HOW TO STAGE A COUP - News And Tweets


Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times
Rory Cormac @RoryCormac
Michael Novakhov retweeted: HOW TO STAGE A COUP is out in paperback today. It’s all about covert action, from propaganda to assassination and everything in between. Huge thanks to everyone who has read it, recommended it and/or reviewed it! Here’s what it argues in a nutshell: ...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Треть из миллиона прибывших в Германию украинских беженцев - дети до 18 лет. При этом более 3700 детей и молодых людей из Украины в 2022 году стали подозреваемыми в совершении преступлений, сообщила глава МВД Нэнси Фезер. Хроника DW:… ...
Filip Kovacevic @ChekistMonitor
Michael Novakhov retweeted: A breach of state security? In 1973, veteran Soviet spy Iosif Grigulevich signed one of his books for Andropov's principal deputy #KGB general Semyon Tsvigun by including some of his cover names & aliases (I. Lavretsky, I. Grigoriev, [fake ambassador] Teodoro...
Stars and Stripes @starsandstripes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: A Department of Defense training exercise went wrong at a Boston hotel, when agents entered the wrong room and mistakenly detained a guest.…
Military Intelligence Museum @mi_intel
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #OTD in 1590, Queen Elizabeth’s Secretary, Sir Francis Walsingham died. Walsingham created a highly effective intelligence network. He employed double agents, covert propaganda, disinformation and code breaking to protect England against both foreign and domestic threats....
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
He has a plan, something up his sleeve. That's how he looks. Заседание Высшего Государственного Совета Союзного государства России и Белоруссии • Президент России…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Putin #Russia #Lukashenko Гуси, гуси! Га-ага! Га-ага! Заседание Высшего Государственного Совета Союзного государства России и Белоруссии • Президент России…
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Defense, Hanna Malyar, explained how operational decisions are made. Re Bakhmut, operational situation is monitored/reported to HQ 24/7. HQ continuously analyze enemy actions & predict probable threats & new enemy actions.…...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Взрывы на "Северных потоках" - это"серьезная диверсия". Основная версия, по словам прокурора, - саботаж, проспонсированный государством. Сценарий с участием независимой группы остается "теоретически возможным". Последние данные расследования в Швеции -…...
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Сейм Литвы принял резолюцию с предложением позвать Украину в НАТО
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The U.K. has decided to deploy the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to the Mediterranean Sea this summer to demonstrate the country's naval power and deter Russian aggression. Source: The Times 🇬🇧
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Former president Donald Trump’s lawyers have until August to file challenges to the case — filings that may coincide with the first Republican debate of the primary season.
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ⚡️Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council #Danilov said that information about the time and place of the future counter-offensive of the #AFU is closed, Radio Liberty reported. “This information is known to 3-5 people on the entire planet”, he added....
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Макрон надеется, что Си сможет "привести Россию в чувство", сказал президент Франции во время встречи с председателем КНР в Пекине: "Я знаю, что могу на вас рассчитывать для того, чтобы привести Россию в чувство и усадить всех участников [конфликта] за стол переговоров"...
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Former political aide to Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, wanted on corruption charges, dies after being shot in #Tennessee by the FBI during a nationwide manhunt. #corruption #FBI #Maryland #lawenforcement…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Заявление о размещении в Беларуси ядерного оружия РФ не случайно сделано накануне саммита НАТО, считает глава МИД Литвы: "Они хотят, чтобы лидеры свободного мира собрались в Вильнюсе, а в нескольких километрах будут таскать туда-сюда какие-то старые ракеты"…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Заседание Высшего Государственного Совета Союзного государства России и Белоруссии • Президент России…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Vice President Kamala Harris’s visit to Africa last week was designed to send a message — China is not your friend. The U.S. is. What’s at stake as the U.S. races to deepen its relationships with African countries? Listen to today's episode of The Daily.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Заседание Высшего Государственного Совета Союзного государства России и Белоруссии • Президент России…
Ukraine Front Lines @EuromaidanPR
Michael Novakhov retweeted: A petition calling for the termination of all agreements between Kyiv and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchate received the required number of votes.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
ilya rozhdestvensky - Google Search…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: U.S. intelligence warns that white supremacist groups are recruiting #Military members into racially motivated violent extremism for a violent overthrow of the government and a white supremacist or fascist state. #terrorism #extremism #whiteSupremacy…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Evan Gershkovich's articles in WSJ (…) are good: objective, balanced, truthful. Traditionally and characteristically for the #Russian governance, #Putin - Putin and his circle are afraid of TRUTH: "Тьмы низких истин мне дороже Нас возвышающий обман..."……
Reuters @Reuters
Michael Novakhov retweeted: State actor involvement in Nord Stream pipeline attacks is 'main scenario', says Swedish investigator
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
"But the decision to keep holding on to Bakhmut has raised questions at home and among Western partners who worry the battle is depleting Ukrainian combat power ahead of an anticipated offensive using fresh, Western-trained troops and modern equipment provided by the U.S. and its……
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Cuba's shift to communism with the Soviet Union and anti-Americanism put U.S. national security at risk in the Caribbean- plans to take him down were put into action- read on for a gripping tale of Cold War politics! #Cuba #ColdWar #politics #history…...
Mavka Slavka 🧜‍♀️🌻 @MavkaSlavka
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Poland ready to send all its MiG-29 jets to Ukraine, given NATO guarantees.…
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Poland & Slovakia are sending a total of 27 MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. Poland - 14 jets Slovakia - 13 jets Time for the West to commit to sending F-16s and Eurofighters too! 🇵🇱🇸🇰🇺🇦
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ⚡️French President Emmanuel #Macron and his Chinese counterpart Xi #Jinping both called for Ukraine-Russia peace talks to take place “as soon as possible”, AFP reported.
