Russia says world’s five nuclear powers ‘on brink of armed conflict’ | Selected Articles - 1:48 AM 11/3/2022

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Arpan Rai
Thursday 03 November 2022 05:21

Russia summons UK ambassador over Black Sea Fleet drone strike

Volodymyr Zelensky says Moscow’s attempted blackmail has failed as Vladimir Putin was forced to take a U-turn and resume the grain exports deal in Europe.

“Today, we have a significant diplomatic outcome for our country and the whole world – the Grain Export Initiative will continue being implemented. Russian blackmail has led nowhere,” Mr Zelensky said in his address last night.

Vladimir Putin resumed Moscow’s participation in a UN-brokered deal allowing Ukrainian grain exports after he was urged by western officials to “stop using food as a weapon.”

Russia suspended its involvement in the Black Sea Grain Initiative over the weekend, saying it could not guarantee the safety of civilian ships because of a major drone attack on Russian vessels in the Bay of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula.

Elsewhere, the US has collected evidence which indicates that North Korea is covertly supplying Russia with a “significant” number of artillery shells for its war in Ukraine, it has been revealed.

Pyongyang was attempting to obscure the shipments by funnelling them through countries in the Middle East and North Africa, White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said.


The world’s five big nuclear powers are teetering “on the brink of a direct armed conflict”, Russia has claimed, warning of catastrophic consequences.

Blaming the west for “provocation”, Moscow ramped up the nuclear rhetoric, pinpointing “irresponsible and impudent actions aimed at undermining our national security”.

The statement by the foreign ministry said avoiding a nuclear clash was the country’s first priority, and that Russia stood by a joint declaration with the US, China, Britain and France in January affirming their joint responsibility for avoiding a nuclear war.

Read the full story here:

Avoiding ultimate clash is top priority, claims Moscow as it blames West for ‘provocation’

Arpan Rai3 November 2022 05:14

Foreign secretary James Cleverly will urge international allies to bolster resilience against Vladimir Putin’s “weaponisation” of energy and food at a meeting of G7 foreign minister in Germany today.

Mr Cleverly will warn that the Russian leader is plunging the world’s poorest “further into despair”.

He is set to stress the need to work together in the face of economic insecurity driven by Moscow’s war on its neighbour.

Mr Cleverly will accuse the Russian president of exploiting a scheme to export grain from Ukraine to low-income countries around the globe – claiming this shows his willingness to “hold the world’s vulnerable hostage”, the foreign office said.

Read the full story here:

James Cleverly is set to stress the need to work together in the face of economic insecurity driven by Moscow’s war on its neighbour.

Arpan Rai3 November 2022 04:13

At least four Russian ammunition depots situated in Ukraine’s south have been destroyed, the Ukrainian military’s southern unit said today.

The Ukrainian salvo of 150 fire missions and an airstrike on Russian positions traced in Ukraine’s south have destroyed four Russian depots and tanks carrying fuel, the southern command said in an update.

Now, Russia now has seven ships in the Black Sea, including one warship and one surface-to-surface missile carrier with eight Kalibr cruise missiles on board, the military unit said.

Arpan Rai3 November 2022 03:35

Volodymyr Zelensky said Moscow’s blackmail has failed and remained fruitless as Vladimir Putin has been forced to take a U-turn and resume the grain exports deal in Europe.

“Today, we have a significant diplomatic outcome for our country and the whole world – the Grain Export Initiative will continue being implemented. Russian blackmail has led nowhere,” Mr Zelensky said in his address last night.

He added: “Once again, everyone saw that there is only one threat to global food security in our region, and that is the Russian Federation, and no one else.”

The Ukrainian president thanked the UN and secretary general Antonio Guterres for “personally responding in a principled and effective way.”

“This entire situation was immediately reflected in the stock exchanges’ indicators – we see some decrease in the price of both wheat and corn. Every time Russian blackmail intensifies, food prices rise. And every time the world does not give in to blackmail, foodstuffs become cheaper,” Mr Zelensky said.

Mr Zelensky said that the phantom threat of the global food crisis would have not existed had there been no attack from Russia on Ukraine.

“Because every Russian missile that hits our ports, grain storage facilities, and power plants that power our agricultural production ultimately affects the standard of living of tens of millions of people in many countries. This includes Egypt, Algeria, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Bangladesh, India, China, Indonesia, Vietnam...,” he said.

Arpan Rai3 November 2022 03:25

Good morning, welcome to our coverage of the Ukraine war on Thursday, 3 November.

Arpan Rai3 November 2022 03:14

Thanks for following our live updates, we are pausing our coverage for the evening.

Katy Clifton2 November 2022 18:31

Pakistan has denounced statements from a Russian senator that accused Islamabad of helping Ukraine develop nuclear bombs, calling them illogical.

Pakistan’s ministry of foreign affairs said on Tuesday that the statements were baseless and sought an explanation from its Russian counterpart.

“We are surprised by such an unfounded and baseless statement. It is without any rationale, and is entirely inconsistent with the spirit of Pakistan-Russia relations,” foreign office spokesperson Asim Iftikhar said in a statement.

Ukrainian specialists travelled to Pakistan to discuss nuke technologies, claimed a Russian senator

Emily Atkinson2 November 2022 17:30
Ben Wallace pledges to 'fight for as much money as he can get' to fund defence department
Emily Atkinson2 November 2022 17:00

Russian president Vladimir Putin has been urged by Western officials “stop using food as a weapon” after Moscow agreed to rejoin the UN-brokered deal allowing Ukraine grain exports.

