The Putin's Message In The Rocket

Putin's Message To Zelensky And Others In The Rocket Attack On Chaplino - his symbolic Ukraine: "You are just a Charlie Chaplin, forever a comedian, not a politician! No point of talking with you!"

The Putin's Message In The Rocket Attack on Chaplino

Zelensky: 22 people were killed, and near 50 more were injured after russian shelling of Chaplyne railway station in the Dnipro region.

Is this a message from Putin? 

Is Chaplino a Telling Name, addressed to Zelensky and the other inhabitants of symbolic and ironic "Chaplino", the land of comedians - the Ukraine under the EU, NATO and CIA (nicknamed Charlie): "You are just a #CharlieChaplin, forever a #comedian, not a #politician. No point of talking with you!" 

Did Putin rush to Kremlin to personally issue or approve the secure order to attack the "high value target" Chaplino in order to convey this message? 

I remember the press reports and tweets about similar rush trip to Kremlin before the previous attack on one of the Ukrainian targets with the possible telling name also, some weeks ago. The posts can be checked. 

If this hypothesis of "the message from Putin" is correct, it may confirm his penchant of using the Telling Names as his Criminal Signiture in multiple various mass shooting episodes and other Performance Crimes, as was described by me earlier. 

He signs his work, the Intelligence Operations, like a Graffitti Artist: nice, clear, and simple; and for everyone to see and to know. Only the very few do see or suspect it. 

It means, that he may be personally responsible as the "mastermind" of the various attacks on the US and around the world which are viewed presently as "terrorism". I think, the FBI should investigate this hypothesis in search of the hard evidence, as suggested and led by the soft circumstantial evidence. This subject has to be placed and elaborated within the traditional Legal - Counterintelligence framework. 

"No one is above the Law", as Mr. Garland said recently on the related subject. 

And the Laws governing the human conduct in wars and politics have universal and transnational nature and character, within the given Culture, Religions, and Civilization. 

Putin should be charged and judged by the Western criteria, which include the Christian ones as their part. The highly negative position of the Catholic church on the Russia Ukraine War of 2022 is well known and was broadly covered in the media.

But first of and most of all, Putin has to be INVESTIGATED, and very carefully. Directly or indirectly, this concerns the FBI also. 

This may be another reason, besides the war crimes in Ukraine, to designate Russia as the terrorist state, as the product of the merger between the Mafia State and traditional for Russia and Germany at least, the Security Apparatus State. 

The Russian Intelligence Services use the Russian Speaking Mafia, which the FBI calls the TOC, Transnational Organized Crime, as their foot soldiers. They merged together into what I call the global MOBINTEL. 

It is important for the FBI and other Government entities which rely on the accuracy of the FBI investigations, to understand clearly what is the real situation, and who is the real ultimate culprit. 

This recent information may also indicate that Putin micromanages the Ukrainian war, possibly due to the lack of trust in his military (see info on recent purges) or the excess of trust in his own military talents. Apparently, he makes the major decisions himself. 

Putin became the modern Russian Dictator, the Stalin Lite, and the Global Terrorist In Chief. It is only logical to treat him accordingly. The responsibility is clearly his, and then of his circle. 

Michael Novakhov | 9:18 AM 8/25/2022 - Post Link



@ZelenskyyUa 22 people were killed, and near 50 more were injured after russian shelling of Chaplyne railway station in the Dnipro region.

#FBI - FBI: Did Putin-#Putin rush to Kremlin to issue the order to attack the "high value target" Chaplino? Putin's limousine and cavalcade make late night dash to Kremlin - sparking fears he is plotting major new move in Ukraine 

#FBI - FBI: If this hypothesis of "the message from Putin" is correct it may confirm his penchant of using the #TellingNames as his #CriminalSigniture in multiple various mass shooting episodes and other #PerformanceCrimes, as was described by me earlier.

#Ukraine Zelenskyy: 22 Killed at Chaplin Railway Station… Is this a message from #Putin? #TellingName, addressed to #Zelensky: "You are just a #CharlieChaplin, forever a #comedian, not a #politician!"… -…

We need the objective studies of the FBI - #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH. Quoted tweet from @mikenov: #FBI fbi... 

FBI-#FBI: Was the #Whitmer kidnapping case orchestrated by the #RussianIntelligence? - Google Search

#FBI FBI: What is #Putin's role in #MarALagoScandal, and what are his aims, if he is behind it? What is Putin's game? | 7:19 AM 8/24/2022…


According to Ukrinform, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced this when speaking via video link at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

The text of the president’s speech was published by Deputy of the Office of the Head of State Andriy Sybiha on Facebook.

"Just as I was going to deliver this address, I received information that four passenger railway cars caught fire as a result of a Russian missile strike on Dnipropetrovsk region, on the railway station, directly on railway cars at the Chaplyne station... As of now, at least 15 people were killed, about 50 wounded,” the Head of State said.

According to him, rescuers are working at the scene.

"Unfortunately, the number of dead may grow," Zelensky added.

As reported earlier, Russian troops shelled the Synelnykove district in Dnipropetrovsk region on August 24. The rocket hit a private house. An 11-year-old child was killed by the missile strike.  



Published: 07:55 BST, 25 August 2022 | Updated: 08:21 BST, 25 August 2022

A 'midnight dash' by Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin has triggered fears he is plotting a major new move in the war in Ukraine.

His Aurus limousine and cavalcade was seen driving at high speed to the Russian seat of power.

Putin is in the habit of pre-recording key announcements with a Kremlin backdrop.

His night-time address - which launched his 'special military operation' in Ukraine - six months ago is widely believed to have been recorded sometime prior to its screening.

There was no immediate comment from the Kremlin over the footage of the unusual late night dash through central Moscow by his cavalcade.

