guilty at Bristol Crown Court.
Remains identified as teen missing for over 50 years after DNA uploaded to genealogy database - WGAU
Remains identified as teen missing for over 50 years after DNA uploaded to genealogy database  WGAU
@mikenov: #Ukraine, #SouthCaucasus, #MiddleEast Ukraine, South Caucasus, Middle East – –
#Ukraine, #SouthCaucasus, #MiddleEast Ukraine, South Caucasus, Middle East – – – — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 25, 2024 The post @mikenov: #Ukraine, #SouthCaucasus, #MiddleEast Ukraine, South Caucasus, Middle East – –
Зеленский: Путин при личной встрече призывал к прекращению огня - Национальная служба новостей
Зеленский: Путин при личной встрече призывал к прекращению огня  Национальная служба новостей
Vladimir Putin lies; Data released - B92
Vladimir Putin lies; Data released  B92
US says hopeful of Gaza ceasefire and hostage deal in ‘coming days’
National security adviser Jake Sullivan says negotiators in Paris reached ‘understanding’ on basics of agreement
Satellite footage shows Gaza aid convoys stuck in Egypt - The New Arab
Satellite footage shows Gaza aid convoys stuck in Egypt  The New Arab
As Trump warns that 'we're living in hell right now,' Biden team responds: 'Weird ramblings' - ABC News
As Trump warns that 'we're living in hell right now,' Biden team responds: 'Weird ramblings'  ABC News
Zelensky says 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed since start of Russia’s full-scale invasion — Meduza – Meduza
Zelensky says 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed since start of Russia’s full-scale invasion — Meduza  MeduzaThe post Zelensky says 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed since start of Russia’s full-scale invasion — Meduza – Meduza first appeared on JOSSICA - The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.
Ukraine MUST win by November – or Donald Trump will be kingmaker & Putin could attack Europe, warn e… – The Sun
Ukraine MUST win by November – or Donald Trump will be kingmaker & Putin could attack Europe, warn e…  The SunThe post Ukraine MUST win by November – or Donald Trump will be kingmaker & Putin could attack Europe, warn e… – The Sun first appeared on JOSSICA - The Journal of the Open Source Strategic Intelligence and Counterintelligence Analysis.
Chicago man charged with murder in shooting of South Side store worker Shadi Mohammad Suleimen Almomani during attempted robbery - WLS-TV
Chicago man charged with murder in shooting of South Side store worker Shadi Mohammad Suleimen Almomani during attempted robbery  WLS-TV
Post Office hires ex-police to check its investigators in Horizon scandal -
Post Office hires ex-police to check its investigators in Horizon scandal
Anthony Weiner on the current state of politics
He's now the host of "The Middle with Anthony Weiner" on conservative talk radio. Weiner was never a conservative, but he's certainly the man in the middle as listeners call in to challenge his views. Watch his conversation on "The Point with Marcia Kramer.
