NATO new strategic concept 2022 downgrading Russia from the Potential Partner to the Main Opponent is the direct & clear response to the Russia's old, of the Soviet times, official, written, unrevised, confirmed in theory & practice military doctrine which sees and treats NATO as the Enemy & Threat. This big core issue is behind this Proxy War. | On the screen: #Shoigu puts his head down, #Ivanov looks at him askance, others are tense. #Putin is in charge, the political-military ship "Moskva" had been hit badly & is going down. - Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности

NATO new strategic concept 2022 downgrading Russia from the Potential Partner to the Main Opponent is the direct & clear response to the Russia's old, of the Soviet times, official, written, unrevised, confirmed in theory & practice military doctrine which sees and treats NATO as the Enemy & Threat. This big core issue is behind this Proxy War. - GS

Und it haz to be addrezzed! 

On the screen: #Shoigu puts his head down, #Ivanov looks at him askance, others are tense. 

Colonel #Putin is in charge, and his political-military ship "Moskva" had been hit badly & is going down. - Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности

Michael Novakhov | 9:41 AM 7/1/2022 - Post Link


  1. new strategic concept downgrading from the Potential Partner to the Main Opponent is the direct, clear response to the Russia's old, of the Soviet times, official, written, unrevised, confirmed in theory & practice military doctrine re NATO. 

  2.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Лукашенко превратился в идиота, ничего не соображающего. Какая тебе Канада, тварь усатая - соси у Путина и не отвлекайся.

  3.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Белоруссия готова возобновить конструктивную работу с Канадой на благо народов двух стран, заявил президент страны Александр Лукашенко в поздравительной телеграмме канадским властям по случаю Дня независимости страны 

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  4. On the screen: puts his head down, looks at him askance, others are tense. is in charge, the political-military ship "Moskva" had been hit badly & is going down.
    Совещание с постоянными членами Совета Безопасности • Президент России 

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  5.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    ⚡️Poll: 97% of Ukrainians trust Armed Forces.

    According to a recent poll by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 85% of the polled Ukrainians trust President Volodymyr Zelensky. The survey was conducted on May 2-11.

  6.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Запуск поездов из Крыма в Херсон и Мелитополь, запланированный на 1 июля, переносится — Аксенов

  7.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    ⚡️Russian missile attack on Odesa Oblast kills 10, injures 7.

    Odesa Oblast Governor Serhii Bratchuk reported early on July 1 that Russian missile hit a 9-story high-rise and another targeted a leisure complex in Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky District.

  8.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Уже все видели, как путинские подонки убивали людей по всей Европе. Нужно мир очищать от русских террористов.

  9.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Нелегальная разведка и сегодня проводит уникальные операции, заявил Путин 

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  10.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Путин подписал указ о специальных мерах в топливно-энергетической сфере в связи с недружественными действиями иностранных государств: 

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  11.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Lambrecht und @OlafScholz sind nichts als Lügner. Wenn sie gefragt werden, wo die Lieferung schwerer Waffen an die Ukraine ist, reden sie im Kreis oder sagen es in Diskussionen weiter. Die SPD ist erbärmlich und die Koalition sollte gebrochen werden.

  12.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Wir haben beim viel erreicht: Ein neues , die richtige Reaktion auf Russlands Aggression und künftig zwei neue Mitglieder.
    30, bald 32 Partner, die für Frieden, Freiheit und Sicherheit eng zusammenstehen – das macht für mich die @NATO aus.

  13.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Путин назвал главные принципы построения нового мироустройства 

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  14.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Лавров посоветовал Европе осторожнее опускать железный занавес 

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  15. В биографии Путина по-прежнему много белых пятен. Рассказываем о ранее неизвестных эпизодах его работы в Петербурге — и о том, как начиналась его политическая карьера 

  16.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    On this day in 1934, Adolf Hitler orders the SS to purge the Nazi party of the SA or "brownshirts." As many as 200 die in what will be called the Night of the Long Knives.

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  17.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Владимир Путин не знает, как лидеры G7 "хотели раздеться" на саммите, но думает, что это было бы отвратительное зрелище. Об этом российский лидер заявил, отвечая на вопросы журналистов после прошедшего 29 июня в Ашхабаде Каспийского саммита.

    Видео: ТАСС/Ruptly

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  18.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    How about, "LEAVE OUR CHILDREN ALONE"..!!

  19.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Republicans choose Zeldin for NY governor; Democrats picks Hochul 

  20.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    EU and @NATO stand together today in Madrid, united in support to Ukraine and its people and in condemning Russia’s war against

    EU- strategic partnership is stronger and more relevant than ever as EU concretely strengthens its own defence capabilities.

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  21.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Russian troops have reportedly left Snake Island. Some Telegram channels also write about this, indicating that the Russian troops allegedly blew up the remains of their equipment and moved away from the island on five small ships. 

    We can't show you everything!

    We automatically hide photos that might contain sensitive content.

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  22.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Даже в Ашхабаде Путина опустили. У Бердымухамедова стол длиннее раза в три

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  23.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Another day passed.
    Ukraine will win the war.
    Azov defends democracy and freedom.

    One day closer to the death of putin.

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  24.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Лондон предоставит Украине военную помощь еще на 1 млрд фунтов, сообщают западные информагентства. Киев получит, в том числе, системы ПВО, беспилотники и оборудование для радиоэлектронной борьбы. Цель - помочь Украине перейти к наступательным операциям 

  25.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Британский министр обороны назвал Путина и Захарову "сумасшедшими" 

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  26.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Your daily reminder that & is illegally occupying Crimea, Donbas & other parts of Ukraine. Day 3048 of Putler's war on Ukraine. Ukraine denazified and decommunised a long time ago. Putler pushes for a reintroduction - Ukraine will resist.

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  27. The Audio Posts - 4:27 AM 6/30/2022: Defence Intelligence Update on Situation in Ukraine – 30 June, 2022 – KyivPost 

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  28.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Эдвард Мунк. «Лунный свет».

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  29.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    ▪️ Российские войска нанесли ракетный удар по Харькову и окрестностям, сообщил местный Telegram-канал
    ▪️ ВС РФ сбросили авиабомбу на склады гумпомощи, заявил глава Луганской ОВА
    ▪️ AI: авиаудар РФ по драмтеатру Мариуполя - военное преступление

    Хроника DW 

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  30.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The vast majority of Ukrainians – 89% – believe it would be unacceptable to reach a peace deal with Moscow by ceding Ukrainian territory — WSJ poll

  31.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    In a moment when Putin has shattered peace in Europe and attacked the very tenets of the rules-based order, the United States and our Allies are stepping up to support Ukraine and boost our defenses.

    We’re proving that NATO is more needed now than it ever has been.

    Leaders gather at the NATO Summit in Madrid
  32.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The NATO Alliance is proud to invite Finland and Sweden to become members.

    Their decision to join this Alliance is going to make us stronger and more secure – it will bolster the steps we’re taking during this summit to enhance our collective strength.

  33.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    These are the indicative estimates of Russia’s combat losses as of June 30, according to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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  34.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    In a speech, Representative Liz Cheney described Donald Trump as a threat to the republic who had “gone to war with the rule of law,” adding that GOP leaders had “made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.” 