A 'midnight dash' by Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin has triggered fears he is plotting a major new move in the war in Ukraine

Putin (pictured at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence, outside Moscow yesterday) is in the habit of pre-recording key announcements with a Kremlin backdrop

It came hours after Putin's missiles rained down on a railway station, killing 22, in his latest savage attack which coincided with Ukraine's Independence Day celebrating 31 years free from the Soviet Union.

The Telegram channel which first aired the footage - Operation Z: Military Commissars of the Russian Spring, with 900,000 followers - subsequently deleted it, possibly under official pressure, but other unofficial outlets showed it.

One headline ran: 'Putin's cortege is rushing to the Kremlin - wonder what for?'

Putin does not live at the Kremlin - the Russian seat of power - but at his Moscow region official residence Novo-Ogaryovo, some 20 miles away.

His Aurus limousine and cavalcade was seen driving at high speed to the Russian seat of power

There was no immediate comment from the Kremlin over the footage of the unusual late night dash through central Moscow by his cavalcade

In the summer, he is often based at another residence on the Black Sea.

Political analyst and former MP Sergey Markov claimed Putin's dash to the Kremlin could be linked to a move to declare Ukraine a 'terrorist state'.

Another theory was that he planned to announce a major escalation of the war amid a US announcement for massive new military support for Ukraine.

'Ukrainian [social media] must be trembling while reporting that right now Putin has arrived at the Kremlin - which means some important decisions will be made,' he said.

It came hours after Putin's missiles rained down on a railway station, killing 22, in his latest savage attack 

On Wednesday, Putin had held a meeting evidently from Novo-Ogaryovo on wildfires threatening regions close to Moscow.

A day earlier he was seen in a Kremlin meeting with ex-deputy prime minister Igor Shuvalov, now chairman of state development corporation VEB.RF.

However, there was suspicion this was 'canned footage' that had been recorded earlier.


Число жертв обстрела железнодорожной станции и жилого сектора в поселке Чаплино Днепропетровской области российскими войсками составило 25 человек, двое погибших - дети. Об этом сообщил в четверг, 25 августа, заместитель руководителя офиса президента Украины Кирилл Тимошенко. По его словам, 11-летний мальчик погиб под завалами дома, а 6-летний ребенок - в автомобиле, загоревшемся рядом со станцией. В общей сложности от обстрела пострадал 31 человек, добавил Тимошенко.

Поисково-спасательные работы завершены

Поисково-спасательные работы в поселке были завершены утром. Среди тех, кто получил телесные повреждения, - 10 мирных жителей, в том числе двое детей, сообщила Генпрокуратура Украины. Несколькими часами ранее президент Украины Владимир Зеленский, выступая по видеосвязи в Совете Безопасности ООН, заявил, что ранены около 50 человек.

Обстрел в День независимости Украины

Ракетные удары по станции Приднепровской железной дороги Чаплино были нанесены 24 августа - в годовщину провозглашения независимости Украины. Вскоре после обстрела Зеленский заявил, что горят "четыре пассажирских вагона". Украинский президент предупредил, что число погибших может увеличиться.