OPINION: Why learning a second language can change the way you view the world - Indiana Daily Student
OPINION: Why learning a second language can change the way you view the world  Indiana Daily Student
Donald Trump Jr. Posts Bizarre Comment About Joe Biden's Erections - Newsweek
Donald Trump Jr. Posts Bizarre Comment About Joe Biden's Erections  Newsweek
Israel-Hamas war: Netanyahu says Rafah key to total victory – DW – 02/25/2024 - DW (English)
Israel-Hamas war: Netanyahu says Rafah key to total victory – DW – 02/25/2024  DW (English)
Benjamin Netanyahu: Rafah operation will put Israel weeks away from ‘total victory’ over Hamas - The Times of India
Benjamin Netanyahu: Rafah operation will put Israel weeks away from ‘total victory’ over Hamas  The Times of India
Netanyahu says hostage deal still possible, Rafah assault 'has to be done' to end war quickly - New York Post
Netanyahu says hostage deal still possible, Rafah assault 'has to be done' to end war quickly  New York Post
Israel’s war on Gaza live: Netanyahu says Rafah assault ‘will happen’ | Israel War on Gaza News - Al Jazeera English
Israel’s war on Gaza live: Netanyahu says Rafah assault ‘will happen’ | Israel War on Gaza News  Al Jazeera English
US worries grow over Netanyahu’s expected Rafah invasion - The Hill
US worries grow over Netanyahu’s expected Rafah invasion  The Hill
U.S. Says 'Basic Contours' for Hostage Deal Reached; Netanyahu Casts Doubt on Hamas Demands - Israel News - Haaretz
U.S. Says 'Basic Contours' for Hostage Deal Reached; Netanyahu Casts Doubt on Hamas Demands - Israel News  Haaretz
A profile of Benjamin Netanyahu’s courage - The Hill
A profile of Benjamin Netanyahu’s courage  The Hill
White House seeks Israel-Hamas hostage deal in 'coming days' — Netanyahu says 'it's too soon to say' - CNBC
White House seeks Israel-Hamas hostage deal in 'coming days' — Netanyahu says 'it's too soon to say'  CNBC
The President of Kazakhstan holds a meeting with Vladimir Putin — Official website of the President of the Republic of ... -
The President of Kazakhstan holds a meeting with Vladimir Putin — Official website of the President of the Republic of ...
Azerbaijani Defense Ministry spreads disinformation - ARMENPRESS
Azerbaijani Defense Ministry spreads disinformation  ARMENPRESS
Зеленский: победа Украины зависит от поддержки западного мира
Президент Украины сообщил, что число погибших в войне с Россией украинских военнослужащих составляет 31 000 и что на оккупированных украинских территориях погибли десятки тысяч гражданских лиц
Я просто не пойму, в каком мире мы живем, - Зеленский о том, будет ли помощь от США
25 февраля во время пресс-конференции у президента спросили, существует ли альтернатива помощи от США. Также Зеленский ответил, верит ли в положительное решение Конгресса о выделении средств на поддержку Украины. Полный текст новости
Зеленский высказался о ситуации с линиями обороны на фронте
Ситуация на фронте напряженная. Россияне мощно давят сразу на нескольких направлениях. В то же время Вооруженные Силы Украины круглосуточно строят линии обороны, чтобы исключить продвижение противника. Полный текст новости
Netanyahu says a cease-fire deal would only delay ‘somewhat’ an Israeli military offensive in Rafah
An Israeli military offensive in the southernmost city of Rafah could be “delayed somewhat” if a deal for a weekslong cease-fire between Israel and Hamas is reached, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday, but claimed that total victory in Gaza is “weeks away” once the offensive begins.Seguir leyendo
Ex-NYPD top cop Ray Kelly says NYC quality of life has 'really deteriorated' amid crime surge: 'There's nobody in charge' - New York Post
Ex-NYPD top cop Ray Kelly says NYC quality of life has 'really deteriorated' amid crime surge: 'There's nobody in charge'  New York Post
Bezalel Smotrich says he'll vote against new Gaza hostage deal outline - The Jerusalem Post
Bezalel Smotrich says he'll vote against new Gaza hostage deal outline  The Jerusalem Post
NPR News: 02-25-2024 1PM EST
NPR News: 02-25-2024 1PM ESTLearn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Zelenskiy says 31000 Ukrainian soldiers killed since Russia invaded - Reuters
Zelenskiy says 31000 Ukrainian soldiers killed since Russia invaded  Reuters
Ukraine security chief says 47 Russian spy networks uncovered last year - The Indian Express
Ukraine security chief says 47 Russian spy networks uncovered last year  The Indian Express
Pope Francis Pays Tribute To Victims Of War In Ukraine - Barron's
Pope Francis Pays Tribute To Victims Of War In Ukraine  Barron's
@mikenov: Ukraine, South Caucasus, Middle East and the New Silk Road - Google Search - -
Ukraine, South Caucasus, Middle East and the New Silk Road - Google Search - -— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 25, 2024
Nancy Mace says White House has ‘yet to define mission’ in Ukraine - The Hill
Nancy Mace says White House has ‘yet to define mission’ in Ukraine  The Hill
Zelensky Hosts Western Leaders at Airport Russia Tried to Seize in 1st Day of War -
Zelensky Hosts Western Leaders at Airport Russia Tried to Seize in 1st Day of War
Zelensky: “We have no alternative to winning the war, Putin is like a deaf man” - Agenzia Nova
Zelensky: “We have no alternative to winning the war, Putin is like a deaf man”  Agenzia Nova
Tucker Carlson's strange ode to a Moscow subway
"I don't understand people who are conservatives or libertarians believing that the way the state controls everything in Russia is something to be applauded," says Michael Moynihan. Watch the full replay of Michael Moynihan with Zach Weissmueller & Liz Wolfe on the Just Asking Questions podcast: Subscribe to the...