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Today Putin held a Security Council meeting in a new format. He appeared in person with the leaders of the 4 Ukrainian regions partly occupied by Russia, while the other members of the Security Council & some guests appeared on video.…...
Reuters @Reuters
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni vowed to combat what she calls the ‘LGBT lobby’. In recent weeks authorities made it harder for same-sex couples to be legal parents and lawmakers proposed an anti-surrogacy law widely seen as targeting gay couples
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: After Russia throttled back natural gas exports last year, Norway is now Europe's largest supplier. The country’s energy earnings in 2022 jumped $100 billion.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
I figured it out! My Opinion: Israeli politics must be freed from Judaism. Jews: who are they? "Thus, in spite of considerable consanguinity, there is no Jewish genotype to identify." It is not "ethnicity", because there is no genetic basis in it. So, take the "ethno" part out,……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Opinion My Opinion: Israeli politics must be freed from Judaism. Jews: who are they? "Thus, in spite of considerable consanguinity, there is no Jewish genotype to identify." It is not "ethnicity", because there is no genetic basis in it. So, take the "ethno" part out, and what……
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #SpyStuff! The Minox camera: small, stealthy, and powerful. Designed for espionage, this little device produced high-quality images that helped spies capture top-secret intel without raising any alarms. Its role in preventing a nuclear war in the 1960s cannot be overstated....
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Заявления китайского посла подтверждают, что надежды Кремля на Пекин не оправдались, считают аналитики ISW. Посол Китая в ЕС Фу Цун назвал "риторическим" заявление Москвы и Пекина о "безграничной дружбе" и подчеркнул, что КНР не поддерживает вторжение РФ в Украину...
Albert Solé @asolepascual
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Les galetes Maginet…
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in 1917, the United States declares war on Germany. Congress passes the resolution at the behest of President Woodrow Wilson, who won reelection just five months earlier under the campaigning slogan "He kept us out of war."
Ukrinform-EN @Ukrinform_News
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #SupportUkraine #Poland #President #Duda #UkraineWillWin World must demand withdrawal of russian troops from all of Ukraine - Duda…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Курский суд приговорил военнослужащих Юрия Дегтярёва и Алексея Селиванова, к трём годам колонии за неисполнение приказа об участии в боевых действиях на территории Украины…
Reuters @Reuters
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Poland would help form a coalition of Western powers to supply warplanes to Kyiv, as his fighters defended their eastern bastion of Bakhmut in the face of relentless Russian assaults
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Former CIA agent predicts #Putin's demise, that he will meet his end at the hands of his own military. Nice article- find out why he's a "dead man walking" and the potential for an uprising is possible. #Russia #Military #Uprising #CIA #Counterintelligence…...
Innocent person detained after FBI raids wrong hotel room during training exercise - WWMT-TV
Innocent person detained after FBI raids wrong hotel room during training exercise  WWMT-TV
Netherlands procures PULS MRLs
<div><img class="invisible" style="display: none" src="[images%7COpenAccessDataProvider]53357f9f-9614-44bd-acec-c98c3ef5ea21?sfvrsn=c213b03_2"></div><div class="w-100 position-relative"> <img src="/ResourcePackages/Janes/assets/dist/images/placeholder-16-9.jpg" class="invisible w-100"> <div style="background-image: url("")"...
Former Italy PM Berlusconi in intensive care with leukaemia, lung infection
2023-04-06T14:55:45Z Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been suffering from chronic blood cancer for some time and is currently in intensive care for a lung infection, his doctors said on Thursday (April 6). Edward Baran reports. Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been suffering from chronic blood cancer for some...
European Commission signals game over for China investment deal - POLITICO Europe
European Commission signals game over for China investment deal  POLITICO Europe
Donald Trump's Grip on America's Attention Explained by His Biographer, Tim O'Brien
Former President Donald Trump was indicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records before heading to Mar-a-Lago to speak before hundreds of supporters. The speech was meant as a rebuttal to prosecutors and a potential reboot of his latest bid for the White House, launched almost five months ago. But how will his legal jeopardy impact the...
How Bad Is Alcohol, Really? - The Walrus
How Bad Is Alcohol, Really?  The Walrus
Live updates: Russia's war in Ukraine - CNN
Live updates: Russia's war in Ukraine  CNN
Взгляд: Евро на Мосбирже поднялся почти до 89 рублей
На Московской бирже курс евро перешел рубеж в 89 рублей в первый раз почти за год, сообщают информационные агентства со ссылкой на данные торгов. К 18.05 мск курс евро повысился на 1,64 рубля, до 88,93 рубля, передает РИА «Новости». До этого курс доходил до отметки в 89 рублей, максимальное повышение составляло 89,05 рубля. Курс доллара поднимался на...
Six in Puerto Rico indicted in $9M scheme targeting US funds - Manistee News Advocate
Six in Puerto Rico indicted in $9M scheme targeting US funds  Manistee News Advocate
NYC stabbing is being investigated as an anti-gay hate crime
A man was stabbed in one of New York City's gayborhoods in what police are investigating as a possible hate crime, a spokesperson for the NYPD said on Thursday.
NYPD 70th Precinct @NYPD70Pct
Christopher Leon Johnson(Leon Christopher Johnson) retweeted: Your officers continue to visit Mosque in the neighborhood and assure that our community observing Ramadan continue to pray in peace. #RamadanMubarak @NYPDBklynSouth @NYPDCommAffairs @AdeelRanaNYC @NYPDMuslim ...
