9:16 AM 5/2/2023 - News Review


Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI: ‘How Can The FBI Repair Their Reputation?’: John Carter Confronts Wray A... Answer and the solution: Objective measurements (metrics) of quality and efficiency FBI work and quantitative assessments of security situations youtu.be/YEy-if32us8 via @YouTube Quoted feed from @mikenov #FBI Objective measurements...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI Objective measurements (metrics) of FBI work and assessments of security situations - Google Search shar.es/af9e5k
Putin's Micropenis @PutinMicropenis
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @RusEmbAUS Never have 🍓🍸 breakfast with #Zakharova
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: My Opinion - #Opinion | #FBI #America #PoliceState: US Intelligence Surveillance of Americans Drops Sharply - Stupid, incompetent, treacherous FBI turned America into the police state | #Zakharova Ms. Zakharova: If you are such a good boxer, how come you still have...
Dialplus 🇧🇷🇨🇳🇷🇺 @MDialplus
Michael Novakhov retweeted: RFM spokeswoman #Zakharova has said political elites in the US and Europe are using information technologies for provocations and propaganda, as an ex-#CIA officer said independent media came to end after the entry of monopolistic corporate-funded media: presstv.ir/Detail/2023/04/30…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #Захарова Zakharova #Zakharova Opinion #Opinon Захарова уполномочена заявить: "ХАЙЛЬ"!
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Zakharova #Zakharova #Russia #SICK! My Opinion - #Opinion: "It [Russia] is a sick nation." These are the strong words. But true! Analyze ziz! It is important. What makes her "SICK"? Захарова уполномочена заявить: "ХАЙЛЬ"! Peter @PeterleHuber: Why the #Ruzzian #Regime...
Psychoanalysis of intelligence operations and psychohistory of abwehr
Psychoanalysis of intelligence operations and psychohistory of abwehrPsychoanalysis of intelligence operations and psychohistory of abwehrPsychoanalysis of intelligence operationsPsychoanalysisintelligence operationspsychohistory of abwehrpsychohistoryabwehr-The News And Times Information Network - Blogs By Michael Novakhov - thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com
Putin and Putinism - News Reviews
Putin And Putinism - Review Of News And OpinionsPutin And Putinism - putinandputinism.com - Review Of News And Opinions - The News And Times | News in English and Russian | RSS feeds and pages: Russia, Ukraine, Russia - Ukraine War, Russia Ukraine NATO, Russia Video News, Security | Audio Posts in EnglishMichael Novakhov @mikenov | posted at 11:08:13...
ChatGPT found to give better medical advice than real doctors in blind study: ‘This will be a game changer’
 Latest & Breaking News on Fox News: ChatGPT found to give better medical advice than real doctors in blind study: ‘This will be a game changer’posted at 06:45:51 UTC by Michael_Novakhov via 1. World from Michael_Novakhov (27 sites)When it comes to answering medical questions, can ChatGPT do a better job than human doctors?It appears to be possible,...
Noam Chomsky, Ehud Barak among names on Jeffrey Epstein’s newly uncovered calendar posted at 04:24:40 UTC via Arutz Sheva News
 All Articles - The News And Times Review - thenewsandtimes.comNoam Chomsky, Ehud Barak among names on Jeffrey Epstein’s newly uncovered calendarposted at 04:24:40 UTC via Arutz Sheva NewsThe pioneering linguist and left-wing activist Noam Chomsky, the longtime Bard College president Leon Botstein, the filmmaker Woody Allen, and a former Israeli prime...
Институт изучения войны: кадровые решения Путина ослабили боеспособность армии РФ svoboda.org - The News And Times Posts Review - thenewsandtimes.com
 The News And Times Posts Review - thenewsandtimes.comMichael Novakhov retweeted: Институт изучения войны: кадровые решения Путина ослабили боеспособность армии РФ svoboda.org/a/isw-kadrovye-r…Listen Michael Novakhov retweeted: Институт изучения войны: кадровые решения Путина ослабили боеспособность армии РФ svoboda.org/a/isw-kadrovye-r… The post Michael...
All Articles - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com - 1:19 PM 5/1/2023
#Zakharova Lavrov #Lavrov #MFARussiaMFA Russia #Russiamaria zakharova cartoons – Google Search shar.es/af96xV All Articles - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com - 1:19 PM 5/1/2023Haley calls for Feinstein to resign: ‘Prime example’ of need for mental competency tests - Yahoo NewsHaley calls for Feinstein to resign: ‘Prime example’...
Тайный план Путина – Кириенко: почему Россия издавна мечтала колонизировать страны Балтии
Полесье обыграло ЛНЗ / instagram.com/fcpolissyaЖитомирская команда обыграла ЛНЗ и воспользовалась осечкой Оболони. Киевляне, в свою очередь, потеряли ничью с Карпатами в концовке поединка.341https://sport.24tv.ua/ru/pervaja-liga-2022-2023-vygljadit-turnirnaja-tablica-polese-idet_n2304929 All Articles - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.comВ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The New Abwehr Hypothesis of the Modern History - Google Search google.com/search?q=The+New+…
Jack Morrissey @morrissey_jack
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 🚨 Will war criminal Putin face arrest when he travels to South Africa this summer? 🔥 Let's seize this moment. 🌍 Join the global call for justice & RT! #Ukraine #ArrestPutin fb.avaaz.org/campaign/en/sou…
Ukrinform-EN @Ukrinform_News
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #stoprussia Russia has logistical problems in war against #Ukraine - British intelligence ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/370…
News @Hkjhgc2
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breaking News: Russia Admits It Just Sustained Its Worst Loss Ever #Canada #Germany #donetsk #Ukraine #Bakhmut twtubelink.page.link/VTqNCE1…
Ulfania Eda @UlfaniaEda
Michael Novakhov retweeted: GoPro Footage!! Ukrainian troops attack hundreds Russian soldiers in close combat near Bakhmut #war #Germany #ukrainewar #Ukraine #Bakhmut twtubelink.page.link/1pgZ7Rh…
AliaVera @AliaVeraNews
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Baza: the son of SVR general Alexei Korotaev was detained in Moscow at the request of Interpol #Gazeta #Russia #russianews #russiannews aliavera.org/baza-the-son-of… aliavera.org/baza-the-son-of…
AliaVera @AliaVeraNews
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Medvedev said that Musk could not cope with the task of organizing Twitter #Gazeta #Russia #russianews #russiannews #Twitter aliavera.org/deputy-chairman… aliavera.org/deputy-chairman… ...