Ukraine says half of all Western military aid delayed | BBC News
Ukraine's defence minister says half of Western military aid has been delayed, which is costing lives and territory. "At the moment, commitment does not constitute delivery," Rustam Umerov said in a televised address on Sunday. Ukraine is currently experiencing a variety of setbacks in its mission to drive Russia from its territory. Mr Umerov...
@emin_bred: The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.
The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin.— Emin Bred (@emin_bred) February 25, 2024
Zelensky says ‘sure’ US Congress will pass aid to Ukraine
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday his country’s victory “depends” on support from the Western world and said he was “sure” the United States would approve a critical package of military aid. “Whether Ukraine will lose, whether it will be very difficult for us and whether there will be a large number of casualties depends […] The post...
Trumps Reveals New 'MAGA' Slogan With Argentina's Milei
Former US President Donald Trump greeted Argentina's President Javier Milei at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland. During the encounter, Trump playfully adapted his iconic MAGA slogan to "Make Argentina great again." Milei, a libertarian leader, responded with his freedom-celebrating campaign slogan. This meeting followed...
‘Blinded’: Every A-50 Radar Plane The Ukrainians Shoot Down Opens A Gap In Russian Radar Coverage—A Gap The Ukrainians Can Exploit
A Beriev A-50.Wikimedia Commons We don’t know exactly how Ukrainian forces shot down one of the Russian air force’s eight remaining Beriev A-50M/U radar-early-warning planes on Friday. But we do know why. Canadian open-source intelligence researcher Steffan Watkins may have stated it most succinctly. The Russians are “being blinded and prevented...
Entire Crew of russia’s A-50 Aircraft Shot Down by the Defense Forces of Ukraine Died | Defense Express
Ukrainska Pravda reported this with reference to a source in the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.In particular, according to the source, five majors, three captains, an warrant officer and a lieutenant were among the dead war criminals who were preparing missile strikes on Ukraine.Read more: How Dangerously Close a Patriot...
Ukraine claims it downed another Russian early warning and control plane in a major blow to Moscow
KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian forces downed a Russian early warning and control aircraft Friday, the air force chief said — a major win for the country as its army fights to repel persistent Russian attacks along the front line as the war enters its third year.Gen. Mykola Oleshchuk thanked Ukraine’s military intelligence for helping down the Russian...
America's Gestapo, the FBI Part I
This is the first in a series of articles describing how J. Edgar Hoover inculcated, first the Bureau of Investigation and later the FBI with the notion that he alone would be the interpreter of the law and as such, he alone would determine what was right or wrong.Among the crimes this has led to are: mass murder, as in the case at Waco, Texas; kidnapping,...
Бывший генсек НАТО: Путин ждал, что его пригласят в альянс - BBC News Русская служба
Подпись к фото, Бывший генсек НАТО Джордж Робертсон считает, что Путин ностальгирует по величию СССРК концу второго года войны в Украине Владимир Путин продолжает упорно настаивать на том, что Россия победит всех своих врагов. Враги, с его точки зрения, — это НАТО, США и Евросоюз, а война в Украине — это справедливая война с «коллективным Западом»,...