Tweets - The News And Times Review -
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
"However, there was suspicion this was 'canned footage' that had been recorded earlier." Putin's limousine and cavalcade make late night Kremlin dash sparking fears of major move in Ukraine | Daily Mail Online…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI - FBI: Did Putin-#Putin rush to Kremlin to issue the order to attack the "high value target" Chaplino? Putin's limousine and cavalcade make late night dash to Kremlin - sparking fears he is plotting major new move in Ukraine
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "Евросоюз категорически осуждает гнусное нападение России на мирных жителей в Чаплино в День независимости Украины. Ответственные за российский ракетный террор будут привлечены к ответственности", - написал глава европейской дипломатии Жозеп Боррель в Twitter
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Oleksii Reznikov @oleksiireznikov
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Patrick Henry said: ”Give me liberty or give me death!” These words of a US founding father resonate with our freedom-loving nation. We‘re truly grateful for today’s announcement of the biggest tranche of 🇺🇸 security assistance to 🇺🇦 worth $2.98 billion. 🇺🇦🤝🇺🇸 @POTUS @SecDef
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
The Insider @the_ins_ru
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Шойгу: Россия замедлила наступление, чтобы сберечь жизни украинцев. ООН: более 13 тысяч человек погибли и ранены с начала войны
Paul Massaro @apmassaro3
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Sickening Russian terror attack on a train station
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Paul Massaro @apmassaro3
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Long past time to designate Russia a terrorist state
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Selected News Stories @SelectedNewsArticles
At least 15 killed, 50 wounded in Russian missile strike on Chaplyne railway stationwww.ukrinform.netRussian forces launched a missile strike on the Chaplyne railway station in Dnipropetrovsk region. At least 15 people were killed, about 50 were injured. — Ukrinform.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
.@ZelenskyyUa 22 people were killed, and near 50 more were injured after russian shelling of Chaplyne railway station in the Dnipro region.…
World Of History @UmarBzv
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Paul Massaro @apmassaro3
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Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Chaplyne railway station - Google Search……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
At least 15 killed, 50 wounded in Russian missile strike on Chaplyne railway station…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI - FBI: If this hypothesis of "the message from Putin" is correct it may confirm his penchant of using the #TellingNames as his #CriminalSigniture in multiple various mass shooting episodes and other #PerformanceCrimes, as was described by me earlier. Quoted tweet from @mikenov: #Ukraine...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI - FBI: If this hypothesis of "the message from Putin is correct" it may confirm his penchant of using the #TellingNames as his #CriminalSigniture in multiple various mass shooting episodes and other #PerformanceCrimes, as was described by me earlier. Quoted tweet from @mikenov: #Ukraine...
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Michael Novakhov retweeted: A college education is a ticket to a better life. But that ticket is too expensive. We're extending the student loan payment pause a final time, targeting relief for folks that need it, and fixing the loan system and Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
The New York Times @nytimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Russia invaded Ukraine exactly six months ago, on February 24. Day after day, the war's grim ledger has grown longer.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "Россия - государство-террорист", - скандируют участники демонстрации в центре Берлина. Несколько тысяч украинцев и поддерживающих их жителей города сегодня вышли на Парад свободы - акцию, приуроченную ко Дню независимости Украины. Видео нашего корреспондента
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Ukraine Zelenskyy: 22 Killed at Chaplin Railway Station… Is this a message from #Putin? #TellingName, addressed to #Zelensky: "You are just a #CharlieChaplin, forever a #comedian, not a #politician!"… -…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
charlie chaplin - Google Search…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Chaplyne railway station - Google Search…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
FBI informants Defense attorneys have argued that at least twelve informants and/or undercover agents for the FBI were embedded among the suspected planners;[77] the FBI has acknowledged having at least five. Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot - Wikipedia…
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warren swil @warrenswil
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #TFG lawyers in #FBI search case are rank amateurs. 2 not even licensed in FLA, judge has to teach them how file case! Lawsuit a joke! #TFG usual plan of “Ready, FIRE, aim” not gonna work this time. He’s in BIG legal trouble #LockHimUp #ProudBlue22 #OBV…
SilverAdie⚡️Art 🌈 Music 🪐Science🗽Politics @SilverAdie
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 👇 #WaysToBeAGoodWife -Flip on your husband after the #FBI-raid to show your independence. 😉
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Iz ziz your job, #FBI-FBI? Now, bring a Special Master to get it out! It went too Deep into the State. No way you are gonna roast me just like ZIZ! Trump wants a Special Master - Google Search…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Trump wants a Special Master - Google Search……
Selected News Stories @SelectedNewsArticles
We need the objective studies of the FBI - #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH.thenewsandtimes.blogspot.comWe need the objective studies of the FBI - #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture,...
Mikheil Saakashvili @SaakashviliM
Michael Novakhov retweeted: За последние полгода Украина стала лидером свободного мира, а Зеленский самым влиятельным лидером мира. Я горжусь тем, что я тоже украинец, гражданин лучшей страны в мире!
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
We need the objective studies of the FBI - #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH. Quoted tweet from @mikenov: #FBI fbi... @rejectfear
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #Trump prattling on about some mythical #documents that were liberated from under his gilded Florida rock; boring people to death in New York with his tired old man tales of woe. He's that loser prodigal that could never do better than his sire. #FBI #MarALago #SearchWarrant
Wozzer1963 @wozzer1963
