3.17.23 - Tweets - The News And Times Review


3.17.23 - Tweets - The News And Times Review - TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com
Selected Articles - 3.17.23: Russia-Ukraine War: ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin over alleged war crimes | Even #China knows #RussiaIsLosing as #Chinese state TV channel CCTV showed a map illustrating which countries will receive the territories of the #Russian Federation after its collapse. #RussiaIsCollapsing #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Michael Novakhov's favorite articles Russia-Ukraine War: ICC issues arrest warrant for Putin over alleged war crimesposted at 18:24:31 UTC via premiumtimesng.comThe International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and one of his commissioners over alleged war crimes in Ukraine.“Pre-Trial Chamber II of the...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breaking News: Several gifts Donald Trump was given by foreign countries during his presidency are unaccounted for in government records, House Democrats said, including more than $3,000 in golf equipment and “a larger-than-life-sized painting.” nyti.ms/3n4T7l5
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#World #Putin International criminal court issues arrest warrant for Putin - Google Search google.com/search?q=Inter…
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Apart from Putin, the International Criminal Court in The Hague today also issued an arrest warrant for Maria Lvova-Belova. The Russian “Commissioner for Children's Rights” has played a major role in the kidnapping of 17 000 Ukrainian children.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: В Киеве приветствовали решение суда в Гааге выдать ордер на арест Путина. "Это означает, что за пределами РФ Путин должен быть арестован и предан суду. И мировые лидеры трижды подумают, прежде чем пожать ему руку или сесть с ним за стол переговоров", - заявил генпрокурор Украины
NYPD Chief of Transit @NYPDTransit
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Precision deployment is key - and when Transit ATU officers were surveying the Canal Street station during the overnight hours, sounds of a commotion on a Q-train prompted their response. They soon interrupted a robbery & took the suspects into custody.
The Insider @the_ins_ru
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Международный суд в Гааге выдал ордер на арест Владимира Путина. Также ордер выдан на арест уполномоченной по защите прав ребенка в РФ Марии Львовой-Беловой. theins.ru/news/260234
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: U.S. intelligence says Russian espionage is at unprecedented levels- they are far more aggressive than ever before, relying on industrial-scale #Hacking and human intelligence agents. The threat is real. #Russia #espionage #security #spies #intelligence laprensalatina.com/us-ex-intellig… ...
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Международный уголовный суд в Гааге выдал ордер на арест президента России Владимира Путина. smarturl.click/zOZn
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breaking news: Judges from the International Criminal Court in The Hague have issued the court’s first arrest warrants related to the war in Ukraine, for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, Russia’s commissioner for children’s rights. wapo.st/3yOmhI6
President Biden @POTUS
Michael Novakhov retweeted: When Silicon Valley and Signature Banks collapsed, we took steps to stabilize the banking system at no cost to the taxpayer, protecting jobs and small businesses. Now, Congress must do more to hold senior bank executives accountable.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Попытки Путина шантажировать Европу сокращением поставок энергоносителей провалились, заявила глава Еврокомиссии Урсула Фон дер Ляйен во время посещения газодобывающей платформы у западного побережья Норвегии
Carl Bildt @carlbildt
Michael Novakhov retweeted: I guess methodology could always be discussed, but if I were 🇮🇳 I would be slightly embarrassed by being in this company.
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: BREAKING: The International Criminal Court in the Hague has just issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin.
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breaking News: The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for President Vladimir Putin of Russia for war crimes. The court said that Putin bore individual criminal responsibility for the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children. nyti.ms/40gw9pG
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Intelligence And Counterintelligence News Review thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2023/03/intell…
Intelligence And Counterintelligence News Review
World Web Times - The News And TimesWorld Web Times - wwtimes.com - The News And Times   Intelligence News Review – The News And TimesIntelligence News Review – The News And TimesCounterintelligence News Review – The News And TimesCounterintelligence News Review – The News And Times Selected Articles – The News And Times – ReviewSelected Articles –...
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Perspective: The Irish have been among the most powerful advocates for immigration wapo.st/3ZWm3u7
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: I'm enjoying Netflix's new series 'The Recruit' about the CIA's legal team- it reminds me of John Rizzo a lawyer for the CIA for 34 years, who inspired me in 2008 to write a spy series. RIP, John. #Netflix #CIA #Lawyers #intelligence #Spycraft #Espionage jsonline.com/story/entertai…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Дмитрий Медведев в телеграм-канале выступил с непрямой угрозой сенатору Линдси Грэму в связи с его высказываниями о возможности сбивать российские военные самолёты. "Кстати, и с такими тварями иногда случаются авиационные происшествия", - написал Медведев svoboda.org/a/medvedev-pri…
Catholic News World @catholicnews1
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Powerful Prayer #StPatrick - #NOVENA to #SaintPatrick - Patron Saint of #Ireland, #Nigeria, #NewYork, Monserrat and #Engineers catholicnewsworld.com/2023/03/powerf…
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: BREAKING: Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur announces another military aid package for Ukraine. This time, semi-automatic rifles, sniper rifles, scopes, binoculars, ammunition, individual equipment, patrol boats, thermal imaging scopes & medical supplies will be sent 🇪🇪🇺🇦 ...