Как власть тайно хоронила Пушкина
«Какой-то Пушкин убит, его мчат на почтовых в рогоже и соломе, прости господи, - как собаку». «Назначенный для отпевания храм, Исаакиевский собор, тайно переменили, ночью перенесли тело в церковь на Конюшенную. «Жандармы заполнили ту горницу, где мы молились об умершем, нас оцепили, - пишет поэт Жуковский, который безотлучно находился при умиравшем...
The historic Brooklyn Paramount will reopen in Downtown Brooklyn with an amazing slate of acts
... New Yorkers can enjoy the hottest performers right here in Brooklyn. ... Time Out is a registered trademark of Time Out Digital Limited.
Williamsburg. What Happened? - The New York Times
A four-decade timeline of total transformation in Brooklyn. Advertisement. SKIP ADVERTISEMENT. Recent episodes in Behind the Reporting. Williamsburg ...
Photography's Newest Award Reveals Shortlist of Finalists | Penta - Barron's
... New York Times Opinion photo director Jacqueline Bates. The jury ... – Keisha Scarville, a Brooklyn photographer who weaves together themes of memory, ...
Biden called out for emboldening Putin amid Ukraine war, Navalny's death - Fox News
Biden called out for emboldening Putin amid Ukraine war, Navalny's death  Fox News
Netanyahu presents first plan for post-war Gaza
The proposal, coming as Israel faces mounting international pressure to pause or abandon its devastating campaign, is likely to garner little support.
Ukraine's Ex-American M-1 Abrams Tanks Are In Action - Forbes
Ukraine's Ex-American M-1 Abrams Tanks Are In Action  Forbes
RCMP networks targeted by cyberattack -
RCMP networks targeted by cyberattack
Ukraine signs security deals with Western allies to help counter Russian cyberattacks - The Record from Recorded Future News
Ukraine signs security deals with Western allies to help counter Russian cyberattacks  The Record from Recorded Future News
Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz found guilty of perjury
Kurz receives eight month suspended sentence after being found guilty of lying to a parliamentary inquiry.
Netanyahu Unveils "Post-War Gaza" Plan | Iran Supplying Hezbollah Weapons Through Syria? Hamas War
The Israeli army is conducting drills “preparing for war in Lebanon”, Army Radio reported on February 23. The Israeli military conducted a training drill “that practices wide-scale combat in the naval arena in coordination with the air force,” Army Radio wrote. Hezbollah says two paramedics and one of its fighters were killed in an Israeli airstrike...
Palestine slams Netanyahu's principles for post war in Gaza - Middle East Monitor
Palestine slams Netanyahu's principles for post war in Gaza  Middle East Monitor
Netanyahu presents first plan for post-war Gaza - Yahoo News Canada
Netanyahu presents first plan for post-war Gaza  Yahoo News Canada
Netanyahu's postwar plan for continual control over Gaza rejected by Palestinian leaders - Fox28 Savannah
Netanyahu's postwar plan for continual control over Gaza rejected by Palestinian leaders  Fox28 Savannah
Netanyahu presents first plan for post-war Gaza - Euronews
Netanyahu presents first plan for post-war Gaza  Euronews
Hamas Says Netanyahu's Post-war Gaza Plan 'Will Never Succeed' - Barron's
Hamas Says Netanyahu's Post-war Gaza Plan 'Will Never Succeed'  Barron's
Зеленский: Украина подготовит новое контрнаступление
В канун второй годовщины нападения России на Украину Владимир Зеленский заявил, что Украина готовит российской армии сюрпризы в Крыму и на Черном море, и также на юге и востоке Украины. Также президент Украины пообещал новое наступление ВСУ несмотря на опасения западных экспертов о том, что армия РФ готова продолжать наступление после взятия Авдеевки....
Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Relatives Remembered - Unicorn Riot
... Capitol. Aside from investigating the current cases and preventing future ones, “there is a need for healing,” said Miner. The many events on the ...
Captured fugitive in Capitol riot case asks judge for bond -
BERLIN (Reuters) - Ukraine has launched investigations into more than 122,000 suspected cases of war crimes since the beginning of Russia's full-scale ...
Trump delivers incoherent speech praising Capitol rioters after judge denies $355m fraud delay: Live
Trump's legal team is now arguing that New York attorney general Letitia James – whose office launched a three-year investigation and lawsuit that ...
How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn't - The Atlantic
Schiff, who served on the committee that investigated Trump's role in the Capitol riot, believes that the Supreme Court should rule that Trump is ...
Oath Keeper Who Entered Capitol But Cooperated With Feds Sentenced - HuffPost
... investigations into critical issues facing our country today, or ... Oath Keepers Founder Sentenced For Seditious Conspiracy Over Jan. 6 Capitol Riot ...
Mike Johnson’s behavior grows bizarre as Republican House slips away from him
Donate to Democratic candidate Adam Frisch. Donate to Palmer Report. Never miss an article: sign up for the free Palmer Report mailing list here ----- Personal note from Bill Palmer: if each of you reading this can kick in $10 or $25, it'll help keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders at this crucial time in our nation's...
Blinken calls new Israeli settlements inconsistent with international law
Secretary of state’s characterization of West Bank settlements signals return to longstanding US policy reversed by TrumpIsrael’s expansion of settlements in the occupied West Bank was inconsistent with international law, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said on Friday, signaling a return to longstanding US policy on the issue, which had been...
Judge to hold hearing Monday considering detention of ex-FBI source accused of lying about Bidens - KOB 4
Judge to hold hearing Monday considering detention of ex-FBI source accused of lying about Bidens  KOB 4
Judge to hold hearing Monday considering detention of ex-FBI source accused of lying about Bidens - Beaumont Enterprise
Judge to hold hearing Monday considering detention of ex-FBI source accused of lying about Bidens  Beaumont Enterprise
Russian national with ties to Vladimir Putin arrested in Austin
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Vadim Wolfson, a Russian national and current U.S. legal permanent resident, was arrested earlier Thursday in Austin by local federal task force officers, according to court records.Documents state Wolfson is the founder of Bank Otkritie, formerly one of the largest privately-held banks in Russia, before he moved to the U.S. around 2018.The...
Putin’s Popular Support: A Miasma of Jew Hate and Fatalism
After more than 500 days, not a single goal of the “special operation” in Ukraine has been achieved, yet Russians still back Vladimir Putin. Why? The war has left hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers dead and seriously wounded, seen the shelling of Russian cities, and caused a significant drop in living standards. Nevertheless, the most recent...
Putin, Trump and the meaning of a mafia state
Stay informed with free updatesSimply sign up to the Russian politics myFT Digest -- delivered directly to your inbox.“We are not a gang. We are not the mafia. We don’t seek revenge like they did in Mario Puzo’s book The Godfather. We are a nation. A nation of laws.” Those were the fulminations of Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian television host, denying...
Essay | The Godfather in the Kremlin
By Michael Kimmage Updated Aug. 26, 2023 12:00 am ETListen to article(3 minutes)By the time of his death in a plane crash this week, Yevgeny Prigozhin had come to symbolize the criminal trajectory of the Russian state. In the 1980s, he had been imprisoned in the Soviet Union, after which he experienced a rags-to-riches transformation from street vendor...
Только не надо будировать: в Москве ожидают исчерпывающих разъяснений от Еревана
Россия ожидает исчерпывающих разъяснений от Армении по двусторонним каналам по поводу того, что означают слова премьер-министра Никола Пашиняна о заморозке участия Еревана в Организации Договора о коллективной безопасности (ОДКБ).
