Opinion What a 2001 investigation into an FBI spy can tell us about the Discord leaker - putinandputinism.com

Opinion What a 2001 investigation into an FBI spy can tell us about the Discord leaker - putinandputinism.com

Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Russia-Ukraine war live: Russia switching to defensive positions in all areas of combat except Bakhmut, claims Ukraine intelligence theguardian.com/world/live/2…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Opinion What a 2001 investigation into an FBI spy can tell us about the Discord leaker putinandputinism.com/jack-te…
Пора выгонять российские войска: почему Украине крайне важно в первую очередь деоккупировать Крым
Неспокойная ночь в Крыму. 24 апреля временно оккупированный Севастополь якобы "атаковали надводные БПЛА". Об этом сообщал так называемый мэр города Михаил Развожаев. Таким образом могла происходить разведка украинских сил обороны для очень важных действий. Полный текст новости
Разведка знала, где будет Путин: СМИ заявили, что дрон под Москвой был "сюрпризом" для бункерного
Новая рабочая неделя для граждан страны-террористки началась с тревожной новости (к слову, россиянам "светят" только такие). Под Москвой 24 апреля упал БПЛА с 17 килограммами взрывчатки. Журналист Юрий Романенко заявил, что дрон летел не просто так. Полный текст новости
The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
“The Ukrainian government has proved more resilient than many expected. But it has been the non-governmental organizations in Ukraine that have shouldered the bulk of work helping Ukrainians survive Russia’s war,” writes Olga Moloko. kyivindependent.com/civil-so…
The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️Media: Wagner commander who confessed to war crimes detained in Russia. Former Wagner commander Azamat Uldarov, who publicly confessed to committing war crimes in Ukraine, was detained and threatened in Saratov Oblast, Russian independent media Meduza reported on April 24.… twitter.com/i/web/status/165…
Путин получил приглашение на саммит БРИКС, решения будут ... - Интерфакс-Россия
Путин получил приглашение на саммит БРИКС, решения будут ...  Интерфакс-Россия
Путин выступит с речью на параде Победы на Красной площади ... - ИА Красная Весна
Путин выступит с речью на параде Победы на Красной площади ...  ИА Красная Весна
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): AlJazeeraEnglish's YouTube Videos: Tatarsky case: Russian court rejects Darya Trepova arrest appeal
From: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 3:33 Moscow's highest court has rejected an appeal against the arrest of a woman charged with a bomb attack that killed...
«Сигнал элите». Кремль готовит меры по защите режима после ордера на арест Путина - Русская служба The Moscow Times
Ордер на арест президента Владимира Путина, выданный Международным уголовным судом в Гааге, вызвал у обеспокоенность российских элит и заставил чиновников в Кремле задуматься о рисках внутриполитической стабильности. В конце марта в Кремле состоялось совещание, посвященное тому, как реагировать на ордер МУС и какие действия предпринять для укрепления...
Jury to hear closing arguments in Proud Boys leaders' trial
WASHINGTON (AP) — A historic trial over the deadly U.S. Capitol insurrection is drawing to a close, with prosecutors and defense lawyers set to make their final appeals to jurors before they decide the fate of Proud Boys extremist group leaders charged with plotting to use force to keep then-President Donald Trump in power. A federal jury in Washington,...
Opinion What a 2001 investigation into an FBI spy can tell us about the Discord leaker
Glenn Fine, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, is a former inspector general of the Justice Department and acting inspector general of the Defense Department.The devastating leak of classified documents, allegedly by Jack Teixeira, a member of the Air National Guard, raises a host of troubling questions: How did a 21-year-old come to have seemingly...
Former Kazakh security boss jailed for 18 years over role in ... - WTVB
Former Kazakh security boss jailed for 18 years over role in ...  WTVB
"Хотят помочь остаться у власти Путину". Зачем "Газпром" создает свою ЧВК и будет ли она воевать в Украине – журналист-расследователь - Настоящее Время
"Хотят помочь остаться у власти Путину". Зачем "Газпром" создает свою ЧВК и будет ли она воевать в Украине – журналист-расследователь  Настоящее Время
UN chief criticizes Russia at UN meeting chaired by Lavrov By Reuters - Investing.com
UN chief criticizes Russia at UN meeting chaired by Lavrov By Reuters  Investing.com
EU opens Moldova security mission; China says it 'respects status' of former Soviet

Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader
Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m. Jury to hear closing arguments in Proud Boys leaders' trial

Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Apr 24 2023

Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m. Daily
From The News And Times - https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/
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WASHINGTON (AP) — A historic trial over the deadly U.S. Capitol insurrection is drawing to a close, with...
Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today2m
Glenn Fine, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, is a former inspector general of the Justice Department...
Former Kazakh security boss jailed for 18 years over role in ...  WTVB
"Kazakhstan" - Google News3m
"Хотят помочь остаться у власти Путину". Зачем "Газпром" создает свою ЧВК и будет ли она воевать в Украине...
"путин" - Google Новости4m
UN chief criticizes Russia at UN meeting chaired by Lavrov By Reuters  Investing.com
"Russia Council Meeting" - Google News4m
EU opens Moldova security mission; China says it 'respects status' of former Soviet republics  UPI News
"Russia Council Meeting" - Google News4m
2023-04-24T14:20:26Z United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres shakes hands with Russian Foreign...
Sites from Michael_Novakhov (51 sites)4m
Ukraine's Zelensky Asks NATO Leader for Invitation to Join Alliance  Democracy Now!
"Stoltenberg" - Google News5m
Even when engaged in peaceful protest, Black people and their allies are often ... Trump supporters storm...
Google Alert - Trump and the Capitol Riot of January 6, 20215m
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres denounces the "devastation" caused by Moscow's invasion...
YouTube subscriptions via Mike Nova on Inoreader5m
Житель села Новый Бурец Иван Россомахин, завербованный в ЧВК «Вагнер», вернулся в родное село и через...
YouTube subscriptions via Mike Nova on Inoreader5m
04.11.2023 | 4:00 PM Cave Creek Rd & Thunderbird Rd | PHOENIX A Phoenix Fire rescue 7...
YouTube subscriptions via Mike Nova on Inoreader6m
JAMAICA, Queens- An Officer was shot in the leg by multiple suspects Wednesday Afternoon. The incident...
YouTube subscriptions via Mike Nova on Inoreader6m
In the early 1930s, Mae West's dirty talk and hip swiveling walk made her one of the biggest movie stars...
YouTube subscriptions via Mike Nova on Inoreader6m
Темы дня 24 апреля: 01:16 – Как с российского бомбардировщика могли упасть на Белгород сразу две управляемых...
YouTube subscriptions via Mike Nova on Inoreader6m
Opinion | The case of Jack Teixeira echoes the Robert Hanssen spy ...  The Washington Post
"Counterintelligence" - Google News11m
Associated Press Bulletins12m
Goodman rose to fame in his 60s as a judge on Dancing with the Stars and Britain's Strictly Come Dancing....
1. NPR from Michael_Novakhov (25 sites)12m
Give us 5 minutes, and we'll give you the world. Around the clock, Voice of America keeps you in touch...
Voice of America - English12m
Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность
NPR News: 04-24-2023 10AM EDT
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast12m
The News And Times13m
The News And Times13m
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#FBI "After Hanssen's arrest, some in the FBI initially claimed he was a master spy who was able...
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
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Opinion | The case of Jack Teixeira echoes the Robert Hanssen spy ... - The Washington Post ino.to/VlBHRbV
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
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Michael Novakhov retweeted: Pretty soon I expect...
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
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Michael Novakhov retweeted: Amid a stalemate...
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
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Michael Novakhov retweeted: Declassified memo...
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
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Bakhmut slips out of Zelensky's hands as Putin's men gain more ground; Nearly 300 killed shar.es/afOdJ7...
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
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Michael Novakhov retweeted: Not surprising,...
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
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Michael Novakhov retweeted: Here are today's...
Tweets by ‎@mikenov14m
Издание Council on Foreign Relations считает, что в военной доктрине Крым – это плацдарм для российских...
24 Канал - Все новости1h
Russian Woman Loses Appeal Against Detention Over Bomb That ...  U.S. News & World Report
"U.S. and Russia" - Google News1h
Russian forces 'forcibly evacuating' civilians in Kherson, says Ukraine  The Guardian
"U.S. and Russia" - Google News1h
Opinion | The case of Jack Teixeira echoes the Robert Hanssen spy …  The Washington PostThe post Opinion...
Audio Posts1h