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #FBI raided #Trump #MaraLago for a non-crime. Current precedent allows #POTUS to declassify any documents WITHOUT bureaucratic process that applies to lesser mortals. Act of transporting the documents outside of the #Whitehouse on order of #POTUS is declassification in itself.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI fbi - Google Search…
Chuck Dalldorf @ChuckDalldorf
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Breonna Taylor: Ex-officer pleads guilty to helping falsify search warrant via @BBCNews… #US #race #racism #violence #extremism #BLM #DOJ #FBI #police #policing #opposition #protests #demonstrations #Politics #states #counties #cities #courts #justice
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Very good: clear, logical thinking. We need the objective studies of the FBI - #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH. Quoted tweet from @JanJekielek: ...
Jan Jekielek @JanJekielek
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #FBI: "They tried to spread a dossier. They ruined the life of Carter Page…Andrew McCabe lied to federal investigators. James Comey pled amnesia…You have an agency that has gone rogue." "Why not break it up?"—@VDHanson 🔴PREMIERE 8/16 @ 7:30pm ET:…
EpochTV @EpochTVus
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "The raid on former President Donald #Trump has cast a spotlight on the partisanship and corruption at not only the #FBI, but also at its parent agency, the Department of Justice.” - #JeffCarlson 🔵Watch NOW👉 🔵Save up to 50% 👉
EpochTV @EpochTVus
Michael Novakhov retweeted: In this episode of #TruthOverNews we talk about the motivation behind the #FBI raid and ask if it were the #SpyGate documents, Trump's RICO lawsuit the real target of the FBI raid. 🔵 Watch NOW👇
Wolfshead79 @wolfshead79
Michael Novakhov retweeted: FBI Arrests Tennessee State Rep On Bribery And Conspiracy Charges #fbi #republicans #republican #rhinos #StopCorruption #bribery #tennessee…
FBI Phoenix @FBIPhoenix
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The #FBI's Internet Crime Complain Center warns of a virtual meeting platform scam that instructs victims to send unauthorized fund transfers to fraudulent accounts. Criminals are using these platforms to conduct more scams due to the rise in remote work.…
Mikhail Khodorkovsky (English) @mbk_center
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "A new nation appeared in the world on Feb. 24 at 4 am. It was not born, but reborn. A nation that did not cry, scream or take fright. One that did not flee. Did not give up. And did not forget. Ukraine will never give up its freedom" @ZelenskyyUa ©Alexander Chekmenev / @TIME
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Iz ziz your job, #FBI-FBI? Now, get it out! @danielk_uk
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @mikenov Where is Skripal? Kidnap? @danielk_uk
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @mikenov You waste too much time reading the news. Enjoy the red army choir my friend and have a vodka..
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Admiral Rob Bauer @CMC_NATO
Michael Novakhov retweeted: On this 🇺🇦 Independence Day, we salute the courage of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. They have fundamentally changed modern warfare & outmaneuver their opponent time & time again. #Ukraine can win this war & emerge victorious from the quagmire. Slava Ukraini! #StandwithUkraine...
Исторические Фото @HistoryFoto
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Митинг на Манежной площади против применения военной силы советской армией в отношении Литвы. Москва. СССР. 20 января 1991 г.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Великобритания отправит Украине две тысячи дронов на сумму в 63,5 млн долларов, заявили в офисе Бориса Джонсона. Он через несколько дней покинет пост премьера, но до того решил еще раз приехать в Украину. Сегодня он снова прошелся по Крещатику в Киеве и выразил поддержку стране
The Insider @the_ins_ru
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Убит модератор Telegram-чата, где критиковали Кадырова, — Салман Тепсуркаев. 2 года назад его похитили, вывезли в Чечню, пытали, заставили сесть на бутылку. По информации чеченских оппозиционеров, Тепсуркаеву вставили гранату в рот и взорвали дистанционно
Художники и Поэты @Xudozhnikipoeti
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Поль Гоген. «А ты ревнуешь?». 1892 г. Масло, холст. Музей Пушкина. Москва.
U.S. Naval Institute @NavalInstitute
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 14 Russian Warships Enter Sea of Japan Ahead of Major Military Exercises - USNI News…
Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone
Michael Novakhov retweeted: "A new nation appeared in the world on Feb. 24 at 4 o'clock in the morning. It was not born, but reborn. A nation that did not cry, scream or take fright. One that did not flee. Did not give up. And did not forget. #Ukraine will never give up its freedom" President Zelensky today
Володимир Зеленський @ZelenskyyUa
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Дякую @POTUS та народу 🇺🇸 за потужне привітання з Днем Незалежності України – безпрецедентний пакет безпекової допомоги майже на $3 млрд. Народ 🇺🇦, усі наші захисниці й захисники високо цінують незмінну підтримку з боку США. Разом переможемо!
President Biden @POTUS
Michael Novakhov retweeted: I’ll be delivering remarks on my Administration's student loan debt relief plan at 2:15 PM ET. In the meantime, go to for more information.
Visegrád 24 @visegrad24
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The Soviet monument in Riga from 1985, glorifying the Red Army, is finally coming down. The main statue fell this morning at 9 am. 19 aggressive Russians protesting the removal of the monument, put up by the occupiers, were arrested by Latvian police.
The Insider @the_ins_ru
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Евгений Ройзман задержан за «дискредитацию российской армии»
World Of History @UmarBzv
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Approximate reconstruction of what the Luxor Temple in Egypt would have been like 3,500 years ago.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
WATCH LIVE: Pentagon holds briefing on new $3 billion military aid packa... via @YouTube
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Najib Razak: Malaysia's ex-PM starts jail term after final appeal fails - BBC News…
Володимир Зеленський @ZelenskyyUa
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Grateful to @POTUS and the people of 🇺🇸 for the powerful congratulations on 🇺🇦 Independence Day - an unprecedented package of security assistance of almost $3 billion. The people of Ukraine, all our defenders highly appreciate 🇺🇸's unwavering support. Together we will win!
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
the strange case of kidnapping Whitmer - Google Search……
Mark Collins @Mark3Ds
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 5/ And from @20committee YourINT SITREP (24 AUG 2022)… #FBI #MarALago #DariaDugina #RussianUkrainianWar #UkraineRussiaWar
Anne @Ann1eBug
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @Jim_Jordan 🤣🤣🤣🤣 #FBI #TRUMP2024 #GOP