NYPD 70th Precinct @NYPD70Pct
Your officers are visiting synagogues in the neighborhood assuring our community is safe while observing Passover. @NYPDBklynSouth @NYPDCommAffairs @InnaVernikov @KalmanYegerNYC @FlatbushShomrim @hatzalah
Layoffs rose sharply in the first three months of the year
As the Fed continues hiking interest rates, weaker hiring and mounting layoffs suggest the U.S. job market is softening.
Harris to announce huge community solar deal in Ga. visit
WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris is set to announce an agreement for what the Biden administration calls the largest community solar effort in U.S. history, enough to power 140,000 homes and businesses.Harris is visiting the Qcells solar panel factory outside Atlanta on Thursday. The South Korean company’s corporate parent, Hanwha Solutions...
GOP billionaire who funded Clarence Thomas's vacations has also given thousands of dollars to Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia.Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call via Getty Images; Alex Wong/Getty Images GOP megadonor Harlan Crow has been secretly funding lavish vacations for Justice Clarence Thomas. But he's also given thousands to Democrats who've stymied the party's agenda...
New photos of suspect wanted in shooting of rookie NYPD officer in ... - WABC-TV
New photos of suspect wanted in shooting of rookie NYPD officer in ...  WABC-TV
Finland joins NATO in major blow to Russia over Ukraine war - The Seattle Times
Finland joins NATO in major blow to Russia over Ukraine war  The Seattle Times
Russia 'gains key intelligence' after 'salvaging remains of downed ... - msnNOW
Russia 'gains key intelligence' after 'salvaging remains of downed ...  msnNOW
APT43's Archipelago. Genesis Market arrests. Funding Costa Rica's ... - The CyberWire
APT43's Archipelago. Genesis Market arrests. Funding Costa Rica's ...  The CyberWire
France's Macron, EU chief call on China to mediate in Ukraine war - CNBC
France's Macron, EU chief call on China to mediate in Ukraine war  CNBC
Ukraine gives Russia two options: Leave Crimea peacefully or be ready for battle - POLITICO Europe
Ukraine gives Russia two options: Leave Crimea peacefully or be ready for battle  POLITICO Europe
NPR News: 04-06-2023 6AM ET
NPR News: 04-06-2023 6AM ET
Why should Americans care about protecting the dollar?
Heritage Foundation economist Peter St Onge explains what would happen to the U.S. if the dollar was no longer the world reserve currency on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’ Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX News Channel (FNC)...
XBB1.16 Variant Found In 98% Delhi Covid Samples, Not Lethal: Top Doctor - NDTV
XBB1.16 Variant Found In 98% Delhi Covid Samples, Not Lethal: Top Doctor  NDTV
King Charles supports study into royal family slavery links
A new study will explore the relationship between the monarchy and the transatlantic slave trade.
LIVE: NBC News NOW - April 6
NBC News NOW is live, reporting breaking news and developing stories in real time. We are on the scene, covering the most important stories of the day and taking deep dives on issues you care about. » Subscribe to NBC News: » Watch more NBC video: NBC News Digital is a collection of...
Russia's Shoigu promises increased munitions supplies in visit to Ukraine headquarters - The Business Standard
Russia's Shoigu promises increased munitions supplies in visit to Ukraine headquarters  The Business Standard
BBC News - World: UK and US walk out on Russia's Lvova-Belova at UN meeting
The UK, US, Albania and Malta walked out as Russia's envoy for children's rights spoke via video. BBC News - World
Voice of America: FBI Targets Users in Crackdown on Darknet Marketplaces
Darknet users, beware: If you frequent criminal marketplaces in the internet’s underbelly, think again. Chances are you’re in the FBI’s crosshairs.  The FBI is cracking down on sites that peddle everything from guns to stolen personal data, and it is not only going after the sites’ administrators but also their users.   A recent surge in ransomware...
Voice of America: Forcibly Returned to Pakistan, Journalist Now Fears for Life
It is a flight he will never forget. Flanked by two Pakistani intelligence officials, Syed Fawad Ali Shah was forced onto a passenger jet headed from Malaysia to Islamabad. Having fled Pakistan more than a decade earlier, the journalist says he dreaded what awaited him when he landed. “When they bring me inside the airplane, then I’m thinking...
Voice of America: A War Generation Emerges in Ukraine
Uncertainty during the first few weeks of Russia’s assault on Kyiv drove many people out of the city. A year later, some of those who stayed say their lives have been transformed forever. Anna Chernikova tells one young couple's story. Camera: Eugene Shynkar. Voice of America
Voice of America: Why Two Ailing Democracies Missed US Democracy Summit
It was an international summit of democracies, but several democratic countries in Asia and Africa were absent; some were not invited and some turned down the invitation.  Pakistan declined to attend, giving no excuse except that Islamabad will engage Washington, a close ally, bilaterally. The real reason for Pakistan's absence, experts say, was...
BBC News - World: Italy watches as ex-PM Berlusconi lies in hospital
Colleagues express hopes that he will return to politics amid reports that he has leukaemia. BBC News - World
New images show Queens NYPD shooting suspect: police
Investigators have released new images of a man wanted for allegedly shooting a rookie NYPD officer Wednesday in Jamaica.