NPR News: 04-24-2023 8AM EDTThe post NPR News: 04-24-2023 8AM EDT first appeared on The Audio Posts...
Audio Posts1h
The 73-year-old Australian woman is said to be "extremely remorseful" for her apparent sleepy-eyed misstep.
Home - CBSNews.com1h
Призыв Лукашенко объявить перемирие на Украине будет ...  Форпост-Севастополь - информационный портал...
"русско украинские мирные переговоры" - Google Новости1h
China was scrambling Monday to ease European anger over comments by Lu Shaye, Beijing's ambassador to...
NBC News Top Stories1h
Justice Dept has more evidence of possible Trump obstruction in documents probe -WaPo  Yahoo News
"FBI and Trump" - Google News1h
Ukraine wants to return what Russia stole: it's not only about Ukrainian territories, but also about...
Special Forces officer Roman Chervinsky, who was hiding from the investigation and was notified of suspicion...
'Ukraine war spurs record military spending in Europe since Cold War'  Times of India
"Ukraine" - Google News1h
В ведомстве отметили рост числа нарушений режима прекращения огня.
Аргументы и Факты1h
fqg4bbWc.jpg </а>
.@SecDef: Путин допустил ряд серьезных просчетов, когда отдал приказ о вторжении в 🇺🇦 более года назад....
США по-русски (Twitter)1h
Two drones attacked a Russian-controlled military port city in Crimea and another crashed in the Moscow...
Trumpism And Trump1h
Russia-Ukraine war – live: Crimea port under drone attack as Moscow claims no damage  The Independent...
Trumpism And Trump1h
Single male, 30s, seeks plus-one for brother's wedding: In personal ads posted around Brooklyn, Alex...
Google Alert - brooklyn in new york times1h
The victim was shot in the chest in front of a warehouse on Dinsmore Place near Chestnut St. in East...
1. New York and Brooklyn from Michael_Novakhov (121 sites)1h
Son of Kremlin spokesman served with Wagner in Ukraine  La Prensa Latina
"wagner group ukraine" - Google News1h
The son of a Putin aide says he fought in Ukraine, but reports claim that at the same time his Tesla...
"wagner group ukraine" - Google News1h
Journalistic Overreach: How The New York Times, Bellingcat, And ...  The Pavlovic Today
"Jack Teixeira" - Google News1h
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский пойдет в контрнаступление сразу после взятия российскими силами...
Новости НВО1h
Украинские официальные лица давно признают, но в частном порядке, что США фактически контролируют некоторые...
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)1h
РИА Новости
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)1h
В 2022 году стоимость нелегально ввезенных на территорию России смартфонов выросла более чем в два раза....
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)1h
РИА Новости
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)1h
РИА Новости
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)1h
Американская администрация опасается, что Вашингтон столкнется с критикой внутри страны и за ее пределами,...
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)1h
РИА Новости
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)1h
2023-04-22T03:58:39Z A 50-year-old man and his 11-year-old daughter were killed after Russian forces...
FBI Reform – fbireform.org1h
2023-04-24T11:31:30Z Jordanian citizens who were evacuated from Sudan arrived safely in Amman on Monday....
FBI Reform – fbireform.org1h
An important warning for parents and caregivers: The FBI is seeing a huge increase in the number of cases...
FBI Reform – fbireform.org1h
NPR News: 04-24-2023 8AM EDT Download audio: https://play.podtrac.com/npr-500005/edge1.pod.npr.org/anon.npr-mp3/npr/newscasts/2023/04/24/20230424_news...
FBI Reform – fbireform.org1h
According to the FBI, in 2022 almost 6000 school threats were reported to the FBI in the U.S., a 60%...
FBI Reform – fbireform.org1h
The Biden administration's upcoming attack on one of the nation's largest contributors to climate...
Opinions Review1h
Russians Are Weaponizing Passports in Occupied Ukraine—U.K. Intel  msnNOW
"US Intel: Putin gave orders to invade Ukraine" - Google News1h
High Wire to Present Overwatch Cybersecurity Platform at Kaseya Connect Global Conference in Las Vegas,...
cybersecurity - Google News1h
Contribution of ChatGPT and Cybersecurity to Small Businesses  Analytics Insight
cybersecurity - Google News1h
'Lack of coordinated action' to close EU cybersecurity skills gap  Research Professional News
cybersecurity - Google News1h
Providing Ukraine with modern combat aircraft will be the best investment in the long-term security of...
Latest news - UkrInform1h
European security now depends on the speed and amount of weapons and ammunition supplies to support Ukraine...
Latest news - UkrInform1h
Twitter is making companies pay for check marks to advertise  Financial Post
"advertising" - Google News1h
Why NASCAR is the perfect sport for advertisers  Speedway Digest - Home for NASCAR News
"advertising" - Google News1h
Transit Advertising Market will be the Hottest Trend of 2023  Digital Journal
