The Red Scare and McCarthiism, Kennedy Assassination, Operation "Trump" and Anthony Weiner affair - they all reveal the presence of the diagnostic triad of the New Abwehr political operations
The Red Scare and McCarthiism also reveal the presence of the New Abwehr operations diagnostic triad: Both 1. Judeophobia and 2. Homophobia are present abundantly in the historical figure of Roy Cohn, his circles, and their political agenda and actions. 3. Austria Phobia is present too: 1950 Austrian general strikes can be seen as the precursors of McCarthiism. "The Austrian General Strikes of 1950 were organised by the Communist Party of Austria with half-hearted support of the Soviet occupation authorities. In August–October 1950 Austria faced a severe social and economic crisis caused by anticipated withdrawal of American financial aid and a sharp drop in real wages."… Why did the Soviets leave Austria in 1955? 📷 The Soviets pulled out of the country in 1955, along with the Western Allies, in exchange for Austria's promises that it would remain neutral in the Cold War. The Soviet Union released Austrian prisoners at a much faster rate than the Germans, but the last Austrians were not released until 1955. Austria history 1950-s - GS:… See also: Allied-occupied Austria…: "Whereas Germany was divided into East and West Germany in 1949, Austria remained under joint occupation of the Western Allies and the Soviet Union until 1955; its status became a controversial subject in the Cold War until the warming of relations known as the Khrushchev Thaw. After Austrian promises of perpetual neutrality, Austria was accorded full independence on 15 May 1955 and the last occupation troops left on 25 October that year."

The Abwehr operations diagnostic triad can be easily traced in the Kennedy Assassination: 1. Judeophobia: The Jewish background of Jack Ruby and his circle.… 2. Homophobia: Lee Harvey Oswald was gay or bisexual, his wife Marina egged him on by teasing him that "he is not the real man" and looked "girlish"; while reminiscing about her old flame in Minsk, who "looked like Kennedy".… 3. Austria Phobia: Vienna Summit: "In retrospect the summit may be seen as a failure."…

Michael Novakhov
Roy Cohn's nose problems do not look like "nose spur" at all, they look like the surgery for the "saddle nose", a sign of congenital syphilis - Google Search

"The only child of Dora and Albert Cohn was born on February 20, 1927, at Manhattan's Woman's Hospital. Roy's father was a judge who had married into the well-to-do Marcus family. "When Roy was born, he was a cute little baby, an adorable-looking kid, but he had a little spur on his nose and that drove Dora crazy," one of the family says. "She took him to some surgeon or other who botched the job of trying to get rid of the spur. All his life Roy had that scar down his nose." Roy Cohn's nose problems - Google Search

Are Roy Cohn's nose problems a sign of congenital syphilis? - Google Search
Are Roy Cohn's nose problems a sign of congenital syphilis? - Google Search

“My cousin Roy Marcus Cohn — counsel to Senator Joe McCarthy, consigliere to Mafia bosses, mentor to Donald Trump — had almost no principles,” wrote David Marcus. “He smeared Jews even though he was Jewish. He tarred Democrats even though he was a Democrat. He persecuted gay people even though he was gay.” 'A New Strain Of Son Of A Bitch': The Life Of 'Fixer' Roy Cohn, From The Red Scare To Trump

“Mr. Burns has called China America’s foremost adversary, one whose influence pervades nearly every aspect of the agency’s intelligence-gathering mission, from military capability to digital influence to mineral resource acquisition.”…
George Santos charged with fraud, money laundering and more crimes in New York court… via @CBSPolitics
Psychoanalysis of Intelligence Operations and Psychohistory of Abwehr: The case of Anthony Weiner, the October Surprise 2019, and the Diagnostic Signs of the New Abwehr Political Intelligence Operations

Psychoanalysis of Intelligence Operations and Psychohistory of Abwehr: The case of Anthony Weiner, the October Surprise 2019, and the Diagnostic Signs of the New Abwehr Political Intelligence Operations