ICC issues arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin - Idaho News 6 Boise Twin Falls
ICC issues arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin  Idaho News 6 Boise Twin Falls
Explainer Beat: International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials - UConn Daily Campus
Explainer Beat: International Criminal Court issues arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials  UConn Daily Campus
How Bad Is The Indictment For Trump? - FiveThirtyEight
How Bad Is The Indictment For Trump?  FiveThirtyEight
WRAPUP 3-Ukrainian forces cling on in Bakhmut, Macron lobbies Xi ... - Kalkine Media
WRAPUP 3-Ukrainian forces cling on in Bakhmut, Macron lobbies Xi ...  Kalkine Media
Battle for Bakhmut: Wagner group claims hoisting of Russian flag on admin building - WION
Battle for Bakhmut: Wagner group claims hoisting of Russian flag on admin building  WION : Новости: Офицер разведки США в отставке предсказал окончание СВО
Конфликт на Украине завершится летом 2023 года после неудачного контрнаступления Вооруженных сил Украины (ВСУ). Об этом заявил офицер разведки американской морской пехоты в отставке Скотт Риттер. Он считает, что огромные потери ВСУ окажут существенное влияние на положение дел на фронте, что приведет к поражению Киева. : Новости
Взгляд: На Новодевичьем кладбище открыли памятник Жириновскому
На Новодевичьем кладбище в Москве на годовщину смерти основателя ЛДПР Владимира Жириновского открыли памятник политику, церемонию вел действующий лидер партии Леонид Слуцкий. Жириновский «жив до сих пор, пока живы его идеи», заявил Слуцкий на церемонии, передает ТАСС. На мероприятии также присутствовали председатель Госдумы Вячеслав Володин, вице-спикеры...
Взгляд: Песков: У Китая есть посреднический потенциал, но ситуация с Украиной сложная
Китай обладает значительным посредническим потенциалом, но ситуация с Украиной пока сложная, заявил пресс-секретарь президента России Дмитрий Песков. Он отметил дипломатические успехи Китая, однако с Украиной другая ситуация, передает ТАСС. Песков пояснил, что украинский кризис не демонстрирует никаких перспектив для мирного урегулирования. Так представитель...
Ukraine Says Front Lines Around Embattled City of Bakhmut Are Stabilizing
While there have been fewer clashes in Bakhmut in recent days, a spokesman for the Ukrainian military’s eastern command said it was too soon to conclude Russia’s offensive there had run out of steam. “The coming week will tell,” Serhiy Cherevatyi said. “For now, Bakhmut remains the epicenter of military operations, the area of the main enemy attack.”...
Russia’s Economy Is Starting to Come Undone
MOSCOW—The opening months of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year drove an increase in oil and natural-gas prices that brought a windfall for Moscow. Those days are over.As the war continues into its second year and Western sanctions bite harder, Russia’s government revenue is being squeezed and its economy has shifted to a lower-growth trajectory,...
There is a general, strategic aspect in the #Tatarsky's murder and the arrest of #Gershkovich. The sick, historically vengeful, compensatory "drive to privatize" now reached the #RussianMilitary, underperforming in #Ukraine ...
 "Many people could have wanted to kill Vladlen Tatarsky, the pro-war Russian blogger My Opinion - #Opinion:  WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich, anti-Wagner, was arrested. "Voencor" ("Military") blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, pro-Wagner, killed elegantly, the Oscar award ceremony style. Was Vladlen Tatarsky liquidated by the GRU to control the information...
My Opinion: Israeli politics must be freed from Judaism. Jews: who are they? "Thus, in spite of considerable consanguinity, there is no Jewish genotype to identify." It is not "ethnicity", because there is no genetic basis in it. So, take the "ethno" part out, and what is left is just a "religious" group. There are a lot of religious beliefs in this world, and no one of them is "better" than the others.
Jews must free Judaism from Israeli politics - opinion - The Jerusalem PostM.N. - My Opinion: And the Israeli politics must be freed from Judaism.Jews:  "Jews or Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group and nation originating from the Israelites and Hebrews of historical Israel and Judah. Jewish ethnicity ..."Who are they?!"Thus, in spite of considerable...
Jews must free Judaism from Israeli politics - opinion
Over 3,335 years ago, the Jews were freed by God from Egypt. In 2023, the Jews must free Judaism itself from the bondage of Israeli politics.
Biden banned spyware, many officials involved - Google Search
Michael_Novakhov shared this story . Biden executive order bans federal agencies from using ...TechCrunch › 2023/03/27 › biden-order-co...TechCrunch<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Russia, China fake relationship exposed
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from — Australia’s leading news site. Chairman Xi Jinping is on top of the world. He’s succeeded where the US failed in repairing diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. He’s...
George Santos Savagely Mocked at Wrestling Event Nearby His District - Newsweek
George Santos Savagely Mocked at Wrestling Event Nearby His District  Newsweek
Blinken says WSJ reporter 'wrongfully detained' by Russia
BRUSSELS (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday he has “no doubt” that Russia has wrongfully detained an American reporter for The Wall Street Journal who was arrested last week on spying allegations.However, Blinken said a formal determination of Evan Gershkovich’s wrongful detention has not yet been made, something that would...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Is #Putin's old friend #Dyumin ready to jump to the rescue, to replace the #Shoigu-#Gerasimov team, who are slated to be scapegoated for the Ukraine operation's impotence?… Quoted feed from @mikenov Was Vladlen Tatarsky liquidated by the GRU to control the information war and as a response...
Is #Putin's old friend #Dyumin ready to jump to the rescue, to replace the #Shoigu-#Gerasimov team, who are slated to be scapegoated for the Ukraine operation's impotence?
Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And TimesMichael Novakhov @mikenovBob Dylan – The Times They Are A-Changin' .. Are they? Is #Putin's old friend #Dyumin ready to jump to the rescue, to replace the #Shoigu-#Gerasimov team, who are slated to be scapegoated for the Ukraine operation's impotence? The psychological...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Где находятся силы НАТО в Европе? 4 апреля Финляндия стала 31-м членом Североатлантического альянса. Так теперь выглядит карта стран НАТО в Европе. Протяженность границы альянса с Россией увеличилась до 2600 километров
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ❗️Volodymyr #Zelensky has confirmed that the situation in #Bakhmut, #Donetsk Region, is difficult. However, the Russians don’t control the city, and the decision about the withdrawal of the defence forces can only be taken if there's a threat of bigger losses. ...
Tweets Review at 5 p.m. - Tweets Review at 5 p.m. created by Michael Novakhov • Apr 05 2023 Tweets Review at 5 p.m. EST Daily Current Tweets Review: Selected Articles Review From The News And Times - Current Selected Articles: All Current Articles: </а> Michael Novakhov @mikenov</а> Is #Putin's old friend #Dyumin ready to jump to the rescue, to replace the #Shoigu-#Gerasimov team, who... Tweets by ‎@mikenov 1h </а> Reuters @Reuters</а> Michael Novakhov retweeted: Former President... Tweets by ‎@mikenov 1h </а> KyivPost @KyivPost</а> Michael Novakhov retweeted: ❗️Volodymyr #Zelensky... Tweets by ‎@mikenov 1h </а> DW на русском @dw_russian</а> Michael Novakhov retweeted: Где находятся силы... Tweets by ‎@mikenov 1h Is #Putin's old friend #Dyumin ready to jump to the rescue, to replace the #Shoigu-#Gerasimov...
Ex-CIA chief dubs Putin ‘dead man walking,’ predicts violent regime change in Russia
Russia’s Vladimir Putin could be eliminated by his own military brass fed up with catastrophic losses in Ukraine, which would finally bring the war to an end, according to an ex-CIA official. James Olson, a decorated former chief of counterintelligence, labeled Putin a “dead man walking” in a candid exclusive...
Putin is dead man walking & killing him will finally end war, says ex-CIA chief
KNIVES OUT Henry HollowayDenis GrigorescuPublished: 5:11 ET, Apr 1 2023VLADIMIR Putin is a dead man walking - and he could be killed to finally end the war in Ukraine, a former CIA chief has said. James Olson, the spy agency's former chief of counterintelligence, said he believes the sharks are now circling for the tyrant back home in Russia. Vladimir...
French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission ... - NewsOnAIR
French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission ...  NewsOnAIR
Washington Post: Once near extinction, the tribe called Samaritans lives on
Their name stands for goodness and healing the world over, but in the strife-torn Middle East, the tiny tribe of Samaritans tries to keep traditions alive. Washington Post
Opinion | The Guardian: Trump, the ultimate media manipulator, may finally pay the price for his tactics | Margaret Sullivan
The ‘catch and kill’ practice at the heart of the New York indictment shows how the former president used the mediaAs a reality TV star, as a would-be business mogul, as a political candidate and as president, Donald Trump always counted on the news media to do his bidding.When he said “jump”, he expected reporters to respond: “how high?” Continue reading......
Washington Post: The illegal deportation of Ukrainian children has to be stopped
International arrest warrants for Vladimir Putin and another official are meant to deter the Russians. But we need more efforts to find the deported children. Washington Post
Kremlin: Nuclear deployment to Belarus is response to NATO expansion
Moscow said it would keep a close eye on any NATO military deployments to Finland and respond accordingly.
U.S. still evaluating Russian detention of paper's reporter - Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
U.S. still evaluating Russian detention of paper's reporter  Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Bob Dylan – The Times They Are A-Changin' .. Are they? Is #Putin's old friend #Dyumin ready to jump to the rescue, to replace the #Shoigu-#Gerasimov team, who are slated to be scapegoated for the Ukraine operation's impotence? The psychological and political dynamics are……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
"А.Дюмин: Владимир Владимирович, те задачи, которые Вы поставили, требуют не «звёздочек», а «звездопада». В.Путин: Хорошо, ладно." Заседание Президиума Государственного Совета • Президент России…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Tweets… Quoted feed from @mikenov There is a general, strategic aspect in the #Tatarsky's murder and the arrest of #Gershkovich. The sick, historically vengeful, compensatory "drive to privatize" now reached the #RussianMilitary, underperforming in #Ukraine ...…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Владимир Путин принял верительные грамоты семнадцати послов иностранных государств • Президент России…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Заседание Президиума Государственного Совета • Президент России…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Заседание Президиума Государственного Совета • Президент России…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Заседание Совета Безопасности • Президент России…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records, but prosecutors in the Manhattan D.A.’s office accused him of orchestrating a broader scheme to influence the 2016 election. Here's what you need to know about the charges.
