Opinions Review at 3 p.m. [Inoreader digest]

Opinions Review at 3 p.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  May 18 2022

Opinions Review at 3 p.m. EST Daily
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Opinion: Target: consumer demand guessing game foxes a pandemic winner
Company blames mismatch on 'bulky categories' such as kitchen appliances, televisions and outdoor furniture...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 19m
Opinion: Cities will need help to adapt to a post-commuter society
Governments must support urban areas hit by the rise in remote working Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 19m
The Post's View: The world must not forget Mariupol's defenders
They are heroes, and we must ensure Putin keeps his promise to treat them decently and lawfully. The...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 51m
World Socialist Web Site (en): Protests against hike in food and fuel prices across...
World Bank Chief economist Carmen Reinhart commented, "I don't want to be melodramatic, but it's not...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 51m
Editorials | The Guardian: The Guardian view on fixing inflation: a reckoning with...
Tories say taxes must fall to curb inflation, even at the cost of a higher deficit. Labour should argue...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 51m
Editorials | The Guardian: The Guardian view on abusive MPs: beware the arrogance...
Predatory men are adept at manipulating imbalances of power in opaque and informal hierarchies, such...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 51m
Opinion | The Guardian: The Republican primaries are a tug-of-war between rightwing...
Trump's claim that the 2020 election was 'stolen' is now entrenched as Republican Gospel, and the candidates...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 51m
FOX News : Opinion: Pennsylvania proves Republicans still want 'America First'
Despite being victorious in an amazing 58 of the 59 primary elections in which he endorsed a candidate...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
World Socialist Web Site (en): ASDA distribution workers in the UK vote overwhelmingly...
The consultative ballot is a mechanism for demoralizing workers while buying time to reach an arrangement...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Residents in Salford and Sheffield, UK, speak on cost-of-living...
This week a Sky News survey found that 27 percent of Britons aged 16-75 "skipped meals" in April. World...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Johnson government pushes UK to the brink of trade...
The task at hand is not to "defend the protocol", but to mobilise the working class for a socialist Ireland,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
Opinions: Does the world really want an 'Avatar' sequel?
James Cameron has a solid track record — and an ace up his sleeve. Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
Opinions: Three things to watch in Virginia
Keep an eye on the 1st Congressional District race, the redistricting lawsuit and the state budget. Each...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion: UniCommerz: Russian threat could catalyse merger war has interrupted
A deal still makes long-term sense and Orcel may just have the diplomatic chops to pull one off Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Project Syndicate: Losing Rights in America
The leaked Supreme Court draft majority opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade represents a radical break from...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
NYT > Opinion: Passion in Buffalo: Biden Takes On White Supremacy
Readers praise the president's words as "a rallying cry" and lament that they "needed to be said in 2022."...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion: US baby formula crisis holds lessons for reshoring dangers
Protectionism and government contracts left a critical industry dangerously dependent on only a few suppliers...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinions: Say it clearly: Republicans just nominated a pro-Trump insurrectionist
We need to be much clearer about what's really on the ballot this fall. Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion: Debt suffocates African nations' ability to respond to climate change
Bondholders are preventing low-income countries from protecting vulnerable populations Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion: British Land: flight to quality boosts lettings as workers return to offices
Investors should ponder how inflation affects property group's prospects Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion: Why buying a flat might not be such a good idea
In England, buying a flat used to be an effective stepping stone to buying a house — it doesn't work...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 3h
Opinion: India's export shock exacerbates a global food crisis
Wheat prices are soaring after government plans to feed the world fell apart under domestic pressure...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 4h
Project Syndicate: Will US Inflation Lead to Recession?
While some economic indicators suggest that the recovery remains on track, others show that consumers...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 4h
Opinion: Gene technology: A Brexit opportunity worth grasping
The genetic technology bill is a moment to cheer new global benefits from the UK's agricultural science...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 5h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Sri Lanka marks 13 years of Mullivaikal massacre amid...