  35.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Спасибо всем, кто пришёл сегодня поддержать меня в суде. Отличный день рождения получился ❤

    Фото: Александра Астахова

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  36.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    ⚡️Zelensky signs decree to introduce register of oligarchs.

    The decree aims to implement the anti-oligarch law signed by President Volodymyr Zelensky in 2021. The law introduces the legal definition of an oligarch and requires officials to declare contacts with oligarchs.

  37.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    ⚡️US intelligence chief: Putin still wants to seize most of Ukraine.

    Avril Haines, the U.S. director of national intelligence, said on June 29 that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin had not changed his goal to seize most of Ukraine.

  38.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Мониторинговая миссия ООН по правам человека в Украине задокументировала и подтвердила сообщения о внесудебных казнях и массовых убийствах мирных жителей в более чем 30 населенных пунктах Киевской, Черниговской, Харьковской и Сумской областей 

  39.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    В Германии вынесен знаковый приговор - бывший охранник концлагеря, которому сейчас 101 год, получил 5 лет тюрьмы. "Он мог сказать "нет" даже в СС", - говорят потомки жертв. В ФРГ подозреваемых в преступлениях нацистов продолжают привлекать к суду, несмотря на преклонный возраст

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  40.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Ich freue mich sehr über den anstehenden @NATO-Beitritt von Schweden und Finnland. Beim in Madrid treffen wir wichtige Weichenstellungen für die Sicherheit Europas und der Welt – auch als Antwort auf Putins Aggression gegen die Ukraine.

  41.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Опять какую-то хрень наркотическую подогнали пропагандистам РИА.

  42.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Немцы призвали Шольца извиниться за смех после вопроса о гарантиях Украине 

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  43.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Remember Trump was impeached twice. It should never have gotten to this point.

  44.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Путин ничтожесто моральное и физическое. Кто-то и Гитлера считал мачо. На самом деле, это все видимость. Ткни эту кремлёвскую нечисть, и она рассыпется.

  45.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Джонсон: Путін – це приклад токсичної маскулінності 

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  46.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    In response to Russia's claims in Kaliningrad we demand full access to the traditional Lithuanian lands of Smolensk via this land corridor.

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  47.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Зеленский призвал исключить Россию из Совбеза ООН как государство-террориста. Он заявил что РФ нарушает основополагающие принципы ООН и международного права. "Необходимо, чтобы международный трибунал расследовал действия российских военных", - сказал также президент Украины

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  48.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Украина не будет отвечать на преступления России зеркально. Украина обеспечит оборону городов и армии современной ПРО и будет наказывать русских террористов уничтожением их войск, штабов и коммуникаций.
    Потому что Украина - цивилизованная страна. А Россия - страна-террорист.

  49.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The Cuban regime has condemned over 550 protestors to more than 4,000 combined years of prison or other punitive measures since the historic July 11, 2021 protests. As we near the anniversary, those protestors who remain detained should be returned home to their families.

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  50.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Putler’s idea of being a world leader, is obviously to keep it hostage.

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  51.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Fifty three years ago, a movement was born at the Stonewall Inn.

    Today, we celebrate the generations of LGBTQI+ people who have fought to make the possibilities of our nation real for every American. It is with pride that we continue what they started.

  52.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    NEW: Ukrainian officials are preparing to ask NATO nations to do more to deter possible Russian chemical and nuclear attacks amid Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, as the 30-nation alliance holds a summit meeting in Spain this week. 

  53.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    - Russian patriots fighting against Putin's fascist regime are on the front lines in :
    "Putin - we are coming after your head"

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  54.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Минфин США ввел санкции против "военной машины Путина" - это 70 организаций российского военпрома, среди них госкорпорация "Ростех", "Камаз", ОАО "Авиационный комплекс имени с. В. Ильюшина". Также в списке 29 человек, в том числе телеведущая Тина Канделаки 

  55.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Сегодня мне исполняется 39 лет, и это первый день рождения, который я встречаю за решеткой.

    Приятного мало, но у меня всё равно хорошее настроение. Кажется, я достойно провел эти годы. Есть ощущение, что жизнь наполнена смыслом — и это главное.

    Спасибо вам всем за поддержку ❤️

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  56.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Es ist gut, mit Freunden zusammen zu sein. Und es hat sich als gut erwiesen, viel Zeit miteinander zu haben. Politik beruht auch auf Vertrauen. Wir haben wirklich viele sehr konkrete Dinge entschieden, die der Welt weiterhelfen. Das ist eine gute Botschaft.

  57.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Despite all the efforts of the country's best investigative reporters, we didn't know until now about the president's attempt to commandeer the presidential limo and his struggle with a Secret Service agent. How many more secrets are waiting to be exposed?

  58.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    ⚡️Zelensky: Russia has fired over 2,800 missiles at Ukraine's cities since start of war.

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  59.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Good morning from Madrid - leaders are gathering today for a pivotal .
    Check out the programme here: 
    Follow @jensstoltenberg, @NATO & @NATOpress for the latest updates.

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  60.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Sweden and Finland to be officially invited to join NATO this week.  via @bnnlv

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  61.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    "[The committee needs] to put ultimate pressure on Meadows. They told him today, 'This is the testimony we've locked in. Are you going to help yourself, or are you going to go down with the ship?'" - @FrankFigliuzzi1 w/ @NicolleDWallace

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  62.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    ⚡️ France to send ‘significant quantities’ of armored vehicles to Ukraine.

    French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecornu announced that France will be soon sending armored vehicles to Ukraine. He also said France considers providing Ukraine with Exocet anti-ship missiles.

  63.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Breaking News: Turkey agreed to lift its veto on Sweden and Finland joining NATO, clearing a key diplomatic hurdle to their memberships, Finland's leader said. 

  64.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Breaking News: Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years for conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to recruit and sexually abuse underage girls. 