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Finland relentlessly attacks Russian spy networks by booting out Russian intelligence officers, refusing visas- Russia's human intelligence #spying is defeated by Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo). #nationalsecurity #Russia #Finland…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Заседание Совета Безопасности • Президент России…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Варшава поставит Киеву 14 истребителей МиГ-29, заявил Анджей Дуда. По его словам, четыре истребителя уже переданы ВСУ, доставка еще четырех - в процессе: "Мы предполагаем, что они могут быть переданы в ближайшее время". Хроника DW:… ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Putin Vladimir Putin will soon face his Julius Caesar moment in the Kremlin…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: В Испании арестовали граждан РФ и Украины, которые в обход санкций организовали поставки военного оборудования в Москву. По данным полиции, они разработали систему таможенной документации и отправляли товары "в страны, на которые не наложено эмбарго", но на самом деле...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
There is a general, strategic aspect in the #Tatarsky's murder and the arrest of #Gershkovich. The sick, historically vengeful, compensatory "drive to privatize" now reached the #RussianMilitary, underperforming in #Ukraine ...…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Was Vladlen Tatarsky liquidated by the GRU to control the information war and as a response to his calls to kill the Russian generals? WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich, anti-Wagner, arrested. “Voencor” (“Military”) blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, pro-Wagner, killed elegantly, the Oscar……
Blinken says WSJ reporter 'wrongfully detained' by Russia
BRUSSELS (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday he has “no doubt” that Russia has wrongfully detained an American reporter for The Wall Street Journal who was arrested last week on spying allegations.However, Blinken said a formal determination of Evan Gershkovich’s wrongful detention has not yet been made, something that would...
Trump Calls for Lawmakers to 'Defund the DOJ and FBI' After Felony Charges
“REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS SHOULD DEFUND THE DOJ AND FBI UNTIL THEY COME TO THEIR SENSES,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform early Wednesday. “ ...
Trump joins other Republicans in pushing to 'defund the FBI' - MSNBC News
It's one thing for radical House members to call for defunding the FBI. It's something else when Donald Trump endorses the same ridiculous idea.
Former FBI deputy director calls evidence in case against Trump a 'disappointment:' 'It's ... - Fox News
During CNN's wall-to-wall coverage of Trump's arraignment, former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe called Manhattan District Attorney Alvin ...
Trump, facing criminal charges, calls for defunding the FBI - WTVB
Trump himself appointed the current FBI director, Christopher Wray, after firing the agency's previous chief, James Comey, in 2017. Congress appears ...
FBI seizes a giant online marketplace for stolen logins - Engadget
The FBI has seized Genesis Market, a major marketplace for stolen internet logins..
all news | Deutsche Welle: Латвия возвращается к обязательной службе в армии
Воинская повинность в Латвии будет возвращена постепенно - сначала на добровольной, а затем - на принудительной основе. В Риге возвращение к призыву объяснили изменившейся ситуацией после вторжения России в Украину. all news | Deutsche Welle
Bild: Запад нарушил все «красные линии», обозначенные Путиным - URA.RU
Bild: Запад нарушил все «красные линии», обозначенные Путиным  URA.RU
Gallant warns: We will hit anyone who tries to harm us and make him regret it
Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant on Wednesday afternoon completed a visit to an Iron Dome battery stationed in Israel"s southern region, together with IAF Chief of Staff, Brig. Gen. Eyal Greenboim. The Minister was briefed on recent security events and spoke with the soldiers who intercepted the rockets fired from the Gaza Strip overnight. Later...
Putin Blames War in Ukraine on U.S. Support for Revolution - The Daily Beast
Putin Blames War in Ukraine on U.S. Support for Revolution  The Daily Beast
There is 'no doubt' Russia has wrongfully detained U.S. journalist, Blinken says - NBC News
There is 'no doubt' Russia has wrongfully detained U.S. journalist, Blinken says  NBC News
Дело Гершковича: предупреждение немецким журналистам в РФ?
Арест американского журналиста Эвана Гершковича - это сигнал для всех иностранных корреспондентов, считают правозащитники. В МИД ФРГ оценивают угрозы, но понимают журналистов, продолжающих работать в Москве.
Reuters: ВСУ готовят 40 тысяч человек для контрнаступления
Россия продолжает военное вторжение в Украину, начатое 24 февраля 2022 года по приказу Владимира Путина. DW следит за событиями 5 апреля.
Bruce Springsteen in Concert - Brooklyn, NY | AP National News ... - messenger-inquirer
Bruce Springsteen in Concert - Brooklyn, NY | AP National News ...  messenger-inquirer
Estonian National Charged with Helping Russian Military Acquire ... - Department of Justice
Estonian National Charged with Helping Russian Military Acquire ...  Department of Justice
WP-World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post: Spain: Alleged smugglers of defense material to Russia held
Spanish police have detained one Russian national and one Ukrainian national for their alleged smuggling of defense material to Russia WP-World: World News, International News, Foreign Reporting - The Washington Post
BBC News - World: Trump indictment: What happened when other countries prosecuted ex-leaders?
Donald Trump is the first ex-US president to face charges but ex-leaders elsewhere have stood trial. BBC News - World
Estonian National Charged with Helping Russian Military Acquire ... - Department of Justice
Estonian National Charged with Helping Russian Military Acquire ...  Department of Justice
Putin will soon face his Julius Caesar moment in the Kremlin
As the Russian military leadership continues to flounder in the field, it is now crystal clear that, in invading Ukraine, they were totally unaware of the strategic intentions of the Kremlin. A massive deception by their political leaders was pulled over the eyes of the young Russian soldiers who believed they were entering the country as liberators....
Murder at Café Putin
Deadly political intrigue is rapidly building inside of a Russia that is increasingly burning out of control on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s watch. This past Sunday, in a St. Petersburg café purportedly owned by Yevgeny Prigozhin, pro-war Russian propagandist Vladlen Tatarsky was assassinated when a statuette he was gifted exploded. Prigozhin,...
Russia’s cowardly act
For years Evan Gershkovich shone a light on Russia’s oppressive descent. He has now become a victim of it himself. Last week the Wall Street Journal correspondent, formerly of the Moscow Times, was captured and detained by Russia’s security service on bogus espionage charges. He could face up to 20 years in prison. His arrest is a cowardly act: it...