"advertising" - Google News1h
Zelensky says Ukraine able to repel Russian invasion, preparing for counterattack  Ukrinform
"zelensky" - Google News2h
Éric Vuillard writes short historical narratives known for their irony. His latest, "An Honorable Exit,"...
NYT > World2h
The Communist Party outlined draft rules that would set guardrails on the rapidly growing industry of...
NYT > World2h
Antisemitism Charges Resurface as House Minority Leader Hakeem ...  The Jewish Press - JewishPress.com
"Russian Speaking Mafia" - Google News2h
"It's Putin's fault, he released the bastard"  B92
"Russia Council Meeting" - Google News2h
The enemy has intensified its shelling attacks on Kherson and Beryslav districts in Kherson region following...
There are always plenty of grounds for cynicism about the state of the news media, but in the last week...
Reuters: World News2h
A team of explorers said it found a sunken Japanese ship that was transporting Allied prisoners of war...
NBC News Top Stories2h
В Подмосковье упал начиненный 17 кг взрывчатки украинский беспилотник UJ-22 Airborn - у него закончилось...
Газета.Ru - Первая полоса2h
Vladimir Putin's critics: Dead, Jailed, Exiled  theSundaily
"The Kremlin Papers 2021" - Google News2h
Adams announced the appointment of Kathleen Corradi as the city's first-ever citywide director...
THE CITY - All2h
If the Crimean peninsula is the last swath of land to be recaptured from Russia, it will be the end of...
Latest news - UkrInform2h
China has not yet transferred a single round to Russia and is not preparing to do so.
Latest news - UkrInform2h
Philip Taubman, author of "In the Nation's Service: The Life and Times of George P. Shultz," was a New...
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – I'd be more impressed with GOP Rep. Jim Jordan's anti-crime hearings in New York...
Brooklyn News Review via Mike Nova on Inoreader2h
Российские силы перемалывают ВСУ и не дают им перейти в контрнаступление.
Аргументы и Факты2h
NPR News: 04-24-2023 8AM EDT
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast2h
Opinion | Gershkovich doesn't have the benefit of good U.S.-Russian ...  The Washington Post
"FBI is the American KGB!" - Google News2h
Бывший губернатор Красноярского края Александр Усс, чей сын Артем сбежал из-под домашнего ареста в Италии,...
The Moscow Times на русском — Независимые новости для России2h
(Данный материал был произведен в России, где законодательство ограничивает освещение специальной военной...
The Moscow Times на русском — Независимые новости для России2h
Несмотря на угрозы Дмитрия Медведева применить сталинские методы к руководителям тех оборонных предприятий,...
The Moscow Times на русском — Независимые новости для России2h
Ukraine reportedly gains toehold across river in Russian-held Kherson  The Week
"kherson" - Google News2h
According to the FBI, in 2022 almost 6000 school threats were reported to the FBI in the U.S., a 60%...
Google Alert - fbi2h
An important warning for parents and caregivers: The FBI is seeing a huge increase in the number of cases...
Google Alert - fbi2h
As Israel turns 75 there is much to celebrate—and worry about—says Yair Lapid  The Economist
"israel" - Google News3h
Two drones attacked a Russian-controlled military port city in Crimea and another crashed in the Moscow...
Russia Says Drone Boats Attack Black Sea Fleet in Crimea  The Wall Street Journal
"Russia" - Google News3h
1. Brooklyn Radio and Video from Michael_Novakhov (12 sites)3h
1. Brooklyn Radio and Video from Michael_Novakhov (12 sites)3h
1. Brooklyn Radio and Video from Michael_Novakhov (12 sites)3h
What Are the Risks of Cannabis? Advertising, Packaging Could Change  Bloomberg
"advertising" - Google News3h
Watchdog: World military spending up to an all-time high  The Associated Press
"Russian World" - Google News3h
Germany's foreign minister: Parts of China trip 'more than shocking'  EU Reporter
"Germany" - Google News3h
Associated Press Bulletins5h
AP correspondent Charles de Ledesma reports Russia Ukraine War-Dnieper River
AP Audio Wire5h
Readout of Vice President Kamala Harris's Meeting with President ...  The White House
"global threats to U.S. security 2023" - Google News6h
New Ukrainian sanctions include Sheikh of Mali, Swiss, French, and other foreign-registered pro-Russian...
Las Vegas Shooting of 2017 – lasvegas-shooting.org6h
Разведчик – одна из самых опасных военных специальностей. В любом подразделении эта профессия считается...
Shared Links – The News And Times6h
Trial to begin in 2018 killing of 11 at Pittsburgh synagogue  The Associated Press The post Trial to...
Shared Links – The News And Times6h
The content originally appeared on: El Nuevo Día Washington – U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris announced...
Puerto Rico News from Michael_Novakhov (61 sites)6h
The Jones Act Is Essential for National Security  The Defense Post "us national security" - Google...
1. US Security from Michael_Novakhov (87 sites)6h
NPR News: 04-24-2023 4AM EDT