Psychoanalysis of Intelligence Operations and Psychohistory of Abwehr: The case of Anthony Weiner, the October Surprise 2019, and the Diagnostic Signs of the New Abwehr Political Intelligence Operations

Psychoanalysis of Intelligence Operations and Psychohistory of Abwehr: The case of Anthony Weiner, the October Surprise 2019, and the Diagnostic Signs of the New Abwehr Political Intelligence Operations…
FBI #FBI DOJ @DOJ CIA #CIA GDNI #ODNI DOD #DOD #IntelligenceOperations Psychoanalysis of Intelligence Operations and Psychohistory of Abwehr: The case of Anthony Weiner, the October Surprise 2019, and the Diagnostic Signs of the New Abwehr Political Intelligence Operations

A Manhattan jury on Tuesday found Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll and awarded her $5 million in damages.
Austria–Germany relations - Wikipedia
Austria and Russian intelligence - Google Search

On this day in 1940, Winston Churchill, 65, replaces Neville Chamberlain as British prime minister.

Austria and Russian intelligence - Wikipedia
The truth about targeted CIA assassinations- yeah, a secret world of High-Value Target (HVT) assassinations exists, but look at the monsters it takes out.… #CIA #assassinations #Security #USA #intelligence

John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories - Wikipedia In 1966, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison began an investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy. Garrison's investigation led him to conclude that a group of right-wing extremists, including David Ferrie and Guy Banister, were involved with elements of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. Garrison would later claim that the motive for the assassination was anger over Kennedy's attempts to obtain a peace settlement in both Cuba and Vietnam.[357][358] Garrison also came to believe that New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw was part of the conspiracy and that Clay Shaw used the pseudonym "Clay Bertrand".[359] Garrison further believed that Shaw, Banister, and Ferrie conspired to set up Oswald as a patsy in the JFK assassination.[360] On March 1, 1967, Garrison arrested and charged Shaw with conspiring to assassinate President Kennedy. On January 29, 1969, Clay Shaw was brought to trial on these charges, and the jury found him not guilty.
"Of the all the people surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy, few are more mysterious and enigmatic than David William Ferrie of New Orleans. Author Judyth Vary Baker knew David Ferrie personally and worked with him in a covert project in New Orleans during the summer of 1963, and this book examines his strange and puzzling behavior both before and after the assassination. At the time of the assassination, Ferrie was a 45-year-old New Orleans resident who was acquainted with some of the most notorious names linked to the assassination: Lee Oswald, Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, Jack Ruby, and Carlos Marcello. He possessed assorted talents and eccentricities: he was at one time a senior pilot with Eastern Airlines until he was fired for homosexual activity on the job; he was also a hypnotist; a serious researcher of the origins of cancer; an amateur psychologist; and a victim of a strange disease, alopecia, which made all of his body void of hair. His odd lifestyle was embellished with an equally bizarre appearance featuring a red toupee and false eyebrows. This is the first book focused solely on David Ferrie and his alleged involvement in the conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy." david ferrie: mafia pilot, participant in anti-castro bioweapon plot, friend of lee harvey oswald and key to the jfk assassination - Google Search

Another telling last name, with the homophobic reference, and right on the money: David Ferrie (Fairy - Gay - GS) David Ferrie: mafia pilot, participant in anti-castro bioweapon plot, friend of lee harvey oswald and key to the jfk assassination - Google Search "Of the all the people surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy, few are more mysterious and enigmatic than David William Ferrie of New Orleans."

#Oswald Very convenient: Blame everything on "God's Power"! Oswald Name Meaning Scottish (Fife and Lanarkshire) northern English German and French (mainly Alsace and Lorraine): from an Old English personal name composed of the elements ōs 'god' + weald 'power'. oswald last name meaning - Google Search

My Opinion: Oswald was indeed a patsy, a cover for the New Abwehr operatives. The main overarching goal was to present the KGB as the culprit and to ignite the WWIII between US and Russia, which was always the most obvious strategic and logical choice for the New Abwehr planners after the WWII.