US Capitol rioter who wore horned headdress to be released early - The Guardian
Before the Capitol attack, Chansley was a supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which believes Trump is locked in mortal combat with an elite ...
How charges against Trump could affect 2024 presidential election |
6 Capitol riot, and his alleged interference in the 2020 Georgia ... Even if Trump is charged and found guilty in any of those investigations, ...
Trump: The return of the (politically) undead - Counterfire
The current charges are minor by comparison to those threatened by investigations into Trump's involvement in the 6 January Capitol riot and ...
Why all Americans benefited from Trump's arrest — whether they admit it or not
It will equally endure for other ongoing investigations into his conduct, ... 6 Capitol riot that he will exploit his supporters to carry out ...
Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites): Google Alert - trump and intelligence community: Chinese spy balloon was able to transmit information back to Beijing | CNN Politics
Trump's historic indictment. ... As CNN has reported, the US intelligence community last year developed a method of tracking what it says is a ... Google Alert - trump and intelligence community Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (126 sites)
The Long History of Presidents Getting a Pass - The Nation
The Long History of Presidents Getting a Pass  The Nation
Is #Trump's case a slam dunk?
#RachelMaddow and #ChrisHayes debate the merit of the case against #DonaldTrump and the revelations from the #indictment. » Subscribe to MSNBC: Follow MSNBC Show Blogs MaddowBlog: ReidOut Blog: MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth...
Россия в ООН поднимет тему теракта в Петербурге, в котором погиб Татарский
Военкор погиб на собственном творческом вечере 2 апреля.
Trump arraignment: No gag order imposed in Trump’s case
Loyola Law School Professor Jessica Levinson joins us to talk about why the judge chose not to impose a gag order in the Donald Trump’s case.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: My Opinion: The strange (or not so strange) "symmetric dichotomy": WSJ journalist Evan Gershkovich, anti-Wagner, arrested. "Voencor" ("Military") blogger Vladlen Tatarsky, pro-Wagner, killed elegantly, the Oscar award ceremony style. My #Opinion: The duality and the...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Opinion - #Opinion: There is a general, strategic aspect in the #Tatarsky's murder and the arrest of #Gershkovich. The sick, historically vengeful, compensatory "drive to privatize" now reached the #RussianMilitary, underperforming in #Ukraine, as the discussions in the media……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Was Vladlen Tatarsky liquidated by the GRU to control the information war and as a response to his calls to kill the Russian generals? - Google Search | #GRU - "Many people could have wanted to kill Vladlen Tatarsky, the pro-war Russian blogger who died in a bomb blast in a St……
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: President Emmanuel Macron of France and Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the European Commission, arrived in China on Wednesday with the aim of restarting business and political ties, despite U.S. pressure to isolate Beijing.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Власти РФ могут использовать убийство "военкора" Татарского для подавления остатков политической оппозиции и команды Навального, "четко приравняв любые оппозиционные действия, высказывания и даже мысли к терроризму", считает колумнист DW Иван Преображенский…...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Watch: Wagner Group head Prigozhin waves Russian flag, claims to have taken Bakhmut… via @nbcnews
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: “You still have time to run” – a combative President #Zelensky throws down the gauntlet to Russian troops, soon to be hit by Ukraine’s Spring #offensive
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Polish President Andrzej #Duda presented Volodymyr @ZelenskyyUa with the Order of the White Eagle, Poland's highest award. 📹: @prezydentpl
Albert Solé  @asolepascual
Michael Novakhov retweeted: April 05, 2023 at 01:01PM Imatge en directe de la webcam de #Montserrat
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Russia’s cowardly act: the arrest of Evan Gershkovich - The News And Times Information Network - The News And Times…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Amidst efforts to recover from mass expulsions of Russian spies in Europe, Putin's SVR and GRU spy agencies are aggressively rebuilding human espionage networks, eyeing military aid to Ukraine. #Russia #espionage #Ukraine…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Opinion: Was Vladlen Tatarsky liquidated by the GRU to control the information war and as a response to his calls to kill the Russian generals? | "Many people could have wanted to kill Vladlen Tatarsky, the pro-war Russian blogger who died in a bomb blast in a St Petersburg……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
GRU #GRU "Many people could have wanted to kill Vladlen Tatarsky, the pro-war Russian blogger who died in a bomb blast in a St Petersburg cafe on Sunday." Killed Russian blogger Vladlen Tatarsky was a soft target for his many enemies | Russia | The Guardian……
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Подробные показания Дарьи Треповой опубликовала "Фонтанка". По данным издания, девушка выполняла задания неизвестного "активиста", который за это обещал помочь ей "перебраться в Киев". О бомбе в статуэтке Трепова, по ее словам, "догадывалась". Сейчас ее доставили на...
KyivPost @KyivPost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The fight for the industrial city of #Bakhmut has become the longest and bloodiest battle of Russia’s year-long assault on Ukraine, but up to 5,000 civilians remain in the city.
Murder at Café Putin
No, it’s not a new film based on an Agatha Christie novel, but it might well be. The recent assassination of a notorious Russian milblogger is rife with vicious intrigue.The post Murder at Café Putin first appeared on The Brooklyn Radio - The News And Times.
Russia’s cowardly act
Moscow captures a journalist in the latest attempt to control the narrative of a failed war#moscow
Ukraine’s Upcoming Offensive – Russia is Warned: “Leave or Be Destroyed”
“You still have time to run” – a combative President Zelensky throws down the gauntlet to Russian troops, soon to be hit by Ukraine’s Spring offensive The post Ukraine’s Upcoming Offensive – Russia is Warned: “Leave or Be Destroyed” first appeared on The Brooklyn Radio - The News And Times.