NPR: Hourly News Summary Podcast6h
KYIV, Ukraine: Ukrainian military forces have successfully established positions on the eastern side...
Arab News RSS6h
MOSCOW: Azerbaijan on Sunday set up a checkpoint on the only land link between Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh...
Arab News RSS6h
Иностранцы прут в Северодвинск без согласования с ФСБ ...  Эхо Севера
"фсб" - Google Новости6h
Ukraine war: Are US and NATO seeking an Indian initiative to resolve the conflict?  Firstpost
"Nato" - Google News6h
VP Harris credits nonexistent federal agency with approving mifepristone: watch  Fox NewsKamala Harris...
Top Stories - Google News6h
V_wwjDu2.png </а>
These cities saw home prices triple. Then what happened? trib.al/Qy4grOs
The Hill (Twitter)6h
Путинский режим вскоре рухнет. Его уничтожит сам Путин  UDF
"путинизм" - Google Новости6h
Son sentenced in murder, assassination plot of his mobster father ...  WABC-TV
"mob AND prison murders" - Google News6h
A Chinese diplomat has let slip the truth about Beijing's foreign policy  The Spectator
"germany ukraine relations" - Google News6h
US indicts alleged Russian spy who tried to infiltrate ICC in The Hague  The Guardian
"russian spies in united states" - Google News6h
Russia increasingly relying on Cold War-era weapons: Western officials  Business Insider
"Bucha" - Google News6h
LONDON (AP) — King Charles III is a man in a hurry. After waiting 74 years to become king, Charles...
Global Security News- globalsecuritynews.org6h
New Ukrainian sanctions include Sheikh of Mali, Swiss, French, and other foreign-registered pro-Russian...
Global Security News- globalsecuritynews.org6h
Moscow's troops will find themselves having to switch from localized assaults in small formations...
Global Security News- globalsecuritynews.org6h
… his involvement in the Jan 6 Capitol riots. In January 2021, he traveled to Washington DC from Arizona...
Global Security News- globalsecuritynews.org6h
Former President Trump in an interview suggested that Russian President Vladimir … more ambition" after...
Global Security News- globalsecuritynews.org6h
oFMlF3JR.jpg </а>
Russians are forcing Ukrainians to become Russian with threats and intimidation - the usual playbook...
KT CounterIntelligence (Twitter)6h
ChatGPT is not the only one. Artificial intelligence tools to improve productivity and business  Mezha.Media
"Intelligence" - Google News6h
Russia's technocrats embraced the West, then enabled Putin's war  The Japan Times
putin - Google News6h
Безвозвратные потери Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) за минувшую неделю в зоне проведения специальной военной...
Новости НВО6h
Глобальные расходы на вооружение в 2022 году увеличились на 3,7% в реальном исчислении и достигли 2,24...
Новости НВО6h
One drone was shot down while another exploded on its own, Crimea's Russian-backed governor says.
Al Jazeera English6h
Death penalty trial begins for accused in Tree of Life synagogue shooting  The Associated Press
"attack on Pittsburgh Synagogue" - Google News6h
Позиция Китая по Крыму не изменилась, заявила официальный представитель МИД КНР Мао Нин. Комментируя...
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)6h
Разведчик - одна из самых опасных военных специальностей. В любом подразделении эта профессия считается...
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)6h
Министерство обороны Казахстана не планирует в этом году проведение военного парада, посвященного Дню...
1. Russian Press from Michael_Novakhov (80 sites)6h
В Чикаго постепенно возвращаются времена Аль Капоне. Точнее, нет. Гангстеры Аль Капоне просто розовые...
Russia News and News In Russian from Michael_Novakhov (57 sites)6h
Безвозвратные потери Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ) за минувшую неделю в зоне проведения специальной военной...
Russia News and News In Russian from Michael_Novakhov (57 sites)6h
As large amounts of weapons have been smuggled throughout the West Bank in the last year, shooting attacks...
JPost.com - Homepage6h
SoCJ_k1L.jpg </а>
⚡️Russian attacks hit 9 Ukrainian regions, kill 4 civilians over past day. At least 11 more people...
The Kyiv Independent (Twitter)6h
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These are the indicative estimates of Russia's combat losses as of April 24, according to the Armed Forces...
The Kyiv Independent (Twitter)6h
CAPITOL RIOT-PROUD BOYS — A federal jury is set to hear closing arguments in the historic trial of Proud...
Google Alert - Capitol Riot6h
As the fighting between the rival generals continues in Sudan various countries have started evacuating...
A video uploaded to social media showed flames outside an airplane in the United States on April 23,...
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China's role in the Russia-Ukraine war has come under the scanner. This is due to Chinese diplomat remarking...
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From: AlJazeeraEnglish
Duration: 3:33

