Michael Novakhov @mikenov My Opinion - #Opinion Five Points #Peace Plan for #Ukraine: 1.Establish the Republic of #Crimea, which will include the territories presently occupied by #Russia; under the joint sovereignty and jurisdictions of Ukraine, Russia, and #EU (with participation of #Turkey), with the details to be refined later. 2. Establish the plans for BOTH Ukraine and Russia to join #NATO within their individual projected time frames and the agreements of #Cooperation. Make #Sebastopol the joint Ukraine - Russia - NATO #naval base. The unresolved issues of the (First) Crimean #War (1853-1856) and the recent Cold and "Warm" (2000 - 2023) #wars will be thus resolved. 3. Both Ukraine and Russia (with the useful close participation of #Germany) should undergo the #national rehabilitation processes of #DECOMMUNIZATION and #DENAZIFICATION, political prisoners should be released. The #Mafia states, wherever they are, with the corresponding styles of governing, should be #ERADICATED. The joint Ukraine - Russia - EU #security structures should be developed, with the maximum of #transparency and #legality. 4. #Putin has to retire before all these changes can happen. The further personal plans for him can be determined later. #Russian #Revolutions happen from above. 5. The #US should take the active and leading roles in these proposed changes.



My Opinion - #Opinion Five Points #Peace Plan for #Ukraine: The Republic of #Crimea
1. Stop the active military actions on both sides and work out the mutual plan of the BILATERAL DEMILITARIZATION OF THE DISPUTED AREAS.
Establish the Republic of #Crimea, which will include the territories presently occupied by #Russia; under the joint sovereignty and jurisdictions of Ukraine, Russia, and #EU (with participation of #Turkey), with the details to be refined later. Plans for BOTH Ukraine and Russia to join #NATO.
2. Establish the plans for BOTH Ukraine and Russia to join #NATO within their individually, separately projected time frames and the agreements of #Cooperation. Make #Sebastopol the joint Ukraine - Russia - NATO #naval base. The unresolved issues of the (First) Crimean #War (1853-1856) and the recent Cold and "Warm" (2000-2023) #wars will be thus resolved.
3. Both Ukraine and Russia (with the useful close participation of #Germany) should undergo the #national rehabilitation processes of #DECOMMUNIZATION and #DENAZIFICATION, political prisoners should be released. The #Mafia states, wherever they are, with the corresponding styles of governing, should be #ERADICATED. The joint Ukraine - Russia - EU #security structures should be developed, with the maximum of #transparency and #legality. Putin
4. #Putin has to retire before all these changes can happen. The further personal plans for him can be determined later. #Russian #Revolutions happen from above. The US
5. The #US should take the active and leading roles in these proposed changes.


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