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Scientists found genetic data from a Wuhan market linking illegally traded raccoon dogs to the Covid pandemic’s origins. nyti.ms/3mQom3g
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Жители Швейцарии после начала войны изменили отношение к НАТО. Более половины участников опроса (55%) выступают за сближение с альянсом. Год назад такой позиции придерживались 45% швейцарцев. Впрочем, две трети респондентов все же против вступления в НАТО p.dw.com/p/4OXTa?maca=r…
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Great to see Ambassador Anders Ahnlid, Director-General of the National Board of Trade, who is chairing the EU Working Group for the use of frozen Russian assets for the reconstruction of Ukraine. The key is to confiscate the reserves of the Central Bank of Russia in the West.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breaking news: Hunter Biden countersues computer repair shop owner who had laptop with provocative data and images, alleging invasion of privacy wapo.st/3LrWm0g
President Biden @POTUS
Michael Novakhov retweeted: As the great-great-grandson of the Blewitts of County Mayo and the Finnegans of County Louth who boarded a coffin ship to cross the Atlantic more than 165 years ago – As the proud son of Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden – I wish you all a very happy St. Patrick’s Day.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Veteran Aid Ukraine @Veteransforukr1
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Norwegian veterans providing drones and gear for the Ukrainian army.
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Wir werden in 22 Jahren komplett klimaneutral wirtschaften, das kann einen echten Boom auslösen. Für Investitionen in Energienetze, Heizungssysteme und E-Mobilität brauchen wir das Projekt #DeutschlandGeschwindigkeit. Mein Interview mit @handelsblatt: bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuel…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
The Failures Of the Western Counterintelligence - Google Search google.com/search?q=The+F… reuters.com/world/europe/p…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Избирательная кампания 2024 года со стороны Кремля будет построена на "идеологии консерватизма". Об этом рассказали высокопоставленные сотрудники АП - утверждает "Медуза. Ставка будет сделана на риторику о "моральном превосходстве" России. svoboda.org/a/meduza-putin…
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Heads-up, U.S.! Canada investigates China's secret police stations in Quebec that target Canadians of Chinese origin. Let's keep a close eye on this one. #China #Canada #securityalert #espionage #spying #threats abcnews.go.com/International/…
Michael Novakhov retweeted: TOO OBSCURE TO MATTER Hitler propagandist Leni Riefenstahl started off as a double threat dancer/actress. She was set to play the lead in a movie about the infamous (and mostly fictional) WWI spy Fraulein Doktor before the Reich banned spy movies.
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Today, Poland became the first country to make it clear that it will send jets to Ukraine. 4 MiG-29 fighter jets will be sent in “the coming days.” Poland leads the way, as it has since the start of this war. 🇵🇱🇺🇦
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Молдавский язык теперь будет называться румынским. Замену названия в конституции и законах одобрил парламент Молдовы. Споры о том, является ли молдавский отдельным языком или другим названием румынского, не утихали в стране с момента обретения независимостиp.dw.com/p/4Oobw?maca=r…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, has cast himself as a global statesman. Now he is wading into Russia’s war with Ukraine, potentially positioning himself as a mediator to help end the protracted fight. nyti.ms/3YVwFbm
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Albert Solé  @asolepascual
Michael Novakhov retweeted: March 17, 2023 at 01:29PM Imatge en directe de la webcam de #Montserrat
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
https://t.co/15NHi7sUYM Quoted tweet from @dw_russian: Новый разведывательный дрон США летает над Черным морем. По данным сервиса Flightradar24, разведывательный дрон RQ-4 Global Hawk с позывным FORTE10 находится сейчас недалеко от побережья Краснодарского края. Беспилотник взлетел с авиабазы на Сицилии p.dw.com/p/4OoUO?maca=r…...
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The forcing down of a U.S. drone by Russian fighter jets over the Black Sea on Tuesday spiraled into a diplomatic incident and fueled concern about the potential for the war in Ukraine to escalate into direct conflict between the two superpowers. wapo.st/3yMnzDc
The Hill @thehill
Michael Novakhov retweeted: NEW POLL: Trump holds just three-point lead over DeSantis among Florida Republicans trib.al/SplAURs
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: ISW: "Wagner Group financier Yevgeny Prigozhin claimed that he received a press question exposing a plot spearheaded by Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev to undermine and “neutralize” the Wagner Group."