Moscow's highest court has rejected an appeal against the arrest of a woman charged with a bomb attack that killed an influential Russian military blogger.
26-year-old Darya Trepova is accused of using an explosive concealed in a statuette to kill Vladlen Tatarksy in a cafe in St Petersburg.
Tatarsky was an ardent supporter of the war in Ukraine, who filed reports on the fighting from the front lines.

Journalist Yulia Shapovalova joins us from Moscow for the latest updates.

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An Answer for Sherrod Brown





Ордер на арест президента Владимира Путина, выданный Международным уголовным судом в Гааге, вызвал у обеспокоенность российских элит и заставил чиновников в Кремле задуматься о рисках внутриполитической стабильности.

В конце марта в Кремле состоялось совещание, посвященное тому, как реагировать на ордер МУС и какие действия предпринять для укрепления режима внутри страны, сообщили The Moscow Times сотрудник Кремля и источник в руководстве российского парламента.

Помимо гражданских чиновников администрации президента, в совещании участвовали сотрудники управления по защите конституционного строя Федеральной службы безопасности (ФСБ), которая создана для охраны режима от внутриполитических угроз. 

«Это [решение суда] же, по сути дела, призывы к свержению власти в России. Но при этом с формальной точки зрения это исполнение вроде бы как легального решения легального международного органа», — возмутился с разговоре с The Moscow Times депутат Госдумы от «Единой России».

Сразу после решения МУС в Кремль поступил целый ряд предложений о возможных вариантах ответа. Госдума оперативно приняла закон, который вводит штрафы и тюремные сроки за призывы арестовать Путина. Спикер нижней палаты Вячеслав Володин предложил цензурировать упоминание решения МУС.

Существуют и другие предложения, но они пока не были обнародованы, сказал близкий к Кремлю собеседник The Moscow Times.

«Часть мер направлена на то, чтобы обеспечить нелегитимность решений МУС внутри страны. Кто знает, что МУС в будущем еще придумает. А так, все его решения в России будут признаны вне закона и обсуждать их будет запрещено под страхом тюрьмы» — пояснил он.

«Приди и арестуй»

Российская госпропаганда растерянно отреагировала на гаагский ордер для Путина: ТВ-каналы не стали сообщать о том, что президент РФ может быть арестован более чем в 100 странах мира, а чиновники поспешили называть решение суда «юридически ничтожным».

Глава Следственного комитета Александр Бастрыкин, однокурсник Путина по юрфаку ЛГУ, поручил выяснить имена судей МУС, принимавших решение, а замглвы Совбеза Дмитрий Медведев пригрозил ударить по Гааге гиперзвуковыми ракетами. Он также заявил, что любая попытка арестовать российского президента будет рассматриваться как объявление войны и может повлечь ядерный удар.

Хотя задержание Путина — это «фантастический сценарий», и реальных возможностей для этого не просматривается, у ордера МУС есть политические последствия, считает глава Центра политической конъюнктуры, бывший сотрудник Кремля Алексей Чеснаков.

В частности, ограничиваются возможности ряда западных политиков для прямого диалога с Путиным; появляется линия напряжения внутри российской элиты, которая менее защищена от возможных преследований на Западе, в отличие от президента, перечисляет Чеснаков. Наконец, создается негативный фон для стран и компаний, которые были готовы продолжать вести бизнес с Россией.

Ордер на арест Путина обсуждался в том числе и в руководстве крупных российских компаний, сказал The Moscow Times топ-менеджер крупного предприятия с госучастием. Реакция, по его словам, была неоднозначной. «Кто говорит, что это туфта, кто-то — что это сигнал и скорее даже не Путину, а людям и элите», — сказал топ-менеджер.

Бывший чиновник, последние годы занимающийся бизнесом, тесно связанным государством, утверждает, что страха в деловой среде ордер МУС не вызвал. «А вот раздражение, что не далеко ли зашли [на Западе] и что теперь мы опять несимметрично ответим, — да», — рассказывает он. 

«Что это решение МУС даст, неясно, потому что Путин все равно никуда не ездит», — добавляет источник.

Высокопоставленный чиновник правительства России назвал ордер МУС «глупостью». По его мнению, поддержка решения Европой стала возможной, потому что «европейские элиты не обладают самостоятельностью»

Другой высокопоставленный чиновник, работающий в одном из субъектов РФ, сказал The Moscow Times, что региональная элита воспринимает решение как «очередную хохму» и «неадекватное поведение» Запада.

«Никто уже не сомневается в лютой ненависти Запада к любому русскому… А значит, все в одной лодке и ничего хорошего не ждут. Ни сейчас, ни в будущем. Логика проста — приди и арестуй. П****ть не мешки ворочать» — сказал чиновник, который ранее не был сторонником противостояния с Западом.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A historic trial over the deadly U.S. Capitol insurrection is drawing to a close, with prosecutors and defense lawyers set to make their final appeals to jurors before they decide the fate of Proud Boys extremist group leaders charged with plotting to use force to keep then-President Donald Trump in power.