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #OTD Aug 24, 1939 #FDR requests #FBI Director #J_Edgar_Hoover prepare special report on #fascists and #communists in U.S.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#AdamFox looks like the #FBI FBI #DirectorWray, the name is telling: "That man (Wray) is a fox!" This circumstance (facetious reference to appearance was present in another case) may be the indication of OUTSIDE actors: #Putin, #Mob Quoted tweet from @mikenov: #AdamFox...
DW на русском @dw_russian
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Владимир Зеленский поздравил украинцев с Днем независимости. "Что для нас конец войны? Раньше мы говорили: мир. Сейчас мы говорим: победа", - сказал президент Украины в обращении
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Putin's role in Mar-A-Lago Scandal - Google Search……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot - Wikipedia…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI-FBI: This is another case of physical resemblance (looking alike) as the possible facetious reference in the recent incident: "U Haul (rented white bus) weapons to Ukraine." These may be the "soft", circumstantial, but very telling signs, as intended. Quoted tweet from @mikenov: IZ...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI-FBI: This is another case of physical resemblance, (looing alike) as the possible facetious reference in the recent incident: "U Haul (rented white bus) weapons to Ukraine." These may be the "soft", circumstantial, but very telling signs, as intended. Quoted tweet from @mikenov: IZ...
Andrej Novak 🇪🇺 @andrejfnovak
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Sechin, Abramovich, Fridman and Aven do not want you or anybody else to read @CatherineBelton's extremely insightful book #PutinsPeople! So if you haven't done so yet, get your copy asap! #RealRussia #PutinRegime #MafiaState #RussianIntelligence #FSB #KGB #SVR #GRU #Corruption
Robert Morton @Robert4787
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Hmm... 3 days ago, U.S. intelligence said there are no verifiable reports of #Putin having a worsening illness; it was just wishful thinking. #putinshealth #russianintelligence #geopolitics…
Resonant News🌍 @Resonant_News
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Ukrainian directorate of intelligence has published names & addresses of 620 #FSB officers (of #RussianIntelligence) who are engaged in “criminal activities” across Europe. Details of agents include: names & addresses,car models, licence plates, mobile numbers, dates of birth.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
FBI-#FBI: Was the #Whitmer kidnapping case orchestrated by the #RussianIntelligence? - Google Search…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#AdamFox looks like #FBI-FBI #DirectorWray, the name is telling: "That man (Wray) is a fox!" This circumstance (facetious reference to appearance was present in at least one other case of the high US official) may be the indication of OUTSIDE actors: #Putin, #Mob, #RussianIntel.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#AdamFox looks like #FBI-FBI #DirectorWray, the name is telling: "That man (Wray) is a fox!" This circumstance (facetious reference to appearance was present in another other case of the high US official) may be the indication of OUTSIDE actors: #Putin, #Mob, #RussianIntelligence
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Putin #Russia #TRUMP The Investigations of #Trump will inevitably lead to the investigation of the #FBI. INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS, and the Trumpistas among them especially. Reform or abolish the FBI, before they produce their next #Trumpushka!…
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#Grassley - Grassley says new whistleblower info reveals 'deeply rooted political infection' within the #FBI | Fox News… Republican lawmakers prepare to investigate new FBI whistleblower allegations - GS
Kevin Causey @KevinCausey22
Michael Novakhov retweeted: #FBI FRAME JOB…
РБК @ru_rbc
Michael Novakhov retweeted: 24 августа Украина отмечает День независимости. В поздравлении Лукашенко выразил уверенность, что «противоречия не смогут разрушить многовековой фундамент искренних добрососедских отношений между народами» Белоруссии и Украины
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
#FBI FBI: What is #Putin's role in #MarALagoScandal, and what are his aims, if he is behind it? What is Putin's game? | 7:19 AM 8/24/2022…
Nicole 🤍💙 @PN46PN46
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @Bundeskanzler Vielen Dank für Ihre Worte 🇺🇦 zum heutigen Unabhängigkeitstag der #Ukraine - Deutschland hilft viel aber im Bereich Militär können und müssen wir stärker unterstützen und den Satz - Die Ukraine muss diesen Krieg gewinnen, hätte ich gerne gehört aber gut…#SlavaUkraiini
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Seit dem 24.8.1991 ist die #Ukraine unabhängig – für die Ukrainerinnen und Ukrainer heute ein Feiertag unter schrecklichen Umständen. Seit genau 6 Monaten müsst Ihr Eure Unabhängigkeit mutig gegen den russischen Angriff verteidigen. Unsere Herzen sind bei Euch. Slawa Ukrainji!
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
kidnap case of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer - Google Search……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Video Report: 14 Whistleblowers Have Come Forward to Allege FBI Misconduct - Newsmax
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
FBI and plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer - Google Search…… @danielk_uk
Michael Novakhov retweeted: @mikenov Skripals cat inside doll
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
2 men convicted in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. #Whitmer - Google Search……
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler
Michael Novakhov retweeted: The @crimeaplatform demonstrates that Ukraine’s partners are more united than ever. We condemn Russia’s attempts to forcefully integrate parts of Ukrainian territory. Any sham referenda or attempts to alter the status of parts of Ukrainian territory will never be recognised.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
2 men convicted in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Whitmer - The Public's Radio
President Biden @POTUS
Michael Novakhov retweeted: It's my job to restore the promise of America to our young people. That includes affordable health care. The Inflation Reduction Act protects access to affordable coverage for our nation's most uninsured: 18 to 24-year-olds, keeping them covered, healthier, and less in-debt.
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Jury convicts two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer… via @CBSNews
Selected Articles - Michael Novakhov's favorite articles on Inoreader - The News And Times
Google Alert - zelensky: Russian Missile Strike Kills at Least 22 on Independence Day - The New York Times
Zelensky says Ukraine is 'reborn' six months into the war. U.N. officials paint a bleak picture as civilian casualties top 13,000. Google Alert - zelensky
Shoigu calls Russia's offensive slowdown a 'conscious decision' - CGTN
Shoigu calls Russia's offensive slowdown a 'conscious decision'  CGTN
Минобороны заявило о попадании ракеты «Искандер» по воинскому эшелону на Украине: Политика: Россия:
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Генсек НАТО Столтенберг назвал союз России и КНР в Арктике вызовом для ценностей альянса Генеральный секретарь НАТО Йенс Столтенберг назвал вызовом для ценностей и интересов альянса сотрудничество России и Китая...
Минобороны заявило о попадании ракеты «Искандер» по воинскому эшелону на Украине: Политика: Россия:
This article links to a state controlled Russian media. Read more. Michael_Novakhov shared this story from Генсек НАТО Столтенберг назвал союз России и КНР в Арктике вызовом для ценностей альянсаГенеральный...
Russia strikes depot; 22 said dead
KYIV, Ukraine -- Russian forces Wednesday launched a rocket attack on a Ukrainian train station on the embattled country's Independence Day, killing 22 people, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said after warning for days that Moscow might attempt "something particularly cruel" this week.The lethal attack took place in Chaplyne, a town of about 3,500 people...
At least 15 killed, 50 wounded in Russian missile strike on Chaplyne railway station
According to Ukrinform, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced this when speaking via video link at a meeting of the UN Security Council. The text of the president’s speech was published by Deputy of the Office of the Head of State Andriy Sybiha on Facebook. "Just as I was going to deliver this address, I received information that four...
Putin's late night Kremlin dash sparks Ukraine escalation fears
Published: 07:55 BST, 25 August 2022 | Updated: 08:21 BST, 25 August 2022 A 'midnight dash' by Vladimir Putin to the Kremlin has triggered fears he is plotting a major new move in the war in Ukraine.His Aurus limousine and cavalcade was seen driving at high speed to the Russian seat of power.Putin is in the habit of pre-recording key announcements...
Жертвами обстрела станции Чаплино армией РФ стали 25 человек – DW – 25.08.2022
Число жертв обстрела железнодорожной станции и жилого сектора в поселке Чаплино Днепропетровской области российскими войсками составило 25 человек, двое погибших - дети. Об этом сообщил в четверг, 25 августа, заместитель руководителя офиса президента Украины Кирилл Тимошенко. По его словам, 11-летний мальчик погиб под завалами дома, а 6-летний ребенок...
Глава МИД ФРГ не видит смысла в переговорах с Россией – DW – 25.08.2022
Министр иностранных дел Германии Анналена БербокФото: Christoph Soeder/dpa/picture allianceПоскольку Кремль отказывается от переговоров даже по вопросу гуманитарных коридоров, необходимо помогать Киеву оружием, заявила Анналена Бербок. В нынешней ситуации нет смысла вести с Москвой какие-либо переговоры о прекращении войны против Украины, считает министр...
Arctic on fire: Siberian wildfires expand dramatically, sending a smoke cloud towards Canada and the United States
Record-breaking temperatures in the Russian Arctic region and Siberia continue to remain much higher than normal which has contributed to an increase of hundreds of wildfires. The Siberia wildfires coverage and burning land areas are now extending across nearly 3 million acres (= 1.2 million hectares). Smoke cloud is exceptionally large and pushed...
Russian Fires Approach Nuclear Plants
Russia is, at the time of writing, being consumed by wildfires caused by the worst heat wave the country has endured in a millennia. A state of emergency has been declared in 35 regions of the country -- seven for the fires themselves, and another 28 for crop failures caused by the drought and heat wave.UK media has largely ignored the disaster, but...
Jared Kushner emphatically denies being Mar-a-Lago informant after speculation that he may have tipped off the FBI
Jared Kushner denied leaking information to the FBI ahead of its raid on Mar-a-Lago, saying that the speculation about him is "crazy."Megyn Kelly asked him on her podcast, released Tuesday, about theories aired by various commentators that he may have tipped off federal agents about documents kept at former President Donald Trump's Florida residence. Kushner...
Facebook And Twitter Take Down Pro-US Propaganda
A June morning at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. getty In a display of even-handedness, Facebook and Twitter have taken down a series of accounts that have for five years been engaging in pro-Western propaganda. Twitter said the accounts violated its policies on platform manipulation and spam, while Meta described them as 'coordinated inauthentic...
What's next in the fight over the Mar-a-Lago FBI search affidavit
(CNN)The next steps in the legal fight to bring more transparency into the FBI's search of former President Donald Trump's Florida home will largely take place in secret. In the coming days, US Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart -- who approved the warrant the FBI used to search Mar-a-Lago earlier this month -- will be considering in private the Justice...
Daily Mail Online @MailOnline
Putin's limousine and cavalcade make late night dash to Kremlin - sparking fears he is plotting major new move in Ukraine
"Quiet quitting": A revolution in how we work or the end of working hard? - CBS News
"Quiet quitting": A revolution in how we work or the end of working hard?  CBS NewsQuiet quitting in Hawaii, how to avoid the trend  KHON2 NewsGen Z Is 'Quiet Quitting' at Work, But They Won't Find Meaning in a Job  BloombergQuiet quitters are looking in the wrong place for meaningful work | Mint  MintView Full Coverage on Google News
Uvalde schools police chief fired: CBS News Flash August 25, 2022
Pete Arredondo has been fired as Uvalde, Texas’ school district police chief. He’s the first officer to lose his job over the May mass shooting. Vanessa Bryant has been awarded $16 million over photos of her husband’s body at the site of the helicopter crash that killed him and their daughter. And a federal judge has stopped Idaho from enforcing an...
Путин не отказался от планов по Украине. Он просто продлил сроки, - Пентагон - Цензор.НЕТ
Путин не отказался от планов по Украине. Он просто продлил сроки, - Пентагон  Цензор.НЕТ
The Hill @thehill
US troops wounded in Syria rocket attacks
The Hill @thehill
Kushner on Mar-a-Lago docs: Trump "governed in a very peculiar way"
Новости - Настоящее Время: Росгвардия отчиталась о задержании сотрудников Запорожской АЭС за передачу данных о технике на станции. Ранее Россия отрицала ее наличие
Росгвардия сообщила о задержании двоих сотрудников Запорожской АЭС по подозрению в передаче ВСУ данных о "местонахождении личного состава и техники" на территории станции. Об этом говорится в телеграм-канале росгвардейцев. Ранее Россия отрицала, что использует Запорожскую АЭС в качестве военной базы. "Мы решительно отвергаем такие утверждения....
WATCH: Standoff involving officers and Ricky Shiffer, who tried to breach FBI office in Cincinnati - WHIO
WATCH: Standoff involving officers and Ricky Shiffer, who tried to breach FBI office in Cincinnati  WHIO
Google Alert - Elections Israel: Israel Urges West to Reject Emerging Nuclear Deal, Says it Will Give Iran Billions to Use for Terror
Israel and Arab countries are bracing for world powers to re-enter the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal. Some fear the negative impact it's likely to ... Google Alert - Elections Israel
Google Alert - Elections Israel: Israeli Elections: Polls Show Right-winger Itamar Ben Gvir On Rise - i24NEWS