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The dying toll in the Russian missile strike at Serhiyivka, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky district, Odesa area, has risen to 20. “As of 13:30, 20 individuals were killed (16 residents of condominium block and four guests of recreation center, which includes one particular little one), 38 persons had been hurt (37 inhabitants of apartment block, such...
Kremlin fires more ship killer missiles at land targets: 19 dead, apartments, resort hit – KyivPost
Russian Federation (RF) air forces launched at minimum 3 a lot more substantial Kh-22 anti-ship missiles at floor targets in Ukraine’s southern Odesa Region on Friday, July 1, hitting an condominium developing and a seaside vacation resort, and killing at least 19 civilians, Serhiy Bratchuk, the head of the Odesa regional defense command, said...
Review: In ‘Rise of Gru’ a happy cartoon plague breaks out - The Mercury News
Review: In ‘Rise of Gru’ a happy cartoon plague breaks out  The Mercury News
DW на русском @dw_russian
Путин заявил, что "сообща проще минимизировать ущерб" от санкций, наложенных Западом на РФ и Беларусь. Накануне Лукашенко сказал: "Мы не настолько глупы, чтобы кого-то инкорпорировать, как на Западе говорят, или включать в состав не то Беларуси Россию, не то России Беларусь"
Erdogan's New Warning I Can Turkey Still Stop Finland & Sweden's NATO Entry Amid Ukraine-Russia War?
Turkish president has warned that Ankara could still block Sweden and Finland’s accession to NATO. Erdogan said that two Nordic countries must live up to their promises, including their pledge to fight “terrorism”. Erdogan’s fresh remarks come only two days after Ankara agreed to lift deal-breaking objections to Sweden and Finland’s NATO bid. #turkey...
Lavrov Arrives In Turkey For Talks On Grain Exports - Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Lavrov Arrives In Turkey For Talks On Grain Exports  Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
TOP 20 Aggressive War Music ♫ Most Brutal Military Soundtracks Mix 2022 ♫ Most Powerful Military
TOP 20 Aggressive War Music ♫ Most Brutal Military Soundtracks Mix 2022 ♫ Most Powerful Military 👉million thanks to Giorgio Falconi's generosity for letting us use his artwork. Please check his artstation : ♦ If you need to discuss copyright issues, please email it to us! ✉ ♦ ♦ ✉ ◢Please...
1 in 30 test positive for COVID in England and Wales
Data from the ONS Coronavirus Infection Survey suggests that around 1 in 30 people in England and Wales tested positive for COVID in the week ending 24th June. #coronavirus #covid #skynews SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel for more videos: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:...
Kremlin fires more ship killer missiles at land targets: 19 dead, apartments, resort hit
Russian Federation (RF) air forces launched at least three more massive Kh-22 anti-ship missiles at ground targets in Ukraine’s southern Odesa Region on Friday, July 1, hitting an apartment building and a seaside resort, and killing at least 19 civilians, Serhiy Bratchuk, the head of the Odesa regional defense command, said in a July 1 statement. Ukraine...
Transcript: The ReidOut, 6/17/22 - MSNBC News
... and the Internet to provoke his Capitol siege. Let`s not forget that Trump pressured Vice President Pence privately too, bullied him even.
Public wants Biden to prioritize inflation over Russia: Poll - Washington Examiner
Public wants Biden to prioritize inflation over Russia: Poll  Washington Examiner
The Secrets of Covid ‘Brain Fog’ Are Starting to Lift
Allison Guy was having a great start to 2021. Her health was the best it had ever been. She loved her job and the people she worked with as a communications manager for a conservation nonprofit. She could get up early in the mornings to work on creative projects. Things were looking “really, really good,” […] The post The Secrets of Covid ‘Brain Fog’...
‘We are a community of immigrants’ – Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ group wants to help refugees in NYC
A Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ group is looking to provide resources and support for refugees and asylum seekers in New York City. Violette Matevosian is the development coordinator for RUSA LGBTQ. Matevosian left Russia in 2020 and sought asylum in the U.S. and founded the inclusive network in New York. “We are a community of immigrants. We […] The post...
“We’re watching Russia wither before our eyes,” former US defense chief says
Former US Defense Secretary James Mattis criticized Russia’s war in Ukraine, calling it “immoral” and “operationally stupid,” while speaking Friday at the Seoul Forum 2022. “We have a saying in America, we say that nations with allies thrive, nations without allies wither and we’re watching Russia wither before our eyes right now,” Mattis said. When...
Deadly missile strike hits residential buildings in Ukraine : NPR
Michael_Novakhov shared this story from World : NPR. World Deadly missile strike hits residential buildings in Ukraine’s Odesa region The Associated Press In this photo provided by the Ukrainian Emergency Service, first responders work a damaged residential building in Odesa, Ukraine, early Friday, July 1, 2022, following Russian missile attacks. AP...
Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault
SLOVIANSK, Ukraine (AP) — Russian forces withdrew from a strategic Black Sea island Thursday, potentially easing the threat to the vital Ukrainian port city of Odesa, but kept up their push to encircle the last stronghold of resistance in the eastern province of Luhansk. The Kremlin portrayed the pullout from Snake Island as a “goodwill […] The post...
Kremenchuk: Ukraine releases chilling new footage of mall strike
Published: 16:49 BST, 30 June 2022 | Updated: 16:56 BST, 30 June 2022 Ukraine has released chilling new footage showing people inside a shopping centre as it was struck by a Russian missile on Monday, after the Kremlin insisted the complex was ‘non-functioning’. The newly released footage was captured by CCTV cameras in and around […] The post Kremenchuk:...
A viral reprise: When COVID-19 strikes again and again
For New York musician Erica Mancini, COVID-19 made repeat performances. March 2020. Last December. And again this May. “I’m bummed to know that I might forever just get infected,” said the 31-year-old singer, who is vaccinated and boosted. “I don’t want to be getting sick every month or every two months.” But medical experts warn […] The post A viral...
Putin still wants most of Ukraine, war outlook grim -U.S. intelligence chief
WASHINGTON, June 29 (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin still wants to seize most of Ukraine, but his forces are so degraded by combat that they likely can only achieve incremental gains in the near term, the top U.S. intelligence officer said Wednesday. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, outlining the current U.S. intelligence...
CBS New York @CBSNewYork
First Alert Weather: It'll be hot an humid Friday. Some showers/thunderstorms are possible late in the day and into tonight. Watch @VMurdockTV's full forecast.
The New York Times @nytimes
The WNBA star Brittney Griner arrived at a Russian court for the start of a trial on drug charges. Legal experts said it was all but certain to end in a conviction. Follow updates.
The New York Times @nytimes
At least 18 people were killed and more feared dead, after days of heavy rainfall set off a landslide in India’s northeastern state of Manipur. Rescue workers are still looking for dozens of people.
Главное к 12:00: РФ взяла под контроль заводы Лисичанска, Украина ввела визы для россиян - БИЗНЕС Online