A federal jury in Washington, D.C., is scheduled to begin hearing closing arguments on Monday after more than three months of testimony in the seditious conspiracy case against former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio and four lieutenants.

Tarrio is one of the top targets of the Justice Department’s investigation of the riot that erupted at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as Congress prepared to certify Joe Biden’s presidential election victory over Trump. Tarrio wasn’t in Washington, D.C., that day but is accused of orchestrating an attack from afar.

The Justice Department has already secured seditious conspiracy convictions against the founder and members of another far-right extremist group, the Oath Keepers. But this is the first major trial involving leaders of the far-right Proud Boys, a neofacist group of self-described “Western chauvinists” that remains a force in mainstream Republican circles.

Seditious conspiracy, a Civil War-era charge that is rare and can be difficult to prove, carries a potential sentence of up to 20 years in prison. The Proud Boys also face other serious charges.

Jurors have heard 50 days of testimony by more than three dozen witnesses since the trial started in January. Two of the five defendants testified, but Tarrio wasn’t one of them.

The foundation of the government’s case is a trove of messages that Proud Boys leaders and members privately exchanged in encrypted chats — and publicly posted on social media — before, during and after the Jan. 6 attack.

The messages show Proud Boys celebrating when Trump, a Republican, told the group to “stand back and stand by” during his first debate with Biden, a Democrat. After the 2020 election, they discussed plans to travel to Washington for Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6. And they raged online for weeks about baseless claims of a stolen election and what would happen when Biden took office.

“If Biden steals this election, (the Proud Boys) will be political prisoners,” Tarrio posted on Nov. 16, 2020. “We won’t go quietly ... I promise.”

Jurors also saw the string of gleeful messages that Proud Boys members posted during the Jan. 6 riot. A group of Proud Boys marched to the Capitol that day. Some entered the building after the mob of Trump supporters overwhelmed police lines.

“Make no mistake,” Tarrio wrote in one message. “We did this.”

Tarrio, a Miami resident, is on trial with Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl and Dominic Pezzola. Nordean, of Auburn, Washington, was a Proud Boys chapter president. Biggs, of Ormond Beach, Florida, was a self-described Proud Boys organizer. Rehl was president of a Proud Boys chapter in Philadelphia. Pezzola was a Proud Boys member from Rochester, New York.

Tarrio was arrested in Washington two days before the Jan. 6 riot on charges that he burned a church’s Black Lives Matter banner during an earlier march in the city. Tarrio heeded a judge’s order to leave the nation’s capital after his arrest.

Defense attorneys have vigorously argued that there was no conspiracy and that the Proud Boys had no plan to attack the Capitol. And two key prosecution witnesses — onetime Proud Boys cooperating with the government — both acknowledged that they didn’t know of any such plan.

The defense attorneys called several current and former Proud Boys to the stand, trying to portray the group as a drinking club that only engaged in violence for self-defense against antifascist activists.

Rehl, the first defendant to testify, said the group had “no objective” that day. Pezzola testified that he got “caught up in the craziness” and acted alone on Jan. 6 when he used a riot shield stolen from a police officer to smash a Capitol window. Pezzola also referred to the proceedings as a “corrupt trial” with “fake charges.”

Prosecutors have argued that Tarrio and the others mobilized a loyal group of foot soldiers — or “tools” — to supply the force necessary to carry out their plot.

Key witnesses for prosecutors included two former Proud Boys members who pleaded guilty to riot-related charges and are cooperating with the government in the hopes of getting lighter sentences.

The first, Matthew Greene, testified in January that group members were expecting a “civil war” as they grew increasingly angry about the election results. The second, Jeremy Bertino, testified in February that he viewed the Proud Boys as leaders of the conservative movement and as “the tip of the spear” after the November 2020 election.

Approximately 20 Proud Boys leaders, members and associates have pleaded guilty to charges related to the Jan. 6 riot. Bertino is the only one to plead guilty to a seditious conspiracy charge.

The Proud Boys’ defense mirrored arguments made by lawyers for members of the Oath Keepers, who were separately charged with seditious conspiracy. They, too, said there was no evidence of a plan for group members to attack the Capitol.

Several Oath Keepers — including the antigovernment group’s founder, Stewart Rhodes — also took the witness stand in their trials, with mixed results. Over the course of two Oath Keepers trials, prosecutors secured seditious conspiracy convictions against Rhodes and five other members, while three defendants were acquitted of the charge. Those three, however, were convicted of obstructing Congress’ certification of Biden’s electoral victory.