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Scientists found genetic data from a Wuhan market linking illegally traded raccoon dogs to the Covid pandemic’s origins. nyti.ms/3Lw7NnD
Michael Novakhov retweeted: OTD March 17 1938. Legendary Russian ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev was born. In 1961 danced past KGB minders to freedom in Paris with help from 19-year-old #Clara_Saint.
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Well done #Germany. German fencing federation cancelled a women’s foil World Cup event after the global governing body (FIE) reversed a ban on athletes from Russia & Belarus. Shamefully 60% of nations voted to allow 🇷🇺 🇧🇾 to resume competing in FIE events theguardian.com/world/live/202…...
The Insider @the_ins_ru
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Китайские компании отправляли России винтовки, детали для БПЛА и бронежилеты через Турцию и ОАЭ — Politico theins.ru/news/260212
CBS News @CBSNews
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Russia may have acted aggressively and deliberately in forcing a U.S. surveillance drone to be ditched into the Black Sea, but these moves will not deter missions, top White House national security spokesman told CBS News. cbsn.ws/3yMdpmc
Ben Hodges @general_ben
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Impressive analysis by @MMKeupp Russia is being attrited at such a rate that they may collapse before the end of this year, assuming the West delivers in time what we've promised. War is a test of will and a test of logistics. t-online.de/nachrichten/au… via @tonline
Oana Lungescu @NATOpress
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg will meet with PM @jonasgahrstore, @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen & @Equinor CEO @andop68 in #Norway 🇳🇴. Tune in for their joint press point at ± 11.45 CET ℹ️: bit.ly/3mUko9X
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine: Russian authorities have committed a wide range of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in various regions of Ukraine, many of which amount to war crimes. ohchr.org/sites/default/…
The Washington Post @washingtonpost
Michael Novakhov retweeted: A report buried by the former president’s campaign and obtained by The Post did not back up his claims of fraud and did not provide evidence to overturn the 2020 election. wapo.st/3ZVOR6c
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Michael Novakhov retweeted: На кладбище в Берёзовском Свердловской области за несколько недель появилось почти 70 могил с одинаковыми крестами и венками. Среди похороненных – ранее судимые за тяжкие преступления. svoboda.org/a/pod-ekaterin…
ТАСС @tass_agency
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Министр обороны РФ Сергей Шойгу представил к награждению государственными наградами летчиков самолетов Су-27, предотвративших нарушение американским беспилотником MQ-9 границ района спецоперации, заявили в Минобороны РФ: bit.ly/3YWxd0S
The Hill @thehill
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Whitmer signs bill expanding LGBTQ protections trib.al/vEK3vjK
Anders Åslund @anders_aslund
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "Russia’s Supreme Court declares the Freedom of Russia Legion, reportedly comprised of Russian volunteers fighting for Ukraine, a ‘terrorist organization’." That suggests that the Freedom of Russia Legion has gained importance. meduza.io/en/news/2023/0…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breaking News: China’s leader, Xi Jinping, will visit Russia next week. His expected talks with President Vladimir Putin could have wide implications for the war in Ukraine. Follow our updates. nyti.ms/3Lu4Bc2
Catholic News World @catholicnews1
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #Saint March 17 : Who is #StPatrick - From Slave to Saint! Patron Saint of #Ireland, #Nigeria, New York, #Engineers, Against Snakes - VIDEO - Happy #StPatricksDay! catholicnewsworld.com/2023/03/saint-…
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: BREAKING: The Slovak government just decided to send Slovakia’s all 13 MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine! 🇸🇰🇺🇦
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Fun Fact: According to NYC legend Rudolf_Nureyev was a regular at the Everard Baths aka Everhard Baths, a gay bath house. So was Cambridge Five spy Guy Burgess, Gore Vidal, and Truman Capote. I wonder what they talked about.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Новый разведывательный дрон США летает над Черным морем. По данным сервиса Flightradar24, разведывательный дрон RQ-4 Global Hawk с позывным FORTE10 находится сейчас недалеко от побережья Краснодарского края. Беспилотник взлетел с авиабазы на Сицилии p.dw.com/p/4OoUO?maca=r…
Vatican News @VaticanNews
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Pope Francis' Gospel Reflections "What is not expressed in love of neighbour is not true love of God; and what is not drawn from one’s relationship with God is not true love of neighbour." (25 October 2020) vatican.va/content/france…
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Yesterday, Poland announced it’s sending around 20 MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine. Today, Slovakia announced they are sending 13 MiG-29s. Central Eastern Europe shows the way Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, USA? Let’s get the F-16s & Eurofighters going...