Главное к 12:00: РФ взяла под контроль заводы Лисичанска, Украина ввела визы для россиян  БИЗНЕС Online
НАТО теперь считает Россию «непосредственной угрозой». Как именно блок будет ей противодействовать? Ему удастся остановить новую войну?
Exclusive: FBI rented Istanbul villa where 'Islamic State Beatle' Aine Davis was caught - Middle East Eye
Exclusive: FBI rented Istanbul villa where 'Islamic State Beatle' Aine Davis was caught  Middle East Eye
Видел десятки расстрелянных гражданских, – активист рассказал о выезде из оккупированного Крыма
Более 37 блокпостов и десятки расстрелянных авто с гражданскими. Крымский активист рассказал о своем пути на подконтрольную Украине территорию. Полный текст новости
Как выглядела база отдыха на Одесчине до "демилитаризации" России и после: красноречивое фото
Российские военные продолжают терроризировать украинцев и ночью 1 июля нанесли ракетный удар по Одесчине. Враг уничтожил две базы отдыха, которые ни для кого не несли никакой угрозы. Полный текст новости
Под завалами базы отдыха приехавшие дети, чтобы хоть немного забыть о войне, – Зеленская
В селе Сергеевка в Одесской области под завалами базы отдыха, куда попала российская ракета, остаются три человека. Под руинами находятся двое детей. Полный текст новости
Силы ПВО нанесли россиянам 10 ударов в Луганской области: попали в логистические центры врага
Воздушные силы Украины нанесли 10 авиаударов по скоплениям врага на Луганском направлении. Силы ПВО попали в логистические центры россиян. Полный текст новости
Биткойн опустился ниже 20 тысяч: стоимость топовых криптовалют 1 июля
За последние годы криптовалюты стали важной частью современного финансового мира. На этом рынке уже ряд цифровых монет, на которые обращают внимание все и внимательно следят за любыми изменениями. Сколько стоят ключевые криптовалюты – читайте дальше. Полный текст новости
The Hill @thehill
Texas AG says he would back law banning sodomy if Supreme Court reconsiders landmark case
Does Hungary Offer a Glimpse of Our Authoritarian Future? - The New Yorker
Does Hungary Offer a Glimpse of Our Authoritarian Future?  The New Yorker
FBI: Scammers are interviewing for remote jobs using deepfake tech - Mashable
FBI: Scammers are interviewing for remote jobs using deepfake tech  Mashable
Ezra Miller allegedly called a descendant of a Holocaust survivor a 'Nazi' - Page Six
Ezra Miller allegedly called a descendant of a Holocaust survivor a 'Nazi'  Page SixEzra Miller Accused of Harassing Woman in Germany, and Iceland Choking Victim Breaks Her Silence (EXCLUSIVE)  VarietyEzra Miller's alleged 'abuse' victims speak out: 'I totally felt unsafe'  New York Post Even more Ezra Miller allegations emerge, this time from abroad  The...
Latest Russia-Ukraine war news: Live updates - The Washington Post
Latest Russia-Ukraine war news: Live updates  The Washington Post
Are we witnessing a military revolution on Ukraine battlefields? - The Hill
Are we witnessing a military revolution on Ukraine battlefields?  The Hill
'We are a community of immigrants' – Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ group wants to help refugees in NYC
A Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ group is looking to provide resources and support for refugees and asylum seekers in New York City.Violette Matevosian is the development coordinator for RUSA LGBTQ. Matevosian left Russia in 2020 and sought asylum in the U.S. and founded the inclusive network in New York."We are a community of immigrants. We are a community...
"We're watching Russia wither before our eyes," former US defense chief says
Former US Defense Secretary James Mattis criticized Russia’s war in Ukraine, calling it “immoral” and “operationally stupid,” while speaking Friday at the Seoul Forum 2022.“We have a saying in America, we say that nations with allies thrive, nations without allies wither and we’re watching Russia wither before our eyes right now,” Mattis said.When asked...
‘We are a community of immigrants’ – Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ group wants to help refugees in NYC – News 12 Brooklyn
‘We are a community of immigrants’ – Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ group wants to help refugees in NYC  News 12 Brooklyn The post ‘We are a community of immigrants’ – Russian-speaking LGBTQ+ group wants to help refugees in NYC – News 12 Brooklyn first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
Reflections on G7 leaders’ summit 2022 - Business Recorder
Reflections on G7 leaders’ summit 2022  Business Recorder
US Supreme Court allows Biden to end Trump-era 'Remain in Mexico' immigration policy | World News
The US Supreme Court has allowed President Joe Biden to end the controversial 'Remain in Mexico' immigration policy that originated under the former president Donald Trump's administration. #US #JoeBiden #Immigration About Channel: WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news...
Reuters @Reuters
Britain's Queen Elizabeth made her third public appearance in a week as she attended a military parade at Holyroodhouse palace during the annual Royal Week in Scotland. The Queen was joined in Edinburgh by her son Prince Charles
Latest Developments in Ukraine: July 1 - Voice of America - VOA News
Latest Developments in Ukraine: July 1  Voice of America - VOA News
Более 30 граждан ЛНР были освобождены благодаря обмену – омбудсмен
Она рассказала, что состояние освобожденных из плена неудовлетворительное.The post Более 30 граждан ЛНР были освобождены благодаря обмену – омбудсмен first appeared on The Russia News.
В Токио продумают «дальнейшие шаги» в связи с указом Путина о «Сахалине-2»
Власти Японии намерены изучить «детали вопроса».The post В Токио продумают «дальнейшие шаги» в связи с указом Путина о «Сахалине-2» first appeared on The Russia News.
Pope Francis denounces attack on Kremenchuk’s shopping mall, calls for dialogue – Republic World
Pope Francis denounces attack on Kremenchuk’s shopping mall, calls for dialogue  Republic WorldThe post Pope Francis denounces attack on Kremenchuk’s shopping mall, calls for dialogue – Republic World first appeared on The Russia News.
Zelensky: 287 children killed in Russian invasions – The Hill
Zelensky: 287 children killed in Russian invasions  The HillThe post Zelensky: 287 children killed in Russian invasions – The Hill first appeared on The Russia News.
Volodymyr Zelensky gives Ben Wallace ‘go f— yourself’ stamps – The Telegraph
Volodymyr Zelensky gives Ben Wallace ‘go f— yourself’ stamps  The TelegraphThe post Volodymyr Zelensky gives Ben Wallace ‘go f— yourself’ stamps – The Telegraph first appeared on The Russia News.
We must prepare for negotiations on EU membership – Zelensky – Interfax-Ukraine
We must prepare for negotiations on EU membership – Zelensky  Interfax-UkraineThe post We must prepare for negotiations on EU membership – Zelensky – Interfax-Ukraine first appeared on The Russia News.
Three people still trapped under rubble of recreation center in Serhiivka
A few persons, including two kids, continue being trapped below the rubble of a recreation middle in Serhiyivka, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky district, Odesa area, which was ruined by a Russian missile attack. “As of 09:40, a nine-tale apartment block and a recreation middle were wholly destroyed in the strike on Serhiyivka village,” Deputy Head of...
Deadly overnight Odesa attacks are Russia’s revenge for Zmiyny Island – KyivPost
Posted July 1 at 12:10 pm Deadly missile strikes on Odesa Location – July 1 (Leshchenko Telegram channel) Terror is the major tactic staying utilized by Russia.  An attack on the village of Serhiyivka in the Bilhorod Dniester District of Odesa observed three rockets strike a 9-storey setting up and a recreation middle. ...