Otzma Yehudit party would secure between 8 to 9 seats if elections were held today, TV polls show - Click the link for more details. Google Alert - Elections Israel
mikenov on Twitter: RT @thehill: Kushner on Mar-a-Lago docs: Trump “governed in a very peculiar way”
Kushner on Mar-a-Lago docs: Trump “governed in a very peculiar way” Posted by The Hill (thehill) on Thursday, August 25th, 2022 7:36am Retweeted by ...
Kushner: Trump is having a hard time seeing what is happening in America - Yahoo! Voices
Kushner: Trump is having a hard time seeing what is happening in America  Yahoo! Voices
Plane's engine catches fire on flight from Mexico to LA, giving passengers a fright - KABC-TV
Plane's engine catches fire on flight from Mexico to LA, giving passengers a fright  KABC-TVVIDEO: Engine fire forces LA-bound plane to divert back to Mexico  FOX 11 Los AngelesView Full Coverage on Google News
Mundo - Voice of America: Presidente de Ucrania se dirige al Consejo de Seguridad en el Día de la Independencia
El presidente ucraniano, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, advirtió que “Rusia ha puesto al mundo al borde de una catástrofe de radiación”. Mundo - Voice of America
Europe: Spain allows man to be euthanized ahead of trial for attempted murder
Marin Eugen Sabau, 46, who was left partially paralyzed in a police shootout after an attack on his former workplace, asked to die via assisted suicide. Europe
Guterres underlines need for peace as Ukraine marks six months of 'senseless war' - UN News
Guterres underlines need for peace as Ukraine marks six months of 'senseless war'  UN News
Investigating Monkeypox: An Explainer and Resource Tipsheet - Global Investigative Journalism Network
Investigating Monkeypox: An Explainer and Resource Tipsheet  Global Investigative Journalism Network
Russia, French defence heads discuss situation around Zaporizhzhia NPP over phone: Moscow - ANI News
Russia, French defence heads discuss situation around Zaporizhzhia NPP over phone: Moscow  ANI News
США по-русски @USApoRusski
.@StateDeptSpox: Планируя проведение так называемых “трибуналов” над защитниками 🇺🇦, Кремль пытается отвести от себя ответственность за войну Путина и отвлечь внимание общественности от неопровержимых доказательств злодеяний, совершаемых войсками РФ в 🇺🇦.
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): france24english's YouTube Videos: Food insecurity now affects quarter of population in Brazil • FRANCE 24 English
From: france24english Duration: 2:30 Many Brazilians are suffering from food insecurity, despite the country’s abundant agricultural output, as our team...
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): france24english's YouTube Videos: Ukraine war, six months on: FRANCE 24 meets families reunited after Russian retreat • FRANCE 24
From: france24english Duration: 2:08 Some of the most dramatic scenes from the early stages of the war were of the evacuation from Irpin underneath a destroyed...
1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (74 sites): france24english's YouTube Videos: Russian attack kills 22 civilians on Ukraine's Independence Day • FRANCE 24 English
From: france24english Duration: 0:35 A Russian missile attack killed 22 civilians and set a passenger train on fire in eastern Ukraine, officials in Kyiv...
euronewsru's YouTube Videos: Глава японской полиции уходит в отставку из-за убийства Синдзо Абэ
From: euronewsru Duration: 0:26 Руководитель Главного управления полиции Японии Итару Накамура взял на себя ответственность за недостатки в обеспечении безопасности...
Paxlovid reduces risk of COVID-19 death by 81%, Clalit study shows - The Jerusalem Post
Paxlovid reduces risk of COVID-19 death by 81%, Clalit study shows  The Jerusalem Post
Russia strikes depot; 22 said dead
KYIV, Ukraine — Russian forces Wednesday launched a rocket attack on a Ukrainian train station on the embattled country’s Independence Day, killing 22 people, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said after warning for days that Moscow might attempt “something particularly cruel” this week. The lethal attack took place in Chaplyne, a town of about 3,500 people...
What’s next in the fight over the Mar-a-Lago FBI search affidavit
(CNN)The next steps in the legal fight to bring more transparency into the FBI’s search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida home will largely take place in secret. In the coming days, US Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart — who approved the warrant the FBI used to search Mar-a-Lago earlier this month — will be considering […] The post What’s next...
Germany's Economic Crisis: What's Going on, What It Means - Markets Insider
Germany's Economic Crisis: What's Going on, What It Means  Markets Insider
Trump wing in House GOP set to grow - The Hill
Trump wing in House GOP set to grow  The Hill
Top German court rejects appeals in far-right killing - Oil City Derrick
Top German court rejects appeals in far-right killing  Oil City Derrick : Новости: Медведев озвучил полтора сценария развития событий на Украине
This article links to a state controlled Russian media. Read more. Существуют лишь полтора сценария развития событий на Украине. Об этом заявил заместитель председателя Совета безопасности России Дмитрий Медведев в своем Telegram-канале. : Новости
Ex-Mexico AG to face trial over probe into 43 students missing 8 years
Jesus Murillo Karam will be tried on charges of forced disappearance, torture and obstruction of justice​​ for allegedly mishandling the investigation.
All Articles – The News And Times Review – 6:09 AM 8/25/2022: Вести с Москвой какие-либо переговоры о прекращении войны РФ против Украины в нынешней ситуации нет смысла, считает глава МИД ФРГ. Необходимо продолжать “поддерживать Украину поставками оружия”, заявила Анналена Бербок
  All Articles – The News And Times Review – 6:09 AM 8/25/2022 – Вести с Москвой какие-либо переговоры о прекращении войны РФ против Украины в нынешней ситуации нет смысла, считает глава МИД ФРГ. Необходимо продолжать “поддерживать Украину поставками оружия”, заявила Анналена Бербок… Вести с Москвой...
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Taliban say they've not found body of al Qaeda leader…
Митрополит Епіфаній @Epifaniy
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Для 25 українців у Чаплиному день свята вчора став останнім у житті. Російська держава-терорист знову вбила невинних, з них - двох дітей. Суду за це підлягають не лише кремлівський тиран і його наймані вбивці, але також ідеологи «русского міра». Кров українців - і на їхніх руках!
NPR News: 08-25-2022 5AM ET
NPR News: 08-25-2022 5AM ET
Facebook And Twitter Take Down Pro-US Propaganda
A June morning at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. getty In a display of even-handedness, Facebook and Twitter have taken down a series of accounts that have for five years been engaging in pro-Western propaganda. Twitter said the accounts violated its policies on platform manipulation and spam, while Meta described them as ‘coordinated inauthentic...
We need the objective studies of the FBI – #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH.thenewsandtimes.blogspot.comWe need the objective studies of the FBI – #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH. Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps By Michael Novakhov (Mike No…