Today, on May 18, millions of people are commemorating the bloody massacre of Tamil fighters and civilians...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 6h
Project Syndicate: Preparing for Climate Overshoot
Humanity's continuing failure to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions has substantially increased the likelihood...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 6h
George Will: Think about this when judging race-based college admissions
The Supreme Court's duty is to exercise its judgment, not defer to presumptions. George Will
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Opinions: Think about this when judging race-based college admissions
The Supreme Court's duty is to exercise its judgment, not defer to presumptions. Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Opinions: Do kids really have a Second Amendment right to buy assault rifles?
Talk about terrible timing. A federal appeals court last week struck down a California law barring semiautomatic...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Opinion | The Guardian: Why do white supremacists want to kill Black people? | Derecka...
What are the roots of this violence and how do we fight it?After a century of attempts by Black activists...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 8h
Opinion | The Guardian: A million have died of Covid-19 in America. How did this...
One million people should never have to die from another pandemic. Not in America, a country built to...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 8h
Project Syndicate: Have We Reached the Limits to Growth?
The Club of Rome's landmark 1972 report warning of the potentially catastrophic consequences of exponential...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 8h
Project Syndicate: What Justifies China's Zero-COVID Policy?
In the years since COVID-19's emergence, China has devised and implemented a highly effective disease-outbreak...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 8h
Opinions: U.S. mistakes in Ukraine can't all be pinned on bad intelligence
The truth is there is plenty of blame to go around. Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 8h
NYT > Opinion: The Formula Shortage Has Led to Misguided Calls for Women to Breastfeed
It's an invention that has saved babies' lives and given mothers their own lives back. Why are women...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: Is John Fetterman the Future of the Democratic Party?
His quirky personal and political appeal is different from that of a typical Pennsylvania Democrat. ...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: Trump Has Uncorked a 'Toxic Blend of Extremist Orientations'
The MAGA formula was "a white Christian nationalist strategy from the beginning." NYT > Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: The Economy Is Weird. Two Experts on Where It Goes From Here.
Is the U.S. economy really in bad shape, and is a recession coming? NYT > Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: After Buffalo, Will Anything Change at Facebook, Twitter or Fox...
Wesley Lowery and Jared Holt discuss how people get stuck on "sticky floors of the extremism cave online"...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
FOX News : Opinion: The time for drug cartels' reckoning has come
Earlier this month, the D.C.-based foreign policy establishment seemed to be aghast by allegations from...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 12h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Soaring food prices threaten workers with food insecurity...
Around the world, in developing and so-called advanced countries alike, millions are facing food insecurity...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Australian Greens beg for power-sharing arrangement...
The Greens have dispensed with any pretense of opposition to the major parties. In practice, they have...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Oppose military deployment in Sri Lanka's free trade...
The Apparel Workers' Action Committee warns that this repressive move could be extended to other centres...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
World Socialist Web Site (en): SEP candidates for Australian election discuss socialist...
The discussion, which lasted over an hour, covered many topics, including the threat of war, the disastrous...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Finnish parliament approves proposal to join NATO
The same day that Finland and Sweden formally submitted their NATO membership applications, the Russian...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Teachers in Brookline, Massachusetts, end one-day...
The BEU has kept workers on the job for nearly three years without a contract. Like many teachers, including...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
World Socialist Web Site (en): The 2022 Australian election and the bipartisan assault...
While the Labor party and Coalition whip up xenophobic sentiment, only the SEP fights in this election...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
World Socialist Web Site (en): LA County workers must reject sellout agreement!
Los Angeles County workers are being asked to approve a contract that would further erode their living...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: If Elon Musk does buy Twitter, free speech absolutism will not be enough
The possible new owner of the platform will soon learn how hard it is to retain the trust of users ...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: Divest fossil fuels — the time for engagement is over
Investors must use their collective might to accelerate the transition to renewable energy Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: Boeing needs a stronger vision to bounce back from crisis
Plan to shift HQ closer to Washington adds to concerns of commercial aircraft customers Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: Alternative investments: how should you plan for a bear market?