Мощный “хлопок” и столб дыма: в Курске, откуда атаковали Кременчуг, что-то сильно взорвалось – ᐈ 24 Канал ᐅ Все новости мира и Украины
Мощный “хлопок” и столб дыма: в Курске, откуда атаковали Кременчуг, что-то сильно взорвалось  ᐈ 24 Канал ᐅ Все новости мира и УкраиныThe post Мощный “хлопок” и столб дыма: в Курске, откуда атаковали Кременчуг, что-то сильно взорвалось – ᐈ 24 Канал ᐅ Все новости мира и Украины first appeared on The Russia News.
Kazakhstan Fully Restores International Air Travel, Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Level – Astana Times
Kazakhstan Fully Restores International Air Travel, Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Level  Astana TimesThe post Kazakhstan Fully Restores International Air Travel, Surpasses Pre-Pandemic Level – Astana Times first appeared on The Russia News.
Ukraine devastated and about to lose the eastern part to Russia but the four-month war still on – National Herald
Ukraine devastated and about to lose the eastern part to Russia but the four-month war still on  National HeraldThe post Ukraine devastated and about to lose the eastern part to Russia but the four-month war still on – National Herald first appeared on The Russia News.
Rise of Arab-Israel axis pushes Iran to redouble nuclear talks push – Euronews
Rise of Arab-Israel axis pushes Iran to redouble nuclear talks push  EuronewsThe post Rise of Arab-Israel axis pushes Iran to redouble nuclear talks push – Euronews first appeared on The Russia News.
“We’re watching Russia wither before our eyes,” former US defense chief says – Egypt Independent
“We’re watching Russia wither before our eyes,” former US defense chief says  Egypt IndependentThe post “We’re watching Russia wither before our eyes,” former US defense chief says – Egypt Independent first appeared on The Russia News.
Russian trial of American basketball star Brittney Griner opens – KAKE
Russian trial of American basketball star Brittney Griner opens  KAKEThe post Russian trial of American basketball star Brittney Griner opens – KAKE first appeared on The Russia News.
17 dead in southern Ukraine strikes, after Russia quits Snake Island - Yahoo News UK
17 dead in southern Ukraine strikes, after Russia quits Snake Island  Yahoo News UK
More NATO aid for Georgia, but no progress on membership - Eurasianet
More NATO aid for Georgia, but no progress on membership  Eurasianet
Минобороны РФ: союзные войска вышли непосредственно к Лисичанску
Взяты под контроль Лисичанский НПЗ, шахта Матросская, Желатиновый завод и Тополевка.
В России все банки подключились к антиотмывочной платформе ЦБ
В ней есть сведения о 7 миллионах индивидуальных предпринимателей и юрлиц.
В украинской армии растет число уклоняющихся от участия в боевых действиях
По данным Минобороны РФ, рост количества дезертиров провоцируют неудачи ВСУ.
Trump's Jan. 6: What he did as aides urged him to stop Capitol attack - USA Today
We think they are Antifa. Dressed like Trump supporters." FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 2021 the agency ...
Ukrainian children reported seized, missing amid war with Russia – Al Jazeera English
Ukrainian children reported seized, missing amid war with Russia  Al Jazeera EnglishThe post Ukrainian children reported seized, missing amid war with Russia – Al Jazeera English first appeared on Advertising - The News And Times.
How to get rid of medical debt — or avoid it in the first place
Bills can add up fast when you’re dealing with a health crisis. And if you can’t pay them, they can wreak havoc on your finances. Here’s how to stay out of medical debt — or make it go away. (Image credit: Oona Tempest/KHN) The post How to get rid of medical debt — or avoid it in the first place first appeared on Advertising - The News And Times.
AP Top Stories July 1 A
Here's the latest for Friday July 1st: Ukraine says Russian missiles hit Odesa residential buildings; Poll shows abortion and women's rights becoming higher priority in US; Supreme Court ruling could affect Biden climate policies; 9 shot in Newark, NJ. Subscribe for more Breaking News: Website:
EC President von der Leyen: Europe will not rest until Ukraine prevails
Europe will stand up with Ukraine as long as it takes and will not rest until Ukraine prevails.
Death toll in missile strike at Serhiyivka rises to 19
The death toll in the Russian missile strike at Serhiyivka, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky district, Odesa region, has risen to 19.
Boris Johnson says if Putin were a woman, there would be no war: Why the world needs more women leaders - Times Now
Boris Johnson says if Putin were a woman, there would be no war: Why the world needs more women leaders  Times Now
Ukraine War | 18 Dead In Odesa, Lysychansk Oil Plant Seized | Will Russia Return For Snake Island?
Ukraine says Russian troops have stormed the Lysychansk oil refinery and taken control of the northern part of the plant. However, Moscow claims its forces have “completely taken over the refinery” in Lysychansk. Russian missile attacks on buildings in Odesa killed at least 18 people. Ukraine's forces claim it destroyed 35 Russian soldiers, 2 T-72B3...
Ukrainian intelligence reveals details of largest prisoner swap with Russia to date - Yahoo News
Ukrainian intelligence reveals details of largest prisoner swap with Russia to date  Yahoo News
British Defense Intelligence Update, July 1, 2022 - KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice
On 30 June 2022, the Russian Ministry of Defence announced that its forces had withdrawn from Snake Island in the north-west Black Sea. The island was seized by Russia on the first day of the invasion and sits along the main shipping lanes to Odesa and its adjacent ports. The Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted attacks against the Russian garrison...
Europe will not rest until Ukraine prevails
At minimum 17 individuals ended up killed and dozens wounded Friday in missile strikes on Ukraine’s Odesa area, a day soon after Russian troops abandoned positions on a strategic island in a key setback to the Kremlin’s invasion. The news came just after NATO leaders wrapped up a summit in Madrid, with US President Joe Biden saying $800 million in...
British Defense Intelligence Update, July 1, 2022 - KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice - Kyiv Post
British Defense Intelligence Update, July 1, 2022 - KyivPost - Ukraine's Global Voice  Kyiv Post
Video 13 dead in Russian missile strike at shopping mall - ABC News
Video 13 dead in Russian missile strike at shopping mall  ABC News
Lev Parnas, former Giuliani associate, sentenced on fraud charges – The Washington Post
Lev Parnas, former Giuliani associate, sentenced on fraud charges  The Washington Post The post Lev Parnas, former Giuliani associate, sentenced on fraud charges – The Washington Post first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
Путин: Москву и Минск подталкивают к ускорению объединительных процессов
По словам российского лидера, на это оказывают влияние беспрецедентное политическое давление и санкции Запада.
Песков: в Кремле и резиденциях президента РФ сохраняется масочный режим
По словам пресс-секретаря президента, там действует режим повышенной предосторожности.
Беларусь ввела безвизовый въезд для граждан Польши с 1 июля по 31 декабря – для “поддержания добрососедских отношений”, заявили в Минске. ПЦР-тест и справка о вакцинации от ковида не понадобятся. Между тем, Польша построила на границе с Беларусью стену…
Беларусь ввела безвизовый въезд для граждан Польши с 1 июля по 31 декабря – для “поддержания добрососедских отношений”, заявили в Минске. ПЦР-тест и справка о вакцинации от ковида не понадобятся. Между тем, Польша построила на границе с Беларусью стену… The post Беларусь ввела безвизовый въезд для граждан Польши с 1 июля по...
В России отменили все антиковидные ограничения