Putin says Biden was right to call him a "crazy SOB"
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday said U.S. President Joe Biden calling him a "crazy SOB" was an "appropriate reaction."According to the Associated Press, Biden was speaking about climate change at a California fundraiser on Wednesday when he said, "We have a crazy SOB [son of a b****] like Putin and others, and we always have to worry about...
@mikenov: Играй в настоящем. Украинская война, противостояние с Западом и США, политические репрессии, и т.д., и т.п., всё это - чистейшей воды безумие. Надо изменить курс, иначе это может привести к большому несчастью. Передай власть другим, нет причин цепляться за неё, кроме личных, и…
Играй в настоящем. Украинская война, противостояние с Западом и США, политические репрессии, и т.д., и т.п., всё это - чистейшей воды безумие. Надо изменить курс, иначе это может привести к большому несчастью. Передай власть другим, нет причин цепляться за неё, кроме личных, и…— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 22, 2024...
Video: Reaction to Israel's release of militant's bodycam showing October 2023 Hamas attacks - -
Video: Reaction to Israel's release of militant's bodycam showing October 2023 Hamas attacks -
В США размышляют над тем, чтобы поставить Украине дальнобойные ракеты
Неспособность киевского режима эффективно использовать свою воздушную мощь означает, что единственный способ для ВСУ получить непрямую огневую поддержку — это дальнобойные ракеты НАТО. Более того, "воинственный альянс" также предоставляет все необходимые данные разведки, наблюдения и рекогносцировки для нанесения ударов по российским войскам и объектам....
Russian diplomat says country will respond to expected US sanctions by growing economy - The Hill
Russian diplomat says country will respond to expected US sanctions by growing economy  The Hill
🤯Двойник Путина РАСКРЫЛ себя В ПОЛЕТЕ: Самолет РЕЗКО посадили / Зеленский прибыл НА ФРОНТ
Полковник ВСУ в запасе, военный эксперт, летчик-инструктор Роман Свитан вместе с ведущим Владиславом Новиковым @novi_tv обсудил такие темы: – как двойника Путина поймали "на горячем"; – почему Владимир Зеленский прибыл на фронт. 24 Канал запускає подкасти! Шукайте нас на різних, зручних для вас платформах: #24канал...
FBI, Homeland Security investigating AT&T outages
Several agencies, including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, are investigating whether the widespread AT&T outages are the result of a cyberattack or hack. Reports of disruptions started flooding in early Thursday morning around 4 a.m., with some 30,000 AT&T customers complaining of technical difficulties, leaving them unable to...
NPR News: 02-22-2024 3PM EST
NPR News: 02-22-2024 3PM ESTLearn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Fox News Host: Black People Will Vote for Trump Because ‘They Love Sneakers’ – The Daily Beast
Fox News Host: Black People Will Vote for Trump Because ‘They Love Sneakers’  The Daily BeastThe post Fox News Host: Black People Will Vote for Trump Because ‘They Love Sneakers’ – The Daily Beast first appeared on Trump And Trumpism - The News And Times.
NATO twist: Romania president seeks to challenge Rutte for top job
Romania notified allies on Thursday that President Klaus Iohannis was considering challenging frontrunner Mark Rutte for the NATO top job. Iohannis’ last-minute move comes as the biggest powers in the 31-strong alliance already declared support for Rutte over the last 24 hours, with the U.S., the U.K., Germany and France all saying they back...