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Russia’s use of torture in Ukraine and bombing of the country’s energy grid could be grounds for charging Russian officials with crimes against humanity, which are considered even more serious than war crimes, UN investigators have concluded. nyti.ms/3yL1N2I
Michael Novakhov retweeted: TOO OBSCURE TO MATTER My favorite KGB front organization was Descendants of the American Revolution, named to resembled the Daughters of American Revolution. They hired an out of work actor to head the org and recruited Josephine Adams Truslow Adams, descended from presidents.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Президент РФ на съезде промышленников и предпринимателей предположил, что европейцы скоро поедут за репой в Россию. Как Владимир Путин превратился в сказочного деда - в карикатуре DW
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Did you know the #CIA used mysterious 'numbers stations' to communicate with spies during the Cold War? But the question remains: are they still out there? 🤔 #CIASecrets #NumbersStations #ColdWarMystery #intelligence osintdaily.blogspot.com/2021/05/cia-nu…
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in 1776, the British army withdraws from Boston following an 11-month siege by Rebel forces. Evacuation Day, as it becomes known, is commemorated in the city to this day.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
October Surprise 2016 thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2023/03/octobe…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Состояние здоровья Владимира Кара-Мурзы резко ухудшилось. "Он крайне плохо выглядит. Ему ставят капельницы, у него проблемы с ногами, с работой ступней", - сообщил DW его адвокат Вадим Прохоров
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
October Surprise 2016 - Google Search google.com/search?q=Octob…
October Surprise 2016
October Surprise 2016 - Google Search https://t.co/Uz5mLmOJWa pic.twitter.com/wjINqAaNKc— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) March 16, 2023  October Surprise 2016October Surprise 2016: Did Kallstrom, McGonigal, and the New York FBI fix the Election 2016 for Trump? – News Review - The News And Times - thenewsandtimes.comSenate Judiciary to Question AG Garland...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Covid and the crisis of the American Medicine - Google Search google.com/search?q=Covid… newyorker.com/magazine/2020/…
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Израиль впервые с начала войны одобрил экспортные лицензии на возможные поставки вооружения Украине, пишет Axios. Это могут быть системы защиты от беспилотников, которые позволяют сбивать дроны в радиусе около 40 километров, уточняют источники издания p.dw.com/p/4OkQo?maca=r…
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: BREAKING: Poland will deliver 4 MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine in the coming days - Polish President Andrzej Duda 🇵🇱🇺🇦
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Stop a Catastrophic Attack with CIA spymaster Corey Pearson in MISSION OF VENGEANCE- an adrenaline-pumping ride. amazon.com/Mission-Vengea… Tags: #Spycraft #Espionage #IntelligenceCommunity #CovertOps
Albert Solé  @asolepascual
Michael Novakhov retweeted: March 16, 2023 at 01:29PM Imatge en directe de la webcam de #Montserrat
Michael Novakhov retweeted: OTD March 16, 1984 William Francis Buckley, political officer/station chief for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at the United States embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, was kidnapped outside his residence.
Military History Now @MilHistNow
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this day in 1802, the United States Army establishes America's first military academy at West Point, New York.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
All Vaccines Perform Worse Than Natural Immunity Against COVID: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Google Search google.com/search?q=All+V… healthdata.org/news-release/l…
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Die Sicherheit Israels ist und bleibt deutsche Staatsräson. Hier am #Gleis17 stehend wird klar, warum. Es erinnert uns an die Deportation vieler Jüdinnen und Juden, an die brutale Zerstörung jüdischen Lebens und an unsere immerwährende Verantwortung. Ein tief berührender Moment.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Tip by Western intelligence helped Germany catch Russia spy suspect: Spiegel reuters.com/world/europe/t…
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breaking News: The Pentagon released the first video footage of a Russian jet spraying an unarmed U.S. reconnaissance drone before it crashed in the Black Sea. Follow our updates. nyti.ms/42eErjE
Daily News Reviews - March 1-16, 2023
Daily News Reviews - March 1-16, 20233.16/23Pentagon releases dramatic video said to show Russian jet collision with U.S. drone over Black Sea near Ukraine - CBS NewsAll Vaccines Perform Worse Than Natural Immunity Against COVID: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Google SearchTweets - The News And Times Review - 6:07 AM 3/16/20237:02 AM 3/16/2023...
7:02 AM 3/16/2023 - Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times
 7:02 AM 3/16/2023 - Post LinkSelected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And TimesTweets - The News And Times Review - 6:07 AM 3/16/2023 Tweets - The News And Times Review - 6:07 AM 3/16/2023 -  TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.comMichael Novakhov @mikenovnews.google.com/rss/articles/C…posted 13h ago by Michael Novakhov via Tweets...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Pentagon releases dramatic video said to show Russian jet collision with U.S. drone over Black Sea near Ukraine cbsnews.com/news/russia-us… via @CBSNews


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