Глава Роспотребнадзора Анна Попова подписала постановление о снятии всех ограничений, введенных в России из-за пандемии коронавируса. The post В России отменили все антиковидные ограничения first appeared on The Russia News. The post В России отменили все антиковидные ограничения first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
CDC updates US monkeypox cases to 45, says overall risk remains low | AHA News – American Hospital Association
CDC updates US monkeypox cases to 45, says overall risk remains low | AHA News  American Hospital Association The post CDC updates US monkeypox cases to 45, says overall risk remains low | AHA News – American Hospital Association first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
NPR News: 07-01-2022 6AM ET
NPR News: 07-01-2022 6AM ET The post NPR News: 07-01-2022 6AM ET first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
Russia says iron curtain is ‘already descending’; Biden pledges to stick with Ukraine for ‘as long as it takes’ – CNBC
Russia says iron curtain is ‘already descending’; Biden pledges to stick with Ukraine for ‘as long as it takes’  CNBC The post Russia says iron curtain is ‘already descending’; Biden pledges to stick with Ukraine for ‘as long as it takes’ – CNBC first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
Ukraine war: Russian missile strikes kill 19 in Odesa region
The child killed at the holiday resort was a 12-year-old boy, said Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s office. He added that three people, including two children, were still under the rubble. The post Ukraine war: Russian missile strikes kill 19 in Odesa region first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
Europe will not rest until Ukraine prevails
Europe will stand up with Ukraine as very long as it can take and will not rest until eventually Ukraine prevails. “Just days back, on Structure Working day, President Zelensky, you said that your ‘victory is not significantly off’. Of class, Putin’s military is nonetheless killing your brothers and sisters. They continue on occupying your […] The...
AP Top News at 11:52 pm EDT -
AP Top News at 11:52 pm EDT
Ukraine invasion suggests Putin is more Vladimir the Reactionary than Peter the Great - The Conversation
Ukraine invasion suggests Putin is more Vladimir the Reactionary than Peter the Great  The Conversation
Putin's Ukraine Invasion Turbocharges NATO Defense Spending - Foreign Policy
Putin's Ukraine Invasion Turbocharges NATO Defense Spending  Foreign Policy
Putin hints at unleashing horror defence pact with Belarus in chilling warning to West - Express
Putin hints at unleashing horror defence pact with Belarus in chilling warning to West  Express
Europe will not rest until Ukraine prevails
Europe will stand up with Ukraine as very long as it can take and will not rest until eventually Ukraine prevails. “Just days back, on Structure Working day, President Zelensky, you said that your ‘victory is not significantly off’. Of class, Putin’s military is nonetheless killing your brothers and sisters. They continue on occupying your...
Ukraine war: Russian missile strikes kill 19 in Odesa region
The child killed at the holiday resort was a 12-year-old boy, said Kyrylo Tymoshenko, deputy head of President Volodymyr Zelensky's office. He added that three people, including two children, were still under the rubble.
Death toll in missile strike at Serhiyivka rises to 19
The demise toll in the Russian missile strike at Serhiyivka, Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky district, Odesa location, has risen to 19. “We are working in Serhiyivka, Odesa region. Right here, at night time, the Russians launched a missile strike at a residential setting up and a recreation heart with civilians inside of. Rescuers have been performing...
Inflation in 19 countries using euro hits record 8.6%
LONDON (AP) — Inflation in the 19 countries that use the euro currency hit a record 8.6% in June, pushed higher by a strong increase in energy costs fueled partly by Russia’s war in Ukraine. Food prices also picked up pace. Annual inflation in the eurozone surged past the 8.1% recorded in May, according to the latest numbers published Friday by the...
CDC updates US monkeypox cases to 45, says overall risk remains low | AHA News - American Hospital Association
CDC updates US monkeypox cases to 45, says overall risk remains low | AHA News  American Hospital Association
В России отменили все антиковидные ограничения
Глава Роспотребнадзора Анна Попова подписала постановление о снятии всех ограничений, введенных в России из-за пандемии коронавируса.The post В России отменили все антиковидные ограничения first appeared on The Russia News.
Lev Parnas, former Giuliani associate, sentenced on fraud charges – The Washington Post
Lev Parnas, former Giuliani associate, sentenced on fraud charges  The Washington PostThe post Lev Parnas, former Giuliani associate, sentenced on fraud charges – The Washington Post first appeared on The Russia News.
DW на русском @dw_russian
Беларусь ввела безвизовый въезд для граждан Польши с 1 июля по 31 декабря - для "поддержания добрососедских отношений", заявили в Минске. ПЦР-тест и справка о вакцинации от ковида не понадобятся. Между тем, Польша построила на границе с Беларусью стену…
9 people who sought preemptive pardons from Trump after Jan. 6 - Business Insider
9 people who sought preemptive pardons from Trump after Jan. 6  Business Insider
Four dead after truck carrying migrants crashes in Texas
The incident comes days after 53 people died in the deadliest human smuggling incident in US history.
Letter: There's no point blaming Merkel for Russia conflict - Financial Times
Letter: There's no point blaming Merkel for Russia conflict  Financial Times
Timeline: Week 18 of Russia’s war in Ukraine - Al Jazeera English
Timeline: Week 18 of Russia’s war in Ukraine  Al Jazeera English
Ukraine devastated and about to lose the eastern part to Russia but the four-month war still on - National Herald
Ukraine devastated and about to lose the eastern part to Russia but the four-month war still on  National Herald
Au revoir, French presidency of the EU: A mixed bag of results for Macron • FRANCE 24 English
France is handing over the baton of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union to the Czech Republic. It’s a rotating role that every EU member state holds in turn for six months – meaning that with 27 member states, it only comes around once every 13 and a half years. 🔔 Subscribe to France 24 now:
'Old school Russians outsmarted' Putin warned as Ukraine prepares major counteroffensive - Express
'Old school Russians outsmarted' Putin warned as Ukraine prepares major counteroffensive  Express
Путин и Медведев поменялись ролями – ИноСМИ
Путин и Медведев поменялись ролями  ИноСМИThe post Путин и Медведев поменялись ролями – ИноСМИ first appeared on Advertising at The News And Times.
Biden: War ‘will not end with a Russian defeat of Ukraine in Ukraine’
“All of the alliance is going to stick with Ukraine as long as it takes,” the president said at the NATO summit in Madrid. #bidenwarThe post Biden: War ‘will not end with a Russian defeat of Ukraine in Ukraine’ first appeared on Advertising at The News And Times.
РБК: В Новосибирске сотрудники ФСБ задержали в больнице ученого с онкодиагнозом - Росбалт
РБК: В Новосибирске сотрудники ФСБ задержали в больнице ученого с онкодиагнозом  РосбалтНовосибирского ученого Дмитрия Колкера ФСБ задержала прямо в больнице - Происшествия - Новости Санкт-Петербурга  Фонтанка.РуФСБ задержала в Новосибирске учëного Дмитрия Колкера  Инфо24В Новосибирске по делу о госизмене арестован известный учёный  Радио Свобода Известного...
Did Tokayev Provide Putin With A Good Excuse For ‘Causing A Great Inconvenience’ To Kazakhstan, Europe? – Analysis – Eurasia Review