Zelenskyy visits Poland to thank ally and meet Ukrainians
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his wife arrived in Poland Wednesday for a state visit that is meant as a gesture of thanks to the neighboring nation for its crucial support in Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s invasion.The visit is a rare foray for Zelenskyy out of Ukraine since Russia unleased the war in February...
Ukraine’s Upcoming Offensive - Russia is Warned: “Leave or Be Destroyed”
“You still have time to run” – a combative President Zelensky throws down the gauntlet to Russian troops, soon to be hit by Ukraine’s Spring offensive
Топорно сделано: как в России фабрикуют дело об убийстве Татарского
В России арестовали на 2 месяца Дарью Трепову. Ее подозревают в причастности к убийству пропагандиста Владлена Татарского 2 апреля в Санкт-Петербурге. Полный текст новости
NPR News: 04-05-2023 5AM ET
NPR News: 04-05-2023 5AM ET
Bitcoin Marketplace Paxful Announces That It Is Shutting Down
One of the world’s largest peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency exchanges by trading volume, Paxful, has announced that it is shutting down its operations. The announcement is a shock to users, especially after the exchange recently announced that it was returning funds to users of its Earn program.…#earn #rayyoussef #paxfulearn #bitcoin #youssef #arturschaback...
Celebrity attorney: Why Alvin Bragg doesn't understand the law | Will Cain Podcast
Will Cain sits down with criminal defense lawyer Mark Geragos following the arraignment of former President Donald Trump. #FoxNews Listen to the full podcast: Subscribe to the Will Cain Podcast: Apple: Spotify: Follow Will On Twitter: @WillCain Subscribe to Fox News!...
Russian police detain female suspect in Russian military blogger’s killing - South China Morning Post
Russian police detain female suspect in Russian military blogger’s killing  South China Morning Post
A geopolitical game-changer – Foreign and security policy - IPS Journal
A geopolitical game-changer – Foreign and security policy  IPS Journal
Xi, Putin back 'peace talks' for Ukraine war — but blame NATO and ... - POLITICO Europe
Xi, Putin back 'peace talks' for Ukraine war — but blame NATO and ...  POLITICO Europe
Ukraine's Zelensky arrives in Poland - Macau Business
Ukraine's Zelensky arrives in Poland  Macau Business
Map: How Russia's NATO border expands now Finland is a member - Business Insider
Map: How Russia's NATO border expands now Finland is a member  Business Insider
Зеленские – уже в Варшаве: Дуда с первой леди встретили их у Королевского замка
Владимир Зеленский вместе с первой леди прибыл в столицу Польши. Украинский лидер с супругой приехали в Королевский замок в Варшаве. Полный текст новости
Я лично верю, – Резников спрогнозировал, когда закончится война с Россией
Война России с Украиной может завершиться уже в этом году. Однако наше государство не намерено идти на мирные договоренности с кремлевским диктатором Владимиром Путиным. Полный текст новости
“Reset“ or risky business?: EU leaders return to reopened China
2023-04-05T07:51:40ZFrench President Emmanuel Macron landed in China on Wednesday shortly ahead of EU chief Ursula von der Leyen as the two European leaders seek to smooth ties with a key economic partner while broaching thorny issues like Ukraine and trade risks.Macron on his first trip to China since 2019, spoke to US President Joe Biden before the...
LIVE: French President Emmanuel Macron arrives in China
French President Emmanuel Macron lands in China seeking to ‘reset’ ties with an important economic partner while broaching thorny issues like Ukraine and trade risks. #Macron #EmmanuelMacron #China #live #Reuters #News
Zelenskyy visits Poland to thank ally and meet Ukrainians
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his wife arrived in Poland Wednesday for a state visit that is meant as a gesture of thanks to the neighboring nation for its crucial support in Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s invasion. The visit is a rare foray for Zelenskyy out of Ukraine since Russia unleased the war in February...
Special Report: The arraignment of former President Donald Trump
Michael Novakhov (Mike Nova) 4/04/2023 02:42:00 PM  
Aerial video shows Trump arrive for arraignment
Former President Donald Trump has arrived to the courthouse in downtown Manhattan to turn himself into law enforcement where he will be taken into custody and placed under arrest to face criminal charges.
Trump pleads not guilty to 34 counts in Manhattan courtroom — live updates
Former President Donald Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 criminal counts, including felony charges of falsifying business records, in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday, when he became the first former president in U.S. history to face criminal prosecution.The charges were handed down by a grand jury convened by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin...
Russian businessman wanted in US escapes house arrest in Italy and returns home
The son of a Russian governor who was facing extradition to the US on multiple criminal counts escaped house arrest in Italy and returned home, reportedly with the help of Russian secret agents. Artyom Uss, 40, was arrested in Italy in October on a US warrant seeking his extradition on charges of smuggling US...
'Donald Trump will milk every second of this' - US diplomat
Former Deputy Chief of Mission to the US embassy in London, Lewis Lukens says "people get tired of hearing Donald Trump complaining about how difficult his life is" and he thinks Trump "will not win" if he becomes a Republican nominee. Mr Lukens says he will not be surprised if "a gag order" is issued because of how "incendiary" Trump is. Get...
Trump becomes first president to be indicted on criminal charges | Nightline
Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to 34 felony counts of falsifying business records during his arraignment in Manhattan. WATCH NIGHTLINE EPISODES: ALSO AVAILABLE ON HULU: #nightline #trump #formerpresident #politics #abcnews


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