NATO Secretary General explains "dilemma" in supply of F-16s to Ukraine - Yahoo News
NATO Secretary General explains "dilemma" in supply of F-16s to Ukraine  Yahoo News
Opinion: Will Europe ever get serious about defense? - Kyiv Independent
Opinion: Will Europe ever get serious about defense?  Kyiv Independent
ООН: Война РФ против Украины привела к страшным жертвам
Людские потери неисчислимы, как и страдания миллионов людей
Путин назвал слова Байдена в свой адрес "адекватной реакцией"
Ранее президент США назвал российского президента "сумасшедшим сукиным сыном"
Посольство РФ направило ноту в Госдеп из-за оскорбления Байдена в адрес Путина
Владимир Путин назвал высказывание американского коллеги Джо Байдена, назвавшего его "сумасшедшим сукиным сыном", адекватной реакцией на слова о том, что нынешний глава США предпочтительнее для России. Путин добавил, что не изменил своей позиции. Тем не менее посол РФ в США Анатолий Антонов направил жесткую ноту протеста в связи с высказыванием Байдена....
White House, Kremlin Trade Bitter Barbs as Mudslinging Enters Surreal Territory
Dialogue between certain nations is starting to sound a lot like a Cold War version of ‘Mean Girls’ — no subtitles required.
James Comer Changes His Tune on Discredited Biden Probe Witness - The Daily Beast
James Comer Changes His Tune on Discredited Biden Probe Witness  The Daily BeastHow a trusted FBI source became the center of a Washington scandal  CNNJim Jordan Spirals When Asked About Losing His Star Biden Witness  The New RepublicRaskin says FBI informant revelations 'destroy' Biden impeachment case; GOP downplays impact  ABC NewsHow an Ex-FBI Informant,...
Kremlin says Biden calling Putin a 'crazy SOB' debases the US
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov in Kazan, Russia February 21, 2024. Sputnik/Sergei Bobylev/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tabMOSCOW, Feb 22 (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Thursday that Joe Biden had debased the United States by calling Russian President Vladimir...
Biden comments a disgrace says Kremlin after he calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’
The Kremlin has accused Joe Biden of debasing himself and disgracing his country after the US president called Vladimir Putin a “crazy SOB” during a fundraiser in San Francisco.Biden was talking about the climate crisis on Wednesday when he said: “We have a crazy SOB like Putin and others, and we always have to worry about nuclear conflict, but the...
Kremlin lashes out after Joe Biden aims sweary barb at Vladimir Putin
Image source, Getty ImagesImage caption, Joe Biden has often been vocal in his criticism of Vladimir Putin (file photo)The Kremlin has accused Joe Biden of attempting to appear like a "Hollywood cowboy" after the US president called Vladimir Putin "a crazy SOB".Mr Biden made the comments at a public fundraising event on Wednesday in California, warning...
Kremlin lashes out after Joe Biden aims sweary barb at Vladimir Putin -
Kremlin lashes out after Joe Biden aims sweary barb at Vladimir Putin  BBC.comBiden comments a disgrace says Kremlin after he calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’  The Guardian USPutin Reacts With Sarcasm to Biden’s ‘SOB’ Remark  The Moscow Times
Pro-Kremlin military blogger dies days after reporting massive Russian losses in Avdiivka - CNN
Pro-Kremlin military blogger dies days after reporting massive Russian losses in Avdiivka  CNN
Как режим Путина преследовал Навального #shorts
16 декабря 2024 г. Алексей Навальный умер в колонии за полярным кругом. Даже через несколько дней его тело так и не выдали его матери и адвокату. #shorts #short #shortsviral #shortsyoutube #shortsfeed #Навальный #Путин
@mikenov: Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – – Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –… – Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›…
Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – –Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –…–Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 22, 2024 The post...
@mikenov: Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – – Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –… – Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›…
Biden: Putin is a crazy son of a bitch! – GS – –Байден назвал Путина “сумасшедшим сукиным сыном”, и совершенно точно! –…–Biden calls Putin a ‘crazy SOB’ during San Francisco … – Reuters › world ›… — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) February 22, 2024 The post...
Joe Biden's dog bit US secret service agent 24 times | Latest English News | WION
President Joe Biden's dog Commander bit US Secret Service agents on at least 24 occasions, new documents show. Watch in for more details! #joebiden #us #dog About Channel: WION The World is One News examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim is to empower people to explore their world....