Funds tracking energy storage groups will probably lock in longer gains than those linked to resources...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: Economic distress lifts stigma of discussing money troubles
Some state assistance is available but those struggling may find more value in practical help from friends...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: Twitter/Elon Musk: board must hold wavering tycoon to his word
Billionaire's grievances provide little justification to walk away from deal Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: US summit struggles in Latin America are a boon to China
Spat over attendance at Summit of the Americas underlines Washington's waning influence Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
World Socialist Web Site (en): One week after decisive contract rejection, why aren't...
These endless delays, which help only management not workers, must be brought to an end. Detroit Diesel...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
World Socialist Web Site (en): In Buffalo, Biden covers up role of Republican Party...
In the course of his remarks, Biden managed to omit the words "Trump" and "Republican," or name a single...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Opinion: As a longtime trailing spouse, how do I get back into full-time work?
Your question for our expert — and readers' advice Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
Opinion: KPMG's Carillion case should worry juniors across the City
The accounting watchdog has pushed for a £50,000 fine for a then 25-year-old who created misleading meeting...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Las Vegas sanitation workers vote to strike
Las Vegas sanitation workers must take the fight out of Teamsters hands by forming a Rank-and-File Committee...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
RenewAmerica columns: Two new choices, one fateful decision in November
(Peter Lemiska) - Today's voters usually think of our elections as political contests between liberal...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Pay packages for US CEOs hit record for sixth year...
The median pay package for the CEOs of the biggest US corporations set another record in 2021 of $14.7...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 16h
editorial | New York Post: 'Malicious' portrait of a shooter and other commentary
The liberal media accusations that "Buffalo barbarian" Payton Gendron turned radical from Tucker Carlson...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 18h
editorial | New York Post: Brace for more horrors like 11-year-old Kyhara Tay as...
How many more innocents must die before Gov. Kathy Hochul and legislative leaders deign to fix — i.e.,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 18h
Opinion: China relationship looms over Australian assets
Bilateral trade at risk from slowdown in Asia's biggest economy and political tensions between the countries...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 19h
NYT > Opinion: The Right Weaponizes America Against Itself
You cannot defend the ideal of E pluribus unum by deleting pluribus. NYT > Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 19h
World Socialist Web Site (en): Canada's official COVID-19 death toll surpasses 40,000...
In an article marking the grim milestone, Global News acknowledged that the "true death toll could be...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 19h
Global Opinions: The new balance of power: U.S. and allies up, Russia down
"We are now living in a totally new era." Global Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 21h
The Post's View: U.S. wavering on Guatemala's graft feeds illegal immigration
A major effort to combat corruption in Guatemala collapsed, thanks partly to the Trump administration....
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
World Socialist Web Site (en): UK: Arriva Yorkshire bus workers ballot for strike...
At Arriva Yorkshire, the starting hourly rate for bus drivers in the first year is £9.79 (just 29 pence...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
The Post's View: The Supreme Court green-lights political corruption — again
Supreme Court conservatives continue dismantling the laws designed to combat the influence of money in...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
NYT > Opinion: 'Racism' Has Too Many Definitions. We Need Another Term.
The word belongs in a discussion about the Buffalo tragedy. Something else should describe racial disparities....
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 23h
Opinions: Ask Eugene Robinson about the latest news around the U.S. and world
Eugene's Q&A with readers starts at 1 p.m. ET on Tuesday. Submit your questions now. Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1d
Opinion: Baby formula: US shortage highlights industry concentration
Crisis points to the vulnerability of a supply chain dominated by too few producers Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1d
Opinion: Beating inflation will require more than rate rises
The Bank of England governor has shown how not to manage expectations Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1d

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