AliaVera @AliaVeraNews
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Guardian: Kyiv's allies are concerned about the unpreparedness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the offensive after multibillion-dollar assistance #Gazeta #Guardian #Russia #russianews #russiannews aliavera.org/guardian-kyivs-… aliavera.org/guardian-kyivs-…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #FBI #PentagonLeaks2023 #Discord FBI closes in on TWO DOZEN gamers in Pentagon leaker's Discord mol.im/a/12001523 via @MailOnline
🌊 R Saddler @Politics_PR
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Lindsey Graham calls fellow Republican ‘irresponsible’ for defending Pentagon leaker theguardian.com/us-news/2023… #Pentagonleaks2023
Planetes360 @Planetes360
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Le Dr Anthony #Fauci, ancien conseiller médical en chef de #Biden, nie toute responsabilité concernant les dégâts occasionnés par ses recommandations #COVID19. Il admet tout de même que «quelque chose s’est mal passé» planetes360.fr/le-dr-anthony… planetes360.fr/le-dr-anthony…...
Christopher White UK @C_W_UK
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 🇺🇦 #Ukraine 😨 #Russia #WarCrimes ⚖ #Putin
Barron's @barronsonline
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Never mind ChatGPT. The next big computing platform has already arrived—and it’s sitting in your driveway.
🇺🇸 Juliana Ash Md 🇲🇾 @JulianaAisyahM1
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Wow! Ada warran tangkap utk #Putin lah! #SlavaUkraini #PrayForUkraine
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Поддержка Украины Польшей следует и интересам Варшавы, заявил Анджей Дуда, - они заключаются в необходимости дать отпор российской агрессии. Кроме того, "неординарные жесты" Польши в отношении Украины повысили авторитет страны на международной арене, указал польский...
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: I am convinced that Putin will never travel abroad again as long as he is in power. He is simply too cowardly & paranoid. Even if South Africa guaranteed him freedom from arrest, he would not believe them.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Putin and Putinism - News Reviews shar.es/af9jD8 Selected Articles The News And Times #Putin #Putinism #Biden and Putin #NATO #Pentagonleaks2023 #Putin and #Xi Jinping #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaNews #RussiaVideoNews #Russia, #Ukraine, Nato Ukraine
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Quoted feed from @MailOnline Britain could be facing plague of 'super-rats' that can 'push themselves through the U-bend of a toilet' trib.al/yIy6XSy
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in 1982, the Royal Navy submarine HMS Conqueror torpedoes the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano in the South Atlantic. More than 320 perish in the attack.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Зеленский "не давал согласия" Ватикану на проведение миротворческой миссии и не был в курсе нее, сообщает CNN со ссылкой на неназванного украинского чиновника. "Если переговоры и ведутся, то без нашего ведома и нашего благословения", - указал он
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
ChatGPT found to give better medical advice than real doctors in blind study: ‘This will be a game changer’ foxnews.com/health/chatgpt-f… #FoxNews
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI Pro-Russian propagandist ID'd as US Navy vet who helped spread Pentagon intelligence leak nypost.com/2023/04/17/pro-ru… via @nypost
Albert Solé @asolepascual
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Bon dia #Sitges
Ben Hodges @general_ben
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Nine years of war, with every advantage, Russia controls 15% of Ukraine. They still don't have air superiority. They can't stop any trains/convoys coming into Ukraine. I see no reason for any Russian optimism. Crimea is the decisive terrain. Liberate it and this War...
PassBlue @pass_blue
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Russian protesters outside the #UN during #Lavrov's visit #Ukraine #Russia #NYC
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Danke für die vielen guten Fragen heute beim #KanzlerGESPRÄCH in Bendorf bei Koblenz. Hier konnte ich heute unter anderem erklären, warum unsere geplante #Wärmewende für keinen eine unlösbare Aufgabe wird - mit Hilfe kluger Ausnahmen und Förderungen für den Heizungstausch....
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Which British political party will win the race to declare that they want the UK to reenter the EU first? We now know that Brexit was a horrendous mistake - less sovereignty, more bureaucracy & less money... Why are all British parties lagging behind the public...
Ben Hodges @general_ben
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ‘Liberating Crimea Changes Everything’ cepa.org/article/liberating-…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Группа немецких дипломатов покинула Россию, сообщили в МИД Германии. Сколько дипломатов вернулись в Берлин, не уточняется. Ранее Кремль объявил о высылке 20 сотрудников посольства Германии в РФ
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Zakharova Lavrov #Lavrov #MFARussia MFA Russia #Russia maria zakharova cartoons - Google Search shar.es/af96xV mynewslinks.com/165304338620…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
All Articles - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com - 1:19 PM 5/1/2023 shar.es/af9h8i mynewslinks.com/165304338620…


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