Moscow hired gunmen to murder Russian defector, Spanish intel says - POLITICO Europe
Moscow hired gunmen to murder Russian defector, Spanish intel says  POLITICO Europe
Russia-Ukraine war live: Zelenskiy downplays loss of Avdiivka to Russian forces - The Guardian
Russia-Ukraine war live: Zelenskiy downplays loss of Avdiivka to Russian forces  The Guardian
Russian Defence Minister claims Russia doesn't intend to deploy nukes in space - Ukrainska Pravda
Russian Defence Minister claims Russia doesn't intend to deploy nukes in space  Ukrainska Pravda
Russia's Dig At U.S., Bold Message To Israel At ICJ Hearing; ‘Stop Settlements’ - Hindustan Times
Russia's Dig At U.S., Bold Message To Israel At ICJ Hearing; ‘Stop Settlements’  Hindustan Times
Jewish professor who quit MIT over its handling of antisemitism accepts post at Yeshiva U.
Y.U. President: 'As a top tier professor in his field and a leader who lives his values with integrity and authenticity, Prof. Karchmer is a role model to us all.'
Biden and Trump: How the two classified documents investigations came to different endings - WesternSlopeNow
Biden and Trump: How the two classified documents investigations came to different endings  WesternSlopeNow
Reuters: Sweden warns of Russian threat as NATO membership decision nears - Euromaidan Press
Reuters: Sweden warns of Russian threat as NATO membership decision nears  Euromaidan Press
Leaky blood–brain barrier in long-COVID-associated brain fog -
Leaky blood–brain barrier in long-COVID-associated brain fog
Who Is Alexander Smirnov? FBI Informant Helped Spark Biden Impeachment Probe—And Could End It
Alexander Smirnov, the FBI informant arrested and charged last week for lying to the agency, is the source of an explosive bribery allegation against President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden that unraveled over the past week—and may doom the GOP’s impeachment inquiry into Biden. Rep. James Comer (R-KY) speaks with reporters outside the House...
The Informant Turned Defendant Who Took Aim at the Bidens
SKIP ADVERTISEMENTThe LatestTimelineRelationship With Kevin MorrisTax Evasion ChargesGun ChargesWho Is David Weiss?How Alexander Smirnov managed to convince business partners, law enforcement agencies and politicians he had something of value to offer remains an enigma.In 2020, Alexander Smirnov told his F.B.I. handler what prosecutors say was a brazen...
How is an ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens allegedly linked to Russian intelligence?
WASHINGTON (AP) — The explosive allegations at the center of an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden were false, federal prosecutors said, and came from an ex-FBI informant who said he was in touch with Russian intelligence. The informant, Alexander Smirnov, is “actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections,” federal prosecutors...
FBI Director Wray issues warning about number of Russian spies in the US
FBI Director Christopher Wray warned Thursday that the number of Russian spies operating inside the United States is “still way too big,” despite efforts to kick them out. “The Russian traditional counterintelligence threat continues to loom large,” Wray said during public remarks...
Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens had Russian intelligence contacts, prosecutors say
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A former FBI informant charged with making up a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukrainian energy company had contacts with officials affiliated with Russian intelligence, prosecutors said in a court paper Tuesday. Prosecutors revealed the alleged contact as they urged a judge...
Netanyahu: The Antithesis of Ben-Gurion - Asharq Al-awsat - English
Netanyahu: The Antithesis of Ben-Gurion  Asharq Al-awsat - English
Netanyahu puts himself in ‘a different league’ - Cleveland Jewish News
Netanyahu puts himself in ‘a different league’  Cleveland Jewish News
Benny Gantz is Netanyahu's enabler and Israel's tranquilizer-in-chief | Opinion - Haaretz
Benny Gantz is Netanyahu's enabler and Israel's tranquilizer-in-chief | Opinion  Haaretz


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