Quote: "according to CIA intercepts, someone had impersonated Oswald in phone calls and visits made to the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City several weeks before the assassination.[58] Over the next 40 years this became one of the CIA's most closely guarded secrets on the Oswald case."…
The Abwehr operations diagnostic triad can be easily traced in the Kennedy Assassination: 1. Judeophobia: The Jewish background of Jack Ruby and his circle.… 2. Homophobia: Lee Harvey Oswald was gay or bisexual, his wife Marina egged him on by teasing him that "he is not the real man" and looked "girlish"; while reminiscing about her old flame in Minsk, who "looked like Kennedy".… 3. Austria Phobia: Vienna Summit: "In retrospect the summit may be seen as a failure."…

Interpretation: Allen Premium Outlets shooting in Dallas, by the neo-Nazi security guard armed with AR-15, may refer to the CIA Director Allen Dulles, his various connections with Abwehr and Canaris, and his role in transplanting the German Nazi officers en masse (e.g."Operation Paperclip"), and to a certain extent their philosophy, ideology and political practices to America. It would be a questionable claim in a complex situation.

#AllenDulles #lovers #Canaris #spies Allen Dulles lovers, Canaris spies - Google Search

The Death of Stalin (2017) IMDb -… *** 75 / 100 #movies #MovieReview #IMDb #movienight #MoviesLover

The Death of Stalin - Beria Trial and Execution
A Ukrainian-American family celebrates the death of Stalin, 1953

#Putin #Agony #CheyneStokes #Stalin #DeathOfStalin The Cheyne Stokes Agony of the Putin regime… No Treatment. Regime change. See also: Stalin's Death: Cheyne Stokes breathing - Google Search
"С 53-го года на этой территории не было ни одного случая, чтобы официально опубликованная книга, публично поставленная пьеса или фильм, показанный в кинотеатрах, были официальной причиной для ареста"

Stalin's Death: Cheyne Stokes breathing - Google Search

"С 53-го года на этой территории не было ни одного случая, чтобы официально опубликованная книга, публично поставленная пьеса или фильм, показанный в кинотеатрах, были официальной причиной для ареста"
Российские войска потерпят такое же поражение в Украине, как нацистская Германия во Второй мировой войне, заявил Владимир Зеленский в видео, снятом у военного мемориала в Киеве, также предложив отмечать День Победы в Украине 8 мая…

allen premium outlets shooting - Google Search

The suspected gunman who killed at least eight people outside a shopping mall in Allen, Tex., may have had white supremacist or neo-Nazi beliefs, people familiar with the investigation said Sunday. Here is what we know about him so far.
On this day in 1429, Joan of Arc marches at the head of a French army to rescue the besieged city of Orleans. She is just 17 years old.

United States of mass shootings: Texas mall massacre is America's 199th incident in 2023

NEW: The 33-year-old Texas mall shooting suspect interacted with neo-Nazi and white supremacist content online, officials say.…
BREAKING: Seven people are dead and at least six injured after being struck by a vehicle at a bus stop near a shelter for migrants in Brownsville, Texas, police said.…
So true! Israel's Mossad spy agency is renowned for its daring, high-risk operations in hostile environments, diverse recruitment process, innovative use of technology, and culture of secrecy. #Mossad #Israel #intelligence #espionage…
#Allen #Dallas #AllenDulles #CIA Allen, Dallas shooting is the telling name and the repoint - redirect to Allen Dulles, the CIA Director. What exactly is the message? Any guesses to share?

mauricio garcia - Google Search

At least seven people were killed in Brownsville, Texas, on Sunday after the driver of a vehicle plowed into a crowd of migrants. The driver was charged with reckless driving and has been detained, police said.
#mauriciogarcia mauricio garcia - Google Search
#Allen #Dallas #AllenDalles #CIA Allen, Dallas shotting is the telling name and the repoint - redirect to Allen Dalles, the CIA Director. What exactly is the message? Any guesses to share?