Did Tokayev Provide Putin With A Good Excuse For ‘Causing A Great Inconvenience’ To Kazakhstan, Europe? – Analysis  Eurasia ReviewThe post Did Tokayev Provide Putin With A Good Excuse For ‘Causing A Great Inconvenience’ To Kazakhstan, Europe? – Analysis – Eurasia Review first appeared on The Russia News.
Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault – KSLA
Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault  KSLAThe post Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault – KSLA first appeared on The Russia News.
On the verge of despair: life in Kherson after Russian occupation – report – Euromaidan Press
On the verge of despair: life in Kherson after Russian occupation – report  Euromaidan PressThe post On the verge of despair: life in Kherson after Russian occupation – report – Euromaidan Press first appeared on The Russia News.
Russia-Ukraine war: Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault – New Zealand Herald
Russia-Ukraine war: Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault  New Zealand HeraldThe post Russia-Ukraine war: Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault – New Zealand Herald first appeared on The Russia News.
Украина ввела визовый режим для граждан России
Визу можно будет оформить в визовых центрах, расположенных в восьми российских городах, или в третьих странах.The post Украина ввела визовый режим для граждан России first appeared on The Russia News.
Opinion: Don’t be fooled by Boris Johnson’s backing of Ukraine – CNN
Opinion: Don’t be fooled by Boris Johnson’s backing of Ukraine  CNNThe post Opinion: Don’t be fooled by Boris Johnson’s backing of Ukraine – CNN first appeared on The Russia News.
ISW retweeted: Snake Island on June 29 vs Snake Island on June 30.
ISW retweeted: Snake Island on June 29 vs Snake Island on June 30. The post ISW retweeted: Snake Island on June 29 vs Snake Island on June 30. first appeared on The Russia News.
Macron says Russia can’t win in Ukraine after strike on mall – The Morning Journal
Macron says Russia can’t win in Ukraine after strike on mall  The Morning JournalThe post Macron says Russia can’t win in Ukraine after strike on mall – The Morning Journal first appeared on The Russia News.
Russian forces fight to capture Ukraine’s eastern bulwark – Spectrum News NY1
Russian forces fight to capture Ukraine’s eastern bulwark  Spectrum News NY1The post Russian forces fight to capture Ukraine’s eastern bulwark – Spectrum News NY1 first appeared on The Russia News.
Horror moment missile hits packed mall – Daily Telegraph
Horror moment missile hits packed mall  Daily TelegraphThe post Horror moment missile hits packed mall – Daily Telegraph first appeared on The Russia News.
Ukraine mourns shopping mall attack victims, war crimes team on the scene –
Ukraine mourns shopping mall attack victims, war crimes team on the scene  StreetInsider.comThe post Ukraine mourns shopping mall attack victims, war crimes team on the scene – first appeared on The Russia News.
Путин заявил о готовности России удовлетворить спрос дружественных государств на удобрения - МИР 24
Путин заявил о готовности России удовлетворить спрос дружественных государств на удобрения  МИР 24
Biden: War 'will not end with a Russian defeat of Ukraine in Ukraine'
“All of the alliance is going to stick with Ukraine as long as it takes,” the president said at the NATO summit in Madrid. #bidenwar
Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault - KSLA
Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault  KSLA
Путин посетил штаб-квартиру СВР и возложил цветы к монументу - МИР 24
Путин посетил штаб-квартиру СВР и возложил цветы к монументу  МИР 24
Путин и Медведев поменялись ролями - ИноСМИ
Путин и Медведев поменялись ролями  ИноСМИ
Biden arrives in Spain to attend NATO summit, pledges billions for food security to finish G7 - UPI News
Biden arrives in Spain to attend NATO summit, pledges billions for food security to finish G7  UPI News
Зеленский призвал ООН исключить РФ из Совбеза после атаки на Кременчуг - Радио Свобода
Зеленский призвал ООН исключить РФ из Совбеза после атаки на Кременчуг  Радио Свобода
Russian forces leave Snake Island, keep up eastern assault
SLOVIANSK, Ukraine (AP) — Russian forces withdrew from a strategic Black Sea island Thursday, potentially easing the threat to the vital Ukrainian port city of Odesa, but kept up their push to encircle the last stronghold of resistance in the eastern province of Luhansk. The Kremlin portrayed the pullout from Snake Island as a “goodwill gesture.”...
Russian forces fight to capture Ukraine's eastern bulwark - Spectrum News
Russian forces fight to capture Ukraine's eastern bulwark  Spectrum News
Opinion: Boris Johnson bets on reviving fears of a ‘coalition of chaos’
To defeat the Lib Dems, PM intends to put the same stark choice to voters that worked for the Tories in 2015 Opinion
Project Syndicate: Catholics v. the Constitution
More and more in the United States, the secular left and the religious right are engaged in a culture war, revolving around sexuality, gender, and race, where politics is no longer negotiable. When that happens, institutions start breaking down, and the stage is set for charismatic demagogues and the politics of violence. Project Syndicate
U.S. House committee subpoenas former White House counsel as Capitol riot inquiry continues - Xinhua
U.S. House committee subpoenas former White House counsel as Capitol riot inquiry continues  Xinhua
Knesset dissolved, Lapid will be Israel’s new PM; Elections set for November 1
By Batya Jerenberg, World Israel NewsIsrael’s legislature voted to dissolve itself Thursday morning, bringing an end to the 24th Knesset and forcing Israel into its fifth round of elections in three years.The elections for the 25th Knesset will be held on Tuesday, November 1st.The final tally was 92 in favor of the bill dissolving the Knesset, with...
The Hill @thehill
Thursday, President Biden departs NATO summit in Madrid.
Крылатыми ракетами в Кременчуге уничтожен объект с иностранными вооружениями, поставляемыми на Украину - Военное обозрение
Крылатыми ракетами в Кременчуге уничтожен объект с иностранными вооружениями, поставляемыми на Украину  Военное обозрение
Украинские власти заявили о девяти ракетных ударах по Кременчугу - Крым.Реалии
Украинские власти заявили о девяти ракетных ударах по Кременчугу  Крым.Реалии
Вооруженные силы РФ уничтожили объекты НПЗ и хранилища топлива для ВСУ в Кременчуге. Новости - Первый канал
Вооруженные силы РФ уничтожили объекты НПЗ и хранилища топлива для ВСУ в Кременчуге. Новости  Первый канал
Дефицит топлива: россияне уничтожили крупнейшее предприятие по производству нефтепродуктов в Украине - УНИАН
Дефицит топлива: россияне уничтожили крупнейшее предприятие по производству нефтепродуктов в Украине  УНИАН
Оккупанты обстреляли Полтавскую область, четыре ракеты прилетели в Кременчуг – глава обладминистрации - ГОРДОН
Оккупанты обстреляли Полтавскую область, четыре ракеты прилетели в Кременчуг – глава обладминистрации  ГОРДОН
Ракетный удар совершен по Кременчугу. Дополнено | Последние события -
Ракетный удар совершен по Кременчугу. Дополнено | Последние события
Россия атаковала Кременчуг: прилетело восемь ракет, пострадали НПЗ и ТЭЦ -
Россия атаковала Кременчуг: прилетело восемь ракет, пострадали НПЗ и ТЭЦ
Где находится Кременчуг на карте Украины, карта Кременчуга, ТРЦ «Амстор» - Спортивное обозрение
Где находится Кременчуг на карте Украины, карта Кременчуга, ТРЦ «Амстор»  Спортивное обозрение
Зеленский попросил G7 о двух серьезных вещах - НВ
Зеленский попросил G7 о двух серьезных вещах  НВ
ВИДЕО : Россия нанесла ракетный удар по ТЦ в Кременчуге, власти сообщают о погибших и пострадавших - Euronews Русский