Sentencings for Rhodes and other Oath Keepers are scheduled for next month. Prosecutors have yet to disclose how much prison time they will be seeking.


Associated Press writer Alanna Durkin Richer in Boston contributed to this report.


Follow the AP’s coverage of the U.S. Capitol insurrection at https://apnews.com/hub/capitol-siege.

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Glenn Fine, a fellow at the Brookings Institution, is a former inspector general of the Justice Department and acting inspector general of the Defense Department.

The devastating leak of classified documents, allegedly by Jack Teixeira, a member of the Air National Guard, raises a host of troubling questions: How did a 21-year-old come to have seemingly unfettered access to so much top-secret information? Did he undergo a thorough background check? Did he have a need to know all that information? Was anyone monitoring whether he was inappropriately accessing, downloading or printing documents? How was he able to take so many documents from a classified facility without raising suspicion?

Teixeira’s case amply demonstrates the need for a probing review and reform of the federal government’s internal security practices. But we’ve been down a similar road before — in the case of Robert Hanssen, the most damaging spy in FBI history.

Hanssen was an FBI special agent who worked primarily on counterintelligence assignments. He spied for the Soviet Union and Russia for more than two decades before his espionage was finally uncovered in 2001. By then, he had compromised some of our country’s most important intelligence assets and military secrets, including the identities of dozens of human sources, at least three of whom were executed.

I was the inspector general of the Justice Department when Hanssen was arrested. The FBI established an internal review body, led by former FBI director William Webster, to study the bureau’s security programs. At the same time, Congress and the attorney general asked my office to conduct an independent investigation to determine why Hanssen had committed espionage, why the FBI had failed to detect his security breaches and spying for so many years, and whether changes in FBI internal security practices were needed.

After Hanssen’s arrest, some in the FBI initially claimed he was a master spy who was able to use his tradecraft to evade detection. Our review found that nothing could have been further from the truth. In our public report, we showed that Hanssen was reckless and escaped detection for so long not because he was clever and crafty, but because the FBI’s weak internal security practices essentially provided no deterrence or obstacles to his espionage.

Hanssen had spent hours reading classified files without any conceivable need to know. He exploited the FBI’s sorely lacking information security practices to conduct thousands of searches for highly sensitive information with no concern that an audit would reveal his queries. He delivered highly classified documents and dozens of computer disks to the Russians. Left largely unsupervised, he became increasingly brazen, depositing considerable amounts of the money he received as payment in a bank located a block from bureau headquarters.

The absence of deterrence played a significant role in Hanssen’s decision to spy for Moscow. During interviews after his arrest, he told our team, “If I had thought that the risk of detection was very great, I never would have done it.”

Instead of taking sufficient steps to deter security breaches and espionage, the FBI had trusted that its employees would remain loyal. But trust is not an effective internal security strategy.

During his 25-year career, Hanssen was never asked to submit to a polygraph examination. He underwent only one background reinvestigation, and the red flags that emerged during this perfunctory check were not resolved. He regularly exhibited a notable pattern of mishandling classified information, without significant consequences.

Our review determined that the FBI’s internal security program defects were the product of years of neglect. We recommended a wholesale change in mind-set and approach to internal security, noting that FBI employees had committed espionage in the past and would likely do so in the future.

Our report made 21 specific recommendations, including: creating a new unit to determine whether the bureau had been penetrated by espionage; employing stricter standards for handling and tracking sensitive information; instituting more meaningful background investigations; enhancing security measures for employees with broad access to sensitive information; implementing measures to detect improper computer use; tracking hard copy classified documents more effectively; requiring better security training; and improving security inspection programs.

Congress held hearings on both our report and the Webster report’s recommendations, and the high-profile attention helped pressure the FBI to improve its internal security. But this new case shows that constant attention and more work is needed.

The intelligence community and Defense Department should review document-handling practices and determine whether more stringent controls on hard-copy classified documents are warranted. Better audit trails on computer searches and more real-time computer monitoring should be considered. Security training and the quality of background investigations also should be reviewed.

Our government’s inability to prevent the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was partly caused by a failure to connect intelligence dots and a reluctance to share intelligence information. Afterward, the impetus swung from focusing on the “need to know” to emphasizing the “need to share.” Yet the pendulum might have swung too far, with too many people possessing high-level security clearances and gaining access to too much information. The risk and harm of disclosures is even greater in this digital age, when information can be disseminated more widely and quickly.

Teixeira would not be the first to disclose intelligence information, and he won’t be the last. Better internal security measures can’t eliminate all the risk of compromise, but they can make it more difficult, before further harm is done to our national security.

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