Russia suspended its involvement in the Black Sea Grain Initiative over the weekend, saying it could not guarantee the safety of civilian ships crossing the Black Sea because of an attack on its fleet there.

The Kremlin claimed there was a major drone strike on Russian vessels in the Bay of Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula – an area Mr Putin annexed from Ukraine in 2014 – part of which it said had originated from within the grain export corridor. Ukraine has said that was a false pretext.

Read our full report here:

Russia suspended its involvement in the Black Sea Grain initiative over the weekend

Emily Atkinson2 November 2022 16:30

Vladimir Putin has said Moscow reserved the right to withdraw again from a UN-brokered grain shipment deal that it had returned to – but that if it did so, it would not impede grain shipments from Ukraine to Turkey.

In televised remarks, Putin said that, in return for rejoining the agreement, Russia had demanded guarantees that Ukraine would not launch attacks from parts of the Black Sea covered by the deal.

Emily Atkinson2 November 2022 16:00

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(FILE) Russian President Vladimir Putin chairs a Security Council meeting via videoconference


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Western official says Putin weakened by war but unlikely to exit Kremlin anytime soon  Devdiscourse

6449178 "West Russia Putin" - Google News
В деревне Тюменево Кемеровской области в ходе мобилизации было призвано почти все мужское население – 59 человек. Позже выяснилось, что, хотя многим мужчинам в деревне пришли повестки, в армию, по подсчетам местных жителей, забрали лишь троих


6697193 Настоящее Время
Суд в Беловске Кемеровской области признал виновным в получении взяток в крупном и особо крупном размерах (пункт "в" части 5 и части 6 статьи 290 УК РФ) 49-летнего экс-начальника территориального отдела Ростехнадзора, передает "Тайга.Инфо". По данным издания, речь идет об Александре Трокмане, работавшем начальником Беловского территориального отдела Ростехнадзора, который курировал шахту "Листвяжная". Суд приговорил Трокмана к семи годам колонии строгого режима и штрафу в размере 4,5 млн рублей. "Летом 2020 года обвиняемый предложил представителю угольного предприятия передать ему в безвозмездное пользование автомобиль с личным водителем за бездействие в случае выявления нарушений, допущенных при ведении горных работ. Руководитель согласился и с июня 2020 года по декабрь 2021 года предоставлял чиновнику автомобиль под управлением водителя. Кроме того, с июля 2020 года по сентябрь 2021 года обвиняемый за общее покровительство и непринятие мер по фактам нарушений в сфере промышленной безопасности от руководителя другого угольного предприятия получил 900 тыс. рублей", – рассказали в прокуратуре Беловского района Кемеровской области. Трагедия на шахте "Листвяжная" в Кузбассе, которая унесла жизни 51 шахтера, случилась в ноябре 2021 года. В момент взрыва под землей находились 285 шахтеров. Часть из них удалось эвакуировать. Впоследствии суд арестовал владельца шахты "Листвяжная" миллионера Михаила Федяева, гендиректора "СДС-Угля" Геннадия Алексеева, технического директора компании Антона Якутова и главного инженера "Листвяжной" Анатолия Лобанова. Под арестом оказались директор шахты Сергей Махраков, его заместитель Андрей Молостов, начальник участка, на котором произошла трагедия, Сергей Герасименко, главный инспектор беловского отдела сибирского управления Ростехнадзора Вячеслав Семыкин и инспектор беловского отдела сибирского управления Ростехнадзора Сергей Винокуров. Трагедия на шахте "Листвяжная" под Кемеровом унесла 51 жизнь. Можно ли было ее предотвратить:

6697193 Настоящее Время
An appellate court in Tbilisi has rejected an appeal filed by Georgian journalist Nika Gvaramia against his conviction and imprisonment on a charge of abuse of power in a case decried by EU and U.S. officials.


275289 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Kazakh President Qasym-Zhomart Toqaev has signed a decree granting amnesty to hundreds of people charged and imprisoned in connection with violence amid anti-government protests in January that claimed at least 238 lives.


275289 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has announced plans to speak soon with EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell about stalled efforts to revive a 2015 nuclear deal.


275289 Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
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Ведущие программы Александр Плющев и Татьяна Фельгенгауэр вместе с русской редакцией DW выбирают темы, которые именно сегодня вызвали наибольший интерес аудитории Deutsche Welle, и обсуждают их в прямом эфире.

Главные темы 2 ноября:

- Россия вернулась к участию в "зерновой сделке". Минобороны России сообщило, что "получило письменные гарантии Киева". Сделка могла бы работать и без Москвы, считают некоторые эксперты. В эфире - колумнист DW Иван Преображенский.

- Военная хунта после Путина? На конференции в Вильнюсе эксперты поспорили о том, какое будущее ждет Россию после поражения в войне против Украины. Обсудим с колумнистом DW Константином Эггертом.

- Россия поставляет нефть в США в обход санкций. Из нее может состоять до 90% продаваемого в Америке бензина. В эфире - журналист-расследователь Илья Рождественский

- Биньямин Нетаньяху может стать премьер-министром Израиля в третий раз. На выборах в кнессет 25-го созыва лидирует его партия "Ликуд". Обсудим с политологом Зеэвом Ханиным

- Иран готовится нанести удары по Саудовской Аравии и американским солдатам в иракском Курдистане. Что это означает для России, расскажет иранист Никита Смагин

- Ситуация на востоке Украине - прямое включение из Харьковской области с корреспондентом DW Матиасом Бёлингером

#война #украина #dwshow #газ #Путин #Донбасс #Израиль
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