We need the objective studies of the FBI – #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH. We need the objective studies of the FBI – #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, […] The...
At least 15 killed, 50 wounded in Russian missile strike on Chaplyne railway stationwww.ukrinform.netRussian forces launched a missile strike on the Chaplyne railway station in Dnipropetrovsk region. At least 15 people were killed, about 50 were injured. — Ukrinform.
At least 15 killed, 50 wounded in Russian missile strike on Chaplyne railway station Russian forces launched a missile strike on the Chaplyne railway station in Dnipropetrovsk region. At least 15 people were killed, about 50 were injured. — Ukrinform. The post At least 15 killed, 50 wounded in Russian missile strike on Chaplyne railway...
Вести с Москвой какие-либо переговоры о прекращении войны РФ против Украины в нынешней ситуации нет смысла, считает глава МИД ФРГ. Необходимо продолжать “поддерживать Украину поставками оружия”, заявила Анналена Бербок…
Вести с Москвой какие-либо переговоры о прекращении войны РФ против Украины в нынешней ситуации нет смысла, считает глава МИД ФРГ. Необходимо продолжать “поддерживать Украину поставками оружия”, заявила Анналена Бербок… The post Вести с Москвой какие-либо переговоры о прекращении войны РФ против Украины в нынешней ситуации нет...
World Socialist Web Site (en): CIA Democrats and fascist Republicans notch primary wins
Seven of 12 Democratic nominees for open or contested seats in New York state have a military-intelligence background. World Socialist Web Site (en) The post World Socialist Web Site (en): CIA Democrats and fascist Republicans notch primary wins first appeared on The News Links -
AP Top Stories August 25 A
Here's the latest for Thursday August 25th: Biden announces student debt forgiveness plan; Ukraine says Russian rocket hit train station; Uvalde, Texas school police chief fired; Teachers on strike in Columbus, Ohio. Subscribe for more Breaking News: Website: Twitter:
Selected News Stories @SelectedNewsArticles
We need the objective studies of the FBI - #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture, the perceived mission, psychology, mentality, moda operandi; place, roles, & effects on Society? We need the TRUTH.thenewsandtimes.blogspot.comWe need the objective studies of the FBI - #FBI: What is this animal? What are its structure, culture,...
Selected News Stories @SelectedNewsArticles
At least 15 killed, 50 wounded in Russian missile strike on Chaplyne railway stationwww.ukrinform.netRussian forces launched a missile strike on the Chaplyne railway station in Dnipropetrovsk region. At least 15 people were killed, about 50 were injured. — Ukrinform.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Вести с Москвой какие-либо переговоры о прекращении войны РФ против Украины в нынешней ситуации нет смысла, считает глава МИД ФРГ. Необходимо продолжать "поддерживать Украину поставками оружия", заявила Анналена Бербок…
The Post's View: Ukraine has survived half a year, but the war is probably not half over
Aug. 24 marked six months since Russia invaded its next-door neighbor, throwing the entire world into turmoil. The Post's View
Global Opinions: Beware the emerging alliance between Russia and Iran
Russia is using Iranian drones, and Iran is helping Russia evade sanctions. This could be a game-changer in Ukraine. Global Opinions
World Socialist Web Site (en): CIA Democrats and fascist Republicans notch primary wins
Seven of 12 Democratic nominees for open or contested seats in New York state have a military-intelligence background. World Socialist Web Site (en)
World Socialist Web Site (en): COVID-19 rages across Japan as government slashes mitigation measures
The fraudulent claims that COVID-19 is no longer a serious threat are exposed by the fact that deaths have risen sharply in Japan. World Socialist Web Site (en)
The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
Michael Novakhov retweeted: These are the indicative estimates of Russia’s combat losses as of Aug. 25, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
The Washington Times @WashTimes
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Majority of Americans say U.S. should back Ukraine until all Russian troops withdraw, poll shows
The Hill @thehill
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Biden approval rating ticks up to highest since June
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Biden approval rating ticks up to highest since June: Reuters-Ipsos poll | The Hill… The two-day poll, completed Tuesday, showed Biden’s rating at 41 percent — the first time it has topped 40 percent since the beginning of the summer.
The Hill @thehill
Michael Novakhov retweeted: Kushner on Mar-a-Lago docs: Trump "governed in a very peculiar way"
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Is Jared Kushner an FBI informant? - Google Search……
Michael Novakhov @mikenov
Is Jared Kushner an FBI informant? - Google Search……
John Spencer @SpencerGuard
Mikhail Khodorkovsky (English) retweeted: What does Russia have to show for 6 months of an illegal war in sovereign, democratic, free Ukraine? Just a list of strategic failures. A review/🧵
Claire Berlinski. @ClaireBerlinski
Mikhail Khodorkovsky (English) retweeted: "The West doesn't realize how much danger it's in", by @ClaireBerlinski @cosmo_globalist, with @MoniqueCamarra…
Радио Свобода @SvobodaRadio
Канада вернёт Германии пять турбин для "Северного потока"…
The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️ UK Defense Ministry: Russia likely ready to exploit any Ukrainian military presence near Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant for propaganda.
The Kyiv Independent @KyivIndependent
⚡️ Death toll in Russian attack on passenger train in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast rises to 25. Russia hit the train in the village of Chaplyne, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, on Aug. 24. Four train cars caught fire as a result. Two of the killed were children.


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Intelligence Operations | Abwehr and Psychoanalysis - Tweets Review | US "Psychoanalysts", many of them German Jewish charlatans, SPIED ON THEIR PATIENTS to find out the roots of TOTALITARIANISM!

Among Those Who Marched Into the Capitol on Jan. 6: An F.B.I. Informant - The New York Times

@SecondGentleman Are you behind the attempts to unseat Chris Wray of the FBI? Do you plot to rule America behind the scenes? What are your relations with the Intelligence Services, including the Mossad, KGB, BND, and the New Abwehr?#FBI #NEWS #KamalaHarris THE FBI NEWS REVIEW

9:12 AM 9/21/2021 - #CI (Attention, #CounterIntelligence!!!) Clearly, this is the vicious, targeted political attack on #ChrisWray, & it is orchestrated by Kamala Harris #VPHarris to control FBI #FBI. She is the agent of "#ProgressiveLeft", & also of the #NewAbwehr-#KGB, I think.

US-American psychoanalytic community began to collaborate with the US-Intelligence Community (IC) ... psychohistorical studies on Adolf Hitler... history & consequences of this rather unexpected liaison. Psychoanalytic & the U.S. Intelligence Communities: 1940–1945