Authorities looking into the motive for the mass shooting at a Texas mall on Saturday are investigating the gunman’s possible links to white-supremacist ideology
allen dulles - Google Search

CIA and JFK assassination - Google Search

JFK and the Unspeakable - Wikipedia

Two telling names of shooting locations sum up in one historical name of CIA Director. Is this a reference to JFK assassination in Dallas and the CIA's role in it? Or to the Nazi - New Abwehr Connection?… See also:… Allen, Texas - Google Search + Dallas shooting - Google Search… . . . = Allen Dulles - Google Search… . . .
Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for JFK assassination, fueling controversial claim - New York Post
Eight Americans, including children, were killed in Allen, Texas yesterday – the latest act of gun violence to devastate our nation. Jill and I are praying for their families and those critically injured. We're grateful to the first responders who acted quickly and courageously.
#OTD 78 year ago, 7 May 1945 Eisenhower, Supreme Commander in Europe, cables: "The mission of this Allied Force was fulfilled at 0241, local time, May 7th, 1945." Victory in Europe achieved. Reading it today still sends shivers down the spine...

James Douglass “JFK and the Unspeakable” - Google Search
Robert Kennedy Jr. blames CIA for JFK assassination, fueling controversial claim - New York Post
Abwehr penetrated SMERSH - Google Search

Lee Harvey Oswald's benefactor was Texas oil millionaire George de Mohrenschildt - Google Search

A gunman opened fire at a crowded mall outside Dallas on Saturday, killing at least eight people and injuring at least seven before a police officer killed him, the authorities said. Here is what we know about what happened.
Lee Harvey Oswald bisexual - Google Search…
#LeeHarveyOswald Lee Harvey Oswald bisexual - Google Search

#DavidFerrie david ferrie - Google Search

#Mohrenschildt Lee Harvey Oswald's benefactor was Texas oil millionaire George de Mohrenschildt - Google Search

A gunman opened fire on an outlet mall in a Dallas suburb on Saturday afternoon, killing at least eight people — including children — and injuring at least seven others before he was fatally shot by a police officer, authorities said.
У России нет потенциала для масштабного наступления, заявил глава разведки Украины Кирилл Буданов в интервью Yahoo News. Однако он считает, что ВС РФ до сих пор способны на серьезную оборону и накапливают запас ракет, чтобы попытаться сорвать контрнаступление ВСУ

In an exclusive interview with Kyiv Post, US political analyst and author Janusz Bugajski predicts the imminent and dramatic demise of Russia as we know it today. @JBugajskiUSA
A gunman opened fire at a crowded mall outside Dallas on Saturday, killing at least eight people and injuring at least seven before a police officer killed him, the authorities said.
Without A New Draft, Russian Offensive Operations Are Over, US Intel Chiefs Say… via @DefenseOne
US Intel says modern army Russia tried to build over 20 years “largely is gone” and it will be difficult to mount even modest offensive operations without substantial additional supplies of material/troops.… View statements here:…

Downgrade WHO and Tedros for incompetence: It was the POLITICAL Pandemic, not the medical one. Intelligence Services should continue to monitor and to analyze it retrospectively: What really happened? Who caused it? My hunch is, it was the New Abwehr, in their commemorations of the Anniversaries of WWI and WWII: "Put your masks on and shut up about your victories!" WHO downgrades COVID pandemic, says it's no longer emergency…
drone attack against the Kremlin was “probably” executed by Russia itself - Google Search

NATO’s highest soldier, luitenant-admiral Rob Bauer told Dutch TV on Sunday that the drone attack against the Kremlin was “probably” executed by Russia itself in order to gain support for its war against Ukraine. Admiral Bauer is chairman of the Military Committee of NATO.

#Putin takes the issues of his personal safety and security very seriously, and he closely manages them himself - Google Search Putin Security Service Officer Who Defected Describes ... Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty › putin-security-officer-karakulo... “That would be seen as a very serious blow to the president himself because he is extremely keen on his security, and his security is compromised,” he said.
Putin #Putin Из альбома к материалу Встреча с губернатором Нижегородской области Глебом Никитиным 3 мая 2023 года Московская область, Ново-Огарёво

A Manhattan jury on Tuesday found Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll and awarded her $5 million in damages.
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