ВИДЕО : Россия нанесла ракетный удар по ТЦ в Кременчуге, власти сообщают о погибших и пострадавших  Euronews Русский
Кременчуг: появилось видео ракетных обстрелов ТЦ -
Кременчуг: появилось видео ракетных обстрелов ТЦ
Киев, Харьков, Кременчуг: Жданов объяснил, почему РФ усилила обстрелы - Факты ICTV
Киев, Харьков, Кременчуг: Жданов объяснил, почему РФ усилила обстрелы  Факты ICTV
18 погибших, 36 пропавших без вести: в Кременчуге подсчитывают количество жертв - ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ - VOA Russian
18 погибших, 36 пропавших без вести: в Кременчуге подсчитывают количество жертв  ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ - VOA RussianЛюди у раскаленных завалов. Репортаж из Кременчуга, где Россия обстреляла торговый центр с посетителями  МедиазонаРоссийская ракета попала в торговый центр в Кременчуге. Погибли 20 человек, десятки раненых  Би-би-си Русская службаФейк Лаврова:...
Ракетная атака на Кременчук и российские аттестаты в Мелитополе – новые фейки кремля - Укринформ
Ракетная атака на Кременчук и российские аттестаты в Мелитополе – новые фейки кремля  Укринформ
Наказать летчиков, обстрелявших Кременчуг, будет возможно – Денисенко - ТСН
Наказать летчиков, обстрелявших Кременчуг, будет возможно – Денисенко  ТСН
Что говорят в России об атаке на Кременчуг? - ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ - VOA Russian
Что говорят в России об атаке на Кременчуг?  ГОЛОС АМЕРИКИ - VOA Russian
Kremenchuk: Ukraine releases chilling new footage of mall strike
Published: 16:49 BST, 30 June 2022 | Updated: 16:56 BST, 30 June 2022 Ukraine has released chilling new footage showing people inside a shopping centre as it was struck by a Russian missile on Monday, after the Kremlin insisted the complex was 'non-functioning'.The newly released footage was captured by CCTV cameras in and around the Amstor...
Politics and Personality: Most of What You Read Is Malarkey
You’ve seen the headlines. You’ve maybe even quoted them, especially now that it’s election season. “Conservatives More Susceptible to Bullshit Than Liberals.” “Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives?” “Studies: Conservatives Are from Mars, Liberals Are from Venus.” All of these tantalizing connections between personalities and politics sound...
NATO vows to guard ‘every inch of territory’ as Russia fumes
'We live in a more dangerous world,' says Jens Stoltenberg, wrapping up summit in the shadow of the invasion of Ukraine
Kremenchuk: Ukraine releases chilling new footage of mall strike - Daily Mail
Kremenchuk: Ukraine releases chilling new footage of mall strike  Daily Mail
Russia’s war against Ukraine: Day 127, June 30 – Update 1
– NATO acts against Russian “direct threat” – NATO leaders meeting in Madrid say Russia now poses a “direct threat” to the Western alliance and agree to bolster its forces, as its chief Jens Stoltenberg says Ukraine can count on support “as long as it takes”.  Russia “is the most significant and direct threat to allies’ security and to peace and stability...
Politics and Personality: Most of What You Read Is Malarkey
You’ve seen the headlines. You’ve maybe even quoted them, especially now that it’s election season. “Conservatives More Susceptible to Bullshit Than Liberals.” “Study: Are Liberals Smarter Than Conservatives?” “Studies: Conservatives Are from Mars, Liberals Are from Venus.” All of these tantalizing connections between personalities and politics sound...
Israel's parliament dissolves, sets 5th election in 4 years
AP correspondent Charles de Ledesma reports on Israel-Politics.
WATCH LIVE: President Biden Holds NATO Press Conference
President Joe Biden holds a press conference at the NATO Summit in Madrid, Spain, June 30, 2022. » Subscribe to VOA News: » Watch more VOA News video: Voice of America (VOA) is the largest U.S. international broadcaster, providing news and information in more than 40 languages to an estimated...
New York Daily News: Four people charged in connection to smuggling operation that left 53 dead in San Antonio tanker truck
Four people have officially been charged for their roles in the deadly smuggling operation after allegedly leaving dozens of migrants to die in the back of a sweltering 18-wheeler in San Antonio earlier this week. New York Daily News The post New York Daily News: Four people charged in connection to smuggling operation that left 53 dead in San Antonio...
Немцы назвали наглостью высокие зарплаты политиков ФРГ
Данные о заработных платах немецких чиновников опубликовала газета Bild. The post Немцы назвали наглостью высокие зарплаты политиков ФРГ first appeared on The Brooklyn Guide.
How the top US Nazi hunter intends to bring Russian war criminals to justice - Jewish Insider
How the top US Nazi hunter intends to bring Russian war criminals to justice  Jewish Insider
Russian forces withdraw from Snake Island; Putin still aims to claim most of Ukraine: Live Ukraine updates - USA TODAY
Russian forces withdraw from Snake Island; Putin still aims to claim most of Ukraine: Live Ukraine updates  USA TODAY
Russia open to dialogue on nuclear non-proliferation, Putin says -
Russia open to dialogue on nuclear non-proliferation, Putin says
Germany Sees Possible Russian 'Blockade' of Key Gas Pipeline - U.S. News & World Report
Germany Sees Possible Russian 'Blockade' of Key Gas Pipeline  U.S. News & World Report
Russia Threat Assessment: Psychological Profile of Vladimir Putin
Note: The content of this page is available with proper page margins and padding at for improved readability. March 14, 2022 — USPP releases updated threat assessment Scroll to the bottom of this page or the page for an updated threat assessment in the wake of Russia’s invasion...
New Zelensky biography reveals first meeting with Putin: 'bundle of nerves'
World Volodymyr Zelensky Ukraine Vladimir Putin Russia-Ukraine War When Russia's Vladimir Putin began a military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, it was widely assumed that Ukraine would surrender quickly. Instead, Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky—an actor-turned-politician famous for playing an actor-turned-politician in...
US intelligence chief: Putin still wants most of Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin still wants to seize most of Ukraine, but his forces are so degraded by combat that they likely can only achieve incremental gains in the near term, the top US intelligence officer said Wednesday (29 June). Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, outlining the current US intelligence assessment of the more...
Analysis | Zelensky (maybe) tells Biden he wants the war over by winter - The Washington Post
Analysis | Zelensky (maybe) tells Biden he wants the war over by winter  The Washington Post
Zelensky calls on world leaders to punish Russia after deadly mall strike - The Washington Post
Zelensky calls on world leaders to punish Russia after deadly mall strike  The Washington Post
Zelensky pushes NATO for more weapons, pleads for further support - The Times of Israel
Zelensky pushes NATO for more weapons, pleads for further support  The Times of Israel
Video: Zelensky Shares Footage of Missile Striking Ukrainian Mall - The New York Times
Video: Zelensky Shares Footage of Missile Striking Ukrainian Mall  The New York Times
"Putin has become a terrorist": Zelensky urges UN to expel Russia - Axios
"Putin has become a terrorist": Zelensky urges UN to expel Russia  AxiosZelensky calls for UN to expel Russia, deem nation state sponsor of terrorism  The HillZelensky says Putin has become 'a terrorist', urges action| Top updates  Hindustan Times'Pressure on Russia is not enough': Zelensky  Roya News EnglishZelensky releases photos of Russian crimes...


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